Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1965, p. 20

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ii 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 3, 1968 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reel Estate for Sele (21---Farms for Sele -[23--Keal Estate Wanted se Se ee ee 26--Apertments tor Rent [29--Wanted te Rent 20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sole Did You Know? YOU CAN OWN A KASSINGER HOME IN BEAUTIFUL VALLEY FOR AS LITTLE AS $3,000 DOWN Your present home accepted os trode-in, SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER | 360 King Street West SIBBY'S Real Estate, Limited 728-7576 Early possession. Two storey brick in on established (N, E.) oreo, 6 spacious rooms, low toxes, $2,000, down IMMEDIATE OSSESSION: Close to South GM plant, 5- room bungalow on good lot, goroge, full basement ond low taxes ore yours for the asking price of $11,300, Try your down payment, LOTS! 10 acres east of Oshawa, beoutiful building site with streom $5,500, DUPLEX lot just west of shopping centre, $5,500, AJAX C-l Commercial de- sirable corner on Harwood Ave, $12,090, Member of the Oshawa and District Reo! Estate Boord _WE LIST PHOTO. ML 5 PRIVATE SALE Income Home Very spacious two storey 12 room home, Immaculate con- dition throughout, Hot water oil heating and many extras Including modern furniture for 5 bedsitting rooms, Shows excellent return on invest- ment. North west district, close to shopping centre. CALL 725-7295 APPLY 36 Fernhill Blvd. 1] SUITE APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Location off Pork Rd., North, fully leased. For more in- GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe of. 5: 723-1121 room home featuring attached GARAGE, glassed in breezeway,| lovely living room with dining! ares, modern step saving kit- chen, ceromic tile 4 piece bath , Master bed hos SEPARATE WASHROOM, Lo- cated in on area where mony other beautiful homes ore. in evidence, Built by Roth Con- struction, e {1 @ COMMENDABLE _ brick bungolow in the NORTH WEST | grea where o friendly atmos-| phere will greet you from every home in the neighborhood, Pric ed right ot $16,950, and good, terms con be arranged, Three | good sized bedrooms, lovely | kitchen and living room, CAR- PORT and nicely jandscaped jot Eosily accessible to SCHOOLS ond churches. Call us now, | e iil @ THIS 1% storey, 4 BED ROOM home has many built in features, There is a large liv- ing room, a good sized kitchen with loads of cupboards. The basement hos oa finished RE CREATION ROOM with omple| 1 @ CUSTOM BUILT 3 bed-/ room left for laundry facilities. | This hose is CLOSE to town and 'the ASKING PRICE | is only $12,900.00, Your offer on down payment considered with | MORTGAGE for the bol once We invite you to in- spect this exceptional bungalow with GARAGE and finished RE- CREATION ROOM. on EXTRA r IV @ PRICED RIGHT AT $14,- 900 } | WASHROOM in the basement | is an oppreciated convenience | in this immaculete 3 bedroom | home ~~ Brick bungalow with 3 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen and dining area and bathrom with vanity. SEMI-FINISHED BASE MENT APARTMENT with rois ed pine floor, 'arge living and dining and KITCHEN combined, oversize bedroom and a FULL BATHROOM, Priced at only | e V @e HANDYMAN"S SPECIAL | | $12,900.00 arid very accessible - to SCHOOLS and churches e VI @ YOUR CHILDREN would love this. A family home in im maculate condition located in the NORTH EAST areo featuring poved driveway, storms and screens, beautiful tTREED YARD and an ideal play area for the children, Excellent financing is available on this attractive buy Your inspection is invited. e Vil @ WE HAVE JUST LISTED o large FIVE bedroom home close to downtown, Could easily be converted into a duplex or price will amaze you, it is ONLY $10,900. Good terms available as well, ® Vill @ SIX ROOM BUNGALOW with carport ond paved drive on Central Park South, this home is in excellent condition and formation call Bill Miller 725- 1186 or 725-2557. | W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. AJAX $12900 Lovely 6 room brick bunga low on 50 ft, lot., aluminum equipped, 6% N.H.A, Low down payment to suit, MR, SIMSOVIC 466-6801 SMITH & BURTON REALTOR LISTINGS URGENTLY REQUIRED BUY -- SELL CALL DOUG WILSON 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LTD. braemor gardens SETTING THE PACE FOR OSHAWA | the extras taken core of. having all large rooms, and all There | is 9 FENCED IN YARD and is! | nicely landscaped, There are aluminum storms and screens as well, It would make a very GOOD FAMILY HOME, Call us now to inspect. Priced at $15,- | 900.00 | | * | IX @ 4 BEDROOM HOME jo- | coated just outside the city on Garrard Rd, North, Large lot, close to shopping and schools lovely roomy bedrooms -- Ideal for larger family, 2 acres OF LAND. a X @ THIS HOME has a big friendly living room; with a natural FIREPLACE, separate dining room, 3 large bedrooms, with an extra room on. third floor, An attractive modern bathroom' with. colored fixtures, down-| he used for a large family The OSHAWA ~ NORTH WEST and a big MODERN kitchen,| The -heating is hot water oil Fast possession if required Reasonably priced now to inspect ° Xt @ IDEAL INVESTMENT, We have ao NINE ROOM income home on Simcoe St, S. in heart of the commercial section which could easily be converted the to, a store and still provide ample living accommodation Sufficient parking area, and the ZONING IS COMMERCIAL a XI! @ ECONOMY This tive room brick house will give you comtortable living with all pos sible savings as in LOW TAXES (160.00) short distance' to downtown and very reasonably priced, Coll us for further in formation STOP! CONSIDER STEVENSON RD. N. | before you list your! AND ANNAPOLIS | property for sale PRIVATE SALE, norinwest, fiveroom brick hy a vend kitenen, tiled bat oun tare meee teoer, eee] LOOK screens, fenced yard, garage, Excellent and see all our adver- buy a! $12,400. Telephone 723-458) REPAIR SHOP jnciuding thresbay tising rage and showroom, and operated as in- dependent service garage with two sel contained apartments, semi-detached down, Balance on easy terms. Steve Zurba Realtor. 10 ACRES. Ritson Road, Morth of city Hmits fe school, Martin Reattor, Two. % 'balhro furnace, 30 x hs te let, apotiess conditton Telennene | Now -vacant. Asking $8,500. 725-1083 or ras 1098 $1,000. DOWN. pew one mortgage duys this Home loca' in the Northwest Ay 728-4204, 8. > een Real Estate . Lo cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000 728-9466, Potential sub-dividing land Close! Asking $28,000, For full par-| ticulars call Ted Douglass 728-5103. W. 0.) ; DRIVE ~--around ond let all our SOLD | ---signs help you decide all to LIST - with | Limited Full price only "$11,500 GUIDE Realty W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 177 Church Street, OPEN HOUSE Doily 2 - 5:p.m., or by op- pointment, Homes with $500, winter works bonus, Follow Park Rd. S, to Phillip. Murroy Ave. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. JOSEPH BOSCO Reoltor Phone 728-7377 723-1121 "FOR FAST "ACTION" Bowmanville LIST WITH 623-3393 "ACTIVE" Member Oshowa and e XIN @ GOOD SIZED LOT 100) | District Reol Estote Boord REALTY LTD, X 214', An excellent site for | : your future dream home, Coll 728- 5157 | 500 oacggd ee scat todey for an appointment 10 pagaie three bed lows -aigms| excellent born, brick house, inspect ond put your BUILDING ptatergy pct doom bungalow, sight | stream, good soil, Located plons into motion, We arrange /2%6590 Keith Peters Realtor, Lie south of Lindsay. Must be | NEED OLDER TYPE HOME NOW ! For Cosh Buyer Coll BILL JOHNSTON Schotield-Aker Ltd, 728-1066 WOULD YOU Like to know the volue of your home on today's market? Are you interested in cash? We have buyers for homes up to $20,000 cash. No obli- gation CALL sold ot once due to owner's the FINANCING if so desired, age, Only $64,000 --- terms, | $1500 DOWN, Balance 6'4 per "cent mort- gage on new home, Choice of brick shin- ° gies, tile etc. Cal! Bob Johnston, 725-9365 | XIV. @ DUPLEX IN A COM- Lioya Melcaife Real Estate Ltd, | 100 ACRE DAIRY FARM, MERCIAL AREA --- Investigate jogai family size bungalow, three lee] Commer location on paved ! k home in bedrooms, L-shaped dining and fiving, nis two fomby brie two extra bedrooms and large kitchen, on excellent commercial loco- wit i basement, $16,900, 1) tion, Plaza is going in GCrOSs Road South, Close to King iret 725463, highway neor Oshawa, Exce) lent buildings. Toronto milk contract, This showy farm the street, $15,500.00 iso ATTRACTIVE 'heated coliage for rent.