Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Apr 1965, p. 19

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Pata prase cog Me NER RSS Ng Se ae eg ae : Roo ee ow Urano so - rr " ~ on ee P a oe a a ---- © THE OSHAW: ; : 18 'A TIMES, Seturdey, April 17, 1695 |20--Real Estate for Sal ~ ; - r Sale 21--Farm -- 8 for Sale ) ae Estate for 23--Real Estate 20--Reel Sale | 20--Real Estate for Sale PAUL Wanted |26--Apartments for Rent |30--Automobiles o-- |APARTMEN ncaa iles for Sale utom for 5--Lest ISTOW i VAN N EST PRIVATE na cn one and three bedrooms. Stert ame ponte paca and Found per Biers au * ® ry croRt™ _| REALESTATE BROKER WANTED Rte einaret s| |'962 Oldsmobile je rouge Ui edante ae|oene Sintt fee Nem wa. Re fe Zurba R " Motors ' . EALTOR 118 King St. East - 6 ROOM HOME - | iray=one |e ee in CHEVROLET ne Cont = her Basi baad i 728-94 aerate NEAR SCHOOLS ments new buliding, "all" mogern con vod ve CHEVROLET Alc, Wg |Coureg, Moen ao sea vm, 5 2 , q modern _con- ; -- elephone, 720-1994, ® es as 14 3-3230 Pirin nose peel TIM noOh nner ounce k at 1125 King £, | RRRTIAG Poros ego hre| a cag eee ee lave Substantial P Eight wg ag larg oe Owner j matic, "radio "One local" owner. Gus one J 30" Bloor' Street RESALE 75 ac ~ or, Cash on that Tae wh moving to U.S. Brown Motors Ltd., Mn eee worn osha hme 5 acres, Taunton Roa : TWO-BEDROOM apar * i PONTIAC Parisienne --convertibie re \ HOME tillable land, Ba i; All NO AGENTS. Please. TWO-BEDROOM aperiment "with retri- 19 PONTIAC | Parisienne convertive,| 36--Legal * * in Downsview Park, display- | ling with con rms and dwel- | Write Box 217 tally Joost, pes supplied. Cen- KELLY DISNEY power brakes =, ratio. Excel ce a ing good taste and a. ing with conveniences. a Oshawa Times [728-9 : nb "month. Telephone | USED CAR LTD a aan a ship throughout. From the liv | $33,000 with terms, DREW STREET 74, two > bedroom and 1200 DUN . "EHEVROLET Tapa rari N igchad t: fireplace to its at- PHONE | NEED - ling "sovple, er' 'theres' 'iedivigon work WHITBY yt tee! sie us Brown Motors Liss 725 4 OCR Or " hed garage and patio Hoy ncngg A lil ie mone ind -- 668-5891 1960 PONTIA soon oe rane | WANT i you'll find ail the ideas you 623-3230 OLDER TYPE HOME [FULLY FURNISHED one-room ap Cars bought ond sold ical 6 Cylinder ransperteon" Tae cx APPLICATION BY ver wanted in a modern |22--Lots f NOW ! ment with refrigerator and. slove. APpIy Liens pai has. been kept In perfect condition 'by Call V Priced at $20,900 ots for Sale ' ! 700" King. West oF telephone 723-5304. | T nia soe Sravicts onan, Apmner time tery carl THE ern Morton at 728- For Cash Bu FOUR-ROOM, heated aparimen | rade up or down own Motors Lid, 7267375." RA ie yer Call th eated a with MO' SELL THESE HOMES 9474 or 655-3482 evenings. TROUT STREAM BILL JOHNSTON ree-plece bath. Self-contained: in nai Always top quality Sa ee ee ORPORATION : } ie Oe nights 725-4404. : reece | Bldg. 2, 10 ACRE LOTS Schotield-Aker Ltd. tment, immnadials "possession, Adute or $ ALL CASH $ |man PONTIAC hardtop, #, auto- OF THE CITY 1 worki bas tic, WITHOUT DELAY rete | 2 1O.ACRELOTS | "iniage™ ipa ees Sutra mre ieecaupegaie OF OSHAWA TO ; THINKING OF Bane iene as deal up or down, Li i Brown motors hay Far : : ra n, Liens alr adic Ee RO 1 $800 Per A SELLING? monthy. Pickering Seta 'included, $50, NICOLS MOT: ea bE ges yl ag ogy DISPENSE WITH AN . cre f ering 942-1389 after 