Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Apr 1965, p. 5

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Knights Honors WHITBY (Staff 100 local and national political ment and they should stop t Whitby Wed-jheavy criticism they throw at he Fifth An-|local councils 51 weeks of the nual Knights of Columbus Civic year." figures gathered in nesday night, for t! Night. the responsibilities of the people to the politician. "The people in Canadian mu- nicipalities get 100 pennies and more in worth for every tax dollar they spend," he said. REGIONAL GOVERNMENT | "There is becoming more and The guest speaker, Vic CopPpS, being tax time, was the seaso Mayor of Hamilton, spoke OM|when the municipal politicia civie politics, the responsibili-| was ties of the civic politician and/apuyce, better schools and services 11 \hollering like a stuck pig when Of Columbus Civic Leaders ) -- More thanirific deal in municipal govern-it comes time to pay for them he|we complain. "Municipalities have had to borrow to provide these things and back debts, plus new and 7 >, ing, greater demands from the tax- He commented that the pence rest canst bap uk ped ae nithe mill rate." most) He added that in his opinion 98 per cent of the people in- lyolved in municipal politics are honest and hard working, and that many of them give freely of their time and effort for very it comes time to pay the bills."" |little personal gain. He concluded by appealing to REASON FOR HIGH TAX those present to support the ac- He explained what has hap-|tions of their elected politicians subjected to the "There is no use hollering for months of the year, and then Aprons Donated For Fall Bazaar Church Women Evening Grou) held its April meeting at the home of Mrs. Norman Gibson The president, Mrs. William Hicks, opened the meeting with a worship service and devo-| tional. Mrs. Norman Gibson gave the scripture reading. | The roll call was answered iwith donations of aprons for! the fall bazaar. Next month the roll call will be answered with miscellaneous donations. Mrs, Ivan Barrett reported a FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTALS ll Made to Measure Clothes @ House of Hobberlin @ Tip Top Tailors |. pened during the past 40 years\anq to try to understand the that lent to the high tax bills of problems of government at the today. local level. bunch of mish-mash committees "During the 1930's we had the' 'The annual event is sponsored we have now. slepression and little or no wasley the St. John the Evangelist "So far not much but.a lot of|building and maintenance Was/Knights of -Columbus Whitby talk has been done to create re-|done. Council, No, 4895. gional government." 'Then came the war, and It was attended by many He said that the present pro- money was needed to keep thejnoted personages including: vincial government has a greaticountry alive so little or no/Mike Starr, MP; Dr. Matthew opportunity to do the citizens of maintenance was done. B. Dymond, MPP, Minister of Ontario a service by establish-. "After the war came a period/Health; members -- of ing a regional government sys-of great growth, and the newlfrom surrounding municipal- tem that would operate more! prosperity left the people calling/ities, and a large group of civic efficiently, and at less expense.|for more and better services. dignitaries, both elected and ap- "By and large the people of| "We now want the best in|pointed, from. Whitby and the this province are getting a ter-'schools and services, but when' surrounding afea Whitby Council Submits Brief On Water Levels more of a need for regional gov- ernment, because one could better do the work of a at the Whitby Harbor registers regularly use this berth require x depth of 17 feet. Unless a re- uest for emergency dredgin council ~~ is granted the harbor will be-|$1,592,839.77 More than 100 civic lead- ers attended the Fifth An- nual Whitby Knights of Col- umbus Civic Night. The guest speaker, Mayor Vic Copps, of Hamilton spoke on civic politics, and the County Levy Amount Set WHITBY -- Ontario (Staff) only 14-foot depth. Ships which| County Council, at its April ses- sion this week, passed a bylaw