Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 May 1965, p. 13

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She Oshawa Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1965 School Builder Criticized By Catholic Board The contractor working on the|the same design but there's no Sir Albert Love Separate school,|comparison between the work- Wilson rd. n., was blasted for|manship in the two structures. * "sloppy workmanship" at last|The St. Thomas school is'an ex-| night's meeting of the Oshawa| cellent piece of work and is on] Separate School Board. schedule, he added. : Board architect William Sac-| The board agreed to visit the coccio said he was "'quite dis-|Wilson'rd. site Monday after- turbed" the way Paul Car-|noon before deciding what ac- ruthers Construction Co, of Agin-'tion to take with the contractor. court was handling the job. Trustee Dr. George Sciuk sug-|/ "I as much as told them to| gested a target date be set for| | get a new superintendent," said)an improved performance by|_ Mr. Saccoccio. 'The job is be-|the Carruther Co, and "if the] hind schedule and everything) work isn't improved by then we} : has the appearance of being) should take it off the job." = |" Gone ins bapharard cael "We have the right to make The contractor's excuse for the contractor re-do unsatisfac- being behind schedule is that he|1o.. work and we can break the| has to go to Toronto for brick-\ contract if we have to," said] | layers, said the architect. sar: Saccoccié. . f 'They've had three different ubikid lay We, Gas eee esld as. Hee scons | ruthers had no comment when "and every time I go away and| told of the board's criticism of come back I get the feeling his company's work, | someone is trying to put one| The board originally awarded) over on us." the Sir Albert Love School con- He said the St. Thomas tract to the Brooks firm in Jan-) Aquinas School on Pacific av.,|uary but re-awarded it to Car- being constructed by H. B.\ruthers when Brooks couldn t Brooks Lid. of Oshawa, is ofi promise completion by Sept. 1. No Drive-in Restaurant King-Thornton: Planners é ¥ ; | Eric Hansink applied for Separate School Board, night was critical of the bo: be distributed in the schools, tioned in literature given to cials. Are we going to send he asked. turer's help. He said a toothpaste manufacturer's product was men- hygiene campaign conducted by the schools. "I'm rather distressed that this happened. We get this advertisement to no end on TV along with beer commer- His motion to stop the program was not seconded. Trustee George Sciuk, a dentist, said the program was a good one since the children were taking a greater in- terest in oral hygiene and it would be too expensive for the board to conduct without the Trustee Ivan Wallace last ard's allowing advertising to | 4 answer conflicting state- ments on the state of the Local 222 (UAW) treasury, the Demo- cratic Right Wing Group, which controls the Local executive, has issued this statement: "Statements made _ recently on the financial position of Local 222-UAW have caused some controversy and confu- sion which reflects on the posi- tion of the secretary treasurer. (Russell McNeil, incumbent secretary - treasurer, has won acclamation to this post and will hold office for another two years. He has held the post for children as part of an oral out beer commercials too?" toothpaste manufac- | Rezoning of land for a pro- |posed six-acre shopping centre jon the north-west corner of Taunton rd, e., and Ritson rd., was not opposed last night at a public hearing. re- zoning on the land from R-2A jto C-l. The centre would in- ,|clude a supermarket, covering _ 115,600 square feet; 16 retail stores, covering 23,600 square feet; and a_ six-suite office building. Planning board application until next week. | Also tabled by the board for) more information was an appli-| cation for rezoning of land on) the north-west corner of Ross- land rd. w., and Fernhill blvd. Rosslyn Plaza Ltd. applied for rezoning to permit a 20-suite tabled the its meeting $ ments on Simcoe st., north of} © Planning board last night turn- Beatrice st., was approved by| ; ed thumbs down on a rezoning application which would permit|the planning board. a drive-in restaurant at the; pridel Ltd., plans to build a south-west corner of King 8t.!siy to eight store centre with and Thornton rd. lapartments above the stores. "I think your fears are Hum: |to'coune board will recommend y 4 | | | getated," lawyer Russell Hum-|to council that the small parcel phreys told opposing area