The Hometown Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Bowmanville, « Pickering and neighboring centres. VOL. 94 --~ NO, 103 aig. Fegan ee 10¢ Sinaie S50¢ Per Week Home Delivered -- She Oshawa F OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, MAY 3, 1965 Weather Winds. Low tonight, 65. Second Class Mall o Authorized es Ottawa ond for payment Post Office Department f Postage in Cash. weingrive Gicepusial ines 16/2 a Report Variable cloudiness Tuesday With Light 50; High Tuesday, TWENTY-TWO PAGES OVER DOMINICAN INVASION.... By WILLIAM N. OATIS UNITED NATIONS (CP)-- Russia and Cuba were ready to "armed interference... in the internal affairs of the Domini- can Republic." expected to add President John- son's latest explanation that the U.S. goal was to save the Do- i ... U.S. TO HIT RIGHT BACK Russ, Cuba To Blast US. At The UN. a, three days earlier than Thant told reporters in Ge- hit the United States hard today in the UN Security Council for sending troops into the Domini- can Republic. The United States was ready to hit right back. The council was meeting at the request of Soviet chief dele- He was expected to ask the 11-nation council to condemn the U.S. landings. U.S. chief delegate Adlai E. Stevenson was expected to re- peat the U.S. contention that it had sent in troops and marines to rescue foreign residents from aminican Republic from "Com- munist conspirators." Stevenson wanted the council to dispose of the Soviet com- plaint in one meeting and leave any action to the Organization of American States. neva he believed the OAS could play a "very useful role" in a nando Alvarez Tabio sought pretext' of safeguarding U.S. Genev: permission to speak as an in- citizens. planned. eon non-member of the He said this action could not be ignored by the Security SENT NOTE Council and General Assembly Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa sent Secretary-General U Thant a note Friday accusing the United States of planning "total occupation' of the Do- and asked Thant to ,see that "competent organs" of the United Nations condemned it. Because of the council meet- ing, Thant flew back Sunday "very serious" situation in the Dominican Republic. But he added: "I very much hope the Security Council will be able to adopt a resolution which will contribute toward a peaceful By ROBERT BERRELLEZ | SANTI DOMINGO (AP)--The gate Nikolaj T. Fedorenko, who accused the United States of i LBJ Says Reds Direct Revolt a civil war. But Stevenson was Cuban chief delegate Fer- minican Republic on the "'false night from a trip to Vienna and solution." Marines held positions to the west of the rebel stronghold U.S. ANSWERS PLEA | United States began rushing an-|while paratroopers are to the other 4,500 troops to the Domin-|east. The rebels are entrenched ican Republic today after Pres-| between in a low - income res- ident Johnson said the rebel uprising had been taken over by Communist conspirators di- rected from abroad, The president's declaration that a military buildup was necessary for security on the Caribbean island, came as idential section that was the centre of insurgent movements against the Rafael L. Trujillo regime and was a stronghold of extreme left - wing agitators, The entire area of rebel oper- ations covers about 15 blocks, a zone which constitutes the en- FOR 3,900 TROOPS rebel fighters made a new at-|tire commercial section of the tak Sunday night on U.S.|capital. S ks L ti | iy S th Vi L N A its wm, s § } slevised. address Sun-! ; troops ges ite the declared) in a, wevised aaaress sur] DECKS QC outh Viet Nam Awal No new casualties were re- ported on the American side, and it was uncertain whether said the rebellion has taken "a' tragic turn." | "Communist leaders, many of iON OF SOVIET LIST REPUBLICS America Aid More American Units answering fire by U.S. forces|them trained in Cuba, seeing a| Nikolai 1. Fedorenko, landings in the Dominican |caught any of the rebels. = chance to increase disorder, to To St F By RENNIE AIRTH U.S. Navy jets blasted a rail- chief Soviet delegate to Republic. Fedorenko was to -- so prnmcioviggh iN /gain a foothold, joined the revo- op oe) SAIGON (Reuters)--Officials|"oad siding and three boxcars allel Nations. today. ac- make his charges. during a Washington has reported twoljution. They took increasing] | today announced another. 