18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 27, 1968 20--Reel Estate for Sale 20--Real 'Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sele 20--Real Estate for Sale PAUL 20--Real Estote for Sale ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED See! Any Of These Exclusive Listings Tonite Call 728-5157 OSHAWA ON-THE-LAKE S51X TO CHOOSE FROM : STONE ST. -- $13,800.00 8 rooms, 6% mortgage. HARBOT ST.--$13,900.00 H rooms, $2,500.00 down. SHARBOT ST.--$14, 400 "4 % rooms, $97. monthly P.I. PHILIP MURRAY -- < 500 5 rooms, 26' rec. soom, 6% mortgage. EVANGELINE -- $13,500.00 5 rooms, $101.00 P.I.T., 6% ISTOW LTD. EALTOR 187 Kina St. E. TREMBLAY ST. You'll be proud to own the nicest home available on the street! Six rooms, buff brick, Hollywood kitchen, divided basement ond only 3% yeors old. Nothing to do but move in. You'll know it's o bargain with as low as $2,500 down. Call Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 evenings. 7 ROOMS Large kitchen makes this brick home ideo! for the lor- ger family. Centrally located, Asking $13,500 and open to on offer as owner is leaving country. Coll now for full de- toils. Ask for Tom Huzor at 728-9474 or 728-5422 even- ings. IF YOU ARE LOOKING For a comfortable electrical- mortgoge. ly heated home, investigote | : bedrooms, at- | THA -- $16,900.00 this one. Three ri Se gorage, open tached garage and a beouti- | ful stone 'fireplace. Only two years old. Call Vern Morton at 728-9474 or evenings 655- 3482 | SOMERVILLE ST. We have an electrically heat- ed split level under construc- tion and if you ore interested in this areo, now is the time to investigote in order to in- corporate your special extras. mortgage, for more informa- tion call 728-5157. TRI-PLEX $17,900. $200.00 monthly income 3 3-piece baths plus stool in bosement, Good nd -- eor town, low taxe ee, 'only $275.00. Call 728- 5157 to inspect now. GROCERY AND | {ll be glod to discuss the "VARIETY | plons with you. Call Tom Hu- j With good living quarters, | rar at 728-9474 or 728-5422 i Excellent equipment and evenings steady turn-over with easy VALUE VALUE VALUE We have o lot of it in this Located in the N/W hours restricted orea, Owner city, i and is retiring. For more five room. brick bungalow information call 728-5157 complete with paved drive, now. Trades accepted. T.V. tower, and nicely de- corated interior. Priced at FARMS $14,900 with terms. Call SOUTH OF Vern Morton at 728-9474 or COLUMBUS 655-3482 evenings Twe small farms, both have good barns and other build- ings. Also brick dwellings in good shape. Terms. Call the listing man now, 'Guy Bell ot 728-5157. ~ WANTED Duplex - Near Uptown Call 728-5157 All "Cash" ANSLEY SUBDIVISION Here's where you con move into Oshawa's No. | oreo for only $2,500.00 down.' It's a long brick rancher with ot- tached gorage and on excep- tionally well treed lot, The glass enclosed family room at the rear of the home is worth Y% the price itself. Listed less than $18,000.00 Hurry, phone 728-5157. | | MONEY MAKER Two stores plus two self-con- tained apartments, all pre- sently rented. Located at the busy corner of Olive and Sim- coe St. S., this property of- fers a variety of money mak- ing possibilities either as on investment or for your own business ot an asking price of $28,000 with terms. Call Earl Salter at 728-9474 or 723 3052 evenings. PAUL ISTOW LTD. EALTOR Financial Trade Bldg. 187 Kina St. E. Did You Know? 4 BEDROOM YOU CAN OWN A New, split meer Oshowa Shopping Centre consisting | | KASSINGER HOME IN. BEAUTIFUL BEAU of & lovely rooms offering « lot of living plus « HUGE family room with walk-out te rear garden, Also attached gorage. Hurry coll 728-5157 right now. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South WE LIST PHOTO M.L.5. | JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe St. South ILLNESS FORCES SALE Framed in a lovely country setting is this Dance Hall ond Restaurant, with good living quarters. 48 acres with picnic grounds and trout stream. 20 minutes from Oshawoe. Terms FOR AS LITTLE AS $3,000 DOWN Your present home accepted os trade-in SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 'King Street BBY'S West con be orranged. For ap- pointment ene, call Real Estate Ltd. Us, tadey. 