| js priced at only $50,000 very ceosonable ASKING PRICE, Caiarie, nine ie 8 cast of Osh tenths Call now for all the detoils " wo y cl ; e Lata Write Box 304, Oshawa 165 ACRE SPORTSMAN'S XV @ THE OWNER OF this 6|51X-ROOM home on Gibbons Streei, sg Springted = loke '\arge lot, low taxes, close to ail achools,! stocke with trout, stream, room attractive. bungalow is bus at door, No agents please. Priced af! 61) hills house, This scenic LEAVING the city, and h es $15,900, Telephone" 723-7265. ing his home for quick sole. ringe-REOROOM split level in Whilby Lovely large bright living room arg ng-reom, dining-room,. finished and dining room, These room rec, room, fance-in yard with shade trees broadioomed, Spacious PANEL- Private, Phone 668-4974 property is only 20 minutes trom Oshawa near Enniskillen Asking $33,000, Would con- sider any reosonable offer LED REC. ROOM, CARPORT |THIRTEEN THOUSAND nine hundred) 100 ACRE Christmos tree ond paved drive. Nicely land- [eal Mpg a Rang Pons ev) Hd farm rapt ree $6,500, scoped lot, Immaculate home, Ajax district, Earle Allen; 725-7782, Keith $2,000, down T.V. tower, aluminum storms| Peters, Realtor 100 ACRES on 115 Highway, the IMMEDIATE POSSESSION -- New six room split-entrance brick home with at tached garage, in prestige area, Spacious ond screens are o few of mony extras included comer property with 27,000 Christmas trees ready to cut, + five-piece bathroom with Torgenol floor Coll 723-1121 for full parti ing, roughed-in plumbing, and fireplace $12,000 terms culors for future rec-room Eating area in kitch en, as well as separate diningroom, Com Call 623-3393 oO dail from 9 am to pletely sodded and decorated, For further; a ey. ee particulars call Margaret Hall 7231358, After 9 p.m 9 p.m Schofield-Aker Limited RAGLAN -- Eight-room insul-brick, two- Joe Barnoski 723-5787 After hours call storey, large lot 66° x 222' For informa Ken Hockin 623- 5055 y 289 Festhubert Avenue or Pot Yeo i 728-0208 johns 725-1630 728-5581 Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jack Whiteman Howard Forder COLBORNE EAST, 377 - Drive by this 5, 9 1 1 bungalow, 1,200 sq, ft, of well Jean Peacock 725 are Slanned. living room Six large rooms Herb Cooper 633 3393 Doug Trivett 723-7390) open to offers for one week only, Don Walter Mittler 728-7083) Stradeski Realtor, 728-1275 Edith Gifford 728-0768 i "|LAKE SCUGOG farm, 25 acres choice ith Giffore /4 200--Summer Properties land, and orchard, two-family house, soft Roy - Flintoff 725-3454 R and hard water on tap, city conveniences, Leon Monitius 728-2754 For Sale or Rent two barns and hen house with hydro and 4 4 "water, good roads, Price $16,000, part Ethel Love at aan FUN cash, Port Perry 985-7076 George Nymeyer 7 424)! | -- . Lloyd. Corson, 723.2537 Bi he 22--Lots for Sale ~<a he Family At Lucas Peacock 725-4330 i Dick Young 723-7183 HOSPITALITY INN TWO CHOICE LOTS Arranging for Mortgages is part Heated Pool, Beach pee in residential area, Dancing, Tournaments, 94 fest tenatn ¢ rontage of our comprehensive Real Estate Skiing and Fishing At location Service at Guide Realty Limited 4 We list Exclusive and Photo HOSPITALITY INN | $4500 each MLS , | Kiddies Playground With Members of O.D.RE.B Train, Merry Te. Route Cors AJAX 942-0703 Pius A Fabulous Bonus Before 17 Or After Aug, 14 Rotes $48 to $79 with Meols CORNER LOT Downsview Subdivision July GUIDE REALTY Phone 535 or Write Dept, "A" | 50 ft, x 110 Ft LIMITED, REALTORS HOSPITALITY INN, Juliana and Bernhard Cresc MINDEN, ONT : Call 728-9842 POW-WOW POINT After 5 P.M. 728-9842 Jones |: Year-round Resort - Pan Lake FOR SALE @ Planned Recreation, Donces Choice building lots on a main AND | @ Finest Foods, Oven-fresh travelled 'road, Two available Baking with stream, Apply Mrs, § Luxury lakefront suites, bun | A, Hamilton, RR, No. 2, galows, rooms, $56-$70 Orono, Ont. or Phone 1R16, weekly, American Plan, Write Orono Dougan Box 387, Huntsville or coll 705-789-495) 15 ACRES with ever flowing trout stream REALTORS located * minutes irom hg Ib an net road, Call Bill. Swarbrick 728-6286 PINE big LODGE Hyman, Real Estate Lid . ar ' 2 BEAUTIFUL bulid lots, 100 ft 150 668-884] HOUSEKEEPING. COTTAGES ft, cash. or terms,."