Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 May 1965, p. 1

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The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, Pickering and neighboring centres. 1 le Copy B0¢ Por Week? tome Delivered VOL. 94 -- NO, 106 he OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1965 Oshawa Times Weather and tonight, clearing. Authorized as Ottewe end . Secend Cless Mall Post Office Department for peyment ef Postage in Cash. Report Thundershowers and/or showers today Warmer tomorrow. Low tonight, 48. High Friday, 75.. THIRTY-TWO PAGES Pg ie Mie, $e a? C . * ae My AD Se ea * I of a textile mill in Hanoi, the capital of North Viet Nam. (AP Wirephoto) viet news agency, says it shows women members of the self-defense detachment Jets Lash Arms Depot, Military Control Ends From APM-Reuters SAIGON (CP) U.S. THE CAPTION for this picture from Tass, the So- jdevelopment strengthened Pre- Air|mier Phan Huy Quat's hand. Force jets smashed a North) In the raid north across thejand "a rather substantial num Vietnamese ammunition com-|17th Parallel, 25 F-103 jet/ber were reported in plex today and claimed ""spec-|fighter-bombers dumped 80 tons|hours ending Thursday morn tacular results." A spokesman|of bombs on the Phu. Van am-/ing." said Viet Cong attacks in South Viet Nam continue to increase! Climate Of Peace, Conciliation the 24 © €;, OAS Will Maintain Forces Permanently In Dominica By BEN F. MEYER 'nounced they were ready to WASHINGTON (AP) -- The\contribute military units to the Organization of Americanjnew force. Costa Rica, which | States made a historic breakjhas no regular army, offered from tradition early today and police units. Argentina and Bra- voted to establish an inter-|zil, it was indicated, also are American military force in the|considering sending military Dominican Republic. , sOreRS. AE eee | There was no indication on |the total forces the other hem- lisphere nations might contri- | bute, nor the date of their prob- capital of Santo Domingo. able arrival in the Dominican : : Republic. As other countries contribute) |to the joint force, part of the| BREAKS TRADITION | U.S. contingent will be with- The vote was a departure \drawn, Ellsworth Bunker, U.S,|from the OAS tradition of non- ambassador to the OAS, told the/intervention in the Western American states. He said he|Hemisphere. Never before had was speaking on the authoriza-|such a joint force of American tion of President Johnson, who|nations been created formally had been urging since last week|to go into a country beset by in- that an inter-American military|ternal turmoil, although various force be set up in the riot-torn|nations contributed military as- Caribbean republic. |sistance during-the Cuban mis- Paraguay and Venezuela an-'sile crisis in the fall of 1962. The force will include some lof the approximately 20,000 U.S. jmarines and paratroopers al- |ready patrolling the Dominican ' Purpose Of Force, OAS Says Shooting Fo From AP-Reuters SANTO DOMINGO, Domini- can Republic (AP)--One_ U.S. marine was reported killed, two wounded and two captured by insurgent forces early today in brisk action in the heart of this Dominican capital. i U.S. military spokesmen said they could not confirm the casualties, American reporters on the scene saw the action in- volving a patrol of seven or eight marines who drove into rirebel - held territory. Shooting ensued. A rebel spokesman said that two captured marines were be- ing questioned. There was no immediate information on what happened to the two wounded Americans. A rebel leader had warned Wednesday that any U.S. troops entering the insurgent zone would be fired upon as violators of the new ceasefire agreement negotiated by the peace com- American States. The rebel statement came MARINE KILLED, TWO HURT IN ENCOUNTER WITH REBELS llowed Drive Through Rebel Territory with representatives ef both the military junta represented by Gen. Elias Wessin Y Wessin and the rebel "constitutional government." mission of the Organization of ; after a U.S. jeep blundered into the rebel sector of Santo Do- | (ii sed j i | { { 5 mingo and heavy firing broke | MARINE CPL. RUSSELL oa. ' : , 2 Rowe of Zion, Ill., shown with his fiancee, Dora Com- postella, wrote her on the eve of his landing .in Do- minican Republic, 'Now is my chance to do 4 for my country." The letter hadn't yet reached her last Friday when Rowe was trapped in a machine gun ambush and wounded in both arms, both legs and abdomen, He is now