Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Apr 1965, p. 14

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OSHAWA'S 1965 MIDGET CHAMPIONS AND RUNNERS-UP Lachine Ties | Pr ere Cranisere Ds 7 De ee ee yay | Smiths Falls q,- ges 8 FR WR) inRound-Robin Still Undefeated at. + By Geo. H. Campbell | BY THE CANADIAN PRESS lard and Gene Stephens had : | a ; soi, ; ; _ SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--A berth) "Milwaukee Braves, who move|two each. SPORTS EDITOR | ees , . nr ; é ; in the Memorial Cup Eastern|their National League baseball, The Crackers got off to a fast / : a mm fn 4 Y ria ore cin canal club to Atlanta next year, have|start, scoring five runs on six * i ee s% y / ' "hine|aiready provided the city with/hits. Everything From Soup To Nuts' - t ye we Maroons of Quebec and Smiths}, winning team. Pancho Herrera spoiled a 2 4 ' Jai ; Falls Bears meet to break their) And the Crackers, undefeated near-perfect comeback for the MONTREAL CANADIENS are two up, two games in the 44) a es j 09 tournament win-loss rec-latter five games in the Inter-|Leafs, scoring the winning run current Stanley Cup 4-out-of-7 championship finals, and at , . - Aa nf ae Be pulled even with PI ssc oga poe gr a ging Goutble to lett contre 'im this point, if things don't alter much, this affair will be all. | © (ammo * Ottawa district champions at!roronto Saturday. | The Leafs. trailing 7-0 alier over in about five games. The census of opinion, Pape ' , three wing and one loss A Atlanta defeated Syracuse six innings, 'had tied the count the Chicago-Detroit semi-final series was that Bobby Hull and | , py ' J they romped to an easy 1l-2\Chiefs 8-5 Monday, while Col-jover the next three, collecting his mates had muscled the Red Wings right out of contention, ; victory over Sydney Cape Bre-lumbus Jets defeated Toronto/five hits including homers by Or ae ot wilt sanoat Petts . , wr; ; 4 ton Post Tuesday night. The)g.7 to Jeave the Leafs with two/Tony Horton and Bill Milinis, This could be, but we said ore ; we ; Maritime champions had noth-|iosses in five starts. | Tom Dukes scattered five hits Red Wings and Montreal Canadiens would have given us a " . / ing to lose in-their last game of ifs : | tte! i much more entertaining Stanley Cup final that what we are Y : >" Gs... + ' the week-long, double round- Gctdied Relea wat wei aur ty con gh on seeing right now. Chihawks may have bruised, bumped and ; i ' ve Y j robin tournament after being/¢.3, and Toledo Mud Hens shut-|runs in the fifth inning. Four of battered Detroit out of contention but it is becoming evident i ied q 7, eliminated Monday night byjoyt Buffalo Bisons 5-0. ithe runs were unearned, that they also did exactly that to themselves, in that elimina- | p , ip, H a: y m2 Smiths Falls. 2 : Atlanta touched five Syracuse| Elio Chacon belted a grand- tion process. Black Hawks need Kenny Wharram but without j ; ; 4 ' Smiths Falls and Lachine willlpiichers for 14 hits. Woody|slam homer in the eighth in- 4 wt, - j > right t y Stalni ' : Pierre Pilote, directing traffic at their blue-line and pointing ' --_ ; ; , toe age Bhi ae Rees bd mph 4 P perionted _ 4 rood to lead Jacksonville to vie- up their power-play, they're just about hopeless, Even when O yy é {a ogg AOL Selle bes sgl 4 junior series for the eastern 'ti-| -- n 4 d / ji nae * * muster enough man-power to make their advantage obvious. | ' y ; re : , me The Maroons got the winning | NAVY VETS, Oshawa Mi- They defeated Letjer Car- Vartia, Roy Fisher, Tom Veterans' Association; Er- |goal at 5:53 of