$1,100,- McGlil Real Estate Broker, 726-4285, SCUGOG POINT, summer lot for sale, 46' x 100', close to water and store, $400 for quick sale. Port Perry 9RS- 7076. (23--Real Estate Wanted OUR LISTINGS ARE PIGEON LAKE Good fishing and swimming. Reasonable rates, Family re- sort, 90 min. trom Oshawa. G.M. openings still available: Buckhorn OL7-854) or Hampton 263-2365 Ask for GORDON BROWN or FRED WATSON DRIFT INN CAMP On South Boy of Lake Nipis Are you living in a 3 bed room bungalow, which you have outgrown? We have 2 or 3 REAL GOOD BUYERS which would be CASH to you, if you ore interested. CALL US, We hove just sold two 3 bed room homes and need more in this popular area. AJAX --- SEMI "PURCHASED" TO SELL Home has all the extras, Can be bought on terms to suit your budget. Low down pay- ment. Try it on this one BROOKLIN - COUNTRY LIVING complete recreation focilities Reserve now for May 15 and 24 week-ends and summer vacation. Phone 725-4465 for brochure A REAL BUY! Three bedroom | sing fully equipped house bungalow in excellent condi | keeping cottages, h | ' ge ot and tion. Paved drive, landscaped | cold water, inside conven BEING lot. patio, beautiful finished iences, bath sofe sandy Recreation Room 21' x 11", | beaches, excellent fishing, | STURGEON LAKE ~~ Two cottages at Thurstonia Park, electric stoves and re frigerators, ali furnished, only four years A 3 bedroom brick bungalow old, Asking $3,000 and $3,500, Now is the with @ large playground time to buy for @ full summer's. enloy across the road, An_ ideal ment, Call Earle Allen 725-7785, Keith ploce for those. with child Peters Realtor Lid : YOUR HOME ren. Here is a home which is rid id har hdd on Wilson Lake a the Pickerel Chain; Lodge, modern cot still in the $13,500 figure |iaces, sandy beach, pickerel, pike, bass CALL and also has a lovely Rec fishing, Box 81, Ajax, 668-8967. t bos reation Room. A low down BUCKHORN LAKE -- Cottages for rent payment would move you in, [Camping and trailer. sites; boat docking, 688.884) |store and conveniences, excellent fishing, - beach, Open May |. Whitby 668-8332 : P a FOR SALE -- Large airy, fully furnished | SUMMER LODGE cottage on 145° x 125° lot, Lake Scugoo, | NOW 5 CABINS Mrs, J. Fisher, 99 , Wolverieigh Blvd, To H t A 4 ' ronto 6 HO 6-9905 liburto r) e to ah a hl ree, ea FOR SALE -- in Pembroke area, cottage ® or er tor your summer home, lots, 200 1. frontage by 230 ft. Can be Completely «furnished lodge divided into four 50 ff. lots. Lovely sandy PAUL f $ beach with shade" trees, Good fishing, | and cabins. Three boats, one (Complete price $2.000 or will accent lara is @ Special deluxe 15 model car. Telephone 723-506. LONGSCRAFT with 40 HP GBROTHERSTONE'S Cheinony Lake Cot Mercury with all the fittings tages. near Fowler's Corners, Peterbor-| Caesarea iinned ~ oat ou: Bight miles, Conveniences, Season , Completely eatipped sy| meath or week, RR 2 Peterborough house, Everything here, ail Telephone 745-8006 you need is groceries and yOu | HOUSEKEEPING cottages, inside facil are in business. $10,000, /ities, good fishing, swimming, 1-22. bed REAL.VALUE. Call Lloyd La. 00M boats supplied. Call 725-2909 or Maiiac Cottages, RR 3, Burks Fall foy 688-8841 cr 655-3821, 9 urks Falls 187 King St E LAKE SCUGOG ~- Three-bedroom, beach ~ front cottage, on treed lol. Robert $. Mc Callum Realtor, dial 725-6402 LAKE SHORE property, one 'mile fong,! suit sud-divider or developer, 90 miles! trom Oshawa. Call Don Stradeski Realtor MAKE AN OFFER 1,340 Squore Feet of living space. Three bedroom bungo DO IT NOW! low with too many extras to 228-1275 decribe, Take Liverpool Rood [ResoRT motel, accommodates nineiy| List your home with us South in Boy Ridges area, Ex- quests, on beautiful, mysterious Lake-on-| cellent location near schools aay or cela World famous, overiooks| and get TOP DOLLAR. and shopping areas, Owner leat Bon Siradeaki Realtors tHe | must move, LOOK IT OVER | We have SPOT CASH and ' |LAKEPRONT cottage, Kasshabog Lake.) NOW. MAKE AN OFFER, |furnished, hydro, send beach." sasoo,| Term Buyers, OPEN TO ANYTHING. For Terms, O. McKellar, RR 4, Peterborough turther information call Lioyd |LAKERRONT cottage, Haliburton district new, modern, with all conveniences, boat) included, sandy beach. $60 per we Lafoy, 668-4481 | we FREE APPRAISAL TEN ACRES [ieimanens Sey ieee | ye NO OBLIGATION EXCELLENT ROADS |2!--Ferms for Sale Call 723-2265 Close to Oshawa and Whitby iy the land is good. These Farm 10 acre parcels are real good -- Manchester = SCHOFIFLD-AKER | SO acres fertile soil all work oble. Ample water supply on pressure, Hip. roof barn, an | OVER A QUARTER : older two storey house with CENTURY OF SERVICE conveniences, garage. Nicely landscaped grounds on paved | o | road | on | iP } |. WE WILL PAY CASH FOR Full Price $17,900 YOUR .HOUSE. CALL with good terms Margaret Ballard JONES AND DOUGAN REALTORS 688.884) WHITBY -PROFESSIONAL BLDG INCOME HOME 4 Bedroom home and new 250 sq. ft. office with park- ing, Excellent condition, suit able for profesional suites or LIMITED business and home combined