Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 5

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WHERE FISH ARE Commercial fishing yields in Ontario waters went down injjj 1964 in Lakes Huron, Erie, andi} Superior and up in Lake On-jij tario, Lake St. Clair and Georg-if ian Bay. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 1, 1965 § Township Tax Bite Increases TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING GOVERNMENT FLIES The Ontario department of) BROOKLIN (Staff) -- 'The)gage-free, red school house are,amount being three mills in the bases the year round, and @ | Citizens of the Town of Whit I good news of a Federal Tax cutlover, and the children from|Brooklin and Garrard road area, total of 28 in the summer. fied that Public Meeti onl penny) nett. fi that cheered many Whitbyjrural areas are being transport- ---- te at a Public Meeting will be held in the Township taxpayers will bejed to modern schools, all of Council Chambers, 405 Dundas Street West, |j receive|which are controlled and paid their 1965 Township tax bills. for, by one school board. | In all township areas, bu AVERAGE JUMP Brooklin, the 1965 tax bill will) ye average j in taxes is! take a bigger bite than it did, yrosimately 10, mills, - which, last year |will mean another additional $40 At the beginning of 1965 the|taxes on.a property assessed at] Robarts' Plan for public achoolal o sed. | was brought into effect in the) The Township Public School| township larea will be taxes 61,56 mills) All school areas were consoli-jresidential, and 69.109 commer-) dated into one area, under one|cial in 1965 i board, and.as a result a more| 'This area which includes) even distribution of school taxes|/Brooklin will enjoy a reduction) througHout the township is in/in taxes of up to 10 mills effect | Residents of the Garrard road) The hike in most area taxes| area, who send their children to) | can'be attributed to the fact that|St. Paul's Separate School will) lthe residents of that area are|pay a residential rate of 66.03) now paying approximately the! mills, and a commercial rate isame school taxes as all other/of 74.07 mills jresidents in the township. A mill is one dollar on every In 1964 the residents of Brook-|$1.000 of assessment. - | lin paid 25.77 mills for education, Those who live in the Brooklin| !while those in the Spencer area|area and support St. Leo's Sep-| lsent their children to the little|arate School will pay a residen- red school house, that has been tial rate of 61.56 mills, and a paid for for 100 years, and as a commercial rate of 69.10 mills oe result they enjoyed a_ public Parents with children attend- -- school rate of only 6.99 mills ing the Whitby Separate School ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH The days of the little, mort-/System will pay a residential | jrate of 66.22 mills, and a com | Rev } M Smith, BA BD Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Whitby at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 5th, 1965 at which time a report of the Town and Regional Planning will be presented by the stud- |} ents of the University of Toronto. | dampened when they PASTOR'S SECOND ANNIVERSARY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister WARREN J. MOWAT, if REY. Mayer. | iif SUNDAY SERVICES | 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS' BROADCAST C.K.L.B, 'a 1350 ON YOUR DIAL | - 'a 9:45 A M--=WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL Come 'to Brooklin 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE re 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL HOUR the friendly little village THE PASTOR WILL PREACH aS and visit... WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M Prayer, Proise and Pastor's Bible Cioss Beginning A Series of Bible Messages On John's First Epistle---Bring your note book 'There's Always A Welcome ot Faith' au ea EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West |mercial rate of 74,23 milis : Pickering School Area One, in Women's Unit (Open 7 doys @ week) $ ron Sell i lidund Keak 7:30 tarring--Peter lers ary ichar odd--Begins 107 COLBORNE 8T. W. f Also--"GOODBYE CHARLIE" In Color | Debbie Reynolds--Tony Curtis--At 9:10 OLC ELECTS A MAY QUEEN } \the Almonds area _ a ee Mrs. J. L, Baoton, AR.C.T abe H | i 63.52 mills, ~ Ag sure as Spring arrives they feel is the most popu- and the runners up tn the Holds Meeting Set a eat air 11-00 AM 10:30 A.M 4 every year the