resi-|he rezoned and if approved the dents during a public hearing. {developers will tie the land in| "Not a bit," replied one Prop-| with adjacent commercial-zoned| erty owner. land for the shopping centre-| "T can't think of another thing|anartment development. | en aaa The board will also recom- Traffic congestion, paper|mend to council that properties blowing on property and noise|#t 27 Gibb st., and 28 Quebec and commotion late at night|St., be rezoned from R-3 to C-l) m4 yesterday afternoon were a few of the objections|to permit a $300,000, 25-unit voiced by residents. motor motel at 284 Simcoe st.:s./ SHOPPING CENTRE H. M. Cranfield, who applied) Rezoning of a small parcel of|for the rezoning, needs the land| land to pave the way for a smalljto meet city parking require- waa gil $6,000,000 Apartment Deaf, Dumb Woman Attacked Complex For Oshawa? In Dark School Driveway A 2-year-old deaf and dumbjsearching for the youth who is woman was enticed into a dark|described as about 16, 5 ft. 5 ins. school driveway and attacked|in height, slim built with brown by a youth late last night. jhair. He was wearing a striped The woman, Miss Anitajbrown and blue sweater with Aubie, a housekeeper at 324/black pants. Poplar ave., was returning to! His bicycle, which was de- her home after shopping at the|scribed as new, has red fend- PICKED FLOWERS when she was crowned by the 1964 Queen Anne Ivan- co. The tea was held at St. Joseph's High School where Miss Bathe is a grade nine student. The tea is consid- ered the highlight of the school's social activities. --Oshawa Times Photo Fourteen - year - old Ann Bathe officially became the 1965 Queen of the Daffodil A $6,000,000 north end apart-| The land involved in the two,within 300 feet. He is applying ment proposal prompted only | proposals, totalling almost 30/for rezoning from R-1A to R-4 one reaction last night at a pub-|acres, is located on the west|to permit eight high-rise apart- lic hearing on reoning applica-|side of Ritson rd., south of Non-|ment buildings. tions. jquon rd., and about 1,000 feet) A representative of Ritson De- And that was the announce-|north of Beau Valley velopments Ltd., filed plans of ment of a $2,500,000 town hous-! Developer Sam Jackson's 652-|the town housing proposal, ing proposal immediately to the|suite apartment complex was)which covers land immediately north. |unopposed by property owners to the north of the Jackson pro- SAGE Si pea " ~~ |posal. The 13.5 acre parcel. was professional medical building. Dr. G. B. Doherty said other professional people -- lawyers, architects or dentists -- might rent space in the building. residents within 300 feet of the land opposed the application on the grounds that it would increase traffic con- *\gestion and devalue homes in the area with an "asphalt 'Highway Two Scheduled |For Overhaul In City Grading, drainage, granulat base and paving work on High- way 2, from the west Oshawa city limit to Stevenson road is listed by the Ontario Depart- {ment of Highways among its jconstruction projects in Oshawa area this year. The department's program jalso included the construction jof a new subway under the jCPR line, on Highway 2, in ithe east section of Whitby; and | work on the Rouge River bridge jon Highway 2 in Pickering |Township. The department has an- nounced that construction is under way on 6.7 miles of a new No Opposition To New '6-Acre Shopping Plaza lof an unauthoried day's pay SEEN TREASURY BUILD the} - the last eight years and has been active in the Local since it was founded in 1937.) "It must be noted," con- tinues the statement, "that Russ has been respected dur- ing the years by the member- ship of Local 222 for his integ- rity and honesty. jungle' parking lot. A small] 'During his term of office, | shopping centre is adjacent the property and residents com-|tions in the forties and has plained of the "terrible time"|been at the bargaining table a |they have with paper blowing/number of times since. While onto their lawns. |holding the position of secre- -= tary-treasurer, Russ has guard- ) h ] © t jed our local union treasury sychologis « Must Be Paid lsound financial position. Our sound financial position has 'against unwarranted expendi- |tures which has resulted in our The Oshawa Separate School|helped us build a strong union. Board is $105 poorer because local union being in a very earned by a Toronto psycholo-| "As a member of the Demo- gist. ieratic Right Wing Group since Richard Shuter of St. Mich-|1954, he has watched the local ael's hospital spent one day