tai Dh t aese, "a, ferns < «ae TO RESIDE Following their wedding last Saturday in Byng Ave- nue Pentecostal Church and a honeymoon in the Eastern States, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas J. Wright will make their home in Perth, On- WEDDING ALBUM | SNOPES Here is a Moth Sunday is the traditionai day to let mothers everywhere know how much they are loved and appreciated all year round. A wonderful way to make Mom's eyes shine with pride is for the whole family to pitch in and pre- pare a gala dinner for her. Here is a menu to serve to the queen of the day .along with easy - to - follow recipes and instructions for dad and the children, Remember, set the table with the family's very best, Don't forget to wash up afterwards and leave everything spic and span -- just the way mother does! MENU Tomato Juice - Crackers Peachy Chicken Casserole Buttered Noodles OR Mashed Potatoes Carrot Sticks and Celery Rhubarb Sherbet - Cookies IN PERTH tario. The bride, the former Doris Elizabeth Lees is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Lees and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Edward J. Wright, | all of Oshawa --Photo by Garnet Belfry. A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Oshawa Times office. Early Forms are available at The publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the possible after the ceremony. Women's. Editor as soon as You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Wright The bridegroom sang - Lees "The|floral hat and white accessories Wedding Prayer" during the/ With a similar corsage. ceremony, when Doris Eliza-| honeymoon to the mid-eastern|ductive in one way or another, beth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs , | M ae ; : C4 {M d Mrs bride was|however.) This applies to cre-ling if necessary to give a pink wearing a yellow wool crepe suit|ative workers, too. For them,|tint. Chill, then turn into freezer bride of Thomas John Wright,/featuring a slim skirt with front|another excellent year, with the|trays and freeze United States, the George D. Lees, became the) As the couple left on_ their} Milk - Beverage TOMATO JUICE -- Pour chill- ed tomato juice into your pret- tiest juice glasses. Accompany with your favorite crackers. PEACHY CHICKEN CASSE- ROLE -- Picture golden rounds of peaches crowning a casseroie of succulent chicken and jewel green peas. Just follow the re- cipe to the letter and your cas-| serole will be the hit of the} meal. It serves six hungry peo- ple. 3 whole chicken breasts OR 6 legs 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon pepper teaspoon paprika \y tablespoons butter 4, cup chopped onion tablespoons flour can (20-ounce) peaches chicken bouillon cube package (12-ounce) frozen peas strips fried crumbled bacon (optional) Cut chicken in serving-size|ang vancement and_ recognition; mid-August, all of September and the first half of November. (The entire year should be pro- '|(350 degrees F.) until chicken is er's Day Dinner| For Dad and the Family to Serve pieces and sprinkle with salt, pepper and-paprika. Brown a few pieces at a time in melted butter over medium heat, Drain on absorbent paper. Pour off any excess fat, leaving about 2 tablespoons in pan. Add onion and saute until transparent, about 3 minutes. Stir in flour and blend with pan drippings. Drain peaches and, if ry, add enough water to the syrup to make one cup. Gradually pour syrup into pan, add bouil- lon cube and cook, stirring con- stantly until sauce is smooth and thickened, Place chicken in greased cas- serole, pour sauce over jit, cover and bake in a moderate oven almost tender, about 45 minutes. Add peas and continue baking 15 minutes 'longer. Arrange} - peach halves on top of chicken, return to oven until peaches are heated, about 5 minutes. Just be- \fore serving, sprinkle with |bacon, if desired. Serve with buttered noodles, 6 servings. BUTTERED NOODLES--Fol- low the instructions given on the package. Season to taste with salt and pepper and add a gen- erous portion of butter. | RHUBARB SHERBET -- This) 'tart and tempting springtime) |dessert will top off the meal to |perfection. To save time pre-| pare it in advance. Serve it in {pretty sherbet glasses with your favorite cookies, Remember just |follow the recipe to produce a perfect product. cups cut rhubarb (44-inch pieces) u 11 cup water la envelope gelatin (1 table- spoon) Y% cup cold water 1 cup sugar | % teaspoon salt \2 | Red food coloring \1 egg white a pi omists lestial Bavarian Cream a day jrefrigerator. To serve, CELESTIAL A Pretty Dessert to Make Ahead! For Company Dinner on Sunday er, cold milk, and 3 tablespoons| sugar in chilled bowl. Whip at For Mother's Day Home Econ- suggest preparing Ce- head. Pour into your favorite arty mould and chill in the simply nmould onto a pretty plate nd garnish with fresh fruits. CELESTIAL BAVARIAN CREAM (6 to 8 servings) envelopes unflavored tine 4 cup sugar gela- 1 Y% tablespoons sugar | % teaspoon salt 2 | Combine rhubarb and the 1) eggs, separated 2 cup water in a saucepan, coveriit cups milk water for 5 minutes. Press rhu-|L barb through a sieve, Add souk- ed gelatin to hot sieved rhubarb and stir until dissolved. 