6 p.m. ORS LIMITED]s00d: shape. *, Bi ostyg "ase in body, la oe | | © " or will discuss terms, -- CALL -- MODERN apartments available, cass| Pee! BROOK 91. NORTE 1960 -SUpEROSEE i." sae A VOTE OF THE ' tors ee-bedroom suites. Refrigera- cross from Ro' full ipped, four-door hardtop, | : TO BILL MILI A oleBY S ape te sail Naat 728-2465: | Whitby Hiri ad 204) wane $1,095 .Apply P.O. Box ELECTORS -AR eal Estate Ltd eg ge gy M4 - ye os igi good h ; Available April a Be -1184 children pril 15. Two! tires, tomatic, M g a rd n S 725-1186 Soo 728-7576 ieee tc ee meen Dial ay Whee Bel Air kay convene Tacha meme | | ARENOTICE THAT eC WwW GE WALL PAY CART FOI ee ein a tation Wi jes, 0 n . T. LAMSON ASH FOR |new voting AN Grove, conveniences, ago) 1, The Counci I PRICES TALK SETTIN REAL ESTATE LTD mwas ta fever be 6 with radio and poration of the City of Osc i Two. R --_ we i he i G THE mere aE _ JOHN F, Pg nage lg refrigerator : eee a8 955 wees Ont vag ic re bol i S PACE FOR "TWO | CHOICE LOTS e ITH | ly. Adults. Fotephane 725 7182 $110 month-! 1850 {eCREVROLET, sag fair con- = Sno Muni a i limon ; . : gical a ° ays Builder OSHAWA | in residential REALTOR iene Ee, wee MENTE inretrigerator, 725- "9132 |195) PONTIAC four-door s after of asphalt pavement iat H : area, excellent |vator service. control! led; ele-/1958 PON | mat r-door sedan, six, auto-| lor bose with STEVENSON RD.N. location. 94 foo Horleolk Bowmanville 623-3950 preferred. Apply Pyle Beha heed Vee Ve TIAC Parisienne | two-door RORY Bn ic, discs, radio. Telephone 942- i Bid cuter pee pana curb i No Annee: $450 {NEED your home now? © ie pak ap aa y 321 Mar-\discs, Finished dark tise. tnetali 31--C t C f West from Ste te yt be waiti 'ash clients | $100. MO} Brown Mot allic. Gus} -- ars venson 4 Seis sore wees cee, Sean 0 each rahe Maine Te ot Si oatment ing "Rey Eas ovoswonie ew Se aan fe S| at on nets cae at i Peveedl me: 8 | stov bed lephone hitby i haem, cane Yo Ful ic AJAX 942-0703 [Ramee Ct' wer sere aa ated ee ee | ARE Senne © | Stott sana te $3,900. Tele 8132, PARCEL OF LAND on Blu UPPER DUPLEX modern four ~ i951 MERCURY Zhupe, radio ™ JA $9500 A MEREERA | belly ive Hawk Lake,| 24----' a DUPLEX mod ~nupe, radio | KE_an j emeunt of eat FOR AN te no eS precio ie, Seataee ee Stores, Offices, Storage "e's arcana gare i ewEvao "a GARAGE dling by thal of | eal Estate Ltd. 728-6286. | Nn | 725-6661. -- senthiy. Available newe Coll 7267 $105 HEVROLET, new mot intures e ' NEP eee ieee je now. Call wall fires, o jor, new whit Gene poyable out of th ' EW pernhaadir! SALE for this one-year-old | Bagh dS sale, North Oshawa or OFFI WHITBY -- two-bedroom a eaimen i 723- 7952. Reh ne Piers Telephone Auto-Slecttte Servic set eles 10 Wed period ree - bedroom bungalow feat thi lor cottage on waterfront, | E partment building. Dra 'har ; a 449 -- | DETA\ Hollywood 'klichen snd' brosdioor uring a'within 75 mile radius of Oshaw See are inanpaae alige wecomniy, 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air ope Ritson Road South pa i living * roo adioom in the! Phone 728-8161 a. Tele-| audry facilit uded, $110. monthly. top, V-8 aut r two-door hard- Oshawa -- | ED sor, aca re only v7 WINE LOT for sale, 47 tt. x 110 ft AVA Eee eg ag =e One, gamer! "Gus irom Moors: Cies| ZOLT, een 2. Application wlil be made 'or full particulars call L 500, Telephone . | middle-aged ent to share with A --! to the Ontari side ; fat Bug 6286 $. D. Hyman R es. Hall on ged gentleman. Suit one 1 c N= NI eo Net ale 4 BEDROOM semen an Real Estate Lim-| 3. Reg! Estate ad ln: Tirnex Bulla |Shone 7a5soer praseasion, Tele Haan reales oe ey orien automatic, | & DAN'S cK jas om oy order to dis- | PICKERIN ildin Fo! at cassories; good 'body, engine and. tran. 0 SIDE SPL | Executive ©, VILLAGE, 35,000 below "cost. | 9 |ro ro ee a large living,| Mission. 