Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Mey 1, 1965 make the total unified budcet of the United Church $11,500,000, Bishop Mass At St. Mary's Should the United Church of Canada appoint bishops, as may be recommended next year in a report to the General Council? Some Oshawa UC clergymen here are in accord, but with varying reservations. "T'm in favor... parthy be- cause of my interest in church unity," said Rev. A. M. Butler, of Cedardale UC. 'This could mean a conflict with our pres- bytery system, but a formula could be worked out. There is value in having someone, a per- manent bishop, who would be aware of all the background information in church day-to- day life. The minister could discuss problems with 'him. Although the Anglicans insist on bishops in the apostolic suc- cession -- that is those whom, they claim, have come in a direct line from Christ's disci- ples -- I think the United Church bishops would be a benefit in our talks of union." Rev. H. A. Mellow of North- minster UC said: "The ultimate authority of an Anglican bishop should not be invested in a bishop in our church. A group of about five people, with a new member added yearly, could act as bis- hops in presbytery. They could be administrators, sub- ject to the authority of the pres- bytery." He didn't see any church union immediately, but he said there was "strong sympathy" between the clergy in each church. "It's in the which represents an 8.85 per budget. Rey, T. E. F. Honey, secre- tary of the Board of World Mis- sion, addressed a meeting in Oshawa on the subject "World Mission". He told of the emergency pro- gram for assistance in Africa To Celebrate soon after his ordination. In cent increase over last year's} of} of its culture and language from Greece than from any other country. He used colored slides. Dr. Moller, who moved to |Canada from Czechoslovakia 26 jyears ago, is vice-president of H. H. Robertson Co. Ltd, He lectured for seven years on Ad- vanced Cost Accounting at Me- Master University. He was an jinstructor in the Chartered Ac- countant course at Queen's Uni- versity and writes for Canadian Church Shirks The Issue Of Poverty, Panel Claims ment and bring "a system of social justice to the poor in the rural areas." -- TORONTO (CP)--Three pan- one year. | elists accused the church Wed-| She said the church should nesday of not facing the moral| step in with a personal involve- issue on poverty. They were speaking to the| 1951, after 15 months of Com- munist imprisonment, he re- gained his freedom and left Slovakia on an American pass- port which he obtained, as an t : American by birth, from the 4 a, ' U.S. Embassy in Prague. He came to Canada' in 1952 after residing in Indiana and New Jersey. More than 30 delegates from Oshawa will attend the 12th National Elgin House -- Kes- wick Men's Conference in Mus- koka. It is to be held on two week- ends (June 11-12-13 and June 18-) 19-20) under sponsorship of The) Board of Men, the United Church of' Canada, Ralph C. Young will be the theme speaker, He is the form-| er secretary of the Board of Men and has held many high) positions in the church's lay movement, He is the Secretary} of the Department of Laity, {World Council of Churches, with headquarters in Geneva, Swit- zerland, The guest ev. Gregory 7 BISHOP RUSNAK ... special visitor cutal unity. Any bishop we would have would be advisors, {not prelates, I don't feel that lapostolic succession is neces- lsary -- we have it in the roots of some of the churches which) p TE ee ee Cr at eer hbe. Whe will discus Bog ss ah ' . ,;menical Affairs. He is a pro- Street United Church, said etl, there would be "no conflict" i fessor of Religious Knowledge in . ; : : ja "oyy,|at St. Michael's College, Uni- union with the Anglicans. ( We versity of Toronto, where he 'claim the apostolic succession, pic " ; also directs the study of Ecu- through John Wesley, founder) monica) matters : pg tor gers cagtnn Delegates will attend this con- | , ference -oast-to-c of the Church of England.) oe ee He added: 'Bishops would be speaker will be Baum, OSA, Theodore Lucas of Washing- amounting to $10,000,000 through|business journals. | the division of Inter - Church Aid of the Worid Council of! The AOTS ('As One 'That Churches at the rate of $2,000,-/\Serves") group of Northminster 000 annually over the next five|United Church was entertained years, The Committee on Over-|by counterparts from St. David's seas Relief has voted $10,000 to-|United Church, Toronto, ward this project and another' The program was "An Eve- $10,000 is being considered, ning