18 «TH OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, April 19, 1968 20----Real Estate tor Sale 23--Real Estcte Wanted 26--Apartments tor Rent 28--Room and Board |30--Automobites tor Sole 20--Reel Estate for Sale 20--Reeol Estate for Sale SUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. DO IT NOW! -SIBBY'S We have SPOT CASH and Term Buyers. 728-7576 % FREE APPRAISAL 1958 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four-door, six cylinder, standard, radio. Excellent condition. Best offer, 668-' ROOM AND BOARD for one girl willing lest and . Private, fo share room King Street Wi Park Road area, Call 726-5455. LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT Check our ods under "Real Estate For Sale". TWO or three-bedroom house needed to 1963 VOLKSWAGEN, medium bive. Cellent one-owner r. Very clean in terior, Gus Brown Motors Lid., 726-7375. rent, by @ three adult family, approxim-|1964 METEOR V-8 automatic, full equ ly $85 per month, lephone 728-1468.|ment, power steering, power brakes, seat belt, priced right. Apply 25 Gren- 29----Wanted to Rent REALTY LTD. | Realtors | and immaculate condition, 728-5179. DEATHS 30--Automobiles for Sale "PONTIAC hardiop, two-tone, radio. $195'or bes! offer, 725-7192. | 1957 CHEVROLET Biscayne automatic,| four-door, two-tone, new paint job, low! TENDERS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF CITY OF OSHAWA BOVAY, Charles Arthur After # prolonged illness at his resi- dence, 514 Dundas ae East, Whitby, on Saturday, April 17, 1965, Charles Arthur Say, ee husband of Ene REAL. ESTATE LTD, List your home. with us | SaRuw" Ow ROUR Teens, furalen and get TOP DOLLAR. GUIDE "as Inomediate possession. Two| 2H Steel. ent (mansée) of, 'Welinglon "and John," ore: 299 SIMCOE ST. S, boys, age 16 and 5. Ti 728-4857. ina peed eral 18, four-door, [rere Aa gy glen F Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the -- on bY ecridh April 2 at 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa. Minister, the Reverend J. Smith. NORTH, Beatrice Maud AGNES ST. : mileage. Good condition, Reasonable : ' LUSANNE VILLA ; 4 c |At Oshawa General Hospital - 723-1121 723-1121 Oy ck task 3 NO OBLIGATION | spanisH PROVINCIAL DECOR es 5 anne ane TRAFFIC SIGNALS (day, 'aor, 94s, Besirce "ea tomatic, radio,' Sealed tenders addressed to | North loving mother of Mrs. T. 5. room, 2 storey brick home top, metallic green, V- | » and loving . Davidson "(Anne Victoria), Oshawa, with new furnace, new hot : Electric Heating, Controlled four new whitewalls. Gus Brown Motors ; ; ' e water tank and new wiring. Entrances, Laundry on each Ue, 728-7375. Chairman, Public Works | Carer oth of Maple Grove: The od . a ui! floor, Broadloom Corridors, Wii PONTIAC Parlalenne four-door hera-| Committee, c/o City Clerk iMrs, North is resting at Mcintosh-ander- COMMERCIAL Elevator Service, Dinette and ae ee iicuse melching Irim, eute| and endorsed 'Tender for (sor Funeral Home. Service in the chapel matic, radio One tocal owner. Gus Installation of Traffic Sig- (%, *énesday April 21 at 1 p.m. Inter- Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. | ment . srk Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. |, @ HERE IS A SOLIDLY built XIV @ WILL YOU give us the 6 room brick home and at- Dining Poom, Ceramic Tile KEYED UPTO nals, Contract No, 65-11" moles ; howing you a most ; | Bath, Vanity, Well tain- alld aach tich le enlL lish styled home on Les pleasure of $ tached 2 room aportment jath, Vanity, Well maintain itn PONTIAC Parish see ey ; ae 4 | owes living room with! ne ee fee tim Maca which will make idea! busi- SCHOFIELD-AKER BUY A NEW CAR? white with black ge gg on wl ise ~ we ie aoe WALLACE, Charles Mackenzie | @ seporate dining room, This NIGHT. This 3 bedroom bun-|- nec< location for barber or 330 GIBB ST. $ |power brakes, radio, Excellent condition. OClock Noon 0.9.1, TrGOYr at Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday, é 'sin good condition ond galow with finished Recreation! Beauty salon, full price only LIMITED wi ae wines ke Phone 725-958) eo April 30th, 1965, for the in- April 18, 1965, Charles M. Wallace, be i seater ie AREA If you oppre-| room and extra washroom repre-- ¢'5 909. with $3,000 down : 2 ipeuaees COST --_|i9g@ CHEVROLET impale, converlible,| _stallation of traffic signals at | loved husband of Susie Harrison and lov. 1 excellent AREA. ff You cPinas| sents one of the best buys ot o| 91977". N10 Xs OVER A QUARTER PARK LANE APTS. Vi atomic paver. "exeien gat) the following intersections in iy "ured Rar 'on | and i ' "gga : dition, Gus Brown M 19 FaS-O568. it : ; cet acleded iis There ise MOST. reasonable price. No BURTON RD. CENTURY OF SERVICE Future Vacancies : | 19 PONTIAC, tour-door sedan, anconom- sere cutee Meintost-Ansersen Foneral' Heme. Rete Ory $60 80 pseaypton gt | much home for so little money.) 