She Oshawa Sines OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 28, 1965 'Understand Revolution, alles as "SLICKED UP" AND SOMEWHERE TO GO up' Jan Gils members 'tune voices; from left Peter Van Allan Shantz and Ralph Shaw. The uniforms, bur- gundy tuxedo" jackets with black satin lapels, black pants and bow-ties, will be active their Forbes, General Motors' Male Chorus, two years old later this year, donned new uni- forms last night as they entertained at the .GM Master Suggesters Club an- nual dinner in Hotel Gen- osha. Here four of the 22 Inspections Help Tighten Standards In Restaurants | Sanitary standards in city res-|istered in the first two months of, taurants were tightened up as a|this year to two cases in March. result of inspections by health! Inspectors also visited 13 pri department officials earlier this|yate halls in the course of the} year. The quarterly report of the/mass inspection and took 244] department outlines the ac-|dish swabs in all the establish- tivities of the sanitation section|ments, Twenty-five grocery and as follows: variety stores, two butcher) Some 234 visits were made to|shops and seven bakery and| restaurants and hotels asa re-|bakeshops were also inspected. | sult of which three restaurant} There were 21 food vehicles} owners were taken to court andjinspections and four miscellane-| a-fourth eating establishmentjous visits. closed down. "A great deal of| The report showed that 318) progress has béen 'made in im-| milk and cream samples, 32 ice proving sanitary standards," the|cream samples, 40 soft drink} report reads, "and many op-|samples, and 91 other food) erators have co-operated withisamples were taken, Water health inspectors in carrying out/samples taken were as follows renovations." \eivic sources, 279; private water The report also notes that the|samples, 10; swimming pools, incidence of food poisoning}10; and septic tanks, 19. dropped from eleven cases reg-' Garbage storage and disposal mudget TODAY'S i) § third, Ig Ss tee A. Dan Donaldson The new budget brought down in the House of Com- mons Monday with its 10 per cent cut in personal income tax was warmly applauded by four of six Oshawa residents polled by The Times yesterday Question: What do you think of the budget? Sandra Doucette John Mowat "We work too The 10 per cent Dan Donaldson, 24, of 316 Saguenay st hard to pay off the government as it is reduction is a good thing." Mrs, Sandra Doucette said the cut took her by surprise but she heartily endorsed the move, "It affects my hus band moré than me but we can sure use the extra money to pay off bills, The government takes too much from low income people." John Mowat, 19, of 203 Bond st. e., a McMaster Uni- versity student: "I think the budget is very fair. It seems to be in line with the times, It seems to me we're having an economic uplift and the government doesn't need as much tax from as many sources," Ted Wilson, 490 Grenville 5 a school crossing guard: 'I don't think the budget will henefit the working man. Only the man with an income of 18 to 20 thousand dollars will be spared much money." 12 Grade 7 student at. King St. reduced taxes would her parents, Mr would probably Sheryl Swartman, a Public School said she hoped the not impair school but said and Mrs. Stan Swartman of 230 Gibb st, like the tax cut Sr qnstruction Mrs, Terry Varty of 23 Lloyd st.: "T think the budget is a good:one,"' She didn't think the loss in revenue would impair government programs, "Tt must have enough." Ted Wilson Sheryl Swartman Terry Varty seen May 4 when the chorus makes its first publie ap- pearance of the season with the Oshawa Symphony Or- chestra in the UAW Hall. Chorus director is Mrs. Elsie Dobson, ATCM, and Mrs, Marie Taylor, ARCT, inspections numbered 131 and barber and beauty parlors eight Health department inspectors also investigated. 23 houses of which two were condemned Nine school inspections were also made. The report also shows 56 visits in connection with communi- cable diseases, Eighty-one samples regarding food poison- ing were also taken. The officials also investigated 28 animal bites; made 18 air pollution inspections; and issued four orders as the result of air pollution complaihnts. GM, Area Firm Get Contracts OTTAWA (Special) -- General Motors Products of Canada,| Ltd., Oshawa, has been award- ed three contracts by the De- partment of Defence Production, it was announced here by. in- dustry minister ¢ M. Drury Value of the three. contracts is $94,863. One contract, for $40,863, is for motor buses | second for $29,000 is for repair of vehicles during the period ending March 31, 1966, and the for $25,000, is for spare parts for standard commercial ivehicles during the same per iod The contracts are among '148 unclassified defence contracts for $10,000 or more awarded by \the department during March An Ajax firm, Stark Elec tronic Instruments Ltd., will provide oscilloscopes and dol- lies to the value of $21,729 Inquest Into Hospital Fall? Affleck said today investigation into the