Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Apr 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, Apri 24, 1965 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Not Thugs Or Smart-Alecks, But Police Chased Accused AJAX (Staff) -- An Oshawa businessman, Wilbur McKeen, believed he was being followed by "thugs or smart-alecks" when he attempted to elude Pickering Townshi Police along the Macdonald - Cartier Freeway at speeds up to 115 miles-per-hour on April 8. Constable Glover Hutchinson said he was going east on the highway at Morningside ave. when the accused's car passed him at between 90 and 100 mph. He stated that McKeen then continued east weaving in and out of traffic and hit speeds of between 110 and 115 mph as he passed Pickering Village. Hutch- inson said that when the ac- cused was stopped outside of Whitby his breath smelled of alcoho! although he was not affected by it and there were two pints of beer and a half- pint of whiskey in the car. McKeen, who pleaded guilty to careless driving and having liquor in a place other than a residence, told the court that he thought he was being followed by "smart-alecks or since the constables were in plain clothes travelling in an unmarked car. Aagistrate Harry Jermyn fined McKeen $50 for careless said he would help Barry E, Bryant get another job if the lsixemonth licence - suspension imposed by Magistrate Jermyn would cause him to lose his. Bryant was given a $50 fine and the six-month suspension by Magistrate Jermyn when he was found guilty of careless driving. Frederick Mitchell, of RR 1, Whitby, told the Court he was driving his bread-truck along Highway 2 just east of Ajax when the accused passed him at a high rate of speed, and, when the accused pulled out to pass another car, he veered into his own lane too sharply and went into the south ditch with his two front wheels. Mitchell said he pulled into a gas station when the accused passed him again and while still at*the station he heard a crash and saw sparks fly from a hydro |road east of the gas station. Constable Robert Speakman of the Pickering Township Police said Bryant had broken off six |guardrails before breaking the thugs"|hydro pole on the north side of ithe road. He stated that the ac- cused had been drinking. A Mimico man who travelled {pole on.the north side of the} westbound on Highway 2 on Jan, 18 when he was observed by Pickering Township Police Constable Donald Martin as he proceeded through Pickering Village. Constable Martin told the Court that the accused had pass- ed him at the intersection of Church st, and Highway 2 at a high rate of speed and had trav- elled on the wrong side of the road several times, from side to side, The accused told the Court that he was coming from Osh- awa and that the radiator of his car kept boiling over, and had shorted out the engine. He said he kept the gas pedal on the floor to keep the car from stal!- ing. Magistrate Jermyn suspended Martin's licence for three months and fined him $100. Two charges against a Pick- ering Village youth were dis- missed by Magistrate Jermyn. John Richard Marks, 17, of Gordon House, Pickering, was charged on Feb, 17 with using| and} the wrong licence plates having no insurance on his vehicle. Pickering Police Constable through Pickering Village at William Kolebniak said he stop- driving and $25 for having liquor|speeds of between 70 and §0\neq the accused at 8 p.m. and in his vehicle. miles per hour was found guilty of dangerous driving. noticed that the car. he was driving was built in 1957 while Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck! Leonard D. Martin, 25, was the ownership was for a 1956 car the same make, The accused told the Court of veering]: WHITHER KEN PRESTON lthat-he had put the 1956 motor | into his 1957 vehicle and that he had been told by the Ajax Auto |Wreckers, where he purchased the 1957 car, that no papers were available and that it was alright for him to use the 1956 ownership since he was chang- ing the motor. | Magistrate Jermyn said that, although the accused should know the law, he did correct Young Defender - Wants A Movie By JAMES BACON |showing in Pal Joey with Frank THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK HOME DESIGN No. 214 This fine Colonial home with its two-car attached garage and large kitchen would provide delightful liv- ing for a large family. There is an attractive fireplace in the living room. The den could serve as a family room, or even as an addi- tional bedroom. "Also in- The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, ( Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance Plans entitled Me { 3-4 Lower Floor = 1008 Sq.Ft. Upper Flor- " * a DESIGN No, 214 Gorage = 613 Sq.Ft le L Sluaprint I gad availoble Ma 5 a ' "0 a BR le BR, Bi a ee Wadetide! Na otacus 14° x1 DINING RAGE "9 ~ er | 12 10% eet oe | ro eed. BR or BR. 45013 FEbad atx 122 Po payable (to The Oshawa Times). Name cluded is a patio with an access foor from the den. Upstairs are four bedrooms with ample closet space. All have windows arranged for cross ventilation. Construc- tion is a combination of brick veneer and frame. Blueprints are also avail- able in French at slightly additional cost. 1008 Sq. Ft. Standard Blueprints for this Design No. 214 cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Can- ada by return mail, (On- -- Rob- Sinatra." go fy hg nf alae el But The Defenders has made television's The Defenders, is|it a different story this time. | sack in town now looking for Many of the movie producers, "movie roles. he has found out, were fans of A %4 > year - old Ajax man,| the series. Producers, along), ' A ; The Defenders no longer Is\.it, most Hollywood people,|Frances M. Harkness was given a 90-day maximum sentence at) with us on television, thanks to i ithose nebulous things called *",,""pauen! habiiues ot colms;|the Mimico Alcohol Reclama-| 'ratings. pictures and a scrapbook any|tion Centre when he pleaded "It was a: great show with more." says Reed. guilty to his third offence of} reat ratings when we were On| During the last months of the D¢img drunk in a public place. turday nights," says Reed.|show, Reed also was appearing) Harkness, of 92 Exeter st., "Then they moved us to Thurs-|in the hit Broadway show Bare-|Was found staggering in the! days. We still had great shows! foot in the Park. middle of Dundas st. at 12.30 but not so great ratings." | "It was a rugged experience|#-m: on April 21 by the Whitby The last show was shot althe first few weeks but after Town Police. week ago in New York and/that, it became a lot of fun." The accused, who pleaded Reed was on a plane the next| Marshall, a movie veteran, is|Suilty, will stay at the Centre day for here. He worked here|going on the stage--in musicals,|@t the discretion of its super-| the situation two days after he was stopped, and dismissed the; charges. | when he was spotted for the! intendent, | Zim Diver | role of FE. G. Marshall's son and|King Arthur role in Camelot in law partner on the television series. | "When I was here before I\cals away from Broadway and did all the Western shows and once had the back of my head'thing on the big street. E. G. is going to play the Atlanta this summer, He wants to get his tonsils wet in musi- then he's going to look for some-| 900 Uniformed Policemen 7,54'. Ay] tario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from address. be- low) is our new Design Book entitled "Suburban and Country Homes design- ed for Canadians", price $1.00 tax free, This edition includes information on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insula- | tion, Constructional Details, | etc., plus many outstanding new designs -- Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colonial, and du- plex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order Blueprints. Finds Ship, | s . Begin N.Y. War On Crime 3,02 27,40 \line Zim to recover navigation| NEW YORK (AP)--An extra the streets took shape as a five-jinstruments from a sunken Nor- 600 patrolmen and detectives,|point program costing nearly|wegian tanker discovered they all in uniform overtime, begin pounding beats| last night in a war on crime in New York City. | Mayor Robert F. Wagner in a televised night said: "The days ahead will be.days of open war, we against the criminals, We are going to win. They are going to lose." i April 5, the mayor announced! a crackdown on subway crime and threw 800 policemen into| the battle on their off-duty) hours. Two nights later, a po- liceman was riding every train! and patrolling each of the 480 subway stations between the) high-crime hours of 8 p.m, and 4 a.m, The result, Wagner said,| "has been successful beyond our hopes." During the first 15 days of the new patrol, 12 felonies were re- ported on subways compared to 37 in the same period in March. Misdemeanor arrests rose to compared with 17 the month before. : The mayor's war on crime in addition to the more $9,000,000 price tag for extra police manpower on subways An extra 500 uniformed po- every night of the week from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m., starting tonight. The police department will expand by 1,500 men to a total of 28,228, effective July 1. Rien: Skate Champion Dies WINDSOR, Conn. (AP)--Mrs Gretchen . Merrill Gay, who reigned for six years as United States. women's figure-skating champion, is dead at 38 Her body was found Thursday in her apartment. Nearby were was 10. | Police said Mrs, Gay, who} may have been dead for as long as a week, apparently died of natural, causes. A neighbor no- tified the apartment building No Foreign {superintendent when she noticed Gay's car had not been moved for