299 Simcoe St. S. OWNER LEAVING 728-7576 COUNTRY C Immaculate three bedre om VACANT brick bungalow in Apple Hill f oreo 45 ft. x 18) f. tond Owner transferred, 4 bedroom F scoped lot. Finished family tri-level brick and stone home | room. Large living room. ond in good area, only | yeor kitchen. Range and' refrigéra old built-in stove and oven, i tor stays. Newly decorated 2 bathrooms; well landscaped { throughout. Corries for $101 ond lots of other extro's, let ; monthly. Interest, -- principal us show you this home now. and taxes. Call to. inspect AGNES ST. Jim Gibbens 723-9750 Must be sold owner ready to Murray Boyle 723-4270 move, for only $12,500 you Robert Young ... 723-2102 could have this 6 room brick Joe Crawford ¥23-1021 home complete with new fur- nace, new hot water tank, Members of O.D.R.E.B, new wiring and a fireplace. APARTMENTS 2 Stores and 3 Apartments, PRIVATE SALE Each spariment. has good jarge rooms.ischools and bus. Double garage Reasonably priced with|For more good ferms. Contact Murray -- Boyle, /at na Hyman Reali Se. 4270, Joseph Bosce Realtor, 728-7377, | 728-4: Estate, VALLEY, Full price only $14,200.\roam apartments nformation ask for Les Hall/income property Limited,/S. 0. \Taa-4 Jones AND Dougan Realtors 668-8841 OSHAWA ATHOL STREET Good location, ond o reol good 5 room home with gor- age ond handyman's shop. This home has hot woter oil heating ond is in spotiess condition, BROOKLIN IN $1,500.00 DOWN Large five roomed bungalow plus recreation room, good lot and the price is only $13,- 500.00 for quick action, Own- er going to Toronto, CALL 668-8841 to-night. WHITBY CENTRAL $15,900.00. Large five room BRICK BUNGALOW with at- tached two cor garage. Lot beautifully landscaped with shrubs and trees. This is @ real good home. TEN ACRES EXCELLENT ROADS Close to Oshawa ond Whitby and the land is good. These 10 acre parcels are real good buys. TERMS TOO! Col! Roe R, Jones. 668-8841 BUNGALOW $9,900.00 Situated in S. East Oshawa, 5 5 room bungalow in good Condition. Large kitchen, liv- ing room, and 3 bedrooms Just right for newlyweds or an older couple. Open for any offer. Call Lloyd Lofoy BRICK BUNGALOW MEADOWVALE Located in nice quiet boule- vard, Oshawa. Shopping, schools, ond excellent bus service. Home is in very good condition, Present owners moving to larger home. Pric- ed right ot $15,800.00 and mortgage arrangements can be made to suit your down payment. Call Lloyd Lafoy. LUNCH BAR MONEY MAKER Immediate. Income. Let the business poy for itself. Audit- ed financial records and books prove this can be done. This is truly a going concern Living quarters are available with the business. Call NOW AND INSPECT. Ken Toms. 668-884) JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 668-884 | LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- ~~ INSURANCE -- -- MORTGAGES -- NIPIGON ST. INCOME 3 hedroom bungalow very attractive basement apartment now rented at $80, per month. Choice location close to schools, bus and shopping. Asking only $14,- 500. To inspect and make an offer call Mr. Jim Brady at 728-5123 or 728-0483 SPECIAL $12,900. Just listed. 5Y% room brick semi-bungalow in spotless condition. Features large liv- ing room, dining room, kit- chen, 3 bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled with both, finished rec. room, paved drive, garage, plus extras. Located in Whitby, Close to schools and shopping. An excellent buy. Be sure . to inspect and make an offer. Priced for sale at only $12,- 900. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217. NEAR KING ST. ATHABASCA Lovely brick and stone, 4 year old modern bungalow with paved drive, Hollywood kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 4 pc. ceramic tiled bath, plus 3 rooms with 4-pc. bath in basement, Close to Adventists Church. Only $14,900. Coll now to inspect and make an offer. Ask for Mr, Jock Apple- by at 728-5123 or 723- 3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Member of O.D.R.E.B. Evening | | | REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 $1000. DOWN Full price only $11,900. for this home located within walking distance of the Shop- ping Centre, one mortgage for the balance. Call now. JUMP IN And submit an offer on this one year old five room bun- golow with carport located in a fine residential area, own- er has other interest and must sell. Call Doug Gower, ATTACHED GARAGE Plus built in stove and oven ore just a few of the out- standing features that go along with this new five room bungalow with a down payment of only $2,915, Ask for Glen MacKinnon, NORTH WEST New six room split level .lo- cated in Braemor Gardens, Asking price only $18,595. with one N.H.A, mortgage, decorating, built-in stove and oven, double sink, hood fon, vanity, storms and screens are just o few of the