the first period pinions ary n y "i ; | succession, are shown above Hogan, Ken DeHart, Seppo Myers, president of Navy dell, Randy Zedic, John He- |the second and added three some Montreal: forward, who came into good health just a success es B pp war and Roa Wiehe conth: pone in the third, Sydney 'was d Ue, g TS, | and Claude Provost's checking job on Bobby Hull was a mas- j # , \Vancouver Bowlers ; AL MeNEIL HAS LONE ASSIST piece. He gave Hull the "Elmer Kreller treatment" and dog- ¢ ; ; : MONTREAL (CP)--In the op- unwinding the roll before Bobby sat down. "Gump" Worsley | on? ft fo a ; x ifrom British Columbia and On-|constantly--and both get away @Sainst Montreal, got a Stanley Cup shutout and the records show he had only | " "a ¥ at. tario split two final events in with it. Asked about Montreal's close 'Canadiens were short-handed last night, Black Hawks couldn't ] i ? tle. DICK DUFF'S goal was the clincher and as the sentimen- | 1. Hockey 'Association's _ riers in the final series, 3-2 Vann and Robert Mona- nie White, John Cook, Fred |and finished the first period) talists say -- it couldn't happen to a better guy. Jean Beli- | «Midget League' champions, and 4-1. Left-to-right, they ghan; (standing) -- Gary Greenwood, John Starkie, |with a 5-1 lead over Sydney.| . . veau got the first and big goal of the game. The big, hand- for the second season in are; Larry Power, Robert Gordon, manager; Earle Bill Skwarchuk, Roger Wad- |They outscored Sydney 3-1 in Checking Tactics few weeks before the playoffs, has certainly been a dominating loutshot 25-18. | , factor in Montreal's playoff success. His play last night was pepsin om is egy i LOL *| By JOE DUPUIS goal--one in the first game and once again in the superb category. se four in the second, le A : i uy webinar me - ' ae 4' ; j Y iw ; ; s ssessme! riV Hull, an eight-goal scorer in ged the Chicago ace's every move so closely that, we suspect, p te (potas: * . p \y st 4 Ris, 4 "a : Win Championship s"e -assessments of get: the team's semkiial wih over # Bobby had left the bench or ice, Provost would have. been ; i mo ye : f | KITCHENER (CP) -- Teams|Chicago players hook and slash|Detroit, has only one assist 18 stops in the game -- impressive proof of the way the Cana- Fee { ; : the Canadian fivepin bowling| The criticism came out in the checking in the two games, Chi- diens out-skated and out-checked the Black Hawks, all the ' s ty so j A dA ey : championships here Tuesday. |dressing rooms following Tues-|cago coach Billy Reay replied: | 4 J, ae 7 Vancouver overcame a_ late|day night's second game of the "It would be all right if they way, fro 0} " -ending § i i y, from the opening face-off to the. game-ending siren lsurge by Toronto York West in|Stanley Cup final series. were checking legally." SPORTS SHORTS: -- George Chuvalo's spokesman, Irv: WA ; ry f iu," is A » fia mixed teams to win by at ban Rasemlens We chs fae He raised bent arms to dem- Ungerman, sounded off on a real sour note when he criticized ; 5 i , : pins. Final Bago gig eibriives cgy pleat ihe Pe onstrate to reporters. the "Toronto sports public" for not turning out in larger num- |} pig ie Bi, mar aad Pies Pee ia a aha an ' Thursday! 