Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1965, p. 20

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Ting Fomacs Spetoom, im, 190k, Waal vale come GLAD TO HAVE HAD THIS LIL ""\( CHAT WITH YOU" WE PICK IT UP 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, | 'uesday, April 20, 1965 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER d-hold. M (Top in Individue! Championship Play) North dealer, North-South vulnerable, NORTH Our sie THE HOUSE OF COMMONG, /66S A NERVOUS JOHN A, MACDONALD THLLO} A JOHN THOMPSON, LO WRITES, ++ AGIN, TOMORROW 951064 NIGHTS? 74 ox Me 4AKI106 The bidding: North East South West - Pass 19 Pass 16 Pass 2@ Opening lead -- king of clubs. & 'This hand was played in Dal- THOMBEOY WINE las an i oo the Trials MAJOR/ Tol Bur to select the North Ameri in- é ORI I Te ET ternational team 'or 1868" (The a ighintdneienhe bicsie a team turned out to be Howard eal | V, : I NEVER INDULGE W THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO YOU KEEP IT-I |! DEAR ME~I FEAR site mnernennsn none meen |SCHENKEN, Peter Levent ritt, <esneaaiaiainentatani [ : ; TOOK, BUSTER~ YOU WERE) | IN LEVITY DURING | OTHER AVAILABLE TRANSPORTATION ya! OwWN~| oe Oe eae eon nigh nk poh GONG 70) \Mrs. Dorothy Hayden and this ONLY KIDDING ABOUT ME, _ BUSINESS HOURS, / THAT TOUCHES AT YOUR ISLAND~ I'LL FIND 4 fp AGM oc PROGRESS/ WELL, y ' writer, all of New York; and TSK. FLING, GAILING ABOARD SIR--L EXPLAINED, eae iow Ar LAB F | -- bad J RESTORING THIS Ivan Erdos and Kelsey Petter- 3 | THAT CRUMMY TUB, THE RA THE Facts ~ 10 CHARTER vole v7 ee Ar haul 90 saelr OF pad bon, both of Lee Ameen --- Re ' 5 , s \ fe | SLANe QuERNTF i} HE DEUALLY |! 3 OR phpeED East opened the bidding at ° DOES-- | HERE/ all nine tables with a heart. At =| ', four of these tables South pass- ol ed and East became declarer mf in a part score diamond con- 5 tract, making five by means of el a crossruff, } However, at five tables South overcalled the heart bid with two clubs, as many players would. This turned out badly per when West, in each case, took it apa cages into his head to double. { om THEN, IN 1959, OT One South player got away ANOTHER GREMT \ | SUPPOSED TOBE YOUR | |! with the overall f \ THING HAPPENED Life's History' A |t/ TAS 15 THE oe ce ke ae TO'ME. S WAS | as not left in, but fou dich Sucine o SHOT AT Souths had to pay a heavy toll | THE PICS YOU SH 3 Spe el [pe LUXURY ISLE! GREAT! for the overcall. Ope of them ae ( | went down 500 and"two of them cE 800 at two clubs doubled, while fa the other South ran from two a clubs doubled into an eventual J two notrump contract. This was | doubled and went down 1,100! Hl Luckily, my partner Mrs. Hay- | Fact den saw little virtue in a two 6 club overcall and elected to pass pag the opening heart bid. The re- a sult was that we earned a good | score for staying out of trouble | on the hand, | 5 insite -- However, -the tact that five TE EV ON OG Souths saw fit to overcall with | L ISI L DONALD DUCK two clubs indicates that there somo --------rr!