@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 7, 1965 "BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE ~ Drinking Driver Gets - 14Day Jail Term ~ AJAX (Staff) -- A Pickeringjpay back wages to two Bay ; who admitted) Ridges women. Arthur Trollope, of Moodie's Restaurant, was absent from court when Magistrate Harry Jermyn ordered him to pay $69.35 to Betty Fletcher of 899 Naroch blvd. and $79.40 to Mar- garet Guglielmi of 714 Anland st, Magistrate Jermyn ordered the accused to have the wages paid by May 10 or face two consecutive 10-day jail sen- tences. "given a 14-day jail term for im- driving by Magistrate 3 Jermyn in Ajax Magis- 'Atrate's Court Thursday. ~ Russell H. Harvey, 3010 Or- chard dr., Pickering Beach, "was charged with impaired) '@riving after Pickering Police Lonstable Laurie Watson follow- ed the accused along Shoal Point rd. and Lakeview ave. at ® high speed and into a Poplar "ave. driveway. Watson said the accused had a strong smell of alcohol on his breath and ad- mitted drinking. .. The accused was also given @ six month licence suspension. A charge of having liquor in a place other than a residence was withdrawn against Mr. Har- wey. A charge of failing to report @ motor vehicle accident was dismissed. William J. Sheldon of Scarborough was charged when he came to the Picker- ing Township Police Station to report a one car accident on airport rd. on March 4. Constable T. Q. Holmes said The maximum $500 fine for dangerous driving was imposed by Magistrate Harry Jermyn. David Thomas, 19, of 15 Oak) st., Ajax, was ordered to pay the fine when he was found guilty of dangerous driving on Feb. 26. Pickering Township Constable Robert Brown testified he fol- lowed the accused from the Highway 2 and Liverpool rd. intersection to Harwood ave. and Bayley st. in Ajax at speeds up to 65 mph in the worst snowstorm of the year. Brown said the accused drove | Asks $5,000 For Mink HAMPTON (Staff) -- A Dar- lington mink rancher Thursé~y asked township council to pay him $5,000 compensation for the loss of 228 young mink last Saturday. William A, Thiesburger, pres- ident of Margwill Fur Farms, located a mile north of Tyrone, said his female mink became frantic when smoke from a nearby dump and grass fire drifted into their cages, and killed their litters. He said this is characteris- tic among these animals and "nothing can be done about it. "They went beserk," he said, "and flung their kids against the sides of the cages." He said he had 524 females bred this year and there were about 840 young mink at the ranch when the disaster occurred, Mr. Thiesburger said the dump caught fire, then spread to some nearby cedar trees and into the grass. The wind carried the smoke to the mink cages. Mink average about four per litter, he said, and estimated that he had only achieved about half his crop of young for this year on May 1. Councillor Mrs. Mary Budai said there was definitely neg- ligence on somebody's part. She called for an immediate in the centre of the road, skid- ded around corners and left the road at one point throwing up| investigation. Clerk Rundle was asked by that the car had left the road and was partially buried in snow 'and water in a five foot deep ditch, the damage was not ap- parent until the car was towed out of the ditch at which time "the accused went directly to the «station to report the incident. Constable Holmes said he had 'been instructed to lay the charge. Highway littering cost Rob- 'ert Weeks, 18, 895 Douglas ave.,| 'Bay Ridges, $5. Weeks was) taking his vehicle to be dump- ed over the cliff at the foot of Station rd. in Pickering Town- ship when he got stuck in the; mud and left the stripped car vision. Four defence