Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 May 1965, p. 19

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eee eet ceili et tna ere cree me eae ea a Laps ' 38--Coming Events THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 8,1968 49 WH BUICK four-door seden, , . 1, RONALD DEAN, formerly of 45 Beau- Sulemetic, wit power steering om E. R. Heights Drive, Rexdale, Ontario, Week's = the 17th, and 18th centuries/against allowing their debates); GETS SECOND TERM Tat PORE ertrtibse Vac siealora oon patel bust tame wy nae oe eren ror an d Ws n or. 1 courted danger in doing so. to be reported. OTTAWA (CP) -- Toronto . - SECRECY IMPORTANT In that year, they resolvedjarchitect John C,. Parkin has after this ops May 6, 1965, without my written consen' 1, George 7 of 253 Athol Street East, incement of TT "that no person whatever 40\peen appointed chairman of the presume at his pe-il to 4as National Design Council for a votes and proceedings of t ign payment. Terms. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 19) WASH Metropolitan. id At one time, Parliament had good reason to be a secret de- Ide Reporting Of Parliament pl aay go oe, ee ee ne SHERIFF'S SALE ey deci cniected inmyname by anyone f bating society. Secrecy was 3/second term of three years, the le. jax nor er by x tab CHR UROL balks "Toa a wet ond oe O nN 5 S f LONDON (Reuters) -- Jour-| Parliamentary reporters feei| Men matter of life and death] House without, such, leave andicanada Gazette said today. eee nae ee eee By. virtue of a Writ af ne [CHARLES BRINE of WS Conant nalists who report proceedings|a good start could be made by - a, when - : mm ee discs, radio. Telephone 728-7288. Focias Issued oi oro ond |siteel, Oshawa, will not be responsible) in the British Parliament are|repealing antiquated resolutions|"2™e" ide, $ ruses vad As late as 1762, ano edged BILL TAKES EFFECT i988 IE, two-door hardiop, auto- aoe ae 7 Te Sie, (TSC aay Sapte Contracted tn, say name, by trying to get rid of a legaljexpressly forbidding them to do|PORtr br te ae the" Bitton stated bluntly ith the) OTTAWA (CP)--The bill es- saailer Mae 1 consition, orate. Tele} Girectad to the Sheriff Of tye (ils swat ow anomaly by which they can be/their job. wei eee ot otlbiihiin: 0s butory = eg fi Mele sent to prison. They alsocomplain about)" Of kings. utmost severity' against of- ara ing Cea Can- On one occasion, in 1642, King|fenders. Charles I went in person to the} "It is high indignity to and ajlast Wednesday with only a. H fC to. try t vilege of/bec on the outside. Prime Min mock fee Meouines Goede EAT ee, tae cae ee ister Pearson told the Commons two-door, no rust, in| Goods and Chattels of Family perfect condition, $175. Telephone 725-0527.|. Kartway Limited ot the Suit SEE THIS best buy! "1 Ford, seden,| of Caok Paving Compony 38--Coming Events bea games COMMUNITY CENT! There has been no prosecu-|lack of accommodation and fa- tion since 1771, and for many|ciliites for meeting members of years both government and op-|Parliament, although much has To Be Held At feer seot speaker. Seat 'eis te, im| Limited t fi bers whom h rite rear ic. im i . 9 ; to improve both in|arrest five members whom he!|this -House for any news writer To mecsi ma | A have seized and token in B | N C @) a) len" sedtimim 'poaticy gt a ee seis jregarded as his enemies. or printer to presume to give|Friday -- was - Tet 1964 CHEVROLET red convertible, Va,| execution Oshawa Civic their views. With or without permission,| Parliament won the subse-jany account of the debates," pai ped bonding por the 30- pres gb ce Pigs jah ad ALET TYPE BUILD- But no one has both to parliamentary proceedings have|quent Civil War, and Charles|said the resolution. eral govel mileage,' cel ONE CH, ni s bothered to parliamentary p' The resolutions are still injday period allowed after Royal ions, fp acinnee 9. elepnone 2s __| DING with Veranda, Suitable MON., MAY 10th Auditorium mS ye ahi tee. | fOr, Cottone Admission Ticket Gives You been reported in the newspapers|lost his head in 1649. But in d magazines for hundreds of|1660 members of the House of ad: Fae some printers in'Commons were still adamantly'used to restrict reporters. repeal the old laws which forbid the reporting of parliamentary debates force and could in theory belAssent that it would not par- ticipate. 