Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 21

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Port Perry School Holds 30th Annual Open House PORT PERRY (TC) -- The vort Perry Public School held ts 30th annual open house re- rently in the school auditorium. ver 1,000 parents attended ind enjoyed to the full the presentations of the more than 0 pupils, The students presented a ver- satile ente' ment which in- 'uded singing, dancing, physi- 'al training and novelty num- yers. Following the program, the parents were invited to see the pupils' work in the class- rooms, and to discuss their problems with the teachers. Highlights of the program were the rendering of several selections by the choir of 2 voices which won first place in the Lions Club Music Festival at Sunderland and the singing of the triple trio which won second place at this festival. The lesson instruction music and the physical training in! was the Rey. William Tristram Received into membership of the Port Perry congregation by confirmation were the fol- lowing: Lea-Anne Marie Bal- lard, Dean John Beare, Char- lene: Ruby Bourgeois, Jacque- line Dell 'Cannon, Grant Lloyd Dawson, Margaret Delia De- Nure, Betty Joyce Dodd, Jan- ice Elaine Dowson, James Stanley Lloyd Fawns, Brenda Marion Geer, Karen Ann Ken- nedy, Frederick John Kent, Larry Keith, William Mark, James Edward Moore, Brian Robert McNab, Linda Darlene Pickard, Glen Allan Sweetman, William James Taylor, William Thomas 'Tripp, Janet Marie Tristram and Brenda Olivia Webster. By transfer--Mr, and Mrs, William Tripp from Bethel congregation and Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gray from St. George's, Toronto. The community Good Friday THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 21,1965 2] | District Pastors | Exchange Pulpits | HAMPTON (TC) Rev. Charles Catto, minister of Hampton United Church, took the service in George Street United Church, Peterborough, recently, Rev, George Smith, of Peterborough, conducted the services at Eldad and Zion Warden and Mrs, A, L, Blan- chard attended the ceremony at Warkworth recently when Prime Minister Lester B, Pear- son turned the sod for the new penitentiary. The Trenton RCAF Band provided music, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Coutts attended the Tri-County Co-Op Union Banquet at Glenholme School, Oshawa, recently. BRITON TAKES DECISION LONDON (AP)---Harry Scott demonstrations were enlighten-) Ing to the parents and gave a0 ohn's insight into what the pupils are ith sik ilnttar, doing, ' Principal Roy 'Cornish was Buntain, in charge, -- master of ceremonies, Teach- : service was held in the St.of Britain won a decision over Presbyterian Chureh|Rubin Carter of Paterson, N.J... Rev, H. M.|the third-ranking challenger for the world middleweight' boxing "lerown, in a 10-round bout Tues- ers assisting in the open hotse FARTH THOUGHT HOT day night. Scott got the nod were: Miss Gladys Joblin, Mrs.| Scientists think the tempera-|from referee Bill Williams de- H. Bailey, Mrs. McGee, Miss|ture at the base of the earth's/spite the fact he took a count Stanyer, Miss Susan Adderley,|crust may be 1,300 degreesjof five in the first round, only) Mrs. Bruce Beare, Mrs. George|Fahrenheit, the melting-point of|the referee names the winner in Samells, Glenn Taylor, Mrs.jaluminum, British fights Elmer Lee, Mrs. Nelson ese obsenasar Ph Cochrane, Mrs. Earl Martyn,) Mrs, Lloyd Hunter, Robert Rob- ertson, Samuel Cawker and LEARN TO DRIVE Stuart Lane. 725-6553 1 ded, filli th 8 well see, or |6CM RLUTHERFORD'S | day service, Special music ren- 7 FASTER SERVICES The Easter services of the dered by the choir included the) School Of Sate Driving | - Hallelujah Chorus which made / | | \\ If not completely satisfied | , with ANY fresh meat you buy * from LOBLAWS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF LH LB. a yh we e Port Perry United Church were < a fitting climax to the ser-| 14 Albert St. -- Oshawe mon, "Answers for Richard,"'| by Rev, Alex Rice, Assisting in| Government Licenced --~ Personalized Service the pulpit during the service STEAKS -* ROASTS ...- SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF BONELESS BOSTON BROIL STEAKS -* 2OAST5 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF KEY CLUB STEAKS ...... . SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BEEF BONELESS DOT ROASTS 49. eee cee ee ees 8. *REG'D, USER OF T.M, SPECIAL! MINCED BEEF ~.-..----- SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM Rindless SIDE BACON... @ QUALITY PRODUCE FEATURES! e FROM SUNNY FLORIDA! NOW AT THEIR PEAK OF FLAVOUR & GOODNESS! GREATEST NDERNES MEAT, HERE'S HELP TO CUT THEM! COSTS TOO HIGH! cr Loudspeaker Paging lets you find peo- ple fast in plants, building sites, used- car lots, building supply yards, many more locations. SPECIAL! WHITE or PINK - 333's F ACELL ROYALE Any office, plant or shop can use the savings of Ln TISSUES PKGS. SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS --JACK & JILL 33° PEANUT TI 30-BIS. BETTER. =e BUTTER COOKIES ... ** WHITE jusiness Interphone -- combined inter- , ee , ]comteleptone system speeds up your SPECIAL! HEINZ FANCY MARSHSEEDLESS COMMUNICATIONS: J grave, avors mw TOMATO JUICE 48.F1. 02. 69: ' ' group address.,.many other features! | # BMEWEIe 8 Ee gR ERR Gads TINS savings In SPECIAL! With PORK In TOMATO SAUCE 5 ee] 59. 8 oe 59: time- LIBBY'S BEANS... 42 §Q¢ 0, : hl A fol ee = =6 me) a ee) ee OP eee TINS Garden Fresh From Florida! No. 1 Grade! Delicious Treat! ie SPECIAL! RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY CORN th COB B16 overhead PECTIN ADDED on e prarevasns coBs c investment on WETHEY'S JAM oe 2 on. OF. 49. Garden Fresh From Florida! No. 1 Grade! Crisp, Tender! SPECIAL! * e Dainty Rice SPECIAL! KITCHEN PRIDI 2.8. PKG. 33: REG, PRICE 59% 'Blueberry Pie +... 