1 a = 2 ro ° CONTACT Levi ta7 PLAN 'has seed Kept io pertect "condition by| Fad Averiue ond Wilson Ke In Ihe. chapel ot Tren Coatart, i] . y Nicely appointed living room. hor an | -------- _------ previous owner' Another nice family car! ' |(Masonic service Mond. i i i price is just under $1,000, Bs Paved drive and gorage, Handy| size lot close to south G.M, s | DON HOWE LOAN Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 728-7375. 2. Mary Street ond Rossland --_ 7.30.) By request the casket will remain sure to call us to inspect this) 1 coHGOLS and transporta- Plant, 4/ MOTORS, trans, all car parts. Courtice Rood |closed. (in lieu of flowers, donations te one. ry REAL ESTATE Auto Wreckers" Telephone 723-5541 or| the Cancer Society will be appreciated.) : e | tion. | 10 ACRES 725-7732 THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA -- | nights 725-4404. 3. Rossland Road and Steven- | ( | SEO a ccs A Arch 1962 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, 8, avto- son Road : WOOLFREY, Miss Emma | Hl @ YOU WILL LIKE the sen-| e East of Oshawa, vacant lond GOVERNOR MANSIONS ° matic, radia. Beige metallic, matching! 4 Sj Street and T |passed away at the Oshawa Generar t ao --------_--___------ priced right. Gus "4 POS TOR Se TOU aaa ly Saturday, Apel 17. 1965. ' +7375, 'ion Rood priced home at only $12,900. \ Low down payment and the bolonce ot 495.00 per month, (ores features in. this modestly} RENTAL with creek, excellent for pond site and close to Highways. Buying or Selling call 728-7576 or sy 2 Bedroom Suite | ADULTS ONLY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION trim, Popular model, |Brown Motors Ltd., 728 BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN cylinder, radio two-tone, clean body, good shape, Telephone 725-646 |1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, two-door, ¢| 5. Athol Street and Wilson Rood | 6. Ritson Road and Eulolie | Daughter of the late Harriet Blackmore and the late George Woolfrey. Sister of | Hubert of Toronto; the late Major Philip; the late Albert; and the late ida Rowsell, \Aunt of Dr. H. Roy Rowsell of Oshawa. h INCLUDES the tax-} | Tony Zakorow - 725-4366 ee eT ee EE eT ee wien wen bed | CASA MANANA | ee m 5701 TELEPHONE * |1960 OLDSMOBILE four-door | hardtop. Aven Services will be held at the Earl Elliott es. There ore 3 bedrooms, | Nick Siblock 725-5 full vipped, $1,095 .Apply P.O. Box Ue, F f " , Y oa Funeral Home Toronto on Tuesday at 2 es. There are 3 bedrooms, a good) COURT | Anthony Siblock 725-4362 'Active' Salesmen Sell List- 723-1712 -- 728-2811 MOTORS | 204, Whitby. - ow : sunertt ety a" Praeobee Canney) sized living room with a gleam- Off Y iy 5 : | ings. Active Realty needs re- For Appointment 1955 CHEVROLET, Standard, fair con- co oe eee sie Toronto. i orea ers You WAI | sale property. For immediate ' oe pS RAN J ction, Best offer. Whitby 668-3647 after e 'ained from the office o' ee acsted #0 Oe. 3 GRR, RENE, I, Ht el Action" call 726-5187 now. |Cee™ a" emere ga ieee an, 907 NING ST. = SRPAWY # the undersigned upon deposit |---------- -- VIBRANT with warmth) Sophisticated Adult Living | room custom built home, located close 10/ "'Free Market Valuation', Apply 29 Elgin Street East or telephone a 1957 CHEVROLET, Bel Air, convertible, of a certified, cheque in the | LOCKE'S FLORISTS : munity | ' ALL schools and downtown, Has a new 728-3642 Gust East of Wilson Road) 6 cylinder, standard transmission, black amount of $25.00 after' | vé | 4 ond friendliness. Why not coll) ina Quiet Atmosphere furnace, and four garages will give you | i e and white, excellent condition, one owner, 12:00 0' 2 " vFuneral ararngements and 4 ) 3 now! ampie room for family cars. This is the |THREE ROOMS, completely furnished, 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 low original mileage, Bes! cash offer . o'clock Noon, Tues- floral arrangements for all | ui ' | Spacious 1-2:end 3 bedroom house you have been waiting for. Call : Jaundry, parking facilities, share bath- f |720-0072, 0 ae day, April 20th, 1965. "1 occasions: A { e j Guide Realty Limited, 723-1121, or Steve room, $20 weekly. Abstainers only, No --- --------------- 1955 CHEVROLET, two-door, 6 cylinder, | Ill. @ A HOME DISTINCTIVELY suites . thd modern Easier! (Sales, Representative for Guide _ | children, 137 Elgin Street East, 725-1588. SPOT CASH standard, Exeellent condition, new paint Tenders will be opened at OSHAWA SHOPPING } equippe itchens, vanities : cit eee taseahpapealinaeeson 3 me i job, $250. 723-7158 ot 12:00 o'clock Noon, D-S.T. - CENTRE ery woy, and in o ; - . FURNISHED f room, self-contained : - anderen in, nu | Seth vaighunrtord for the| With large mirrors in bath- |s88 'MONTHLY. including taxes carries) REALTY LTD ee SNE meealon stove, ec, Tv, Paid for, Good clean cors. 1956 PONTIAC V4 automatic, four-door, Friday, April 30th, 1965 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | i) from|. rooms, private balconies. this lovely central hall plan -home, fea- 4 outlet, off street parking, Suitable for Trade up or down, Liens paid In good condition. $295. Will accept trade at the City Hall, 50 Centre 728-655 children, Only steps oway fr turing Targe family room with walk-out | couple, Apply 184 Beatty Avenue i ' | Ajax, 942-3994, F -6555 public and high school. 