extras, Phone Howard McCobe. ROBBER Be a legitimate one and steol this bungalow that has just been listed, owner requires o large home otherwise would not consider such o loss, home is only one yeor and corries for $101, monthly, Call Jack Sheriff. FOUR BEDROOMS Excellent family home located close to OCVI and General Hospital, ideally suited for a growing family, present own- ers are moving and wil] con- sider any reasonable down payment. For more particu- lars ask. for Les. Hall, $14,500. Full price for this five room. bungalow with garage located in the North end, present owner asking only $3,000. down with one mortgage for the balonce. Call Bill Swar- brick. N.H.A. RESALE Just listed this 5% room bungalow with double garage on Farewell Street, home feo- tures rec. room as well as storms and screens. For more details call Bob Stevenson. W. Schatzmann Realtor 114 Brock St, N. WHITBY 668-3338 WHITBY -- 8,500.00 This is the full price for 4 room frame house situated on good corner lot on Byron Street zoned for multiple dwelling purposes. Property is clear and terms can be ar- ranged. Call Helen Simpson, evenings at 723-6296. OSHAWA -- FERNHILL BLVD, In order to sell this property quickly the price has been re duced to $13,900.00 on this lovely 3 bedroom brick bung- alow in this popular north- west section of the City, and featuring a large living room, big kitchen, tiled bathroom with vanity, storms and screen, potio, and many more extras. Easy ferms can be ar ranged. Call now for this ex- cellent buy, ask for Bill Schatzmonn, evenings at 668-3253 OPEN TO OFFER On this cute 3 bedroom bun- golow in the village of Pick- ering. Large lot well land- scaped, fenced in back yord and a large panelled rec room with bar. Asking $13,- 900.00 present Mortgage car- ries for 84.00 monthly in- cluding taxes 11,950. FULL PRICE LOW DOWN PAYMENT will buy this 5 room bunga- low in Whitby. This home hos been well kept is nicely decorated and handy to schools and shopping. Good terms can be arranged. Call Helen Simpson evenings at 723-6296. EUCLID STREET -- WHITBY Cute 2 bedroom bungalow on large, 66 x 137 ft. lot within walking distance to town. Large kitchen seporate dining room ond big shade trees are some added features. $1 1,- 900.00 full price and terms will be arranged. BUILDING LOTS Only a few left; some with 75 to 83 ft. frontage located north of Whitby. These lots are registered, NHA approved and building restriction is only 1,050 sq. ft. Terms bal- once. Full price $2,500.00 Call Helen Simpson evenings ot 723-6296 or Bill Schatz- mann evenings at 668- 3253. HOUSES | COTTAGES GARAGES You Build -- We Build NO DOWN PAYMENT Financed Monthly Payments cGILL Reol Estate Broker 728-4285 | home. bred i Salis Easy financing can be arranged Contact | BROCK STREET EAST. Thirteen - room centraily locatec, Joseph Bosco! house, eight bedrooms building 26 x 62, brick con- truction only 1 ear Down Payment: $700. at pails alee ME ae 4 j hot woter oil heat. Goraoge. For more particulars call 728-7576 | Bloor Street. Telephone own- or Tony Zakarow 725-4366 | er. | Nick Siblock 725-5701 Ga [ ¢ NS | | Anthony Siblock 725-4362 : 725-2539 / c ~ TRADES ACCEPTED SETTING THE >i PACE FOR HOUSES on four new homes by Hogen- COTTAGES --- GARAGES boom Construction starting ot OSHAWA You Build -- We Build $17,265 on Wilson Road STE NO DOWN PAYMENT | North VENSON RD. N, ' Financed Monthly Payments = | 2 D. HYMAN AND ANNAPOLIS : ; McGILL | REAL ESTATE LIMITED FOUR-REDROOM brick home on quiet) ' Real Etate Broker | 728-6286 street near hospital, Ideal income 728-4285 7% DOWN buys this three-bedroom|20%. Crawford, 723-1021 bungelow with divided basement, fenced | Realtor. 7207277 DUPLEX 0» nice lot in northwest area.jlot. and private drive, located close to|/ BRICK DUPLEX consisting of two four. Hyman Real Batete Limited, |piant ares, Don Stradeski 7as- 1278. Ideal for boarders or apartments Don Stradeski Real Estate, 728-1275 Qood|APARTMENT SITE, choice _ incation. Telephone tes Hall atihandy to downtown, hospital, GM north three-bedroom older Bstate, Call '748-2682, Active Realty Ltd, ~ shopping LAKEFRONT cottages for rent north of Oshawa. Boat included 140 ACRES of three miles north of city limits, will make 14 lovely 10 acre lots AND I'M WILLING TO (MAKE THE PRICES TALK" HYMAN | SAYS BUILDER 999 down for new detached 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom side split design with Hollywood kitchen and old fashioned pantry. Includes built-in range and oven, storms and screens, walkout