'Stir in sugar and salt. Add food color- cook until tender, Mean-|2%4 teaspoons vanilla 'while soak gelatin in the % cup two-thirds cup milk and one-third cups dry in- stant non-dairy coffee creamer tablespoons sugar Mix together gelatine, % cup BAVARIAN high speed with electric mixer| until soft peaks form (3 to 5 ------ 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Mey 7, 1965 15 s minutes). | topping into gelatine mixture. Turn into 5-cup mould and chill until firm, Unmould onto serving plate. Garnish with fruits, as desired, Eskimos like their tea. strong and sweet, and after drinking the liquid they eat the tea leaves. "eee MORRISON'S FOR Maternity Fashions See all our New Spring Fabrics, Styles and sizes we / wothons-k DRESSES © PARTY DRESSES © TOPS © SLIMS © SKIRTS © SHORTS © DECK PANTS © GIRDLES & BRAS MORRISON'S Opposite the Armories 48 SIMCOE NORTH Downtown Oshawe Beat egg whites until . stiff; | 1] fold egg whites, then whipped| AC" ARN Ss . . suggest For .. MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 9th France... engagingly feminine... heady and @upremely romantie, PHONE 723-4621 ||28 KING ST. EAST AUTOMATIC SELF CLEANING OVEN RANGE Cleans Itself to a rather son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.|gathers and a double-breasted|next two weeks excellent for ac-/firm mush. Make a meringue of Wright, all of Oshawa. The wed-|s@cket with notched collar and|complishment; alsa late June,|the egg white and remaining ding took place Saturday noon in Byng Avenue Church. Pentecostal elbow-length floral hat sleeves, a white and black patent eather accessories, A round |corsage of white carnations and| The officiating clergyman was|stephanotis completed her en-| the Reverend N. E. Schlarbaum|semble. On their return, Mr. assisted by the Reverend G. A.jand Mrs. Wright will make their late September and all of No-|sugar. vember. In financial matters, don't ex- pect too much in the way of gain before September 1st, but launched plans for expansion Carroll. The soloist, Mr. George|/home in Perth, Ontario. Bateman, Oshawa, sang 'The Lord's Prayer'. and "Lord At) Thine Altar', accompanied by) Miss Connie Clark, Mount! Bridges. | THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Given in marriage by her) FOR TOMORROW father, the bride was wearing a formal white | gown featuring a lace top, Some planetary restrictions| square scalloped neckline, lily- usually careful in personal re- point sleeves and a full softly|lationships. into aj tendency pleated. skirt flowing There will be al toward stress and! train. Covered buttons enhanced|eMmotionalism on the part of the back of the gown and the|those born under many Signs, sleeves. Her pearl and crystal|so be patient and understanding crown held her circular finger-| with all. Be especially tactful in! tip nylon tulle veil edged with|dealings with the opposite sex, lace and she carried a bouquet of pink sensation and sweet-| heart roses with stephanotis and pieces of heather sent from| Scotland. | The matron of honor was Mrs. Donald A. Selby, and the brides- maids were Miss Caryne Wright and Miss Heather Bell, all of Oshawa. They were dressed alike in formal gowns of lilac serano with lilac and white lace jackets. The A line skirts were/tn, accented by self belts caught by bows at the fronts and the short jackets of unlined lace featured elbow - length sleeves, round) FOR THE BIRTHDAY | f tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates fine prospects, not only for the year ahead, but for 10 more years. As of two weeks ago, you en- tered the second year of the| excellent 12-year planetary cy-) cle governing all of your affairs| and, while this year's pattern of achievement differs from last year's, the net results will be same--Fine! That is, of course, if you make the most of your opportunities. For spe- cifics; Best periods for job ad- then will bring excellent results }later that month, and also in Turn rhubarb mixture into a chilled bow!, crush with a fork, then beat for 1 minute with a rotary beater and imme- diately fold in meringue. Quick- ly return to freezer trays and freeze until firm, 6 to 8 servings. Lots of luck and good eating! sugar and salt in top of double boiler. Beat together egg yolks and 1% cups milk. Blend into gelatine mixture, Cook over boil- ing water, stirring constantly, until gelatine is dissolved, about five minutes. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla. Chill to con- sistency of unbeaten egg white. Meanwhile, chill bowl and beaters and two-thirds cup milk in refrigerator for 15 minutes. Blend non-dairy coffee cream- | late October--these a preview of |what to expect in 1966, which will be an all-around good year for monetary interests. If you have not done so already, con- solidate gains made since the first of the year now, and fol- peau de Reine| now suggest that you be un-|!ow the conservative path until September. Be especially care- ful to avoid extravagance and (or) speculation in August. There is much_ happiness promised in your private life, too. Domestic, social and senti- mental interests will be gov- erned by generous. influences, with special emphasis on the latter within the next two weeks, during the mid-june, mid-July period, late. August, late Sep- tember and November. While travel may not be too much in your thoughts this year, a trip taken between September 15th and October 18th could prove highly enjoyable. A child born on this day will be extremely versatile, espe- cially along artistic lines, En- dowed with the proverbial "green thumb," he'd make an excellent gardener, farmer, hor- ticulturist or florist HONEST CAL | | COMPLETE ROOMS COMPLETE LIVING ROOM GROUP | | necklines and self-covered but- tons down the backs. Their headdresses were self wedding} bands featuring roses of similar lace at the centre backs and they carried bouquets of mauve stocks, white .pom-poms and pink roses. The best man was Mr. George Wright and the ushers were Mr. Donald Selby, Oshawa and Mr. David Shepherd, Kingston The reception was held at Harmony Road United Church Hall, where the bride's mother received, wearing a pink floral brocade jacket-dress, matching hat and gloves with black pat- ent accessories and a corsage of two cymbidium orchids, The bridegroom's mother assisted wearing a turquoise and white brocade jacket-dress.and match- ing purse, a turquoise and white DON'T BUY ANY FURNITURE At least not until Roger opens his new furniture department next week.. Yes, you'll get the seme fontestic deals on furn- iture at Roger es you've had on appliances. Over 240 new cus- tom made styles to choose from . . « but why not wait a week and see for yourself? ROGER APPLIANCES 155 Simcoe St. S. 728-2151 Now at Dunn's THE MADRAS LOOK The season's newest style in' washable shirts now available at DUNN'S for Men's Never-Press (No tron) SLACKS All colours, sizes 28 to 38 Lowest Price Ever! 7.77 Men's White SNEAKERS om 299 OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT NO MONEY DOWN | Oshewe Shopping Centre Open to 9 em. Thurs. & Fri, Downtown -- 36 King E. Open to 9 p.m. Fri BUY since COMPLETE 3-ROOMS GROUP From MONTHLY Large 13 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR with 100-LB. FREEZER $1 98.88 WITH. APPROVED TRADE --I FURNITURE and | 424 KING ST. WEST i BEDROOM SUITE GROUP 2.8999. LOVELY 5-PIECE CHROME SUITE S FAMOUS GIBSON APPLIANCES AUTOMATIC You're free! Free from tiresome, unpleasant oven cleaning. With this marvelous new range, even the worst oven soll just diseppeers! No more scrubbing | needed ! Just set the diols. It cleans itself. No smoke, ne fumes, Cost? Only a few pennies. Tested and approved by the Canadian Stondords No cleanser ef any kind Electrically ! Association and leading home economists. it's also backed by CGE's famous Warronty. Whe could ask fer anything more? A Shown Right: TALISMAN" Model 37J52 Barbecue rotisserie included CGE else makes other fine ranges, ell famous for thelr meny fine feetures. See them et your CGE dealer's NOW | Any QUESTIONS? Here are the ANSWERS... Q: How can thie even "clean Keelf"? A: Modern engineering science has now made it possible to control the temperature in this oven to the point at which food pera simply "vanish into thin alr" Q: What about smoke? A: A bullt-in scientific smoke eliminator destroys all smoke, (P.S. it eliminates smoke dur- ing normal oven use, too.) Q: Does the cleaning make the kitehen hot? A: No. Special insulation keepe heat at normal cooking levels. CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Q: A: : How good are the baking and : The extra heating elements : How much does ft cost te te this new oven sate? Yes! The oven door stays se- curely latched until the cleans ing operation is completed-- can only be opened at safe temperatures. roasting? around the sides and bottom of the oven also serve to proe vide more even heat distribue tion. This means better baking and roasting than ever, operate? : Actual tests prove that It costes only a few pennies per cleane Ing operation, Look for this Talisman symbeh, tt identifies home appliances with the most technically manufactured by Canedien General Electric for those who desire the very best. The Amazing New Self Cleaning Oven Range Is Now On Display At Your Authorized G.E. Dealer HONEST CAL BLAKE 424 King St. W. 728-9191 Appliances -- Televisions -- Stereos Easy Budget Terms OVEN CONTROL 30" RANGE With all the modern Easy-to-Use Features 168.88 WITH APPROVED TRADE BUY ON EASY TERMS HONEST CAL LTD. | APPLIANCES PHONE 728-9191 The Amazing New Self Cleaning Oven Range Is Now On Display At Your Authorized G.E. Dealer y 156 Simcoe St. S$. -- 725-6559 RUTHERFORD' S wna Easy Budget Terms e The Amazing New Self Cleaning Oven Range Is Now On Display At Your Authorized G.E. Deoler WAYNE FURNITURE 78 Simcoe St. N. -- 723-1411 Appliances -- Televisions -- Stereos Easy Budget Terms