of Welsh entertainment" under direction of Dan David. Tomorrow has been set aside Solos were sung and David Clee in St. George's Memorial gave an illustrated talk -- wit Church, 51 Centre street, asislides -- on Wales. Ivor Davies Anglican World Mission Sun-lof the host church also assisted ; j _|day. aith the arrangement of the ve lg these ideals them Said Rey. Canon F. G. Ong-|program. The next Men's Club Mr. Porter, commenting on|!ey, rector this week in a pre-'dinner is May 26. sex and violence in movies and|Pared statement: : a ue ; : books, wondered whose "rea lj As a result of the Anglican The 'Christian College Close- life" these stories portrayed? |Congress, the Canadian Church |up Conference" at Calvary Bap- "Surely all society is not sor- has a new depth of concern for tist Church will start its final did and unclean," he said. fellow Anglicans of . the 18 two days at 7.30 p.m. tonight. "Writers assume that this is churches which constitute the|Rev. William C.. Lincoln, mis- the type of literature we want Anglican Communion around sionary statesman, will speak. by our acceptance of it lthe world, This Sunday has : been set aside by the Primate for learning, paying, and giving to World Mission, T. E. LUCAS «+.» at youth rally Bishop K. Earl Sayers, titular head of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints in this area, said this week that the world Church had reported a record number of convert bap- tisms for the first two months of this year -- 11,549. He recently attended the annual meeting of the world Church in Salt Lake Rev, Philip L. Fiess, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church, was jin St. Louis, Mo., this week at) ,, : ' ithe College of Presidents' place-| Four Oshawa residents at- |ment meeting (when the church|'ended a Churchman' | Inter- vicar is appointed for the next|"ational Consultation "Chris- iterm). tian Responsibility in Industrial The church's special Faster| Relations," sponsored by the moreal issue on poverty. They were speaking to the} board of women of the United] Church of Canada at its annua! meeting. | Murray Thomson, peace edu- cation secretary of the Reli- gious Society of Friends (Quak- ers) in Canada,\gaid the church should fight workd poverty by supporting the United Nations and lobbying for diyarmament. | Robena Morris, commissioner) of welfare for Toronto, said the) church does not take a personal interest in reaching the urban poor, | Miss Morris said the church) has forgotten the aged. Many pensioners continue their lives SI, GEORGE'S ANGLICAN. CHURCH B8AGOT AND CENTRE The Reverend Conon F. G, Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R, G, Brooks -- Assistant SUNDAY, MAY 2nd -- EASTER Il 9:00 A.Ms--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION -- Anglican World Mission 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER Nursery Facilities available ot the 11:00 a.m. Service Thursday, May 6th--Holy Communion--10:00 @.m., out a call from a church mem- ber. Nora Fox, supervisor of the 'Brantford Children's Aid So- ciety, said the church has not kept in touch with rural fami- lies on a personal level. | Mrs. Fox said that in Nor- in' loneliness and neglect with-|--= folk County, south of Brantford, applications for welfare assis- tance have risen 37 per cent in} CHRIST MEMORIAL display in the Narthex -- show- Canadian Council of Church ling the risen Lord and the open|#"4 the New York State Coun- ltomb -- was constructed under/°il of Church in Hamilton this ldirection of the Walther League.\Week. They are Canon F. G The display is as yet incom-|Ongley of St. George's Memo- plete, but will be added to each|"!@! Church, Norman Roe and year so that parishioners can|Charles Collard of the same} _ follow more closely the events|church; and Rev. Leonard of Holy Week and Christs'| Ware of St. Peter's Church. |Passion. City, Utah GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST 230 Gibbons Street 9:45 A.M,.----Sunday School 11:00 A.M, CHURCH (Anglicon) Mary and Hillcroft Streets SERVICES 8:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minleter 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE 8:00 P.M. WED., PRAYER SERVICE ee THE SALVATION ARMY Corps Officers Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis 133 Simcoe South \ TO: SERVE GOD! SUNDAY, MAY' 2nd 11:00 A.M.