3 larger) The modern 7 storey build- | 4nd a view of the lake Youngstown Kite REALTORS pit off Alex, 90-2 | Street, Oshows. ep ; i i en. Storms and screens, etc, Ca riffin NE- artment, ir rooms, i Fron average bedrooms with) ing with an elegant entrance | Reai estate, 723-6461 or 723-4134 48 SIMCOE ST. S. ONE-BEDROOM Shoriment, ter wi, DODD. MOTOR SALES | 31--Compact Cars for Sole) 1... ,, a, ae ok indness beyond Price, yet SHINING hardwood floors. The large size living room has o val- lobby, broadioomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- VLA. Garrard Road North, five-room ing. Available May 1. Apply 68 Wayne Street, Apartment 9, Call 725-3938. 314 PARK RD, SOUTH | =__ 723-9421 SALES and SERVICE PEUGEOT and VOLVO | | necessarily accepted, | Within reach of all, | GERROW low, double garage. Asking $15,500 ey | ance box, the. bathroom is) com system and built - in wine $3,500. Balance VLA terms or TWO-ROOM b. t tment, unfur- | F£¢ ' gleaming colored fixtures ond) sleeves for your dir-condition- vendor al wold went 7m Steve PRIVATE nished, idea! for "working "couple aval KELL ; 3 JAKE and BILL'S ! City' AP ag |FUNERAL CHAPEL } Zurb ' ree es' } bi 282 t ne U tile, The RITCHEN ees ren er. Close to shopping. Se aC ae ee ee ince | WANTED able now. Apply aSalle or telephor Re ees GARAGE Oshawa, Ontario, | 390 KING STREET WEST i extras you always wan ed, | " For Immediate occupancy lbungatow, recreation room, two bath- 6 ROOM HOME LARGE modern two bedroom apartment, : General Repo and oe TELEPHONE 728-6226 o built in stove and oven an Call Rental Office ot 723- . |rooms. Fourteen Thousand Five Hundred. refrigerator, stove, swimming pool, eleva 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Auto-Electric Service fer, COPPERTONE sink splosh Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. Keith Peters! NEAR SCHOOLS tor services and other extras, Located ety | 449 Ritson Road South in kitchen, There is also a good 6361. Mode! Suite furnished | Realtor | ao near south plant, Call 725-1944 between 6 WHITBY -- 668-5891 | Oshawa -- 728-0921 | NATIONAL STUD | $800 DOWN buys four-room home at] Priced at $15,000 St Bs Cars bought and sold - - | IN MEMORIAM | lot, There is also a GARAGE. San wks 19 Gabe T Siruet: Wess National: Stud on Don't wait, call us for, nforma-| * For Sale or Rent _. Write Box 217 Oshawa Ties | oa pane at | pes Re DEALER ational Stud Farm Limited Meg Big Ab Hig lea if tion, This one is priced right on WRIGHT'S RESORT on Wilson Lake in |menis, new building, all modern con-| $ ALL CASH $ Volkswagen Service intends to surrender its Char- But death hes left a loneliness Hilleroft St. Ef Coll 723-1121 for full particulars tne Pickerel Chain; Lodge, modern cot- | NEED veniences, Telephone Whitby 668-8560. | 160 Simcoe South | ter. Dated this 19th doy of re oa ts vi ghter Beth, t tages, sandy beach, Gnstey pike, bass TWO-BEDROOM apartment with refrig- Side ean gos pf ag ig Oshawa 728-0051 | April, 1965 | yy daughter Beth. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, fishing. Box 01, Alex. 668-0967, erator, stove and drapes supplied. Cen- eol up or down. Liens paid. Hed Ande BI te PASO | il, A : : IV @ WALK OUT of this finish- y Pp Shicee 46 SELL Tween Cm OLDER TYPE HOME rally located, $110. monthly, Telephone! SABYAN | |, poke. - Jp, loving, memory Toots ed basement and enjoy lorge tia i fage, Haliburton Highlands. Log construc: | NOW ! 78-9126. : --ONICOLS MOTORS LIMITED) MOTOR SALES LTD. | Donald: F.:P: Way ee landscaped lawn, close to pub- = us - ay tan furnishes, boat and motor, hydro, , DREW STREET 74, two - bedroom and 146 BROCK ST. NORTH | VOLKSWAGEN' -- | ona . Prowse You suffered with courage, . HT a a ° tie end senarate SCHOOLS with] Steven, Englert 728-958) ome tyfelepnone Bowmanville 42i-| . For Cash Buyer Call aitchen, Sucniaed. Cae aieiguals,""ae-|... Across from Royal Hotel | Seles and herve Secretary. vey teveheto oer wae bus stop ot the door, A 3 bed- o ; 598.708 2474. BILL JOHNSTON stainérs. No children Whitby 668-3331 | New and Used -Cers But all was in vain. room bungalow is o PREFERRED Edi gat bs ] ears BALSAM LAKE -- two-bedroom cottage, | FULLY FURNISHED one-room apart - = lle hades -- ee - 5 Hare God called you home ec! buy with a down pay- Mt} NTTOF " inside conveniences; good swimming, safe/ Schotield-Aker Ltd. ment with refrigerator and stove. Apply 1962 Bel Ai 334 Ritson Rd. S. |38--Coming Events PA i garden of res ment of $2000. will move you) Roy Flintoff 725-3454 beach. Available for the season, $425. 728-106 200 King West or telephone 723-5804 r 723.3461 ee cies, ddl t's true what they say, right in, Don't toss @ eoin but Leon Manitius 728-2754 | Telephone 725-6741 till 5, evenings 725 .8- 066 THREE ROGMC parliy" tarnlahed oper | Station Wagon - |_He takes only the bast. ae coll us tonight. Ethel Love 668-2402 2707 sc : THINKING OF mag. Immediate possession, Adults or) 1 ' Open Evenings. _ B | N G @} |daughter-in-law Mary, grandehi'dren Rob- | Ernest Mueller 728-0208 |FOR SALE -- Large airy, fully furnished > working couple only, $85 monthly. 