Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, May 7, 1965 WEATHER FORECAST Sunny AndWarm Today, Saturday ' TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by theweather office at 6:30 a.m.: Synopsis: Mainly sunny skies are forecast for this afternoon and Saturday as southerly winds push the warm air northward. Thundershowers wil! advance slowly but steadily eastward across southern Ontario and the upper lakes to reach Georgian Bay and Lake Huron Saturday evening. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron, Windsor, London: Sunny with a few cloudy intervals this afternoon and Saturday, Warmer, Winds south 10 to 20, Northern Lake Huron, south- ern Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe, Lake Ontario, Niagara, Hamilton, Toronto: Sunny with thundershowers. Winds south- east 15 to 20. Northern White River: Mainly cloudy with showers and thun- dershowers today, Satur day mainly sunny. Little change in temperatures, Winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, and high Satur- yi Windsor St. Thomas London ... Kitchener Mount Forest +++. Wingham ... Hamilton ... St. Catharines Toronto Peterborough .... Kingston Trenton a few cloudy intervals and)Killaloe ...... warm this afternoon and Satur- day. Winds increasing to south 20 this afternoon, Northern Georgian Bay, Tim- agami, Cochrane, southern White River, Algoma, North Bay, Sudbury: Variable cloudi- ness and warm today. Saturday mainly cloudy with showers and Muskoka North Bay . Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste Kapuskasing ....- White River Moosonee . Timmins HERE and THERE Bill Thiesburger, a resi- dent of the Tyrone area, lost about 200 young mink on Sunday. The mink were killed when their parents panicked due to smoke from a dump fire. B, L. Burk, manager of the Bowmanville branch of the Toronto Dominion Bank, will be transferred to Welland in June. He will be replaced by R. G. Lawton of Brockville. Rev. Duncan White, MA, BD, field secretary of the Christian Education Com- mittee, Bay of Quinte Con- ference, United Church of Canada, will be the speaker at the Sunday School Anni- versary this Sunday in St. Paul's United Church, Bow- manville. Although many fishermen are complaining of their lack of success since the opening of the season, Al. Cuthbertson, a member of the BTS staff at Bowman- ville, has landed three brown trout and two rain- bows. His latest catch weighed 614 pounds and was 25 inches long. The appointment of Tyler H, Barrett as comptroller of General Motors of Can- ada, Limited, was announc- ed today by H. E. Pierson, vice-president finance. Mr. Barrett's appointment is ef- fective immediately. Mr. Barrett will report di- rectly to Mr. Pierson and will be responsible for all comptroller duties Mr. Pierson said that the ap- pointment of Mr. Barrett re- sults from the rapid expan- sion by GM of Canada in Oshawa and in the new plant cities of Ste. Therese West and Windsor. Mr. Barrett has been divisional comptroller, Buick - Olds- mobile - Pontiac Assembly Division, Central Office, De- troit. He had previously served as plant comptroller for the BOP and Central Foundry divisions Three nurses from Oshawa and district were among the more than 21,000 nurses who attended a three-day meeting in Toronto. They are: Mrs. M. D. Letcher, of Oshawa, Edna M. Harris of Whitby and Mrs. Jean Deeks The testimonial dinner for Darlington Reeve Arthur Blanchard will be held on May 8, at the Maple Grove Hall not May 7 as reported in May 6 Times The current issue of The Ontario Gazette states that letters patent of incorpora- tion have been granted to Oshawa Excavating Limit- ted, of Oshawa and the Whitby Police Association, Ine. The Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hall Wednesday ruled a trial held by Mag- istrate H. Jermyn, of Whit- by, was a nullity, allowed Inness and quashed his con- viction. McInness appear- ed before the magistrate Oct. 13,1964, at Whitby on a charge of obstructing a police officer, engaged in the lawful execution of his duty as a peace officer, -by omitting to assist him with- out reasonable excuse, The accused, on that occasion, was sentenced to 12 months definite and six months in- determinate. the appeal of Richard Mc- | | | | | | Oshawa and district boy | scouts will take part in a "camporee"' at Camp Sam- ac next weekend with em- phasis on hunting, fishing, | track and field, gymnastics | and \water sports. The boys will set up patrol camps, cook their own meals and compete in such events as signalling, scout's pace tent raising and compass orien- tation. Parents are invited by the "camporee"' staff to visit the campsite. The contract to repair St. Gregory's School roof was || awarded to Gascoigne Co. | Ltd., 91° Bruce st,, by the Oshawa