3,500|100 miles south of Hanoi. GAS, Watipns, . OCay meeting of the UN Security marines and two paratroopers|control, and what began as a; By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER U.S. airborne troops would ar-|Groundfire was light and all the cused the United States of armed interference for its Fifth Test _ |killed, and 21 marines and 2 paratroopers wounded since U.S. forces began landing last Wednesday. Addition of the 4,500 fighting men ordered in by the pres- ident will bring the total of U.S. marines and army men to 14,-| 000. Council in New York today. (AP. Wirephoto) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson pressed a diplo- social justice, very shortly| matic drive today to win Latin moved and was taken over andj American support for his newly really seized and placed intojannounced determination to pre- the hands of a band of Com-!vent 'Communist conspirators" munist conspirators." jfrom turning the Caribbean is- popular democratic revolution, | committed to democracy and land country into a second Cuba. rive in South Viet Nam shortly as American marines mounted their biggest patrol operation to date against Viet Cong guer- rillas. A joint U.S.-South Vietnamese statement said the airborne troops were being sent at the request of the Saigon govern- For Liberals OTTAWA (CP)--The minority;motion proposed by the New Liberal government faces fifth confidence test of the new |tax exemptions abd old age pen-lin that sense are in the "front session today with the betting!sions be raised:* " line."* favoring -another victory for the) The NDP motion was de- -- - if MPs are ex-| government. Social Credit pected to provide any marginjsaid in a speech before the vote its|Democrats--that. basic income U.S. IMPARTIAL A U.S. spokesman said Amer- ican forces were maintaining a strictly impartial attitude. He said they are safeguarding an international zone of refuge and eated 106 to 90. Bert Leboe (SC Remand Suspect --- Cariboo) needed by the Liberals, whojthat his nine-member group | hold 129 seats in the 265-seatiwould side with the govern- Murder Case | Commons. ment, Supporting the motion) KINGSTON (CP) -- Harry| Four western Social Crediters|could bring defeat for the gov-|Moore, 25, of Montreal, charged) voted with the governmentiernment and another -- Thursday night on the first con-|for the country, he said. fidence test of the budget de-) bate. They did so even though| noting agreement with the points in the non-confidence Disagreemen With Policy LONDON (Reuters)--France| today declared there could be. no common position or joint action among members of the eight - nation Southeast Asia Treaty Organization "on the grave issues which are at stake" in the treaty area. France has downgraded its, delegation to the current SEATO ministerial council session in London to observer status in what has been taken as reflect-| ing France's disagreement with with the capital murder of Paul} Lawrence, a 51-year-old brew-| ers' retail store manager, was| party is expected to remain the|/remanded today for one week.| same for a Conservative motion| Kenneth Harber, 21, of Mont- due for a vote today. 'real, who was also charged in| : os |connection with the Christmas| |Eve slaying, was freed April 26) |when the Crown offered no} evidence during a brief prelim- inary hearing. Lawrence was shot at La Salle Park, near Kingston, dur-| ing a holdup attempt. : The position taken by the| t Is Seen | of U.S. VET STICKS TO HIS JOB MIDDLETOWN, N.J. When business booms, Cecil Sprung wheeges and sneezes, his veyes Tear, his. (AP) Dr. "Our goal, in keeping with the jgreat principles of the inter- American system, is to help prevent another Communist state in this hemisphere," the president said Sunday night in! a policy pronouncement. "And we would like to do ment and would be used to strengthen defence at key mili- tary installations. planes returned safely to their carrier. NO AIR RAIDS TODAY A U.S. official