725-2540, - 2fondor with radio and~ | 19% CORVAIR Monza, new condition, low lert and Joan, e George Nymeyer, 728-4241 cottage a Mas x 135 lot, Lake Scugep | SELLING: lor 728-6115, , | power bock window. mileage, yellow-black interior. Cash pay- ; ' 6 rs. Isher, lolveriel , TO rae ; = ment. Take over financing. Includes bal- bias | V ® ECONOMY AND COM. Cloyd Corson" 723-2587 'oie 6 O° EA CALL: PigRERIna -- Tre otra | $1850 ment efate oe, tomerecincme ee' St, Gertrude's jstttticat nme fie FORT mork this 3 bedroom Lucos Peacock 725-4330 . ATTRACTIVE heated cottage for sale .or Sl BBY'S monthly, Pickering 942-1389 after 6 p.m 725 5] 29 5 telephone 725-1722 Luke, who passed away April 19, 1963. j bungalow in the north west area = Dick, Young 723-7183 (rent, May fo October. Lake Ontario, eight MODERN apartments avaliable, large! - 1962 ENVOY four-door white, very clean, AUDITORI UM Your presence is ever near us, Jim, ! ' ot @ price most gratifying to Ee EO ee ie Reol Estate'Ltd, oe ay Yhrestbecroom suites, Retrige's-11980 RONTIAG Parisienne two-door hard:| (cw, mileage: good condilion. Lew. price.) TO-NIGHT ye uare tne kil ot a prominin the most careful buyer. Paved) Arranging of Mortgages is pelea ll deere 728-7576 tors and stoves, swimming pool. 728-3465. top, V-t ic, radio, white nen, Ts ant a Your loved ones will Over fon wan SAND BEACH lots, Attractive lakeshore be : MAPLE "GROVE, two-bedroom apart. lesan Abang ogg a Gus | 1956 AUSTIN sedan, good condition, radio, | AT &PM -Always remembered by sister-in-law size dining area, The basement) by Wilson's Furniture. APARTMENTS for rent, northend loca- ZOLTAN - NICK j j | $5,000 or six-room at $8,000 or ten acres is divided into WORKSHOP, Onion tor vor ction from | and. Seven-room house at $12,000. W. Me-| Have Substantial Payment |tion. One, two and three bedrooms. Start Liens paid off | FARM LIMITED hobby room, laundry area ond pen for your inspection fro' Auley Realtor. 28 Prince Street, 723-2512 or Cash jing at $115 per month. Reserve now for Trod d & DAN'S 2 | PRR eee ee ae June possession. Call 728-9466 for full in rode up or down | | aide > 6h Giles wueie ian | mother who passed away April 17, 1952. good sized| fruit cellor. This is o drive and garage, nice deep lot, 2 to 9 p.m. daily. port of our comprehensive Real Estate Service at Guide 20a--Summer Properties | NO AGENTS Please. cottages on beautiful Bass Lake. Roads, 500. Telephone 725-7740, formation. Steve Zurba Realtor, 25 Bond heated. Available April 15. Two i : vs ; ment, |! NEED your home now! Cash clients) -niidren welcome. §75 monthly, Dial 623- Always top quolity Your authorized DATSUN snow tires, full price $135. 728-6756 after 1 a.m. Telephone Whitby, 690 KING E, at FAREWELL Notice is hereby given thoi © happy hours we once enjoyed, Hilda and. Harold and family. Owner moved to Windsor April r 1955 OLDSMOBILE 1d, Mosse NVA arses et] Renity: Limited, 21--Farms for Sale op a a oS tea, i964 CORVAIR. onza, tiroor tour FREE ADMISSION LUKE -- In loving memory of # deat 6%, carries for $83.00 princi-| and. ask for Jack Appleby, Bolahooc\WHI One-bedroom apartment in|1951 MERCURY Coupe, radio. $125, Tele) sme, oneceaner oe miles. Warranty) Snowball Jackpot $200. 56 Nos. phd Ae os Luke, who passed pol interest and toxes included. | Asking price on $16,500.00.) We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S, CADILLAC AVENUE, five-roomed brick Brothers Limited. bungalow with garage, extra good hom _ se w jiding, All modern conveniences Dial. 668-5770 i ladda : spotlessly| 24------Stores, Offices, Storage |Two.8EDROOM apariment, refrigerator |wall tires.-no rust shone 728-1306, 1950 CHEVROLET, new motor, new while matic, radio, power steering, power top. 725-520: |1962 RAMBLER convertible deluxe, auto- $20 Consolation Reg Jackpot 65 Nos, $100 His weary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And in our aching hearts we know Sa NAb a SNE nnn scm | beautifully decorated and } vg ll ar- 'i Make offer, T ; ; Good down required or will or-) Mevlse ok OD RED |clean, Must be sold, 12. x 18 ff. iving | -------- and stove, washing facilities. $110 month-| 723-7952. ? | Excellent io | ' $20 Consolation. Good Prizes Se RS taeae aa at WA ' Pied til : epee a a [roars Seer colored, dnvures, hedged ly. Adults, Telephone 725-7752. ___iayg CHEWROLET Bal Air two-door hard:| 12, CORVAIR convertible, four-speed SOO - EARNING --Sedly missed by daughter Carleen end ' ° jot, shrubs and rose bushes. Priced to sell OFFICE SPACE MODERN APARTMENTS, relrigerators|top, V-8 automatic, 27,000 originel miles,lexcelient condition. 