--HOLINESS MEETING 2:00 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL grass roots -- the man in the/helpful to our church in an ad-|ton, D.C., will be the guest pew -- where the conservatism|visory capacity, but we would/speaker today at the Provin- dopted foster lies." be concerned about the power|cial Youth rally in College|Nary 4 de ne i tau iS Rev. John Porter of West- they would wield. Maybe they| Park Seventh-Day Adventist Sian under the Foster minster UC said he couldn't see could have power in theory, if|Church. bell how the congregations could ob-|not in practice, like the mon-| More than ject to bishops. pe go The bishops besa also|from Ontario points "Our Board of Home Mis-\aid organic union, which would|pected to hear Mr. Lucas,|,, a leeeds Rev. E a sions has a superintendent who|be the best for all concerned, It}World Youth Leader of the -- "t a, -- Hadeh hoveally Reng ebony 5 he wields many of a bishop's pow-|is wrong for us to be compet-|Church. Also scheduled for to-|¢ 5 val ce nightly, except erving as general secretary of ers," he said. "He is a man weling for souls with each other."'day were workshops and cede vis visi Monday. He vill the Church in Canada for 14 can go to for advice on church career classes. mete rik 7 years, matters. The 'pastor of pas-| Bishop Michael Rusnak of Two other prominent church|Rroe h at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.,/¥Or* tors' role which a UC bishop|Toronto will visit Oshawa to-/youth leaders were to speak: | sie we Rader shanid could play could counterpart/morrow Fred Beavon, Berren Springs, sete sated A-chemiet; HAs has served as secretary-treas- the impersonal air of presby-| He will celebrate Pontifical|/Mich., director for Michigafi, Coos Sulolt 40 NA Murer of the Ontario-Quebec sec: tery." Mr. Porter said there|High Mass at St. Mary's Slo-|Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin: |pexembles , scientific labor: tion of the church : were other "faults" in the pres-|vak Greek Catholic Church 3 and H. E. Haas, of Minneapolis, pine ity ae We eee byterian system of church gov-/Ritson road south, which he/Minn., director for Minnesota,| .jacerog; s ni . G av c eeithent that could be put right./organized in 1957. Rev. J. C./Dakota and Iowa. (ag Dear a modern version of gt" Bean lh "Right now many churches|Pereyma and Rev. A. Krafcik,, The Kingsway College Choir! carries no less than a half-ton|Fellowship of Oshawa on Church has Rev. Carl Klam, 969 Col- child in Viet Dorne street east, Oshawa, was arents' appointed general secretary of the Seventh - day Adventist Church in Canada by Canadian Adventist Church leaders in MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M EVENING WORSHIP ALL ARE WELCOME Grace Lutheran NURSERY CARE--11:00 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOLS 9:30 and 11:00 AM. WEDNESDAY -- 10:00 A.M. HOLY COMMUNION 1,000 teen-agers 'Phe Salvation Army Citade are X-lhas had a special speaker this\S¢Ssion here this week. He suc- UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 4 King Street East, Oshawa (upstairs) 723-6325 HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. J. D, Lewis Mr. Klam, an Oshawa resi- dent for the past six years, The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 9:45 Family Bible School 11:00 A.M. act as if they were independ-|the pastor, will assist. There will present a musical program ent bodies,"' he continued. "Per- haps the appointment of a uni- fying figure would correct this. As a former member of the Church of England, I can see many good points in the episco- pal system of government perhaps a bishop could make us all aware of each other's need." Rey. N. T. Holmes, of Har-| mony United Church, said that) introduction of the "'bis-| hop's system' might "ease"| relations between .the United) and Anglican churches. | "It could also help in rela-| tions with other Protestant epis-| copal bodies, such as the Luth-| erans. I can not see any unity) with the Anglican Church, a unity of purpose in certain di- rections, perhaps, but not a will be a banquet after in the afternoon Bishop Rusnak was named October 7, 1964, by Pope Paul Is our education system fail- Titular Bishop of Cernik, Apos-|ing because it equips people to tolic Visitator for all Slovaks of make a living rather than with the Byzantine Rite in Canada,'a sense of appreciation for "the __.and Auxiliary to Bishop Izidore finer things of life?" Borecky, Rey. John Porter, minister of Toronto. Westminster United Church, He was born in Beaverdale,| Oshawa, asked this question in Pa., August 21, 1921, to a Slo-'an address to members of the vak immigrant family. The Ontario Gamma Epsilon Chap- family took him with them to|ter of Beta Sigma Phi their native Slovakia during) The philosophy of following the Depression. He completed 'the good, the true and beau-| his higher education in Slova-|tiful,"" he continued, was also kia. He was ordained, July 4,\the philosophy of the ministry. 