Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Apr 1965, p. 26

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21 THE OOHAWA TIME, Thunday, Ap 18, 1968 Booth Murdered Lincoln |Lights Turn | Name George Drew Chancellor | Bomb-Reports | :ovoox (cm) 4° tinam record store's list of hit long- NAMES IN NEWS 100 Years, One Day Ago |Ships From Of New University At Guelph | Force Landing |2in'fonpelic i te seauee The Princess Farah bid J Foes. age (CP) -- Georgelpointment to London in 1957,! HALIFAX (CP)--An Al Italia pager of the 'Nazi tend, her husband, the Shah of | By. RAYMOND J. CROWLEY cavalry cornered him in a Vir- . es ene Bye ce a" _ Roto a a here/commercial aircraft bound for|er's speeches has been selling a" Iran, good-bye at the Teran WASHINGTON. (AP)--Stand-|ginia barn and set it afire, in River Wreck peneamgyerce ny AB 2 an Pan : BP pest cal careet!Furope from New York jetti-|steady 15 albums a week for 3 day. He was off |ing inside Ford's Theatre, amid/hopes of driving him out and PP i chance as a Guelph alderman in 1921, ed i ' . |three years, airport Tuesday. Pahlevi |the rubble, reconstruction|taking him alive. But an. over- the new University of Guelph,|becoming mayor four years|Soned its fuel over the Atlantic 7 an ee e haa os works 'sdatorian aciiben fan-|zealous trooper, contrary to the MONTREAL (CP) -- Federal! University President J. D. Mac-' later. early today and made an emer- NEED peg he had. left the |cifully:"" iwishes. of his officers, thrust a ares A r for kers/Lachlan announced today. | 'The university was formed|gency landing at Halifax Inter- a ai royal palace since a guard "Could it be that the ghost}carbine through a crack in the irate i nts" have Saat a Mr. Drew, premier of Ontario|last summer from the existing/national Airport after a bomb FUEL OIL ? fired 50 rounds of ammuni- |of George Washington was thejbarn and shot him down. pia rh fee cacivae aout from 1943 to 1948 and nationaljOntario A gri cultural College,|was reported aboard the plane. Colt tion at him last Saturday in |first to exact punishment from] In the great hue and cry|i sound the wreck of the West leader of the Progressive Con-|Ontario Veterinary College and) No homb was found du wine ik PERRY an abortive assassination at- |the assassin of Abraham Lin-jafter the assassination, four , Stiservative party before his ap-|Macdonald Institute. An arts D 0 ' z . "| RCMP search and ti * tempt. coln?"" persons were hanged, including ---- trelahier . Traneition and science faculty is being|/sumed shortly ccree Day or Night 723-3443 One hundred years ago to-|Mrs, Mary E. Suratt, keeper tha ahin da. Wink in shallow added. "Funny Girl" Barbra jnight, John Wilkes Booth, hard-jof a boarding house where watert fe Bod a iuety So LONG KIDS, Streisand and "Satchmo" | drinking actor, stole into a box|Booth often met his fellow con- u Louis Armstrong so where Lincoln was enjoying the epirators, and four got sag ety ey gion ginny HELLO HORSES For All Your "Grammie" Awards as the (play Our American Cousin, and)prison terms. in collision Saturda i 1p "a i jin ¢ y with the. LONDON (AP)--After $1 B d | Sh top female and male yoca- |shot him in the back of the| Now, 109 years later, the! i rz, riaa oes lists of the year, La Strei- |head. The wounded. president: ..one 'of the oa stuatiba the Dutch freighter Hermes. Three| years as headmaster of a sand won for her "People", jwas carried across the street/req prick theatre on 10th Street! were inj arene A " jured in the collision. Tongham, Surrey, Geoffrey 5 and ,, Wouis for Hello, to a boarding house, where he N.W., between E and F, is un- iisiak hiseatiion ha ¥-< Sires ei Satie tale be. CHOOSE Dolly". died the following morning. dergoing a top-to-bottom recon-|}) ded the fire-charred wreck| come a bookie. D ANCEY . S Quebec Education