'Many extras. sheet Extra Bus Service |[soreeiaw Mell VI @ ASKING PRICE only $10,-. CGUIDE REALTY masonable terms. Cart Olsen Realtor Stove, heat, water, drapes. Included: ele-/One owner! Gus. Brown Motors Ltd., ner: Telephone TOSA70 ___ RENE: : only ~ Call Henry Stinson, 725-0243. | vator service controlled doors. "Adults 725-6568, 1963 ACADIAN hardtop, automatic, equip- LUKE -- In loving memory ef James 000. for this well maintoined 2 preferred. Apply Superintendent, 321 Mar- 19.. cap |ped, 20,000 miles. Excellent condition. Richard Luke, who passed away April 1% land Avenue, 725-4368. ORD sedan, lady driven, automatic, is; gs, Call 728-1972. 1963. custom radio, new tires, many extra ac) Without farewell, he fell asleep, x RANGE LOL storey home LOCATED on Gif- ford St- This 6 room residence hes mony extros. There is a new LTD., REALTOR ASHBURN -- 1) acres; three-bedroom| home, all conveniences, barn, $14,500. i 723-5787, W Terms, Call Joe Barnoski, Frank Real Estate Ltd., 623-3393, $100, MONTHLY -- Five-room apartment in apartment building. Newly decorated; | stove and refrigerator. Baby welcome. cessories, good body, engine and trans.' 1964 MGB, one 'owner, wire wheels, Brit- Reasonable. Telephone' Ish racing green. mission, 723-5387 Bowmanville 623-5226. 1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport 6 cylinder. KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 « Leaving memories for us to keep. Within our hearts he'll always stay. And be remembered every day. remembered by sister-in-law | furnoce, oi! heated making this! | $20,000 -- 12 ACRES -- near Whitby, 900d | In Times Building Relarancas required, TAewas. : pwmeanvilie 623-5226, | garden land, some fruit trees; oll ted | _ = -- _- fully equipped, power brakes, power ste: 962 VAUXHALL station wagon, 35,000 --Always 4 UPPER DUPLEX modern four large|ing, radio, backspeaker, whitewall tires,|miles. A-} condition, $975. Phone 728-0755. Early Bird Game Sane, brother-in-law Doug and nephew aaa jarren. home on economical low Seat eting cost, low annual TAXES. | Avoiloble for your inspection, W. FRANK mi | eight-room frame house with bathr: attractive landscaping; .good double ga- CONTACT rage. Phone 649-5200 EG E SON APARTMENT BUILDING, 11 suites, in} . . WIL room apartment, stove and gridge ,heat-\Very low mileage Phone 728-5171. ed, Private entrance. Couples only, $10 monthly, Available now, Call 723-7202. sedan, $250,;with black interior. mn, Telephone 7: 1957 PONTIAC Laurentian radio, snow tires Telephone Brooklin, 1964 CORVAIR Monza Spider, maroon Four-speed transmis- FREE ADMISSION | $1,250 in Prizes | Jackpots 51 and 52 LUKE -- In loving memory of James R. Luke, who passed away April 19, 1963, @a!l todoy Re . DIVISION STREET -- One-bedroom, self- 655.3076 TT ae oe e excellent location, fully leased. $15,000 ¥ i t fri tor, : az CORVAIR coi t four-speed, a Just a thought of sweet remembrance, down. Call John Kitchen 723-3788. H.| At the Times contained apartment, retrigeraiabie' May 1962 CHEVROLET two-door hardtop, Im- excellent condition. Many extra. Bes} Children under 16 not allowed | ius) & memory sed and true, Vil @ EXCELLENT investment Millen Real Estate, moet -- 1, 'Telephone 728-4525 pala, Nassau. blue, light blue interior, 6 offer. Telephone 723-4974. 0 Special oe bus from 'Just the love and sweet devotion opportunity is represented here 22--Lots for Sal BUSINESS LOCATION ae _---- -- standard, tinted windshield, radio and oo ea 4 Corners Of one who thinks of you. : ; ae ker, $1,750, 623-3667 32--Trucks for Sale ecclesia tbe --Lovingly remembered by sister-in-law in this well kept DUPLEX lo-, REAL ESTATE LIMITED ote er ee 27--Rooms for Rent Sele Lovingly P STA site ___. | 1959, CHEVROLE WOODVIEW Bileen. cated close to GMC. South plent, schools ond bus service Hos a 1 bedroom apartment on the moin floor, kitchen ond living room with fireplace, 3 177 Church Street, Bowmanville 623-3393 222 BOND ST. WEST 1500 or 900 sq. ft for any kind of business. Con- toct Mr, Erman ot 725-2066 TROUT STREAM 2, 10 ACRE LOTS suitable | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. lent, new paint je. Apply 724 % Beaupre Avenue. | eon se -- cas aa mn sc ee orn - -B, ™ c MOTORS, trans., all car parts. Courtice | tire ah se ee oF +l Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723-554) : nights 725-4404 lice station, Bowmanville, 623-3591 , 1957 PONTIAC deluxe, 6 cylinder, stand-| two vacton trucks, Ford pick-up. One is mechanically excel 1962 GMC, %4-ton pick-up. In good condi- included, Or Reasonable. Suitable for garage or serv BINGO COMMUNITY CENTRE | TUCKER -- In loving memory of @ dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle, |Howard Tucker, who. passed away April 19, 1964, The golden gate stood open One year ago today, With farewells 'left unspoken | ALIS ACRE LOT. | piece bothr The 2nd floor| or 725-1367 Call bet Sand 7 ard transmission, radio, good body, motor -a etween San m, » radio, a i i A has a | bedroom oportment Member of Oshawa and @ store FOR RENT -- Ideal location for 82 PARK RD N excellent, $375. Telephone 725-8885, re Larose tga Foe al rit a Noa 50 ahd 36 Our dear one slipped away with oa 4-pe bathroom There District Real Estate Board | $800 Per Ac re jsmali business on Bond Street East, store * . 