said there were no air raids over North Viet Nam today, presumably be- cause of bad weather. The troop and helicopter ar- rivals coincided with today's marine patrol operation carried out with the aid of helicopters, and came only a day after A 60-man advance party of the airborne brigade, which will total three battalions in all, ar- rived in South Viet- by from. Okinawa this erndon. nose gets Clogged and he has difficulty breathing. Sprung is a_ veterinarian | who is allergic to cats and dogs. Still, he's sticking to his job. this without bloodshed or with- out large-scale fighting." He said that Communist lead- ers, '"'many of them trained in Cuba," had captured the rebel movement that began "as a popular democratic revolution." Even as the president spoke, two special envoys were already} meeting with officials in Latin| capitals. Other American rep-| resentatives here and in Santo Injections and pills have made Sprung's life. work more liveable these days, but the allergy still causes trouble when business picks up. "A busy day usually has me sneezing up a storm |Domingo, centre of the civil because I'm in constant con- |war, were working with the or-| tact with the animals," he |ganization of American States said, "but a couple of pills |for an end to bloodshed and a| takes care of it for quite |Dominican future which would,| some time so I can go about jin Johnson's words, be free of my work untroubled." \Communist dictatorship." | Sprung puts in an average |SEND MORE TROOPS | of 12 hours a day in his vet- | Johnson announced in his tele-| erinary practice, vised speech that the multiple tasks of protecting lives, dis- ' itributing food and medical sup- mae um tt cost HTS MESSAGE OF SALVATION? i i"tsine"e session of the three-day SEATO) "other refugees to leave ministerial council conference country, * Sos ddan than the; here 9,500 U.S. marines and army) : men already in the is!2nd could "as j ' Achille Clarac, French am-| 'TORONTO (CP) -- Michael Christ. . . . He (Mr. Us) has Ott ie sons new. casualties after 2,000 more, ssi gg ae ge: ig ge Us rented Massey Hall for oe et ee on a [another 4,500 to the eeutie g ac rely as é . ie fie ssage, bas ot, raising the total to 14,000. observer by French President! $400 Sunday night, hired a formula Mr. Us calls univer- SP Bdvei ds, obec' otal'to 14,0 public relations officer, adver- tised in Toronto newspapers and on 'radio stations--all for the purpose of proclaiming his message of salvation. de Gaulle, declared the discus- sions on Viet Nam would be as "fruitless as in 1964." France refused to adhere to those parts of the communique dealing with Viet Nam at last sal democracy, describes a system in which God's laws are supreme over national laws. Mr. Us says he has come as the voice of heaven in the name of the Creator of | After Mishap TORONTO (CP)--Kiriako Si- ~~ effort got under way. WASHINGTON Presi- dent Johnson in a report to the nation said last night that Communist conspira- tors, many of them trained in Cuba, had taken over the original revolt in the Domin- can Republic. The presi- THE CRISIS AT-A-GLANCE the'By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Santo Domingo--Rebels fired on U.S. troops but inflicted no handle. He said he had ordered| paratroopers arrived to boost/at-large W. Averell Harriman total American strength to 9,500|conferred with Colombian Pres- men. An inter-American peace|ident Guillermo Leon Valencia Washington--President Joh C diti F . n.|t0 soothe indignation over U.S.) ondition alr json said Communist conspira- tors, many Cuban-trained, have taken over the Dominican up- rising. He ordered another 4,500 U.S. fighting men to the Carib- 4 \They are the first U.S, arm ; soldiers to be to Viet Nam They Bien. Hoa air. base about 12 miles northeast of Saigon and at the naval base of Vung Tau, about 40 miles east of Saigon. A U.S.. military spokesman also announced three compa- nies of U.S. army helicopters arrived in South Viet Nam to- day, bringing to about 350 the number of American helicopters now here. |36,000 U.S. TROOPS | The three new helicopter com- 9,500 Army troops and Mar- | nies totalled 260 men and 25 