in Washington's. Walter Reed Hospital in critical condition with both legs amputated. --CP Wirephoto said four underground ammuni-jmunition centre, 125 miles' Five Viet Cong attacks were i tion bunkers blew up after di-|southwest of Hanoi. reported Wednesday. with three), 2@ purpose of the joint force, rect hits and four others were} A U.S. military spokesman/ending in victories for the guer-/the OAS declared, is to. estab- left burning. lsaid towering black clouds ofjrilias. The Communists also|/8h 'a climate of peace and On the political front, South|smoke were rising from the/fought it out with governments] conciliation permitting the func- Viet Nam's armed forces coun-jarea as the jet pilots broke off|soldiers in Darlac province, kill- re ing of democratic institu- eil dissolved itself, ending 18|/their 45-minute attack. All re-ling 14 and losing only three tions," in. the months of military control of/turned home. lknown dead. public. FORMER DOMINICAN PRESIDENT JUAN BOSCH Bosch Says Dominican Republic, said the United States feels 'there is) no effective government at the present time"' in the riot- torn Caribbean nation. ~The number of U.S. troops in the Dominican Republic was put at 19,363 by the de- At least four rebels were kill- ed and four U.S. paratroopers wrre- wounded Wednesday in a "period of adjustment" battle following the ceasefire agree- ment. The rebels and parat rs battled for more than an hour Dominican Re- the civilian government, The) A U.S. military spokesman} Some 3,000 more U.S. mar-| Gordon Forces Roll Call To Gain Budget Approval By MICHAEL GILLAN \Liberals and independent Remi OTTAWA (CP) -- Finance|Paul (Berthier - Maskinonge - Minister Gordon forced a|Delanaudiere) also voted for formal roll-call Commons vote|the motion, while 75 Conserva- Wednesday for approval injtives and 11 Creditistes wer principle of his third budget|/oPposed. The NDP had vote and brought the New Demo-|a@g@inst the government on cratic Party around to voting|their own and on a Conserva- for it. tive non-confidence motion dur- The NDP, which last week ing the six-day debate moved its own non - confidence) Five Conservatives were motion against Mr. Gordon's| Paired with absent MPs and did proposals, threw their support not vote, They were Paul Mar- to the government when the|tineau. (Pontiac - Temisca- finance minister took the un-|Mingue), Hugh John Flemming The OAS action came on the ines are expected to arrive this|heels of these U.S.-Dominican weekend at Da Nang air base,/ developments: 375 miles northeast of Saigon,| informed sources said, The fresh marine forces will bring the total of U.S. service- men in South Viet Nam to about |40,000. Of this number, some 14,000 jare combat troops -- marines 'and paratroopers brought into |South Viet Nam in the last two }months, Transport planes continued to shuttle the 3,500 men of the} U.S. Army's 178rd Airborne Bri-| gade from Okinawa | Viet Nam today. --U.S. government sources made public a list of 58 al- leged Communists and Castro-|. ites who it said by 9 involved in the Communist bid to take control of the Dominican Re- public. --A state department spokes- man, commenting on the re- ported installation of rebel Col. Francisco Caamano Deno fence department. It said these included 12,439 army men -- mainly paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Divi- sion--and 6,924 marines, The total was 5,363 more than the 14,500 announced Sunday night by President Johnson. FIVE NATIONS OPPOSED Fourteen countries voted for the proposed force, five--Uru- guay, Mexico, Chile, Peru and Ecuador--voted against it and as provisional president of the Vv la abstained. Dnieper | TORONTO (CP) -- Amend- jments to the Police Act intro- |duced in the legislature Wed- jnesday would require munici- to we xemioaty | DeGaulle Wants U.S. Outs zits eat sattnets May Recognize Caamano j|borne brigade arrived at the 'Bien Hoa air base and at the Vung Tau 'airstrip Wednesday An equal number was expected |today with movement of the en- civil law suits. : Under the amendment pro- posed by Attorney-General Ar- \thur. Wishart, a force's chief 'constable would be responsible jfor damages incurred by an of- EX-OSHAWA MAGISTRATE By Liberal MLA air base outside of town, In addition, Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, the rebel leader, said his men captured one U.S. Marine Wednesday when an American jeep entered the rebel sector of Santo Domingo. Heavy firing broke out, and Caamano said three other