49c . 2 x2 nf FOR A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN THIS SUMMER! FINEST QUALITY! TWO YEAR OLD! FIELD GROWNI Rose Bushes & Assorted Shrubs WONDERFUL SELECTION OF POPULAR VARIETIES! CELERY STALKS... NEW CROP FROM TEXAS! No. 1 GRADE! SWEET CORELESS! SPECIAL! LIQUID WAX Rerowax ot 02. TIN SPECIAL! FROZEN GOLDEN ACRES FANCY FRENCH CUT Green Beans 2 Available In Most Markets money! Speakerphone saves time with hands- free phoning: work, read or write while you phone ... get other people in on a call! 83: 4}c NEW CARROTS i: 10-02 PKGS. a Exclusion may have LET BELL HELP YOU SAVE: There are 895 Communications services that can be tailored to your needs -- to help increase your efficiency -- to help cut your overhead! Give us a call at our Business Office! You'll get knowledgeable help! B Serving you \@ phones on the same line to ensure privacy. For managers and others who Feature disconnects all other to make confidential calls, oO ELLig) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT BONUS PACK BROMO SELTZER Ve COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 of 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10.07, PKG. GENERAL MILLS COUNTRY CORN FLAKES Si met vay COUPON " WITH COUPON & PURCHAIE OF ANY TWO 5.07, PKGS. LusHus JELLY DESSERTS Vi® COUPON ExPiEES APRN 28 2) SWHT MOKED GRIMSBY PICKLES VI COUPON ERPIRES APRN 28 20 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS. LEMON or KEY LIME ROYAL PLE FILLINGS Vit COUPON EXPIRED APRIL 28 | 2) 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 21, 22, 23, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHAST OF ONE GIANT SIZE TURE DENTAL CREAM COLGATE 7 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 92 FL. OF. PLAS, BTLE FABRIC SOFTENER FLEECY ¥4 COUPON. HEPINNS APANL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHAIT OF OME 1 FL. OF. BOTTLE ROLL.ON DEODORANT AFRESH VIL COUPON EXPiENS APRIL 20 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9.0%, JAR CHIVERS OLDE ENGLISH ORANGE MARMALADE V20 COUPON EXPIRES apart 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OF. Tid ALL FLAVOURS HI-€ DRINKS Vee COUPON HXPIRES APRN 28 al 2) EXTRA STAMPS d5 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07, JAR PRIDE OF ARABIA INSTANT COFFEE ¥) COUPON EXPIRES APRN 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 FL, OF, BOTTLE Va couPON mePRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 10.02, TINS CHICKEN RICE oe CRTAM of CHICKEN CLARK'S SOUP VIT COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 28 FL. OZ. TIN HUNT'S CHOICE HALVES PEACHES WIR COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12.07. JAR PIMENTO MANZANILLA GATTUSO OLIVES V2) COUPON EXPIRES APRHL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL. OF. BOTTLE BRAND'S Al STEAK SAUCE VIO COUPON EXPiRES APRH 28 I) al EXTRA STAMPS di 2) EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE ® FL, O2, BOTTLE DAVIS OF LONDON FURNITURE WAX VE COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE BOOK JOHN BRADSHAWS VP COUPON EPINES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15 FL. OF, JAR THANK YOU BRAND SPICED WHOLE CRABAPPLES 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1.L8, PRG, JtWE SHORTENING VIR COUPON EXPiEES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY THREE 15.07, TINS PARD DOG FOOD VaR COUPON FXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25 FL. OF, BOTTLE JEW VEGETABLE O1L VAT COUPON ExPURES APRIL 28 I EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS 2) dh EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 31-02, BOTTLE LOTION OR CLEAR WHITE RAIN SHAMPOO VE COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE CFLLO PKG, FRESH TOMATOES VaR COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 14 Fi, OF, TINS DEEP.RUTTERED LIBBY'S CORN Vie COUPON EXPIRES APRIL Oe WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1)-L8, TIN PURITAN WIENERS & BEANS VIE COUPON PxPiRES APR 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-07. PKG. BEAVER FANCY APRICOTS VED COUPON PXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL. OF. BOTTLE PrEIFFER GOOLE SLAW DRESSING Van COUPON HePIRES APRE 28 | 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS Ki EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 318, PKG. INSTANT MIL-KO V4 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4.Q7, BASKET CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERE McINTOSH APPLES V4O COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3.18, PKG. ROSE COLOURID MARGARINE V2T COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE LARGE PKG, FLOOR & WALL CLEANER AJAX VIS COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12.02, JAR PLAIN OR SWISS CHOCOLATE OVALTINE Vad COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS ITAUAN STYLE FRANCO. AMERICAN SPAGHETTI V3S COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 al EXTRA STAMPS 2) di dh EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 60's PKG. LOBLAWS BROWN LAGE, TEA BAGS VS COUPON EXPIRES APRN 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE @F Ont ROSE BUSH VI COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two FRESH VI7 COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE TROZ, PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN PECAN COFFEE GAKE Vis COUPON DXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15.02. PKG, WESTON'S DIGESTIVE BISCUITS Va COUPON EXPIRES APRIL 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07, JAR ROSE BRAND SWEET RELISH 'V24 COUPON EXPIRES APRH 20

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