Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1965, p. 19

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[17--Female Help Wanted 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Mele Help Wonted 20---Real Estate for Sele Estate for Sale 20--Real Estote for Sole 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Mey 7, 1965 19 13---Articles for Rent tiger sore and tables, church | leve Fox Rentals, 412 arrest North. Call TUM, | NTERTAINING -- Fi one hundred ~ bases sein for ber anniversaries. parking. Ree- ecilitiess ber, sonable rates, 14--Business Opportunities IN THE HIGHLANDS OF HALIBURTON RESTAURANT----Good loca- tion, Equipment ond business full price $8,200.00 with $400,00 down, Financial statemert ovoilable to quoli- fied purchasers, POST OFFICE, GENERAL STORE ond GAS PUMP--on Highway, full price of $27,- 500,00 includes $10,000.00 of good clean stock, $4,000 equipment and a. four bed- room apertment: Call W. J. MACKEY, Haliburton 223W, Bowes and Cocks Ltd. 129 Kent St. LINDSAY, ONTARIO SERVICE STATION w Hichen, 16, EXPERIENCED @ STENOS "@ DICTAS @ TYPISTS @ MACHINE OPERATORS @ BOOK- KEEPERS Required For immediate registration tor temporary ond part-time ot signments OFFICE OVERLOAD sie A Firm female Top location 200,000 gal. Potential, Present lessee retiring due to ill health, TELEPHONE 728-5617 WELL ESTABLISHED Beauty Salon with living quarters, Ample free park ing, Ten dryers. For further information write Box 835, Oshawa Times. REPAIR SHOP -- Threebay g showroom or independent service*garag with two self-contained apartments, semi: detached, Northeast end of city, $8,000 down, balance on easy terms, 726-9466, Steve Zurba Realtor, 25 Bond West, RESTAURANT for sale. Good business Good location. Seating 39. A real bargain. Phone 723 T4920 15--Employment Wanted BAY CARE, Monday to Friday, for one or two little girls, in my home, Close to hospital, Telephone 723-5722 WILL GIVE DAY CARE for pre-school child in my own home, Fiveday week Very central, Phone 728-6902, re ed LABY with" country home, news tice, would care for children, by the day In her home. Telephone 726-6913 "basements, garages tay 01 cleaned, basement floors palnied, odd lobs. Phone 725-6853 17--Femele Help Wanted | DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONTARIO HOSPTIAL WHITBY Requires HOSPITAL AIDS | ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK in Oshawa has an opening for a | Applicants must be exper- ienced in this work and be able to perform the whole function of ace counts payable, with a minimum -- of direction, Good salary with fringe benefits and working conditions. Apply by letter to the box number below giving full particulars os to work history, age, marital status, All re- plies wil Ibe treated in confid- ence, Write BOX 317 OSHAWA TIMES | RECEPTIONIST Required immediately by Reo! Estate office, must be good typist, personable ond have initiative, minimum 3 yeors office experience, Con- toct Wolter Frank W. FRANK excellent Reliable Shorthand TYPIST Required for port time secre- torial work with the Township of Darlington, Apply in writing, stating oge and experience, If any to W.-E, Rundle, Clerk-Administrotor, Township of Darlington, _HAMPTON, Ontario,' WAITRESSES Required 11 a.men-Z p.m ond 1) p.me--7 om, full or parttime, Also PART- TIME DISH WASHER and SALAD BAR GIRL Apply Mr, Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL ~ EXPERIENCED _ SALESLADY APPLY FOX'S 7 SIMCOE SOUTH GIRL FRIDAY WANTED Part time ~ possibly full time later on, Must be experienced, in typing and all round office routine AJAX 942-1010 HAIR STYLIST | WANTED | Excellent wages, good working conditions Linda's FASHION HAIRSTYLING Telephone 728-7021, ~ ENUMERATORS To canvass in Oshawa and Whitby, No election involved, | Neat writing essential, Apply | in own writing stating age, | | | | | oddress and phone number to BOX 407, OSHAWA TIMES LEGAL STENOGRAPHER For Oshowe solicitor Reply to Box 921 | OSHAWA TIMES Stating qualifications INTERVIEWERS | and SUPERVISORS h surveys. tion, Interviewing or super- | vising experience to Edsall | Research Ltd,, 2045 Bishop St., Montreal 25, Write Box 616 Oshawa Times RELIABLE PERSON fo care tor three! children while mother works, two fat United Taxi |YOUTH