1963 PONTIAC Super Sport two-door hard-| 728-1564. | He uttered much bent, is @ large basement with finish-| iaMpTON ----- just listed. 1 | or will discuss terms: rtd yn ye ald 728-867 | [1969 RONTIAC Super Sarto oe evel soai CHEVROLET ton ues vew| TONIGHT--8 P.M. | Hectaced the pain with cburage ed RECREATION room. Private oo ua with almost new valad. and caceralad: tay (Uraace Inner -O seats, Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. good condition. Apply 50? Bloor SI. Eas! Until the very end drive and 3 gorages presently belek 6 toon \ B Contact dreau of Schotield-Aker Limited at 723 SINGLE or double rooms for gentlemen,.1956 PONTIAC four-door hardtop, V-8 mornings or after 4 p.m = RED BARN Sister Marion, brother + in + law Robert rented out. A good return for 74). 50" Onin 517.500. BILL MILLAR 2265 or 728-2233 anytime. Abstainers, very central. After 4.15 tele. automatic, power brakes, $275. Apply 370|;953 WHITE tractor and trailer. Will sell EXTRA BUSES and nephew Grad. your incney is reoresented here; x y $17,000. 725-1186 $$ --|Phone 725-8645, '________| Stevenson Road North, =| separate, Best offer. Whitby 668-3647 after VN Bebe which can be yours with a LOW, "Terms: : |25--Houses for Rent FicuLY -FURNIENED ecm quel 195) MERCURY twodoor harden Wa|6 AS TWINW Pork Buchre Boys' Club.laaat son and. in, loving. memory sf 8 home, near General Motors north plant,| automatic; 60,000 miles. Well kept. $980.|195@ INTERNATIONAL 'A-ton truck, with|Every Monday night 8 p.m. sharp. High| Tucker: who passed away April 19, 1964, TWO-BEDROOM bungalow, 643 Christie|gentiemen preferred. Apply 232 Athol Private, Telephone Port Perry 985-2816. /nox, mechanically A-1. Price $200. Apply/monthly score $5, lunch and prizes. 50\in his Aird year iad ht lcents. a | down payment of $3,000. Coll Street, Oshawa, $100 monthly, available! Street East 1962. GMC Va-ton pick-up. One local owns 307 Annapolis Avenue. it's hard to understand us now for an appointment to NASH ROAD, Bowmanville-- 20 acres with S-room modern W. T. LAMSON Why some things have to be, ' : mMiediately. Tel Hampt -2019 a " | inspect. ranch bungalow with rec. REAL ESTATE LTD, ea tpg ior pep Ara atl 263-2019) SINGLE furnished room for steadily em-jer, Used as transportation only. Immacu- * | RUMMAGE SALE ai the CRA Buildi | » pain: Maen 24" x BS" Room SABLE Sirbai--clase to "SishcowgouTn|Pene <pentieman Parking, one block |tale! Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. | 33----Automobiles Wanted Rene ee tt Vesmeaaa at ng. | Because Wh Hila: Wi nes \ i reet, lose to mcoe South./north of north plant, $8 weekly. a r" r y Be - -- é yarn ig ; lanned Aa PARCEL OF LAND on Blue Hawk Lake, 3 h t i 'g 3 1965 IMPALA two-door hardtop vinyl. top, Luke's Ladies' Guild. p VII @ 514% NH.A RESALE--| for. 4,000 chickens. All jiatiburton, 90 ff. lake frontage divided Seren ee Avge: FOF ERE | TE BaP? BERR oreo _____.. |power brakes, power steering, Oversized CARS WANTED \ dic Beyond our power fo see. 9 year old, 6 room brick bun- equipment, tractor, etc., in- (by new highway. $1,500. Phone Oshawa, 5 ctinc te FURNISHED rooms, for gentlemen, will-|whitewalls, rear seat speaker. Telephone s > | BS A day of remembrance aay recalled, galow with corport' and paved cluded ot only $24,000 --- 725-6661 THREE-BEDROOM furnished house for|ing to share, single bed, accommodation, | 723-4887 Buying a New Car? Without farewell he left us all, a | 4 6,000 ' two or threc months, good residential'ciose to south GM. After 5.15 telephone a Te - | ; | Deep 'in our hearts your memory | drive nicely decorated. Alum-| $6,000 down CORNER lot for sale, North Oshawa or area. Adult family preferred, Telephone' 725.8645 : 11953 FORD sedan, radio, engine lust! Sej| your used car to 'Ted' | _ kept, | jn ie d FENC will exchange for cottage on waterfront, 725-5347 i 3 aes __ overhauled. Telephone 623-3156. Ue hie ec N | BIRTHS | We loved you too dearly to ever forget. inum storms ond screens C+] NEWCASTLE --- almost new [within 75 mile radius of Oshawa, Tele- te - CARGE Toon aalied Ter lght ROMIROSD: scm CORUBOLET Gautaeer hericr new). Lok. cose fo, the, New | __Sadly missed by Mom, Dad, sisters and | ED. YARD, F.H.A. Oil Heoting, 3 Legp, brick bungalow, | Pnene_72esie! FURNISHED slx-room house, for, rent-ling in quiet Some. "All" convertencen! fay COmVaiEn |, oUrcoOr Tuy paren; cor Dealer ond 'Save'. brothers, | 'oom : wo children welcome. Available May 1. c by. oe nh ' N | ® ba ee = 179 uality shad, (rake Bee to male es Hae nee inicrvalion seo Sti Mier tie ee elephone teed. Gus Brown Motors Lf. 725-656. | TED CAMPIN MOTORS BALSON -- Roy and Bev. (nee Moore) | fe ALITTLE WAIT -- mov-l Only: $15,200 -- NAA, [ooo Street, FURNISHED room' fortwo Wvs4 CHEVROLET Bel Air 6 eviinder) 703 4494 Res, 725-5574 _|tneir deuyhier, Karen, Dianne, 7" los *| MOUNT LAWN : : 3 ic. Goo i used as sec- - 5 - i , re z be-too late -- 3 bedroom, well terms 23--Real Estate Wanted |26--Apartments for Rent pir oping! Nome Oe" North GMI Sha cor, $150. Phone after 6 p.m,.725-S970.