Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 26

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26 THE CBHAWA Times, -- Api 21, 1968 "Sp Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to, 12 USINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY |Gardening and Supplies 4 'Spring Clean Up Rolling, Fertilizing, Pruning ond Complete Landscaping Service, CALL MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING & GARDEN SERVICE HAMPTON 263-2214 SPRING CLEAN-UP Pruning, Fertilizing, Rolling, Complete landscape service, HARDSAND LANDSCAPING 725-1721 CEDAR TREES FOR HEDGES, ETC, WHITE BIRCH All sizes, Nice Clusters Rail Fence Posts, and Poles of all lengths SMITH.---- Newtonville 786-2283 Collect MANURE, well rotted, $3, per yard Soil, $2, per yard, Telephone 725-0697 SPRING CLEAN UP, shrub planting, seeding, sodding, fertiliz- ing, ete, Complete landscape designing, weekly garden maintenance. Telephone 728-3636 TREE TO TRIM? them down 728-0610 Instruction TUTORING Classes now Academic All ages, Mortgages MORTGAGE -- LOANS Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS / ond PRIME SECONDS MORTGAGES and AGREEMENTS Purchased LOANS ON MORTGAGES Accountonts | Barriste * reer er ne' LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Chartered JOSEPH " MANGAN, QC, Solicitor, Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa 8NOP- Money to loan, Office, 144 King Street ping Centre, 725-9953 East, Oshawa, 728-9232 WILSON and BURROWS, _ Chartered MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Accountants, \14 King Street East, Ost) solicitors Clients' funds awa; Roeld D. Wilson, CAi " |mortgages National Trust ® | Simeoe Street South, 726-73 "Barristers, | Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554, ae McGibbon, QC; Edgar F, RIEDLANDER AND €0,, Sie Accountants, cicensed. Trusiess| JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LL," Bare In Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, rister and Solicitor and Notery Public, 78-737) The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa,, Ontario, Client parking. avall- MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS anf Cov! anie, 775-4716 or 725-4717 | 6 | ee Chartered Accountants, 726-7527; hawa WELDING ~ Shopping Centre. Suite 215 Alax,| 942-0890; Whitby 668-413) 7 Building Trodes Acetylene @ Arc @ Heleare also @ Torch Cutting HACE, Pe "ci i "chara 283 DEAN AVE, 723-6601 awa, 725-6539; David G, Perkin, CA, Quatity Carpentry King Street Newcastie, 987-4240; Willlam Cc, Hall, B. Comm, CA and General Repairs We do HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char-| fered Accountants, Financial Trade Build ing, 187 King Street Bast, Oshawa, On small ment plan, Call fario, 725-3509; $. T, Hopkins, CA; H, E Readie, CA; E, Lukow, CA BOB CLANCY'S" Accounting Service Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West, 725-0397, Res, 723-7605 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chariered Accoun tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street East, Telephone 725-48. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered tant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Ontario, Telephone 723-122) ACCOUNTING SERVICE Bookkeep ing, specializing in mall businesses Pick-up and delivery, Phone 725-0829 Immediate Service From Our Head Office 19 Simcoe St, N,, Oshawa Phone 723-522) MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service M, F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Optometrist F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, Street North, Suite 6, phone 723-419) everything, Use our large or rate pay- with years to pay 725-8576 Accoun Oshawa low Barristers onsen AND KELLY, Barristers tor 114 King Street Bast, Dial 723 ah Residence Phones: J, M, Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, RA.BCL,| 725-5832; Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 668-3895 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, ana VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Rank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 723-3444; T, -K hion, QC; or residences: G, K, Dry nan, QCi 728-8554; G, L, Murdoch, QC, ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat 723-4768; J, C Victor, 985-711. Mortgages OUT specialty, New work and 'eements of Sale bough! and sold, Large and small jobs. L, and be renee se . and Construction, RR 3, 725-6997. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cieaner MAN, Barrist Solicitors, 36'4 King Neys built and repaired; gas Street East, wa; R. D, Humphreys, stalled; roofs repaired QC; G, $. Boychyn, QC; W, A, Hillman, | 725-2997, 0. Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office: | Home IMPROVEMENTS, rooling, and Residences; 725-4604; Whitby eavestroughing, carpentry. work, Pointing } 728-4326, 723-5133, NHA and other ang general repairs, Ail work guaranteed firat mortgage funds avaliable P, Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-206) PAINTING and decorating, for best esti mates and rates, Call Claire 723-5428, Also 24 hour service office cleaning. ROOFING FLAT. new; also repair jobs; chimneys flashed. Oshawa Roofing and Sheet Metal Co, 483 Wilson Road North 728-6507, Res, 728-3438 ROOFING, painting, lathing, Insulating Specializing in ,reroofing, floors and ceiling tile and all kinds of repairs. J. ¢ Dingler, 723-6603 |KITCHEN CUPBOARDS built and re modelied. All kinds of cabinet work by experienced cabinet maker, Call 723-1260 FOR ROOFING, chimneys, All types of cement work. Frank McCann, RR 3, Osh awa, Brooklin 655-306 WOME DECORATING, paintiing, wail papering. Home and 'office janitorial! Services. Moderate prices, Insured, Dial! 668-44) ALL TYPES building and remodelling, chimneys, repaired, sidewalk and concrete re pairs, Whitby 668-2774, Gord May, | NEW PLASTERING and repairs, sidewalks, remodelling, estimates, A 728-4717 Cartage CITY CARTAGE, moving and staging furniture; also cellar and yards cleared Apply 46 Wiillam Street West or tele phone 725-262) JOHN'S MOVING, | Reasonable rates, | night, Call 728-3661 The H, CABINET CO, 182 THICKSON RD, N, 728-0232 Top Solicl R Evergreen and Kitchen cabinets. Vanities Custom built cabinets Call Stim. Free estimates Or I'll eut 725-5118 or roofing, | | repairs. Rooting Chim linings in Free estimates in session at Tutoring College grades, subjects Reading, Math, English, Science, etc, From student's own textbooks, private or group ACADEMIC | | TUTORING COLLEGE CALL 723-6701 VAUGHAN DRIVING SCHOOL Fully licensed ond insured Courteous professional -- in struction Phone 723-2696 or 725-1501 WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL New duel controlled cars Personal courteous service, Fully licensed and insured Dial 668-4176 A, OSTERHOUT, Owner _| LEARN TO DRIVE | Oshawa, Tele Painting and Decorating PAINTING Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash-----1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words 4c each; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 additional words 12¢ each, 6 con secutive insertons of 24 words $4.32, additional words |8c¢ each Charge 10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 doys Method of counting == Less than 24 words counts as 24 words; each word, initial, figure or abbreviation counts o8 one word; phone number counts two words and DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 GENERAL PAINTING wall papering, furniture refinished jehone 725-7175 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Telephone /25-3521, Harold H. Stark Lid Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 225 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling new and used materials Reasonable rates, Estimates free, 723-1191, J. Foley Tele BIRTHS DEATHS SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad ditional charge if not paid with-in 7 doys IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 38 words and S¢ @och thereafter, plus l2¢ per line of - 'verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 doys CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se eoch thereafter, with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 deys COMING EVENTS 2.10 per inch (display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and 5¢ each there- after (Word Ads AUCTION SALES $2.10 per ineh per insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m, doy previous LOST AND FOUND 4m, day of publication BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 am, day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | column == 4 p.m 2 column of larger - previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 am, day of publication ¢ ung BOX NUMBER RENTAL Whitby While every endeavor w to forward replies to box numbers te in your the advertisers as soon as possible DRESSMAKING, we accept no liability in respect of drape prone 720-6475 loss of damage alleged + porush otter wrelluee Pr LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alierations orwa ing ue enll i mending and style changing. Reasonable coused whether by negligence rates. For appointement, telephone 728-1823 therwise, The Times wil! not be re NOW 7 sponsible for replies uncolied for RY THE BEST" y , ORESSMAKING EST wear, High quality work Call 20 deys 725-883) Dressmaking, 648-8443, Whitby DRESSMAKING ~-- Suits, coals, dresses, ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- alterations, slip cavers, drapes. F ting a nomica Ceiling. wail cleaning 'done hy specialty, Mra. Toms, Whitby, 648-2372, {Modern machine, Free estimates, Work o | Quaranteed. 