_ (must be some mérit to the bid. TT TT : | Channer 2~Boftale =| 7---The Fugitive: ©. BD Me elt || | ten te Prarie ||| |Lpersonally think that the over- | Phpcsied s--Butialo (pectors and Nurses | O2--l1F Bet JUST TO MAKE SURE || |call -- vulnerable against non- | amet Store| ct aaeae | Logaiter Ngows aau | | DON'T PAINT ose vulnecable: snd WN A. oeege - rr y hs af INTC ae NER . | Chonne! sahacraler ist cls 3--Noon-day Report ed oh SOR oe partner -- had much more to Channel %--Toronto 'iene hens 12:45 P.M, lose than to gain, but this state- hae seen "Weather and Sports Guiding Light ment is of course easier to make eccentric et a a Li | | ; 1p RM pai de ee afier seeing all hands than be- Meatro inal ' TUESUAY EVE. | &--Viewpoint %-Decerber Bride fore, | 5:00 P.M. 11:20 PLM. Ly atone Show It must be granted that the | Sorive. O°Clock "Matinee 74--hale Show 6-3--Movia Matinee overcallers were punished more | &--Superman $-NiGy mune sts Baneies saw than they deserved, but still, re aie -3--Fireball XL--5 0 PM, - hand was a triumph for soun | $--Lloyd Thaxton 1)---Wrestling A 1:30 0M, iddi h lod | ' 1~Mid-Day Matinee bidding. The player who per "< ce Yo teniahi' she raiitionalre ically steps out of line with risky LOOK, BUZ! THERE'S GEN, DIAZ LEAVING SHE MAY BE \ / REAL \ BUT WE CAN'T | &-Leave |t To Beaver §-?-Tonight Show 4--As The Worle Turns ically steps IVE BEEN... THE MEETING... AND IN A HURRY TOO/ IN DANGER! /| pa eeo, \/ RAID THE PLACE pee he ee See 1:60 PLM, yids must eg y be lambast WHAT A , LEAISER: | withour A SEARCH ae ctacdasl oid 9~Abracadabra Jed once in a while, Ly '"- N NT | 4:00 P.M, WEDNESDAY 7--Flame in The Wind J iat ae FOO: / A WARRANT. | 7--News Central 8:00 AM 4 eseword te | eae ' | 6-Gilligan's tgiand 1}.-Sennitzel House 2 omen ru' . ee pho re hl with eCaptain Kangaroe 2:30 PLM. Nail Filip (e] nu y . In | a-Today, 1965 1m AM. Tact tector News; Miss Helen { s es fates To The C H i " 9:00 A.M, 6--Loretta You y rarnily reais %--~Romper Room a Hbuee ory 0 e Toss Movi No. 2 $-4-3--News; 7--Dialing for Dollars; 3--Super Bingo = 4 Weather. Sports Girl Talk 3:00 PAM, MANILA (AP) -- A Filipino a | #a--Huntley:Brinkley rer ale t People in Confit was nailed to a wooden cross 7--Highway Patrol 9:38 AM, | y-General, Hospital last Thursday in Pampanga 4~Across Canada Ed Allen , &3--Moment of Truth province, north of Manila. | 11-Sh na oo Pa peta re bane meh: sy dara The Manila Times reported 1--Shin 130 PLM, | $aThe Uiftiest Hobo 2--Ann Southern Show --11--Funny Company a id oh pon pola Thee 7--M-Squad 10:00 A.M. %--I1s Your Move 'or abou alf an ' y -- ~- --- a |* @--News, Weather, Super Bin | 82--You Don't Say . ions took him down. The AND, LAREDO... AND HE WANTS || THE FEU? 1S OVER NOW... | Sports t2--truth or | 7--The Young Marrieds Soe e ee aineiied 4 HE SAID HES BEN MAXRoy TO FOR ALL TIME 4---Car 54, Where Are Consequence 6-3--Take Thirty event was witnessed by a crow BE ALL HAPPY WE GOT"\ COME SEE HIM @ é ; Buh) Ae 63Ivanhoe 4-Edge ot Night of men, women and children: RIGHT. MARRIED AFTER ) IN A FEW DAYS. JI | 2~The Detectives ' Bet » AM Wet ie tes ee ~ gpk Rigs biceps ALL sre 7:20 PLM 1 adie" A * hes 'nk ie | ;but the newspaper saic z | %-Let's Sing Out La_whet's This sore | athe aie Gare } CROSSWORD in his early 30s. He said it was a | Yonarat rAd