Crown Attorney Bruce death of Peter Blasko tinuing and an inquest held Mr, Blasko fell or his death from an Oshawa Gen eral Hospital window Monday night. He had been a_ patient there for some time and had a private room Hospital Administrator liam Holland said dows have screen removed periodically and for window-cleaning. con be is may jumped to Wil some win which repair are for BRANDISHED RIFLES Sauve Asks one of the leading Quebec intel- If Quebec is to maintain its/lectuals in the Liberal govern- quiet revolution it must foster a|ment, gave a searching review better understanding of what is|of the quiet revolution in his happening in the. province in the| province as it has affected such rest of Canada, federal forestry|araes as the government, the minister Maurice Sauve said|church, education, politics and here last night. : | economics, Speaking to the Canadian Club) We said when former Premier of West Durham, Mr, Sauve was|Nuplessis was alive people in accompanied to the meeting by other parts of Canada asked him Durham member of parliament,| when Quebec was going to elect | Russell Honey. a modern government and catch | tire don , ask you " ~~ up with the rest of Canada. | special privileges, we just want ,, 4 you to understand," said Mr. ik ties a eh mene \Sauve. "We need. your under-|¥ 0d : : ane |haye more problems than \standing because we are mak- ever," Mr. Sauve pointed out jing a very great effort to catch) our current problems are the up, We are trying to do in four! so.+ vind to have because they or five years Peps you have! arise from a situation in which done in 25 or 30 years. all Canadians should. rejoice, /namely that one of the founding BOWMANVILLE (Special) -- | "We are convinced, all of us lin Quebec, that a better Quebec) boys ' -- a greater aa said| Partners is finally reagssuming a the forestry minister, |full, positive and progressive Mr. Sauve, who is regarded as| role in Confederation." District Firms Worried About Laboratory: Starr | OTTAWA (Special) -- Lum-|that no research was done at 'Use Schools iber and furniture firms in the Oshawa and Whitby areas are concerned at the possible clos- ure of the Federai Govern- ment's Forest Pathology Labor- latory at Maple, Michael Starr, MP for Ontario, said here yes- terday. Mr. Starr .said he has had representation from a firm of solicitors who are acting for the lumber and furniture firms asking him to try to have the igovernment keep the labora- \tory at Maple instead of mov- ing it to Sault Ste. Marie, as has been suggested. In the Commons Tuesday Mr Member- any GM accompaniest, ship is open .to employee and the chorus sponsored by the GM employee recreation . coun- cil is --Oshawa Times Photo the laboratory and all the work done for the lumber people was done in Ottawa. "That is not the .question," Mr, Starr retorted. 'Is the gov- ernment going to leave the laboratory there or is it not?"|§ "We are considering this now," Mr. Sauve replied, | Several weeks ago, John Addi- son, Liberal MP for York North, in whose riding the) Maple laboratory lies, also} questioned the government} about the proposed move to} Sault Ste. Marie; but he was) unable to get a firm decision. | Today the Oshawa Times | well above the two billion dollar }mark, More': Urged Better and more efficient use should: be made of Canada's| existing school facilities, A. J. Sands, President of the Cana-| dian Home and School and Par-| ent Teacher Federation, told an| Oshawa audience last night. Mr. Sands was speaking after a supper held by the Oshawa and District --ouncil Home and School Association. | He reminded the audience of| the vast and ever increasing amounts of money being spent on education. This year, he add- ed, education in Canada ran To get more value for' money the schools should be open on a} much more extensive basis. | "Industry," he said, 'cannot! afford to keep 9 till 5 hours. It! should be the same with school facilities. They should be open in the evening for adult educa- tion and 12 months a year too, "With careful scheduling this could be achieved and much fuller use would be made of our school buildings," he said Hostel Idea | Still Alive | A proposal for a_ hostel in Oshawa, to accommodate single homeless men and _ transients, will soon be back in the lap of city council, | Major Fred Lewis, command-| ing officer of the Salvation} Army in Oshawa, outlined a pro- posal to council last month for a temporary shelter in a house, | The Army-operated hostel would cost the city $10,000 this year for rental, furnishings and operations with future operating costs met by the -- Salvation Army "The proposal is back now al- most where it started," Major Lewis said today. Council did not specifically in- clude money for the hostel in its 1965 budget and Major Lewis said he has been unable to come} up with any other method of fi- nancing Stops Fluttering Sunday | Starr asked Forestry Lange could find no trace of the Maurice Sauve what og 2 p €] "representations" Mr, Starr = had for the labor-jnoq referred to. atory. 