students at 'lar, and the best student, to election, Anne McWhir, 17, | sails 11:00 A.M. Dedication To ENGLISH SERVICE AND e: si é Whitby's Ontario Ladies' reign at the annual May Etobicoke, (left), and Naomi St. Mark's United Church Me aditional rates are charged Mission SUNDAY SCHOOL ia A EE : 7 : celebration. This year pretty Simons, 19, Bermuda, will |Women's Unit No. 4 held its : sefegan ights Youth Groups will' shore 2PM | College elect a May Queen. Ruth Milne, 19, Port Perry act as her councillors regular monthly meeting April|'® those who ei é ogg en oe a in the service siete DUTCH SERVICE | FURNITURE & APPLIANCE STORE The girls elect the student centre, got the most votes, --Qshawa Times Photo /|27 as the home of Mrs. G. Land ROR, iS Te ae . i eR HL I Aa SE TRE I CS 2 -------=|MacDougall, Centre street) 11:00 @.m, Nursery, Kindergerten 7 PM. i a Primary ' |north ' in cee icle ENGLISH SERVICE WHITBY PERSONALS | ae | 'Mrs A . MacCarl, Leader, | BAHA . 'Congregstion . EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED |} iwelcomed all present, opening, WORLD FAI Hi woven asc wren sc " Ee | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirk-; Mrs. John Wallis'and children é ste gg hla Sa oe Bod . WHITBY WE ARE SMALL, BUT land and Mrs. Ronald Kirkland|Shery! and Lynda enjoyed a) # Leadaniarty ence 'Fifteen mem- : : ST ANDREW'S | WE ONLY SELL THE BEST and baby Malinda and Stephen|two-week vacation in St. Peters-! Boe | Prayer pr Rs PUBLIC MEETING BAPTIST ' recently visited in Ottawa her/burg, Florida ae ' hoeiy oe ee ee mat (Colborne Street West ot Centre) PRESBYTERIAN Fomous name products like; Krub, Sklar, mother Mrs. Ernest Holmes, in ( 7 al : : : ee Beetets | Knechtel, ond Moffot, Marconi and e el they met her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Avard Wagner, b; it was reported shar 3) cae | be held at the seco pot? oh mete Senigrelsgay ead mony more, Moke that little extra drive hes " t Gordon - Comeau) ig | WET ' Pacer - c , af oull fi it's we re and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs.|attended the Gordon - © | Py, | were made to sick and shut-ins y - ok a Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A Youll find it's well worth it, And we' '4 ; New| weddi held in Toronto last) @ ; Two members, Miss Winnifred | : 4 Mrs, W. &, Summers, A.T.C.M Minister as close as your telephone. Call ime a Roland Lewis of St. John, New patavany j evs and Mrs. J. S. Gaine, will 1,0.0.F. Holl Brock St. 5. Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Orgonist yor . anytime, ° Brunswick 8 ibe assisting at Fairview Lodge Whitby. Every Sunday W py Fe GIDEON SERVICE rey gazed qq ! ts Afternoon Guild'are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hayes left] a in the month of May : 7 nwa 9:45 AM.--Sunday Schoo! "a " " peiding their May saacting at|for Weymouth, Nova Scotia to ».., | Final plans were made for the evening ot 8:15 P.M Nps yes di tyre Hag a The Happy Home the home of Mrs. R. S Cassels| Visit their parents Mr. and Mrs. | Spring luncheon to be held at 45 De Rhee fas 00 AM. and Miss Laura Barnes, 301/Charles Hayes and Mr and Mrs. the Church Assembly Hall May EVERYONE WELCOME CHOICE Sieokar: Mc leek Henin | Furniture & Appliances fibert street east May 11 at|Russel! Cossman 5. Tickets available from Unit (Toronto) Gilbert street east May cars Refreshments served WED 7:30 P.M.--PRAYER Nursery Care and Junior Congre- Brookl 2.30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. D. King of Ayr Peer ar stocacty ond Me AND BIBLE STUDY gation During "Divine Wership Be rooklin 655-3663 ; Paula Maria, daughter of Mr. ae an ae penta | Winifred Boys gave a paper on a PENG Ee i one Fg | Brazil" Carty spoke iy and Mrs. Jack Heynemans Slaw, Mr. and Mrs. Keith King,| oe ssl oak Ger eee TO SEE THESE t singh 8 th sete car Qe FREE TICKETS 5: BROCK THEATRE | | ey. Mrs. Robert Gagnon and Mrs./ cou CIL HEA |what the Church is doing to) "WEY DAD" y AT THE 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hamer,|William Bowden left on Friday) N D jassist them | 921 Euclid street, are celebrat-|for Montreal where they will be 'aa Houbher a6. has ry rr iogoner gt ig ge Bee CO-OPERATE. . EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE JOE ROBINSON j yer-| l * " f i} reek and Mrs ac- " Fy , tng thelr 25th eddie siobrate| Whitby Whitlers TOPS Club the} Dett,sppainted director of |cgr1. The next meeting of May] RING MOTH: RS || The CORNER PIZZA Wosh