Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1965, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 20,1965 48 ed by the Student's Council, featured the 'Silhouette Re- view", i School closed for the Easter holidays Thursday, April 15, and classes resume on Monday, Gym Display Well Received Th members of the Gym Club at Pickering District High 13's began writing exams last Wednesday. Good luck every- one! The Grade 12's from PDHS played hockey with the Grade 12's from Dunbarton at Mark- 2 oY \ Clarke High Students See Color Travelogue } tbefore the exams). Everyone|greater initiative and drive to BY LIZ KOZUB lor Bt our school, The students Hi there! I've been on the|seems to enjoy playing, and our tardy list as far as news goes|spare time doesn't go by quite : for the past three weeks, but) so slowly. jmended. on their splendid per- with exams. and pie dom 1} Monday night, a number of| formance. guess everyone was too busy to Music and Glee Club members ioe read the Clarke High School!had the opportunity of going to gg ghee a ae news anyway. 5 see "The Sound of Music," in| no in the gym We wil! not bel Last Monday morning an as-/Toronto, Nearly all who went, ot at Anil dance tis yout sembly was called when a film'thought it was. really terrific.) 1+ nian to have a big "splash" on the Caribbean was shown. and wish to thank Mrs. West-| Mav : oie It was a color travelogue film,|hauser for making all the ar-|\°"\.rne pucanes' will providel ord gia hoo Abedin 1! rangements, the dance music, and it will bel | guess in a way it was meant 10) 'Thursday morning, we Were!a dress up affair, This is an| relax us for the shock of our eX" quite pleased to have from Con-|early reminder for everyone to amination results. Students' Sumers' Gas Company, fourlmake sure they aven'e Monday afternoon, a Students' ronresentatives, who presented |:groynded," that Friday night.| Council meeting was held. "Gasarama 1965." It was in- 'Who says we don't have talent! motion was passed that we ZIV | osting and gave us a much + Clarke? Sure we do! If not et om cage Th Coy wider scope on the many US€S| among the students, among the -- of natural gas in our' preseatitegchers, A little over a month nel ay World, ag istory teacher, Mr. rely: y ong ago, our history Fi t lagestig Ta ae Cust Friday afternoon we were| Amesbury played the lead role aad oto ve fortunate in having a delegation jn "The Waltz of the Tore-| 4 of students from BH. present aldores'", This past weekend, our Carnival delightful play, entitled "Hill-' geography teacher, Mr, Lowry, Big Success billy Sue." appeared in the delightful show, We are always pleased to see "Cornz A Popin". } something of this nature from) Anyone desiring autographs} other schools, not only becausejor pictures is asked to line up, 4 oer we get out of classes, but itisingle file, outside the main Th a! ning + aida held shows us what other high'doors, between the hours of 9 e Carnival which was at Central on April 9 was a big success. Many people attended and I'm sure everyone enjoyed himself. Various prizes could be schools can do and gives us aland 4. wo at the different booths and almost everyone walked around clutching some prize Such prizes as balloon ani- mals were won at the ring- throwing booth and chocolates at the chocolate-penny-throw of BHS are to be highly com- | s' A ev a These young people at Sea Rangers Inspected | mis. fut By Sea Cadet Officer | Ajax Pupils confronted by police during Here we are again after a/9 starting at 1400 hours (2.00) Are Second booth. The food booth was @ong time due to the exams, from Camp Samac, Any Rang- aoe ' novelty this year and it seemed)! On 'April 12 the Crusader Seajers interested should 'atl Chief | By CASEY ADAMS that it was the first stop for Ranger Squadron had a visitor;or get in touch with Tom Brit- everyone. All sorts of cakes and!poard ship. He was. Williamjton, There must be one Rang- donuts as well as taffy-apples|, 'ew, commanding officer ofjer or Rover in each car sub-| Four weeks of could be bought. Draws wereline sir Francis Drake Sea mitted (either driver of navi-\yaiq off for the members made for a cake in the form Of!cadet Corps. gator), You are advised to take/the Ajax High School gymnastic a white rabbit and for a big! 