Minis- po iiaeer page oa a eeuction. a menace to navigation. : "I can make far more ter Gerin Lajoie announced |hen he vaulted over the ba- Agents for the Transatlantic) money," said Birch, 60. | : i ee Monday that a survey would |jj<trade of the box to the stage Forces-Cuts said, meanwhile, that a piece-- "Being a. bookie is some- || DOWNTOWN OSHAWA be undertaken to determine |141 feet below by-piece salvage operation on| thing I've dreamed about for . ' the wreck will begin as soon as| at least 15 years. I only wish 10% DISCOUNT IF YOU the educational needs of stu: In his jump, one of the spurs at leas y y 4 possible. Foundation Marine of| I'd made the decision ear- BRING THIS AD dents in that province. Booth was wearing caught on a Mostly Done Montreal is expected to handle} }jer," ' : F i f Washington which the job, which will start with irch said that for the last | / Ten Canadian Parliamen- {Picture | e job, i Birch said that for the las , 4 : F decorated the box. It also tore | i of the ship's masts. ag tt ng , including Liberal J. : removal 0 Pp _,| year he's been getting expe F | Pipesce at Rantiew South |the edge of a flag draped above By DAVE McINTOSH Agents for the Hermes said) rience by working weekends and Conservative. Erie |the picture. OTTAWA (CP)--Defence Min-|the 5,700-ton Dutch vessel will] and during school holidays at npamys ' \be taken shortly to Canadian| one of Britain's many legal WILLIAM F. RAYBORN Winkler of Grey-Bruce, fly | BROKE BONE ister Hellyer is more than half- é y . : : to Dublin tomorrow to at- And when Booth hit the stage,|way to his objective of reduc- Vickers yards near Montreal betting shops. IB April 30 is closing In! Retired Admiral William | tend the council meeting of | bone in his left leg was bro-'ing the manpower strength of|fT repairs to its bow ng Wednesday, the local bet- pd worry and stew COMPLETE F. Rayborn was named the Interparliamentary (en. the armed forces by more than suffered a 20-foot gash _ re ting licensing commit- tion tt reas when BLOCK will do RETURNS Chief of the United States Union. Dr. George J.. Olszewski, his-!10,000 to 110,000 collision. check is touche ©} tee granted the retired = woul. pat your, tox, st such a < ' F ir. G a de SZEWSEI, . ' * . tak mont o complete. | ' 4 licence to run his " f t small cost! Get your ta: Ce ee ecient tae Police in Regina, Saskat- ee Se ee hei Officials say that in the tast Twenty - eight members of posse Pa ana CtaLa bets on in NOW! See fies son. he vobadeda Roy Mc- masse hive tent a busy 2d hha agg Pegi pone haglveat 6,577 get recs the Transatlantic's crew headed! jiorses and greyhounds. N oye BLOCK office n fo e 'of 12 eatre a > 8S have been lopped from the rolls) to Hamburg -- via com-| tg id: the: vic t the f DAY! Cone. week looting newsstands Of {no means of knowing whether|o¢ the armed forces, mainl home to Hamburg via c Birch said the vicar a , i ae + ; " y) jal aircraft -- Wednesday) fi d thrilled about t A widowed mother of four aa ogee oe gg p mates i to becth eawoed ies ore normal retirements, {night leaving their burned ves- eg piniin . vel, sandy . 0 Booth's fr; ; . oi ee ehreee Be | m) Career: ' in Sault Ste. Marie, Mrs. Chief: Arthur G. Cookson Bit he relects that if this were), 1 hey emphasize, however,|sel and its Captain Walter Bus-/ "Je didn't throw up his | ; . enh po wong Ina Ouelletie, refuses to pay said the move was under- |trye there would be a certain that. the forces still need at) chan behind. : ? hands in holy horror. On the (shearer) Hampton | we make any errors thet cost any penolty or interest, a two-dollar traffic fine, and taken on the complaint of a { grim: justice to it. least 9,000 recruits a year. Capt. Buschan will testify be-| other hand, he didn't, ask to | RALPH: HEPBURN | ' will threatens to go to jail be- citizen