'Aight aeatnal' he "When it's checking like this, bers to see that affair Monday night, between Chuvalo and 2 : é The aaienanalioe wind up|Black Hawks at Chicago: it's hooking. Nothing else. Bill Nielsen. Toronto fight fans have been a long-suffering : 4 2 wig | Saag # ; 'today with finals in the wom-| Hab coach Toe Blake claimed) Someone asked if he meant Jot, for a long time, but they really got it crammed down "4 4 , { , J j Lug len's team event and the wom- his Canadiens are "getting" to hg Agta their throats a few years ago, on that ballyhoo show at the 4 1 ote , ens and men's singles Bobby Hull, the Hawks'. golden ' nail 3 ) | ------_----- ---- boy. Hull admitted Provost has Stadium, between Archie Moore and James J. Parker. That ' gy 8 P fhe ; ; ; : é hg . . F % ; | . | "Someone is getting to him,)meant the difference so far in under-6,000 crowd Monday night proved that Toronto fight | Bi i , © Galt Lads Win In tne way he's hooking and slash: his play. "'He sticks pretty close fans didn't buy that ballyhoo and what's more, they'll be hard , ee | ing and getting away with it,"\to me, eh? He's a hell of a to get from now on -- Toronto sport fans can take their fight é : te e 4 4 ' ; , Ye : Novice Tournament Blake said. good skater, strong and dedi- ye 'em -- yhy hot? 'HINE MAROONS é s oe hi Magen" ; ] ( Mh, | Within earshot was Claude cated." shows, or leave 'em -- and why not? .. . LACH i ie lei j de OEE: se ci RE, d lis boc (Aili i | TON, Ont. (CP) ' bats : c defeated Sydney last night, so now they'll play a sudden-death iin. ais : ; j ; ws ' _BRAMP avs nt. ..~|Provost,. assigned to shadow Provost's two games against me ae : : Ata 4 : LETTER CARRIERS were losing out to Navy Vets in Deboski, Brad Wilson, Doug- Pat Greeley, Dan McKee, |Galt squashed any hopes God- Hull. Provost has done the job|Hull have to be the best," said game against Smiths Falls, to finally conclude that round- the runners-up, in this sea- two-straight games, Shown glas Weeks, Al Matthews Bill Vaneghel, Adrian Phil- lerich had for a first-day lead|.q well that Hut) has been able|Blake. 'I just hope he can keep robin affair they had. Seems like a lot of trouble just for | son's "City League' Mid- above are: (front row)--Bob and Bernie O'Brien; (back lips, Eric Cay, Ken Vance (Tyesday with a decisive 3-0/t9 muster only five shots onlit up, but I think he can." the privilege of visiting Niagara Falls. Better they should get championship finals, Simon, Roy Graham, Mike row)--Al Crowley, coach; and Yay Pylypiw, manager. |yictory in the Class B series of| ate SA ARR SRE I EA PAR SORT -wait for a honeymoon trip! ... . SHERBROOKE Beavers won Dave Fisher, Bill Sholdra, Oshawa Times Photos |the Brampton novice hockey| their first game of Eastern Canada Allan Cup finals right in tournament. Wen \ FOR THE . | ape : s , } om , he two- Woodstock -- and they're complaining of Woodstock's rough 'Q ; MANIAGO NAMED MVP j ths second qeme O ™ this ; LARGEST SELECTION play... . PITTSBURGH PIRATES spoiled opening day for | uinella Pays Big i By BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS | DETROIT (CP)--Cesar ane to be played thi j bt the San Francisco Giants' fans yesterday, with Roberto Cle- | Tq Greenwood Fans| " "National League (Chicago (Buzhardt 0-0) at Bos-|48: 26 - year - old goaltender) 'The lone Class A game of the| ig 7 TROPHIES mente driving in two runs for the 3-1 win and Al McBean | ) L Pet. GBL ton (Monbouquette 1-0) with "Minneapolis Bruins,. was|day was won by Burlington, a | ye 4 doing a great job of relief pitching... . HOUSTON'S domed | 2 714 - named Tuesday most valuable| Ont . who beat St. Clair Shores f stadium was given the spray-paint treatment yesterday. It is isa with the tartnemanee wi Bhar sega fol gilon ig ag pret hoped that the paint job will stop the giare of the sun, through (Goc9'« Girl a Greenwood Race- aioe I y. is the glass "roof'"' -- which has made it almost impossible for |way Tuesday night pa gronacpes the outfielders to see the "high ones'. The 28 held quinella tickets on Milwatikes -- -- -- Coco's Girl, a mare from. An-\ new York gers, Que., who won her first San Francisco ; GREENWOOD RACEWAY race of the season, and Stormy| Houston Way, who finished a neck back.