Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1965, p. 15

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2 nn sa Sor ap NE at BIRR ol GERLOIEN poacemonta THE OSHAWA TIMES, i HOW MUCH WAS Monidey, Moy 3, 1965 15 THE CHECK FOR, ) ! Py Ci SPM) © BRIDGE y { % By B. JAY BECKER Yl YEAH:- FIFTY yo oe tr mr" TIME, LADY--CALLING HERE-- THAT REPRESENTS ONE 'HUNDRED AND FTY DOLLARS A { f VV S (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individual Chempionship Play) FAMOUS HANDS East dealer. East-West vulnerable, JULIET JONES NORTH Q584 4s be : A Z 3642 A u af o73 SHES A NICE KID Hol! HO® [rotate DEALS WEST palates AND ALL THAT, BUT NOW |} --1MM-THERE'S NO NOBODY'LL EVER CHARLES TUPPER @ 10963 pay CHICABO | A FOUR MONTH REIGN TUPPER INS BOWELL'S THEN YOU, SIR, ARE A CABINET AS SECRETARY HYPOCRITE ... AND YOUR SENSE /N TWO INDIANS OF STATE, DECLARING +++ I CAN PROVE IT £ e592 FACE. <(, GONG AFTER ONE CITY? I'VE GOT TO #194 K STOP HIM ff = North 14 39° Opening lead -- two of dia- monds. This hand stars Edwin Kan- tar, Los Angeles expert, who de- servedly made the headlines when he played it in the mas- ters team of four championship in 1963, West led a diamond against the optimistic contract and East cashed two diamonds and re- turned a trump. Looking at all four hands, it certainly seems that the expect- ed result would be either a one or two trick defeat for South. But Kantar considered the matter very thoroughly -- of course, he did not see the East- West cards -- and came up with an unusual play which resulted in his making the contract. He decided that his best chance of making the hand lay in the possibility that East had the doubleton king of spades, along with the king of clubs which he was also likely to have on the bidding. Accordingly, after drawing three rounds of trumps, Kantar led the ace and another spade, playing low from dummy after West had played low on the sec- ond spade lead. East was forced to take the. eight with the king, thus establishing an extra spade trick in dummy on which Kan- tar could discard one of his two club losers. This extraordinary play fur- thermore put East in a position from which he had to return a club or else yield a ruff and dis- card, and, in either case, Kan- tar would then be able to take care of his other club loser, So the outcome was that Kantar made four hearts on the hand. Note that it would not have helped West to play the nine of spades of the second spade lead. Kantar had already decided to play East for the doubleton king of spades as well as the king of clubs, and he would therefore have played 'the eight from dummy even if West had pro- duced the nine. It is not easy to talk a fellow like Kantar out of a carefully conceived notion. Bottle Tossed, Child Injured BRAMPTON (CP) -- Jack Marshall of Barrie was charged with criminal negligence Friday after a pop bottle thrown from a car struck and injured a Brampton school girl, Lisa Jor- gemsen, 17. The girl suffered a cut lip re- quiring surgery and possible fractured teeth. Marshall was a passenger in a car. Y WELL~ THEY COULD COME BY SHIP~ LIKE WE DiIPp-- NO/ /T WILL TAKE A LOT MORE WATER AND HELP TO KEEP THESE FLAMES FROM SPREADING! AS TONTO HOLDS ELIJAH CLARK, THE 1 LONE RANGER RACES TO FIGHT THE THREATENING BLAZE: -- MOUNTAIN? THE WHOLE ¥ igs ai rest MONEY-BEARING TOURISTS TO ISLANO 15 BUILT ON : * va = LAND HERE--_<> THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY While Phils cab speeds him crosstown to check Van Winters trophy from Luxury Isle, PIERRE 15 A DOG, |EN'T HE 4! AND DOGS LIKE 70. CHASE RABBITS, Ce HTWINK! (oH. HE'S OUT CHASING. WHERE le ITS! Bes22E 7 (' peeeey! a CHASING RABBITE? an {THAT WARD 1) BELIEVE / WITHOUT A HITCH / 1968. World vighas revered SECRET AGENT X9 Syadicane © King Fares r HALF OF EIGHT IS WHAT NUMBER, HENRY ? TELEVISION LOG Channe! 2--Buftalo 11:20 P.M. 9--Millionaire eae: Channel 3--Barrie 7-4--Late Show 4~As The world Turns ----< READY ma ee SL | Channel 4--Buftalo | 6--Night Metre si08 PM, NESS TAKE THE CHAIR? Channel 6--Toronto | AS i t ane gee | Channel 7--Buffalo 11:30 P.M. 9--Abracadabra Channel 8--Rochester | 1!--Travellers Preview 7--Flame in The Wind Channel 9~Toronto 9--Pierre Berton 4--Password Channel 11--Hamilton --8-2--Tonight_ Show 2--Moment of Truth 6--Sullivan Brothers 2:30 P.M. "rece saanpensnnmnnmermntnn MONDAY EVENING | TUESDAY o--Four of A Kind 5:00 P.M. \ $:00 A.M. 8-2--The Doctors Vi--Family Theatre 1--Schnitzel House 7--Day tn Court 9--Five O/Clock Matines | 4--Captain Kangaroo é--Loretta Young 8--Supermar 6~---World of Nature 3--Movie 2--Lloyd Thaxton 0 PM. @--Leave 1) To Beaver é--Music Hop 6:00 P.M. 7--News Central 6--Generation 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy 2--Today, 1965 , 6:30 PLM. | 1l--Family Theatre @ King Foamem Syetowm, nes 1965. Wartd daha meaproed oa 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 PLM. 1)--Spotlight 9--People in Conflict §-2--Another World | 7--General Hospital 6-3--Moment of Truth 4-To Teli The Truth 3:30 P.M. 111--Funny Program | %--l's Your Move #-2--You Don'! Say | 8:30 A.M. | 9--News: Miss Helen 9:00 A.M, 9----Romper Room 7--Dialing For Dougias Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carntval 2--Mickey Mouse Club I HAVE TO-FLY To SAN JOSE, MILA, AND MAY BE ALITTLE LATE FOR OUR DINNER "TONIGHT. THAT'S OKAY, 6UZ, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE { REPORT? dUuST BE \ BUT YOU LEFT SURE YOU | THE FIRST KALF r HALE, 1 IN A MAGAZINE FINE! TLL GeT TO ) SEE WHERE \. YOU LIVE, #:30 AM. 1l--Ed, Allen 9--Meta | 6--Musical Interlude 4--Leave It To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show | uw 4--Edge of Night 11--Super Bingo 9--Playtime With Bobby | 4:00 P.M, 8-2--Truth or {1]--Dennis The Menace | Consequences | §--Mickey Mouse Club 63--Canadian Schoois | 8--The Match Game 4--News 7--Rocketship 7 6-3--As The World Turns 11 AM 4--Secret Storm 1l--Father Knows Best' /2--Rocky and His Friends 8-2--What's This Song 7--Trailmaster rheYee! a aad 63--Across Canada $--Sea Hunt 4-1 Love Lucy es hae 11:00 A.M. 7--The Early Show --Albert J, Steed 6-3--Razzie Darzie 9--Dear Charlotte 4--The 430 Show lonnvininiee 7--Voyage To Bottom 8-2---Concentration crit da en Sey Sar, | neem" | CROSSWORD | TUESUAY EVE. 63--Don Messer's Jubilee! 