patio sliding glass doors. Beautiful in every woy and located on select home- sites in desiroble east end community with public, sep- orate and high schools close by. Modern shopping is with- in walking distance. Other 3 bedroom homes on one N.H.A. mortgage carrying for $98 monthly including interest, principal and taxes. Down payments os low as $679. You phone me, the builder, now and let me tell you about the finest home values in the Oshawa area, Phone 839- 3461 or 364-3115, between 10 am. and 9 p.m. _ please! OPEN HOUSE Doily 2 - 5 p.m., or by ap- pointment. Homes with $500. winter works bonus. Follow Park Rd. S, to Phillip Murroy Ave. JOSEPH BOSCO Realtor Phone 728-7377 FIVE-ROOM, six-year-old brick bungalow with self-contained basement apartment, providing good income with two elec.ric services, high and dry basement, modern forced air furnace 500 with terms. Nice lot This type of property Bowmanville 623-2413. IDEAL family size bungalow, three large Road South. Close to King Street. 725-4263 SIX-ROOM brick bungalow, heating, good rental renting at $120 per month Rosnik 728-9466. Steve Zurba Realtor FOUR BEDROOMS, two storey brick with garage, close to King, Ritson, school and small down and easy terms, Call Arthur Weinberger Real Estate Broker. 1 PRIVATE - room tri-level home, four two washrooms. hot wate finished area basement apartment present! Call Joh Low priced. 725-885 Simcoe, reasonable terms. Must be cee to appreciate. For further information Phone 725-6577 until 6 p.m POW-WOW POINT @ Year-round Resort - Pen Lake @ Planned Recreation, Dances @ Finest Foods, Oven-fresh and large playground, By the season, half WRIGHT'S RESORT on Wilson Lake in BUCKHORN LAKE -- Cottages for rent. Camping and trailer sites; Store and conveniences, excellent fishing, $400 fo: 22--Lots for Sale TROUT STREAM TWO 10 ACRE LOTS ONE 15 ACRE LOT $800 Per Acre or will discuss terms, Contact BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE. LTD. "good ~ scenic band, PRIVATE SALE -- Ravine lot on Labra dor Drive, 50° x 208" city, Telephone 728-4944. 10 ACRE LOT jin Courtice, ideal building site, $5,000. For further phone 723-1408 WE WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOUSE, CALL line in "sist per "month. Reserve now for 'J N F. DeWIT |June possession. Call 728-9466 for full in- formation. Steve: Zurba Realter, 25 Bond|home, REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 | HAVE genuine "CASH" house in 78-5157 buyer fo Charlie Rankine at {23--Real Estete Wanted "| WANT TO § SELL THESE 'HOMES WITHOUT DELAY Asking $14,- Is Immediate occupancy, 7. bedrooms with Rossland Road, west of boat docking, | pF At the Times just Excellent invest Panoramic view of information tele- Oshawa. | TWO- ROOM self-contained apartment, tur- or|nished or unfurnished, $65 monthly, Tele- 'phone 26--Apartments for Rent 27--Rooms for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sele THE CAVALIER The Most Modern ARE YOU pi in Oshawa SELLING? FEATURING @ Exciusive decorating. * @ Electric heating with tin- gertip control, in each YOUR HOME |S room at no extra cost, IN DEMAND 4s Convenient to shopping Ow! and bus. NOW! Plenty of free parking FOR RELIABLE PUREED rooms, for gentlemen, will-/1961 BUICK Le Sabre, two-door hardtop, ing to share, single bed, tr power brakes, Faced fo south om. iinor 5.18 telephone | power steering, radio. Many extras. 147 725-0645, | Athabasca, 5245 45 FURNISHED _ housekeeping room tor] 1964 CORVAIR M Monza a Spider, maroon genticman. Very clean and central. po : ee interior, Four-speed transmis- Phone 723-4470. Telephone 728-7806, HOUSEKEEPIN wiet person. | {950 jomatic, power steering, room for qu VICK, Refrigerator, rangetie and shower. Pri- power brak: ie. One owner. Very 5-8902, v entrance. $50 monthly, Phone 725-| good _fendition lephone 72 3756. __ | MOTORS, trans., all car parts. Gpurtice LIGHT housekeeping "room, om, Close to ail Aute bese N Telephone 723-5541 Ceenenenet rt omegg hy Suit nights 7: igentieman. Telephone 7 See 1968 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 1 standard, ROOM with 'cooking facilities, stove and wo-door sedai con- refrigerator, 'inmediate possession Tele- Ajax 900080. wry ee phone 7 = --~- 1958 HARLEY DAVIDSON moior: FURNISHED room for mature business ness fully equipped with extra cue: lady. Abstainer, non-smoker, five @ in| Sinclair Avenue, after 5 p. utes fo four corners, bus af able now, Telephone 725-9997. 