16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 3, 1965 MAY ist--8th Baby Can Be Caught Asleep Most Of Time In First Months believe -- he spends a major part of his next three years in' the same place, | A new baby spends almostjbed, and -- although many a all of his first three months iniyoung mother finds it hard to BURNS SHOE STORE... . | Baby will be doing as much |bouncing and jumping as sleep- ling in his crib -- on his crib imattress, That is why a mat- |'second-hand" means "second- best". For three to four years' use, day after day and night lafter night, it makes good sense to give brand new baby his brand new mattress, | When buying a mattress, ldon't go hunting a bargain. Shop in a store you trust and \look for nationally advertised! brands, With some background) information and a little pa-| fience, you will be able to find) a mattress to suit both baby! and budget. Of course, baby's mattress) should be covered with a wash-| able and wetproof material. A sprinkling of powder will keep) the cover fresh and odorless.) isn't a pincushion. Many cov- ers are ruined when mother for-' gets, : | Next too the mattress, modern # mothers find that snug contour sheets are the way to give baby; SHOES / er the child the more soft and pliable his feet! So, start them off in scientifically designed Hurlbut shoes. Let us fit your children care. fully--good shoes today mean good feet and good poise in later life. We carry the complete Hurlbut line from *Pussyfoot"--to Hurlbut-Seniors. The y 2s @ Children's Shoes by SAVAGE . . . ond PACKARD he a Would You Like To See My Etchings, Honey? a smooth wrinkle-free surface) for sleeping. | Baby's blankets should have a} semi-snug fit. -- not so loose} that he can pull them over his} head but not so tight that they restrict his ability to move jabout. BURNS :«: "Where Children Shoes are properly fitted' 1 KING St. WEST, OSHAWA -- 725.4611 Baby-sitting is proving to be the most important source of in- come to the Canadian teenager. | money tending for children. | These young people must} shoulder a tremendous responsi-| |bility when they "stand in" for parents, | | To aid teenagers in meeting} such responsibility and to- help} them make a success of their baby-sitting business, a special guide, entitled "Sitting Safely" has been written by Edna Mae |McIntosh, nutritionist for a Ca-| baby-sitting jobs very carefully "Sitting Safely" places The primary rule "Safety through Prevention' |In other words, don't wait for things to happen. Always be on top of the situation. its} velopment of heaviest emphasis on the things/often a cause of elation, or con- Teenagers now earn at least/the sitter must know to ensure| versely, of anxiety among many @/ fifty per, cent of their spending|the safety of babies and young|parents, At the earliest i children, is| babies Oh! So That's Why They Left Town! _is BABY WEEK in CANAD Okay, Who Took My Greasy Kid Stuff? *The physical and mental ae their babies is) are to smarter', expected or bigger, jage. If the'yre not, a gene gloom prevails. Or parents may consult tables which show} perfect' women or men,|t of you Sitters are reminded to keep|jength, weight and perhaps theleetiat. jchildren away from hot stoves, physical and mental abilities of| family jelectric appliances and cords,|ayerage babies. As there are| All \to keep matches and sharp kit-|few jchen instruments out of reach,|theie are few "perfect babies|lonesome, have a gas pain, are |to keep the child away from the| if the average babies beingjexercising their lungs, or are medicine cabinet and never to| described can be considered per-|just plain bored. Therefore, too QUICKLY HELPS BANISH warned to check out ads for ful exploration a os . To your little blossom , | Qecseey Our very best wishes ! nadian baby food firm, at Nivlieave a child alone -- even for! fect jagara Falls, Ontario. ln few seconds -- when he is Helpful hints offered in the in-|peing bathed jtroductory chapter include spe-} yf one is playing with the |cial pointers for the teenage girl/haby outside, extra care must|.. { baby-sitter. lbe taken to watch out for other| Gounse Girls should always make sure) hazards -- such as a swimming] ; -- ithey are seen home after late!pool or lawn equipment -- that lsitting appointments, and are| might prove tempting for youth- Tables show figures and the slow. llor, Ruth Parsons says) | that the chances are pretty slim that your baby's growth or behaviour will exactly follow that indicated by the 18 console yourself with the fact} | much which|some comforting cuddling, average the fat and the thin, |should not be given to a crying the short and the long, the ad-jchild if no obvious reason can Baby|be found for his crying,. as this may lead to too great a degree of dependence. It is important lto have happy relations between babies cry, hey're hungry, wet, fri attention, aside from all members of the . family. chart.