728-7714 EVERYTHING trom yards to basements cleaned, also serap taken away, Call Joe 723 2368 Gardening and Suppl FRED'S WINDOW and general cleaning Call Ajax 942-5603, for all your windows "GARDEN The Oshawe Times reserves the right and floors. Free estimates Yo classify advertising according be , its proper classificatior "ue Money Te Lean The Times will not be held respor sible for more space thon A Cit C.h.t rooting % repairs new and |Rug-Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Clean ing, At our plant or in your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET ah UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab 17 years, Complete range of mate Workmanship guaranteed five years Free estimates, Credit terms, Mattresses re-built, Furniture refinished. Oshawa! veneer ing Company, 287 Dean Avenue, stuceo, recrooms, Free Woods, 728-3420 or J ot the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars | Professional instructors 728-0091 os HAWA and WHI TBY Suraeen, [Janitor Service MAC'S = JANITOR SERVICE > Me = bised a" ty Mac's = Dunbarton 839-5957 CLEANING SERVICES | walls, woodwork A complete service for ond Businesses YOU'V TRIED THE REST | } | | | Storage and Cartage fully insured, Day or Dentistry BIALEK, DR. C. B., Dental 112 Simeone Street North, Oshaw. | appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728- ae eNESTERPIELOS re-upholstered and re Free estimate, See our materia @covering, Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charies Street, 723-7212 CHESTERFIELDS coveerd like new Modern South |Dressmaking SPECIALIZING IN CUSTOM-MADE DRAPES Bedspreads sories: Als and old chairs, re Get the best for less at Upholsterers, 142 Simeoe Street Call 728-6451. Free estimates day previous 10 a.m, day slipcovers, acces- alterations on Reasonable rates 668-8468 apt home [Sales and Service SAFETY SPECIALS Rotate Tires Adjust Brakes Check Brake Fluid Check Shocks Balance Front Wheels Complete Wheel Alignment ALL THIS FOR ONLY $9.99 for BETTER alterations ore Floors Reasonabie Children's ales. Tele win dows Homes ii All kinds of ladies Agnes REGULATIONS 1 The Oshowa mes t he re sponsible for errors advertise ments submitted otherwise thon writing not for more than one inser tien of any advertisement, nor he- yond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement which error occurs will in D9EE YOUR SERVICE SPECIALIST AT GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 534 Riston Rd. South 728-6221 repairs to all wringer s and ranges, Free estimates, Call a =. HATS OFF TO SCOTIA PLAN! THE LOW.COST, LIFEINSURED way ba cages ALLMAN! Sect PLAN. LORN THE RANA OF NOVA SCOTIA the actual error occupies lishers endeavor te reprock ndvertieing matter correctly ' tability of advert 10-6-4 Evergreen C Golfgreen een Green 1 will be charged one day Marden 26 So-Green 2).7-7 CANVAS Complete Jelinek, TO PLACE ON WANT A ¢ Preventer Al abqrass M 8 awnings, curtains, canopies. service. Free estimates, Mii 728-1993 anytime IT'S EASY TIMES ACT orgonite Call Clossitied 723-3492, nemeai ep Monure 10.10.10 4.12.10 Fine Gross Mix Septic Service FOR COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION And Other Trenching CALL K and L BROOKLIN 655-4746 SEPTIC TANKS cidaned, pomp) service @ on calls, Waller Ward, 24 Chestnut Street West Whitby 648-254). INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS K 3 Porklown Fine Grass 1--Woamer 2-~Personal s Column S$ burben Grass Mix Peat Moss ng Hedge Shears Column Fen Marine Equipment PoeSwap and Barter &---Articles for Sale Gm--Market Boske! 1Q--Farmer's Colurnn Tonk Sprayers Bug Killers ba PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have SUPPLIES | good credit I'l lend you up te $5,000 to ft payments in halt or tess for consol Co. laeeArticles for Rent Me l4----Business Opportunities 15.--Empioyment Wanted lhe Agents Wanted l?----Femele Help Wonted la---Male Hein Wanted 19---Male or Female Help 20----Real Estate for Sole 20e-----Summer Properties 'arms for, Sole Drd~--tots tor o 23--Real Estate Wor Dae Stores, Offices 2o----Houses for Rer 24--Apariments fx 2?