'Milton Mowbray Appointed | NEWS IN BRIEF | wommsrsnmina's| . Hi t s Soci t ' Head GIVES SELF TICKET rhe fined £5 ($15) for starting the ind didn't exist, and neither CHERTSEY, England (CP)--|the row. \did the maharajah. The v 18 oric e Y |When the police car he was) FOREIGN PRINCE TOURS |was & practical joke on the part BROUGHAM -- Pickeringjcommittee members.. Robe t tldriving crashed into the back of RUGBY, England (CP)--The of a rival school, Township residents will be eall-|Miller is chairman of a Mtrlanother car, Surrey police CON"| ssharajah ae Capoothal a re-| TV AWARDS MADE ed upon te volunteer their as-jseum Assistance Committee, |stable Peter Long knew he was cote tana wp ot the acc J sistance and ideas, as well as|the function of which is to pro-|uilty of careless driving--so he i y rivate school near here| NBC-TV won the most Satur- become members of the town-| vide liaison between the Mu-lcsummonsed himself, The court at on 90 minutes touring it\day Review magazine awards ship Historical Society, the ex-seum Committee and the S0-\thanked him for his honesty and with the headmaster before|for 1964, for The Louvre, Pro- Comte ee re ae = Sey. ane --_ rag Pd fined him £10. leaving with an application files in Courage, a Walt Disney 6 0 soc is d ; é Guten ee ee ons the aestem. : CURRY HEATS TEMPERS blank for his young son, The one! color show, and civil rights re: : : 'ND. England (CP)--~|!owing day it was discoveredi porting. coe The society is now a group Harry Spang, of Brougham,) SOUTHEND, Eng thigh a separate from the museumis chairman of the ProgramjWhen Bob Prigg settled down to -scn committee. Since its inception,|\Committee; Mrs. L. Johnston,|his curried chicken in a restau- activities have been confined|chairman of the Membershipjrant here 'recently, another ANNUAL MEETING to the building and furnishing}|Committee; Mrs. W, A. McKay,|diner, Bill Fleming, told him , of the Pickering Township Mu-|chairman of the Historical Re-|how best to enjoy the dish. seum at Brougham, Work will'search Committee; John Gro-|Prigg pushed @ plateful into i commence now on accumulat-|sart, chairman of the Publicity | Fleming's face and had a chair CHILDREN S Al D ing township history -- _ the|Committee, and Mrs. K. Fallis, smashed over his head for his particulars about pioneer fami-|chairman of the Social Commit- trouble, In court later, Fleming pon cog Papen ene be 5¢- tee, 82 ut SOCIETY curing of photographs of every- , . History in Action Day, will be things of historical interest, HISTORY IN ACTION Contdtred, Members will prepare papers Mr, Miller, who or ed, p i on tuch matters read them atjthe successful event of the past|SPECIAL MEETING of The Gounty of Ontario and The City of Oshawa future meetings, and file them|three years, "History in Action") The date of May 28 has been = with other data which.is deem-jday, stated that to have Altentatively set for a special Thursday, April 29th ed wise to preserve. The co-op-|more effective celebration this}meeting at which a speaker eration of residents 'having year than ever, plans for itiwith a knowledge of the history 8:00 P.M. knowledge of historical mate-| must commence immediately.|of post offices will address a rial is sought. Since this is a museum pro-|public gathering. This date will . . ject, a resolution was passed be confirmed later. The subject St Gre ory's Auditorium OFFICERS ELECTED that the museum committee be} will include the early Pickering 8 g Milton J. Mowbray, of Brook- approached with a view to/Township Post Offices, and an i lin, a solicitor and former History in Action Day beinglinteresting program will be 190 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa member of Pickering Township handled jointly by the society|arranged. Council, was appointed presi-'and the museum committee. ow : dent MG the executive, ee Subject to the egg ap- OSHAWA Vice-President is Dr. N. F.\proval, a special History in 'i Tomlinson, of Claremont, and) Action committee will be form- a" WED PARENTS second vice - president, Johned with members from. each LITTLE THEATRE UN Grosart, RR 1, Pickering. Mrs.