strat te as gins | » |the fourth time in as many ec é--On The Scene Ta hh foe oe te years he had done it; | Thomas. show Racy ane tig ACROSS DOWN _.20. Golf ; Enis ioe | 3 wenay and Me 11:00 A.M. : Yi ' Albert J. Steed Friends 1, To comb, 1, Capital: term | ww 4:00 PLM %-Dear Charlotte 4:0 PLM, as wool Egypt 24. Music SALLY'S SALLIES | W-Special Movie & a--Concentration ; ' sen Hunt 5. Whist 2. Kind of note M l 6 riendly. Gian arly 0 . § i = a | Se Nn eee 4--Andy Net, Mayberry | page Oneele win medieval 25, Female = tay Chicago vs Montrea 218 AM 4--The 4-Thirty Show 9, Melody helmet 26. Sea- | 4--Joey Bishop Show #--Does Mother Know +-S'wene Gon 10, Father 3. Edge thollusk | $:30 PLM. , WRONESOAY BVE. 11. Burgler's 4, 24 hours with | 2a"Munabalos yee yer Nowamily Thetice = tool G Dates spiral | 7--McHale's Navy, screeehik eae | 9--Five Clock Movie 12, Incites 6.Scientist's shell 4-3---Danny Kaye Show 8-2--Jeopardy | #--Superman 14, Crude workroom: 27, Traffic : "| 4-Red Skelton Hour | 7 price ts Right i ogee telly metal abbr. light Yesterday's Answer : 9:00 POM, pee ae square bbe ig Sey 15, Word of 7, Anthropoids indication 36. Organof : 7--The Tycoon 4- The meCoys ' @--Leave it To Beaver choice 8. A certain 28, Sleeveless sight 9190 FM 5p jiie NOO! 4--Music_ Hop 16. Juice bullfighter garment 38. Indigent ped 'a Ww sc ' Doane oA ial . nt eg 7. Staggered 11, Iota 30. Turkish 42. Source of ' " 7--Peyton Place 6--Elwood Glover 7--News Central 21, Twofold: 13, Whirls title light and o i) +2-Eroat regs, sts Lk ak ey shed gd ah id é--Live and Learn prefix 15, Sphere 33, Goddess of heat S 4--Pe pear = on = Popeye a +News ee With 22. Steal 18. Chant peace:Gr. 43, King of = 11--Steve Allen Show 'ae pa House |2--Film Feature 23. The----- merrily 34: Custom Judah v, 0-2--Bell Telephone Hour 2--Today, 1965 Age 19. Anage 35, Wandered 44. Chatter 4 3 bg : " os 25, Freight Lets baer Salem ae Reda tN eae] a vehicle ZG Nee fad Ss ye |? {6 4 "{ don't hear much gossip, / 28. Asserts ¢ but what little I do, I repeat, = ra | YOUR HEALTH 29, Old yo YA Yj, and that makes a lot." = 4 Greek iA bods tf SCREEN sy ' coin : ZG : 30, Cameroons : C) |) Delay Dangerous cm FT et ys COLBORNE fs ua 31. Goddess of 7 Ca i Ar GROCETERIA -- ene aioli -- justice 7 poser ay te iecuinalaas ieilleh gidibbiidicdcnsonetebalaabanlad am | 32. A bandage . Colborne St. et Church St, WHY, GRANI "CAUSE THERES NOTHIN' I AND SPLAGHIN' AROUND | In Cancer Cases aT wiser GY 2 V4es |24 GLAD WHE! EAL. | \ x bs ee ENJOY MORE THAN GETTIN' FOR HOURS IN MY PLASTIC! | . eak Z LZ) WA, V7, 728-6341 WARM WEATHER "Bane / OUT IN' MY BACK YARD ONA pony rine POOL.' / 39 reset 25. [2@ [27 VAs | HOT AFTERNOON WITHA nti eg {By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD haps suffer, instead of getting; : V4 ' ? 7 SATHING SUIT ON. eo iit ms as though several treatment? 40. aes 29 Gig Ze | ai | seems ¢& gh Ss : i , Bean j Z jtimes a day, I read another' Some of my friends engaged) 41. A slip HK aE w@ DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. : letter from someone who re-in battling cancer (in the Am- knot 3 Ge Seven Days a Week cites a combination of symp- erican Cancer Society) esti- 43, Century 1) toms and then asks, "Could it mate that 92,000 more Ameri- plant ST Y V4, © Groceries © Fresh Fruits ; ee' neha eee can _ cosh be Reid ved 45, pieoag i yy | @ Vegetables © Meats i i | en P 6cond on 8s - year ue everybody observed | . 