|Stresses and strains are sensed Even if by chance there is ajat an early age and can lead to} close comparison, how do youja feeling of insécutiry which} Teenagers Sitting Pretty [Tot Unlikely To Fit Chart With Income As'Stand-Ins' For Growth, Behavior birth, to about 13 by the timejaffect baby's he's a year old, and as his need|with others, for sleep diminishes, his need} to occupy his future If training of baby. has as its y waking hours| goa) a happy, independent indiv- |grows. His growth must be ac-/idual, who can get along plea- age,| companied by the same sense Of|santly and effecitvely with oth- be|security which you surrounded|ers, a proper environment must fatter,/him with from his earliest days. |he \than some other baby of similar] Because his self-reliance can|start in setting up regular train-| only be built up on a@ securejing routines, Do not establish ase, he must feel confident/too rigid a schedule which only r love and, to a lesserjtends to make baby balky. Do other members of the)have one suited to him which is regular enough to let justed, as baby develops, mind when following a recom- mended method. Don't follow a method blindly regardless of how good it is. Modify it to suit all concerned, A schedule jshould be followed consistently until the points at which it clashes too much with the 'jchild's normal behaviour tern, then modify it to suit. Parents should agree on train- jing routines beforehand. They Should be as informed as pos- that your baby is only average?) As long as your baby is chubby,} happy and sleeps well, you/ have no worries, If in doubt cer-| tain aspects of his development, CRIB MARKET HOLDS STEADY ; Here's positive protection against diaper rash--positive relief for baby from scalding and soreness already causing discomfort and distress. Use SLS Baby Powder liberally, This pure, sterile corn starch product is mildly medicated and perfumed, It helps clear up diaper rash, quickly soothes inflamed sore skin. Read what grateful mothers who have used SLS write to say about it. "Last November my husband was transferred to Saint John, N.B. I found they didn't sell SLS here so | went back to using the other E powders, Almost at once the baby j started to blister and scald. |! requested my mother to send me some SLS from Hamilton. After a few applications the baby's diaper rash started to disappear, and after using it approximately one week the baby's skin was completely cleared." MRS. D, B., SAINT JOHN, N.B.* "| have eight children. My youngé A we est young lady has had the best luck of all. Sometime shortly after she was born we discovered SLS. She has eight teeth already and never once has she had a diaper rash or discomfort from skin irritations," MRS. H. L., TORONTO® "My fifth baby is 8'/2 months old. from the time | brought her home I had trouble with scalding in the diaper area. Nothing helped. | am ~- now on my third container of SLS and not once since I've used it has she been scalded." MRS. D, $., HAMILTON® ASK FOR SLS BABY POWDER WHERE YOU SHOP, HELPS BANISH DIAPER RASH BETTER THAN ANY OTHER POWDER * Actual letter on file, POUDRE DE PUR AMIDON DE MAIS A QUALITY PRODUCT OF : ST. LAWRENCE STARCH COMPANY LIMITED PORT. CREDIT * ONTARIO discuss it with your physician} jat your next visit. Remember that each baby, in-|, cluding yours, is an individual.