witnesses testi- fied that the accused had come from Highway 401 and not High- way 2. Acting Crown Attorney John Humphreys said it was a carefully concocted story and pointed out two previous care- less driving convictions against ithe accused. A_ three-month |mandatory suspension goes with |the conviction. Respiration a spray of snow blocking his| council to investigate the pos- |sibility of damages of this sort /being covered in the township's jinsurance scheme, Church To Build Education Centre HAMPTON. (Staff) -- Build- ing in Darlington Township in April totalled over $176,205, to bring the total building for 1965 to $315,055, Darlington Township building inspector Charles L. Warren reports. The building included a $12,000 expenditure for a Chris- tian Education building at Zion 'on the side of the road. , Course Set Constable Laurie Watson of} WHITBY -- Each year one| Pickering Township also|week in May is set aside as charged the accused with fail- "Save a Life Week" by the St ing to notify the Department) John Ambulance Association. ef Transport about the wreck- This means that all over On-| ing of a vehicle for which Mag-|tario local branches of the St.' 4atrate H. M. Jermyn fined the/John Ambulance will give free} youth an additional $5. |two hour courses in the practi- cal application of the various . A Scarborough youth with * types of artificial respiration. pora: di il- om ee ee The course will give the pub- United Church, and a $9,000 ex- penditure for a_ store. has spent two hours learning something that may enable him to save a life. Any further information may be obtained from the Whitby Division, St. John Ambulance Brigade, care of Lloyd Hanna, 305 Kent st., Whitby. Jennie D'Anglo /Queen For Month WHITBY -- Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club held its weekly meet- ing. The meeting opened with Edna Moody in charge of weigh- in, At next week's meeting win- ners of the ten-week competition with the Oshawa Happy Gang, for the greatest loss of weight will be announced. Mrs. Alice Boychyn chaired the meeting and Nancy Pade led in the fighting song. Queen for the month of April is Jennie D'Angelo with a weight loss of 17% pounds. Queen for the evening was Anna Fowler of Brooklin for the greatest loss during the week. Mrs. Margaret Bowden who attended with Jeanne Gagnon the TOPS Convention held at the Mount Royal Hotel, Mon- treal, gave her report. The prize, given by Winnifred Pearce, was won by Joyce Grealis, Marilyn Nash, of the Oshawa Loosin' Lassies and winner for Ontario at the TOPS Convention held in Hamilton, will be guest at next week's meeting of the Whitby Whittlers. CWL Names s Executive WHITBY The monthly meeting of St. John the Evan- gelist CWL was held in the par- ish hall May 4, Mrs. Robert Mackey presided. It was announced that the 45th annual convention will be held June 1 and 2, at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. A pot luck supper has been scheduled for the June monthly meeting. After the general meeting, the annual meeting was held an the executive officers for 1965-66 were elected, They are: Mrs. H. C. Munro, Whitby Bridge Club High Scores The winners and high scores) in the games played this week by the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club were: North and South -- Mrs, Hunter and Mrs. MacGillivary, 9844; Mrs. McCutcheon and Miss Forsythe, 86; Mrs. Bowman and Mrs, Irwin, 83; Mr. and Mrs. Wells, 7844; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Leod, 77. East and West --Mr. and Mrs. Winter, 102; Mr. and Mrs. Des Rosiers, 85; Mrs. Butt and Mrs, Barron, 79; Mrs. Watts and Mrs. MacDougall, 784; Mrs. Crossman and Miss Wilson, 75%. president; Mrs. Frank Kapucin- ski, first vice-pr Mrs. John Rousseau, second vice- president; Mrs. Joseph Corri- gan, third vice-president; Mrs. D. J. Jack, recording secretary; Mrs. Mary Ellen Muir, corre-| sponding secretary, and Mrs. D.