that the novel was |~ Grimmer justice overtook| At the end of February, 1964, fore an official inquiry to be) open a betting account with; (4.004) R.R. No. 2 Oshowe fore doing 0. She spent one | "filthy and obscene". \Booth 12 days later, Federal|the strength of the navy, army)held to determine the precise) me," | WILLIAM SNOWDEN day in jail last week. pid eteicetsianee --|land RCAF stood at 121,491. oy cee which led to the! (olisater) RAR NG: 3 Gchews Jazz singer Ella Fitz | hriller, "Thunder- |August last year, when Mr.) collision. i Rae ae | sete 3) - Articles and bones un- | gerald has cut short a con- hg sae Hellyer's reduction program of-; North America's Largest Tax Service earthed at a Chatham dig- cert tour, claiming she is ficially went into effect, the | | 1 ging have a beige i exhausted. The high priest- The last man left in the |Strength was 118,823. LEARN TO DRIVE Cinapia y SOMO d . NORTH extremely valuable find" by ess of the blues world~is.45 Italian mountain village of At the end of February this HC N CO-OPERATIVE ff archeologist Nell Coppleters | 8) oa! Collette Di Usseux, Battista |year, latest date for which offi- eam eam BV CEKDAYS 9 A.M. - 9 P.M.--SATURDAYS 9 A.M, - 5 P.M. of the University of Western Jatinin, was found shot to |cial figures are available, PHONE 725-6322 Ontario. Actor Sean (pronounced death this week, Police be- |strength was down to 114,914 725-6553 I r NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY i lieve he took his own life jand falling. Controversial American Shawn) Connery, better end Se ae ee ; Stoiee tron, Cassa ote | ren" ote las TV and STEREO RUTHERFORD'S banned from Canada a few (A ; 2 i gent 007) met his Soviet astronomer Prof. "-- s | sk gy Rg a estranged wife Diane Cilento losef S. Shklovsky was ie | School Of Safe Driving THE OSHAWA BUSIN ESS DIRECTORY this week. He levelled a | in Nassau this. week. He | aoted by the official news | WAYNE » : § organ, Tass, as calling sig- 14 Albert St. -- Oshawa heavy verbal barrage at the | kissed her on the cheek. | nois from outer space re- 78 Simece N. ; ed Sen gt had er part in Connery is in the Caribbean ceived in Russia '"'new un- | Telephone 723-1411 Government Licenced -- Personalized Service sino = filming the fourth and latest known cosmic object". aan Prime Minister Lal Baha- a ; : me) nee : AN Gl } s-5 RAYD 0 iN dur Shastri of India will pay a two-day visit to Canada at CARPET COMPANY the end of May. He will eas cee oe te e BROADLOOM @ TILE © CORLON © RUG CLEANING Pearson and then go on to 282 King Street West, Oshawa 728-6254 men were killed and 12 others! Church of England school at (Tinted Free) out of sheer boredom. Washington for talks with President Joao. | She couldn't see us for beans This week represents one a sim at tee Unie é when we talked about ceramic armoured Modern Dry Cleaners || STAN'S SHARPENING || Oshawa Stenography Service ' States. One hundred years g & Shirt Launderers & RENTAL LTD. DLT | and 20 years ago Monday, Franklin D. Roosevelt died. Bg gg il le mufflers, deep-dip rustproofing, all-welded Orhawe, Ld "For the ultimate in Dry , " \ single unit construction, reclining seats, Capye Wereonny i aR | yn Conservative MP Robert 725-7193 Z © Club Bulletins, ete. Coates called for a royal (Give Us a Call) "If Its office work... 4 ss sop : s » Bw sey coaimecocewe | 4 ge eZ acoustical ceilings and double safety brakes. = || oom |] "7233228 sean rar tion of organized crime into | 223 KING W., OSHAWA the operations of the federal government." | B ° CAPITAL Though Lawrence Potr | usiness T.V. SERVICE **Yogi'" Berra has his great- os paving days taint bi, ; Then we rolled out our eye-opener 4 diode of the Week || evita ws pA = fag ewes poo } oe : RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Radio and T.V. star and present Met coach. 