31--Compact Cars for Sole ZOLTAN - NICK & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe South Oshawa 728-0051 * VOLVO & PEUGEOT % MERCEDES BENZ JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings 1964 co VAIR MONZA, étoor, bspeed, 11,500 miles, original mileage and owner, Private sale. Telephone 728-5692. 198 BLUE Envoy, four-door. Street East, Oshawa. 194 VAUXHALL Viva, dark bive, four| seat belts, snow tires, new paint job, 12, | 000 miles, remaining warranty. Apply 7a) Frontenac. Wa ACA 'ACADIAN | hardtop automatic equip-| miles. Immaculate condition i ns Ophine 728-1972. 1963 CORVAIR convertible, four-speed, excellent condition. Many extras. Best offer, Telephone 723-4974. "WT King 1986 GMC haif-ton ae Fmd 39% Sim- coe Street North, Apt. 2 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, iam miles, custom transistor radio. Lag, My Lyf oe 315 Muriel ONE SMALL REFRESHMENT BOOTH ONE GARAGE ONE McCLARY REFRIGERA- TOR ONE ACME ELECTRIC STOVE ONE ELECTRIC BARBECUE ONE HOT PLATE ONE POP CORN MACDHINE ONE ELECTRIC FAN {on stand) - ONE LAWN MOWER ONE BOAT TRAILER TWO STUDIO COUCHES ONE FIRE EXTINGUISHER NUMBER OF CHAIRS AND SMALL TABLES NUMBER OF PICNIC TABLES QUANTITY OF UTENSILS, Dishes, etc. QUANTITY OF SMALL TIRES and SMALL GO CART PARTS Other orticles too numerous to mention. + All of which will be sold by Public Auction FRIDAY, the 14th day of May 1965, ot TWO (2:00) o'clock P.M. | ot Family Kartway Limited On No. 12 Highway Two Miles North of Whitby Dated this 3rd day of May 1965 MORLEY BAIN, Sheriff, C.O. Sheriff's Office, Whitby. 2--$250 Jackpot Nos. 53 and 56 Jockpot Poys Double in 52 Nos. or Less 1-- $150 Jackpot $20 o line A full card 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or Less $100.00 Door Prize Eorly Bird Gome at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA | Children under 16 not admitted MONDAY 8:00 P.M. _ BINGO St. Gertrude's | Auditorium 690 King St. East at Farewell --FREE-- Avenue or telephone 723. 32--Trucks for Sale 1962 GMC % ton, top condition, one own- er. Reasonable. Telephone 725-4555. 1948 CHEVROLET 'ton truck. Very good condition. Apply $09 Bioor Street East Mosnings or after 4 p.m, 1957 CHEVROLET half-ton panel, body newly painted; 1953 Ford, 1% ton platform, equipped for hauling Telephone 728-3573, 728-8840. 1955 CHEVROLET '% ton pick up. Tele Phone 942-0288. 1985 CHEVROLET }-ton truck with 4 speed transmission. An ideal tow truck. ay B terms. Gus Brown Motors, Limited, 7375. FORD Fé, three-ton. Attention Mr. Farmer! An ideal truck for you with big) new motor, side dump heavy wood box, complete with extra strong high stock rack. Unit just recently arrived from Alberta, fe rust free ond in very good condition One owner. Tele- phone 75.7109, 1982 FORD half-ton, fair condition. $200 % best offer. Apply 131 Perk Road North. 'elephone 725-0312. 33--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash' 'to the New Car Dealer ond "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW Auto Wrecking Co. Cars bought, | parts for sale. Iron and metals bought.) & Bloor Street East, 725-231). LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. r,. prices paid. 20 Wentworth East, 725-1181 WANTED: Cars for wrecking. Telephon 728-4549, Robert Nichols. 34--Automobile Repair WRECKING 1955 Chevrolet. All parts for sale. Telephone 725-7987 OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers "ex- pert carburetor and auto electric service. 222 King Street West, 728-0817 TRANSMISSION specialists. sions are our only business. Transmis-| 1038 Simcoe pis i Le CITY OF OSHAWA TENDER FOR REFRESHMENT SERVICES Sealed Tenders, plainly mark- ed as to contents, will be re- ceived at the office of the City Clerk, Civic Administra- tion Building, Oshawa, On- tario, up until Eleven 11) O'Clock A.M. (E.D.S.T.) Fri- day, May 14th, 1965, for the following services: (A) Operation of the Refresh- ment Booth at the Kins- men Civic Memorial Sto- dium, Oshawa, Ontario for the 1965 season. (B) Supply and operation of a Mobile Refreshment Serv- ice at Alexander Park, Oshawa, Ontario, for the 1965 season Tender Forms and Specifica- tions are available at the of- fice of the undersigned, or by mail upon request. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted W. J. Crompton Purchasing Agent ADMISSION | --FREE-- 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 SNOWBALL--$150 in 56 Nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line Regulor Jackpot--$100 in 59 Nos. $20 Con SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children, Please HADASSAH BAZAAR May 11 at 2 P.M. BETH ZION SYNAGOGUE KING STREET EAST Tea room -- new clothing, cake, aprons, candy, white elephant booths. Opened by MRS. Jo ALDWINKLE, ADMISSION FREE NEW YORK CITY TOUR Chartered Bus See The Worlds Fair May 21st - May 24th For Reservations Call COLMER North. Phone 728-7339. OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245, | t, grey ard white mottied, | Part Persian, vicinity Central Park Bou-| levard North, ey evening. Please| felephone 728-0509 Cost -- Part | irr male cat, Black | with patches of sand color, Black bushy} tail. Lost April 28. from Arthur Street | Reward. Telephone 725-0577 | LOST -- bracelet, antique and gold chain, Wednesday, vicinity Connaught Street, apartments or Simcoe Church. Valuable 728-8767, LOST -- Lady's wrist watch, "Burns", vicinity of Jackson, Simcoe South and Avenue Street, Thursday evening. Re- ward, Telephone 723-366) | lade stone/ April 28,) Viscount United Reward. | Street keepsake | You Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES Classified ACTION ADS EVERY DAY TO PLACE AN AD Telephone 723-3492 8:00 A.M, and 5:00 P.M. Saturday till 12:00 P.M, for all other departments 723-3474 | WHITBY SEWER CONTRACTORS ONTARIO. HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned, until 3:00 p.m. (E.0-T.) on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1965 for the Installation of a Storm Sewer System at the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, Ontario. Specifications and Tender Documents may be obtained from, or viewed at Room 1704 (Tower), Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Guildings, Toronto OGstario, (Telephone No. 365- 1079), or viewed at the Builders Exchange, Oshawa ond Toror.to; Ontario A $3,000.00 Bid Bond, a 100% Performance Bond and o 50% Payment Bond will be required as specified. Tenders will not be consider- ed unless made on forms sup- plied by the Department. A Deposit of $25.00 MONEY ORDEX, OR CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be tequired per see? of tender documents, which will be re- funded if documents are re- turned in good condition within thirty days of above closing date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted J. D, MILLAR, Deputy Minister, Deportment of Public Works, Onterie, TRAVEL SERVICE 623-3265 Bowmanville | BINGO | ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MAY 8th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games -- $8 Share the Wealth | 4---$40 Jackpots to go | 1--$150 Jackpot to go | Children Under 16 Not Admiited | BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Eorly Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1,250 in Prizes Jackpots 54 and 55 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners CEDARDALE HOME ond SCHOOL ASSOC. NIGHTS OF CARDS MON. MAY 10th, 8 P.M. Lunch -- Prizes --- ADM. 75¢ Bake Sale ALBERT STREET United Church Women MAYTIME BAZAAR and TEA United Church Hall Albert Street MAY 13, 1965 '2:30 + 4:30 Tearoom Admission 50c 1.15 p.m. in the CRA eins onan Gibb hirsets hae ty. atte Sense King Street Free Chance On Door Prize. ' j Central Council of Neighbourhood Association of Oshawa MAMMOTH RUMMAGE SALE Friday, Moy 14th 10 6m. -- p.m, at 'ar U.A.W. HALL Sponsored by GOLDEN JUBILEE | | SATURDAY, MAY 15 CHAPTER 1.0.D.E. SPRING LUNCHEON WITH ART SHOW AND SALE Presented by Fifth Scout Mother's Auxiliary WEDNESDAY MAY 12th 1:30 P.M. NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH HALL TICKETS -- $1.00 FREE BABYSITTING SERVICE ANNUAL SPRING FROLIC Italian Pizza Festa ST. JOHN'S HALL 31 Bloor East Dancing 9-12 Door and Spot Prizes. Everyone welcome. Sponsored by Ukrainian Women's Association of Can- eda Barvinok Branch. "39 -- Notices CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE | 'Africans and coloreds (persons According to rules and regula- tions which apply to the Osh- awa Union Cemetery, no artificial flowers or containers are allowed in the Cemetery between May Ist and October 31st of each year. P. J, KENNEDY, COMMISSIONER PARKS, PROPERTY AND RECREATION, BUCKAROO RANCH daily and evening trail riding adult and children's riding in- structions, for reservations Telephone 725-2737 Postmen Urge Self Service JOHANNESBURG (AP) -- South African mailmen propose that South Africans fetch their own mail. They say there just aren't enough postmen on the job to make normal! deliveries. Behind what the postmen call this "crisis situation" is a seri- ous white labor shortage in South Africa, caused in part by a law that generally reserves a wide category of jobs, including that of postmen, for whites only. Bui the postmen are not against job reservation on a color basis. On the contrary, their proposal to kill the job arises from the fact the labor shortage means they might have to share their work with of mixed blood). They say they'd rather there were no delivery postmen in this country than have whites and non-whites doing the same job. The Postal Association, which represents post office workers of all kinds, has proposed that white postwomen be appointed to help ease the shortage. BODY FOUND OTTAWA (CP)--The body of 12 - year - old Dwaine Kinkade, missing from his home since Aprii i7, was found late Thurs- day night in a wooded area within 200 yards of his home. Ivan Kinkade, the boy's father, Iness said an empty bottle lay RUMMAGE SALE, Tuesday, May 1) aijmearby. The missing child wes was in the party of four search- jers who found the hody. ° wit- believed to have been carrying pills. MO HER'S TR DAY BUTES To MOTHERS and GRANDMOTHERS From Those Who Wear A White Flower ALDRED -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of Ruby Aldred, a déar mother and grandmother, who passed away February 21, 1965. We mourn for her in silence, No eyes can see us weep, But many a silent tear is shed When others are asieep. --Sadly missed and always remembered by daughter Hazel, son-in-law Ken and grandchildren Frank and Susan. AVERY A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Fern Avery, who passed away August 21, 1963. In our hearts your memory lingers Always fender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear Mother, We ned Fe! think of you. --Lovingly remembered by daughter Au- drey, i vie jaw Lioyd and grandchildren. AVERY --- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Roberta Fern, who passed away suddenly August 21, 1963. We've lost a mother with @ heart of gold, whe was more to us than wealth untolds Without farewell she fell asleep," With only memories for us to keep. We have lost but God has gained, ~ bale the best mothers the world con- HUGHES -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of a dear mother, Dora Hughes, who passed away January 14, 1964 Upright and just in all her ways, Loyal and true through all her days, Silently suffered," patiently bore, God took her home to suffer no more. =Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed. by sons and daughters HUGHES --- A Mother's Day Tribute In memory of a dear mother, Tillie Hughes, who passed away January 31, 1946. Sunshine fades and shadows fall But sweet rmeembrance outlasts all. Sadly missed by daughter, Sally and son, Fonnie KOLTUZK!I -- A Mother's Day Tribute In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Polly Koltuzki, who passed away September |, 1959. What would we give if we could say, "Hello Mom" in the same old way, To heer your voice, see your smile To sit with you and chat a while. So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the heartache Till you see her vacant chair. Lovingly remembered by husband Nick end family. LANDER -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mother and gr , Margaret Lander, who ~ sean Tinie and lovingly r by daughter Edna, son-in-law Elwood and grandsons. BROWN -- A Mother's Day Tribute in memory of a dear mother, Olive Dona- bie Brown, who passed away s0 suddenly Jan. 31, 1964, at Fairview Lodge. One year since the sad day The one we loved was called aw. God took her home, it was His. 