1949, to the priesthood in'It not only pursued these ideals, Presov as a member of the but tried to "sow its. seeds." Redemptorist Order. Mr. Porter challenged mem-| He was put into a concen- bers to 'open the windows of} tration camp with other Slovak/their personalities' so that they! priests of the Byzantine Rite'could lead the way for others! Ukrainian Eparech of of chemical equipment with) Greece, from Minos to 'Never him for illustrative purposes, 0 Sunday' ' The focal point of his exhibit, He traced the religion and cul- is the open Bible facing the ture of Greece from 3000 BC to congregation. According to a the present and said that the Salvation Army brochure, "Lt.-/ Western world has derived more "Known through breaking bread"' "Discover the Difterence"' 7:30 P.M,--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Sat. 8:00 P.M.--Young People Col. RaderMs neither an ama ------ Future Location teur magician nor a_ mystic, but a practical technician who has proved that the laws of science and of God are com patible and paralle! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD . : aan Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. ev. in esley Herhert, Miss Judith D chairman of the: Missionary and hay ope eagutaanaae Maintenance committee of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the 11:00 A.M.--The Ordinance of the Lord's. $ United Church of Canada, has ! and reception of new wankers cre announced that the national budget for the M and M Fund| 7:00 P.M.--"'What it takes to become a Believer" 9:30--Bible Schoo! in 1965 has been set at $11,435,- 000. The United Church women Nursery and Jr. Church et 11:00 a.m will add another $65,000 to rent a new superiast Cascade 40 for only a few cents a month. The Cascade 40 electric water heater can supply all the hot water you'll ever need. © Two elements produce hot water fast @ Large tank keeps 40 gallons of hot water on tap ® Needs no flue--can be in- stalled anywhere ® Flameless--so safe and clean ® For more information ask your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With -- 320 Ritson Road South EVERYONE WELCOME 7:00 P.M.-SALVATION MEETING Tues. 2:30 P.M--Home League Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study Specio! Campaign With LIEUTENANT COL. LYELL RADER SATURDAY EVENING AT 8:00 P.M, SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M; "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev. @ W. C. Brett, B.A, 484 Boder Ave. 726-6122 Musical Director Mr, Metthew Gouldburn, A,L.C.M, 9.45 A.M, CHURCH SCHOOL 11.00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP "THE FORGETFULNESS OF GOD" 7:00 P.M EVENING WORSHIP "WHAT GOD IS LIKE" Come ena Worship With Us Evan ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N, et King St. E Rev, Walter Jackson Minister ST. LUKE'S Rossiond Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister REV. 0. R. SINCLAIR, B.A. 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 Mr, Frank Welter Musica! Direeter 9:30 A.M. THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, PUBLIC WORSHIP "GOD'S WORD FOR A NEW AGE" All Cerdielty 9:30 AM. The Chureh School 11:00 A.M. THIS WE BELIEVE-- "THE DESTINY OF MAN" Invited gelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner tvangeline & Philip Murrey Pastor: REV, ERNEST WINTER 9:45 AM. BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M "CHRIST IN THE STATE" 7:00 P.M "FAITH IN GOD" WED. 7:45 P.M ible Study and. Prayer LIEUT. Travelling Evangelist Catvary Baprist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Postor---REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE A.M,---BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. REV, WM. 'C. LINCOLN P.M.---SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO TONIGHT----SATURDAY--7;30 PM. Bible College Conference Wednesday, 7:45 P.M--Bible Study and Preyer -- a COL. LYELL RADER FROM NEW YORK U.S.A. Will Head a Revival Campaign Wed. April 28th to Sun. May 2nd WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ...... . . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ........ . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ..... . TELEPHONE 942-2930 + Sunday 11.00 A.M. and 7.00 P.M. THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL 133 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA

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