11964 MERCURY pick-up, = excellent con ro bold transistor. radio, on, 253 -- apes ir conditioned FURNISHED room, suitable for - man, parking facies, Apply 57 "Olive 'Whitey Roe hea en ee Avenue or telephone 72: 3-3589. | PRIVATE. "SALE -- 1964 Pontiac Parl Noon, |clenne custom Sport convertible, complete sean with all options New car condition. No Phone|reasonable offer refused. 123-7308. LARGE | front room completely furnished. ir bus, easy walk Abstainer only. @ Professional full time man- REAL ESTATE by Relioble Furniture agement, thot cares for SERVICE your comfort. CALL. @ Numerous other feotures. 728-9474 MODEL SUITE FURNISHED Open from 2 p.m. | till 9 p.m. daily At 400 Grenfell Street at end of Marland Ave. (off Park Rd. $.) | 725-9934 - 728-4283. NOW RENTING NONQUON TOWERS LID. Rents starting at $115 up | PAUL ISTOW LTD. | EALTOR 187 KING ST. E, scarce, For further particulars, call Ted @ Featuring 1, 2 & 3 bed Douglas, 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor DO IT NOW! rooms REPAIR SHOP including three-bay ga- ¢ ° @ Reinforced Concrete Sound rage and showroom, and operated as in- Proof dependent service garage with 'wo self 6 i contained apartments, semi-detached. Lo- List your home with us e -- cated in northeast end of the city. $8,000 down. Balance on easy terms. 728-9466, and get TOP DOLLAR. @ Inter-Com, System teve Zurba Realtor. @ Hi-Fi Radio ll as A ATTRACTIVE heated cottage for rent We have SPOT CASH and @ Bolconies Lake Ontario, nine miles. east of Osh Term Buyers. ®@ Underground Porking awa, two bedrooms, city conveniences 3 May-October Write Box 304, Oshawa R N me x FREE APPRAISAL eserve INOW SIX-ROOM ranch bungalow. Finished basement. Double car port. One acre iot One mile east of Bowmanville on Con * NO OBLIGATION Phone 728-9466 cession Street. Asking $18,000. Phon : 728-4014 Call 723-2265 bedrooms, L-shaped. dining and living, lacae itch, wo extra edraoms ad STEVE ZURBA REALTOR apartment SCHOFIELD-AKER 25 BOND ST. WEST 'Sophisticated Adult re <f LIMITED OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE WOULD ey eee CASA MANANA : COURT "Like to know the value of your home on today's market? SPOTLESS three-bedroom brick bunga- Are you interested in cash? Spacious 1-2- and 3 bedroom fow in choice location, on large ravine We ha ers for homes lot. Completely finished recreation room # $20 aoe fs. Kd He suites, featuring modern W-day possession Low asking price w up to , casn codons equipped kitchens, vanities good Aecrna Call Bob Young, gation with large mirrors in bath- anche te 728-7377 CALL rooms, private balconies, . Ritson Road, north of city | limits. Potential sub-dividing land. Close DON STRADESKI Broadicomned: Sor laers,. Own to school, Asking $78,000. For fyll par- elevotor service and intercom ficulars call Ted Douglas, 728-5103. W. O REALTOR system. Model suite furnish- Martin Realtor P ' ATHOLL STaeeY BARE 728-1275 ed by Wilson's Furniture. : Four bedrooms, - doubi "tea cep dd garage arge ot Telephone weep IMMEDIATE i pd ice-betrcom bungalow, eight "f OCCUPANCY years old, only $13,700. John Kuipers . 723-6590 Keith Peters Realtor, Ltd OLDER TYPE.HOME Call Rental Office at 20a--Summer Properties NOW ! 723-6361 For Sale or Rent Rap Cuch Buver: Gell Follow Park Rood North to Anderson St., West derson to Nipigon St Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. doily GUIDE on An BILL JOHNSTON Schofield-Aker Ltd 728-1066 WANTED! Baking Luxury lakefront suites, bun LISTINGS REALTY Lt, galows, rooms, $56-$70 723 ] 12) weekly, American Plan, Write S | B B nd ' S ig Box 387, Huntsville or call TWO-BEDROOM aghriment, _refrigera- 705-789-495] Real Estate Ltd. Hter, stove, private f m, private en rance, laundry facilities, parking. Avail- FOR RENT -- Mod F h t * i DY pig ig Be 728-7576 aa er es te Rw Balsam Lake. Wonderful sandy beach, 1 NEED bungalow in Cadillac, Highland,|TWO-BEDROOM apartment, close south LaSalle area, All cash buyer. Call Bob! General hi Motors, private entrance, ri Man' ie Rani, Sikah Gicaay Pinas Johnston at 728-5157, Active Realty Lim- vate bathroom. One child welcome, vat 324-5308, evenings Hea able May 1, $85 monthly everything in: cluded, 725-0809 24--Stores, Offices, Storage +yReE-Room, seificoniained downstairs the Pickerel Chain; Lodge, modern cot "| apariment: with t. Ol tages, sandy beach, pickerei, pike, bass ite thie on mig tek All A eens fishing. Box 81, Ajax, 668-8967. Saane oe. gaa ear Albert School. ALLENDALE Lake Cacebe, housekeep OFFICE SPACE | ONE-BEDROOM 'apartment, four rooms ing cottages, terrific swimming, fishing refrigerator. stove. in apartment build. aquatic trampoline. Ideal for summer va- ling Available May 1 Apply 68 Way cation, 17 acres. Pickerel season opens! Street, A 11 4. rey iets April 18. 