'wilt, But in our hearts she tiveth still, , ~--Ever remembered by your loving son, Dougias, daughter-in-law, Mildred, grand- children, Rodger, Margaret and Tommy Brown. BRUNER -- A Mother's Day tribute to the memory of a dear mother, Cynthia Elizabeth Bruner, who passed away in Windsor on January 15, 1957. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps your memory ever dear --Dearly loved and sadiy missed by daughter Pear! and son-in-law Fred. BURNETT -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of Henrietta Burnett, @ dear mother and grandmother, who pass- ed away April 16, 1964. Your life was love and labor, Your love for yeur family true; You gave your best for all of us, What more could a mother do? Too déarly ioved to be forgotten --Ever remembered Aus son Gordon, daughter - in - jaw Mary, and grand- daughters Marilyn and Barbara Jean. CARTWRIGHT -- A Mother's Day Tribute in memory and grandmother, Mary Cartwright, who passed away March 27, 1951. She entered God's most lovely room And left the door ajar Sadly missed by the Family. EDWARDS -- In loving memory of @ dear wife, mother and grandmother, Jane Edwards, who passed eway September 23, 1963. ---Levingly remembered and sadly miss- ed this Mother's Day by husband Bert, daughter Sophie and granddaughter Dey and grandson Lee. FORESTALL -- A Mother's Day Trib- ute to the memory of a dear wife and mother, Cora Forestall, who passed away January 24, 1963. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keep her memory ever dear; Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. --Lovingly remembered by husband, Thomas. FORESTALL -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mother, Cora Forestall, who passed away January 24, 1963. God saw you getting weary So He did what He thought He came and stood beside you And whispered, 'Come and rest', You wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew it And. only God knows why. Ver fant and just to the end ot your best, days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind. Beautiful memories you left behind. Lovingly remembered end sadiy miss ed by daughter Mildred, son-in-law Gor- don and family. FOY -- In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Maria, who passed @way Aug. 30, 1941. Treasurer her Lord in thy garden of rest, For while here on She was one of ~Ever remembered by band, Tom, and daughter, Vera, Bil ine prralong children. FUDGE -- In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother, Eva (Car- rie) Fudge, who passed away November 15, 1959, Please God, forgive a silent tear, A fervent wish our Mom was here, There are others, yes, we know, But she was ours, we loved her so. Dear God, take a message To our mother in heaven above, Tell her how much we miss her, And give her all our love. ~Ever remembered by daughter Georgia, son-in-law Jack and grandchildren. GREEN -- A Mother's Day Tribute to @ dear mother, Frankie, who passed @way January 19, 1964 So many things have happened Since you were called away, So many things to share with you Had you been left to stay Very day in some small way Memories of you come our way Though absent, you are eve, Borate Still missed, loved, ~--Always remembered by iusand: Alf, son Alf, and daughter Madge. GRIGORENKO -- A _ Mother's Tribute in loving memory of a mother, Anna Budjuk, who passed away November 28, 1960 God knows how much | miss her, Never shail her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid. Always and sadly missed Day dear remembered by her cen and hie wife, Weiter end Mery of a wonderful mother * passed eway August 11, 1959. Today recalis sad memories, Of a dear mother gone to rest, And the one who thinks of her today 's the one who loved her best ~Always remembered by son Ron daughter-in-law Pat and grandchildren LUKE -- A loving Moter's Day Trib- ute to a dear wife and mother, Iso be! M. Luke, who passed away Septem- ber 3, 1961. We lost @ mother with a heart of gold, 'Who was more to us than wealth untold, Without farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for us to keep. We have lost but God has gained One of the best mothers the world