in-|treasury build from $136,916.73 vestigating the need for a clini-|to $338,457.24. In addition we cal psychologist without thej|have over $65,(00 invested in board's approval it was learn-|real estate in Oshawa. (The old ed last night. \Credit Union building adjacent Trustee Michael Rudka was|to our Union Hall -- also prop- supported by the board in sug-jerty near General Motors, gesting the survey be stopped|South Plant). immediately. "In 1957 the local union was Trustee Dr. George Sciukjtold by Brother Emil Mazey, said the need for a full-time|secretary - treasurer of the In- psychologist had already beenjternational Union that the loca' established and the board/owed $61,383.17 in back per should spend money advertis-|capita tax over the years and ing for one, not paying for an-|this amount was paid the same other man's opinion. year. -- "In the month of December, |1964, $64,000 was spent in the amount of five dollars to each member of the GM Unit who |was eligible for International \Strike Assistance at Christmas time. The following is a statement by Mr. McNeil: The department plans to, "The audit report for 1964 eliminate 'the level crossings "tn . ge Ml ng east of Cobourg where High-|\the auditor's figures but what way 2 crosses the CNR andithe auditor was unable to show CPR main lines, was the December dues which iiss did not reflect in the 1964 audit report, "The dues submitted in Janu- ary, 1965, for December, 1964, amounted to $76,000, An audit report cannot and does not necessarily reflect the true p6si- tion of any organization and in the case of the 1964 audit this was a fact. Student 'Twixt, "Tween Schools Four-year-old Donald Condon will be the centre of attention shortly, when the school boun- dary situation is reviewed by/s39,409 RECEIVED the Oshawa Separate School! "The true picture for 1964 is Board. jas follows: December 1964 dues he participated in the negotia-), Wilson road plaza. lers and white frame. | purchased by unidentified To-|alignment The son of Mr. and Mrs. Ber- for Highway. 234, nard Condon, 307 Malaga rd., received by the local union in January of 1965 was $30,400 j}ronto buyers last week for $155,-|which will carry the highway 000 | the its tabled until Planning board Jackson. application s . Police said that as she ap---------------- Bl od Cl G 0 proached the Olive ave. junc- N d 0 InIC oes ver bicycle talking to a girl on the Jermyn ame . other side of the road. op n nor vrive meatiad Veet Wika, | Rezoning 9.5 acres of land on side of the road and began' to s., cycle alongside her. Magistrate Harry Jermyn was\the jackpot Thursday when thejand will be held on the first/north of the CPR tracks from ssterday appointed a full mag-|target was overshot by 25 dona-iThursday in the month. The July|R-2B, to R-4 to permit two, 200- piece of paper that there had| been an accident and asked if} «4 former schoolteacher' and| Robert Stroud, chairman ofjthe increase is attributed to the|opposed by area residents at the mayor of Whitby Town, Magis-|the Oshawa Red Cross _blood/increase in accidents during the| hearing She followed the youth on to Farewell ave. and to the drive-|magistrate for the last twol/lent day -- the credit must go "There is more blood spilledj|Cor-Nor Enterprises. It was way of the new Separate School.|years. to all the good people who turn-| on the highways then," said Mr./tabled until next week's board by the throat and mouth. Shejyear-old magistrate is effective, 'On Wednesday the Red Cross) He added that Thursday's 425, Park rd. residents said one of pried herself loose and the! May 13 workers who colléct the blood,|total was not boosted by any\the 10-storey buildings at the away on his bicycle. county two ful' magistrates. The where they got 52 bottles. Then ing en masse. "'It was just the)"'ruin property values, cut out Miss Aubie was not injured in other is Magistrate Frank Ebbs;they hit Oshawa on a record;ordinary man and woman whol/sunshine, destroy privacy and the attack. who has been on the bench for day." dropped by to do their share," be a horrible thing for anyone id, |to the east of the village of Beaverton. The new highway jwill form part 'of a_ bypass jaround Port Bolster and Bea- jverton for both Highways 12 s{and 48. The contract for the construction of the new high- way 5.2 miles easterly from Port Bolster will be awarded this year. The work program also calls {for grading, drainage, granular |base and paving to provide in- \tersection improvements at the jnorth and south entrances to Orono. | It is also planned to build