for stable and ground mainte jNance, 725-2737, Part time, for market research | ing Write giving educa |Write Box 1500, Bowmanville, stating age ASSEMBLERS and INSTALLERS Monufacturer of kitchen cab- inets ond sashiess windows require permanent and sum- mer help for work in plant ond field, Preference given to senior men with cobinet or carpentry experience for permanent positions, Apply | H.G, DESIGNS LTD. STATION ROAD | PICKERING, ONT. | 942-3791 COMBINATION MAINTENANCE -- HOUSEKEEPING MAN REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Age 40 to 55 =~ full time, hours 4 p.m, to.12 midnight, For appointment call COTTAGE HOSPITAL (Uxbridge) Ask for superintendent has il CARPENTER FOREMAN | Able to handle complete job. Pay commensurate | with qualifications Phone 725-3516 |THR INTERNATIONAL Correspondence| i Schools will consider applications for em-| |plovment in your area on @ part-time! basis, In reply state age, education, mariiai status and phone number to ICS, 7475 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal | Further information will be given in local interviews next week. PULL iim driver: "Wanted Must be neat, courteous, 25 years or older, Apply 143 King Street Bast jive In, Apply Buckaroo Ranch, YOUNG MAN with experience for Bow meanville retell store, Must be prepared to handle stock control, display, and sell of sporting goods and other lines and references |19---Male or Female Help Wanted |MEN OR WOMEN for picking worms, |Full employment for six months Apply | in person from | p.m, to t) om Oshawa! Live Balt Company, 859 Nelson Street GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-112) 1 @ $1,000 DOWN--4 room insul brick bungalow, Space heater, Basementiess economy home in voluable busy corner location, Will carry tor $95.00. 1} @ ECONOMICALLY PRICED -~This older type home on Gladstone Ave, A quiet resident- ial district is a solidly brick property. Large separate gar- age, private drive, has two bed- rooms, modern kitchen and 4 pc. bathroom, In well. maintain. ed condition, the low asking price mokes this on excellent buy lil @ THIS THREE BEDROOM bungalow is in lovely condition with lorge kitchen ond better than. average bedrooms: A nice fenced in yard on o quiet street makes this o fine family home-- close to schools, Priced at $14,- 900, Call tonight. 1V @ ONLY $9,500 -- is the asking price for this bungalow, located on Elgin St. W, Present. ly 2 bedrooms, and | more un- finished, Panelled living room, large kitchen, 4 pc, bath, Good value for your maney here, call today for an appomtment to inspect. V. @ LOOKING FOR A PLACE just outside the city? We have just whet you need; a comfort able country home with a lorge lot. There are 4 bedrooms which will accommodete a large fomily. This home will give you all the privacy you can ask for It is comfortably close to schools and shopping on Gar- cord Rd. Vi @ NHA, RESALE--Over looking the city of Oshawa, this 3 yeor old 6 room brick bun golow with forced air oil heat- ing has 3. large bedrooms, seporate dining room, large fomily size kitchen with built in stove and oven, Living room has 16 Simcoe St. S. UIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 xX! @ LOVELY 3 BEDROOM home with oil heating ond good high basement in excellent con- dition, This home is locoted in a delightful neighborhood for the children, There is a - fully modern up to date kitchen with double compartment stainless steel sink, good modern both- room with colored fixtures ond vanity. This home is decorated in soft pastel colors and only | yeor old, A low down payment ond the bolonce on one mort- goge. X\l @ VALUABLE LAND just listed on King St. E, Nearly 4 acres of vacant land, the lost porcel of such in East Oshawa There is almost 300 ft, front- oge on King St, E. Call us now for more particulars XIll @ GOOD SIZE BUILDING LOT with 70 ft, frontoge ca the eost side of Oshowa, All city services included in the asking price of $5,600.00 which is less thon $80 per foot frontage Call us now and set your build ing plans into motion, XIV @ ONLY $13,900, For a well maintained 3 bedroom brick bungolow this home offers the potential buyer on opportunity to benefit from the work the present owner has already done.