Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 May 1965, p. 12

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JOS JOURNAL Women's Editor of The Times May Day, and not a leaf on the trees! In olden times May 1 was a day set apart for much merriment; the crowning of the Queen of the May, dancing and sporting on village greens and linking arms and singing "Here We Come Gathering Nuts in May" which never did make sense but was a jolly romp, anyway, With "Mods" and "Rockers" hurling brickbats around, any May Queen might get a different crowning in Merry England, these days, so I don't think there are many candidates, My father was born on the first of May and contended that that made him the King of the May. In our home there was no argument, Even without a May Queen, the month is full of social engagements. My calendar is filled with dances, concerts, luncheons, bazaars, teas, receptions and open houses. White Gloves and Decorations One of the highlights is the Regimental Ball, next Friday in the Armouries, given by the Ontario Regiment. The Honorary Colonel R. §. McLaughlin and the Com- manding Officer, Lt. Colonel W. C. Paynter will receive | and lead the grand march which is usually followed by the Leek Eating Ceremony. The Grand March, an old' Victorian custom, will be performed this year by members of the regiment, their ladies and other officers who have been invited. The Leek Eating Ceremony dates back to medieval times when Welsh soldiers used to eat the leek before going into battle in the belief that it gave them extra strength. (1 thought it was sailors who sang "Blow the Man Down .. ."'), In the time of Henry VIII Welsh troops wore the leek as a mark of identification. The two officers who will perform the ceremony this year are the two newest lieutenants in the regiment, Lt. Patrick Dooley and Lt, Helmut Paddags. The next night the Polish Veterans' Association and the Polonia Club are holding a monster Polka Party in the Civic Auditorium, with reserved seats and two name bands. The Ukrainian Women's Association is preparing for its annual spring frolic, this year an Italian Pizza Festa in St. John's Hall, May 15, and the Club Loreley is holding a reception and banquet to mark its 10th anni- versary. Ambitious Plans This social event will afford invited guests an oppor- tunity to see the new members' lounge, which is the first completed part of future plans for expanding and beauti- fying the clubhouse and its surroundings. The club has acquired a new entrance and foyer. Opening from this is the new lounge, panelled in walnut with a beamed ceiling and inlaid, hardwood floor. A built- in, cosy corner is upholstered in tangerine to match the bar and the draperies are in soft' green and gold to com- pliment the brown and cream of the walls. The whole effect is warm, friendly and inviting. A member of the executive, Mr. Ulrich Strahl, supervised the building and the secretary, Mrs. Walter. Schneider, was responsible for the soft furnishings. May is opening on a musical note, too. The Scar- borough Light Opera Company, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Oshawa, is presenting the last of three perform- ances of Cyrano de Bergerac tonight in McLaughlin Col- legiate. On Tuesday the Oshawa Symphony Orchestra is giving # concert in the UAW Hall and featuring the Gen- eral Motors' Male Chorus and on Wednesday, the Cana- dian Concert Association will present Margaret Rowan, soprano, for whom great things are predicted. The Mirror of Fashion Meanwhile the Oshawa Little Theatre has been play- ing to appreciative audiences in the Mclaughlin Library auditorium. The play, "Fashion", written more than a hundred years ago, pokes sly fun at the would be social- climbers and title-seekers of the day and contemporary parallels are easily established, Harry Chapman has di- rected a capable cast in the tricky business of '"'asides" to draw the audience into the play and has garnished the confection with songs; duets and dances in a romantic setting. The caricatures were good and the cast played together with confidence, Bouquets are ordered for Maureen Langridge, Judith Edmondson, Eileen Chapman, Jim Sabyan, Avi Rosen and Karl Kappes and a bouton- niere to George Spelvin for character acting. with "Oh, yes, but wait until next January." I must say that I think it's a great pity when cultural treats like the Little Theatre and the Scarborough Light Opera are presented on the same nights, especially during the NHL play-offs. With a little foresight and enquiry these situations might be avoided to the benefit of all con- cerned. How? Just ask me. ' Much talk, this week, over The Budget, not the. family one that suffers from a perpetual list to port, but the national one, as brought down (there's a strange phrase for you ... sounds as though he spends all night in the attic or up in the belfry, working on it) by Finance Min- ister Gordon. For all that our deductions will be a little less after July 1 I have heard very little enthusiasm and after all, money talks. Most comments have wound up with 'Oh, yes, but wait until next January." Of course, there are always the mathematical types who wax enthusiastic with pencil and paper. I haven't got that far. Having been brought up on vulgar fractions and pounds, shillings and pence, I'm a little leary of per- centages, except the very easy ones and have never com- pletely embraced the decimal system. | am a disciple of the late Sir Winston Churchill who said he 'never knew what to do with the d----d dot'. Even Shakespeare said "out, out d---d spot' so I don't feel too badly about it, although at one time I felt that 1 wasn't getting properly acclimatized. Dizzy Disaster With the upsurge of spring and the beckoning of the broad highway, I suppose we can anticipate an epidemic of stolen automobiles and police chases at death-defying speeds. In the case of youthful adventurers, I wonder if giving chase is the psychological thing to do. It would seem likely that once the miscreants realized that 'they were being followed they would speed up from sheer panic or bravado, risking not only their own lives but endangering others. Once they have been reported, might it not be smarter if the police, through their communica- tions systems, headed them off or trapped them instead of chasing them? I'm sure the "boys in blue" are not looking to me for advice but somebody has to ask the silly questions ; Lovely to think of the long, summer evenings stretch- ing ahead, but, oh these bright spring mornings ... Notice how tired everyone looks since we lost that hour last Sunday? 0-0-0-h, excuse me RESTORE OLD HOUSE Part of the $3,000,000 expan- sion program of the Art Gallery of Toronto is the restoration of Grange House, now used for of-| fices, to its condition 'in 1829) CO le ARORA At the Master Suggesters' Dinner honoring GM _ peo ple who have won. $1,000 or A SURPRISE BIRTHDAY CAKE more in suggestion awards during 1964, GM president E. H. Walker was presented with a surprise birthday cake on the occasion of his 56th birthday, Mrs. Wilfred Ottenbrite, wife of the top suggester for 1964, looks on. Women 12 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, Mey 1, 1965 Mr. Julius G. Minacs will take as his bride, Miss Elaine de Vere, Oshawa, in a ceremony in Simcoe Street United Church on Saturday, June 12, according to an an- nouncement made today. Mothers will be on hand to take visitors on a tour of the | premises and show them the }work being done to help the |handicapped when the Crippled) |holds open house on Wednesday} |between 10: and 11.30 a.m., and 1) and 3.30 p.m. Miss Lynne Avery,| wedding physiotherapist and Mrs. E. A.| | Winkler, occupational therapist,| Brunswick; Mr. John Gannon,| | will be available for information 'and coffee will be served, Mrs, H. D. Cleverdon will in-| |troduce Mrs, D. R. Sinclair,| wife of the Reverend D. R. Sin iclair of St. Luke's Presbyterian 'Church, who is to open the May | Showers Honor | Marina Manilla Miss Marina Manilla, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J Manilla, Rossland road west, whose marriage to Mr. Egan Monostori of Flushing, New York is to take place May 8, in St. John's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church, has been en- - |tertained in honor of the event. | The future bride's co-workers at the Economical Mutual Insur- ance Company,. Toronto held a dinner party at the Kiev Tavern and presented her with a set of matched luggage and kid gloves Friends in New York City showered Miss Manilla with bed linens Some two hundred friends in Oshawa attended a party in St Walter Branch will piano for the backgroud for the! Children's School and Treatment|parade of beach wear, past, \Centre 760 Bloor street east,| present and future. The bride-elect is the daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, J. J. de Vere, London, England, and the prospective bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Jullus Minacs, Osh- awa. --Aldsworth Photography SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Sale and Tea at Christ Memorial Church on Wed: day. Mrs. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, William J. Lee, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Elmer Lawrence Doucette, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Doucette, Yar- mouth, Nova Scotia. The cere- mony will take place on Saturday, May 29, 1965, at 2.00 in King Street United ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, William J. Clark announce the engagement ct his daughter, Sandra Evelyn, TO John Ross Thexton, son of Mr. and Mrs, George R. Thex- ton, all of Oshawa, The wed- For Hallowe'en '65 Saturday, October 30, will be the suggested date for Hallow- e'en 1965, in a letter to be sent by the Oshawa UNICEF com- mittee to local schools, it was decided at the annual meeting recently. Since October 31 falls on a Sunday this year, it was felt by the committee to be an unsuitable day for soliciting. - It was reported that the On- tario UNICEF committee would meet on Saturday, October 24, in Cooksville. Mrs. D. K. Stiles and several of her Oshawa com- mittee expect to attend, Officers for the Oshawa UNI-| CEF committee, 1965-66 are as follows: Chairman, Mrs. D. K. Stiles; vice-chairman, (Greeting Cards), Mrs. W. R, Milne; vice- chairman (publicity), Mrs. E. A. Middiemass; publicity com- mittee, Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. Walter, Grigorenko; Sep- arate Schools, co-chairmen, Mrs. Gordon Dignem and Mrs: Angus Dixon; recording and press secretary, Mrs, James R. Warnica; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. H. D. Joyce; treas- urer, Mrs. Cecil G, Step; carton chairman, Mrs. Donald Ellis. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs, Gordon Dignem and Mrs>James Logan's report UNICEF Prepares | showed that over $6,000 had been collected by Oshawa and district youngsters 7,000 boxes distributed by carton chairman, Mrs. E. A, Middle- mass. Approximately $400,000 was collected across Canada. Christmas cards and calendars, Mrs. Middlemass reported al- most $850 to have been netted. It was announced that a new Danny Kaye UNICEF film is to be released shortly. Other excel- lent material available-.in the in- terests of UNICEF include eight films, the showing of which throughout the year would stim- ulate interest in UNICEF at other times than Hallowe'en. ding will take place on Satur- day, May 15, 1965. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Elaine de Vere, Oshawa daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J, J de Vere, London, England, to Julius G. Minacs, son of Mr. and Mrs, Julius Minacs, Osh- awa, The wedding is to take) place on Saturday, June 12, 1965 at 2.00 p.m. in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mrs. Ernestine Freiberk Lis- kar, Toronto, wishes to an- jnounce the forthcoming mar- iriage of her daughter, Irene Ulrike, to Mr. Robert Michael Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston, Oshawa. The ceremony will take place on Friday, May 21, 1965 at 7.30 p.m. in Northminster United Church, Oshawa. RECEPTION Mrs, A, W. E, Mack, Arling- ton avenue, will be pleased to |receive her friends and relatives jat the home of her son, Mr. |Fred Mack, 136 Rosehill boule- ivard, on Saturday, May 8, 1965, from 2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m, on the occasion of her 90th birth- day, play the Guests at the Gillie -- DeWitt included Mr, Burton DeWitt of Woodstock, New Halifax, Nova Scotia; Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh, Montreal, and Mr. and Mrs, Scarff, Ajax. TREAT FAMILY TOGETHER MONTREAL (CP) -- Family group therapy is the next trend in social. work, says Mrs, Sylvia Ross of New York, who held a teaching institute on family in-| "The struggle terviewing here to restore emotional health is a shared one in family living," she said, RONALD W. BILSKY, 0.¢. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St, E. --- 728-5156 William AE BROADLOOM SALE! HOUSEHOLD HINT When sewing checked or plaid materials, use thread of both colors -- one color on the spool, the other on the bobbin. From the sale of UNICEF) THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Let friendliness prevail in all that you do or say on Sunday. Congenial influences continue, so do your part to make this) day the happy, stimulating one|be unusually ambitious and will) it can be. Especially favored: Romance, social activities, plans made for future expan- sion; FOR THE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates pleas- ant prospects ahead. As of last week you entered a period in} which you can formulate long- range plans to stabilize your financial situation, if you take constructive steps -- especially after September Ist, Make) plans now, yes, but follow the conservative path and don't) launch expansion programs be- fore the aforementioned date, Gains made later in September and in late, October will provide a wonderful springboard from which to advance your interests still further in January, when you will enter an excellent 10- year cycle on all fronts. In fact, this next 11 years should be a really pivotal point in your life. Best periods for ca- reer advancement in 1965: Mid- August, all of September, the latter half of November. Stellar