contained, ~Ever remembered by husband Ted and Helen, Catherine and Edward. LYSON --- A Mother's Day Tribute to @ dear mother and grandmother, Odekla Lyson, who passed away February 20, 1965. in our hearts your memory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. Always loved and remembered by son Adam, daughter-in-law Noella and grand- children. MANNS -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Pearl Manns, who passed away November 11, 1959 What we would give if we could say, "Hello Mother" In the same old way. To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit. with you and chat awhile, So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you'll never know the heartache Till you see her vacant chair. --Sadly missed by the family and grand. children MARNIEN -- A Mother's Day Tribute In memory of @ dear mother and grand- mother, Delialena Marnien, who passed @way January 3, 1953 She was always a wonderful mother, She played life's Battles square, 'No matter when we needed her We always found her there. So every day our hearts go out To the dearest best of mothers, Who never had time to think of herself But Ahad thought a oc Viele! and 'Dorothy, 'sons- rien Leonard end Alan and grandchildren. MARSHALL -- A Mother's Day Trib- ute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Edith Marshall, who passed away February 12, 1963. You often said we'd miss you, Your words have proved so true, We lost our best and dearest friend, Mother, when we lost you. Two tonely years without you, The saddest we have known, Only God knows how we miss you As we walk through life alone. Always a lonely heartache, Many silent tears, Always a secret longing, Wishing you were here. ---Saadly missed and ever remembered by son Sidney, daughter-in-law Josie, grand- children Lorne and Joyce. MARTYN -- In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Flora Mar- tyn, who passed away February 6, 1949, In memory, a daily thought; In heart, a silent sorrow --Lovingly remembered this Mother's Day by daughters Gladys and Margaret, son- in-law Jim and grandchildren, Joan and Bill. MATTHEWS -- A Mother's Day Tribute in memory of a loving mother and grand- mother, Beatrice Matthews who passed. @way March 27, 1964. Time passes on, months have passed Since death its gloomy shadows cast Within our home, were all was bright, And took from us a@ shining light. We miss that light and ever will, Her vacant place there's none to fill, Down here we mourn, but not in vain For up in heaven we'll meet again. Always remembered by Ross, Mar- lorie, grandchildren Laurie, Sherry. MONAGHAN -- A Mother's Day Trib- ute in loving memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Monaghan, whom God calied to be with Him, October 31, 1953. A wonderful mother, woman and aide, One who was better God never made. A wonderful mother, loyal and true, One in.@ million, that, mother, was you. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright; and all you knew, that mother was Loved by friend A pal mother, = i oinaly remembered and sadly 'missed by daughter Theresa and sons, William and George. MONAGHAN -- A Mother's Day Tribute in memory of a dear mother, Elizabeth Monaghan, whom God called to be with Him October 31, 1953. A wonderful mother, woman and aide, One who was better, God never made; A wonderful worker, loyal and true, One In a million, that, mother was you. Just in your judgment, always right, Honest and liberal, ever upright, Loved by friend and all you knew, A wonderful mother, that mother was you. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter Theresa, sons William and George. MORDEN -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mildred Grace Morden, Who passed away July 12, 1959. Time has swiftly passed away But still we don't forget, For in the hearts oe you Your memory lingers y --From Barrie, Joyce and grandchil- dren, Debra, Brenda, Barbara and Kenny. MORDEN -- A Mother's Day ee to the memory of 8 dear. wife and Mildred Grace Morden, who passed away July 12, 1959. The world changes year to year, And friends from day to day-- But never will the one | love From memory pass away. Sadly missed by husband Gerald and children Alan, Donna, Cheryl, Pamele