| Featuring o large living room, hollywood kitchen and dining area, 4 pc, cerargic tiled both | room, Full bosement, ovailable| now for your inspection | e | Col 723-1121 culors, Open dolly from 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, After hours call Ross Bell Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Monitius Ethel Love Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock for full porti-| 723-7623 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454) 728-2754) 668-2402 728-0208 728-558) 725-4330 Over a Quarter Century of Service SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 123-2265 COUNTRY LIVING CITY CONVENIENCE Four room bungalow of white aluminum -- siding situated on o lot 72 x 250. Taxes only $162.00, Very close to Oshawa. NORTH WEST Where today, con you get o 3 bedroom home with 20' living room, screened porch, georoge, carport, close to all conveniences for $15,900.00? We hove one. Call today CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Grocious older home in excellent orea, Features a charming double entry and natural wood burning fire- ploce, On a lovely treed lot, this large home is reason- ably priced RESIRABLE Beautifully appointed home with sunken fiving room, wall to wall broadioom, marble fireplace, bow win- dow, sliding glass doors from the dining room to patio, attached garage, All this in a very choice area, LUXURY LIVING NORTH WEST AREA Newly listed, this home features fireplace. in large broadloomed living room, a dream of a kitchen with built in stove, oven, gar- buretor, private bathroom with vonity off the large master bedroom, finished rec, room with fireplace, ottoched double goroge, poved drive ond patio, QUIET STREET Within walking distance of North General Mators this five room home has every- thing. in A-1 condition: Cor- port, paved drive, patio, Lovely treed lawn at back and reasonable taxes, Pric- ed at $13,500.00, NORTH In on oreo of pretty homes this one Is outstanding for its lovely fieldstone front. On a lot 60 ft. wide, this home hos living room, Hollywood kitchen, three bedrooms ond tiled bath with vanity, Rec, room 33 ft. long with floor to ceil- ing fieldstone fireploce, 4 20--Real Estate tor Sale 20--Real Estate for Sole i DISNEY Real Estate -- Insurance 82 Simcoe St. S. 723-2333 DUPLEX very centrally locat- ed, kitchen ond sink com- plete in upper and flower flats, 11 rooms, paved drive ond gorage, exceptionally good value ot $14,900 with $3,000 down. $6,000---$1,000 down 5 room clapboord homie, oll heot, carries ot $75.00 per month centrally locoted: Cottage ot Scugog Loke--5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, running water, septic tank, space heoter, stove, yin etc., double goroge, $5,000---$2,- 000 down. LAND FOR SALE 16 acres commercial land on No, 2 Highway eost of Osh- owe, 40 ocres land on the north outskirts of Whitby Neot and cleon br, 6 room home with large lot on Church St., very central, osk- ing $14,500. Large 9 room house with 3% acres of garden soil, 245' frontage on Wilson Rd., 17 fruit trees, good investment prop, asking $25,000 with Ye down, Nearly new 5 room bungalow with fireplace, built in book shelves, attached garage ond tool shed on large lot in beou- tiful country setting, $4,000 down, Selesmen-- John Merrithew John Sandy FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street BOWMANVILLE Call 623-3393 Member Oshowa and District 728-2664 725-8010 FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church a Bowmanville 623-3393 Member © * Real Estote ae 32 ocres near iu, portly wooded land Good building sites, Only $15,000 --terms, 10 ocre lots neor one pote 5 Grove, $3. 500 10 ocre lot neor Tyrone with pond, $3,500--terms. 40 senic ocres with epring neor Tyrone, $6,000--terms. Leke Scugog--good lot, nice clean fully furnished 3 bed room cottage with both. $7,- 900---terms, Orono---new 3 bedroom brick bungolows bullt to order on lots 75' x 200'. $13,900 -- $2,500 down. Orono--Estate Sole------10 room ranch bungolow, 2 peeareaes, 2 bathrooms, otteched go age, asking $25, 000----terms. Newcastle --- almost new 3 bedroom brick bungalow, Lot 60' x 179', utility shed: Ask- ing only $15,200--terms, Bowmanville--Sunset Reed, 1 year old brick 3 bedroom bun- golow. $16,350 -- N.HLA terms. HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL Newtonville--over 1,500 sq. ft. home on two floors, six spacious rooms and ottached double garage. 