--Rooms for Rent 28--Room end Boord 29---Wanted ta Rent 30---Automobiies for Sole 31--Compact Corn for Sal 32-----Trucks for Se mplete Garden NCE 1909 Cooper Smith S Surveyors x. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land tion of any worthwhile purposes, Tel \d or mand 'WY Elgin Street Bast. Phone one Torento 481-528 1 WILL inan you up to 85.000 at a rea sonable rate of interest to consol your bills or for any other worthwhi Purpose providing you are steadily em ployed and have good credit.- Telephone 24a! Mortgages PRIVATE and corporate monies for ali mortgages. Mortgages and agreements) of sale purchased Creighton, Drynan,| Murdoch and Victor, (See "Barristers" | FIRST AND SECOND" "mortgages. Sale sareqenenta Durehased and sold, Hennick! Barristers. 3) King Street FVeyors. 25-688) DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Land Surveyor Commercial 1) Ontario Street, 725-S432. TV--Radio Repairs HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ERE, Dial 72 ne ed-writer help) Onter * Wanted dive pr 16 Celina 23-1139 NO. | TOP. SOIL Oshowa Garden Centre 259 Sime 23-1161-2 \ mpany. Residential aac natalied epnone t, : ast, 723-7292. OFFER YOUR SERVICE requiarly in the me oe North business din Bond & 28-5143 tassitied . Section new and friendly will 38--Coming Events JO Notices SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R, J, SCOTT HAIRDRESSERS TWAM DO AMERICAN WILD. FURNISH EHOUGH AZORNS Hh PROVIDE AS MUCK HOG FEED AS AN ACRE, a. 2 OF CORD WOW MAMY FEET oF DOD VESSELS ARE, THERE. 1M OWE POUND a. OF FAT ou ENGLISH WORD t GEYSER ¢ COMES FROM THE ~ YELANDIC MAME OF THIS FOUNTAIN OF WATER © THE GEYSIR, MEAMING THE GUSHER. ? FIVE MILE -- 136 Simcoe and decorating, | jRON BRIGHTLING 9 A.M,-9 P.M Most cars ae (© ins Fontes trwdioom amy 141, eld teh ramen |8----Articles tor Sale ptr STOLE, finest "quali Large, full, luxurious fur, Selling now privately [UicsPote and Livestock wild mink, | PUPPIES FOR SALE . mother pure i ay cost, bred Labrador Retriever, $5, each, Tele nly $275 pce 725-0520 oF apply 9% Wilson Road) - . on SEE | paintings - "landscapes, cozy) RANCH "Kennels, riraitures custom picture fram: Kids, registered German + PUP! ing, Call Clark Studio, Days 728-0432, pies, Stud services, boarding, a i a eves, and weekends 668-4497. 925 Brock 655-4662, evenings, North, Whitby PONY REMINGTON shotgun, 17 gauge, mode trained; 1100, raised rib skeet barrel, fired one box! wii) sei separa' 1 i best offer, Tel ie ot shelley $150, or best offer, jephon: 'noston au ie OE oie: rar wal ister Also black miniature TYPEWRITER, siondard, 825.) porlable booaie,Yemate, four manta: oa electric. standard, Adding machine, ait 1849 Hh ' levlator, Bis ing ae" AC I senousHERED naa SCRAP HARDWOOD onectool length, [PRON®_W/NIbY 666-247 Excellent for fireplace, $7.75 single cord, GERMAN Tavhaae pups. ideal East. om, Dial 723-2281 alter 4 r gilt, $5, Telephone 723-969 MATTRESSES, smooth top construction, BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, hundreds ot coils Tremendous savings, |!raining, talking strain, Apply $76.88, Bunk beds, $57. Wilson's Furniture, Broad, 114 Elgin Bast Church Street _ | TWO RIDING horses, Reasonable, WANTED Best Gibson, Nestieton price | paid "| CHIMUAHUA pups, males, 725-100) $50, Dial Pickering 942-164 NEW AND USED TV'S and appliances, General Electric and. Phillips. Wavne's, 12--~Articles Wanted. 231 78 Simcoe North, Telephone 723-14 WANTED To BUY GUNS --- Bought, sold, traded, repaired 1 good condition at Art's Gun Shop, 16 Bond Street West, 726-973) JINGLIS ORIGINAL olf horses, goats om Welsh "Wackney, gente, well also 6 ee ai and harness Boxer, Yolo H, Piano, Call repair-needy, Sebastian Hohmi seven Seed 5, | Small, modern plane Will pay cash TANT? WILL TRADE two United States Kennedy ANd ihait dollars for one silver dollar betore H | 1965, Apply 200 Bond Street East, Oshawa ea WANTED TO BUY -- For cash, travel trai 17 10 22 foot, in good condition Write Box 82, Brooklin, Ont 13---~Articles for Rent wringer washer, pump jtimer, working good; radio, cus |pushbulton, for '54-'66 Chevrolet, sonable, Telephone 725-5960, 100 PER CENT NYLON RUG, 9 x 12, dark beige, with pad, $75) McClary Easy electric range, $75; both like new, Tele phone Hampton 263-2729 TV-----Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 36] GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 PLAYOFF TIME T.V, CHECK-UP TIME by TRO; TELEVISION 