723-6169 es eld ol | |BOWMANVILLE --- Three-room apart-| | ment, private bathroom, second floor, un- furnished, heated, availabie immediately, $65 monthly. Telephone Bowmanville 623- In Times Building beach. Open May 1. Whitby 668-8332 |3175, FOR SALE -- Large airy, fully furnished] CONTACT |ONE-, TWO-, AND THREE-BEDROOM priby oe if led brig Th |apartments, available immediately, re ane ne ones a lL. WILSON jfrigerator and stove included, Adult liv Hy Call Rental Office at 723-6361 from fo 9 p.m. or Guide Realty Limited, ion 1121, season or $300 for July and August. -- -- MODERN a as 2 > partments available, large Whitby 668-2975 BUSINESS LOCATION _ we and three-bedroom suites. Refrigera HOUSEKEEPING cottages, inside facil tors and stoves swimming pool. 728-3465. iWies, good fishing, swimming, 1-23 bed = 222 BOND ST. WEST -- | THREE-ROOM unfurnished apartment, jateé Golinces, an . Bune Fale, centrally located Adults only, Available 1500 or 900 sq. ft, for any kind of business. Con- Erman at 725-2066 suitable | May 1. Apply 213 Albert Street. |MODERN APARTMENTS, refrigerator, |stove, heat, water, drapes included; ele- tact Mr, vale service. controlled doors. Adults! preferred. Apply Superintendent, 321 Mar- or 725-1367, land Avenue, 725-4368 Two-room hot water, |PRIVATE ENTRANCE. 25--Houses for Rent ___.|nished apartment, heat, THREE-ROOM house, all modern con-/tral location, 725-2539. veniences, residential area, TY aerial,|aLC FURNISHED basement apartment, private driveway, heavy duty wiring. suitable for girls. Private bath. Adelaide Telephone 728-9740 Avenue Phone 728-0260 FOUR-ROOM house, oi! furnace, Cour- FURNISHED one-room apartment, re- tice area; possession, May 3. Call 728- Oe and stove. Apply 200 King West after 12 noon e or telephone 723- 5804. TWO - bedroom pariment in new a MODERN new two-bedroom apartments, | ment building, stove and refrigerator. electrically heated, $125 monthly. All ser- Available June 1. Apply between | and! vices paid, 577 Lansdowne Drive. For in- 5 p.m. 822 Glen Street, Apt. 303. formation ¢ Call 725-9886. cen- THREE - BEDROOM brick bungalow, WHITBY -- > Ore 'and two-bedroom. apart nicely decorated, $120 monthly. Don' ments, new ing, all modern conven * Stradeski, Realtor. 728-1275. ience: eracten Whitby 668-8560. FIVE-ROOM_ bungalow | with 9 garage. , close! ONE bedsitting room to shopping centre. No children please. |kitchen and bath, Available May 1. Cen- $115 per month, T phone 723-74 7410, tral. Telephone 668-2503. 6 ~ | DIVISION STREET, 710: Two rooms and 2 Apartments for Rent ae unfurnished, heat and electricity ment. Owner anxious to sell. Make an supplied. Available May 1. Apply above offer by calling Elmer Fredin, 728-5103 APARTMENTS _ address. W. 0. Martin Realtor Northend location, 1, 2, 3 NEW, three-bedroom Maisonette apart- 15 ACRES with ever fiowing trout stream bedrooms. $115 up. June (ment. Available immediately, $117.50 located 20. minutes from Oshawa on good possession monthly, Telephone 839-3712 Bay Ridges. road. Call Bill Swarbrick 728-6286, $. D WILL SUBLET two-bedroom apartment, Hyman, Real Estate Lid 728-9466 $100 monthly. Adults only! Available June 1, Telephone 725-7272 or 728-9217. FURNISHED APARTMENT, willing to share w with young lady. Phone 725-4455. STEVE ZURBA, Realtor 25 Bond West PARK LANE APTS. " 27--Rooms for Rent | 82 PARK RD. N. 728- 867) | TWO furnished room: "decorated, single beds, privileges. Private' adult near south General Motors. Also garage or parking, Gentleman preferred. Inspection invited. Telephone 728-3014, $10 SHARED MOTEL: accommodation; $14 single .units; restaurant. Open 24) hour Nightly rates, $4 and $6. c'ephone 7. RNISHED 720-4404, 725-7732 APARTMENTS ator rel "northend loca-| id three bedrooms. Start- Street West. ONE-BEDROOM apariment, private en- trance, laundry facilities, near unemploy- r t offic Available May |. Phone 723- 9034 single room, 725-95 etter § p.m, ' fur- apartment with! four-door Laurentian, six cylinder, auto fine automobile. Motors, fo DOWN, $19 weekly buys 1963 Ponting an, pine "furnished bedroom, home. pri Very central, Sult/matic, radio, etc |gentieman. Apply after six at 102 Elginicosh" Pia terms mS | Street East Whitby, 668-3331. CENTRALLY LOCATED, furnished room| MOTORS, trans, all car parts. Courtice wr Nicols close to north General Motors. Gentle-| a, man. Telephone 723-9895. nights 725-468 Telephone 723-554) ROOMS -- Furnished, semi-private n-|520 DOWN, $17 weekly buys 1961 Pontiac, trance. Parking no problem. Gentlemen two-door convertible, V-8, stickshift, in top only, Centrally located, Telephone 725-7273\condition. Cash, trade, terms at Nicols WHITBY -- One single furnished room, Motors, Whitby, 668-3331. Central, Phone 668-2466 $25 DOWN, $23 weekly, buys 1964 Chevy ROOM for two to aa close fe North convertible,-one owner, very low mileage, General Motors. Telephone 728-2971 i whit brine ida at Nicols Motors, PICKERING; Apartment" sls sinaie| ViNDY. 