Separate School Board last night. | Oshawa Paving Co. Ltd. won the paving contract for St. Gertrude's School with its bid of $576.80, it was learned at the Separate School Board last night. James O'Malley, Construc- tion Ltd., 254 Cedar Valley, will renovate the teacher's room at St. Gertrude's School. the Oshawa Sepa- rate School Board decided last night, Business Administrator Frank Shine last night told the Oshawa Separate School trustees that soundproofing at Corpus Christi School was completed. IM|als ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! More Houses Are Sold Daily Through MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult @ member of the OSHAWA & DISTRICT Are Now The Canadian Canada Outdoor Supply Co. Make Your Reservation NOW! 728-1555 CANADA 1437 KING ST. £. OUTDOOR SUPPLY Co. Renting Camp Trailer REAL ESTATE BOARD | | NEGRO REVENGE | SLAYS CRIPPLE PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Three Negro teen-agers, seek- ing members of a white gang to revenge the non-fatal stab- bing of a Negro, stopped cuppled 15 - year - old Elmer Rush Jr. as he walked home from school Wednesday. They didn't know him, nor did he know them. "Are you a member of the 10th street gang?"' they de- manded. Elmer had fallen' down a flight of stairs when he was four or five, .damaging his brain so that he was mus- | cularly unco-ordinated and spoke with difficulty. He mumbled something they could not understand, Thereupon, said Capt. Jo- seph Golden of the homicide squad, Robert Bell, 17, punched him; James Tinsley, 17, hit him some more and Albert Mitchell, 15, drove the four-inch blade of a pocket knife into his back. Elmer slumped to the side- | walk and died there minutes | later. Thursday, the youths in- sisted to police, they hadn't | meant to kill the boy "We were just going to grease a white boy," Golden | quoted them LBJ Policies In Viet Nam By DOUG MARSHALL Canadian Press Staff Writer The eight - nation southeast Asia Treaty Organi ation backed up President Johnson's "hard. line' over South Viet |Nam at the end of the 10th iSEATO council meeting in Lon-| Under the terms of its orig- don Wednesday. jinal charter SEATO could But all the tough - soundingjhardly do otherwise than give words in the six - page finaljthe Americans unequivocal dip- communique couldn't disguisejlomatic backing, It was the fact' SEATO is showing|founded in 1954 specifically to signs of coming apart at thejfight armed aggression in vul- seams. nerable Southeast Asia, al- The French government, rep-jthough at the time the U.S. resented only by an observer,jadded a rider saying the ag- declined to take any part in thejgression must be Communist proceedings and Pakistan, injinspired before intervention a carefully - ambiguous para-|could take place. raph, made clear its reserva- i fions about the way the Vietna-| VITAL ROLE mese war is being fought with-- In these terms the war in out actually coming out with a/South Viet Nam. is virtually a contrary view. perfect example of the situation As one. member of the Pakis-\SEATO was designed for and tani delegation is' quoted as|proof the organiation still has isaying: "We showed we could|a vital role to play. ; have disagreement without be-| Why, then, is SEATO showing ing disagreeable." |signs of a split when it shoud . ; be stronger than ever? Clearly WILL NOT JOIN the Communist,threat has not Neither the French nor the| changed in the Iast 11 years but Pakistani navies will join thejrather a growing disagreement forces of the' other SEAT Ocoun-|has developed among Western |tries for Exercise Seahorse in/alties about how that threat In the teen-age vernacular |the South Clina Sea next week./should be met. of teeming south Philadel- | That leaves Britain, the, France, and now Pakistan, | phia, where the attack took | United States, Australia, New/are searching for middle paths place, to "grease" someone |Zealand, the Philippines andjto peace through the Southeast means to beat him up. Thailand united in their deter-| Asian jungles and other SEATO All three were charged with |mination, as the communique) powers may soon follow them, homicide. puts it, "to continue and, con-| , Meanwhile observers are not! After he died, Rush lay un- | sistent with their commitments discounting the possibility the identified for hours in the jelsewhere, to increase their as time has come for SEATO to| morgue. His mother, Louisa, |sistance to South Viet Nam. regroup, perhaps bringing in} 58, became alarmed when he | The communique expresses|Malaysia, in order to reaffirm) was not home when she re- |'warm support' for the U,S.'its original purpose. i) 'Pakistan Denies Collusion With Peking Against Indi Slain Clown» ser macirars such a call, and took her to Cl e F d {Minister Z. A, Bhutto of Pakis- identify the body. She col- tan said Thursday there is no NEW YORK (AP) -- Police lapsed. "collusion"? between China and disclosed Thursday they have /Pakistan against India. bs ' India and Pakistan must|the United States. two suspects -- one "running"' and the other believed to be in settle their border garrel over/DISCOUNTS FEARS ithe Rann of Kutch by negotia-| The foreign minister dis- the city -- in the slaying of circus clown Paul Jung Jung was found beaten to death in his hotel room two weeks ago after he failed to|med Ayub Khan, appear for a_ performance ofjcultivate good relations | the Ringling Brothers Barnum|China, recently visited Peking.