2 acre lot with good well. Home almost com- pleted, Owner tronsferred. Full price $9,750, Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m: Joe Bornoski Herb Cooper Ken Hockin Jock Whitemon Pat Yeo Howard Forder 723-5787 623-3393 623-505S 623-3818 623-3077 655-3853 LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD '") corner of Wolle Street, No calls WHITEY BANK requires experienced, jclerks Telephone 668-5825 between °%-5. HAIRORESSERS, SEpaTTONORG, immedi 3 " 723-7390 Real Estate Board 728-424) 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 Arranging for Mortgages is part of our comprehensive Real Estate Service ot Guide Realty Limited, We list Exclusive ond Photo M.L.S, Very bright home and pric- ed to sell at $16,900.00. GOOD INVESTMENT Low down payment -- low asking price for this very bright 5 room home only seven years old, Back lawn completely fenced: Mort- goge 6% interest ond car- ries for $87.00, Principal, Interest and Toxes. INCOME HOMES -- NO, 1/ Would you like an income | home bringing in enough money to corry the pay- ments on the mortgage plus your living expenses? We hove just thot, Full price $15,800.00, Income $285 per month, mortgoge payments $100 per month, figure it out for yourself, then coll us to see this home Doug Trivett George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peocock Dick Young a lovely natural stone fireplace Finished recreation room with electric heat, Paved drive with © bosement gosage, nicely landscaped lot. Owner leaving the city, For appointment to in spect, call tonight Vit e A HOME DISTINC TIVELY modern in' every way, in @ delightful neighbor { for the children, Only steps ywoy from public and hig school, 3 larger than average bedrooms with shining hardwood floors. The large size living room hos a velance 'box, the bathroom is gleaming with col ored fixtures and tile, The kit- chen has many extras you al woys wanted, like a built in| stove and oven and fan, copper tone sink splash, There is also a good size dining orea, The schools and bus and shop- basement is divided into work- ping, $2,550.00 down, early | shop, hobby. room, laundry oreo posession * and fruit cellar, This-is a good Ther \so tr MELROSE AVENUE pe re on $15,500, one year old brick | fo, le priced bungalow, situated on a nice corner lot, paved streets, full : 3 |EXPERIENCED Waitresses. Apply in| services. 2 blocks from King "9 person to Town and Country Restaurant St 1S Bond Street Bast, RELIABLE WOMAN for 'general hove) NORTH-END LOCATION | . -| 2 bedroom, brick veneer 18--Male Help Wented-- | bungalow with attached gar- eee age, paved drive, patio, lorge ADJUSTERS (home nex cone tion, Rec. room, this home very reasonably priced with very reasonable down poy- ment We would like to receive ap- plications from experienced adjusters ond troinees, Troin- ees applying should have o minimum of senior matricula tion and be under the age of Hs 26 Providing Practical Nursing ond Personal Care to Ment- olly-ill Patients: REAL ESTATE schioal. Apply Subway Traller Park, 177 Ch EXPERIENCED QUALIFICATIONS: _ Comple- Church Street rT er for two adults auive in > heavy work, References, tion of Grade ¥8 in Ontario Bowmanville 623-3393 9194, er an approved equivalent --IKITCHEN HELP, toll time, no aundaye |enlldren's dude ranch . f Y8./help, registered nurse education, Trainin, given on Apply at th Southend Rest it, , 9 dha lob fhe Hiden roc cticn: | SUMMER COTTAGE Bloor Street Gait ene Sleratt a Starting solery $2760, : HOUSEKEEPER and baby-sitter, fivein, 40 hour week; 3 weeks on | High school girl os mother's nual vacation; pension plen helper for July end August, Swimming, boating. Telephone Port Hope 885-6274 neveeseeh| 900d Phone BROTHERS --Real Estote-- ~--Insurance---- ~~Mortgoges-- NEWCASTLE NEW Spacious 6Y2 room split level with carport, Features modern kitchen, dinette, good size living room, separate dining room, 3 good size bedrooms and 4 piece tilea bathroom, Large lot 62' x 259', An ex- cellent offer, Be sure to fd spect by calling Mr. Ri ot 728- i239 or 725-2 Vad BUNGALOW : 5 ACRES Electric heated, 4 room bun- galow with carport on 5 ccres of land. Modern kitchen, liv- ing room, 2 bedrooms, 4 piece both with vanity, Located on paved road in Newcastle. Pric- ed for quick sale at only $11,- 900, Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo 728-5123 or 725-2217, NIPIGON ST. INCOME 3 bedroom bungalow with very ottractive basement apertment now rented et $80.00 per month. Choice le- cation, close to schools, bus and shopping. Asking only $14,500. To inspect and make on offer call Mr, Jim Brady et 728-5123 or 728- 0483. 