723-5387. Ye. engine and 'trene- Your authorized DATSUN slectore" fo. the undertaking IT eons ia Gm Bunge ms Tesurg | CONTACT 'private ps tilda ui Lady Mina) 1s CHEVROLET Super Sport 6 cyli | DEALER of the said works, Any poses Cg fg | TL WILSON. Bist ecer nena ee. lenin owe rok nove ie| 160. Simcoe. South Gos ate te er Re . lexpensive extras. Dial 942-2433; jore| . . Divis Very low mil er, whitewall tires. | imcoe South i er the first publi ion 5 ieeoe Ph f ut! A J publice- wit oo aM ' Divisio; STREET --"Srabeaieon aa i987 OLD 2 Phone 728-5171. Oshawa 728-0051 tion of this notice, send bi -OLD bungalow At th para rer Ontes ana. = d 2 BATHROO tant Se eat te ae rs e Times yh Ag wh oan Seat ra Tene). oO AN the City of Oshow,_ atthe , decorating and storms and 's AGG 'elephone 728-4525. mer since purchased new. Ci ina ity of Oshawa now available Aski creens ' prope S vice, $650, Can eT ; 'on ice MS forms. ASK for, Doug, Gower. af 7284286. wi BUSINESS LOCATION | 27--Rooms for R Bescon is weekend at 798. Grierson | VOLKSWAGEN ocdrass siven SHON, 4 eae HOLLYW D at SDN Hyman" Real "Estate" Limited. i286. with the people that are | 222 BOND ST. WEST ent 728-2328. Grierson, ss rit toe pb Rapin, his objec- REPAIR SHOP including thre --| "moving" j : | 1957 PONTIAC Laurentla ms Boe cavece oe OO CHEN REPAIR, SHOP Incivding Htreehey | ei g' Real Estate, if 1500 or 900 sq. ft. suitable | ATTRACTIVELY |radio, snow tires renilan "sedan, $250, New.and Used Cars grounds of such objection. With Old é teen service garage ih wat vod Bani On older hemp | for ony Kila buiinen. Cag: | LO SPEENEE ROIS, (Et | ee es Kihinnad Paints ES ed sarimen Mindat, © and want to sell, call the ns harness eed | Ipaia, i aleg sl beet hardtop, Im-| 723-3461 vere i Ontario Municipal |Steve Zorba Realtor easy terms. 728-9466, pet hat oan sell it. For _or 725-1367. we | Coll bene vt rove home. leer eosauer st soindanils radio and Open | Evenings the gr ttent sree orale . ast-Fast-Fast" "A tween 5 and 7 p.m. 1959 a kcal ie Ravoy gh orogens PRIVA ction' sa m. (| 1959 CHE four-door white, pt the ; INCLUDES: Sah icra call 728-5157 eo for Rent 82 PARK RD. N. |etgretyga Resale "A Ie dot iy S| 'wale and oy operon ot beagagh : up. Natural. fireplace in Ii 4 ' TWO-BEDROO. beaaabciiehtaa pels "sedan, good e pin pe efor @ Built-in Range [ase Hac "w'cadiie' OVER 2 MILLIO ge tall yg a Rag oc nd 728-667 ROTORS fants cso cam etaes Oe Te Mo doing. ve i mey eppeint : Js T q URNISHED Toone ter beni uto Wreckers." Tel ourtice|11 am, | 728-6756 atter| ti appoint @ and Oven m ho N $$$ jatter 8 p.m. for pton 263-2019 ing + rooms, for gentiemen, will-|nights 725-4404. elephone 723-5541 or er} time and plac : 'ae Soe aide hl ole ie wat S0ld.in..March,..1 965 MAPLE Stre eli aalll endl ae eC OM. Ane Lie Diao 195; . ae psi CORVAIR Monza, four-door, 4 hearing we ey tehecniorn ; |Meat, peved arivi 2, north location. bl ; Laercananeiadesiltheoos Simcoe South, |725-8645. GM. After 5.15 telephone arg H alde "deluxe, & cylinder, stands In effect 72 10.800 re wa Ls etl consid red. -- @ Storms Se ee a ee Oey ial wi Peeters a: aad eo excellant, Suis Yeloonena Taseees" I he Tbs ii ne nied Bil 'Swarbrick, pr iteen Riel watttel 728 ¢ 08. LARGE "room suited for light $375. Telephone 725-8885. 