|'n and Bailey Circus. But At the time there appeared|/¢motional emphasis: to be no clues except eight un-| "Please believe me. There is pation in the wat opened cans of beer found in|no collusion between Pakistan and disarmament negotiations. the room. jand China against India." Bhutto spoke to reporters one However, police disclosed) Addressing foreign correspon-jday after the eight - Thursday they had identified) dents, Bhutto appeared to hold|meeting of the Southeast Asia the murder weapon, a blunt in-|out the olive branch to India/Treaty Organization here, at strument described as hotel/over the Kutch dispute and said|which, along with France, he) property and something usually|he deprecates Pakistani news-\declined to endorse his part-| found in hotel rooms but not/paper reports of battle victor-|ners' policies on Viet Nam and further identified. ies. * ) |the Indonesian + Malaysian con; Jung, one of the circus' most, But he also indicated the im-'flicts. | famous clowns and producer of en eee many favorite clown routines, | also was wealthy from his own firm producing circus gag material. - Police have questioved more than 1,500 persons, ~ including 264 from the circus and 233 guests at the Hotel Forrest where Jung was staying. They declined to give further etails concerning the suspects. policy on South Viet Nam and condemns "aggression organ- ied, directed, supplied and supported by the Communist regime in North Viet Nan" in contravention of the Geneva agreements. A D Pp: ti T it ti) b In a b {portance Pakistan attaches tol \the disputed salt - marshes on/ of victony or defeat" for either|there is anything country, Bhutto said seeking to/Simply China's 600-mile border) with With Pakistan, its the world, May | Co-operate in planning your Insurance protection @ AUTOMOBILE e URBAN FIRE @ FAMILY LIABILITY e@ LIFE e@ ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS AND OTHER INSURANCE JOHN McPHERSON 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE end CO-OPERATORS LIFE NEEDS d SPRAY ON RESIN British chemists have pro- duced a plastic resin that. needs no primer and wears better than paint TLOWERS SAV IT BEST FOR MOTHERS DAY .»» from REED'S Florists Mother will glow. when she sees the bouquet you've picked for her Mother's Day gift. Our flowers speak the special language of love. Special for Mother's Day Beautiful BOX of FLOWERS 4,00, 5.00, 6.00 and up Mother Will LOVE "Roses from REEDS' " Red, Pink, Yellow Beautiful ROSES Special Box 6.00 7.50 10.00 DOZEN POTTED PLANTS PINK HYDRANGEAS, POTTED 'MUMS (Yellow, Pink, Bronze ond White MIXED POTTED PLANTS Petunios Coleus, etc 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.50 and up | Bowl Arrangements of Cut Flowers "To Suit YOUR Mother""--. 6,00, 7.50, 10,00 and up "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" from... R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. 728-7386 Drive-In Shop 163 Bloor West Downtown Simcoe and Bond rising circles here as a serious threat to the future of the Organiza- tion of American States. the device which the U.S. hopes to use to extricate itself from the island. uled to convene in Rio de Jan- eiro starting May 23. The ori- ginal idea had been to discuss long-overdue political and eco- nomic reforms in the alliance, making it more effective. ants including Canadians is that stroyed the atmosphere suitable for sober appraisal. ' American nations, may produce fresh charges sim- ilar to the harsh criticism of the United States voiced in the United American governments and pol- hardening against the U.S. ac- tion in foreign criticism and to T socks found in |M U.S. Invasion Puts By ARCH MacKENZIE WASHINGTON (CP) -- The merican intervention in the ominican Republic's civil up- is seen i n diplomatic The OAS is also regarded as The 20-nation OAS is sched- The fear shared by inform- resident Johnson's interven- on with 19,300 troops has de- Bitterness among Latin it is felt, Nations by Uruguay. his trend could enmesh Latin ical parties. There is also evidence of a some extent in domestic reac- tion. SHOULD CONSULT