200 acre stock ond grain farm, Lorge brick home, good barn, excellent soil, Located neor Bailiboro, Health forces sole. $43,500 ~ terms. 92 acres with 9 room home Borns 32' x 80', 45' x 80. Next to Golf course, 1% miles from Bowmanville $35,+ 000 - $10,000 down. 100 acre Dairy farm, 8 room home, large painted barn, 6 miles from Oshowa, Excellent soil, $49,000 - terms, 93 acre Christmas tree form neor Millbrook. 61,000 prun- ed Scotch Pine planted from 1958 on, Good investment at only $12,000 - $5,000 down, | | | 'lately, Phone 723-9053. | "July, August, | Cook, kitchen) awirn = instructor " 'application | TUMMER™ HELP Wanted, form, 20---Real Estate for Sale 'Metcal REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 THOMAS $1 $13,950, very nice 2-bed room home, brick veneer of course, Very nice lot, close to for working couple, two children. Wages, plus room and board, For appoinmient | - ond sick leave credits, Interested applicants felepnone TTY or 46103 after 7.30) apply to om [EXPERIENCED short order cook, oppor | tunity for advancement. Telephone 10-R. DIRECTOR OF NURSING. ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY. nen | 19 Ontario Trading Post, RR 2, Orono ERPURIENCED Helrdresier Wanted im CASHIER, experienced preferred, but | XPERiaNcED falloress, Must ed not necessary. five-day week, good start | English, Familiar with both ladies' and| mediately, Lake Vista Beauty Selon, EXPERIENCED WAIRDRESSER with | Good wages. Apply in person 1198 clientele, Apply in person, The Vogue ing wages. Apply to the Manager, Lar gentiemen's alterations, Good working/| Wecker Drive. Ask for Joe. ty Salon; 5.9 Simcoe Street North, | O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors Members of ond ho should NORRIS REALTOR (Ajax Plaza 942-3364 ATTENTION EXECUTIVES $19,900 is the full for this seven room brick home with stone front, Liv- ing room with fireplace, din- Ing room, kitchen with built. in oven and ronge, four big bedrooms, two bathrooms, full bosement with rough-in fire- place in potential recreation room oreo, Storm windows, acreens, carport and paved drive, Must sell, owner trons- ferred DON'T THROW STONES SCHOOL CLOSE BY Reduced to $12,500. Three bedroom brick bungalow with stone front in a very central location, Large kitchen and living room, four piece bath. Forced air gas furnace, Alu- minum storms and screens, Large pie shaped tot and many more features for mo- dern living ne 1GA Store in Shopping laze at lconditions and pay. Apply in person after) lex 1 pm, to Len Pullan, 10 Prince Street | j |WAITRESS, full time, days |Telephone 655-4952 Golf |Club, Mr. Dick Lee |DRUG CLERK -- age over 25) drug or) variety store, experience necessary, Sal-| ary open to experience, Apply Tamblyn! Drugs, K-Mart Drug Department, 728-545) | EXPERIENCED sewers wanted for home jsewing on dolis' clothing, Must be neat, quick workers Apply 220 Nassa Street, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTER' er for motheriess home, middle-aged pre | j jferred, to live in, S$ ? days. Telephone | f | | | "Yo work at Thunderbird 50 acre Gentlemen's Retreot, Excellent brick home, large painted barn, Valuable high- way location near Newcastle, Excellent investment at $40,- 000 « terms, CALL 623-3393 After 9 p.m Jock Whitemon 623-3818 Ken Hoekin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Howord Forder 655-3853 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Herb Cooper 623-3393 STEVE ZURBA REAL ESTATE BESSBOROUGH DRIVE Large 6 room brick with ot- tached garage double paved drive, well landscaped with stotely trees, Call tonight for inspection 728-9466, $1500 DOWN Close to downtown, lerge 7 foom, suitable for renting rooms, low texes, low heating. Immediote