Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1965, p. 13

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t AMONG THE group of leaders to receive first aid certificates from St. John Ambulance were, left to right, Mrs. Roy Pennell, First Aid Certificates Presented At Banquet Adelaide District Girl Guide was the presentation of the St. Association held its district ban-|John Ambulance First Aid Cer- quet recently at Guide House,|tificates by Mr. Douglas Bryant, jfirst aid instructor -| The head table guests were in-|lowing conte. "a Ar! troduced by the Local Associa-| tion's secretary, Mrs. D. | Bowler, as Mrs. George Mc- Gregor, Division badge secre- tary; Mrs. D. A. Morrison, reg- istrar; Miss Vera Moyse, divi- sion council; Mrs. D. E. Fox, a division commissioner;. Mr. Mrs Douglas Bryant, St. John Am- Shirley bulance First Aid Instructor,| Pennell, Mrs. and Mrs, Bryant; Mrs. EB. A.|Mrs. -F. W. Flint, Mrs. R. Mounce, -- division treasurer; O'T, Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs Mrs. Douglas Nesbitt, division O'Val Kirby and Air Rangers camp advisor; and Mrs W. &, Miss Susan Peters, Mi aro Gardner, Adelaide district com-|@@tdner, Miss Phillippa missioner; Gold Cord Guides, and Miss Suzann Bowers Heather Davies, Mary South- A bouquet was presented to well, Carol Daniels and Bonnie| Ms. Bryant from the class, in Snyder were also honored 4Ppreciation. guests, Mrs. D. EF. Fox showed pic- The 2nd, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 'ures of various camps which 17th Guide Companies in the Were much enjoyed District were presented with the The evening closed with new Canadian flag from the Guide Prayer and Taps local association members. assiusartes eee Mrs. K. Rose was presented with her Captain's warrant, Miss Donna Allin her Lieuten- ant's warrant, Miss Shirley Temperton was presented with a 'Thank You Badge'. The highlight of the NEWS IN BRIEF A DOLL YOU KNOW NEW BEDFORD, Mass A toy store here has a new mick. Dolls are not Miss Shirley Temperton, Mrs. John Bellingham and Mrs. W. E. Gardner, Ade- laide district Commissioner In the lower picture Mr Rangers: Leaders: Mrs, A. EF. Atkinson jMrs.. Pat O'Connor, Mrs. John |McPhee, Miss Dianne Westlake Mrs. John Bellingham, Mrs John Wright, Mrs, Ellen Wood,| Douglas Kirkland, Miss Temperton, Mrs. Roy Mrs. W. E. Gardner, the Nursing Favored By Five Sisters NORTH SYDNEY, When five evening news In the case of the Gormiey sisters of New Glasgow, N.S., they all agreed they wanted to be N.S (CP) sisters agree, t nurses Florence and (CP) graduate nu a Elizé 41M: beth's Hospital here while (wins merely Joyce and Joan are students at dressed to order but can be the hospital's school of nursing painted with the face of any I guess we all wanted to be family member or prominent nurses ever since we were figure the customer asks for. 'young,' says Ann, 24. who fol- Re aa wen lowed Florence and--Mary. into wuts Sage! i ghana = age in e ', fais) 59, a vear after her two sis pg elaggetom yr ostigg Aet ters. The twins.entered nursing women executives, says Eric school in 1963 Gould, who deliberately em- ploys female managers in the branches of his Montreal busi- ness. "Because they're so emo tional, women quickly sense moods of the individual buyer and know when to retreat and not offend." he says Mary Ses Ann are St " HARD OF HEARING A HEARING AID MUST DO MORE TWAN MAKE SOUNDS LOUDER! WRITE TODAY PHONE OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. 723-5401 ANN LANDERS Even Polar Bears Wear Fur Coats Dear Ann Landers: weeks ago the greatest have ever known came Several d_1\2'person is a little non-conform- 6s in|ist does not mean he is crazy. his convertible to pick m up. Please print my letter and your I should tell you we live in Win-|answer so our whole family can fietka, which is a suburb of|See it. My dad is on her side.-- Chicago. It was freezing|Heartbroken M. A. weather and Jamie had the top| Dear .M. A.: if Jamie is not of his convertible down. Ij|crazy, he is such a show-off that wouldn't say it was snowing,/he may be a borderline case. but a few flakes were flying. Polar Bears (or anyone else) When my mother looked out|who want to take a dip in Lake the window she screamed "You/Michigan in freezing weather are not going any place with/are not necessarily nuts. In the that imbecile. He is naked!" (Scandinavian countries this is Says Control Pills | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 20,1965. 