'ye took inspection and said a along rubber boots, sand, chains|teams in a meet held recently stuffed poodle. few words to the Rangers about/and anything else to help you if|at McLaughlin Collegiate nal The cake was won by Mr.jthoir appearance. On behalf of you get stuck cause those roads |Vocational Institute Judge, one of Central's teachers,|i4. officers and cadets of get really muddy in the spring' Jp the over all standings Ajax and the poodle, by @ grad, BilllRcscc Drake, Mr. Askew pre-/as Skipper can tell you High placed second, a great Hyranuk, The pie eating con-)-.5ieq the crew with a new| 'Phe Rangers who went to the improvement from last year test proved to be rather mess¥| Canadian flag whith was hoist-|Niagara Conference really hadjtynda Smith of 11A tied for but it provided a lot of humor toleq hy Mary Kolynko and piped|a good time but what's this I\ second place in the individual both participants and spectaiap by Jo-Ann Zak. Our sincere |hear about Chief hiding in the! standings. tors, The winner, Joe Zimny,|thanks go out to Drake for the showers! Ribbons won in the various won apie, -- flag which we will fly proudly, Some of our Rangers will be|events were: box horse--Lynda After spending some money|or many years to come. going up to Adamac for a work!Smith, 2nd; Diane Huminuik, I . on the booths a dance followed) : weekend at the end of the month|3rd; mats --- Lynda Smith, 2nd: Playing only one game in the| in which everyone took part./INSPECTION PRACTICE --work, our girls?--well. Bonnie Hayden, 5th; pommel|**™ es, 11A became school ges ge iho coe wea Page ag allo gdb he age Note to the Sea Cadets, the horse -- Diane Huminuik, Sth; |comaad thirds oh 5g gy Pe fence which lett only one cou-\Sea Cadets and Navy League| Mariners from Lewiston will be trampoline -- Amelia Wilson.) ing to note that lla won| le For a prize they received|cadets for 4 practice for the/coming back to Oshawa for the 2nd; free calisthenics -- Bonnie| i ree games by default and E : filled with od-{i A he hel May Ontario Sea Ranger Regatta in|Hayden, 3rd, and balance team hei 'Hay . ; 10E aster baskets filled with good:linspection to be held on } @Y| september You might be able -- Lynda Smith, Ist; Bonnie' eir only game against . Alga asians -- ee an to see them when .you're. in Hayden, 5th made them champions. alee ; ae . a Since' Easter holidays are Not only was this "Carnival"|1845 hours (6.45) in full dress Niagara in June, Perhaps if the team had been infor 'beginning this week, our read- a lot of fun for everyone who at-|uniform. This inspection is an TRIP TO MYSTIC better informed about regula-| pages ' 'jers shall be deprived of the tended but also 'it was a big/annual affair for the Sea Cadets tions for certain events thelr ipleasure of reading this article ks. success for Council, who put itland we are very proud to be Po are four Rangers from final standing would have been for at lnaat rb j ; . shawa going on a cruise from|higher. Despite the short period on. A profit of more than 100 asked to participate. Come On,|Mvstic Sea Port in Mystic,/of practice the girls showed dollars was made and with this/girls, your drill has to be better|connecticut, this July ~ "They|themselves to be apt gymnasts money some worthwhile thing than that -- divi' those arms: are Cathy Ayres, Mary Anneland our school should certainly Blocks of salt still serve as ig ee gg 7] pe those feet! -- don't let YOU"! Cardinal, Jo-Anne Zak andjbe proud of them. "\eurrency in remote parts of! either, this a rrad oy ev u patel own. % Chery! Kreas!l, Mate Nesbitt) The team and school appre- Ethiopia. nar Digiord oes hoc ig eat P| _ This biel there is to be a will be one of the officers com-jciate the time and effort Miss BOOMS, SEC, ey ae hfe on. enens Sunrees #0 88 outstand- ing along. Skipper has been tell-/MacKenzie has put in to polish i ya cg Ps bo [ae Gee Ranger, She will bs ing us about her experiences|the team for .competition. We! those who worked at the booths,!chosen strictly by the girls and while she was at Mystic -- were disappointed in the poor af " oe Ee ee sas will be the Ranger who has | sounds like a lot of fun! Look sportsmanship displayed by the nm Saturday, April 10, a gym) done the most for her crew, is|54¢ New York, here we come! spectators, not the participants an Oe See a RN ee [nent in dene Genes B88 WHO Perl: 'Don't forget the monthly|during the resentatio f meet proved to be quite success-|cipates in Ranger affairs. We'll' wharity and get your uniforms ats preenee ful for the Central participants.