Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 27

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@ King Feateree Spetnats, ine, 1965, Woekd WE'RE FLYING SOUTH AND EAST~ OVER WATER--TO THE WEST INPIES-- THE OL? SPANIGH MAIN~ ONE-TIME HAUNT OF THE PIRATES-- SPANIGH GALLEONS Rs TH JUAN, THE AIRLINE NOW TO CONFIRM OUR RESERVATIONS ~ HELLOOO THERE! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 15, 19685 27 IR TWO ELECTION DEFEAT6,J.J.C. ABBOTT RUNG AGAIN IN 1887 FOR ARGENTEUIL, QUEBEC , AND WING LIN AN INTERVIEW. Stl a vee csr OVERJOYED on : ey a THE LONE RANGER Islan airStripon SECRET AGENT X9 a ' MILA _ MORGAN, A C.1.A. AGENT IMPERSONATING HER MATION 1S THATS {S$ THE REAL WHAT I DON'T.KNOW ABSURD! NOU'RE 'TALKING ABOUT, RIDICULOUS, T TELL You! HWM, I DID NOTICE THAT HER WAIST SEEMED A BIT SMALLER! JUST ANSWER DID WE GO THE FIRST NIGHT WE MET? ONE QUESTION, WHERE HAH! SHE CAN'T ANSWERE SHE DOESN'T KNOW! TELEVISION LOG Channei 2~Buttale 10:00 P.M 4--News and Weather Channel 3--Barrie 11--Steve Ailen Show Sports Channel 4--Buffalo 9--Jack Paar 3--Popeye and Pals Channel 6--Toronto. 8-2--Kraft Theatre 12:15 P.M. Channel 7--Buffale 7--Dick Powell 4--Speaker of the House Channel 8--Rochester 63--The Rogues 12:30 P.M, Channel 9%--Toronto 4--The Sefenders satin Channel 11--Hamilton 11:00 P.M. es Pte Luey _seememeemernsren rine Jews, $-2--Truth or ase Eta Consequences THURSDAY SVE. 7--Father Knows Best pene ' peel d 7h 4---Search for Tomorrow --Family Theatre éViewpoint 3--Noonday Report $--Five O'clock Matinee 11:30 P.M 12:45 P.M. &~Superman ng _ Guiding Light perme 71--4--Late Show 6--Magilia. The Gorilla é Night Metro 3:00 P.M. 3--Yog! Bear i Four Just Men 2--Lioyd Thaxton 11:30 PA. %--December Bride 1--Wrestling 8--Matinee $:30 FM 9--Plerre Berton 7--Afternoon Show S--Leave it To Beaver |6--Gunsmoke +3--Movie Matinee é--Music | Friday 3---Maverick | pepe" Meditation 6:00 P.M. | 5:00 A.M. 2--Mike Douglas Show J--News Central |11--Sehnitzel House 1:30 P.M. 6--Donna Reed 4--Captain Kangaree = | 11_mid Day Matinee 4--News, Sports 6:30 A.M, 9--Milllonaire Chuck Healy 9--News; Miss Helen 4--As The World Turns 2--Today, 1965 | 9:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M: 6:30 P.M. | 9--Romper Room 9--Abracadabre 11--Family Theatre No. 2| 7--Cialing for Dollars | Password 9-43--News; Weather |, Girl T 2--Moment of Truth and Sports | 4--Mike's Carnival 2:0 P.M. #-2--Huntley-Brinkley 3--Movie $--Four of = Kind News lyri 8-2--The Doctors 7--M-Squad 11--Ed Allen Show 7--Day In Court é--Across Canada 9--Meta éLoretta Young 6~Musical Interlude 4--House Party 7:00 P.M. 4-You and Your Family Se * , i CHOLLA/S SHOT IN THE BAC HE WAS FACIN' ME WHEN WE BOTH DREW/ ! BT WAS SURE IT MISSED HIM/ BUT L 1F T HAD HIT HIM.....1T WOULD HAVE BEEN IN FRONT...NOT IN THE BACK! SORRY, YOU OVER To tH BEN.....T/LL HAVE TO TURN E SHERIFF 9--The Munsters | 2--Ann Southern Show 00 P.M. 8--Littlest_ Hobo | est ead | People in Contllet 6--News, Weather 1 Bed yl bes .) | 8-2--Another World Sports Leas f | 7--General Hospital 4--Bal Masterson | 2yPlaytime With BobbY | 43 Behold The Lamb 3--Mr. Novak | Conselanenins 4-To [eli The Truth 2--Bachelor Father | @3--Longing For 3:30 PLM. 7:30 P.M. Companions 1--Funny Company ?--My Three Sons 4--News 9--Its Your Move 8-2--You Don" Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. #-2--Daniel Boone 7--Johnny Quest 6--Candid Camere 4--The Munsters £:00 P.M. 10:30 AM. \ll--Father Knows Best |$-2--What's This Song? | 7---Tralimaster |63--Across Canada 1l--The Bill Dana Show 9--Andy Williams 7--Donna Reed Show | 4-1 Love Lucy | 11:00 A.M, }\1--Albert J Steed 11--Lioyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club 6--The Match Game MICKEY 'MOUSE MY CAR'S DON'T WORRY UNCA \ MICKEY -- I'LL PICK UP MINNIE IN MY CAR! /LL TREAT MYGELF TOA MEAL AT THE SWANKY NEW RESTAURANT IN THE WONDSRE WHAT I GHOULD HAVE TO START WITH. H-M/ THAT TINY KID GIVES MEAN IDEA / FIRST ILL SHRIMP co. . TAKE CKTAILS MUGGS AND SKEETER - ltals, or lying on a couch to be). 