13 Destroy Femininity, By WILLIAM NEVILLE MONTREAL (CP)--A Mon- treal psychiatrist says he is convinced birth control pills have a "'deep- psychological im- pact" on many women. "In a word," says Dr, torin Voyer, "the pills women more masculine," Dr. Voyer, medical director of the Ambar Schools for Re- tarded Children as well as a privately - practising psychia- trist, said in an interview he reached this conelusion after studying more than 300 cases. "These women, all of whom had been taking the pills for a year or more, came to me com- plaining they did not feel like 'the same woman.' They said they were no longer interested Vie- make FOR TOMORROW a Muir ~ "Betty Haydl I tried to explain that Jamie} is a member of the Polar Bear) Club and the club was going to take a dip in Lake Michigan.He was not naked, He was wearing his swimming trunks. I also tried to explain that some of us girls were going along just to watch but we were_not going in ithe water. My mother walked out on the! porch and showed, 'Put on a {shirt or Mary Alice is not com- ing out."' With that Jamie pulled away and I haven't seen him since. { am heartsick. My mother says he is crazy, I say. just because | -DISTAFF DIARY | Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. MEDICAL SECRETARIES | ALBERT STREET H-S The regular meeting of the President Mrs. Lloyd Harlow Ontario County Medical Secre-|gpened the April meeting with taries' Association was held at a weleomé'té evervoné, & toast the Oshawa Golf Club recently.| 4, the Queen, then a Bal ele pees The president, Mrs, Douglas|supper, enjoyed by twenty-six Pearse, presided, 11 was de-' members, followed jcided to give twenty-five dollars) q,, : 3 . 'ap ' reeling and brief news to the Crippled Children's Asso- jtems wore brought by guest ciation towards the purchase of Mrs: Norman Rowe vice-presi-| small supplies dent of Home and School coun The speaker of the evening, ! ¢ij, Mrs. Herbert Schuermann, from : ' . + After supper all annual re Glenholme School for retarded ports J da iO The sooth children, showed slides and gave count was won by Mrs, D. Me- a most enlightening talk on the} Arthiir and the "prize bee thie work being done by the school yearly count won by Miss oR and teachers and the progress Smart's grade 4 : being made by the children. She)" " * : : also gave a brief outline of the; The new list of officers will new programs and projects for take office in September. 'Oshawa in the future. SA HOME LEAGUE Mrs. Schuermann was thank Th : ; Hor P 2 | y me League ed by Mrs, Sylvia Zedick and BE Aigo JB with good the meeting closed with a social attendatce. Mrs. William James read a hour and coffee ORA AUXILIARY list of all the members who} The Ladies' Auxiliary of thejare sick. Mrs. William Given Ontario Regiment Association| prayed. met in the Oshawa Armories} Mrs. Major Fred Lewis an-| jrecently with Mrs, Harry Wood|nounced that the Home League] |presiding. Owing to illness and|Rally would be held in the bad weather, the attendance/Qshawa Citadel on Monday, was small, Mrs. Mabel McNull] April 26, 2.30 p.m. Those at-| was reported ill in hospital and] tending will then proceed to the the auxiliary wished this valued|Genosha Hotel for supper. The member a quick recovery. evening session will begin at! Financial and career matters. It was decided to ask Mrs.{7.30 p.m, Special speaker, Mrs continue to be generously influ-\W. C. Paynter, wife of the Colonel Alfred Dixon, Toronto. | enced. There are some plane- colonel of the regiment, to ac-, Mrs. John McLachlan was in tary restrictions where personal|cept the post of honorary presi- charge of the devotions giving relationships are concerned.|dent. the symbols of Easter Many persons may be under; The prize of the month, phe meeting closed with the stress. now -- particularly thejdonated by Mrs. F Roche, WAS| Rainbow group serving tea. elderly--so emphasize kindness|\won by Mrs. Henry Davies. ' and patience, night. of cards, planned for April FOR THE BIRTHDAY 13, was cancelled. If tomorrow is your birthday, Refreshments were served by| y "| | you may look ahead to a year/Mrs. Duncan Foreman, Mrs ' / which should bring satisfying Fred Porter, Mrs. James Smart recognition for past job efforts. and Mrs. James Forman Original and constructive ideas) A dance is to be held, April put into effect now should have 24, in the Knights of Columbus vital effect on future pro- Hall, Bond street west gress but you will have to fol low through if you would hie sults possible The By June, your occupational of the and financial affairs should be board room of the City Hall quite stable, and you can plan|with Dr. Roy Rowsell presid-| on expanding your interests in|ing. The minutes were read by late. August with gratifying re-|the secretary, Miss Boddy, and place thehank on a plate in a wards resulting throughout Sep- the treasurer's _ report was vegetable and tember and October. Be very given by Mr. €. L. Gunter thoroughly. When dry, it will be careful to avoid speculation at Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon cof and fluffy end of year represented the Oshawa branch! a Douglas 'Bryant, first aid instructor, presents pins to Susanne Bowers, 17, left and Carol Gardner, 18, centre. --Oshawa Times Photo "THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA VON directors' VON was held in the April pre-shrink woollen WIFE PR To yarn, steamer steam Ime _ dren in the next five years, a quite a sport. But, for a kid to drive a convertible around Chi- cago in freezing weather, with the top down and wearing swim- ming trunks--well, like I said, if he's not crazy, he's close. in their homes, in their chil- dren, even in their husbands. "Many of them seemed al- most