For example, Democratic Senator Robert Kennedy of New York, former U.S. attorney-gen- era, said in the Congress Thursday the U.S, must always take care to consult its OAS allies--something it did not do before committing troops in the Dominican Republic. The New York Times editor- ially took a stronger line when it said that "American troops were used almost immediately for political ends on the basis of reports that a handful of Communists were involved in the rebellion and on the flimsy evidence that they threatened to gain control of it." It is generally agreed that the American intervention is clear violation of the OAS charter-- and that the QAS offers the handiest exit for the U.S, But there is concern voiced that the peace - keeping force agreed on for this purpose--ap- proved by a bare margin in the OAS--may be more symbolic than real, This would leave un- known numbers of American troops involved. There is concern among dip- ISEATO Backs 'Hard-Line' JOHNSON HOPES OAS WILL GET AMERICANS OUT OF DOMINICA, BUT... OAS In Jeopardy lomats that this in effect will turn rebel sentiment solidly against the U.S., manufacturing nationalist Communist sup- porters where handfuls existed previously. WANT STRONG MAN The hope is that the OAS-- as it now is striving to do--can find some figure in effective control in Santo Domingo, with the emphasis on "effective." Thus, while the rebels have amano Deno as president, and while he has been sanctioned by the last legally-elected Domini- can government, he cannot be said to be in effective control. Canada's position as ex- pressed by Prime Minister Pearson has been guarded. There have been no special communications between Wash- ington and Ottawa on the sit- uation. Canada, with Trinidad-Tobago COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa nivel 728-7515 insurance Res. 725-2802 or 725-7413 Socks Make Crime Scene TORONTO (CP)--Three Tor- nto men were committed hursday for trial after stretch the pockets of ne Feb, 12 were described as urglary tools. Thomas Kelly, 29, William inton, 44, and Leonard Con- elly, 33, were arrested Feb, 12 nd charged with possessing urglary tools and weapons dangerous to the public peac Police testified that the pair the Arabian Sea coast when he|o¢ socks was found in Kelly's| said the territory is just @8|/pockets. They said they also "sacred" to his government @8/recovered a jimmy bar and aj jdesert areas of Texas are to joaded { revolver from a car {that had been occupied by the! men, Defence Counsel Norman/ tions and there is "no question|jcounted Western fears that|Borins asked that the charges) "'sinister"|be dismissed because the socks, about Pakistan's new relations|were the only item found in the) Bhuito and President Moham-|With China. The answer was|physical possession of the men.| Detective Douglas Barclay importance | testified that he has noticed an| particularly toljincrease in the use of socks in-| Bhutto. declared, with|African and Asian countries,|stead of gloves for handling al and the need of Chinese partici-|jimmy bar or a key without United Nations/leaving fingerprints. Another detective pulled the itrigger of an unloaded revolver] country| with a sock over his hand, Canada selling FURNI ond see for yourself? 155 Simcoe St. S. THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! A LIMITED NUMBER OF 1-2-3 BEDROOM | SUITES AVAILABLE * UNDERGROUND * PARKING | * ADULT BUILDING 124 PARK ROAD DON'T BUY ANY TURE! At least not until Roger opens his new furniture department next week, Yes, you'll get the same fantastic deals on furniture at Roger as you've had on appliances. Over 240 new custom made styles to choose from . . . but why not weit « week ROGER Appliances 728-2151 CEILING ELECTRIC CABLE RADIANT HEATING By Appointment Only 723-1712 or 728-2911 | Ge@ORGIAGN mansions NORTH, OSHAWA and Jamaica, has been invited to send an observer to the Rio meeting. The last big pitch from the U.S. to Canada to join the OAS came before Parliament in 1961 from the late president Ken- nedy. There has been no further U.S. initiative. The official Canadian lne is not now, perhaps later. sworn in Col. Francisco Ca-| NOW THERE ARE FOUR Polaroid Color Pack CAMERAS to choose from Model 100 The Deluxe Color Pack Comere-- Was $229. Now 173.95 with flash Model 101 Rugged Con- struction, Special features Was $192. Now 139.95 WITH FLASH Model 103 Plastic Construction, many extras ° plus flash Model 104 (14 the price of the original model) Only 69.95 plus flash Come in to KARN'S-- TOMORROW. We love to demonstrate all four models 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. 's largest ale... FROM MOLSON"S - INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786

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