setting an assessment levy of for county pur- come unusable by all ships ex-| poses. those with an extremely shallow draft, "The lower at the shortage of water in the'citizens have made Great Lakes and the possible|and strenuous efforts problems that can arise from|prove the harbor facilities such condition, the town coun-|order to increase the ship tra 5 cil has endorsed support of any fic," Mr. Edwards pointed out,|and ever growing problem, reasonable move to restore the|"The proximity of Whitby water levels, Such action was|major arterial and rail trans-| Remedies should be announced by the council this| portation, industrial and metro- with all despatch." week, |politan centres augers well for The councillor further stated Heading up the move, Coun-jthe exploitation of this natural/that Mrs, Joyce Burns, cillor Tom Edwards was au-/resource."' chairman of the local conserva- thorized to forward a letter to; The counciflor stated that, at tion authority, has an additional the International Joint Commis-jthe present time, during the letter supporting the submission sion currently engrossed in anjspring run off, the main berth from the town of Whitby. investigation of the situation. -- __________ vena i vi in levels of the Consolidated f.|Great Lakes presents an urgent|pany Limited to erect and main- "/tain poles, cables, ducts, wires|Thornton's rd. n., between the to|Councillor Edwards. stated.|and othe sought roads, was approved. | A bylaw authorizing Dunnville Telephone Com- r equipment on county A recommendation by the vice-| property committee that the On-) tario County Health Unit be charged $3,500 rent for 1965 in the new county courthouse and administration building, was ap-| "The~council intends to sup-| port all reasonable steps to ease} the problem by raising the) water levels,' Councillor Ed- wards stated. "The council fur- ther wishes to emphasize the urgency of the problem and is willing to assist the commission) in its task,"' he added. WILD LIFE HAVEN Pointing to the effect the dropping levels have had on| Whitby, council submitted a quantity of local information on conservation. Creeks, streams and marshes in the Whitby area have been adversely ef- fected by the situation. The creeks and streams normally offer an abundant variety of fishing but have been so de- pleted the sport is made in- operative. The council cited one area in particular, describing) the situation in regard to the) southwest borders of the town.| There is a marsh which under normal circumstances is a) haven for wild life. "This marsh is now prac- tically dry," Councillor Ed- wards stated. 'There is only a, mere vestige of water and plenty of dried mud." Unless something is done to bring back the normal level, erosion will) take mace within a few sea- sons, he added, Turning to the question of the Whitby Harbor, the councillor suggested the town gained its early importance because of this excellent harbor, Although the importance of the harbor facilities have lessened in value) to the town over the years, ships still arrive and the resultant income has been welcome. HARBOR IMPORTANT D> Adults 2.00 e WHITBY ROTARY- CLUB & Rotary Revue presents "The Travellers" Canada's Leading Singers of Folk Songs FRI. APRIL 23 - 8 P.M. Anderson High School ADMISSION --st-- Ress EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St, S., Whitby responsibilities of the citi- zens. Two mayors, Mr, Copps of Hamilton and Warren Mowat, of Whitby, met after the meeting, and discovered they both had many of the same _ prob- lems in. administering their municipalities. Mr. Mowat, left, chats with Mayor Copps, while "Frank Madi- gin, Grand» Knight, Whitby Knights of Columbus, right, looks on, --Oshawa Times Photo Me smal wear iproved by county council, The| Whitby Township, was approved | c | rate will again be negotiated by council. | | 1HE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 22, 1968 § successful start with the Mar-) ket Basket Project, members) WHITBY -- Almonds Grea be calling at homes for|C: donations, The next meeting will held May 18 at the home oi) Mrs, Edward Gaskin, Queen's| road, Almonds, At the close of the