1962 RAMB: epee = FPR 5 ainda - THREE-BEDROOM furni ing in quiet ho jaht housekeep- i954 BUICK, | LER convertible delan to ' Screens FIVE-ROOM bri . 2157 two or three reel gael house for|close by. Older Menllenens Teuehone good. Seven inaction. "mechanically y very | Exeelient cor ioe" eae power top. ue wit ioe axe a | FIVE-ROOM prick house for rent or sae, hae AduH family preterred residential 728-6844 aonb oe ais es mle caret a Reasonable. 725-5207. ay THIS 10TH DAY. |age. Telephone 725-6797, possession. Gar- $342, ai one FURNISHED room 1963 PON VATE covers fe APE lle A Pid @ Walk-O ree [FURNISHED si ___|single beds, good for two gentlemen, ¢ TIAC Super Sport two-door hard- excellent condition. Many fee -Out Patio ATTRACTIVE heated cott | Lees creer Dedse, fot Tene single beds, good home, near North GM op, V-8 automatic, full po offer, Telephone 7234974." aes aed fai d 61 seats. Gus Bri wer, Bucket A974, Lake Ontario, nine ie age . tor rent For furth ren welcome. Available May 1. hel ctasiaba Ltd., _T- 6568. 55 "VAUXH aie ce Glass awa, two rooms, iy Seat [Ger carter hierrnation sopty 371: Atpat LARGE | furnished bedroom or a oiinden Obes fourdsor,, slnderds |e ee oe sis. , oie, oe Seed en-| City Clerk pow h ioors he rite Box 304, miencess| |26--, Re _jApply 574 Cre workers welcome. soc. Teley lack with blue interior, radio, iiaas "ACADIAN | zk Rashida eg dee |Times, Awa Hi rar Avenue, Oshawa Telephone 728-4509, 5 000 hardtop, automatic, e _ 50 Centre Street, ley vente Pauly Malaga Road, 50 ft. Realty Limited P ements: for Rent [yolevisinn' creme furnished rooms | with a6 PONTIAC "four-door hardtop, V-8 ia 850. Call mai. alae Sei -- : , & inches. For furthy ns? * " is. Suit two 1 ic, power brakes, oth fond o Beautiful in every way and | |tion, apply Box 516, Oshawa Times. | 48 Simcoe St THE CAVALIER fie SHARED 496 Mary Street or 126- s oF Stevenson Road North. My SEE AREY SY gdh ology wire wheels, Brit . oe accommi : Sta, Mile deel ocated on select bral coun "living: | Teroom bun-| Osh ies | [ew po ng lg sadder i en, 1 pagal hardtop, V2, pereni coe hiaaiaciaetilg NOTICE OF % i | i i . communit is lesirable west suburban icash ei Pallbeg couple. Can be purchased sini | The Most Modern He alld rates, $4 and $6. Telephone baci Taleninny Pert 'perry mis. 2818. ba i ei ge cg 35,900 a ty ype. Can be purchas - i 1962 GME s:t0n ie aa corer hone 728-0755. a FuaNi pick-up, One loc 1964 2 toh Stes Ren PRAY H O eames Medium Rental able nH room in "new home, 3 suit fate! Gus as transportation or only, "iam | with Seek AiR Monze Spider, AP P LICATION | @ PUBLIC Treoicn ree ei 28" USE | Apartments a i ag CORVAIE carver ee | _fourcplece bath, lol 225° x, 200, : CTIVE furnished j hardtop, Somatic, two-door #82 CORVAIR convertible, fourapeed i j Write Box 715, 0 lown. | in adult hi room. Private! » radio and power j excellent convertible, four-speed. ei SEPARATE VERON gic Virco | TO | veers ai Warren Avenue, 'dial 723517. | [Qniy ag mites. "Like new. 