Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Apr 1965, p. 15

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ren es BLONDIE Fest Rata Aly TEN-DOLLAR BiLL I HAD 7o Fay iF LI'L ABNER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY BRUSH UNTIL DOES COM ou ® BUT SOMEBODY | SAID THERES \I FEEL LIKE } E~IF EVER ROBINSON y » AFTER ALL HE POBS OWN THE ISLAND GUPPOSE WE SHOULD -~ LET US NOT ACT TOO INHOSPITABLE NUBBIN TIME "TO TRY OUT MY NEW AH, DAWN 16 BREAKING / BUGLE / Z CAN HARDLY WAIT/ COCK-A- DOOPLE- c DOOCOY 1983 Berd ngewe reerwed SECRET AGENT X$ Se ee ees ») | > >} IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT, THERE'S A BOTTLE OF PERFUME ON THE DESK. YOU CAN GIVE ME THE TATTOO TEST, © King Ferree Syndiionta, fee, 1965. World rights ~ewrwed. JANE ARDEN TI RECKON HE WOULD HEAD DOWN STREAM... THE COUNTRY GETS WILDE ar WAY, IF HE VOBS THE WAY MOST OWL- HOOTS DO.... HELL COME OUT OF THE RIVER ATA PLACE WHERE IT WILL BE EASY TO COVER HIS "TRACKS. yay QeANWHILE..... THAT ODGHT TO DO IT/ SOON As IT A COMANCHE DR EN co ifr tag TELL A HORSE. HAD WD, COME OVER 'THAT SAND, MICKEY MOUSE 1S oO ) (= SS \ j Sixe SOWED THe PROBLEM! GRANDMA HOW I6 ROY DOING WITH HIS BAR-BELL OUTFIT HE BOUGHT Ong me Sette ten os MUGGS AND SKEETER se YOU HAVE JUST MADE MY DAY! HOUGH A STAUNCH ORANGEMAN, ROMAN CATHOLICS iy 195 TURN TO MACKENZIE BOWELL TO SAVE TE SCHOOLS » | 7 FINANCIAL, MR. PRIME MIN! WE DON'T EXPECT YOU {0 | SIDE WITH U6, BUT,.. CATHOLIC BCHOOLS E SUPPORT TO YOUR THE LONE RANGER Hi MAY HAVE? USED YOU, THROUGH YOUR TROPHY, HERE, IN A DOPE- SMUGGLING OPERATION / | - TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buttalo T-The Fugitive | 1:30 PM Channel 3--Barrie 63---News Magazine }%--1 Love Lucey Channel 4--Buttaic |4--Doctors and Nurses | @-2--1'l Bet Channel ¢--Toronte PLM, 7--Pather Knows Best | 4--Search for Tomorrow | 10190 l@3--Other Voices 3-Noon-day Report Channel 7--Buftale Channel 8--Rochester Channel %-Toronto 11:00 P.M. 12:45 PM, ina | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---Newa . Channel 11--Hamilton Weather and Sports | *~Guiding Light 11118 PAM i roor "1 Pitt | %--Metro Final our Jus' en ere? Sve &-Viewpoint |---December Bride 5:00 PLM. Matinee V--Family Theatre i J--Atternoon Show T-4---Late Show é-Night Metre +3--Fireball Xs &--Lioyd Thaxton 1190 Pat Wrestling 30 P.M. 9--Pierre Berton @-Leave it To Beaveriyo-- Tonight Show | &3--Movie Matinee | 4--Meet The Miliere 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 PLM, %--Five O'Clock Matinee &--Superman li--Mid-Day Matinee |%--Milllonaire 4--As The World Turne 4--Music Hop | é-International Cinerme Aquanaute 3--Man of the World } nee PLM, 4:00 PM, | 9--Abracadabre ie P. WEONESDAY | Flame in. The Wind J--News Centrai $00 AM | 4--Password 6 Gilligan's island 1--Schnitzel House 2--Moment Of Truth spe sled pers win | 4~Captain Kangaros 2:30 PLM, a i Today, 196 4:30 AM, a eee 4:30 PLM ¥--News; Miss Helen | | 7-Day tn Court | @=Loretta Young 4-eHouse Party | $~Super Bingo Vi Family Theatre Movie No, 2 9-4-3--Newa) | 9:00 A.M, Romper Room Weather, Sporte etek for: Dotlares #-2-Huntley-Brinkley Gir\ Valk 100 P.M. 2h ln 4--Mikes Carnival } ®~People in Confllet J--Highway_ Patrol | 2-Mickey Mouse Club | 9.2 Another World #--Across Canade 9:30 AM, 1--General Hospit 1:00 P.M. leEd Allen , b oment of Truth N--Shindig é--Musical Interlude 4-To Tell The Truth %--The Littlest Hobe j4~Leave It To Beaver | 3:0 PM, | T--M-Squed 3--Ann Southern Show | eran Company | #-News, Weather 10:00 A.M. 9--Its Your Move H Sports in Pa J } &2--You Don't Say | 4--Car 54 Where Are @2--Truth or 7--The Young Marries { You? Consequence &3-Take Thirty &--Candid Camera | é5.civanhen | 4-Edge of Night o-The Dewenver $3--Canadian Schools 4:00 PM 1 P.M 10:30 A.M. N--Lieyd Thaxton Let's Sing Ovt $3--Mr. Novak 1--Combaet #~On The Scene | 4--Danny Thomas Show 3--Wendy and Me ! | Heather Knows Best | ®--Mickey Mouse Ciu® | &2--What's This Song | &The Match Game 7--Tralimaster T--Rocketship 7 @3--Across Canada |¢3----As The World Turns 4--Presidentie! Parade 4~--Secret Storm 11:00 A.M Rocky and Hie 2:00 PM. lieAlbert J. Steed } Friends 1i--Special Movie | 9--Dear Charlotte | 4:30 PLM. 9--Petticoat Junction | &2--Concentration | ®Sea Hunt | | TBarly Show | @3--Razzie Dazrie | 4--The 4&Thirty Show 43----Staniey Cup Playotts | ¢3--Friendly Giant Chicago at Montreal | 4--Andy of Mayberry 4--Joey Bishop Show 115 A.M, | 2----B'wane Don #:f0 PLM » pang Mother Know WERONESOAY SVB, 9--Red Skelton . #-2--Hullabaloo I+9 Chez Helene iF ae aor 7--McHale"s Navy | | 't~-Bamily Theatre =< 11:90 AM. %--Five O'Clock Movie #3---Danny Kaye Show | 9 toronto Today &--Superman 4--Red Skelton Hour | #-2--Jeopardy Ra gens Whe 9:00 P.M. 7--Price is Right 2--Lioyd Thaxton $3--Butternut Square | $10 P.M, 4--The McCoys %~The Virginian 12:00 NOON acted 6-2--Call My Blut? 7~--Peyton Place | 7-Donna Reed | @-Elwood Glover 43--Front Page Challenge Shows aad Werther ye 10:00 P.M S-Popeve' ond Mee } Chuck Healy Ni--Steve Allen Show 12:18 PLM, +-Flim Feature |} Leave it To Seaver | é--Music Hop | d-National Velvet } 4:08 PLM. | T--News Central | @-Live and Learn |4-News, Sports With | | & | 7--The Tycoon | 20 PM 4--Patticoat Junctilon AS HE GETS HOME. V/LL MAKE HIM BRING 'EM RIGHT BACK! NOW, DON'T WORRY, fae A Su Diatrioetc 7 King J entmree Arete | "DEWEY! DID YOU SWIPE | THE GRACES OFF LITTLE BETTY SMITHS TEETH? Rosi anf as I JUST MADE HER GIVE ME BACK MY BUBBLE GUM! "CROSSWORD YOUR HEALTH Important Facts On Adopting Child ' By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDjpick and choose--not trying to Dear Dr. Molner: My hus-|find a child to sult the parents, band and [ want to adopt ajbut trying to find parents which child but would like to know/in the next 20 years, will suit this: the child. I wouldn't change We feel that the earlier agejthis for the world. Would you? at which we get an infant, the! yes 1 suppose that if a child more he will seem like ourjis adopted in infancy, there own, Yet we were wondering|may be more. of a feeling, in how much you can tell about a/the beginning, that the baby is child's health, physical charac- your own. Yet 10 years later teristics, temperament and in- the difference may have be- telligence. Would you knoW| come very slight, or even may @2--Bell Telephone Hour! 4--Speaker of the House |a--Today, 1945 is | } } 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 27,1965 15 BRIDGE -- Oy &. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Championship Play) South dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NORTH 4916 A 7 sta3° 853 3 AKI059 $sisss $s 3" 'aie 4 a3 Kss | ; i, The tating South West Worth Bat Pas 1 1 46 Pam spades. Errors of: omission can be just as expensive in the play of bend cards as errors of commis- son, Let's say that have the South hand and West leads « spade, which you ruff. Pros- pects of making the contract are very good, since you can make eleven tricks, after drawing trumps, if it turns out that the hearts are divided 3-3 or, fail! that, that East has the ace diamonds. But if your thinking stops right there, you haven't carried it far enough, There is still an- other possibility of making the contract, eve nif the hearts are not divided 3-3 and West has the ace of diamonds. This possibility costs nothing to investigate and greatly in- creases the chances of making the contract. ' After ruffing the » you draw two rounds trumps. play a heart to the queen, ruff another spade, play a heart to the king, and then ruff dummy's last spade. These preparations, which de not (in and of themselves) gain any tricks, are made in order to cover the possibility that the hearts are divided 4-2 or 5-1 -- with West having the heart length. When you now play a heart to the ace and it turns out that East has no more hearts, you have a right to congratulate yourself on having been smart lenough to clear the dummy of spades, These preparatory moves now assure the contr regardless of where the ace diamonds is located. You play the seven of hearts from dummy and, instead of ruffing it, discard a diamond. West wins with the jack, but now finds himself so placed that he must return a spade, giving you a ruff and discard, or else a diamond, which makes your king a trick. se As a result, you make the contract. The underlying prin- ciple is that you should not be willing to settle for just a good chance to make the contract without first looking for a still better chance. SALLY'S SALLIES enough at six months or less,/nhave reversed itself. You'll be or would the child have to be/surprised at how quickly any! older?