wevt, fr 30 este, Wises Ol area, We tare ee i bese ; y ae : # 5 %: = | é b cl Tor- x i Pp 1. " a : the occasion they will entertain|TOPS Club convention held at ied asecwie Dr dttisenels 25 will be a joint meeting with! SPECIAL/ZING IN name should appear end you locete it, all you ore asked to do is elip the Your 8.P. Dealer relatives and friends at St. John/Mount Royal Hotel, Montreal : ; citizenship nit No. 1 when pictures will) od and present it et the Oshowe Times Office in Whitby or Oshaws. SERVICE STATION } the Evangelist parish hall May " , ' he succeeds A. W. Trueman be shown on Bermuda and! @ PIZZA «® SPAGHETTI You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theatre. © TUNE-UPS . May 1 (CP Photo) |> @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN 5 am _ | Trinidad | SERVICE CALLS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koenen| Mr. and Mrs. William Collier) | | @ SPARERIBS e \ and three children of Helland and children Barbara and Ste-| ACTS AND FIGURES Family Monuments im aed ligt HOME DELIVERY MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY © GENERAL REPAIRS . are guests at the home of hisiphen, London, Ont.. and Mr. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- amily PRO | 668.8807 ONE COMPLETE PROGRAM STARTING 7:30 668-4585 4 brother and sister-in-law Mr. and|Gerry Jorden of Western Uni-|Facts and figures on Saturday's| pLumBING ry | "NEVER LET GO" e168 broek WN. wiivey Mrs. Frank Koenen, 922 McCul-\versity were recent guests Ofigist Kentucky lough drive and will establish|Mr. and Mrs. C, L. Jorden, Col-!Churchill Downs residence in Whitby. jborne street. Distance--i'4 miles Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and) Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Mollema Pye ia 2 colts. Mrs. James Campbell is cele-jof Holland have arrived for a Tar Year's Gliaae Sarthen brating her 10th birthday today. |six-months visit with their son ' . n Derby at Fred Devolin, 239 Montrave, Oshowe NOW- THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY eat ' Creoted To Individua \ Requirements STAFFORD BROS. ante. lie FOR for Matchless Living soo Dancer ' _ jand daughter-in-law, Mr. and : Evening Shows At 7:00 and 9:00 P.M. i 4 Fla and Mrs epee Lajoie,|uirs Simon Mollems. S14 Rose- a value--$154,500 with 11 LTD. GO ELECTRIC OTHE CHALK GARDEN" In Color EVERY é Mi. 2 i undas street west are celebrat-| ' pet |starters, : Ts we! ing their first wedding anniver-\ont. -- Rip vb return (0) 'purse distribution--$112,000 to MONUMENTS a Beerenarvone Starring--Deborah Kerr--Hayley Mills OCCASION yo" sary on Sunday. Their friends winner, $25,000 to second; $12 318 DUNDAS EAST > &> F : 's REPAIRS ach wish them every happiness Barbara, daughter of Mr. and/500 to third; $5,000 to fourth 668-3552 BRO ; FREE | PHONE ping il --Y Mrs. Pius Jones is celebrating Crowd--Estimated 100,000 ESTIMATES a 668-8522 Weather--Fair and warner. von noncnverer 2 reno ss u ' 668-4278 . FLOWERS by DEAN William Kloke of West Ger-\her 11th birthday on Monday many was a recent visitor at the home of his brother and) Best wishes are offered to Record--2:00 by Northern 4 sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Wer-|Mrs. Anthony Kapostins, RR 1, Dancer, 1964 ner Kloke, 1009 Wardman cres-|Whitby, on the occasion of her - @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK @ 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE @ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD CSER----OWNER J, Cain, 320 Annapolis, Oshawa 324 ASH ST., WHITBY - - - RES, PHONE 668-3208 668-3142 131 Brock S. Whitby McTEAGUE (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD, Track--Probably fast ATTENTION LADIES ia cent 'birthday celebrated today ai « A ' hh a o ------|activities this coming Thursday DOR-MAR Beauty Salon 4 OLIVE q i Whitby S y 4 . : : i CLUB CALENDAR |Fth ®*0« Church WMS |), yg tinged eri Buying -- Renting -- Selling x HOWE REAL ESTATE 4 s 1 be canvassin ; Q ae 4 | Funan ay Set vt "aun § offers you another special for | meee commen, ewer | \Red Cross Senior Citizens So-\"°C © iv s coming H MONDAY, May $ b agg cial Club ni jweek. Calls will be made during a" TH S DAY" TIMES ACTION WANT ADS 515 BROCK S. -- 668-5853 | Co-Op Credit Union anking) entecostal Church Young Peo-|the day and evenings +s MO ER H. Charles, 1204 Simeoe S. Oshawa A. &. Reinholds, 50 Greta Oshawa night | ple's Christ Ambassadors | It is hoped that the Whitby) | Ist Whitby Scouts \co-op Credit Union papal ties will oe favor-| From May 4th to May 8th P q) RCE Salvation Army Brownies : jably to this most worthy cause. | Reg. Special Whitby Baptist Church Explor. SATURDAY, May & ee SHAMPOO-SET. & Manicure ...... 