| oasis' for' ipss To 1dse Chevrolet or Porn| Cs norm en Rraaey. Apel! 16 106% of 'he | maintained 114. storey. brick : rite a Nes Plant, 728-2061 - f jOshawa General Hospital, A sister for' Time again to ask that you | ' TAUNTON biick ronch two 3a r aa mayer 1957 CHEVROLET, automatic, radio, $350, tiuc preterably Apply 153 Windsor Street,') ori Many thanks to Or, Stanley. fs with 22 ft. living room, dining f ak a Rieke HOUSE ineviions Uinare beds. ult tae cirts. th or best offer, 668-8629, ; © 'telephone 725-1846. ths nse k , ' t remove winter wreaths, 3 Gren. kitchen-ond sunroom. Oil) SYnes'Ow, Tinisned rec. room, nurses. Apply 496 Mary Street or 728-3109, $175. FULL PRICE buys 1959 Simca. Cash,, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck-| HamBLY -- Mr | Mf you request, we would" at- 2 bathrooms, atached | MBL Mr. and Mrs. W. R. heating. Lorge GARAGE, and 6 i ger cis SHARED MOTEL. "accommodation | cea, em ai Nicols Motors, Whitby,/ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars for! Hambly are pleased to announce the ar-| tend and store the stand, paved drive situoted in the) 99°80 fot 170° x 660". $23,- TO | The Most Moder Sta SRIGIG GALE PATRIA AE: COMME: RAL COC ec wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or _723:4245.| rival of their son, John Gordon, on April » Thank you, Hl popular AREA of Christie St 500. -- $5,000. down | n hours, Nightly rates, $4 and $6, Telephone|i964 CHEVROLET Super Spor! convert-|.AKEJHORE AUTO WRECK S want! 14, 1965. H | 668-2067. ible, wi lour-speed. Fully equips .icars tor wrecking. Ig | Call now for porticul d to | edium Renta | 668 ible, 327 with f ed. Full ped p king. Highest prices paid MEMORIAL PARK i - r porticulors and ft BOWMANVILLE Sunset f | 5 ATTRACTIVE furnished ae ror Diplomat blue with matching buckets.| 20" Wentworth East, 725-1181. FOSKETT --- Ronald and Gloria (nee ---- { si tatahl Road. 1 year old brick 3 bed- | | Apartments Sault Rota: Suit FeRed: oeterhen, Cor Owen eee Ley Te .|SHAW"Auio Wrecking Co. Cars bought, (GY) are happy. to announce ihe arrives e room bungalow. $16,350.-- | i in Oshawa al. Warren Avenue, dial 723-3519. $10 DOWN: weekly, mye 16 Volk. ag feed ee tren a Te bought poe sentido Aree eis oe u 0 ice 0 X @ 4% ACRES, WHITBY N.H.A. terms ; | TWO Turnished Tooms, suitable for couple] Waae™ two-docr coune, Komey ie, 89 Bloor Street East, 725231). __ | the Oshawa General Hospital. : P We have just listed a CHOICE THEN or two gentlemen; also sifgle room. |e ait ee aoe at Nicols| WANTED: Cars for wrecking. Telephone i porcel of LAND in the Town of BOWMANVILLE -- Liberty FEATURING Gentleman preferred. Ne axCRSIVe $IMh asso weakly, Baya 19 Austin) ---- overt wen --| :SBNNIE = Me, ond mr, tame ts! 18 Year-Old C j ing. Phone 728-6387. + $8.50 weekly, buys ustin| i | = Whitby tpt for immediate nN > fg caste reg | @ Exclusive decorating SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Divi- as oggy MAME ts By condition, Casn.| 34----Automobile Repair [{heit 'Goughter" Ruth Annes 7 te oe As rick 0° 1 " rade, y 1 pred ERM dectve wena ahah eaten. iret ae ' saatig development. 412 Rak athrooms, 200 | @ Electric heating with fin- sion Street, ae ane se | 668-3331 TRANSMISSION specialists. Tranamis-| Oo", TpUrsday: eli 1965 at East Gen ar MA, Que. (CP) -- Police acres right near high school. . terms. sertip control ich FURNISHED bedroom Vate home. | aes' Be (sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe eecene i day thi detaini j gene BSE oie Gentleman preferred. Parking, Telephone VseO. CAR PARTS, spindles to make) North, Phone 728-7339. ' sald, Sunday ney a one e REALTY | room at no extra cost, 728-8706 : ' trailers, also used tires, $09 Bloor Street) -- ee Centre olfers ex! SIBEON -- Bill and Fayelenore (nee\g 15-year-old youth in connec: X! @ CAPITALIZE on this Com- a 6 3-3393 @ Convenient to shoppin Sed vets Mt ASR eR fart " cet Kg Sie ane san nce, | Cicnelst): ere, thritied | to. annaunce thet with an attack on munici- mercial ZONED LARGE LOT on : PPING LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room. Furnish- ¢i9 BOWN, $9 weekly, buys 1958 For i per ae phase Elio dia ic service.| cate arrival of their daughter, Kerry Lee) On t a 2 After 9 p.m YOU and bus. Pea WB ld preferred. Tele-|cairiane sedan, automatic and V-8, Cash, i. ids inca : sta me iv: ots.) who ar Ree at Alax 'pal police headquarters. 3 an 'ickering enera on ion if ' " btherrand deugner, A Molotov cocktail was Simcoe Street next to business ' ! j 4 Plenty of free parkini pian 5 trade, terms at Nicols Motors, Whitby, : Y dod Ing SINGLE furnished room for working | 668-3331. |35--Lest and Found i iday, April 19, 1965. G. Mc: nitched into an unoccupied of- | | ° | : | section. Unlimited oppartunities. Jock Whitemon 623-3818 for a $35,000.00 in¢estment Bue Veo 623.3077 Professional full time man- girl. Quiet home, close to hospital. 