4---Andy of Mayberry 5:00 P.M. 4--To Teli the Truth 11:15 AM. ACROSS 1. Group water sion: |11--Family Theatre | 4 tt cial tue Srboek Mehie Kee | a 11--Untouchables Best +3--Fireball XL--S o-Bewitened Te 6-3--Chez Helene f--Lloyd Thaxton 1 63S) 4 The We if % ive Gor A Secret 5.Fragment 44. Nigh Her. 9. Region 19. Like 10, Bowling DOWN 20, Anger alley 1, Sea off 22. Bark 11, Foreign Denmark 23, White 11:30 A.M. 3:30 P.M. vie OM $--Toronto Today &-Leave it To Beaver 9--It's Your Move 12. Prevent: 2. Constella- metal Law tion . Turf | 8-2--Jeopardy Music Hop 7---No Time tor IE (DIANE UINICIUIR | ; 14, Heron's 3. Antlered . Por IS AINID} ee NOW MAY 4 IL PROCEED) -> 7 8! YOUR bie be | 7--The Young Marrieds 4 | 63--Take Thirty » Weather BUZ SAWYER 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canada 7:00 P.M. 1i--Rawhide 9---The Addams Family 8-2--Movie 6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Phil Silvers Show 3--No Time For Sergeants 7:30 P.M. 9--The Lucy Show GOT TO FIND A PLACE WHERE T CAN SET DP AN AMBUSH/ Daz, , o> ONE: TRACKS SHOW HES RUNNIN HIS greet HORSE ALL ODT,....HE WON'T LAST LONG THAT WAY, ~~] SOMEBODY 15 TRACKIN'ME/ T DIDN'T FOOL HIM ANY..... HE CAME OUT OF THE RIVER AT THE SAME PLACE L DID/ 43, Bodies of 18, Divi- [DTAIMBRSTHTAY * . Kierans Assails FREED : eeumceeums | Corporation Plans WE MESIEICITMAINIU! QUEBEC (CP) -- Revenue Minister Eric Kierans said Fri- day Quebec "'will not sit idly by" and allow the federal gov- ernment to prevent her from ever wanting to establish a bank or to invest in one. He was speaking as debate was concluded in the legislative assembly on the provincial bud- get speech. Mr. Kierans said: "We will not sit idly by while Mr. Walter Gordon (the federal finance minister) brings down legisla- tion that interferes with what we justly consider to be con- stitutional rights." SALLY'S SALLIES Sergeants 4--Andy Griffith Show = SF 2 Maat 4 9:00 P.M reat ial tal PP - 'ie \--Twalve O'clock High ae att meee oa tte 9--Cara Williams $-2--Andy Willlams 7--Melina Mercourl's | } O \y Greece | 7-Price Is Right | }--Aquanauts 6-3--Butternut Square 6:00 P.M, +The McCoys | 7--News Central i 6--Gilligan's Island 62--call my Blt +News, Sports with | 4--News and Weather 6:98PM. relative animal poise EMM | 3~-Popeye and Pais. ier ey, Pe Noga 15, Exclama- 4. New , Miss- Saturday's Answer | 12:15 P.M, | $4-3--News; tion Englanders ing 32. Military | 4--Speaker of the House | Weather; Sports 16. Father: 5. Distinct '. Hate- supply 6. Bungle: ful centers 18, Organ of hearing inside: 29, Eng- 35. Seaweed 20, Sick abbr. lish 37. Floated 21, Southern. 8. Populace " poet 39. Crude 11. Vipers 30, Comply metal 7--Donna Reed §-2--Huntiey-Brinkley colloq: N : haa collog. . Pro- 33. Kind of state; 4 7 G YES,I CAN SURE- 63--Danger Man DO ANYTHING WHAT ? 4--The Lucy Show ( Ree Seen ) WéiTH A 9:30 PLM < F RECOMMEND ) | TV SET. 9--Take A Chance } 7~--Bing Crosby Show 91 ot | 7-Highway_ Patrol 4-Star Performance 6-2--1'l|_ B | @-Across Canada | 7--Father Knows Best | | lo10e P.M 4--Search tor Tomorrow | 7:00 P.M. Testve, hie, Show 3--Noonday Report N--Shindig 8-2--Alfred Hitchcock | 12:45 P.M, een tape 4--Gulding Light 'M-Squad 7--Ben Casey = 4--News, Weather, 63 Healthier. Waalthler 1:00 P.M. Sports nv i | 468% Renorts 11--Four Just Men [ore ee Sire Ae 10:gv P.M, 9--December Bride 6--Toronto File &--Matinee | 3--Musical Showcase 7--Afternoon Show 11:00 PLM. 6--Movie Matinee 4--Meet the Millers 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; Weather and Sports 2--Mike Douglas Show 6--Elwood Glover 17, To fasten 7. On the noun lily abbr. 