3.50 2.59 $) SCUGOG CLARK BUYING - SELLING VIC'S SPUR ers Salvation Army Guides SHAMPOO-SET & Scalp Massage 3.75 2.69 CLEANERS STUDIOS i Al Saints' Anglican Church|Salvation Army Timbral Brigade EUCHRE Perms Less 10% ' suine Get Quick Results SERVICE STATION Evening Guild ee Army Young People's 4 worst LAUNDERERS || @ Fine Ol! Paintings i . : a | Portraits i Pe oe Ooondll Women's)4 w's Couples Club Giant Auc- To Be Held PHONE 668-3992 TODAY 4 ve sTonact : Made Services with low cost vasa dee ©, : 4 3 . j tion For Your A ointment WHITBY @ Custom Picture Framing F TUESDAY, May 4 ore er MON., MAY ord id . | creat Orrice @ Self-Improvement Classes CLASSIFIED Whitby Whittlers Tops Club | H Rall 105. BRYON ST. SOUTH WHITBY 120 Brock W. 668-4497 ACTION 668-3644 Whitby Shrinking Violets 'Tops| ome hally 8 P.M. a me ah baicacahd 325 Brock N. Whitby A $01 Brock N. Whitby Club I C d d LEGION HALL cme AORTA IRD SLAP ORLIRE SAS A RED ammg'| 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA Allen McLoren, Elizabeth Cr. WANT ADS Rose Sutch, 101 Croydon, | itby i St. John the Evangelist Church; 48 VON ucte SPECIAL -- TENT TRAILERS | ee OWL : ' Salvation Army Women's Whitby | St. Mark's UCW general meet-/Home League members attend- ing led the Home League Rally of Prizes --- Refreshments Cc i] P P I N G Cc A R PE T s ER VI Cc E WEDNESDAY, May 5 Te eee Oe cata ael, | eemmemmnsinssemnentnicnenensts @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT G. kistsate's Drecheticiin Chill This xeptaned thn fomier snaet 9 CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES dren of the Church ling. -A capacity audience attend-| 942-0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" AJAX Whitby St. John Ambulance [ed both sessions LISTINGS } a Almonds UCW | Guest speaker Mrs. Colonel recone aes omigtaoe euratnpemcamerarnceruaceramratuacs' | eReenaieivun erm ead nica em ato Aauee | (Lars eres s ae eer a tee: | Mie bier aCe Knights of Columbus seg bib tap ed cen A&T HARRY'S Sco Sar Bick COMPLETE Lod N aoe ee Our Disploy Seaman Neteees Laan 8 Wenaee | we oF Wee TRANSMISSION eee ! itby Home Teague mem-, 668-8873 ; ; Co-op Guild et, present. with their W Schatzmann } : MOTORS 65 RAMBLERS SERVICE cs, ; THURSDAY, May 6 Captain Mrs. Clarence Janes.! . east @ 2 Licensed "Mechenies ° ohana ! Church St.) They-received an award for the ealtor ! Automatic Transmissions . 1A " : All Saints Anglican hure ateeat cube of meabers in! . nck Nunes © COMPLETE JANITORIAL Quantity of Good Used Cars 668-4932 Margaret Guild sttentanca Gaia Gh }Bk perl 114 Brock St. N. ° SERVICE ABNER'S , Whitby Baptist Church Cubs {Sentage of the rel WHITBY er ESSO SERVICE eal Salvation Army Women's HL The League will resume its Ph. 668-3338 701 Dundas E. Whitby 668-8873 WHITBY AUTOMATIC nat ate : : , Picts behinds 609 HARRIET WHITBY 668.5391 TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS & |. Hamilton, 601 Clarence Tory sMarmare, ASA. Siincee N ee 405 MARY ST. EAST BROCK Evening Shows At 7 &.9 P.M, = ore SALES saline ae wee colnet SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 withing RDRRNCESOETCIRMRORS ereRT Tee a Believe It WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Oo N P : rayperengenooreg @ GRILLES o@ BUMPERS "HOME {MPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" e NEW AND USED PARTS = @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS . 2 r ° On ly ' . 399.50 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT. AND SOLD ste sumoke a seis wniiey FREE Loan of spreader NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE N. OF WHITBY 668.3223 Michael Ostap, 486 Sterling Oshewa with any purchase of otal WILDE RENTAL BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS Sportsman's SERVICE & SALES ee oe » CUSTOM WORK Corner ue oe ae + INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (ON 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE) 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY odes : =a S-YEAR WORKMANSHIP, GUARANTEE j ' ic 1A ST -- WH R.R. NO, 1 PICKERING -- 942-072 . | 103 Byron St. S. Whitby ik PH. 668-3226 - 1, DB. Locke, 224 Centre S. Whitby A. R. B. Conrad, 108 Kent, 0 Whitby

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