6--Gomer Pyie 7--Rocketship 7 4--Perry Mason PP Miripad Charlotte 6-3--The Exaltation of 3--Hazel -2--Concentration Matter 6-3--Friendly Giant 8:20 P.M. 4--Andy of Mayberry 4--Secret Storm 11--Have Gun Will Travel 11:18 AM 2--Rocky And His Friends #2 -Dr Kiidare orn "' eeayrs 4:30 PLM. 7--My Three Sons iggy eles eld 9--Sea Hunt dividing el &3--Chet Helene 7--Barly Show 9:00 P.M. | 6-3--Razzie Dazzle 11--The Reporter | 11:30 A.M. 4--The 4-Thirty Show 9--Peyton Place | %--Toronto Today 2--Hercules 7--Bewitched 8-2--Jeopardy FRIDAY EVENING 63--The Defenders 7--Price is Right 00 PM. 4--Password 6-3--Butternut Square 112Family Theatre 4--The McCoys 0 9:30 P.M. 9--Five O'clock Movie $---Branded 12:00 NOON Superman $-2--Hazel 8-2--Call My Bluff 6--The Kings Outiew 7--Peyton Place Reed ry ov : 2--Lioyd Thaxton 7--Donna 4--Celebrity Game Panel | 4 Ejiwood Glover YOUR HEALTH Mental Health Needs Watching By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDjor frustra:ion or anger or re- Importan changes are taking sentment that made us react in place in the treatment of em0-|ways we don't ordinarily do? tional problems. ' t who I wish someone would invent cant one ' ti gots h Region' sg ethgd obey end at the children for every lite : "thing, or the man who can' 5 food term, excep. that cue down a drink. of the park {noi ole feeling that it is a vague sort world ones Fe AN of thing, uke physical fitness,)anq in retaliation sometimes pen gap haa but not 4P-/;ills someone, it is all a re . \ ' e The word psychiatry is sce nS ys i lent except that it raises im-| h % sf ages: OF fnvanky, 'Mania hospi-l ou, menta! health needs look- jing after, and understanding, psychoanalyzed. 'dt doesn't|the same as our physical healt Most of us think apply to me." | We're wrong about that -- it; This should be done just as applies to all of us. jmatter-of-iactly as we guard Tnere never has been a com-jour physical health. It starts pletely healthy person Even it}with the rule of not worrying it is no more than chickenpox,|unless there is something to head colds, or an upset stom-|worry about, ach, we all encounter some ill-/ We have certain simple rules ness on our way through life jof physica; health: Get enough The same is true of our men-jrest. eat a reasonably adequate tal health. Who among us hasn'tiand balanced diet avail your- had at least a taste of emo-\self of suc! protective measures tional impacts that upset us?jas have been discovered, vac- Worry, anxiety, nerves, jitters? cinations, pasteurized milk, re- Or an episode of crushing grief, |trigerated food. And s0 on. BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Tep record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Ploy) South dealer, i Neither side vulnerable, ' with the problem of whether or not to draw trumps. Solving this question is crucial to the play of many hands, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to formulate any single rule that the solution of the problem. In general, declarer draws the opponents' trumps as soon ag possible when his values consist primarily of high cards and there is.a danger of having these high cards ruffed unless trumps are drawn. But when declarer is playing a hand where he has an oppor- tunity to gain tricks by utilizing either his own or dummy's trumps for ruffing purposes, he delays drawing trumps. until such time as it becomes advan- tageous for him to do so. The most common case where declarer does not draw trumps occurs when dummy has a void, a