668-33 cohen tne ON a room, Weekly or monthly. Apply 103 King. a BUYS 1955 Ch Two to choose ston Road West, call 723-9358, Cash, trade, terms st Nicole ae Whitby, 668-3331 | SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi- - ~ ~ a "$345 FULL PRICE buys 1958 Plymouth |sion Street. -- £ Station wagon, Cash, trade, i |nice, CLEAN, furnished single rooms Nicols noes. _Whitby 60-3531 Lobe i for rent. Suitable for gentiemen. Also tw door garage. Call 1284594 * 0 "DOWN, $15 weekly, buys 1959 Chevy wo-door convertible, six cylinder, auto- TWO adjoining rooms, refrigerator and| deity Cash, trade, Nicols stove. Share bath. Close to North General Motors, Whitby, 668-3331, Motors. Telephone 728-9257. $10 DOWN, $9 weekly buys 1989 Chevy * wi FURNISHED ROOM for gentieman. Tele Be} Air, four-door sedan, six' cylinder, phone 723-1978. __| Standard shift Cash, trade, ROOMS for rent, single and double, Tele. Nicols Motors, Whitby, 668-3331. phone 728-2722 1960 JEEP two-wheel drive, closed in body. A-1 condition, Quick sale! $500 or 28--Room and Board Irade for car, 725-5079 ROOM and board for terms at terms at 'two gentlemen, | 1963 MERCURY-Comel "convertible, auto- home cooked meals, parking space for matic, radio, turquoise with matching in- five-day week. GM men preferred, ciose| terior. A good car for the summer, Gus to south plant, Telephone 723-2786, are Motors Ltd., 728-7375. $7 COLBORNE Street East, room and|'956 PONTIAC hardtop, two-tone, radio, board for gentlemen, willing to share,|$150. or best offer, 725-7197, ngie beds, close to North General Mo-|1957 PONTIAC two-door hardiop, six- tors, central downtown. Apply address. cylinder, automatic, mechanically good, |ROOM AND BOARD -- five days week-|D0dy fair, $300. Telephone 728-9838 ly, lunches packed, shift workers wel-) 1932 CHEVROLET with 1956 Chevrolet come, Telephone 723-7552. jrear end, new brakes, sand blasted and ROOM AND BOARD for one or two|Primed, $65. or best offer. Also twe gentlemen, Lunches packed, Shift work- bucket seats, $8. Phone 728-2387. jers welcome. Telephone 728-0159. 1962 OLDSMOBILE ~ Super $8, in, | |hardtop, fully eqiipped, excellent [for meet ae i Renee toon Fn' ition, Make offer. Columbus 655-3542, '1953 BUICK super, good tires and motor, |29---Wanted to Rent $100, Telephone 725-8779. WANTED TO RENT -- good sized house|!%64 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 four-door trailer for summer months, starting May hardtop. Blue with matching interior, first, adult couple. Telephone Port Perry Power steering, brakes, etc. Excellent 985-7997, condition. Apply 280 Verdun Road. COUPLE with baby, _ |1965 CHEVROLET Super Sport, auto- tras, room apartment. Rent approximately! matic, bucket seats, and other ex' seventy-five dollars monthly. Telephone| "ake an offer. Call after 6 p.m, 623-3474, 728-7097. | 1964 CHEVELLE, four-door, , eight orlio. der, automatic, radio, padded dash, sea' Pag Ag cabin trailer for one jbelts, whitewalis, wheel discs. Telephone oe = | 725-5246, 0--. i for : Sale USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make 3 Automob les | a _.. trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street East after 4, 723-2281. $10 DOWN, $9 weekiy, buys 1958 Ford Fairlane sedan, automatic and V-8. Cash, four-door condi- requires 1 two-bed- 1962 Pontiac V-8 STD. trade, terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, 1960 Vauxhall SW, $495 668-333 : 1959 1CK™ Invicta, four-door, fully 1959 Ford V-8, $595 power equipped, metallic green with matching interior, Must be seen to be eciated! Gus Brown Motors Ltd, 1959 Pontiac 2-D Figen ' 6 cylinder $745 |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard |top, V-B automatic, ' begs bof copper roof, matching interior, One al owner, 1959 Pontiac Sed. $795 will are trade. Gus Brown Motors Lid. | 728-7; 1959 Oldsmobile $995 | iss oer finished in ermine white with blue interior, low moons: _ matic, back-up lights, winshield wash- 1959 Meteor, AT, $695 matic, backup. lights 1956 FORD 292 motor, three-speed floor 1959 Plymouth V-8, shift, new paint job, Telephone 728-2737. AT, $695 MOTORCYCLE Triumph Tiger 100 - 500 cc. One year old, ed een miles, Like new. Also 1960 Bedford window van, 1956 Pontiac AT, $135 good condition. Telephone 728-1362. 