U.S. soldiers in the jeep fled on foot. He said one was wounded. TOOK WRONG TURN A U.S. official said the patrol took a wrong turn and entered the rebel zone by mistake. American officials announced that the four U.S. soldiers wounded Wednesday brought the total of U.S. casualties in the Scathed partment ever received com- plaints about the magistrate. Mr. Wishart said seven com- plaints had been received. The Downsview member said Magistrate Dnieper had criti- ized a working man for the way he was dressed in court; once refused remands to youths not represented by counsel, and Once conducted court at 4 a.m. in a police cruiser on a high- in the three-mile corridor that safety zone with the San Isidro " \(Victoria - Carlet ary i t he vote w 32 to/ (Vic C on), Heber} eg step. The vote was 132 to Smith (Simeoe North), R. G. L fae -- to be completed Most recent budget debates|Fairweather (Royal) and Ger- 'The brigade is the first U.S have concluded without a/ard Ouellet (Rimouski). Army combat unit sent to Viet formal vote because 'the Oppo-/PC MOTION BEATEN Nam. sition has two opportunities Before the Conservative non- : during the six-day discussion to confidence motion on the bud- SEEN AS COUNTER test the government. But when|&¢t Was voted on Monday -- it' The buildup of American Speaker Alan Macnaughton put|W@S defeated 111 to 100 -- Mr.\troops is seen as a counter to the motion at the conclusion of| Gordon said a vote against his Communist Viet Cong buildups the debate, the finance minister|Proposals was an indication of and reports that more North and several Liberal supporters|9PPosition to tax cuts, expan- Vietnamese regular army units stood to demand a roll call. sion of the economy and in-|are now operating in the South. The finance minister was to creased employment measures.| Although the U.S. troops still return to the Commons today An earlier roll - call wasjare officially confined to de- with resolutions to provide for forced by Alfred D. Hales, |fending static positions, there is revision of the Bank Act and|(CP -- Wellington South) whenjlittle doubt among observers the Quebec Savings Bank Act Industry Minister Drury re-|that they would be used if nec- and to extend the charters of jected his motion calling for thelessary to meet any major Com- By HAROLD KING deposed by a military coup in| PARIS (Reuters) -- President|September, 1963. | de Gaulle said today that} The foreign minister was re- United States troops should get| Ported by Dumas as saying no mn of law. ficer while on duty, This liabil- lity would then be transferred to the municipality under the "master - and-servant" concept way. Mr. Singer said {t is no secret Magistrate Dnieper was trans- ferred to Toronto from Oshawa after a delegation from the On- Dominican crisis to six dead, one missing and 56 wounded. Dominican deaths have been placed as high as 1,500. The ceasefire was violated at least twice only hours. after it French citizens had been killed, out of the Dominican Republic.| wounded or molested in Santo He also is considering recog-| nomingo, as far as he. knew. jnizing the government of Col.) |Francisco Caamano Deno,| leader of the rebel forces, press conference was told. De Gaulle expressed his dis-| |approval of "foreign troops" in| 'the Dominican Republic at a} |meeting of the French cabinet,| |Pierre Dumas, _ secretary of| \state attached to the prime min-| " Peace Return: |.«: Pearson Hope OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min-} ister Pearson said Wednesday ister, said. 'he hopes peace and_ stability ican be resotred shortly in the NO DECISION "under a existing banks until July working papers|munist offensive. 1975, recent 1,\disclosure of used in negotiating {United States - the Such an offensive is expected Canadian auto|by both U.S Dominican Republic Dumas said the government|government of its own choos- and South Viet-| was considering recognizing theling". | A municipal council could pay |damages incurred by a police- |man. Another amendment to the would allow neighboring communities such as Fort Wil- liam-Port Arthur and Kitch- ener-Waterloo to amalgamate ipolice forces. | The bill also makes it com- pulsory for municipalities of 15,- 000 or more to form 'ocal pulice boards. In special) circum- stances, a municipality with a population of 2,000 or jess would not be required to have a police tario County Law Association told the attorney-general's de- partment that if Magistrate Dnieper was to continue to sit there, they would be