|know the final outcome on May) onctess for i cele? sgh! ohgeneeeme Central tied for third place in'y; spotiess for Tuesday. ur boys gymnastic team || the over-all 'meet, with Dunbar- ton, Those competing and attain-|/PLAN BANQUET ing standings were: Fran Kru- Our Mother - daughter ban-) gar, 2nd, Free Cal; | demonstrations. The key to passive resistance is to go limp, as demonstrated (left to right) by Philip Carpen- travelled to Dunbarton High to lcompete in a small meet be- |tween the two schools. The Ajax lads took first and second place in every event but one. Scoring] top honors was Ajax's Brian |Copping. | and In a recent assembly the stu-| BETH SANDERS dent body listened to the com- . ; ments and thoughts of the six hard ge Ajax students who went to Franklin, Our Student Council| president, Kevin O'Shea, posed| questions of interest to the panel | of exchange students. During the musical interlude | the school band played the | Ajax High School March written! by our own Dr. Lindeman; Mid- | night in Moscow, Blame It on the Bosa Nova and Never On A Sunday. Girls' intramural basketball | finished with the play-offs. After | SALT USED FOR CASH TUXEDO RENTALS Special Rates for Proms SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 RitsonS. 725-3338 SCHOOL FOR NON-VIOLENCE ter, Mirrian Wolochow and Maren Carter. The Peace House is an old house near the University of British Columbia where &tudents and unemployed teen-age "peace workers' plot dem- onstrations. ham Arena last Friday. Natur- ally, Pickering won and the sco-e of the game was 5 to 4. Thursday, April 15, was the date of the most "fantabulous" dance of the year to be held at Pickering. This dance, sponsor- School presented their annual display recently. The display featured tumbling stunts on the box horse, girls' educational gymnastics and folk dancing. The Trampoline Club also per- formed many stunts for the as- sembly. The assembly ended on April 26. Happy Easter! a less cheery note with the dis- tribution of report cards. Speak-| Are -you plagued with s | a ing of report cards, the Grade! Acne, Pimples, Dandruff |] Etc.? Don't cover it up. ..% . Cure it, The Neturel Wey Use Neture's own healing medicines. For Further us ot "Roses are fed, Violets ore blue, Your friends wear Bata Desert Boots . + « So should you." ALL: COLORS Information see ° 7 ® Sold @ Repaired © Traded 728-9731 Cottrell & Cuttrell Custom Gunsmiths Ltd. 18 Bond St. W., Oshewe Only $6.99 Bata The Sunshine Shop 24 Prince St. 725-2241 SHOP 15 Simcoe St. N. SUMMER SPORTS EQUIPMENT. (People's JIM BISHOP'S SKI BARN La " = Be Coifed By | Your Buddies Do! 36 SIMCOE ST. NORTH } | Hairstylists 71 CELINA ST. OWL 728-4331 'TONIGHT | Motor City | Bowling Phone 723-3212 78 Richmond St. West 32 BRUNSWICK AUTOMATIC @ FREE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BEGINNERS @ LEAGUE OPENINGS COOK'S Office Equipment 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH |) | | HEY, GANG! Try | CHIPS GRAVY McMURRAY'S IT'S DELICIOUS! --(CP Photo) Esso) WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubrication And Undercoating 725-8507 King St. E. at Ritson Rd. Albert Armitage, 100 Montrave Each Week 12 People Receive Passes Free Each week for 26 weeks there will « r in the advertisements on this page the na nd! addr of 12 lucky people in 1t your name should appeor and you locate it, all you are asked to do is clip the ad and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office, You will then receive your 4" passes te Bowl et the Oshawa Bowling Lane. Passes--~Must be olained by 12 noon Tuesdey following publication. Open & League 5 Pin Bowling @ Automatic Pinsetters ALDSWORTH CLEANERS \ : Vi IT felt "Fabric-care Centre" 725-1812 J, M. Hird, 214. Kent 36 ATHOL E. @ Ample Free Floodlit Parking @ Year Round Air Conditioning MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening at 11 p.m. $3.00 for 24 Games OSHAWA BOWLING LANES 723-2631 : Oshawa Shopping Centre home protection at . less cost with a Homeowners Poficy, Contact me today! Herbert Bentham, 88 Seott ZEN WARENYCIA 203 Oshewe Bivd, N, SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS FISHETERIA IWAN ar Halibut FISH & CHIPS TAKE OUT OR TABLE SERVICE F. J, Ellison, 452 Phillio Murrey 231 King W. 725-5522 'LOOK AFTER YOUR NEEDS' @ ALUMINUM SIDING e@ AWNINGS" e RAILING @ CARPORTS, ETC. W. G, Dingman, 157 Centre LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE Free Estimates 723-9843 Head Of Scarborough, Ont, PEGGY'S Hair Styling @ Tinting McKEEN'S USED FURNITURE "We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture" 426 SIMCOE S$. 