'Must el 'Jeter. "Tewpnone Tiara' ree Best L mee lair, oil heat, fi y 7 forced F [Tw furni ; AND HIGH Hina anes opm" Brew SELL? Bee esheets Soe, ce age Gemeente Se i 22--- Trucks for Sale Noein: SCH 1: | xclusive decorating [Gentlemen preferred. No excessive drink jwhit alls rear seat spe ker, wsralzes: 1968 SNE srecter.: ap ; S | SPOTLESS three-bedroom brick | @ El Z ing. Phone 728-6387. - 1723-480 aker. Telephone | brakes and A motor rebuilt, air) LICE bunga-| lectric heati i 5 rock compleie. ye Fo plang (e/@) ea ng with fin- |SINGLE room 1953 F Ford tow wth eee 17 Close By ih pos: finished recreation nye THEN gertip control, in each sion Stréet. sand board. Apply 25 Dive 198, FORD Fey eel just Viler aaeeyse. Trinen truck fires. Bowmen. Seu INN (Ost et an session. Owner anxious t FOO: Sk PD OD eels in pl jenne e" pl | For all details call "Bob" Y 'sell '0 cost. Gi ED bedroom in private hom 11964 PONTIAC Parisienn 196: of i ee ® MODERN iin | details call "Bob" Young, 723-2102, pee prices eo to shopping ane preferred. Parkirig rerarnene| convertible, tilly. racine cotter seort Hon. 7, ton" pick-up. In good condi- p divide 5 I yee in the ¥ STREET, 726-6749. -- thr ae [Lion eae Ga Tire is | oi Spell Meet WITHIN a Ahrens rc anal e o Plante at free parking (ta teing seemtemen praeies. Tele alg os vb to gl nge Dome bv. fr ite ive Ay Wasl| ng 'of the. Liguer Licence : ed jolene oP phone 723-1832 ele- tee jon. Fully guar easonable. Si i included. e Liquor Li 4 jroom, built-in di i rofessional kau Bheabdi oe. dee M ot old et WALKIN ey ee hn Sinetie, 8 attached garage, REALTY ee more SINGLE furnished room for w "iss CHEVROLET pel Lid., 725-6568. | 1c Station. " Bowmanville, on oo Ontario to held at a G iy) -- solid br three-bi your. comfor 's tor girl. Quiet home, close to i rene automatic, Good tobdith Ait -evlinder| FO, Yeton trucks, Ford pick-u Bay of Peterborough in x DISTANC detached bungalow, ia edroom semi- t. | Phone 728-4301. le ond car, $150. Phone afier ied as sec-| 1 Soe rurening cooaiiion). the fh one is| the County of Peterbo 3 E ee eee large kitchen, om YOU @ Numerous other features lia ELGIN STREET EAST --...| 1961 CADILLAC C after 6 p.m, 725-5978. a: tse for. parts, Call after 6 could on TUESDAY th yg rough Z vanes! to all . schools, private Pv M : light housekeeping room for eS turnished | one owner. Full oupe de Ville, light bive, '| day of M San or ao q Other 3 B |Terms. arranged Alex. 942-1605, | MODEL SUITE FURNISHED rotor anos room for retined: Work: at Phillip Murray, 7298092, pply| 1283 WHITE tractor and trailer. Will sell hor of 1000 veleck DST. | a * e. ' 4 er edroom Homes on fa an Srcee tere ew TELL by Reliable Furniture . |ter Must be aetainers ee ot SEP rite forencn fr te the north end One m Rib located in ; two HOUSE rl acc 1954 INTERN : CE, | ortgage for the bal-| F ' " re) KEEPING rooms f 9 okie ATIONAL '-ton ance of a LOUN' 1 N.H.A Mo t ° ' "3 \yamcie. S. D. Hyman Real Estate Lie, OR "FAST ACTION pen from 2 p.m. Feed floor, central. Ladies J Nene ae jody "four-door hardtop, 6 cylin- reprises id pel. Price $200; Apply for the sale ye ei : . rigage Carr eaORvT till 9 p.m. dail ers. Apply 106 Elgin Street 7 rd_transmission. One seein o i he ee ak, YING TOF NEWTONVILLE (2% miles north) fi CALL aily | Oshawa re ERR owner.