ines already there. | machines. (AP Wirephoto) | U.S. officials said the army paratroopers would bring the to- tal U.S. strength in South Viet Nam to around 36,000 men. There already are 8,500 U.S. marines in South Viet Nam. Commanded by Brig. - Gen. Ellis W. Williamson, the air- borne contingent includes two infantry battalions, one artillery battalion and the equivalent. of one battalion of various support units. After being made idle Satur- day by unfavorable weather, . U.S. jets Sunday resumed air dent, speaking from the White House theatre, said he had ordered 4,500 more U.S fighting men into the strife- torn island to reinforce the marines in the Dominican. Re- public are dying "like miser- able and traitorous dogs." Bogota -- U.S. ambassador- on the first stop of a Latin tour Dominican policy. will be stationed at heavy air strikes against Viet Cong positions by planes of the U.S. 7th Fleet. About-200 marines were lifted by. helicopter into. an area sev- eral. miles southwest of the U.S. air base at Da Nang, and were joined by another marine com- pany entering the area on. foot for a "search and destroy" patrol, The marines are theoretically occupying 'static' defensive positions around Da Nang air base, but in practice they have been extending patrols into the surrounding countryside further and further each week. In another patrol, a South Vietnamese special forces unit moved into the foothills 60 miles southeast of Da Nang Sunday, destroyed a Viet Cong village and captured nine guer- rillas. In another brief encounter with the guerrillas later in the day, the unit lost two killed and three wounded, and killed three Viet Cong. 62 PLANES UP A navy spokesman-said today 62 planes Sunday struck at Viet Cong positions within a 50-mile radius of Saigon. . The aircraft dropped a total of 100 tons of bombs in 10 sep- arate missions from early morning until the evening. All . Se tes | strikes inst the Communist Old Boys' Back Viet |Viet Cong. returned safely. U.S. policy in Viet Nam year's ministerial meeting in) But nobody heard it. No- all things. Niage Falls : 4 Fee. | 8 ERAN x SRNR RC NaN "i The French declaration was! Manila. ' body came. It was bad enough that' ania nee eee ee bean nation to protect.lives, the} At Trinity College ® QATAR SONA AA - ~ ---- Seolen sappointe nd one the 500 clergymen lta) hor ; a eh" |liberty of a country and the | Shaken, disappointed and none of the 500 rgymen |tal here today following an ac-|; : dl i" " insulted, Mr. Us (it rhymes came who received invitations |cigent in which his wife, Ej.|0ter-American system. PORT HOPE, Ont. (CP)-- } NEWS HIGHLIGHT e ep one om. hreats : with Zeus) walked out of the said Mr. Us. It was worse janka, 61, was fatally injured San Juan--Two U.S. Navy|Several hundred "old boys'? 2,500-seat hall. that his wife and daughter, Mra Sidoft died in hospital|Ships brought 1,415 refugees|returned to Trinity College here| A a Ao ® "I never thought this would both Jehovah's Witnesses, |here Sunday from injuries suf-/{tom the Dominican fighting to and celebrated the school's) Council Delays Debate Until PM Delay US. Airline Flights happen," said Joseph Nelson, didn't come, either. fered Friday night when the car| Puerto Rico. 100th birthday Saturday. the public relations man. "They do not believe in |in which she was riding rolled| Vatican City--Pope Paul told) Mrs. Carl Gath of Seattle, UNITED NATIONS (CP) -- With consent of the Soviet SYRACUSE, N.Y. "Well, they didn't listen to me." into a ditch and struck a hydrola Sunday crowd in St. Peter's|standdaughter of Rev. Arthur) Union, the United Nations Security Council today delayed (AP)--In-|in Rochester and American Air- Johnson, college founder, al-| gobate until this afternoon on the presence of U.S. mili- vestigators worked today to/lines flight 752 in Syracuse. |pole. Square there had been '"'some , " : on link eg tte telephoned ne mb. Flights 690 and 752 continued|------ SREB SNES Ee OER ama oan -|improved news" from Santo Do- aed ec ee ee tary forces in the Dominican Republic. see to New York City when search-| mingo, where the papal nuncio) , : threats that delayed commer-|.. Sail ve : =A