ir he te 0 Gees Realtor REALTOR C.1 Box No. 131, Oshaw Times "2 | Sunderland -- 303° | Bowmanville 623-3950 JOHN F. DeWITH| DON STRADESKI REALTOR | 728-1275 WANTED! LISTINGS , SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd, 728-7576 1 NEED bungalow in Cadillac, Highland, LaSalle area. All cash buyer, Call Bob Johnston at 728-5157, Active Realty Lim ited | THREE to four-hedroom house on half to twoepere lot, Must be in good condition. | Not 'far from Oshawa, Not more than' $12,000. Phone 725-8160 1 WAVE a serious buyer for a home in south west area near French School. If you are considering a change call Maibie Boudreau of Schotield-Aker Lid. at 723 2265 or 778-2733 anytime 24--~Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON At the Times BUSINESS LOCATION 222 BOND ST. WEST 1500 or 900 sa, ft, suitable for any kind of business, Con Sophisticated Adult Living tat CASA MANANA COURT Spacious 1-2- and 3 bedroom suites, featuring . modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath-- rooms, private _ balconies, broadioomed corridors, twin elevator service and intercom system, Model suite furnish- ed by Wilson's Furniture. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Call Rental Office at 723-636) Follow Pork Road North to Anderson St., West on An- derson to Nipigon St. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m, daily GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-112) THE CAVALIER The Most Modern Medium Rental Apartments in Oshawa FEATURING Exclusive decorating Electric heating with fin- gertip control, in each room at no extra cost @ Convenient to shopping and bus Plenty of free parking Professional full time man- agement, that cores for your comfort @ Numerous other features, MODEL SUITE FURNISHED by Reliable Furniture ee Open from 2 p.m, till 9 p.m. daily At 400 Grenfell Street ot end of Marland Ave (oft Park Rd. §.) Fe On bedroom ea one ne, in Oshawa os vein. * om worker. Bowmanville, 'went-| 1984 4 BUICK as 's, highest offer accepted. Apply "525 Dunk Avenue after § a 1968 CHEVROL! cylinder, lsum ROUTE ree require two > i house or reserve in Whitby by june 125, Telephone 66t- hiner d - ~ Gaeasou "modern ya low waned by a vple with one child, Tele jerene TH-013: two On THe tedraam foots wan wanted ¢ by May 2, by two adults. Telephone!) -- . 726-2645, WANTED ) 10 RENT, Gerace, in the fo store OFFICE manager urgently r bedroom house in nitoy a 668-3703, | FARM with house and barn, or more. Suitable for Oshawa. Write | Times, wee! Telephone W% | HOUSE WANTED: | coal oe location, Re 'lable tenants, Adults. Telephone 723-2512. three adull fi 5 ime' per month, relephoine 778-1 488. | eae tt vatiead | 30--Automobiles for Sale |TWO-BEDROOM house wanted to rent by|7 ily, Approximately ¢ KEYED UP TO BUY A NEW CAR? BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Sti PLAN | LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY --- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down | Always top quality SPOT CASH Paid for. Good clean cars Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES tact Mr. Ermon ot 725-2066 | 725. 9934 - - 728- 4283 314 PARK RD. SOUTH or 725-1367 723-942) STORE FOR RENT. Suitable for any BOWMANVILLE viveuresis apart-| iene asepleigelccheictiescaae type of business, Station Plaza. Phone ment, private bathroom, second floor, un 72B-AN13 furnished, heated, available immediately, BUYING OR SELLING 25--Houses for Rent H AJAX -- Brand new three-bedroom brick *Pertments, frigerator and stove included, Adult tiv. bungalow, split. entrance, paved drive, ~-- 7 monthly. Telephone Bowmanville 623- 15 INE-, TWO-, available immediately, AND THREE-BEDROOM) TED CAMPIN re) fully. lendsceped, Bulltcin. stove, imme: ing Call Rental Office at 723-636) from MOTORS diate possession, $125 monthly, 942-2313. | 5,4 wh AR p.m. or Guide Realty Limited,' TWO - bedroom apartment in new apart MODERN APARTMENTS, veirigeraior, 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA ment bulléing, stove and a fetrigerator:| stove, heat, water, drapes included; ele Avaliable June pply between and'vator service controlled doors. Adults Cust WwW 5 pm, 822 Glen Street, Apt, 303, preferred, Apply Superintendent, 321 Mar- unt East of egldcaa SEVEN: ROOM house on bus-line» Park References required ns. 3206, n land Avenue 12-4368. Telephone THREE-ROOM basement apartment, fur Private bathroom and entrance ished, 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ~|Available now. 213 McNaughton Avenue. 