and Judith, ey os _ - Mother's Day Trib- ute. in memory deer mother and grandmother, lacie McCullough, who passed away May 13, 1962. Within my book of memories Are pages set apart, Filled with loving thoughts of you With which' we will never part. And as we turn each precious page As we so often do, We realize how much it cost To lose the love of you. Alone, yet never quite alone, We face an empty chair, But sometimes, in the silence, We imagine you are there, In the Book of Life there are memories Of the happy days we knew, And recorded in love are the blessings Of a wonderful Mom like you. --Always remembered by devgnters Joan, Betty and son Irvin and families. McPHERSON -- A Mother's Day Trib- ute_in memory of a dear mother, Ruth Legge gual who passed away February 6, 1960. A silent thought, @ secret tear, Keeps her memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf, Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by son Keith and family. NORTON -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of @ dear mother and grandmother, Elsie A. Norton, In all the world there is no other Can take the place of our dear mother. Ever remembered by husband Wils, daughters Joy and Marilyn, sons-in-law Rodger and Don and granddaughter Kim, PATFIELD -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of Ada Minnie Patfield, who passed away February 13, 1946, Cherished memories, silently kept, Of a wonderful mother we'll never forget! --Ever r 'ed by her Luella, in-l Don and gr ters. PENICKA -- A Mother's Day Tribute in memory of @ dear mother and grand- mother, Zuna Penicka, who passed away May 14, 1963. Sweet memories will linger forever; Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance. of you. Sadly missed and ever remembered by son John, daughter-in-law Annie and granddaughter Anne PENNELL -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Margeret Pennell, whe passed away May 7, 1961. We treasure still with love sincere, Beautiful memories of one so dear. --Sadly missed by daughter Anne, sone tn-law Duncan and grandchildren. PHILLIPS -- A Mother's Day Tribute in honor of Helen Phillips, who passed e@way April 13, 1965. Dear mother, the time has been se short Since you were taken away, And only God knows the reason And only He can say-~ Perhaps He saw the burden That you had to bear alone, So He said "Come Helen, "ih help Your Come, | will take you home." Now forever you'll live with Him Where the two ways part, But you'll always live hgh al Dear mother, within our heart: Sadly missed by husband Bill Vond chite dren Cheryl and Peter. POTTERY -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of a dear mother and grandmother, bigs Pottery, who passed @way January 22, 1963. God took ir hand, we had to part, He eased your pain, but broke our hearts. Although we smile and seem carefree, Nobody misses you more than we. A thousand tomorrows we would give 1 only God would have let you live. To be with us in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. We miss you, God knows this Is true, One In a million, dear mother, was you. Dear God, take a message To our mother In heaven above, Tell her how much we miss her, And give her all our love. ~Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by son Don, daughter-in-law Nancy, and Qranddaughters Barbara Ann and Susan. PRATLEY -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of a dear mothers Catherine Pratey, who passed away Jan- wary 29, 1944. Today recalls sad memories Of a dear mother gone to rest, And the one who thinks of her today Is the one who loved her best. Lovingly remembered by daughter Bea, Gon-in-law Mick and grandchildren. PRATLEY -- A noe Day areas to the memory of a dear mother grandmother, Katherine Pratley. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts, she liveth still. Lovingly remembered by daughter Dor- othy, son - In ~- law Russell, grandsons Robert, Donaid and Lloyd. ROBERTSON--A Mother's Day Tribute tn loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. John W. Robertson, who passed away March 2, 1965. God saw you getting weary, So He did what He He came and stood beside you And whispered "Come and rest'. You wished no one a last farewell, Nor even said goodbye, You had gone before we knew it And only God knows why. --Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Athol, Jerry and grandchildren Chris tine, John, Edward and Cheriene, Sunday, May 9, 1965 SHEWCHUK -- A Mother's Day Tribute mother who passed away Jan- In our hearts a memory Is kept For a Mum we loved tnd will never forgi --Lovingly remembered daughter arene" inlaw Mike and g ren, SMITH -- A Mother's Day Tribute in loving memory of @ dear wife, mother and grandmother, Mary Smith, who pass @d away August 6, 19 In our Mey you'll always 7 Loved ai 'ed ev Always pe besoc by po Yarnie 'and family. SMITH -- A loving Mother's Day Trit- ute for e dear Mrs. gone Smith, who passed away July 4, 196 rests and kind In ell her ways, and just : the end of her Brome and kind In heart and mind, ba a eautitul memory she lef? behi Lovingly' remembered by daughter Cathie and grandsons Jamie end Paul. SMITH -- A special Mother's Dey Tribute to @ wonderful mother and grand- mother, Janet Smith, who passed away duly 4, 1961. The sad but sweet fond and true; 0 of " And @ heartache still for you. ~Sadly missed and ls remembered by daughter Janet, son-in-law Ken, grand children Kenny and Randy, smory. of a dest mother "and. grand: memory mother, Janet Smith, who passed away duly iy Be God knows how much we miss her, Never "nail her Pisppatd fade, Loving thoughts ever wander To the spot shore oh she Is, Is teld, ~Son Davud, daughter-in-law Norma, Grandchildren Joanne, Kevin end Kelley. TAVENER --- Mother's Day Tribute te fhe memory of Florence Tevener, @ deer mother a sy hos SO God her home, It was Hig will, But wl taal hearts she iveth still. Loving! remembered Pe ood Gee son-in-law George and grand- Gaughter Debbie. TKACZUK -- A Mother's Day Tribute to ta eewly a) © dear wonten tone Tkaczuk, Sunshine fades and shadows fall, But sweet remembrance outlasts all. Son Phillip, daughter-in-law orenre dg grandchildren, Paula, Lor! THOMPSON -- In Pr eagay mere Mother's Day of @ Lily ever who panned a away Mareh Ve "oO ge ag hE we once en tf 'ed, low sw si But death has lotta loneliness The world can never fill. he remembered by your loving son, av TURNER -- A Mother's Day Tribute ¢ ring | pemery ad dear mother, are' away November 14, 1950. oe Cherished i lently PP ce Of a wonderfu ro cg we'll 4 forget. ue Onda and Shirley, WADE -- A Mother's Day Tribute to the memory of a dear mother, Alberta in Wade, who passed away May 13, What would we give her hand to cl Her patient face to bod sah te oven yond And clasp each other's hand once more In Heaven, that happy life. ~Sadly missed, always remembered by 'S, sons and gi Peg shdog - fae betcgiaa Day valid memory of ir mother, Walters, who pate away October Hy There is a dear and pina Spot In the cemetery so ve sleeping is my vioved one, From the human eye u The winds of Heaven vivo softly be the bond hallowed spot, mid the changing scenes of life $e will never be forgot. sraitereg by the rock of ages, Anchored on the golden shore, In the leaving arms of aw She is safe for ever ery" remembered "by. Lillian and the ry of a dear mothers 6 Elizebetn , wiser wie None knew her but fo love her; oe Eeicipe her but in praise. --Lovi remembered by usher Lorraine, "oransanvontat WILLIS, -- A Mother's Day Tribute te grand. Pllc yale A eetnecs Dey Tribute In dear mo! and grand. mother, Ethel Wilson, February 15, 1955 ia age coi Those we love we never lose, For always, they will be Loved, remembered, treasured, Areeys in our m --Ever remembered by daught pli de Fred and grandch andenligres Gan and Dav YARMOLA -- A Mother's Day Tribute In loving memory of a dear mother, Win Yarmola, who passed away February 12, 1945. Also @ Mother's Day Tribute in tov- ing memory of Mother Caroline Lebane vet Poli passed away ag yy 19, 1958, family. Tre. dearly loved to we is ZADOROZNY -- A Mother's Day baa ute to @ dear wife and mother, Zagereeny, who passed away June ie Peaceful be thy rest, dear Mother, It Is sweet to breathe thy name, In life we loved you dearly; In death we do the same. Frist Mig! reached and oy missed Me by husband Stephen, Natalia, Mary end son-in-law Walter,

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