is ; ;.: half-hour in a hotel during Seat-; s 2 ein tal eee oe ee played @ key role in obtaining! i "ovvinquane tast wees. | Ceasefire Report Unconfirmed S '3 rd. > er s A "4 : } | 4 : and Syracuse Sunday American flight flew on to But- United Nations--Cuba asked ,,4 Cunded Brg anne NEW DELHI (CP) -- Diplomatic sources nad today ; " fi iol Cc ~urity |e oMOUEN bo : . acto ceasefir een arranged in the The threats, both reported in) falo. to join the scheduled Security|o:onto, the college was moved| & one-week: Ge. facw phate "ae pas bt defence Indian-Pakistan border dispute, ministry spokesman here refused to confirm the report. The spokesman referred to reports of renewed shelling in the disputed Rann of Kutch border area this morning Council debate today on a So-| viet complaint of U.S. armed! interference in the Dominican} Republic. here in 1867. NO DOCTORS Buffalo, sent police aboard United Air Lines flight No. 690 and American Airlines flight 721 'US. Asks Aid| Latin America WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States asked today that| Latin American countries "'that are capable of doing so" make their armed forces available in keeping the peace in the Domin- ican Republic The request was made in a resolution drafted for submis sion to the Organization of Am- erican States Earlier, at closed meetings of the OAS consultation confer-| ence, the U.S. had proposed that countries able to do so| make available army, navy or} | air force units to assist U.S! forces in maintaining a_ nine square-mile neutrality zone in the strife-torn capital city of Santo Domingo. \ BORNEO BREW | ROCKS PHILIP LONDON (AP) -- Prince Philip says he came close to getting tight during his eight-week tour of Asia and | ; Australia In a radio interview Sun- day, Prince Philip told of attending a banquet in Bor- neo and being offered a harmless looking drink. j "It tasted very good," | said the prince. 'I had two tumblers of it. "T could hardly afterwards." The spectacle gave his hosts "immense pleasure," he added A spokesman at the Ma- laysian government's office in London said the drink apparently was a local Bor- neo brew known as tapai made from tapioca roots. walk Marine Dominigo street, step at a move down a Santo ACTION IN SANTO DOMINGO _|troop landings, saying the U.S.| Havana--Prime Minister Cas-} tro bitterly assailed the U.S.| Americans killed and 36 others -wound- time, in search of rebel sni- four pers in the Dominican Re public revolt which has seen at least ed. (AP Wirephoto) No Tokyo Visit, Sukarno Says dent Sukarno confirmed he would not visit Tokyo for peace talks with Ma- Jaysian Premier Tunku Abdul! Rahman. The Indonesian leader for- mally conveyed his decision during a meeting with the Japa- nese ambassador, whose coun- try has been acting as mediator in the dispute between Indo- nesia and Malaysia. Saturday he was not going to Tokyo to meet Rahman "'at the present stage." t JAKARTA (Reuters) -- Presi- today officially Sukarno told a May Day rally by Pakistani troops. ARE AVAILABLE NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)--A Mental health ex- | pert. complained Saturday | WELLINGTON (Reuters) although doctors are avail- able 24 hours a day, poten- tial suicide victims seeking psychiatric help have to make an appointment for another day. "For many, the day never comes," said Dr. J. D. M. Griffin of Toronto, director | of the Canadian Mental Health Association. He told branch delegates to the Ontario division men- | Whitby Sewer Installation Ann Londers--14 tal health conference there City News--11 are more suicide victims re- | Classified--18, 19, 20 corded yearly in Toronto Comics--15 than there are traffic deaths hacen --yet the latter are widely Oat publicized, with the suicides virtually ignored ...In THE TIMES today... Goodyear Workers Back Contract--P. 11 | New Zealand Decision Is Delayed Prime Minister Keith Holyoake told reporters today New Zealand had not de- cided whether to provide troops for South Viet Nam, but was 'giving the matter further consideration'. May Cost $7,000,000--P. 5 Sports--8,9 Television--J 5 Theatre--6 Whitby News--5 Women's--1 2; Weather--2 13, 14