an jinterchange at Highway 401 and the Bennett rd., east of Bow- 'manville. Work in this area will include a service road run- ning east from Bowmanville. lives in St. Philip's parish but Corpus Christi School area. after. the International Union per capita tax was paid and in pedi shai PEA a AW Treasury Critics Answered By McNeil CATHOLIC TRUSTEES SPLIT ON WHITER TEETH CAMPAIGN Charges Reflect On Job, Says Democratic Right RUSSELL McNEILL .»» respected during the years' addition on January 4, 1965, the International Union re- imbursed the local union in the amount of $17,819.17 for monies spent from our 1964 revenues. Adding these two amounts to- gether and deducting the $24,- 232.30 as per the aduit state- ment, the local union in fact had a surplus of $23,986.87 for the year 1964. The International Union still owes the local union $6,642.17 spent from 1964 reve nues and this would be in addi- tion to the surplus $23,986.87 as outlined above. "The membership of Local 222 UAW should be further re- minded that our local union had a surplus of $83,688.94 for the first four months of 1965 after paying all expenses and our per capita tax to the Inter- national Union. "Now the people who are publishing the irresponsible statements both. to the press and in leaflet form know the true facts. These same people are making an all out effort to mislead the membership of Local 222 UAW and this is truly misrepresentation in its ugliest form. "GIVE THE FACTS" "Tf it could be said they didn't fully understand. our financial position or were ignor- ant of same, there may be some excuse, There are three members of the Right Wing Unity Group on the executive board of Local 222 and it is their responsibility to the mem- bership to give the true facts particularly when they are fully aware of our financial position. If they choose this form of misrepresentation sutely they cannot expect the membership to place any confidence or credibility in their ability to properly administer a local un- ion of over 16,000 members. "This should clarify some- what the distorted picture per- petrated by the Right Wing said many times that his office said many times that his osfice is always open to the mem- bership and if any member of Local 222 wishes to discuss this matter further see Russ at the Union Hall," Mrs. Condon last night asked that the board allow her son to attend St. Philip's School. She explained that Donald was too young to walk along Park rd., part of which has no side- |walk, and cope with General |Motors traffic, so she would have to drive him to school. She would prefer to drive to}; St. Philip's on Oxford st. where |; the family could all attend eight o'clock mass, than Corpus Christi on Hillside ave., she told the trustees. It's only a tenth of a mile farther to St. Philip's, she added. The board tabled the request until the whole boundary situa-| § tion is reviewed. tion she saw a youth on a | . The youth swung on to her| As Magistrate The Oshawa Blood Clinic hit!total will remain at 400 bottles|the west side of Park rd He told her by writing on a, istrate to Ontario County tions reaching 425 bottles. total will shoot up to 500 and|suite apartment buildings was she could help. trate Jermyn has been deputy clinic, said: "We had an excel-|summer months The application was made by There the youth grabbed her| The appointment for the 53- ed out to give their blood, Stroud. meeting youth broke free and rode' The new position gives the|spent the day at Fenelon Falls--'group or club members attend-|rear of their properties would Oshawa Police are still] 35 years, Mr. Stroud said that the June living there." ONE MAN NEARLY SHOT Oshawa Veterans Recall V-E Day Memories to their game. I never did find; younger. fellows and were fear-|French soil on D-Day and was out why." less." jlater wounded by a sniper's bul- "Later, when we were driv-. Another Oshawa resident, |let at Falaise Gap. He came | ing on to the bivouac, we were | Robert Dionne, of Annapolis|home on recuperative leave. strafed by U.S. planes," said'av., was convalescing in Eng-| 'I was just as happy as every- Davy. "The truck I wasjland when V-E Day came. "Al-|one else when I heard about the 4 in was blown up and|though I joined up in 1942 LIjend of the war in Europe," he when I came to, I was lying in!didn't see too much service. I|said. 