--Mrs. R.O, jchild can become your own, You are asking too much--iwhether you start taking care asking more than you could €x-lof him at the age of a few pect if the child were really| weeks or at the age of a few your own lvears. Currently the number of) adoptable children is somewhat|SELECT BACKGROUND larger in proportion to the de-| The adoption agencies, since mand than has been the case|they ean do some picking and in the past. But that doesn't/choosing, try to select parents mean that adopting is now easy./of ethnic background to match We may be having a worldwide|that of the child, Why put a population explosion, but We/blue-eyed, fairskinned child in havé, in this country, a greatithe household of people who supply of prospective parents,/are olive - skinned? Or vice and not enough children to/yersa? -But beyond that, you match take your chances on any So the adopiion agencies canihealthy baby or child--and that, , ACROSS 48, Those of 16, God- (CAI FSR TAM | 1 Young an outcast dess of CLOIR IATL AIT IC IAIS) oyster class: Jap. har- a atin 6, Weaving DOWN vents: Tt, [UIsiE MEPIAICIKMME!L| frame 1, Roadway 19, First- HANG MAyoe4 9. Mouthiike 2, Bard class: e fie 1, tia) opening: 8. Communion , al, ag a A Zool, cup 20. Dis- a ua 1 10. Musical 4, Oily charge, OSHAWA instrument 6, Beaver' nha "a on LITTLE THEATRE to region 6. Swedish 23, Flowed 138. Greek coin, 25. Attach presente letter 7. Eye 27, Position 35, Anxious 7] e "a 14, Permit 8. Wife or 28. Defeat 38, Rub off 4 F hi n 15, Fuel widow 29,Diminishes 40, Miss as ° ™ 17, Misin- %. Department 30, Conflict Ferber terpret store $1, Herons 42. Born 18%. Rye: events 82, Ironic 44,.An TO IT Scot. Ai, Fragrant term of eccens 19. Developers: --_ ointments endearment tric; al. 8:30 P.M. hote, 21, Alleged yy T * 4 s ye MeLeughblin Library Theatre force TICKETS ot the DOOR 22. Drinking an 12. 24. Ger, John 26. Some 3 QZ : COLBORNE 27, Seed vesse} 28. Magic stick 4 GROCETERIA baggy bot Y) Colborne St. et Church Se. wines" FF y 728-6341 river $4, Leavening YZ ae Oi WY cromneemm OPEN ee, ent. 36. Barth as ? Ae a [sa DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. & godd 4s Seven Days @ Week 87, Uncooked ie Z cs 39. Dexterity ZA Zz © Groceri © Preah Pruits 9 stg we Y GZ Y, © Vegetobles © Meets . Pric painfully al GY FREE DELIVERY 43. Beneath ba : 45. Indian's 45 46 tent 46, Dwarfish U/ 47. Prophet Rita in fact, is more than you can) A child's temperament will be shaped essentially by en- How many children with defects|vironment. Adopted children, or even because of them? }brought up with love, will have I know of some foster par-|& 00d disposition. But a child, ents who have purpose y|adopted | or natural, will be adopted youngsters with physi-/Warped if unwanted or brought cal defects, and have had them/"P in the midst of bickering. corrected. Or apent great love/ As a general rule, it is prob- in' teaching these children howjably preferable, for baby and to get along despite defects, (foster parents alike, to adopt Remember the Biblical story|when the child is very young, of the one lost sheep? The/but the right age is any age-- thought is old but human pa-jwhen you want to adapt the ture hasn't changed much, ohild. count on with your own child, ERNIE CAY LUMBER ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS FREE DELIVERY "it it's LUMBER, call eur NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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