singleton or a doubleton of a side suit in which declarer has losers that can be ruffed in dummy. The present hand illustrates this method of play. West leads a club which th wins with the ace. If declarer were to make the mistake now of playing three rounds of spades in order to ex- tract East's trumps, he would wind up going down one, He would still be able to ruff one of his three club losers in dum- my, but he would eventually wind up losing two club tricks. However, if declarer plays properly, he makes the contract with ease. After taking the ace of clubs at trick one, he returns a club at trick two. The defence cannot now prevent him from ruffing two clubs in dummy with high trumps. After he has done this, South extracts East's remaining trumps and thus makes the slam. The opponents score a club trick, but no more, Yer, WHAT IS THAT YOU'RE FIGURING, i; CROSSWORD Z00 POPULATION GROWS MONTREAL (CP) -- Officials of the Garden of Wonders, Mont- real's children's zoo, report 83 births and 12 deaths di the winter. A beaver, eight rabbits, a donkey, a peacock, and @ pheasant died, and the birth list included a blue monkey, @ ram, deer, chickens, and ducks. SALLY'S SALLIES ACROSS DOWN 18. Bitter as Fig ta] 1, Writing 1. Goddess of vetch MO Rm ES table the moon: 21. Metal Se 4 5. Precious Rom, 22. Ahead © [RjO HAS ae ATL stone 2, Bequeath, 23; Mili- CC INIS|T Elm OVINE 9, Amazon asa fund tary PUSH cetacean 3, TV's cap \0. Strong Caesar 24, Storage wind 4 Round pox l1, A rice Table for field Knight ci i 2. pe 5. Monsters 25, King Yesterday's Answer A. Palestine 6, Couple of plain 7, Seaweed Bashan 83, Landing F. R. BLACK °- D. (5. Woolen. 8, Mr. Sto- 26. Is able place blanket: kowski 28, Tablet $5. An em- OPTOMETRIST So. Am. 11,Exclama- 80, Pert. to bankment 136 $i St rth 8, Peddlers tion blood 36, Spinal meso St, No 19.Chemical 13. Kindof 31. Egg- mem- PHONE 723-4191 " ending foot race shaped brane 20. = 15. Rialto sign 32, Juice 89, Shade of en, nation 17. Japanese pressed b: ocaenne meneame pat hare from apples 40, Undivided COSENS & MARTIN 81, Defender of I Dreyfus Y 1 1213 |& WH s fo |7 |e Y nsurance 23. Inocule- ZG 5 Ws 5 Y 67 King St. E., Oshawa 26. Girl's Y UY Antec et . 72R7515 nickname = [1 Y i D Res, 725-2802 of 728-7613 27, French V), j yi WO ll RALRORNE | 'ettle 20.Partot | 7 Wy, COLBORNE ome 7 Ue [2 GROCETERIA signer of Li 7 4 Colborne St, at Chureh Se. Declaration |23 |24 [28 Yee 728-63 41 of Inde- dence '|2t CS Yt a1 Feused mez LL, OPEN ----= ' 9 ee all RZ DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. 89. Byom, 34 35 V/ Ye Seven Days « Week an 41. Guo 38 "a" 4 © Groceries @ Fresh Fruits 42, Poker 7, ©@ Vegetables © Meats * stake / 41 V//42 Y € ate - Ue Yj || FREE DELIVERY 44, Not ever: so is Y Y poet. . Emotiona) health is built onjor to spend your days gee HEAT WITH OIL parallel basic ingredients: Keep about things that can't be helped. And don't keep your DIXON'S busy and interested, but learn also to relax and play. It is a|troubles bottled up too tight or human need to, love and bejtoo long. Talk things over sen- loved. Have some faith in the|sibly at limes with someone world and the people in it--buticlose to you. Sharing a burden don't be a sap about it. Don't/that way takes off much of the let anger fester, or frustration|pressure. But don't. go blab- overwhelm you. Don't waste bing endlessly about your time in hating. itroubles. It's pottiess to say don't; And then, just as you would worry, bu! learn not to wrecklin looking after your physical your emo'ions worrying aboutjheaith, learn to recognize the things that may never happen,|signs when some help is needed on: 313 ALBERT ST. -- 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS

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