most un- willing to appear before him. WILL STRENGTHEN OSC came into effect. OAS mission participants as- cribed incidents since the cease- fire to the 'period of. adjust- ment"? to be expected in such ja situation. | The fiveeman OAS peace mis- Press Lied SAN JUAN (AP)--Dominican former. President. Juan Bosch says the American press and ley 'Beonett tn Santo Domingo ley ne = "Ties" about tha Sova: on. "These lies caused the U,S. government to commit a grave error in hav the marines land," he said in an interview Wednesday. Bosch sald the 'false infor- mation" was designed to keep Donald Reid Cabral's civilian junta in power. Reid was ousted at the beginning of the pro- Bosch revolt and now is hiding out with friends. ; The former president, now on the sidelines in the revolt, was the rallying point behind revo- lutionaries who wanted him te- stored to power. He since has endorsed Col. Francisco Caa- mano Deno, named provisional president by the insurgents. Bosch said Bennett ordered the marines to seize Santo Domingo from the rebel forces but fortunately "the order had not been given by President Johnson." Bosch said he was convinced sion Wednesday night held a | The attorney-general told the hurried round of discussions legislature the government in- tends to strengthen the Ontario Securities Commission by in- "the principal deceiver of the U.S. people was Bennett." creasing its membership and Staff and making the chairman-| ship a full-time job. But legislation to government control over increase| the NEWS HIGHLIGHTS DEBATE UNLIKELY trade agreement namese military officials dur-|insurgent-backed Caamano gov-| He told the Commons this re- force. sale and distribution of securi- 31 Persons Die In Runway Air Crash No protracted discussion is| Mr. Drury, who said he hoped/ing the con.ing weeks likely because the government intends to proceed with the Sen- ate reform bill providing for a retirement age of 75--Friday and with a two-day supply de- bate Monday. The Social Credit party, which supported the govern- ernment and the ambassador in|presents Canada's policy on! In other business Wednesday, his explanation would persuade' The major concentration of Santo Domingo had been in con-|the revolt on the Caribbean is-|Vernon Singer (L--Downsview)|layed until the next session of Mr. Hales to withdraw the mo- Viet Cong forces was said to tact with its representatives. He|land and was providing thejlaunched an attack aimed atithe legislature. tion, said the papers involved be in Quang Tin province, south said no definite decision had/guideline for discussions at the|having Toronto Magistrate Rob-| The measures were an- interim negotiating positions",of Da Nang air base, and in the|been made yet. United Nations by Canada's per-jert Dnieper removed from the/nounced as Mr. Wishart pre- of the two governments. He|mountains between that coastal! Foreign Minister Couve|manent ambassador, Paul/bench, |sented estimates for the spend- said it would not be in the pub-|province and the Laotian bor-\de. Murville said Caamano|Tremblay. There wasn't enough time forjing of $39,288,000 during 1965-66. lic interest or in the interest of!der "seemed to benefit from the! In reply to a question by Op-|Mr. Singer to finish his speech.| In his estimates, Mr. Wishart either government to release U.S, advisers in the area have support of the Dominican par-|position Leader Diefenbaker,|He later said he would completejis also seeking funds to provide ment on the two non-confidence the documents reported the presence of an es-|liament." Mr. Pearson said he had no ad-\it today and ask Mr. Wishart|for at least six new assistant motions in the budget debate, Mr. Hales forced the vote timated 12,000 Yiet Cong troops) Caamano was elected provi-jditional information 'of any|to relieve Magistrate Dnieper of|Crown attorneys. The attorney- cast seven votes for the govern- when Speaker Alan Mac-jin the provinc#, which makes/sional president by members of great value" to indicate the de-jhis post. general's department now has ment in Wednesday's roll-call.jnaughton decided in favor of|them numerically equal to the|the old congress under former|gree of Communist involvement; Mr. Singer asked the attor-/48 Crown attorneys and 29 as- Fourteen NDP' members, 110/Mr. Drury's arguments. government forces. president Juan Bosch, who was\in the revolt, iney-general earlier if his de-|sistants. ' ties in the province will be de- SANTA CRUZ de TENERIFE, Canary Islands (AP)-- Consuls and officials of