blessing is given to) in almost) your personal life, too, with em-\ize on your skills and talents, |phasis on romance during thelset new goals for yourself, next three weeks, between mid- June and mid - July, in late August, Late September and late November; on travel, be-| tween mid-September and mid- October; and on domestic and social interests generally throughout the year. A child born on this day will be endowed with the persever- ance needed to carry out his most ambitious goals. The Day After Tomorrow After a week of extraordinar- ily generous influences, planets bring some restrictions on Mon- day. Some tension will be evi- dent in those born under many isigns, so it will be up to you to be patient and understanding with all. Be especially careful in dealings with the opposite sex and with those who repre- sent authority. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Monday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that your ability to size up situations smartly should bring you many advantages during the next 12 months, This should be a year of great accomplishment and, to make you feel even happier, it will spark another 10 years which promise stellar blessing} in every phase of your life. Where 1965 is specifically concerned, schedule the months between now and September 1st for planning, the remainder of the year for action! Capital- use FOR THE F IN EST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades ond Fobrics... s0@,.- Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 KAYE'S A Lot of Canadian Fashion in ARNEL by KAYE'S Up to 307 sq. ft. WALL oR ROOM st BROADLOOM Including ped of your choice, ™ 129.00 16 colors to choose from. Featuring many brand names such os Herd- ing's, Brinton's, Canedien Celanese and others. Wide cheice of imports, Alse rem- nants in odd sixes, Credit terms easily erranged, CALL COLLECT 531-1177 Toronto John's Hall and presented the ~ bride-elect with gifts of money.| Mrs, Thomas Manilla received) and acting hostesses were Mrs.) Michael Jacula, Miss Judy Hol- brook, Mrs. John Stezik, Mrs John Kuney and Mrs, Walter Grigorenko Following their wedding, the |couple will make'their home in Flushing, New York. when newly built. READY-MADE DRAPES For All Your "Bridal Shoes" | © DRA -PERY HARDWARE e Custom Made Drapes of WALL-TO- |) Instellation end under- |) ANOTHER example LA SPORTWEAR & DIES' WEAR "'ROSECREST" Shapes the look- this-way look in Arnel/cotton puffed cord, a sporty new texture for summer '65. And the Arnel Tag say relax--in smart outfits like this one on the left; a skim- mer skirt and Chelsea overblouse. of ROSE- CREST is this cool and easy en- semble on the right. A hip-tied blouson and slim Bermudas. Visit Kaye's and see for yourself, There Is Only One ARNEL! al jail of your Initiative and take |steps to attract those who can . 'help you to further your aims, Best periods for job advance- ment: Mid-August, all of Sep- tember, the first half of No- vember. Financial gains made jin late September and late Oc- |tober should spur you on to ifurther expansion in January-- jand throughout 1966,-which promises to be a splendid year jon the monetary front. Personal relationships -- es- jpecially those of a sentin.ental nature--will be under unusually good influences for most of the year ahead, with especially happy periods occurring within the next three weeks, between June 15th and July 15th, in Jate August, late September and 'late November. | A child born on this day would make an excellent law- yer, teacher or surgeon. OLFER OUT ROCHESTER, Minn, (AP)-- Golfer Ken Venturi said Wed- nesday he will be out of action at least five weeks taking medi- cation for treatment of a. cir- culatory condition. Venturi, -who has complained of numbness in his hands, sdid Mayo Clinic doctors told him it is caused by constriction of the small arter- jes in his hands. os \f ON-THE-SPOT CLEANING SERVICE @ Windows © Cellors © All types cleaning Coll 728-0770 LAWN-BOY FINGER-TIP START Makes Lawn-Boy's engine the world's easiestto start VACUUM CLEANS AS YOU CUT Exclusive, clog-proof grasscatcrer: ed QUIETEST MOWER OF ALL Lawn-Boy has the largest mufflerofany powermowel $107-50 without grosscatcher 93.50 PARTS DISTRIBUTORS LADIES WEAR SPORTSWEAR * BEDSPREADS eSLIPCOVERS QUALIFIED DECORATING SERVICE 3 Simeoe ca' WARD'S (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S j y DOWNTOWN OSHAWA | # 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD / SERVICE SPECIALISTS OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN Ltd. Harbor Rd. 723.1901 Off Simece St. S$. KAYES 68 Simcoe St. North Oshawa 57 King St. W. Bowmanville KAYE'S SRSEDROSOREE 725-4151 Phone =). ' eep your eye on MAY 12! |

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