| cy) Louis FIRST RACE -- 6 Furiongs (Pace) for| (FIFTH RACE -- 6 Furiongs (Trot) for.) Winning quinella tickets pel three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8). [three-year-olds and up. Purse $900 (8) ie combination paid off at!pittshurgh 3 San Francisco 1 a TORONTO (CP) -- Twenty- Pittsburgh eight trotting patrons were very |Chicago FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS AND GIFTS nt pibeag. Pama Pedy night sional Hockey League for thelnipeg in the quarter-finals to- IN EASTERN ONTARIO 600 Baltimore at Washington N_ |1964-65 season. Maniago played|day. 500 1% Minnesota at New York in 67 of the Bruins' 70 games| Goderich, Delhi, Milton and { ; } j The G. B. COMPANY 429 (Only games scheduled) P > » leag t 9,75| Napanee advanced to. the nex ~~ YA 356 Dean Ave., Oshawe and led the league with a 2 75) ound of the Class C: playoffs eee Hee pet 667 Baltimore (McNally 9-0) at player in the Central Profes- 667 lelag 1 sss aetesea.. 99 q err g < , 2 ed International League zoals-against average and siXlin games that occupied most of <a Bus. 723-3961 Res. 725-2062 pa L Pet. GBL 5 .167 3%) Atlanta 5 0 1.000 esi shutouts the day > em Row ww ee Tuesday's Results Columbus 00 600 R2Vav.nguweca 4 9 Ben Lad, Lorenz 10.30 6.60 5,80; Night Shift, Knight 5.20 3.90 2.70 $431.10 co's G | ' |Toronto OR Ge See Butch, Bissonette 26.40 14.50| . Irish Valley, Bal 6.00 3.50 ie wa Coco irl paid $61) Houston 1 Philadelphia 2 | Jacksonville 2 1500 2% ---- Goldie Elgin W, Herrington 4.20, Mr, Forbes Key, Kingston 3.00 Straigh : New York 3 Los Angeles 2 pba ta 2 2 500 24! -- Also Started: Donna's Frankie, Full Also Started: Rose Ovelmo, Darkey Tawny Van was third in the Probable Pitchers Today jsyracuse 42 2 Swing, Miss Scott Brook, Famous Pick, Riddell, Ottawa Duke, Alayne Scot, and race, Coco's .Girl finished in - FOnRble tchers Today Buffalo : 3 400: BEGoodrich and Dickie B Miss Todd Riddell 3 4 : d Cincinnati (Jay 0-0) at Chicago Toledo 3 400 } . SECOND RACE -- 6 Furiongs (Trot) SIXTH RACE -- 6 Furlongs (Pace) for (Jackson 0-1) |Rochester 0 5. 000 5 | * * five-yeer-olds and under. Purse $900 three-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8). | 8) Coco's Girl, Desjardins 61.00 20.40 11.20 i ar Tuesday's Results Gay Frisco, Kingston 11.60 5.90 3.90. Stormy Way, McLean 1.60 4.80 pie yp oan fs 0-0) Pe Phil- Rochester 3 Jacsonville 6 » A 7m 00 T ' Van. R , ' ' a 9 2 ci vd 4 ove chia +n = iso St bs ' -- PAINT JOB FOR j si Buffalo 0 Toledo " j ; @ ASS oi hig oe iaenm 1 cae --- for owners of Late-model automobiles Also Started: Rebel Princess, Our Pat-/Deductabie, Sassy Water, and ONF Mil k Ss : ricia, Avis, Reed's Dream, and. Ask Me. Fleety Frisco. Milwaukee (Sadowski 1-0) at Sveacuse § Atlanta & DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 4, PAID $51.70 | QUINELLA, 2 AND 4, PAID 4431.10 St. Louis (Purkey 0-1), night 978CU Toda gy N Pulled up , oday's Games THIRD RACE -- 6 Furlonas (Pace) for eae eas ' Tay : three-year-olds, maidens. Purse $700 (7) SEVENTH RACE -- 6 Furiongs (Pac HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--ROy |New York (Fisher 0-0) at Los|Loronte at Columbus Pertect Time, McKinley 7,60 4.40 3.20 for three-year-olds and up. Purse $700 Hofheinz, a driving force