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS AERIALS @ ROTORS @ REPAIRS RON'S TV 12 Years Eperience All Work Guaranteed 123-7521 6--Marine Equipment Lucky Draw Persons purchasing any moar ine merchandise of 5,00 value or more will be eligible to a FREE Ticket on a HUMBER CAR TOP BOAT to be drawn Thurs,, May 20th. p.m OPEN HOUSE 'DAY GORD'S MARINE CLAREMONT, ONT PHONE 649-2007 on We Carry : @ Owens @ Crestliner @ Grew @ Evinrude See them at Harbour Road 723-1901 1eveFT, CRUISER, fi curtains, 611, Shepherd Ski-Bee runabout inboard, fully equipped and Phone Dunbarton, 839-1742 WP MERCURY New plugs, wires, lob, Gas tank 65 + tra ™ Rocket {motor |buretor 71-0110 4 FT, FIBERGLAS, fully HP Mercury, electric 668-0112 after § p.m 7--Swap-e and Barter FOUR-PIECE bath, sinks, ers, pumps, pressure systems, motors, boats, trailers, cars, Park Road South at Hillside, 8~----Articles for Sale PIANO ATTACHMENT "The Hohmann Harpsicord" The prototype demonstrated nightly at Royal Hotel, Whit- by, by talented "Art Jones", This additional device for your piano can be purchased trom Sebastian Hohmann, in ventor, SORE FOGTUrey Phone 725. 700 on motor, C equipped Also trailer, 0 cabinets, sho H CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, pairs, All work guaranteed Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. also re 51) Dean GOOLD'S TV towers and aerial service,' Free estimates 215 Dundas Street Bast, Whitby 668-5481 Well Drilling--Digging j|WELL DIGGING by machine specializing in 30-inch file, Wo Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 oF 668-2809. "SMILE You're in Valley Creek Furni ture where they pay the most, sell the cheapest. When sel! ing or buying used furniture and appliances phone 728 4401 or come to the store 1642 Bond W 1} Yeor Supply Of Food anda 1--Women's Column OSHAWA FUR AND COLD STORAGE e@ REPAIRS @ CLEANING @ SHINERIZING @ STORAGE REFRIGERATED VAULTS DIAL 723-3012 SPENCER Foundation Garments, dividually designed, Also Spirella Corsetier, Mrs J Hendershot, 224 miral Road, Oshawa Freezer of your choice only $11.95 PER WEEK Special Lease Program Whitby 668-5827 In: Reg Ad PERMANENTS on dressing, 295 'Pine 195-5943 special Avenue Page Hale Telephone 2--Personal Shade fer. local F Evergreens, Trees, flowering shrubs, tilizer, ete, Visit your gorden centre 21. For Removal of superfluous hoir | Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa May 3, 4, and Sth, | Phone Genosha Hotel an these date appointment, | ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LEN PULLAN (English Tailor) CUSTOM TAILORING Suit afd Dress Alterations = visible Mending 10 PRINCE $7 728.5311 244 Brock St CAR LEAVING for Charlottetown, P.E.1., MEN'S short-sleeve drill work Apr Room for four passengers, No gfeen and tan. Sizes 14 to 1?\e charge, Call between ? am, and 2 p.m, each . hdc WRECKING Alax - 2 x @, Wood trusses, 32 feet 1 and 2" dressed lumber, copper steel pipes, radiators, insulation, tos siding, electric wiring, cement block Plywood panelling. everything halt pric for 843 KING ST, W, 728-9429 | "GARDEN CENTRE & LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS" @ Gravel @ Sond e Stone 44"' Mulch @ Building Materia TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr. Burner Service Whitby"s Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDONS' South shirts, Price $2. the nurses' residence 5--Trailers COOK'S RAILER SALES NEW LOCATION SIMCOE ST. NORTH Oshewa 723-9534 Authorized dealers for e@ GLENDETTE @ GLENDELLE @ CITATION e@ CANADIAN @ EMPEROR TEN TRAILERS All trailer parts and service #00-POUND used axle hitch, Suitable tor up to 18 ft. travel trailer, $68. full price. Phone 5275 COLLAPSIOLE & x plywood, covered in aluminum. 670 x 1S tires and tubes. Call 6--Marine Equipment "BOATS & MOTORS Mercury OUTBOARD MOT. ORS. Tee BOAT TRAIL ERS. FIBREGLASS. HUMBER 1ELD LAPSTRAKE PRINGBOK ALUMI A. good selection of dels to choose trom Als number of A.1} USED MOTORS from. 5 to 70 HP, USED BOATS & TRAILER see Them At GORD'S MARINE All siz jday from ? am. SPORTSMEN - just for you. Easy credit terms. prices. We have the largest |of special purpose watches in Oshaw Watch World, 24 Prince Street TV TOWERS SPECIAL ~~ 4 foot tow Structure . alhehannel" antenna 350. Oshawa TV. Supply Limited, Giddbons Street, 728-8180 ° TYPEWRITERS, adding machines time clocks, new and rebullt, One ye auarantes, Outstanding good duys kins Business Machines. Sates vice 728-2783. Open evenings THREE ROOMS ot furniture down payment, $15 monthty Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919) WE BUY, sell and exchange used fur ture or anything you have, The Trading Post Store, 44¢ Simeoe Stre South; 723.167? 