'ae 3 Mr. Sauve replied that there! yale eo j ice » department| Dealers Ass j . is one officer of the department) Scesitont of ' | the move who has relations with all the|!"8& of the fr firms in the region and he|the association, Bill Henry of} i ti ba se connec-|Oshawa Wood Products, said oe ee eS was the ane no representation had been might be as to the Maple| made by his Association. operation. | Sklar Furniture of Whitby, Mr. Starr asked if the .min-jone of the biggest furniture ister had arrived at any plans|dealers for miles around, also to remove the laboratory from|knew nothing of the closure Maple and Mr, Sauve replied' moves at Maple. Navy's Official Ensign | The White Ensign, the official) After the service, the Naval] flag of the Royal Canadian Navy) Veterans will parade to their for over 50 years, will make its|quarters, where the White En- last appearance in Oshawa this|sign will be retired in an im- Sunday. |pressive ceremony before the The Ensign will be paraded to| mast in front of the Naval Club, the Cenotaph, where a short|The new Canadian flag will memorial service to commemo-|then be hoisted to the Jacksiaff tate the Battle of the Atlantic|by the Naval Veterans, and will will be conducted. This service become their official flag. will be climaxed by a wreath, The previous day, Saturday, laying ceremony by Earl Myers,|Will mark a double occasion -- president of the Osliawa Naval the beginning of Navy Week, Veterans. who will lay wreaths and the First Anniversary of the on behalf of the Veterans and Naval Veterans: in their new the Auxiliary. 'building on Viola street, Cruisers Forced Off Baad: Toronto Man Pleads Guilty BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A,Police who joined in the chase. 22-year-old suburban TorontojIn turn, Whitby detachment of man who forced three policejthe Ontario Provincial Police cruisers off the Macdonald-Car-}was called in. and Bowmanville tier Freeway in a 20-mile chase|detachment cruisers were stand- at speeds up to 90 miles anjing by. hour, pleaded guilty to criminal] Two Whitby OPP eruvisers negligence when he appeared in| were forced off the highway and court yesterday, a Bowmanville OPP car was James Eric Thomsett of 6llalso knocked out of the chase. Slermic ave., West Hill, was} kK follee 'olism 4 i arrested the following day atl rota winn a bbe behit ae per his home on his 22nd birthday. Saretul at Sith, riba Testimony revealed that Me-| it the fant ee oe tropolitan Toronto Police ats atts bold cu bia) ire of Thom- tempted to stop Thomsett for a sett's car forcing the accused routine check about 10 p.m. April 24, The car driven by He said he will write to city police on West Hill streets,|by bush, Police arrived at his |Motor Sport Club, they will be "\racing their twin Corvairs at iso starts took] , council asking if money can be|then sped along Kingston rd. to|home the next day with a war- MOVIES FOR BOYS' Hall Boys' Club, to Wes Ogden, assistant Eastview, now has a 16- director of the club. Mr. millimetre sound. projector Ogden said the projector -- thanks to the Woodview will be used mainly for Park Neighborhood Associ- water safety -- instructional ation, Bryce Smith, presi- films and that regular dent, presented the projec- movie days will be planned tor on behalf of members for children after school. Simcoe red Speed, Checke CLUB "It's going to get a lot of use," he said. Mr. Smith said the donation is part of 'the association's pro- gram of contributing funds and equipment to local pro- jects and causes, --Oshawa Times Photo | Flags Lure City Racing Buffs forefront of an increasing and enthusiastic support for motor racing in the city. The closeness of the international class Mos- port track accounts for a great deal of the enthusiasm. All set for a full season of motor racing on the Ontario and Quebec racing circuits are Oshawa drivers Dale Neil and Max Castleberg. Both members of the Oshawa Mosport, Harewood: Acres, St. Jovite and perhaps some of the American circuits this year. At present both drivers are hard at. work preparing their cars for the first meet of the! year to be held at Harewood Acres on May 8. The pair have both acquired brand new Corvairs for the new] ¥@Y- season, Only difference between|, "Beyond the initial expendi- " r ivan! |ture of a car an enthusiast can the two is in the driver's choice) vot on 46 the track for 'about of colors. |§100 Dale Neil plumped for the|?