possession, Try your offer tonight, Call 728- 9466, CHADBURN STREET 5 room brick bungalow, pav- ed drive, spotless condition, Other interests forces owner to sell, Asking $3000. down, ONLY $13,900, & room brick bungelow with wolkout basement, extra large lot with full grown trees in the bock yard, Call tonight 728- 9466 Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. John (Steve) Rosnik Steve Zurbo 25 Bond Street West 728-9466 Close vrrown -- Shere = Sk room older bur. en Ask ------ es [nia - -- 10 square feet of living, extra | down. Make ree. aS by calling large tree. bungalow, a! syminom| | Dougias Tassie W. ©. Martin Realtor, {storms and screens: Moltywood kit tached garage, completely la 20--Reeal Estate for Sole (Continued on Pogé 20) °} NO. I] room, 2 storey home which includes a three room apartment renting for $85.00 @ month. Hard to beat for reasonable living. | 728-1737 | WANTED ~ middi@-age housekeeper for) jtwo adults, to live in, Telephone 725-1719 |MOUSEHOLD HELP for one day, every! Telephone 668-4734. sized lot Don't weit, This one roft $t Vill © WE HAVE JUST LIST- ED a lerge 5 bedroom home close to downtown, Could easily be converted into o duplex or be used for a large fomily, The price will amoze you, it is only $10,900, Good tems available| os well ! 1X @ THE CHIC ENTRANCE and the up to dote efficiency) mark this handsome two storey home. On the seaond floor ore 4. bedrooms and a well planned| 4 piece both. Service entry to basement, lavatory and kitchen) s convenient, Kitchen has built! in stove and oven and an eating! eo, The pointed basement room for workshop, rec./ end foundry -- facilities.) foyer is enhonced by oa mation right on Hille jtwo weeks price For full particulars coll 123-2265 OPEN DAILY 9AM. TO9 P.M 725-2867 723-1358 728-5205 723-2894 725-9345 728-2870 28-2233 728-1066 728-5868 723-2859 725-1015 irene Brown Marg. Holl lrwin: Cruikshonks Margoret Lee Ed Drumm Allan Thompson Maible Boudreau BH! Johnston Steve Macko George Koornneet Neil Campbell Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, sofe sind "ATTENTION THIEVES ONLY !! N.H.A. Repossession $650 Down To One | H.A. Mortgage Ideally situated 4 bedroom bungalow in Pickering Town- ship, complete with storms and screens and private drive $79 monthly carries and just $12,700 full price Absolutely No 2nd Mortgage NORTH WEST 3-bedroom, brick and stone front, split level with built-in gorage, finished recreation room, many extras, priced at only $17,500 ELECTRIC HEATED HOMES $17,495. with $3,691, down, take advantage of the Winter Appliconts should write Works, while they last | room UNDERWRITERS ietaghlt ved A gl ecg ADJUSTMENT BUREAU Nine year old home, roomy, graceful staircase ond distinc-| ane ranch bungalow with. « gar. lighting fixtwe, 5 months LTD 3 bedrooms, large kit 1 old, separ dining room, de chen, stone fireplace, large corated throughout, carport al 32 Front Street West, lot for more information! | covered patio Coll us for $18,900 OPEN EVENINGS ba | 'TIL NINE X e VICINITY NORTH COL- LEGIATE--An excellent ohome/ Dial 728-4678 offers 6 large rooms, 17 ft. liv- Jack Osborne, Bob Johnston, ing room and family dining room, Lerge kitchen, 4 pc. tiled Dick Barriage, Joe Mago, Ken Hann bathroom, Exceptionally well de- Member of O.D.R.E.8 corated and situated on a large) PRIVATE SALE $10,900 FULL PRICE ; 8 room storey ond ¢ half home with lorge lot, house now vacant, only "$, 500 down with terms. Low toxes, Located close to Simcoe Street South. Call Mr. Jack Appl at 728-5123 or 723-3398. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD. 101 Simeoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O:D.R.E.B. OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE Company benefits inciude life and health insurance, pension with incentive pay allowances $70.22 PRINCIPAL | INTEREST AND TAXES | Five rooms, three bedrooms, large living room ond family sized kitchen. Full basement with finished recreation room at asking price $10,000. This is terrific value so act now! tive ste ote ore | if you are economically dis- turbed ond would like to break into the life insurance field in this city, a nationally known compeny offers an opportunity to two earnest men between 25 und 45. Our plan includes a