22. Syco- \ 4 phant's word 9 23. Three-spot 24, Little girl 25, Become extinct 26. Circular turn 28, Gained 29. Tramp 31, Strange 32. Babylonian 3--Candid Camera | 2--The Detectives | 7:30 P.M. 9--Let's Sing Out 8-2--Mr. Novak | 7--Perspective On Greatness The Scene MICKEY MOUSE 1:19 PLM, 6--Viewpoint 1:30 P.M. 9--Metro Final |}1--Mid Day Matinee | YOUR HEALTH Senility Problem For Aging People By JOSEPH MOLNER, MD |pcople when they grow old, but Dear Dr, Molner: My mother|it does to some. is 71. It is senility. It can involve She always taught us to be/emotional changes, reversals in iclean, honest and truthful personality, forgetfulness, loss | Now the only time she is clean/of interest in self or the sur-| is when my sister or | bathe herjrounding world and its people | and wash her hair. She won't!In general it is an aging, and! even take her clothes off and/failure of the brain cells person with varicose veins wear|thus impeding the return of this put on a gown at night, and she| Soime of. us, in age, becomelejastic stockings, or will the/blood to the heart. wears hose until they are ready|lame, some feeble, some infirmitightness slow up circulation? -- to fall off in other ways. So it is that ed Mrs. J. F. Dear secrirth hie a 5 ver tel ' anq some, the infirmity is in the) fPilastic stockings very often/neuritis. What is the treatmen Fo ghey Ae eg ~~ mind. Others live to be 100 with-lare beneficial. Briefly, the elas- and how long does it take?-- YEAH, BUT I DON'T KNOW __| WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE ROOTS |= < HERE IN THE BASEMENT J 1] BOY, THAT PLANT HAS REALLY GROWN, ISS GRAN! , oC M4) & \ 3 i Jia , | ae \ 34,22 across in Spain 35. Rough lava 36. Blab 38. Implements 40, Christmas plant 41, Incite 42. Not working GRANDMA "What's the matter with can- ned food? That's all you ate before we were married!" COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 SKEETER! ARENT ON THE SNEEZE Just] [IN 7% 7... pur 1 HAVENT te oes os 7 | BEFORE THIS LAST 5 >\. BEEN ABLE To FIND one ee? m ONE... IT SINCE! y-- 'f el : >) Phx ; At out this mental deterioration. MUGGS AND SKEETER hear of many like this?-- | Teac taceNat ar mem Nothing can be done, to ze Ngee : awe verse these mental changes. can't remember--can't remem-|jyst take care of your mother ber such things as being truth-|and try to encourage her to ful and keeping clean." Do youjhelp herself. This may relieve "'some cases, but be futile in others. Mrs, T. E. D. This doesn't happen to alli Dear Dr. Molner: Should a ; mt oe , srfere with(Mrs. R. B. : io Gonlery: weet inteners This is one. of the complica- blood flowing down through the ions which sometimes develop arteries. It will help because it|with diabetes. Strict control of, will give some support for the/the diabetes is essential. In walls of the veins which have|most instances Vitam B com- ; cake peg ase plex or B 12 is used. The prob- become weakened and enlarged, lem may be stubborn to clear resulting in more or less stag-\yp, put it can be improved. nant accumulations of blood and! pa--e OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days o Week @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits e@ Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY

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