1956 Pontiac STD $395 |i STATION WAGQR, 0/R0 in'slerr Motors Ltd., Ajax. 1955 Ford V-8 $350 ii ANEREY SaDRGE NT GaaS | hardtop, bag well kept, $920 or best offer. | 1955 Chevrolet $250 BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. jives "METEOR Fania "Wagon, fully equip> "THE HOME OF will consider trade. Telephone GOOD USED CARS" \Fas-ena2, 1955 BUICK four-door sedan, all around good shape, $210. Telephone 668-8058. 1957 CHEVROLET, two-door, standard, 6 cylinder, excellent condition, radia private, $700. Telephone Whitby -- 668-4327, 1954 PONTIAC, standard, |, good "transpor- tation, new plates, $95. Apply 509 Bloor East mornings or after 4 p.m, 'S8 DODGE 6 cylinder automatic, seat belts, custom radio, rebuilt Bel Trade P i J 1250 Dundas St. E., Whitby) "steed: 9? Slor: Rast mornings or 668-5871-72 1956 MONARCH automatic radio, good condition, $175. Bowmanville 623-3786 after S p.m. 31--Compact Cors for Sale PEUGEOT and VOLVO SALES ond SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN | MOTORS | 607 KING ST. --- OSHAWA | General Repoir and | Auto-Electric Service Gust Fost of Wilson Road) | 449 Ritson Road South 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Baden toa ' : as SABYAN KELLY DISNEY MOTOR SALES LTD, USED CAR LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Ritson Rd. S. 723-3461 oO Open _E Evening eae ZOLTAN - | NICK = & DAN' THE HOME OF | Your authorized DATSUN GOOD USED CARS DEALER j Volkswagen Service Before You Buy 160 Simcoe South give Bill a try' 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens poid off Trade up or down Always top quality ry clean, four: , radio, washers. Low price. Telephone 1250 DUNDAS EAST, 1964 CORVAIR Monza "Spider, maroon excellent condition. Many extras. Best |725-1475 after § p.m. 668-587 1|---72 |with black interior. Four-speed' transmis- offer, Telephone 723-4974, Oshawa 728-0051 |1982 "ACADIAN Beaumont, \ hardtop. Telephone 728-6279, : _..| Sion, Telephone 728-7806. $ ALL CASH $ {1963 CORVAIR vert For clean cars or trucks we ie NASH Metropolitan, good. body, rune 1962 ACADIAN, automatic, 6, "whitewalls,) MOTORS LTD. convertible, deal up or down, Liens paid, wel. Custom radio, $235. Phone NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED) Aiax 942-303 after 3. p.m. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH 1963 CORVAIR convertible, four-speed, Across from Royal Hotel after. Telephone 7234974." extras. Beat Whitby 668-333) 32 T ky far a "Ned peat SPOT CASH stabi ee Metall td Paid for. Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH |BEDFORD van, '2-ton truck, 1960, oe {motor, tires, body. Clutch defective, $150 las is, Telephone 'Bowmanville 623-2401. 1948 CHEVROLET '% ton truck, very good condition. Apply 509 Bloor Street East, |Mornings or after 4 p.m 1948 CHEVROLET 2 ton truck. Very CHOICE wooded i lots, lable | H } fwo diferent areas ot heciy. cals. 0.| Future Vacancies ATTRACTIVELY | 723-9421 [Soret er chert hae eee yman Real Estate Limited, 728 : PINGS OF rn peg IC fi. x No ft. CONTACT FURNISHED ROOMS jio0, Bagi. paaghtotnaragatn 8 heré:| 33--Automobiles Wanted -- silo DON HOWE Available in private home. | sreaaae Bunn puntn edie eta CARS WANTED 23--Real Estate Wanted REAL ESTATE Call between 5 and 7 p.m, \terior, GM warranty. Can arrange fi- nancing. 723-6414 $25 DOWN, $17 weekly buys 1962 Pontiac! four-door sedan, six cylinder, standard| Buying 'a New Car? Sell your used car to. "Ted" shift. This is a real tight all around car! Talk. 'Cash' 'to the New [Wty aessste at Nicols 4 Car Dealer and "Save"'. ia CHEVROLET Bel elt 'two-door TED CAMPIN MOTORS Standard, radio, four new tires, good |mileage. $800 or best offer. Telephone 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | 728-299. SHAW Auto Wrecking Co. Cars bought, |§30 DOWN, $14.20 weekly buys 1960 Pon.|P@rts for sale. Iron and metals bought tiac Laurentian four-door, V-8 automatic,|</ lo Siree! Easi, 725-2311, jradio, etc. Car must be seen to be ap- OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- Telephone | praciated. Cash, vie terms at Nicolsiers, 1175. Nelson Street, want * Motor: s, Whitby, 668-333) wrecking. Telephone 725- 2162 or as, vba al