| group. D. Moss, also RR 1, Pickering, john Kingston, of Green- was appointed secretary. MIS. wood, was present as a guest] 4f » a" Sister St. Augustine, Superintendent, Rosalie Hall Maternity Home ; : ' r- " on Principal, O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute FE. Storry and Mrs, Lloydio¢ the society. He displayed Fashion Angus Dixon, Principal, O'Neill Colleg i Johnston, both of Brougham, i i ; Cyril Greenland, Social Wark Adviser, Ontario Department of Health were appointed assistant secre- rustic souvenirs made by him Dr R. DW. Guselle, Physician and Board Member of the Children's tary and treasurer, respective- Self from pieces of old fence TONITE Ald Society ly rails, with objects of Canadian Rey, John Porter, Minister, Westminster United Church To initiate the activities of the wild-life carved on them. The) 8:30 PM e EVERYBODY WELCOME @ society, chairmen of several matter of selling such Sig MeLeughlin Library Theetre pincimenstin tet Uy Seed committees were appointed.|with the addition of carved ob-| TICKETS ot the DOOR These will each select his ownijects of a pioneer nature, on Program:--Panel Discussion on presents PANELISTS; THURS. - FRI. - JR. BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS Cotton shirts with regular, buttoned down or stand-up collors and short sleeves. Choose from Stripes, Plaids, Check ond assorted printed Motifs. Sizes 3 to 6X, Reg. $1.00 Value 'Nees est j > Boys' SPORT SHIRTS Cotton Woven Ginghom Sport Shirts with short sleeves and button BEAUTY KIT down coller, Assorted check designs. Sizes 8 to Consists of: 1 each Hoirbrush, Dresser Comb, 16, Handbrush, Rolla Shampoo Brush, 3-Row Comb, Vinyl Bag ond 6 Haircurlers Reg: $1.17 Value APRIL SPECIAL 4 7 ¢ oe fees} ceca eeaan <e INFANTS' 2 Learn oe "A : HRED STRETCHY SLEEPERS Approx, size 18 x 26'. Assorted pink or blue ticking cover, Reg. $1.27 Terrycloth stretchy sleeners with long sleeves, banded neck and gathered at wrists Volue. APRIL SPECIAL ... Pink, blue and maize colours. $ 47 q hall Sizes up to 18 Ibs, 18 to 24. ibs, and up to 30 Ibs, Reg. $1.98 e LADIES' Value, APRIL SPECIAL 3 on seciiiesiintitiien eel HALF SLIPS Elastic waist half slips with assorted fancy trims across front. White, pink, blue and aqua col- ours, Sizes S-M-L, Reg. 79¢, Value. APRIL Ba 66° % E ORANGE and LEMON SLICES V% inch Transparent Green Garden Hose. 50 feet g McCormick's Orange and Lemon Slices are de- long. Reg. $3.33 Value licious. Treat the family with Cc APRIL SPECIAL ......55 § ).33 2 Ib some today, APRIL SPECIAL INSULATED : MUGS and TUMBLERS Felt Tip PEN MARKER They ore shatter proof and shock proof Assorted colours of pink, yellow, turquoise and coce "Signature' Nylon Tip Marker is shaped like Mae ehnap hit ecescheh looted OMe Set, SET a ball pen with clip for pocket. Writes on 'eck nal ae G6 ¢ paper, glass, ceramics, metal, etc. Assorted black, blue, red and green colors. SET OF FOUR TUMBLERS Reg. 98¢ Value SPECIAL 6 7°' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED TWO STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER... DOWNTOWN AND OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Reg. 29¢ Value APRIL SPECIAL QAILY' PRIZEL WEEKLY PRIZES HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN CASH PRIZES SUNBEAM ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SWEEPERS BULOVA CARAVELLE WATCHES BULOVA ELECTRIC RAZORS yn. p. oF RY A WEEK'S VACATION FOR ® AT BIOWIN INN 1" ADMIRAL PomtAm 4 TY ©8T= SUNBEAM ELECTRIC HEDGE ..... AERB SUNBEAM ELECTRIG FLOOR CONDITIONERS SEALY FOS MATT re FRIGIDAIRE AUTOMATIC WASHER AND DRYER BREAD & BUTTER SALE! WHITE OR CRACKED WHEAT IGA OVEN FRESH cai LOAVES Cc BREAD 6 PER CUSTOMER FIRST GRADE IGA ROYAL GOLD C 1-LB. BUTTER = Cudney Choice Peaches 4 *txs' 99° Hereford Corned Beef "Et Ags PEANUT BUTTER "ious: 'fan' 39° KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES 57° 16-0Z. PKG. WALKERS c SALTINES «= 29 "TANG FLAVOR CRYSTALS" © GRAPEFRUIT * Kas OG® Pineapple-Grapefruit 2 °2% 33¢ ORANGE Kes, 43° GRANULATED Warre Sucar "* 85° 1014 -OZ, CHERRIOS-8 14 -OZ. COCO 8% OZ. TRIX -- 12 OZ. WHEATIES -- BIG "G" Cereals pvt 20 i 3 xs. 89 3 1 ARE wurtt 9B" -- . ay no: rT pou, 19° FRASERVALE Dsiet ™ FANCY FROZEN PEAS 3. 39¢ LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY *"7,°" 1992. 99¢ SIZE LIBBY CORN 39 AYLMER Tomato SOUP & 'is: 45: Hospitality PIE Kavawe' ...,, 59¢ EXHIBITION ROLLS °tM?s"t"'s 936 PKG. OF 6 WHITE POPCORN ":""", 258 IGA ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS ': OF eo c CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK Tall c COLLEGE HILL IGA MOTOR CITY IGA CUBERT STREET OSHAWA RITSON RD, SOUTH OSHAWA BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO ca aha Ss. ' OSHAWA r BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON ROAD SOUTH, BRAEMOR IGA w PRICES EFFECTIVE APR. 28, 29, 30 & MAY 1, MA STEVENSON RD, & ANNAPOLIS | WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, SHOPPING CENTRE AVE, OSHAWA