| J, Sullivan, treasurer. | Tea hostesses were Mrs. Ann O'Brien and Mrs, Mary Ellen| Muir. | } PREDICTS DOUBLED SALES TORONTO (CP) -- Professor M. S. Moyer of the University of Toronto predicted Thursday retail stores will double their sales by 1980. Speaking to the Retail Council of Canada, Prof. Moyer said sales will reach about $40,000,000,000. l TAKE MOM | OUT TO DINE | ot the | SABRE Restaurant Oshawa Shopping Centre Open 11 o.m. to 9 p.m. | | less driving. afi biag reseed Veitch. 16, wasilic a chance not only to see fined $100 after Pickering Town- artificial respiration performed, ' Police Constable R. E.|but also to practice it per-| Hobbe told the court the ac-|sonally. | cused had gone through Pick-| As the summer season ap-) ering Village at a high rate of|Proaches, and more and more| speed and passed three ve-|people enjoy water sports, etc.,, hicles on the curb on April 24 at|the need for people trained in) IZZA telephone 728-0192 EPI'S Everybody in QSHAWA iii init be SATURDAY Family Day Service Planned be guests of the Ashburn Class May 12 in Burns Presbyterian Church, Ashburn. ter Favreau to legalize the sale of contraceptives, In a letter to BALSAM AND MOUNT ZION (TC) -- A combined service will be held at 9.30 a.m. May 9 in Mount Zion United Church to mark Family Day. Mrs. Winton White and Mrs. George Pickett will be in charge of the program when the Unit- ed Church Women meet May 12 in the church basement. A white elephant sale will be held. FAVOR SALES BRANTFORD (CP) -- The Community Welfare Council of Brantford and Brant County Thursday asked Justice Minis-| ment of family planning clinics |where persons could receive ad- vice and supplies to prevent iconception. Y ' BOTH --iN-- COLOR! BOTH --IN-- COLOR! @ The Active Service Class will OSHAWA' Civic Auditorium FRIDAY, MAY 14th 4 and 6:15 P.M. SATURDAY, MAY 15th 2:30 and 8:15 P.M. Children 75¢ -- Adults $1.50 500 Reserve sects $2.00 Nights Only. Seats on sole at the Dominion Tire Store 48 Bond St. W. No Reserves in the ofternoon, NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN Dance to RUDY VELTRI CIRCUS Produced By Clyde Bros. SMARTLY RESTYLED NEW EDITION of the WORLD'S TOP BEST TALENT 101--PERFORMERS--101 | 24--ACTS--24 / CLOWNS--ELEPHANTS Wild end Domestic Trained Animels. WV, and his | NEW TORNADOS | Toronto's Most Versatile Group RED BARN Aecrialists -- Gymnests Ethel Jenners Trained Seels. THE MOST FANTASTIC SCIENCE SHOCKER EVER FILMED! "ATRAGON" (in Color) IT WILL CONQUER THE WORLD OR DESTROY IT! TEEN-AGE. ANSWER TO INSOMNIA! Party" In COLOR with TOMMY . KIRK ANNETTE FUNICELLO BUSTER KEATON DOROTHY LAMOUR BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 > SAT. & SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, 'DOORS OPEN 6:30 P.M, 1.15 a.m. artificial respiration becomes Constable Hobbs said that the|stronger. It has saved many youth made a right turn just lives, it will save many more, | after he had passed the three|not only on vacation and at the cars and almost lost control. jresort areas, but at home, at A Pickering Village restau-|work, and on the street but, it vant operator was ordered to|must be applied properly, by TO-NIGHT JON & LEE 4 pl a sel how to use it) '0 its best advantage. | To Teach School 'For Daughter The Whitby Brigade plans to run this course on May 17, start- ing at 7.45 p.m. in the Canadian Legion Hall, Byron st, s., Whit- TYRONE -- Mrs. Jean Knox of Hampton, who stopped teach- ing school regularly 25 years ago, is up to her neck in home- work again. : by. Each person who takes this training will receive a pin as person trained in artificial res- |piration, He will also have the) |satisfaction of knowing that he end the CHECKMATES Dencing 9 p.m. 