|BEDFORD VAN halfton truck, 1 of liquor-Dining. Lounge Li i roomed. hou ve | FURNISH $175 FULL PR good motor, on, truck, i900, cence, fi : ' $98 Month! : roomed us, water onan, five ; At 400 Grenfell Street arene HED. ROOM for two gentlemen. |trade, terms ICE buys 1959 Simca. Cash, |$200 Pealed Acboad body. Clutch defective,|- sumpti 'or the sale and con- y, INCIU INg Interest 786-2440, , $7,500. Phone | om | 'at end of Marland A 553 Howard sree. to Duplate. Apply 668-3331. spicata | 33. nage Basis pal suoe with ap ; NORTH-WEST -- thr are 728- a7 | Ve. |BOND STR ie CHEVROLE --Autom gb es pee siagialer : | Princi al iy d enone with coro evewed One| Ji | (off Park Rd. S.) {or era eee pase see aft tur speed, Fly extpoea| CA Wee bee more which » one fou' itch | 0 inutse mat bl er i i i pal'and Taxes ces "SO nots Sb | 795.9934 728.4283 [Butte aR staat come one wren ae Maal ee cya ede ; ° ett, 723-3770, H. Millen Real € Dist on a po Adenine cers ROTI ei $10 DOWN, 4 uyin icence, forthe ATHOL rHOL St um i LOOKING F SOTIetiehe Tolagtion al middle-aged Peer mn ae. PReady van Sell . : phe oma pave acthracens fie | iret East, Oshawa -- four-| IC = --- oad! Cash, trade, or ur used car to "Ted" consumption of 4 * feta, tbs "gray taney) "4B. Simece Street South ANP APARTMENT | a oe Se me 2 eal ae far ight gO Ne, | Sere aee which ; phone 728-9504 income house. Tele- oe Street South : PONTIAC. convertible, Var --auie| pep ealer and "Save" women only or women @sco ' : howe i28--R matic. Excellent. conditi lig 7 ; ed b i pa } PRIVATE. store --"| : Check '4 oom and Board jon, Dial 263-2679. ED CAM y men are admitted os L gees renee dati "wo emi Sach ou aie ane Reel ed ee ae dle ees buys, 1961 Austin| 723-4494 PIN MOTORS | fora for the. following' pre lus one finished ' iiling to sha trade, condition. C hy | es. 'or e 7 $ DOWN PAYM room. Large garage. Jeol ti ag nai ly; Lonches packed, Arnpie. 4 days oman eea rn at Nicole: Moores 'Whitby,|OSHAWA AUTO PARTS as mises: -- 1 pancy. No dealers or agents. 70-6338. Nassau Street. ple parking. 237/UseD CAR wre xing bs pel RAL twant¢ oo . INCOME home, six years nae DO IT NOW | D F ROOM pnd BoM, five a PARTS, . spindl |wrecking, T : ek i id, board, fi trailers, al es, to make I a alent A a Motor AS LOW AS $679 eee cme ate Fal oe RET itp. ania TT ikea CAROUSEL INN. (OSHAWA | 725-8132 'anged. Telephone' D a eee |$10 DOWN, $9 We Wentworth East, TTD ee 10 . : 25 : ROOM AND BOARD fi Beaks san, Wee ues as tare jentworth East, 725-1181. . erected. oh Wi fore } THREE-BEDROOM brick spilt __| List your home with us fo share roo or one Girl willINg|irader ferme ar inte wets Wane |SHAW Auto W oe | & Toran cere. tappng scnng| OG Get TOP DOLLAR ss Realtors [baa "tam, Kine siast Weel endl diigai Cn jal tr sate, fanart oveht-| On the. South-west comer ' 00 nly $12,800, A steal at tc RS bods tre Borris f at this price! Act fast by calling Ted * Central location. Large d 1987 CHEVROLET " ee we nd | re ah past by calling soe, We have SPOT CASH and | LUSANNE VILLA {roam wit sresteriaks sa stg *. double sandard thee JR 728- WANTED: Cars for wrecking : tise Street and Stevenson W. 0. Martin Realtor. Term Buyers. | SPANISH PROVINCIAL DECOR | {02 street parking. Ia en ee ocr weoeie eens South 34 ct Ncnols beeline ol ak au 20a--Summer Properties | peti Heating, Controlled Cove one BOARD for gentleman. Day eek Tea trims vs attometes Pl H Automobile Repair Provinee of Ontario, wettte - peeitlia : Dretarad: Cunciee pack power. Low mite c. Full) TRANSMIS. , and being You visit me, the Builder OF al de FREE APPRAISAL | floor, Broedioom * Corrsors, neers ner pected Avett Brown Molers tay aban "Nor SION special. Trait} Broken Front Concession, M LAKE -- two hoe orrido ie PORTER me bed h dleee wll i this week-end and ies eSvenencs fworbedroom cottege,/ ye NO OBLIGATION | Elevator Service, Dinette ors, | 29--Wanted to Rent it Sa Weleene Meee' re cern on SERS he Yow of fet i, : conveniences; good swimming, sat | ining Room, C |wHitsy -- 1 pert carbi offers ex now i ' G \ en an I h Telephone 725-6741 till 5, evening: x | om, = -eramic Tile "To buy or rent. Vi 964 OLDSMOBILE arent pid oak : i | , os 723-| Bath, Vanit |old type hy ery small. hardt 'Super 68, four-door | 222 King Str i shila i slob the fi snow YOU arm: | Bath, Voit, Wal molar» tae, ee sic iaa Rees OG tang Beas pil: preige Meg | - Large any fully fi C || | . reasoneh sf : VAC = = room e finest home values to-day." fei "sil ai ie | q - 330 GIBB ST. |b be saree tare Pet Oe Sire aaa pet 'ee . rooms, «dining voom @ en's . ' | ms t Ah ee ebeinn jon, room, i { y. jronto 6. HO 6-9903. ver jeigh Bivd., To oe nes or four-bedroom house wanted |giiie', belts. Clean and titi' IN THE MA phil a Tr ee oe lon RTMENTS isa: ile 30. Telephone after 5 p.m.| dition. Private. Telephone one con- ESTATE OF F THE escorts' room, a cocktail i i rent, it | ; Go west on High le on Ritson Road Se | ' orthend location. 1, 2, 3. |TWO or th "11958 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 'four-d JAMES ORR, | 'Sunde end ¢ banquet het ighway 401 to 'Liverpool. Road oe TOE AKER bedrooms. $115 up. June |fent, by a Fee:bedroom "house needed to) six cvlindes, standard, rag, four-door, LATE OF THE CITY OF and which premises contain of Ue SLbEAION, jee ee a ult family, aed offer. 668-5126. Private. | O will contai A (lnterchange 64), Turn south to the BP Service |e eine, rover ig LIMITED | 728-9466 ITHREE om FOUR n_Telehone 721A. Peto 0008 Cd riaal COUNTY OF ONTARIO, cecommodatio, fein and : ; VICE [Whitby 668-1967. ln Wright, | |unfurnished. Immediate possessi or Telephone 738-8042, ue equipment requi Station, turn right and follow the si FOR SALE -- Fully furnished th | OVER A QUARTER | STEVE ZURBA, Realtor enaciee-- i6 and. 5. Telephone. 728 ax | WILL SELL OR TRADE -- 9 RETIRING FOREMAN, | | fot! under the provision i Dover-By-Th le signs to the acer, veer cottage, inside rae es CENTURY OF SERVICE sa ek Bond West alee) eae re "children, ré- ne nee abate lilt eae DECEASED a Pago rips het of . : 1 |room, watertront cottage, Inside nM an ten § 7 e or apartment, , many other.extras, 7 : tari i y e Bay Gates, ion lott [aan mie lili aN acd Peis = PARK LANE AP 1 Peenapie rer Eade 15 or Dune pee 6 p.m. extras. 723-2830 NOTICE TO cud su : rules te oe Se ee. TS. PONTIAC Laurentian two-d teebeal tats Open | j |100 FT. WATERFRON 130 i top. Nw Sanaa soitt, ae are Pp O a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily Itai ih WATARE ROY let" on Lake, On. V/ Future Vacancies | Automobiles for Sale | <¥ding. custom Perle. Vary dere Me! CREDIT Any person resident ir the from Oshawa; good highway to edge of eucnaee ee ate ala cath ORS acd district may object rea BUYING OR SELL (er SUNG Ls Weare obi perger ikl 20 PRIVATE SALE, Rice ING 1963 BUICK La S. ---- ; pa the ; ; Hes atthe Paget eres | DON HOWE Peat Pocmr. docors aration, | poole having claims ee a mone in writ- nem cations, Hse } : | ies. Full + 29) e Estate sha : - rei adn Set 8 i REAL ESTATE | TED CAMPIN [erica So Bm) O08 eof JAMES | Mie HO. Browne the deputy jake. Apply Toronto CLiftord 1-5493. 