'Then I volunteered for a ditch. was under age, seventeen, and/the Far East where they were WANTED TO SURRENDER after training they discovered | still fighting. I was all set to go "Then I made my 'way on the error and put me through|when V-J Day came -- and it alone until I met another bunch|the mill again was all over." of Germans. They said that "Eventually I served in| When his comrades were cele- they wanted to surrender so 1|France with the Highland Light|brating in the U.S., England, took all their armaments, strap-|{nfantry of Canada before ill-/France, Holland, Germany -- ped on a Luger pistol and led/ness Sent me off to the hos-| Jim Firth, of Bowmanville, was them all back to our lines and)?tal," said Mr. Dionne. entering the Burmese capital of the Stormont, Dundas and Glen-' BEER FOR BOYS Rangoon with allied invasion garry Regiment "IL heard about V-E Day at forces "After that V-E Day was ajthe. Aldershot. Army camp, bit of an anti-climax," said/everyone there was happy, D-Day Mr. Davy especially: when they put a keg|"@minisced. Jack Cook, of Nonquon rd.,jof beer in the parade square| South East Asia. command was guarding an ammunition|for the boys." would get more men and sup- dump at Aurich, in Northern| A D-Day veteran, Nelson Wil-|Plies -- and the war would be tates ' |Germany, when he heard of|son, of Ritson rd. s., heard|9¥er sooner for all of us." at the Falaise Gap bréak- |the war's end. "Our command-|about the end of the hostilities) Mr. Firth was a flight-lieuten-| through but later escaped. dians one bit -- they claimed|ing officer passed on the good|when in Detroit, "Of all places|@%t with the Royal Air Force "] was taken by a bunch of|we shot POWs. news and we were delighted."|io be at a time like that," he|flying Catalinas over Burma. | Germans back to a general! "They stood me up against a "I guess we were just fed up|said, "but I was over on leave He joined the RAF in 1937 be- bivouac area," he stated, "andjhedge and nine of them lined|with fighting. Some of the Ger-|and ajcause apprentice courses were one night they all got a bitiup in a firing squad. Just as}mans were all 'right but oth-' trip." not offered by the RCAF drunk. These Jerrics were allthey were about to shoot an/jers,: like the S.S. troops, were Mr of the) MARRED BY TRAGEDY Bs. men and didn't like Cana-jofficer drove up and put a st(pjtough, They & The 20th anniversary of V-E Day (Victory in Europe) falls tomorrow when survivors of the Second World War recall the ~ last months which led to Ger- 7 man defeat by the Allied forces. Some Oshawa residents who served overseas recently told The Oshawa Times of how they heard of the war's end. "I was just an ordinary sap- per repairing bridges in Hol land when we got the news," said Arthur Davy, of 857 Cor- onation crt., "'when the Second Field Company was reopening communications east of Arn- hem. "The driver who came up with the rations brought the news that the war was over-- and we were damn glad to hear es Mr. Davy, a customs clerk, was captured by the Germans us,' he "We knew _ that but for MAURICE PROCTOR ++ no more bloodshed went down there on Wilson was one "It was V-E Day for Europe, | umph marred by tragedy for Albert "Lefty" Turner, of Eulalie av, He was a corporal, with the Argyll and Sutherland tacking an airport in North Ger- seemed to be! first ies ty to land on! May 8, 1945, was a day of tri-|many when the first unconfirm- ed reports came through. 3 Highlanders of Hamilton, at-| "When I heard, well, I just sat down and shook all over, it was such a relief. We didn't get the news across to the Germans until the next day. "In the meantime, two of our| © fellows were killed, when the war was officially over,' Mr. Turner said, Maurice' Proctor, current president of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, has a memory which sums up the feelings of victor and vanquished, 'We were in Northern Germany when we got the news -- but! | still had to take a German army} camp." | Sergeant Proctor, then of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders, and other soldiers took the local mayor to the camp to act as _interpreter, | "A sentry halied us at the gates and would not let us; pass," he said, "until the mayor| explained that the war was end-| ed,"' he stated. "Then, in perfect English, the} sen' replied: "Thank God, now there will be no more blood-| shed'. J, dP acd Just a few days old and already romping in the pas- ture with his mother, Can- andaigua Girl, is this son of Ogden Hanover, a royal- * MEADOW ROMP ly bred standard-bred stal- lion owned by Grant Under- hay of Myrtle. The mare and colt are owned by A. F, Bailey of 731 Oshawa blvd. n, Oshawa Times Photo

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