2LINCH TELEVISION, working order, Telephone CHESTERFIELD quite sandwich grill: men's clothes, 3) lady's formah pint jars; tricycle wagon BEAUTY SALON equipment Prix dryers and chairs tines forces sale! 623-2743, ADDING machines, typewriters |duplicators, chequewriters, files chairs, We Buy sell, rent, service trade with budget terms Low, low prices Bill Hamilten. "PURNITURE wile only te ? pm x 12' camping trailer, with new 723-1825 in very 72.1242 drapes. clothing \4 etc Nee Nee 8 smatl boy NUM us Ni $ Dial 2 a cashier ar Raglar raeris whew qa AREMONT. ONT bedraam -- ivingre tehen Pa\ only $3 weekly Unbeatanie val PH: 649-2007 Barons Home Furnishings, 44 Sime TERM -- TRADES, ETC. iSoum yon OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN flying bridge head, 60 HP Mercury and trailer; ler outboard HONEST CAL'S points and car fittings, Chinn, J. A, Janssen and Sons Ltd (Whitby) LIMITED Pickering General Hospital 2 x 4, and} asbes-| Salesman on ind from Monday to Satur We have the watch made Lowest selection 723-6922 installed, and Jem and ser $298.50. No Honest cit good lamps desk 1 Two Grand od six months Bowmanville desks, New and used. ensemdie FLOOR COVERING BARGAINS! Thou sands of yards, many pretty colors, and patterns, Clearing from 7c, per ft, Wil son's Furniture, 20 Chureh $1 TELEVISION, console 2) siege CA, ane 1 fixcellent -- condition 725-1696 CCM BICYCLE, iike gears, Telephone Ted, 594, 6 p.m, to 5 Bm MODERN STYLE white metal baby carriage. Converts to car bed, Just like) |new, $40, Apply 411 Phillip Murray | Avenue | BAVER ROLLER SKATES; man's boot! skates, size 12, Used once or twice, baby erlb and spring, grey Roxatone, Call 728-9008 ry AERIAL, like new; also Sperti sun Telephone 723 8 or apply at 10 Richmond Street East, Apt, No. SILVER BIRCH trees for sale, 10 to 14 ft high, Phone 723-5364 or apply 321 Oshawa Bivd, South REEL TYPE lawn machine, in good condition, offer, Telephone 728-6879 INTERNATIONAL condition, Used RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, disc sand ers, belt sanders, floor sand- ers PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex tension ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper Steamers, tarpoulins, blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heot- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas onry sow, building. jacks, mortor mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saws, elec tric plane, tarpaulins 14° bond sow, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd 223 King St, West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Taping, Weddings tape recorders, ers, projectors, P.A, systems, broadcasting background music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip. ment, Free delivery, GUDGEON ASSOCIATES SOUND new, six-speed 725-7311, extension mower, sharpening $179. or best tractor cab, very little excellent) Telephone SELLING OUT! yood condition VACUUM repairs, ail "ak hoses, brushes etc Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, Pickering ENLARGER and dark in good condition ville 623-2013 USED VACUUM good condition, 6956 aes. furniture, Call 726 in room equipment, Telephone Bowman: AP cleaners and polishers, $10, up. Telephone 728: Furniture and Appi) ances, Name brands at biggest discounts | anywhere, We carry Restonic and Bever. ly mattress furniture lines, Your author-| ized. GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's al a 424 King Street West, 728-919) FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual. ity furniture, only $299, includes com: plete bedroom, living room, kitchen en sembles, Pay only $3, weekly, Unbeat- able valvel Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. TYPEWRITERS, adding machines and time clocks, new and rebuilll, One year guarantee, Outstanding good buys, Jen kins Rusiness Machines, Sales and serv ice, 728-7783, Open evenings, BUY AND SELL Good used furniture and appliances, Goold's Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby, 668-548) RIDE-ON lawnmower for sale, condition, Telephone 725-5806, BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 2632294 or 263-2695, AQUA LUNG for sale, reserve, J-vaive, Calypso reguiator, Pickering 942-1116. TAPE RECORDER, $65, For Information telephone . 