salary, weekly edvances, plus commissions, benuses, group life and hos- Pitalization. insurence and PANSY BOUQUETS By ALICE BROOKS Theme your bath and bed- room to the Springtime beau- ty of lavish pansy bouquets. Pansies plus dainty crochet) add charm to towels, scarfs,| Up comes the sun, out goes bed sets. Pattern 7235: oneia little girl in a whirl of a 6 = Minch embroidery motif;'coatdress! Just 2 main parts two 6x1344; edging directions. plus bands QUICK, easy! $615 DOWN Five room brick bungalow, three bedrooms, living room | and dining room combination | large kitchen with loads of cupboards, four piece bath. Full basement, forced air heat, Interior newly redecor- ated. Carries $101 monthly, Principal, interest end toxes. OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. N. Please Call "Von" Vondette Norm Wood 839-2525 Sam Hunter 942.3743 | VARIETY STORE With living quartera.| @ll en one thor, Hot water heat, garage. | FEW PARTS! By ANNE ADAMS ms, P= OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE ATE BOARD OWNER transterred, excellent 942-4717 rom 1.00 p.m.--6.00 p.m ADAMS, Times, Street a hauling with drivers. Pickert ¥ ing quite central. Very good location. Asking }$12.900., including bulidings and equip |ment, Terms. For particulars call Elmer jPrediny TRe-S103, W. O, Martin, Realtor | AJAX -- eighiroam home, five bed REA REALTY 725-568) eo ar andscaped lot, The excellent cing makes this an attrac tive buy THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)jsewing even for beginners!! Pension plan, Soles back- 3 bedroom brick bungalow for each pattern (no stamps,'Choose gay cottons. ground would be helpful al- North. west section, Finished please) to Alice Brooks, care} Printed':Pattern 4972: Chil, 'hOvgh it is not essential, besement,. aluminum stor For Your of The Oshawa Times, Needle-jdren"s Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8. Size 6] Opening in outlying districts screens. 5% N.HA. morts craft Dept.; 60 Front Streetitakes 1% yards 35-inch oe Write Box 837, Oshewe gage. Close to schools, sho | . West, Toronto 1, Ontario, On| FIFTY CENTS (30c.) in coins os. ; | ping ete Phone until 6 p.m, nspection tario residents add ic, sales|(no stamps, please) for each| fone ney, Mit, experience. brush ona 72-7951, after 6 p.m, 725- : TAX. Print plainly pattern pattern, Ontario residents add|summer work Teleohone Whitby. 4abseen| 7160, This Weekend NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. |2c. sales tax, Print plainty $i2000 FOR RIGHT MAN over @ in the FOR FAST "ACTION" 1983 NEEDLECRAFT CAT.SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, Othe area. Take short auto trips to) Nee ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free|STYLE NUMBER Beet ea PO bax 70 Station ne Tel LIST WITH tterns! Newest knit, crochet' Send order te ANNE Fonto 17, Ontarie Aes ; pa ar embroidery, 25¢ care of The Phonon TRUCKS Waniea tor hin | ed A @ T | V E "a Quality Built Homes by Now! Send for ¢legant, new|Pattern Dept. 60 Front sone ane. revel W. E. Roth "Decorate with Needlecraft!) West, Toronto 1, Ontario Cicentan ~wechenieveguied kan REALTY LTD 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE-/lately, excellent working 'conditions Cot 728-5157 complete patterns for decora-/PORT in our new Spring- Sum- Shields. 725-456) JANE STREET tive accessories in one book! /mer Pattern Catalog plus cou Jane ToREH scree do experienced euth |d18ee DOWN. Balance Oa pep Gent' mor | rooms. two bathrooms, garege, near all Pillows, wall hangings, cur for ONE FREE . PAT-|Wrecen #6 'ph tel gee oe By og gee Red gs Bs te : achools, centrally located, $15,900, prk| a veh a Dele B Te RN Everything you need PART-TIME steward and caretaker. Ap. Cloyd Melcaite Real Bstete ita ( oirn aie fe "S a = coLumeUS oniar hack h Manse, eh Value! luxe Quilt Book--jfor the life you lead 300) n_writing ta Mr. N. R. MacCart, Cam PRIVATE --Contral ' = oye fee, twesterey brick, tedern x ; ie complete patterns, 60c [design ideas! Send S0c. now. * [Syren siret Soune Whee" COMOY) NaUNe, Kenly pouapaslon, For particulars.) ond lett to Model Home nee sie! Reahe, Ri Retcioe ass ase keh (0942-2611 efter May 10th) Sento vit Real two-storey, six-room

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