to be in a state of un- reality, like they were intoxi- cated, almost-as if they were jalcoholics. "I'm convinced it's because of the pills. When you eliminate ovulation, you eliminate the Dear Ann Landers; [ am nearly 50 years of age and share a home with my widowed) mother. The problem may. not seem important but I must get stimulus that makes a woman this off my chest. feminine, It makes her less in- My older sister comes to visit|terested in being a mother and mother at least five times ala wife." | week, She always stays too long.! pr, Voyer said he is not cer- They can yak for three hours {ain at this stage whether there about nothing at all. But the/are emotional characteristics thing I am writing about is alcommon to women apparently habit which drives me insane.|suffering psychological prob- Just when you 'think the sen-ijems from birth control pills, tence is finished they say| 'This is the big problem and "anda"--and that's the start of|the one I'm studying at the mo- another sentence. ment, I have yet to find out, Since this house is half mine for example, whether there is do I have the right to tell myja certain type of woman, emo- sister she must telephone be-|tionally speaking, who could fore she comes so I can bejtake the pills elsewhere? If I listen to any|period without more "'andas" I'll have to beleffects."' carted off. Thank you.--S. B. IL} A charming Easter gift for a favorite lady would be this impressive costume jewelry set designed by Vendome. The _ necklace, fashioned of finely-faceted chalk white beads imter- seems so weak in the face of these pills and yet has always) tion. It seems to me the church! Dear SB. L: If you are/MOTHERS LESS AFFECTED |would be more interested in a| nearly 50 and your sister is; He said his studies to date|method of birth control which older, then your mother must|have shown, however, that the does not threaten the psycholog-| emotional effects become ical makeup of a woman." be in her 70's. You are not going) Pills" tt sa to. change their visiting habits. apparent "within one year' 0 Dr evar aed be WA d his findings with several By now you must have a)beginning 7 take me new re leas fairly goo en "4 »/traceptive devices. Women tak- aesthcr will ny eee Hawg so. plan|ing the pills for a shorter aslow Lge gr ngrelge yen Ps accordingly. (Anda lotsa luck.)\duration had, in Dr, Voyer's ex- number of them as | shown some physical/experience. "The problem is that most) perience, Dear Ann Landers: My hus-|Problems, but no psychological band and I have been. married|isturbance. doctors seem a bit reluctant to) seven years. We have two sons,|. He Said he also found the ef-|publish their findings. As soon) My husband's parents were|fects more pronounced injas I have recorded further ex- born in Poland but he was born|YouUnger women. periences, however, I hope to | "A woman who already has offer a professional judgment| | , in the U.S. Whenever he has|, A " to fill out a form and he comes|had several children and raisedjon the subject. to the word 'nationality' hela home and a family seems puts down. "Polish."' R less affected. The change of Our two sons were born in/Character is much more pro-| Sida Cleveland. He says they are;"0 nced in younger women just) Polish, too, because the children| tr" ng their. married eo ; i = ON-THE-SPOT always take the nationality of Axyoung ywoman of wha | their father, I have tried to tell; Would ® W9/Very feminine type CLEANING him he is wrong about the boys, One Who' really is interested) but he says I don't know what|in her home and family--can't| SS SERVICE I'm talking about. bear emotionally to take the) ge @ Windows He thinks you are a smartPills." ; | © Cellars woman, Maybe if you tell him| Dr- Voyer, in a recent speech he will believe it. Please help|'0 a Roman Catholic church straighten this out hefore/8?OUP here, linked his theories the kids go to school.--Grateful|(® current indications that the Dear Grateful: Nationality church might approve use of means "the nation of your|birth control pills in some cir- birth." Your sons are Ameri-\cumstances. cans--and so is your husband.| I'm surprised the church @ All types cleaning Call 728-0770 Are TT S| over an extended been so outspoken against me-|building a 700 - 1. suffering these chanical means of contracep-\vironmental sculpture" for SPECTACULAR JEWELRY spersed with rhinestones, terminates in a dramatic pendant made of layer upon layer of the beads to form a white shower. With it is worn a matching pair of drop earrings. --By TRACY ADRIAN SCULPTOR WORKS LONG German sculptor Max Bill is foot - long "'en- Place Ville Marie in Montreal. Forecast... Showers Happily, the April showers we welcome this month are those gay events to féte the brides-to-be... oceasions frequently calling for fancy little sandwiches, A dash of dry mustard, a sprinkle of celery salt, garlic salt, cara- way seeds or celery seeds creamed into the butter does ders to perk up the flavor Best Selection In Town @ CARRIAGES @ STROLLERS e@ CRIBS) @ HI-CHAIRS @ PLAYPENS AT WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 