be- |Angeles (Drysdale 1-1). night Buffalo at Toledo Jacken, Galbraith 5.20 3.10 (8) . om . theste at an Rock end Roll Attorney, Boyce 4.50 Smart Al Hec, Desi'ns §.10 3.30 2.90 hind the i onstruc Hon of ue | 0 ter at Jac ksonville Also Started: Tommy Attorney 0D, Butch Z, Crowe » 379 New $31,600,000 Harris County Pittsburgh (Gibson 0-1) at San yracuse at Atlanta ee Nee ee pit domed stadium, will try to |Francisco (Marichal 1-1), night ndle Spud, edd rect ' ' Late Can., Heather Jug C, Our Frances, Prince Adam, and Sandy cover a glaring mistake with Thursday's Games AMERICAN BEATEN Dares 700 gallons of paint ; FOURTH RACE -- 6 Furlong siPace 7" = vial kei Cincinnati at Chicago WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng- for maiden threedyear-cids, Purse $700 EIGHTH RACE -- 6 Furin Pace Poe habit A alters kind | New York at Los Ang. (N) |land (AP)--Henry Cooper Brit: @ OW for Wakes > a '14 as the 4,596 sky- | ree ; : Union Scot, Varcee 5.70 9.50 2.80 PHOOYERESIGS HOG UF $1,100) of plastic in the 4,596 sky American League ish and empire heavyweight hte th the » the oF ; 4 Arawana Capetown, Hill 9.20 5.30 r Johnston, Geisel 19.50 8.40 490) Lishts in the dome that dif WL Pet. GBL\champion, knocked out Chip Armbro Flicka, McKinley 00 et C, Boyce 6.00 3.49 fuses the sunlight but puts so | poston 800 Johnson of Naples, Fla., in two al f Ss aples, Fla., Also Started: Miss Caroiene Ann, Duke fr. McGregor, Habkirk 2 40 750 : deat ihe fest ae & Jonn i" 2;minutes, 34 seconds of the firs 4 ys ( Poplar Grattan, Petor Abbey c, fielder's eyes he hasn't one |petroit 667 air sir *he 0- and Pleasant Way chance in a hundred of catch- [Chicago aa round in their scheduled 10 ° | g 571 round fight Tuesday night. €a In Te NINTH RACE -- 6 Furionas (Pace) tor 2M @ high fly on a sunny Los Angeles 4 : Lee Riddell, Langille 14.10 6.00 3.90 , 4 : Neate va een, 0 39 The solution: A coat of off- | Washington 429 Oral Hi, Coke 60 white paint over each sky- |Kansas City ' 328 «(24 In Old Country belwyn, Diller er Diret ind Fenty) ight. : - tain (cleveland 3.250 914 Or F a ac wer reasonably certa 7 4 LONDON Aendance 2,746 Total Poot $213,947 Hob fe Mg ILLUSTRATED HANDBOOK (AP) -- Standings this will stop the glare, Tuesday's Results of top teams in United Kingdom heinz told a press conference | Washington 2 Boston 5 ON SWIMMING POOLS ; f soccer after Saturday's games Monday (Only ge . r @ = ; g y games scheduled) ? ZB: ae SOCCER SCORES The painting job. will cost Probable Pitch : Today 12 pages with photographs, dia- - ENGLISH LEAGUE é $20,000. Fou in with apray tic " thers Today grams. Answers all your. questions wnene / Divisi LONDON (Reuters) Soccer ir men wi pray |Kansas City (O'Donoghue 1-0)) about owning an in-the-ground swim. iy -- I 3 results Tuesday guns are expected to take /at Detroit (Aguirre 1-0) ming pool. Just phone or write for WRL A Pt three days to do it, starting | free copy. \ truly do-it-yourself pool kit - GALVANIZED Partan STEEL POOLS MAJOR POOL Equipment Corp. Can. (Ltd.) 690 Drake St. Oshawa 725-9151 Atom, Pixannie, and Mighty Gler tarted: Armbro Explorer much glare into an out Minnesota 500 500 a se ee Oe et ol eee eee ee en ow 2 5 ° 56 ENGLISH LEAGUE today. Los Angeles (Newman 1-1) at ale 2 5, 75 5f Hea The first daylight league Cleveland (McDowell 0-1) Man United 239 6 $455), ion Vi Pa hep iL game is scheduled Sunday bér | Everton 1614.10 67. Mle eet tween the Astros and Pitts- Tottenham 18 715 80 66 43 DUMmley 1 Stoke 0 Notts F 161111 68 64.43 Leds 2 Sheffield W 0 Division Sheffield U 0 Notts F 2 Newcastle 4 7 