723-443) BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture and appliances One location only, Pretty Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327), TELEVISIONS and sewing machin rent at reasonable rates, Hone 7 1 42 King Wes SARGEANT'S RENTALS TELEVISION TOWER SPECIALI a1), 463 Ritson Rd, S, 725-3338 structure including albehannel antenna, Wing installed, quaranteed, by experts, 10 WHat" CHAIRS 'hospital beds, warkers) years' experience, $80, Trio. Television, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, I2sté Call 7285143 - ,. HA q RESTAURANT saulpment ne Cory aul: CMATRS, cord ong banquet Tables. cuit matic coffee maker, one Frymaster tryer, b ' also dishes and cutlery, The Terrace, smcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 Restaurant, Whitby, 668-2086 MY CUBIC FOOT McCLARY refrigerator, Special, deluxe, $50, Good condition; rangetie, $35, very good condition, Tele Phone 728-8319 after 4,30. VIKING wringer washing machine, Frigidaire retrigerator, $30. 725-9704 COTTAGE TENT 1) x 15", new candition. 668-5208 after § p.m. Boy's COMBINATION crib and youth ed, in got condition, Telephone 725-493! e000 _VSED baby erib, $10, Telephone 8, all iw recorded, record. play- M.C. work, Tw eed Mobile P.A 7) cuble feet with single hose Tables, Chairs, es, Cutlery, Glasses, Urns, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals Fox Furs, Mink Stoles Dish- Coffee Bridal White inka We al's, people? Oshawa quets, parties, Facilities, bar, sonable rates. Tennis weddings, kitehen, 728-4318 on ive RCURY outboard, Mark 95, 20 electric, complete with controls and Telephone tive-gation tank, SI7S.whitby 668-5242 14--Business Opportunities GAS" STATION -- Texaco, and rant seats 24, good living quarters, room house, garage all up to date. and restaurant. with. conveniences. Mussel, Restaurant nine mines north f Lindsay, two miles past Cameron on A mY wringer, $35. reevitty Highway, Phone Cameren 35R1) N25 King Street Bas' |SHOW "SALE and repair store, Pickering ANTIQUE model A" dump truck, Harry/ Township, ll:nealth forces sale. Low ail Auction Sale, south-east of Lindsay, |down payment, Call Bay Ridges, 839-1073 ie miles, Saturday, April 24 after ? p.m, |S STEEL CARTOP carrier, 42 x 36" x 6", REPAIR SHOP -- Three-bday Garage and! | Fitted bag, used once, $15, Telephone showroom or independent service garage | 725-2302 with two self-contained apartments, semi. 4200 FOR THREE ROOMS of 1945 firnl [getached. Northeast end of city, $8,000 wee Here's quality at sensational aave/GOW" balance on easy terms, 72 Steve Zurba Realtor, 25 Bond West ings! $3, weekly, Wilson's Furniture, I ss Chureh Street |FOR SALE, corner grocery store, Only 196) ISFT, ALUMINUM. Starcraft rune[ One In this area, Good potential, Owner Bg A, th 19 p {wishes to retire: open to offers. Cat! about. Complete wit : me ae emeric Maible Boudreau. of 'Schofleld-Aker Lint. litelackets and paddle, Sell tor half of 8 722265 or 7282233 anytime. original cost, Dial 623-5337 after 4 p.m, |\WELL E&STABLISHED Beauty Salon jwith living quarters, Ample tree park> 9. 'Market Basket ing. Ten dryers. For further information! ete write Box 835, _Oshawa Time: JANSSEN' S COUNTRY |15--Employment Wanted | DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET Fresh fruit and vegetables RELIABLE woman Will board children, | 2. daily, Apples sold by the $8. weekly, Port Perry 985.279: Lady brid as children te mind in bushel, Host of imported pro. ter Wen Fiennes, 728.918) alle and. Gtlddon duets LADY will _ contract 843 KING W. 728.9429 _[Ginawe™ gi ngaae ,,1 Red & Blue Brand Beef RELIABLE married woman Sides Hinds Fronts Side Pork oa FA aa, Bee ogg 44c Ib. S3¢ Ib, 39%¢ Ib, 37e Ib, Government inspected 100% gueranteed, Cut and wrap- ped free, 723.1359 Oshawa Club for ban: anniversaries parking, two-room (green), | Telephone Whitby five House Apply Wane R, Mayta in 95 at eS s e cleaning offices Ket we Street, a would like er answering ar Phones, clerical duties, etc BRIDGELAND PACKERS [Whitby 66a-ee5e References, Telephone 725-890: Fone cere sty wishes day work./ P.E.l, POTATOES ~~ 75:Ib, bag, $4.00" YOUNG LADY seeks delivered, Ca evenings, Brooktin' ment tas tile Clerk, Tel Telephone 728-17) SPRING ccna NINERS basemenis, 455-498) RASPBERRY garages, etc. Reliable man will clea and haul away = anything nee! $1.90 per bushel ephone 728-2437, 17==Female Help Wanted _ UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY as a Bea = ty Counselor, ni y et canes, strawberry plants, per bushel: carrots, $1.50 Teleptrone 225-6046 more important than : 10--Farmer's Column experience, Excellent GARDEN TRACTOR with" atiachments |225218? and snow plow. Telephone 725.382? DEAD and crippled farm stock » promptly. Margqwil! Fur-Farm, Tyrone. Telee Collect =Hamptoen 263-272) cence MAC-45 Previous profits Must S am picked | Works. live in, Telephone' 725.97 after three amall children, while mother works' MANURE FOR SALE. By the inad or Monday through Friday, tive out he bushel Well rotted. Also a *'S3 Nome west of Shopping Centre. Chevestet car. Dial 728-2410. call 720229. s 00 11--Pets and Livestock MOUSE TRAINED, te! Labradar ea stered hour ' tT elephons 725 iu | ferred, ei TELEPHONE SOLICITORS, t nromot at also Toy Sion Call. Mrs ™ neanerd ouppie and Toy Collies. S28. to $100. ye EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER Free delivery, Port Perry clientele. Apply in person. The : [Beauty Salon, to tive in, § ? days ty inneculated, yellow sgh or comm 423 ie) Labs oe White kitten. { 985-2048, | ENTERTAINING -- Fitly to one hundred) Rea} Festav: | | | |17--Fem EQUIPMENT-723- 5121) | ring Cleaning -- Make Cash By Selling Your Don't Needs Here' Help Wanted ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT CLERK The Times advertising department, has an open- ing for an_ intelligent woman capoble of hand- ling a highly detailed position, The person best suited for this job would be @ woman with several years experience in office or other detoil work, Excellent working conditions include a 5-day, 40 hour, Monday through Friday week, Medical Benefits, Hospitalie zation and paid holidays Applications in Writing Only to: L.B, LEITH The Oshawa Times SARAH COVENTRY REQUIRES 8 ladies, 4 full, 4 port time, to sell exclusive jewelry, on the party plan of tment Use car essential, no iris delivery or col- Top commission and Pportunities, Write Mr, Lee Briand, 252 Princess Ave., WILLOWDALE, Ontario For particulars, SENIOR CLERK Required immediately for small office. Fast, accurate typist, Good at figures, Some poyroll and bookkeeping ex. perience, Advantages. Apply stating age, experience and salary expected to; BOX 25 OSHAWA TIMES SHORT ORDER COOK Required for 4 P.M, P.M, experience not sory, Also Waitress From 11 A.M, to 2 P.M, 6 days weekly, Apply Genosha Hotel MR, CAMPBELL SECRETARY ve no ections to 11 necess fo Hours 9-5. Good -- security benefits, Light bookkeeping filing and typing, Write giv- ing full particulars of exper- lence to BOX 126 Oshawa Times AVON Need money for Easter expenses? Start earning substantial ins come immediately, Avon Cos- metics has vacancies for can- able women, Call 725-9696 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Days Only -- Apply BO-PEEP Restaurant Oshawa Shopping Ploze INTERVIEWERS and SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys, Write giving educa. tion, interviewing or super. vising experience to Edsall Reveareh Ltd, 2045 Bishop , Montreal 25, - T | ADVERTISING DIRECTOR r Life Insurance office, Clerk - Typist General office duties 25 te 45 years of age. Hours 9 to 5, Five doy week, Top solary, Write Box 928 Oshawa Times Telephone 946 PERIENCED hairdresser Pink Rose Beauty Salon, Br a4. n Reasonable, RESPONSIBLE adult my fome f parttime employ. ice Street RESPONSIBLE person to lake charge of RELIABLE LADY wanted to mind one baby while mathe Private Own After 4.| Telephone to mind baby o vr days area $s. 4 | CAPABLE GIRL to live In, and act as moiher's helpe Table to swim flexible hours? personality RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER, preferadly business middie Phone home Apply 39 Cedar WOMAN to mind children while Feather HAIRDRESSER, experienced. Ai and babysit Telephone 725-2661, aged. Live-in wanted er out for motherte: The Mayta Salat, Telephone 728-0642, person. ? works Eve: P2sSarh roam 4 to 6 hours daily, Bloor Wee experienced. BARY SITTER Yo care . tor "tour. children Live in 486. uired for Hing 685° ts Must be a8 pilus $90 weekly, Street, Aiax or 9421496 in tina daily or tive in. S and weekends free. HAIRDRESSER required. goad hours tor with aes woman Vogue school-age children and do light house NO Simeoe Street North; work while mother work', Phone 723.9152, Teleprone | (upstairs) PERMANENT part-time Part-time tor evenings Sto % and all day Satorday, n s Estaie, 'Typist to Motealt Bast Res a tee to ater took ALLIS-CHALMERS DIS tractor, used only WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- -housekeep. right operator, Apply in persen to Hair ~-608R er for motheriess home, middle-aged pre | Fashion Salon, 2 Simeoe Street North "vequired "Vive

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