725-5181 Cutting @ Permanent Waving formerly 'Gerde Beeuty Selon' Call 728-2641 FOR APPOINTMENT Betty Crou-quet is to be held on May 3 at} ter, 2nd, Horse; Lynn Lee, 2nd,/Guide House Girls are asked) Rean; Maureen Barrett, 4th, to bring in any pictures of Sea| Free Cal; Jean Young, 4th, Ranger activities as a display} Trampoline. will be set up. Your money| Congratulations are extended should be in by now and if it's| to all these girls for the good not you'd better get in touch showings at the meet and for al! with Chief. : the work put into doing their The Seventh Rovers are hold-} job so well ing a Spring 'car Rally on May} come PARENTS - ADULTS YOUNG PEOPLE The Oshawa Business College Offers Specialized Business You can have No need to rush! J. V. AVIATION LTD. Private & Commercial Flying Instruction (Gov't. Approved Schoo!) @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Cherokee Aircrafts Robt. Hann, 700 Bessborough Dr. 728-3191 Oshawe Municipal Airport KOMATZ DRAPERIES Made - to - Order "We will visit you et your tonvenience in your own home for demonstration of samples and free esti- mates," Call 728-8522 For Appointment Zoltan & Nick's SERVICE STATION 728-0051 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanies Volkswagen Service 160 Simcoe St. $. Oshawe GILLARD ' GLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 F, E. Freeman, 580 Lansdowne Dr. Training throughout the en- tire year, Start Any Week. Re- ceive individual instruction on moden equipment by enthus- iastic and interested instructors, Placement Service for grodu- ates EIGHT DAY SCHOOL COURSES FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE each designed to fit various levels of educational_background EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSDAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m Choice of sunjects. FREE Literature available. SPECIAL COURSES FOR HOUSEWIVES. Attend mornings or afternoons. Choice of subjects. JUNIOR TYPING CLASSES held on SATURDAY MORNING 10 years of age and up 9:00 to 10:30 or 10:30 till noon 10 Simcoe St. North DIAL 725-3375 two phones for just a fraction more than one... alive! You're in the Pepsi generation! PEPSI-COLA <> Smith Beverages Ltd., 750 Farewell Stree' SEE THE NEW... "BONANZA ROOM" For Men the REAL Sharp Styles WIN a trip to MEXICO! ( SHOES and enjoy twice as much telephone convenience! Phone us for your bedroom phone today. BELL 'B) 26 King St. W., Oshews Also in Hemilton ROUAN SERNITE FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work and All General Repairs ONTARIO 1 728-0344 CONTRACTORS Mra, H. C Moreh, 78 Church 725-1 TOR CITY CABS @ RADIO DISPATCHED CARS @ 24-HR, SERVICE DAILY 127 epposite bus terminal Too tired - to cook? CHICKEN nme ROUGH oe GORD'S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE Robt. Sage, 487 Bloor €. HOME DELIVERY e FISH & CHIPS a @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS CYCLE CENTRE Bicycle Sales and Service Authorized C.C.M., Raleigh Dealer 204 BOND E., 725-6344 CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the "flower-fresh" way ty Duraclean® + no meesy soaking « no harsh acrubbing for free quotation cal) 728-8518 S---- GORD'S FOOD MOBILE Compete REASONABLY PRICgp Y) TO: --+ @ OFFICES e FACTORIES @ CONSTRUCTION SITES Trevor Down, 221 Trent E. 728-7321 WALTON'S Supertest AND Snack Bar 728-0231 DAILY SPECIALS : * Pies and Pastries Fresh Daily "Wa pay special attention te children" ores 24 Hrs. A Day Every Do y KING ST. E. AT PRESTONVALE OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN Janitor Service Window Cleaning Employees \\ Bonded LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET IMPORTED CHEESE ALL ITALIAN FOODS GROCERIES MEATS GROCERIES (FREE DELIVERY) 502 SIMCOE S$. 725-4643 L. R. Cook, 143 Elizabeth Cr, SHEWRING BROS. Floor and Wall Covering @ Armstrong Corlon @ Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 For Free Estimates D. D. McKinlay, 707 Maria Whitby

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