several days. Mrs. Gay won her firs. major Farm Labor ititle at the age of 12, capturing -MacEachen LEAMINGTON, Ont. (CP)--) Labor Minister Allan Mac- Eachen has advised Essex County associated growers that! permits for overseas -agricul- tural labor will not be granted until it is proven that labor re- quirements cannot be filled by, Canadian farm workers. In a letter to John F. Peter- son, president of the Essex! County Associated Growers, Mr. MacEachen says that rep- resentations concerning the temporary admission of work- ers from abroad is based on the assumption that sufficient num-| bers of workers can not be re- cruited in Canada. "This, he writes, been established and it is, thought that the requirements| of agriculture can be met! through a vigorous recruitment program involving local re-| cruitment, day-haul movements) and the transfer of workers} "has not within and between the prov- inces, | iM|aal s: the U.S. ladies junior crown. In 1943, she won the U.S. women's title and retained it through 1948. She retired after losing the championship in 1949 Her 1953 marriage to William Otis Gay of Boston ended in ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! More Houses Are Sold Daily Through MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Consult « member of the OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD and working/$17,000,000 a year. This is injhad already been removed from|knots thanjthe ship, the New York Times' collided. reports The tanker, the Stolt Dagali, and the Israeli liner Shalom/ speech Thursday|licemen will be on the streets|/collided off the coast of New\resolve this question. Jersey last November and the tanker sank with the loss of 19) lives. | The Times says the Israeli line hired a diver to recover in- -- struments from the hulk 240) feet down on the ocean floor for evidence in $5,000,000 worth of court suits. The diver found a neat hole! had been cut into the side of the) tanker and the instruments had been taken, the report adds The Israeli diver had been instructed to obtain or photo- graph the engine room. tele- graph, throttle and tachometer, the Times says. The newspaper says Norwe- gian interests contend the tank- jher trophies won during a skat-jer's engines were stopped be- 49,/ing career that began when she fore the collision. The Israelis suspect the tanker was travel- ling at top 'speed of about 14- PLANNING YOUR NEW HOME PERHAPS the most im a home is the "thinking every member of the f _ heed dan want in terms joyed by individuals or And the time for this commit yourselves to course, your needs an The number and ages of children, hobbies en- mode of living and entertaining, will all in fluence the design' of home you choose. relatd to what you eon aftord; but whatever price range your home must be in, you will find mony different house designs te fit your needs. Oshawa BUILDERS' | ASSOCIATION DEALER JAILED OTTAWA (CP) -- S. Thomas Swadron, 44, an Ottawa coin dealer, was sentenced to two months in jail and fined $500 in court here Thursday for posses- sion of stolen goods. Swadron was convicted of possession of 6,000 medals and decorations which had been stolen from of- fices of the veterans affairs de- partment here last year. when the vessels col- The instrum@nts from the tanker, it was believed, might Some shipping men: believe the instruments may have been removed solely for the value of the brass of which they were made. The wreckage of the tanker is in international wa- ters. The Shalom suffered rela- tively minor damage to its bow in the collision, Davies or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President ®@ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. $., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 portant step in buying stage'. . . thinking by lomily about what they of space and facilities, the whole family, your thinking is before you a 'specific model, Of id desires have to be 369 Oshawa Blvd. 723-7390 Address OPO Teer iti iii iii iti itty) COOP P OOOO OOOO OOO EE OHO ROE EEO O OOS ER EEE EES EEE EE EE EED termite damage in a residence? Is it deductible? ANSWER: Used to be, but I understand this is no longer the case, sad to report. Reasoning! being that it usually takes at least two to three years for ex- tensive damage to develop and homeowner ought to have checked infestation before it spread! NOT ALWAYS GOOD A Milwaukee reader has taken the time and trouble to send in a clipping from U.S. News and World Report well worth passing along to other readers: Don't make the mis- take of thinking you can mix two household cleaners and produce a better one, Results are possibly tragic, because, in mixing, the chemical combina- tion may release a poisonous gas, such as chlorine. As I re- peatedly and frequently state:! te gg Jabel directions care- ully, FIRST AID TO AILING