meeting, the hostess served refreshments) assisted by Mrs. Phair who do- nated a lovely Easter Bunny) be} i jcake, INDIAN BECAME SENATOR The first Indian to become a anadian senator was James Gladstone, of the. Blood Indian band, appointed in 1958, eens STEAM BATH the wey to relex--ot George's Barbershop Every Dey from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, Sunday from 8 A.M, to 3 P.M... wesde: Ladies' Do "en Mondey --- Closed All BROCK ST. NORTH. way Whitby BROCK Evening Shows Start ot 7 & 9 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 The KOOK' ' est p.m, JEST | jnext year prior to finalization' ae me ctene REGISTRATION of the 1966 budget, --FOR-- Whitby Girls Council passed a bylaw au thorizing the sale of property at |the intersection of Thickson rd. and Highway 2 to the Ontario \department of highways for Softball Team $1,626, ain ane | Centennial Park | The county's roads and 10 A.M, bridges committee's recommen- dation that provision be made SAT. APR, 24th jin the 1966 budget for a replace- ne Age Limit--17 years or over For Further Information | ment of the county bridge on Ph, 668-3181 finer leathers unsurpassed comfort MEN'S FINE SHOES Collins. Shoes 119 BROCK ST. $, WHITBY Open Fri. till 9 P.M. |6th and 7th concessions of East HARTT| Students 1.00 Camp Umpire calls two strikes on the young batter --- but we'll bet that he won't strike out, The determination of children with @ physical disability is a wonderful thing -- and their attitude and the help given by the Ontario Society for Crippled Chi'dren because of Easter Seo! contributions, have meant that every day crippled children are overcoming their handi- cops to the best of their ability, Your Easter Seal gift is important to some crippled child STARTING TODAY!... f ri Peeps, Broagooe WAKA boreoege Buonsberre SInlaviovs EC ustowmn | ROUSSEAU 4 HERITAGE? es HOUSE AM <= = = 206 MARY ST. E. PHONE 668-3498, WINERY, ONTARIO For Fine Furniture & Unusual Gift Items STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE OF FINE FURNITURE avings Up To 40% TRADITIONAL - COLONIAL - ITALIAN PROVINCIAL - SPANISH - FRENCH PROVINCIAL By Such Famous Furniture Makers As .. . @ VILAS @ ANDREW MALCOLM @ MEULLERS @ @ SNYDER'S ELMIRA @ BEAUCRAFT @ IRONAGE @ @ HESPELER @ BAETZ @ COOMBS @ THIBAULT @ @ IMPERIAL LOYALISTS @ FARQUARSON-GIFFORD @ @ GIBBARD @ JOHN HAUSER @'ROXTON @ @ STERLING @ CANADIAN HERITAGE @ oe Wilby, Outre OPEN EVENINGS BROOKLIN -- ONTARIO SCOOP' All 1965 Models SPECIAL 7 995 © 16' Starcraft Boat @ 60 H.P. Electric Motor CONTROLS, BATTERY & BATTERY BOX Ontario County's Largest Dealer MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. Evinrude and WEEKENDS -- Saeeeer vad > cos 103 BYRON ST. S, The Famous Mitchell 300 SPINNING REEL our pice... 18,97 OUR PRICE . Copy of Mitchell SPINNING REEL 2 spools Reg. 16.95 1.87 OUR PRICE BAIT CANTEEN Metal bound, double lock cor- rying handle, including buss Sides, ae 290. 1 GT Finest Quelity 6' x 6' SMELT NETS OUR PRIC 1,67 OUR PRICE.... HEAVY DUTY HIP WADERS with knee horness end steel arch, Reg. 14,95 OUR PRICE PLANET SENIOR Spin Cast Reel Complete line fully guoran- teed, Reg. 5.95 4,97 OUR PRICE Other Reels up to $62.50 ORTSMANC oar WHITBY TROPICAL FISH SPECIALS ! ! 11 Piles sesessss WU Price Gold Danios. Reg, 49¢. Price... 8 For OO! Price GARDENER'S SPECIALS ! ! Punch & Grow GARDEN SEEDS vegetables and stock, Reg. .49, OUR Rosboras Reg. 95¢ Our Price flowers in ROSE BUSHES Hardy, will bloom this yeor.... Tees, Climbers and Floribun- das in stock, Poly Packed, price' ea. yh sen eeee FISHING RODS et special savings from 1,95" " 37.95 REELS AND ROD REPAIRS done on premises PRICE .. HEALTHY FLOWERING SHRUBS most varieties, will bloom this yeor OUR SLEEPING BAGS full 72" length batt filled, 100" zipper Reg. 7.95 5.97 OUR Other models et similar savings FREE LOAN OF SPREADER with the purchase of GRASS SEED or FERTILIZER at our Low lar PRICES. PRICE RUBBER RAINCOATS full length perfect for boot, stream or street wear. Snap fasteners Block Only. Reg. 6.95. OUR PRICE WE RENT Roller, spreaders, clip- pers, roto-tiller, etc,

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