'till 1 Admission 1.75 \ Dededdddndndadnda dtd. Liverpool Reed Ph. 668-2692 HELD OVER -- 2nd WEEK The Delightful comedy hit. "JOHN GOLDFARB PLEASE COME HOME" with SHIRLEY MecLAINE -- PETER USTINOV -- ALSO -- "HOUND DOG MAN" with FABIAN (both in color) SHOW STARTS AT DUSK YOU ARE ASSURED A WARM WELCOME AT THE ODEON DRIVE-INS Each Evening from 7:30 (Including Sunday) She will replace her daughter, | Patricia, 21, as a teacher of 29) children in Grades 1 to 4 at the Tyrone Public School for dal weeks. | The switch will allow Patricia to spend nine weeks in England, | Ireland and Scotland on a De-} partment of Agriculture travel- ling scholarship. Mrs. Knox will not be new to most of the pupils, She taught at the two-room school during the last week of June in 1964 «while Patricia represented On- tarlo Junior Farmers on an ex- _change trip to Alberta. Since} . 1940, she has taught only a few! other times as a supply teacher in Darlington Township. Patrici's leave of absence be-| PLUNGES YOU H EXPERIENE FEATURES AT: 1:30--3:30 5:35--7:40 9:45 PLM. CADLONG INTO A WORLD OF FORBIDDEN DES YOU WILL NEVER FORGET EastmanCOLOR Dir evted by ROMOLO MARCELLINI: A GOL-REY PICTURES ING. RELEASE PLATA fa ery -gins. May 14 - She is busy keeping her mo-} ther up to date on the school/ ' curriculum, | "Mother is catching up on her homework and is doing very 'well. She will accompany me! to school for a day or so be- fore I leave and I will put her . through the ropes and show her *how I do things," Patricia said, | - OSHAWA | DRIVE-IN THEATRE r 723-4972 NOW PLAYING THIS WEEK "GET" | - AS USUAL 50c Members @ 75c Non-Members DRESS:--Shirt and Tie May 15th... THESPARTANS... Canado's answer to the BEATLES... ADULT ENTERTAINMENT 00-8 neo A PERLBERG-SEATOR PRODUCTION rama RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M, TUESDA CLAY-LISTON FIGHT Y MAY 25th | East On Hi | Bowmanville 1 TAKE MOM OUT TO DINNER 4t The hwey 401 at nterchange 75 Make Your Reservations Now! PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 Treat "Her" To One Of Our Traditional Mother's Day Dinners !! Consomme with Sherry Celery Hearts Dill Pickles Candied Yams Cauliflower Gratinee Crisp Green Salad Cake A la Mode Assorted Relish Tid Bits @ SELECTIONS ¢ ROAST YOUNG TOM TURKEY BAKED HONEY CURED HAM ROAST PRIME RIBS OF BEEF GRILLED WHITE FISH FILLET Baked Potatoes Sour Cream Choice of Old Fashioned A ROSE for EVERY MOTHER ! Trip Entry Ferme Available Dutchmen "CKLB Parisian" Holiday Win en Expense Paid for 2 te Paris, At Flying SPECIAL CHILDREN'S PRICES SUNDAY Chocolate Mint Parfait Tea MAY Chicken Soup Ripe and Green Olives Corn Relish Cranberry Sauce Madeira ou jus Mango Chutney -- Creamy Horseradish Wine Sauce Whipped Potatoes Green Peas Assorted Rolls and Butter and Chives Dressing Rice Pudding Jello and Whip Cream Hot Apple Pie and Cheese Pumpkin Pie Cheese and Crackers Fresh Fruit Coffee Milk Chocolate Milk Bi be rarg STETAME OWES. "Tea Cele? POMAN sca GREY- RON HUSMANN: EXTRA SAT. & SUN, MATINEES "HEY THERE \)) \@ IT'S YOGI BEAR" Friday, May 7th GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE Central Hotel KING ST. W., OSHAWA gi ... From New York City ANDY BLUMAUER King of the Harmonetta and his ORIGINAL ALPINE POLKA FOUR Alex Barris says:--With clarinets, accordions, harmonicas, and the like, Blumauer's Blowers whip up a lively assortment of Polkas, Waltzs, and other European Airs. Blumauer also does his share of Yodelling. @ Entertainment Nighily at 9 P.M. @ ALLAN MACMILLAN--Manager