'A } i jthat I can surmise that it most simple routine steps to discover; 46. Seasoning fe 7 Y | FREE DELIVERY ; jcertainly is not cancer. Again,'cancer sooner instead of later. | . ikl Z Y/, YA, syesroenama ee y id jthe only possible conclusion iss an annual checkup (includ-; Bhphag Ar nF } So Ithat it most likely is cancer. ing the "Pap test" for women)| 4g Reatine Y, | YW, YG, nt selon a In ag 'ont - eae the will disclose thousands of cases} -------------- he bessaiiieieronisbeasen acsacaccecadies sia sical onsuaintcealcaheeisaheataie a -- inser eal ; majority of cases, a can say co early that the patient. him-| | Xr, : saa UCR rRNA o . g " , +: hich itiment,. | } wiat Do WELL. WHEN ireers J ¢ Y'SEE, MA STOMACH GETS AND STARTS jis that it might or might not coir will not have noticed any!Within the organ in tlaeaaere } , : \ | YOU MEAN? DARK THIS EARLY, I ] | CONFUSED N' THINKS asec FOR jbe, but some further facts and sympioms. Found that early, (originated: Hope of cure is still Uterus; 81 per cent when lo-] MUGGS AND SKEETE , GET'SMOG-HUNGER'. SuPPER! ITS SUNDOWN... bi at tests will give the answer cancer has a high degree of|! The big mystery is this | Why, | curability But when it has spread be- Breast: 82 'hang back and worry and per-'still localized -- still confinedjized; 78 after regional involve-\gster? high calized; 46 after involvement, per cent when lo- when people have uncomfort- "jf in' addition. everyoné yond the original organ, and calized; 47 after involvement lable or suspicious s¥mpioms, would go to his. doctor "at once, there is what we call regional Colon and rectum: 68 per do they waste time = asking, (instead of asking, 'Could it pelinvolvement, chances are cent when localized; 34 after in- 'Could it be cancer?" cancer?") when a suspicious|Stimmer, even though some- volvement. : | If it really is cancer, every symptom develops, still other|!!™es then a cure is still POS: Prostate: 50 per cent when lday. of delay makes things/thousands of cures would be sible--depending, of a 9D localized; 34 after involvenent, jworse, and in time the day will possible " the extent of the spread, Tung: 21 when localized; 5 jcome which marks the dividing The best chance of cure exists} Here are some figures on the after involvement, line between being able to cure when the cancer is just starting!difference in cure rate between Can there by any. more con- tNat cancer, and not being able --'cancer situ." it is called.jlocalized cancers and those with vineing evidence that awaiting, to The next best chance is when regional involvement worry and asking, Mid oat If it isn't cancer, then why the cancer, although growing, is| Thyroid: 90 per cent if local-be cancer?" is inviting dis- ERNIE. CAY for WALLBOARD, 'and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 33 ALBERT ST. te ane enetaiiaidadienaieneenen cae as

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