*\,- sombre, but proud British rac-| Rohe needs ge bella, crest ing green while Max went for ajhe met, overalls, tubes in the tery. red entry fees Max and Dale are each ex-| 3 "ae : pecting a tough year on the} Dale Neil, of 606 apes tracks. Dale especially is out to| at.» ant ag iistigans My us _ retain his Ontario Touring|® Tain ase Becki en peer Championship which he picked) po. At uckler Fg hy / a up last year with six class wins|" ' engine @ Pleoes te and two class seconds in 13/sether quite a reasonable car. starts Unfortunately, however, _ it : sh .., /didn't go very fast. Max too, set himself with! «pactost lap at Mosport was the odd event, REASONABLY CHEAP As Dale explained: |i you go about it in the proper jsome high standards last year|ahout two minutes 30 seconds with two class wins in eight Or! which is terrible. I put it away in a garage and forgot KK it. INTEREST INCREASES If anyone wants to buy spe- : f icial just let me. know This year the Oshawa duo} Next he bought a ready can expect much tougher OpP0-|ty race Sprite which he raced sition from the increasing inter-|i, four races without too much est in touring categories. | success : Nevertheless the pair will be] Then in early 1964 Dale running a tight schedule with/pought a brand new Corvair an event almost every weekend|with the specific intent of com- throughout the summer and fall.|peting in the Canadian Winter The two drivers are at the/Rally. off the highway near Newcastle, ee Thomsett then jumped out of] & the accused attempted to lose|the car and escaped into a near-| ' found somewhere in the budget.|the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway| "ant for his arrest Probably something will) with a police cruiser in hot pur-} Thomsett was remanded in come from it,' said Major/suit custody until May 11 for sen- Lewis, "There certainly a} Metro police asked for assist-|tence by Magistrate R. B. Bax- need for a shelter in Oshawa."|ance from Pickering Township| ter. Attempted Heist Plea Taken BOWMANVILLE Two youths pleaded attempted armed other thefts in the when they appeared be gistrate R, B. Baxter terday. They were 1 until May 11 for Robert James Spenc RR 2, Blackwater anc Thomas Harvey, 17, of sau st., Oshawa, were (> to with the attempted holdup April guilty robbery here yes- sentence er, 18 Police only managed to stop the fleeing car carrying the teen- agers by boxing it in. Oshawa lawyer, Terence V. Kelly, who represented all three youths, in cross examining taff) sen pleaded guilty to stealing a car, four wheel dises, four bat- terics and a gasoline pump hose to and district fore Ma- Const, Howard White of the OPP Bowmanville detachment, emanded onst. White, brought out in evi- dence that no ammunition was found and the rifles were not loaded Mr, Kelly R. B. Baxter pended sentences for.the youths, testified that one. of the youths went into the service station and bought a chocolate bar, then left, The two youths then return- ed a short time later, brandish- ing the rifles, and demanded money from Lorne Curtin, the of 1 Ronald 318 Nas charged asked to consider Magistrate gus |racing can be reasonably cheap} tires and, of course, money for 8 of Curtin's Service Station on Highway 35. Both youths car- ried .22 calibre rifles \ similar charge was with- awn against 17-year-old Law- rence Peder f Royal & d Allan no Oshawa Spencer, Harvey and Peder- proprietor, When Curtin told them didn't have any money, left, said the police officer The he they were arrested on Highway 33 two youth a chase near Orone by cruisers. tion for two years and Spencer have vious records. Harvey was convicted a year ago in Oshawa of 13 charges of car suspended sentence and proba- theft Both Peder- | | and was given a | j ho pre | READY TO BLAST off on the Ontario racing . circuit members of the Oshawa Motbr Sport Club, Dale Neil, 606 Lansdowne dr., right, and Max Castleberg, 121 stand beside their touring class cars, They will race their twin Corvairs at Mosport, Hare- wood Acres, St. Jovite and possibly some American cir- Patricia ay. He did and finished a low 72nd. 'But I finished," he added. Becoming keener and keener about competition drivers Dale ran in a large number of club racing events and regional ral- The Oshawa Motor Sport Clubjlies during 1964. boasts a proud tally of 22 com- petition drivers, Some, like Dale and Max, compete on a regular basis, while others just go in for SEVEN SHAFTS As Dale told an Oshawa Times reporter: "I had finally got a car that stayed together lalthough the Corvair ran through seven axle shafts during "Motor| the year." In all he competed in 13 races and three hillclimbs during the year and finished up winner of the' Ontario Touring Champion- ship. He also collected a large amount of silverware for the | mantlepiece. To top it off he won the Osh- jawa Motor Sport Club Cham- | pionship. | Max opened his motor racing jin 1962 driving a Corvair. | He raced in events at Mos- |port, Harewood, St. Eugene in |Quebec and with considerable }success too. | He scored his first success jwith a class win at Mosport 'and then added another first in class again at Mosport. Towards the end of last year he and Dale travelled almost nose to tail through most tour- ing car events At present Max has a frac- tionally faster quickest lap at Mosport. Both are riding just above the two minutes mark. This year both are out to lower their Mosport times below the two minute mark. With the new cars they are hoping this will prove no prob- cuits. Dale will be busy de- fending the Ontario Tour- ing Championship he cap- tured last year. --Oshawa Tinres Photo