1987 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinder, Smal! greyish brown tabby cals | frees ane een Pir Na si \ P agement, that cares for phone 728-4301 i j-| female, Si Street North vicinity. An- soley ; nquiries. invited Howard Forder 655-3853 ' _|standard -- transmiss excellent condi-| female, Simcoe Street North vicinity. An lfice of a liceman Thursday e | Joe Barnoski 723 5787 ii ee your comfort. [12 SLGIN STREET EAST -- furnished) tion. Apply 292 Os! Boulevard South.|swers to "Jeffie' Phone 723-3 | weaer 'Shari and Abani teen ice po: . ag light hy fi rl vi _ 'aie Bi sinensis - a cs Sa pen ct sols OR atte : " 'i xt MANY R | Ken Hockin 623-5055 FOR "FAST" ACTION @ Numerous other features. {ina Soom tt tg ors tor cofined werk isa CHEVROLET Impala convertible, |1948 CHEVROLET hatfen ive: Very|mcGall) are pleased to announce the a night but did not explode, po- e 'ANY DREAM of a Moters. and hospital. Central, Sus at cor: black, red trim, V-8, automatic. Full/good condition. Apply 50? Bloor Street! rival of their son, David John, % Ibs. ¢/lice said. home with walkout basement, _[terb. Cooper _ 623-3393 CALL: |) MODEL SUITE FURNISHED -- |ner, Must be abstainer, 7 power. Low mileage. Doctor's car, Gus'East, mornings or aller 4 p.m. ozs., at the Oshawa General Hospital on!) minutes lat : end o babbling: BROOK in the Singelow: with setant vialvenns hed | by Reliable Furniture |FURNISHED ROOM for two siilernan: (are eT ee ee - aa toons te 08 6 Dr andoregn an heh gelesen e005 yu w wi a * t | ? an. 1 ¥ . J. DO, Femi 5 a 94 one ati backyord. Your: dream can easi-'en, one turelece only hs geht od ; ' covets ontranet {Close to Duplate. Apply ee ae A big tient aged fourth floor staff. line-soaked .carlon was placed ly ge 6 reality when you washroom, Asking $16,900. Call Loreen| 728-5] 5] | Open from*>2 p.m. RoC FOR eit __|terior, Call 725-2722 | For under the gas tank of a police stor?" by urchas h _| Kellett, 3 ) H Millen Real Estate . + Suit middle-aged ai ed han" dmipeianr, | r WHITE -~ Russ id Hel ) * ; give lot in Oshowa's, NORTH C% es till 9 p.m. Golly -- [eerie eelonene, eer Mulomane: trensmission, power 'steering. RESULTS are pleased to annownea tne sete arrvalicruiser parked near Alma city é "i : GRIERSON STREET--immaculeie six| Mer +t tk | | Satety belts. Clean and in excellent con- of their second daughter, Jean Elizabeth.|hall but burned out before caus- west end. Yer vo, con npleautae wan memeacn| Mirbas .of, Oxtows cit | At 400 Grenfell Street |20---Asom ced Beend sie oon Toure oar Hans econ et tO 0 line any damage to the vehicle ' . 2, i nd and ved dri ty $2,000 strt ae -- -------- q B v . financing Sos donneien' Vestas: Matcalt © Rest at end of Marland Ave, COLBORNE STREET EAST, 87 -- Room 1943 BUICK La Sabre two-door hardtop, | Jim, Gerry and Leslie Ruth. cy a Y Estate bi lof and board for gentleman willing to share, fully powered, Former doctor's car, 29,- Use Both incidents followed ter- e sbeciAt mee ast As REALTY -- (off Park Rd. S.) single beds, close to north GM, central to 600 miles. Fully guaranteed. Gus Brown] doit threats "to; phlibe. lhe 5 : ver-room, four-bedroom, 4 mcoe Street uth | downtown: Apply address Motors Lid., 725-6568. 8 s to ce, ane ek pr hahaa yy gg omg he Sa Oshawa. | 725-9934 - 728-4283 | room ano BOARD tor jady willing 10/1952 CHEVROLET, four-door, standard) TIMES DEATHS lyouth was detained the next : c is ? ~ - seeneaee Mane eae -----------enneneennn |phare, single beds, i Bh i 4 a ls : ently 3 minutes wolk: from: thisiin tne seme wm S8ate dewe| WE WILL PAY CASH FOR | APARTMENTS ears eee Set seria: Tomorene a oe \day. beoutifully meintained -- brick| tures Bares Wonigalom Ale and YOUR HOUSE. CALL Northend location. 1, 2 loom | WILL SELL OR TRADE -- 1965 Chevre-| Classified BEGGS, Jermina Police said they have been j 1 y ie x , : * bungolow with FENCED back whitby priced from $11,700 with $600 Kadena. $118 Unc. June | Fae 'and board for' four gentiemen|let Impaia, two-door hardtop, @, Stan- At her residence, RR 2, Pontypool, on harassed for more than a year. Bis ps ak rie willing to share rooms, seven days week-idard, radio. many other extras, 723-2830 i | yo . goed redrooms, oil |dawn, For information call Mr. Preece 3) possession ly. Lunches. packed. Ample parking, 237 after 6 p.m ACTION ADS Monday, April WH, 1965, Jerming 'Rusk, in! by telephone threats from per- eoted, 4-pce. both and divided ¥ or 335 evenings. Manderhill . |Nassas Siree Hd "yard? A eeagneigg "Rea er'sons calling themselves te. Estat ' | 1956. PONTIAC Laurentian two-door hard- Beggs and dear mother of Percy. Rest- auing selves mem- basement. Priced ot $14,900. eee REALTOR 728-9466 |W Te ¥--Cenivai Tocallon. Large" double |tap, V8. siandard 'shili.. Many exicas' in 723-3492 Reams Ne Maris russe. Chepe, aow-ibers of the Jeunesse Libera- Here is good VALUE for your gine Be ct aa ee bag tard | ST EVE ZURBA Realtor |packed Paget le ae i ae ara] re custom radio. eorY ares RS manville. -- esi chapel on Wad- trice du Quebec (the liberating + van * ze r" street parking. a! anic's inspection invited, 5, or st nesday at p.m, Interment Pontypool 2 heme buying dolier, |8QT, Telephone, 724-1720, | Bowmanville 623-3950 25 Bond Weat 660-4728, | etter. | Canary. youth of Quebec).