six nations sought today to identify 31 persons killed in the cpash of a Spanish airliner while aeronautical experts tried to determine the cause of the accident. The four-engined Super-Constellation of Iberia Airlines was coming in from Madrid Wednesday night with 40 passengers and a crew of eight when it struck the run- way of Los Rodeos airport, broke in two and caught fire. Whisky-Makers Wildcat Windsor Plant WINDSOR (CP) -- Almost 500 employees of the Hiram- Walker and Sons distillery here were on strike today as a midnight deadline passed and a wildcat walkout Wednesday afternoon continued. Picket lines were set up at numerous company locations here and at storage depots in nearby Maidstone township late Wednesday night by members of Local 61, International Union of United Brewery, Flour ,Ce- real, Soft Drink and Distillery Workers of America (AFL- paring but they dispersed overnight as heavy rains fell on the city. STEVENSON DEFENDS STAND TO SECURITY COUNCIL OF UN U.S. Calls Dominica Intervention A Burden By CARMAN CUMMING UNITED NATIONS (CP)-- The United States describes its Dominican intervention as an 'unwanted burden, assumed re- luctantly under desperate con- wholesale deaths the civil fighting there. And he said it "would have heen irresponsible for the United States to withdraw its ditions to preserve lives and forces immediately, when such prevent a takeover by a small a course would have en- group of Communists. dangered the lives of those (for- U.S. Ambassador Adlai Ste- eigners) not yet evacuated and venson defended the action for would have led to full-scale re- the second time Wednesday as sumption of bloody warfare the Security Council continued among the contending Domini- an emergency debaie on the can factions." crisis Cuban Ambassador Fernanda He said the dispatch of Alvarez Tabio called Stev rines to the island was son's speech a repetition of lies taken just in time to prevent and empty phrases designed to in justify "the criminal and bloody action of his government. ' And Soviet delégate Nikolai Fedorenko, in a long and vi- triolic speech, compared the United States to a "reptile that does its dark deed, then tries to withdraw into its hole." The meeting ended with pro- longed exchange of 'sarcastic barbs between the Soviet and American delegates, Stevenson told the council that that them edly. "In this case, when hours and even minutes counted, there was no time for deliberate con- sultation and for the organiza- tion of international machinery which did not yet exist." He denied Communist charges that the U.S. marines had been sent in to bolster military forces trying to put down a rebellion in times of chaos, "nations by. followers of ousted presi- which possess the capacity to dent Juan Bosch en sect must make their decisions COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER "to. exercise or not to. exer- But it appeared that "what cise the unwanted responsibility began as a democratic revolu- sometimes devolves 0 suddenly and unexpect- tion was quickly penetrated by a group of trained Communists" and that if this group had taken power, "the events would have been irreversible." Defending his country from charges that it had violated nonsintervention agreements of the Organization of American States, Stevenson said these agreements did not rule out the use of armed force for the hu- manitarian purpose of saving the lives of. foreigners. Nor did these obligations re- quire the U.S. to withdraw its forces immediately when it was apparent that there was no lo- cal means of keeping order. Regarding subversion from Seon ae ar without, he said participation in e tn THE TIMES today ie the inter-American system, to be meaningful, 'must take into Hamilton Femele MLA Lashes NDP--P. 17 Regional Planning Survey Results P. d--P. account the modern-day reality that an attempt by a conspira- torial group, inspired from the Veteran NHL'er Says Goalies Overrated--P, 14 , Ann Lenders--20 Obits--30 City News--17 Sports--12, 13, 14 outside, to seize control by force can be an assault on the inde- : Television--31 Classified --26, 27, 28, 29 'thestre---10 Comics--31 pendence and integrity of a Whitby News--5, 6 Editorial----4 state.' Women"s--18, 19, 20 Financial--30 ~opessnom 5 sree peatedly asked 'the OAS to as- sume responsibility in the crisis and to help restore constitu- tional government by free choice, he said. i ma under- The United States had re- Weather--2 s

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