26--Aportments for Rent 7" 25-670) THE HOME OF GRO men retrigerator and range. Coniratea, GOOD USED CARS nirance, Inter-com.,. ies NOW RENTI NG 291. Marland Avenue, Al. Y04 or 'ele "Before You Buy give Bill o try' phone 728-9094 FURNISHED two - bedroom apartment: N i rune formation, telephone 723-5892 Fr TOWERS LTD, ieite't numer "nl second floor, A Rents Starting at $115 Up two-room "furnished bachelor apart-| $ 2&3 bed TK |. @ Featuring |, | rooms @ Reinforced Concrete Sound =p Proof a c @ Electrical Heating @ Broadioom @ Inter - Com. System | @ Hi - Fi Radio | @ Balconies | @ Underground Parking | Reserve Now Phone 728-9466 | 728-4014 } Toronto. | CLEAN furnished single bedrooms for gentiemen, Private home. Central. Phone! 1959 IMPALA hardtops "Three to choose | STEVE ZURBA 7293015, from', All colors and equipment, Gus WIDOW with comfortable home offers| Brown Motors Lid, 725-6568, | REALTOR housekeeping rooms to middie + aged 1963 MERCURY convertible cena | woman in exchange for companionship.|transmission, with bucket seats, Brooklin, 655-4759 jwith red trim, Gus Brown Motors us| 25 BOND ST. WEST a Ing to share, single beds. Close to north|1989 BUICK "Invicta, "four = door, fully eneral Motors Parking. Telephone power equipped, metallic green with | PARK LANE APTS. fan matching tne, Must be seen to : TWO unfurnished rooms, Must be abstain. [eperecrated! : Ous Brown Motors. Lids, | Future Vacancies ers, Parking. No children, Telephone! 720-7375 ni < 723-4825 1962 PONTIAC "Laurentian two-door hard-|-- CONTACT NiGe, can Turniated team beara: [tee Sik way power seat, Clock, radio, DON HOWE in apartment, Vicinity Simcoe and Que- bel = speaker | Fender skirts, Seat bec Streets. Suitable for responsible lady,|Oells: Best offer, Phone 723-1944 after REAL ESTATE Telephone 723-2698 ®: ee CHURCH | 1%3 PONTIAC Parisienne four-door V-8 725-7732 ie Geren raterredyabstln automatic, radio, 14,000 miles. One : owner, Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 725-6568. GOVERNOR MANSIONS close fo south GM, After 5.15 tel ny 2 Bedroom Suite vapeees. ene 1 Bedroom Suite SINGLE rooms and board, Apply 2 Divi ADULTS ONLY sion Street a |FURNISHED ROOM, suitable tor Tefined | More's TELEPHONE gentleman, Phone 728-6387 723-1712 728-2911 an For Appointment bes TWO: HOUSEKEEPING room, session. Apply 28 Prince Street or tel: OUR ROOM apartment, private 23-7250 after 6 p.m apartment, 1 Share bath, adulis vailable now, Telephone 728-1360. , Stove, retrigerator, elephone 723-7460 DROOM apartment, rivate bathroom and entrance, nd refrigerator Available now hurch Street or telephone 725-6992 27---Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available private Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RDN. 728-867 | in home, HOUSEKEEPING ROOM -- Suii two wili-| =\ers, Apply above address ~ after 4 p.m. FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, ing to share, single bed, accommodation, hone 723-2512 atter 6 p.m, 728-7184. + ONE furnished room, suitable for gentle 1965 IMPALA" two-door hardiop, Bye oe . power APARTMENTS men. Telephone 720-224, brakes, power steering, Va automatic. | yg Nerthend location. 1, 2, 3 Lg D room tor Hi Apply| radio, raar seat speaker, over size white! bedrooms $115 up. June 102 Westmount Avenue, close to Shopping| wells. Private, ._ Telephone 723-4887, possession LMA: SRR no ese ec |S10 DOWN, 89 weekly, buvs vos § Ford i LAR furnished room for rent. Gentie-| Fairlane sedan, automatic and V-8, Cas 728-9466 man preferred. tmmediate possession, itrade, terms at Nieols Motors, weitere Telephone 723-6844 or 559 Ritson South. 1, STEVE ZURBA, Realtor (casins -- Heated, tacilities. Weekiy| 13 PONTIAC Parisienne Twordoor hard: 25 Bond West rates, Apply Wonderland Park Motor /top, V-8 automatic, beige with copper) = Court on Highway No, 2. 