CHURCH ST. 723-3211 MORE HOMES NEEDED VICTORIA (CP)--British Co-| lumbia will need 10,000 new fos- ter-mothers for illegitimate chil- group of foster - parents said here. There now are 7,000 chil- dren in foster homes, For All Your "Bridal Shoes" (Tinted Free) CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU BRING THIS AD There is a strong likelihood at the Ith annual meeting of that you will travel in early|the Ontario VON, held at. the September; also during the late King Edward Hotel April 2. He November December period,| noted that although the number Any lengthy journey taken dur- of branches in 'Ontario had de- ing the latter period could prove| creased this was due to amal- advantageous making gamations. He also méntioned contacts that many of the branches were Best periods for romance and extending their boundaries: interests: late June (an Miss Isabelle Sorley, the excellent period on all counts);nurse-in-charge, reported that and August. Creative workers 477 visits were made in March will be the beneficiaries of fine to 70 patients, 26 of whom were during admitted during the month. © In new social inspiration---and profit the next three months A child born on this da ! GLOUCESTERS VISIT be unusually shrewd in business The Duke 1d Duchess matters "tind keenly perceptive. Gloucester visited Australia this year for Anzac Day, their first visit since the Duke was Gover nor-General, 1945-47 wi of 74 Celina Street RONALD W. BILSKY, D.C. FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and Fabrics... see... DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 "| Forgot To Water Her Planis.. .!" Plants, like all nice things in the home, re- quire constant care and attention . . . Many have learned the cost of neglect! Fine carpets and draperies are like that! Regardless of original cost, they're deserving and need, BAKER'S "caring" attention, Like plants, car- pet and drapery becomes 'withered, old and CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E 728-5156 Tog old to buy insurance? Being over 65 is no barrier to the purchase of new life insurance. And for many people in their sixties or seventies it can bea very wise "buy." Here's an example. A man age 75 has a substantial number of investments. At death, estate taxes will have to be paid. To raise the cash, income-producing assets have to be sold, often with severe losses to the beneficiaries. Life insurance'can prevent this loss by providing the necessary cash. Manufacturers Life has a sound reputation for its liberal approach to insuring older people for the purpose of estate conservation or for guaranteeing the continuity of a business. Our representatives are qualified to provide competent counsel to help our senior citizens meet these special needs. INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 See the Man from Manufacturers. MANUFACTURERS LIFE ce INSURANCE COMPA neglected"' looking without care. That's where BAKER'S really shine . when it comes to "care"! Because BAKER'S care for your car- pets and drapes just like they were their own. Isn't it about time YOU tried BAKER'S carpet and drapery care? Call ROSS MILLS (local agent) TODAY! BAKER'S Really care .° both about your carpets and drapery... about fine service. Try BAKER'S. . see! and . you'll "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" -- "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER Cleaning Co. P, Andrey Representative Bus, 728-7391 Res, 725-2502 For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local f agent ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. 80 SIMCOE NORTH "* PHONE 728-6218 of those dainty sandwiches, Salad Switch Prefer salads to sandwiches ? The dressing "makes" the salad in most cases, and dairy sour cream "makes" the dressing for a variety of salads. Sweeten it with a little honey and add some finely chopped preserved ginger and chopped pecans for crunch ... perfect for chicken or fruit salads. Time Saver Hf the salad calls for a mayon- naise dressing, mix it half and half with whipped cream... makes it much lighter and creamier. For fruit salads a little maraschino cherry juice adds a touch of color and @ bit of extra flavor. Hot Salad Chicken salad, the perennial favorite, gets a new twist when served hot. Just tum your very best salad mixture, dressing and all, into a pretty casserole dish and bake in a 350°F. oven, 25 minutes. Sprinkle with a cep of Sraciedael: Cannstan Chie cheese and return to the oven until the cheese melts. Sweet Treat Ch bon bons disapp from the candy dish magically. The smooth creamy centers are made by melting a 6- ounce package of semi-sweet chocolate pieces over boiling water, Then stir in a small can of evaporated milk, and cook over boiling water, stirring frequently, about 30 minutes. The mixture should be very thick. Chill thoroughly, so the chocolate is easy to handle, shape into smail balis and roll in coconut. Prébared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 447 Davenport Rd. Toronto 5, Ont. (3) APR Enea

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