HOME QUESTION: What's the rul- containing warfarin, causes ing about repairing extensive|rats to leave the search of water. But there is always the slight chance he might get stuck in a wall cavity, MATCHING COUNTER TOPS ment has white-painted cabi- nets with a white plastic, gold- flecked top on the counters, I have a small wood table 'hat I want to use for breakfast, but don't want to go to the expense of having a matching plastic top put on, Is there any way to paint this white with gold- fleck in it? color (including white with gold flecking) paint is available in aerosol form hardware and housewares stores, for application. UNGLAZED CERAMIC TILE stalled an. unglazed ceramic' or self-polishing wax desired, tile floor in our kitchen and it seems impossible to clean be- cause of its ity, We had the usual in removing cement which squished up be- tween tiles, Since we used gray grouting, this color was soaked up by the tile surface. Having eliminated these two problems (not easy), we now find that anything dripped on the floor soaks in; difficult to remove even by scrubbing with a brush. We are discouraged. 1 had read ceramic tile was easy to care for, Have you any sug- gestions? ANSWER: Ceramic tile floors, properly treated, are easy to deal with. Porous un- oe -- ber should ne sealed with a sealer-finish for ANSWER: Yes. Special vari-|concrete made by a nationally known wax manufacturer and available at janitor supplies outlets, This is a transparent water emulsion product, easy to apply, gives a water and acid- resistant surface of good gloss. After applying the sealer-finish, use any good quality polishing QUESTION: .My new apart- at many paint, Follow label directions QUESTION: We recently in- ODORGUS CREEL QUESTION: My creel is get- ting such a strong fish odor, the wife complains the smell is sifting out from the closet into the rest of the house. Any way to get rid of this odor? ANSWER: Yes. Wash the cree] in a pail of warm water to which a handful of baking |soda has been added, Use a |stiff brush to loosen any cling- ing remnants. Rinse in clear water and let dry outdoors in the sun. CELLAR. RAT QUESTION: We saw a rat| in the cellar. Is there any safe) way to get rid of it? ANSWER: The safest way is to use a tempting baited trap (peanut butter, rolled oats, bacon). Poisons are lethally You Wouldn't Buy a House Without a Chimney Sense Of Values effective, but you run the risk Stems From Home TORONTO (CP) -- Instruc-jing of the Federation of Catho-| tion in religion and moral va-'lic Parent-Teacher Associations | lues should begin in the home!of Ontario as early as possible, rather than waiting for parish schools, the Ontario Catholic Parent. - Monday, instruction is a full-time job. --not out of fear, she said. Another Delegates at the annual meet-jon the number of pupils. passed a resolution} JAMES recommending that the depart-| l ment of education, the Cana-| | dian Broadcasting Corporation O'MALLEY | Teacher Association was told/and private television stations) jcombine to present a series of) Mary Reed Newland, United|programs on the new math sys-| |States author of five books to/tem for the benefit of parents. |help parents interpret the} 'church for children, said this|department of education to dis-| continue charges for inspecting, And children must 'be taught/private high schools in Ontario. to be good out of love for God/Some schools pay as much as $200 for inspection, depending resolution asks the of the rat dying inside the walls) of the house, causing a highly unpleasant odor which coul aj last for months, Rat poison, Construction Ltd. ! 4 Unless, of course, INSIST ON THE BEST GO @ SAFE @ CLEAN MODERN @ ECONOMICAL ! CALL @ DEPENDABLE 4 723-7122 | --CALL-- @ Homes @ Additions 1 728-4611 1 © Offices @ Remodeling j SO PRINCE ST. OSHAWA oe man an ou enjoyed the comfort of Clean, Smokeless, Flameless Electric Heat! Then Only Santa Would Need Your Chimney! Oceans of Hot Water Today, there's no reason to de- prive yourself of all the hot water you want, when you want it! With gas water heating you don't have to stint or "schedule" baths, laundry, or dishwashing.Gas gives you "Oceans of Hot Water." You'll always have plenty on tap, for whatever purpose and in whatever amount you need. There's nothing more enjoyable --or more useful than "instant" hot water. There's nothing more annoying than to run "short" and have to postpone or delay baths, dishwashing or laundry. Buy a new gas water heater and have "Oceans of Hot Water," or rent for as little as $1.75 a month on your gas bill. Save money. Take advantage of the low gas rates now in effect. Enjoy all the pleasure of modern living with gas. For information and personal service, call Consumers' Gas, 728-7363 Consumers' ("las 29 CELINA STREET © OSHAWA & 2 a

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