4 80 44.55 Wolverhampton 3 Sunderland 0 Vv T H . Bolin" is R12 me aT em ancouver To Have| > AN D1 @) Mivaantnaany South'pton 161310 80 A945 2 Charlton 0 " Norwich otek Oe. New Hockey Home SELL [ E. / orthampton 3 Plymouth 1 Carlisle me 73 « Norwich 3 Portsmouth | VANCOUVER (CP) The! r4 515 i . ; . Mansfield 29 1110 99 5655 Freston 2 Huddersfield 0 Pacific National Exhibition an- : 9 xe xe OWansea 2 Derby | nounced Tuesday night it will =e F . = 7 ailteg hes 33 : * ° 1 . PL Te definitely build a new coliseum FREEZERS om 2] CU. F T. oe 2S Be = " . > ripen or large enough to ensure a Van- : 5 ae = = + caer . - - 7 7 3 Barnsley 0 Workington 3 couver entry in the National oe As 20 %0 More Division IV [Bristol € 3 Sherewsbury 0 Hockey League 5 Yeor Guarantee made by Beatty. Free . : Brighton 2411 9 98 4H59 Carlisle 3 Mansfield 0 | Capt. H. J. C. Terry, presi- food plan. Free delivery, PRICED FROM 3 . S 3 fread rubber York City 2% 612 84. SA5R Port Vale 2 Grimsby 3 dent' of the community-owned we 6 Scunthorpe 0 Watford 2 exhibition, said in an interview Tranmere 26 512 Of 5457 aks NE ow R.C.A, VICTOR Oxford 2114 8 89 43:58 Division IV that the PNE will build a 14,- yah Bradiond = 018. 8-85 6058 Nous c 4 Halifax 0 mong owem win ts on) QSWAY HOME THEATRE | = gyesr riME EVER... A PREMIUM TIRE AT A POPULAR PRICE 2114 9 72 If the PNE is able to obtain! 5 assis SCOTTISH LEAGUE : ; : M/AM s H 'AMPLE: TUB SCOTTOSH LEAGUE an TEAGUE a federal government grant to) Fi fe} ee Ses BB |} 61 4-Ply nylon cord construction shrugs off the - ea eee hivisien I Division TI cover part of, the cost, the coli-| fiche hg Pedy alate SA hi: : Reg. New-Car Tire Value $29.65 ston ; Cabinet, Free Home Service, $479.00 pounding of high speeds - rough roads. ["] Extra Hearts . 22 6 5 90 + se edie Hah site 1 sgtm will be increased to 16-1) YaLUE Extra for Whitewalls 3.00 Kilmarnock 16 6 AD ast Fife 000 seats deep, extra wide tread will give you about 6,000 SAVE, Extra for Nylon 2.40 Dunfermline RS ey j rg > 23" BIG SCREEN TV | additional miles of safe driving... better traction I Hibernian a1 48 78 Friday, April 23, 8:30 P.M. satu Extra for Premium Tread Rangers 16 8 8 74 and skid resistance. [ Sizes for regular and on full 4-ply construction 7.00 d < Osh ivi itori dond ircuit \ s eS Ae parol : Division n shawa Civic Auditorium jiiene Ted hae Pcie let 1 36 88 luxury cars - no extra for whitewalls, total reg. price 42.05 e a a « z Swi o chassis ws vect Professor Hiro & Bulldog Brower || 7*)";°\" chessis,, Convectaire | Cooling HURRY - THIS IS A "LIMITED EDITION" TIRE @ YOU PAY ONLY 25.25 pcg k 7 ; ; Fidelity tone audio system. With trade een ar ri , 3 vs --_--_----- reves = emer Goen of South 1413 7 7 Whipper Watson & Pat Flanagan B.F.Goodrich - The Tough Breed of Tires for the Hard-Driving Man! ici saci i ANDY ROBIN vs FRED ATKINS WE ARE OPEN EVERY NIGHT 9g 2 9 err ey eT ae wonspay LIL 9:30 P.M. BFGOODRICH HOME & AUTO CENTRE Stranraer 17 61 Derry City q t (German Champion) Coleraine 5 é MIKE VALENTINO vs VICTOR RIVERA FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE B EGoodrich Glenavon 32 25 PAT FLANAGAN ickets' --- Reserved Ringside sold ot the w = -- Ki ing rs pal Aa a. aa at Tickets, == Reverved Ringside ONLY. said ot the Everyboay Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St. E. Be : 88 Ki St. W. Ph. 725-4543 Linfield 6 Bi ea. Friday 7 P.M 728-4658---4659 Ballym Minnesota (Pascual 0-0) at New burgh Pirates York (Stottlemyre 1-0) 9 7 9 4 BUS SERVICE DIRECT TO AND FROM AUDITORUIM

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