| Heredity plays a large egg the speed with which he de-| peta both physically and men-|{or the whole family. It's the| tally. Maturation mechanisms| hand to watch, the hand to which are responsible for this|Please, the hand to hold on to. development will not be hurried; There were a few less cradles| and baby will only learn when|for hands to rock in 1964, re-| he's ready, and he can learn|port the statisticians who keep only what is appropriate to this|track of new arrivals in Can- state of readiness ada, The total was baby foods, more baby clothes, baby frills, more of everything! And to every new father, this suggestion: The great occasion calls for flowers, to express your love and pride. Let our arrangements say it for you. REED'S Florists 728-7386 Drive-In Shop 163 Bloor West freedom, baby works out sched-|ure of 469,568. ules of feeding, naps, sleep and| The coming of age of the early play which are appropriate to: World War Two baby boom crop) his level of. maturity, His early|has started to register in the} need for sleep diminishes from|marriage statistics, with 140,920) lfrom about 20 hours soon after|/couples joined in holy wedlock in EE -------| 1964, a jump of 8 per cent over |1963, and this is only the be- ginning Downtown Simcoe & Bond 457,283 or 2.6/take with others until he's a Given a reasonable degree of|Per cent less than the 1963 fig-lthree. You will have to sible on the subject, then reach ja compromise on what should |be implemented, It does baby no good to receive different treat- jment from mother and father, | The hand that rocks the/and he soon learns to get his cradle these days is the handj/own way by finding the soft hat is reaching out for more|spots in one parent or another. A united front is essential fo any training program to suc- ceed eed, Don't force baby to be so- ciable. Until he's two years old} he prefers to play by himself relations! provided, Make an early him because' know confidently what to expect! ghtened,!next, These routines can be ad- to maintain their usefulness, Since children do vary, keep this in pat-| Needles Fly For Layette Planning and shopping for baby's layette can be fun, It can be creative too, if you decide to knit the sweater and bonnet in which to bring your newest ad- dition home from the hospital. The age-old art of knitting is one of women's most popular pastimes. Although no cne knows exactly when this needle- craft form actually began, we do know that it was an advanced accomplished art in ancient times. In Colonial days, women had jto knit in order to provide warm clothing for their families, Every stocking was handmade and even children helped with the knitting, often learning the art before they learned to read or write. Knitting has continued to be a fluorishing handicraft and has changed very little in its basics because it is too simple to change. The stitches are noth- ing more than loops pulled through loops in a variety of ways, creating countless tex- tures and patterns. Today, yarn is available in a wide range of colors, However, if you choose white, yellow, pale green or aqua which are neue tral colors, they will comple- ment the rosy complexions of little boy or girl cherubs. Keeping busy will make the time seem to pass much more quickly for "ladies in waiting". |Start your needles clicking with |this sweater and hat, and it may lead to a very happy hobby for many years to come as you add 'lyour own creations to baby's r After this age he will begin to|knitted wardrobe. play sporadically with or along side children his own age, but/from the hospital, don't expect too much give-and-|child in the family is apt to re- bout/sent the appearance of a new super- vise their play together, but be/the time formerly devoted to as unobtrusive as possible Enjoy being a parent. The right attitude helps enormously to overcome the minor mistakes all sense and you over many a hurdle you'llimeets baby for the first time, }encounter, and which no book of/It will give him something spe- 'rules spells out. make. Common understanding get parents When you bring baby home the older baby who will usurp much of |him by his mother, father and doting relatives. To help ease him into this new role of "'big" brother or sister, make a toy for him to take home from the hospital when he 'cial to cuddle. GLECOF F 'S supermarket This is the Least we can do And Glecoff's do it all the time. SHOP GLECOFF'S, WHERE THE PRICES ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, AND SO IS THE ATMOSPHERE. South Africa Barlinka GRAPE ten 8 u 39° 85° HAMBURG =... 1.00 GLECOFE'S surenmaner BRYLCREEM WE FEATURE SOCH NAME BRANDS es @ Tie Tee @ Goosey Gonder ® Gey Tog @ Teacher's Pet ®@ Seout Tex @ Hollywood @ Esmond Blankets Spring & Summer FASHIONS For Baby From... We love babies, and we prove exceptional values, and outstanding selections Come see... and choose 9 Simcoe Street South 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH OSHAWA it with our Oshowa