2 mile East of rool, two gentlemen, | Bad Boy. BACHELOR apartment, furnished, Immediate occu- FURNISHED room for | single beds, Good home, near north Gen- eral Motors. Telephone 728-2041 SUNSET GARDENCOURT -- Simcoe|pancy, Telephone 728-0423 Auto Wreckers Telephone 723+ i ng Two-bedroom apartment:/ LARGE iront room complelely furnished, | Onts 725-4404 soelgsandaclnn | pa ae Mobb. i asa $130. Main floor, near bus, easy walk to down CHEVROLET with 1956 Chevrolet monthly. Telephone 725-6 town, Sulit gentleman, Abstainer onty, |r end, new brakes, sand blasted and TWO-BEDROOM apartment, _refrigera-| Telephone Riss 6073, primed, $65. of best offer, Also two tor, stove, private bathroom, private en- NEWLY @ rear " cagntakad {bucket s@ats, $8. Phone 728-2387, trance, laundry facilities, parking, Avail- jecorared, single furnisned raem it, four-doo |aoie dune 1 Sian 105s ry Rees {for gentleman, one block from north GM. |¥2 OLOSMoBILe super 2 ag af 725-2782 Parking, $9 weekly. Must be steadily em-/nardion, fully, ealipped, 'excellent cond ployed. Telephone 728-6497 tion, Make offer, Columbus 655-3 a |THREE-ROOM apartment, second toor, | 1964 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 air jprivate entrance, sink and polity 28--Room and Board hardtop, Blue with matching _ Interior three-piece bath. Good district. Suitable 'eam AND BOARD tor 7 '1 power steering, brakes, etc. Excellent tor two retired people or quiet, respec) lor two gentioemen, erdun table adults, Phone 723959? lwitling to share, TV. in room. Phone! condition. Apply 280 V Reed, omen gee oe Ke | 1960 FORD 'convertible. New + ater" nd bedroom suites. Refrigera-|ROOM 'and board or room only tor gen- Lege cosh Whe AA sal pe PR tors and stoves swimming pool, 728- 3465,/Heman. only, Shit workers welcome nh nner Rb ial a6 tela | {Phone 726-3350. 1963 MERCURY-Comet convertible, auto WHITBY -- One and two-bedroom apart) matic, radio, turquoise with matching in ments, new building, ail modern conven-|ROOM and board tor two gentlemen,|h0° A oad car for the summer, Gus jences, Telephone Whitby 668-8560. }ONE-BEDROOM apartment, trance, laundry facilities, near unemploy- ment office, Available May |. Phone 723 |ROOM and board wanted for five year jold boy, $10 weekly, Telephone 725-9736. |$? COLBORNE Street East, board for gentiemen, 9034. _.}ONE-BEDROOM apartment, four rooms, jretelger for, stove, in apartment build liable May |. Apely 6 Wayne partment 9. |TWO-BEDROOM apartment trance. One child welcome, $100 monthly.!ly Available June |. Telephone 668-430) MONTRAVE, 299 -- Two-bedroom apart: Ri ment, stove and = reirigerater, washinajor tacitities For information apply Albert Street, si end. }nome cooked meals, five-day week private @n-liq south plant tors, Private en-|ROOM AND BOARD -- five days week. we come 371} shitt {728-084} Abstainers only. parking space f Telephone 723-2786 willing to sh ingle beds, close to North General central downtown, Apply addr packed. shift workers 723-788? lunches Telephone OOM with o lady without board, gentiem unturnished, only available now.) unfurnished, | wilh-| 1957 immediate pos: south GM men preferred, close room and Lunches packed, home cooking T " BILL WHITTICK il MOTORS LTD. 1250 DUNDAS EAST, 668-587 1--72 "ALL CASH § For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down, Liens paid. 146 BROCK ST, NORTH Across from Royol Hotel Whitby 668-3331 SPEED N' SPORTS } HEADQUARTERS | = NOW OPEN -- CUSTOM CAR EQUIPMENT LARGE STOCKS NO MONEY DOWN 1911 Avenue Road, ~~ condition, Apply 50? Bloor Street 728-7375. CHEVROLET, standard transmis- sion, six cylinder, four-door sedan, clean, good running. Telephone 728-6101, |1956 CHEVROLET, very good condition. Asking $275. Telephone Whitby 668-4814, | vee METEOR custom conv: standard, many extras, new, Apply 554 Mary Stree! ke , Osh cat a PONTIAC "Parisienne, two door, hardtop, V8 automatic, new brakes and |muttier, Two new fires, reali T9766 USED CAR PARTS, spindles fo make trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street ast after + 13-18 |e BUICK La Sabr two-door hardtop, Full power, 29,000 original miles. Local Gus Brown Motors Ltd, \doctor's car on 06 SWAGEN custom, good mech: 1958 VOLK: go mers aca 'eget Gus Brown Motors Ltd. possession, No young children. Phone) 72 PONTIAC P ine, two-door hard- o3\10P VB automatic, power brakes and ng. radio, rear seat wt foe Satin silver finish with biack in- jerior, eo Screen: Can arrange fi- } i jnencing. "7 A PULLY furnished cabin ) tratier for One isis CHEVROLET -- impala, two-door hardtop, V-8 lomatic, radio, white alls, Ferenc' washers, beautiful red with > | w, white interior, 7,000 miles, accept trade. than 1961 FORD convertibie V-8. Standard shift, Bive with matching trim. Gus Brown Motors, + TH-73 A 1900 FORD | F radio, phone » Spider, ma: ®" Monza ron wiih black interior, Four-speed transmis- sion, Telephone ™- 7806, MOTORS, | trans, all ca Is. Courtice Auto Wreckers Telephone 723-5541 or nights 725-4404 1957 CHEVROLET, two-door, standard, 6 cylinder, excellent condition, radia, private, $700, Telephone Whitby 668-4327, 1954 PONTIAC, stendaras "ee "trans Hon new plates, $95. arte: £ Mornings or on ny a 'Sh DODGE & cylinder | automatic, seat beits, custom radio, rebuilt motor, Trade secepes. 