725-7732 11953 OLDSMOBILE convertibie wi awa in the County of Ontari registrar of the licensi aie olen hooty Toren cuneretem.| = | J |. | GOVERNOR MAN | OTORS |o motor and tr with "1958 Retired Fo ario, trict h nsing dis- rent, 'ir ig : : ; fer May Yo, Octobe 'Eaten eh GOVERNOR MANSIONS _ |aer stirs ton, Also 1958 Oldsmobile New) who died elball oe are, whose address is che ' tigate 7 bout the 24t! conveniences. "Bowmanville "613-2870. vad " : 2 Bedroom Suite 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA IPostin eel for pr 'also. 1958 Oldsmobile day of March, A.D. 1965, are 55 Lakeshore Blvd., East Sat lots, Attractive lakeshore Active' Salesmen Sell List- ADULTS ONLY Gust East of Wil | Agnes Street. Prices, THN or 11 hereby notified to send full TORONTO 2, ONTARIO. me HE-BAY nyres erros, 3500. rasan ins ioe ngs Active Realty needs re- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ° ilson Road) - |1963 VOLKSWAGEN, medium bi vosglngg ode to the undersigned at least ten days before the 4 : i endthaetn sale property. For immediat | 723-4494 {cellent one-owner car, Ve ve. Ex: r before the 30th da meeting at which i a ' : g y of n . ich the a " 3 21--Farms for Sale "Action" call 728-5157 nom bo gg3 oe oa | Res, 725-5574 |ferlor. Gus Brown Motors td, 728-7375" | April, A.D. 1965, after which tion is to be heard asia 5 Phone 839-3461 oi ASHBURN -- 11 acres) three-bedroom Free Morket Valuation', | "f 2728-281) | ee Gomme | hea boc Ve abl ula) sae pag the Estate will be. dis- : : or 364.8115 gy . ee a aa cae Appointment "SPOT CASH sea ne plead | paw strates: ae via igi regard only to DATED at Toronto this 12th 4 yhome, ve ences, a | fats ivi Se ell Street. ren- ims of which ' 1s t Consolidated Building C : in | Estate Lid., aaa w.| jand bath, Own telephone. room, bed room| Paid for. Good clean cars. |1962 ove; rr, mo ee | signed shall th fed elon Soy af -Aptil, (280 5 g Corporation |downstairs for breakt kitehen| Trade up or d i DSMORILE dynam) or, | i vis aes ie : ai ' garden Tina, Forwnghe -- near Whitby, good |man. Apply 883 prvibel os hea gentie-| off war Maps pola bask geod condition, peed bs elggrand | e Reneee : th : e anada's Largest Builders" entra came tae fo shane 7btisvmings ony" "| ~DODD. MOTOR ee Te eta ese ree| dey oF March, AD. 1965 ine ee ive ; ; | ; |rage ore Se REALTY: LTD private icra Pegs olin einaad gL 1, | Aid PARK RD SALES |$195 or best 2 Mg oF aaa radio.| doy of March, A.D. 1965 . seed |rage. 640-5 wie ' : rs n ro. included, & FNM, . A cok 2. eS I FERTILE, ACRES gener inom.) REALTORS yl Ae RK RD. SOUTH [RS ENGOLSE Ter] Coecutin, itachi * a aived eke km ae from| ROOM = EF S46 PhaBe Good oho' Raseahanie Executrix, we reed, | $30.800 or bes 48 Si sre Ciese ind board for one gentleman [1942 CHEVROLET Bel Air four-door, Ix t. ,Good | condition. Reasonable utrix, eek etter, Telephene MCOE iS; poly dr Mi whit } mission, dio, | 3 2 Eigin Street East or telephone poiwes Naw atc, $1,650, na: wamer: 198) PONTIAC Station wagon, four-door il her Solicitor, WEINSTOCK R_& ' 728-2328, espects. 793 taghshochs b> ? brakes snd saeco ee ae sete a Mangan, Q.C. ' imino: 14¥2 King Street East, Oshawe, Ontario, suits, 30s) 2 Catan oF re Toronto 2" Gnietie reet,

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