509 Bloor East mornings or afier 4 W956 MONARCH automatic radio, good condition, $175, Bowmanville 623-3786 after pm. |1962 CHEVROLET impala two-door | top, automatic, radio, white red trim. One owner, Gus Brown Motors ors Ld.» 725-6568. 31--Compact | Cars for Sale PEUGEOT and VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE | General Repair and | Auto-Electric Service | 449 Ritson Road South Oshowo -- 728- ara) SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales ond Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings | ZOLTAN - NICK | & DAN'S Your authorized DATSUN DEALER 160 Simcoe South Oshawa 728-005) 1963 ACADIAN hardtop automatic eaquip> €G. 20,500 miles. Immaculate condition $1,795, Phone 728-1972. 1962 ACADIAN Beaumont, hardtop, Telephone 728-6279. |1961 MGA Convertible, maroon with black top, excellent condition, Reasonable. Pri- vate, Apply 238 Kaiser r_Crescent. 1960 VOLK deluxe, | conditien, Telephone 728-4329, 11963 CORVAIR Spider, four-speed, radio, positraction, Excellent condition, $1,67% Telephone 723-1024, 1963 CORVAIR convertible, four-speed, | | | Volkswagen Service very clean, ce Condition. Many extras. Best er. 74, 1 aved | body, runs very well. $235. Phone Alax_$ 942-3033 after 3 p. |1963 CORVAIR convertibie, fou jexcellent condition ay extra: jolfer. Telephone 723- | 1964 MGB, red with | sere Uphol di , wheels, One owner, Phone ® Ajax --. at 1960 Hillman convertible, | automatic, radio, Very c Stree' Apply 159 Guelph jmany extras, spotless throughout, excel- "evs, NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED Pare' peared eel scm 32--Trucks for Sale 1948 CHEVROLET 14 ton truck, very good ast, Mornings or after 4 Pom hed ) CHEVROLET '2 ton truck condition. gi 4 Fad Bloor St. mornings or after 4 p. 33--Automol CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk 'Cash' 'to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW Auto | Wrecking Co. Core bought, parts for sale. iron and ls. bought. 89 Bloor Street East, yeas OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- 3, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for T @ 725-2162 or 723-4245 Very East | ;_ AUTO waacnns want cars for ing. Highest prices paid, wreck' 2ur_ Wentworth East, 725-118), WANTED: Cars for Srerie: Telephene 728-4549, Robert Nichol 34--Automobile Repair LADY'S BULOVA gold watch, expansion bracelet, Oshawa Shopping Centre be- tween Zellers and Eaton's, Mall or east side, Lost Thursday. Reward, Telephon: 725-6327. OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers pert Carburetor and auto electric service. 222 ) King Street | West, en? TRA " aC 7 PLYMOUTH sedan, eight cylinder, imechanically A-1. Best offer, Telephone sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North, PI P 88-7339, 35--Lost and Found» LOST -- Gentleman's wallet on Sunday jmorning, vicinity of Brock Street South, or about, in Whitby, containing valuable papers. Reward. Telephone 723-3700. 36--Legel matching interior, One local owner. wal sxe trade. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., \aerent: trans, ail car parte. Courtice TENDER FOR REPLACING EXTERIOR PORCHES AND STEPS Sealed tenders plainly marked as to content and addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 12:00 noon, D.S.T. Monday, May 17, 1965 for demolition of exist- ing rear wooden porches and steps ond supplying ond. in- stalling pre-cast concrete por- ches ond steps of Howard Manor, Howard Avenue, Lind- soy, Ontario Or Brown Motors Ltd, 720-7375, | 195 PONTIAC Laurentian two-door hard-| top, good condition. Must sell, $395 vl price, 728-0558. z 1954 CHEVROLET, perfect running con-| * dition, -- body work. Price $150. Tele phone 720 1954 BUICK Roadma: sound Redvilt transmission 39 PONTIAC Laurentian, Telephone 725-0209 1959 MERCURY two-door hardtop. V8, . very well kept, "standard an workers otter, Must sell, private, 985-2816. - 3920 or best) Specifications and forms of tender required may be ob- tained at the address noted. The lowest or any tender not necessorily occepted IM. Bruce, Property Management, Central Mortgage and Housing. Corporation, Toronto Office Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto 19 Ontario Telephone 781-2451, 650

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