7 PAINTING & DECORATING ST AN"S Service and Repair | : "40 years experience to serve you" "Specializing. In one-vear President Hamani Diorl, | oe, ee DELUXE PAINTERS vate eopettan® Fae rei psonentlgaorng 216 MceNAUGHTON 728-1373 Sharpening & STATION PLAZA 728-9481 ed an assassination attempt Tuesday. He was unhurt, be pis Rental Service sme ' i ell ltd eo ms an . G- BILL Ss President Stan Fudge estab- L, ELDON NELSON jured. 7 SERVICE lished his company in 1956 INSURANCE AGENCY F ss , WHITE and now has 10 employees. Pe, ROSE} STATION [Mr. Fudge was born and raised in Oshawa. Before starting the present busi-| +!FE AUTO ness, he had been employed FIRE © Front-end Alignment by Malleable Iron Co. as MORTGAGE INSURANCE i See Palencien Foreman, After three years 723-3584 | | 352 WILSON S. 723-4812 J of part-time activity in the] 53 HILLCROFT, OSHAWA sharpening business, he left to devote his full time to the Oshawa job. Stan also started a ualitvy Fuel: rental service and now has Q Y os a stock of $50,000 in equip- ment available for rénting. Whether you are building a STEVE KISIL, Prop. cement walks wallpapering 5s : ; or unwallpapering a room, "se prem er or refinishing a floor, every- 24-Hi; Free Seivice!' thing you need can be rent- 30 BLOOR E. 728-0762 |ed from Stan's Sharpening and Rental Service. To look around this thriving shop makes shed abe if there OSHAWA WOOD is anything, that it hasn't got in stock. Over the wall PRODUCTS LTD. hangs various saws, drills, COMPLETE , vow power tools, planes . ' & Appliances 4 you name it, and Stan has She can see us now. buyer. And the longer, more tuxurious engine. (If it weren't for the low price tag, ll New and Used Furniture | it. Don't break your back & BUILDING SUPPLIES . Phase I! of the Rambler Revolution has Ambassador now offers an outstanding people would have trouble believing this is "The Pri KEEN without the proper tools. | PRESIDENT HAMANI DIOR added something extra to all those unique choice of options, 72 in all--everything a Rambler!) And now there are more models 'at MeKEEN'S" Drop in at Stan's, located 728-1611 construction features (something that even up to Disc Brakes, Reclining Bucket Seats, to choose from, too: sedans, wagons, hard- 426 SIMCOE S. 725-5181 at 223 King St. W. and see BOX 368, OSHAWA she can see at a glance). Take the new and a high-performance 327 cu.-in. V8 topsand, of course, convertibles. No wonder for yourself. " ACTION! Ambassador for example: impressive new the Ambassador has been opening so many ACTION! styling outside, spacious new luxury inside Am b a S S d do r eyes lately. If you're one of those who ; This Ad is worth $20.00 off ony water system, softener, or 3-piece ACTION! --famous Rambler quality for the larger-car couldn't see us before, come see us now. | $ remodelling job -- one per customer - March 1 to July 31, 1965. 2 Licensed Mechanics General Repairs Builders' Hardware We sell, install and repair plumbing faucets, fixtures, water sys- More Houses tems, softeners, rental water heaters, disposals, DO IT NOW! Are Sold Daily , 725-8563 JIM HURVID PLUMBING & HEATING Through | LZ LEWINGTON'S & WESTERN ¢ A PRODUCT OF AMERICAN MOTORS (CANADA) LIMITED Aluminum = FLOWERS Ne ELECTRIC i, ae See the Rambler American, the targer Classic and the luxurious Ambassador, all at your Rambler dealer's today. samssssssssememl <= ; . & RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL WULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE i Y Products Wire Service : WIRING Free Estimates and through 8 p ISHEWA & DISTRICT Guaranteed Workmanship F.T.D, - U.F.C, ELECTRIC HEATING OSHAWA & DISTRICT @ Siding @ Awnings "Flowers speak for SPECIALISTS , tO " A coninectignd," Fern Obiheah be REAL ESTATE BOARD WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED "| AEVORS, Meee: SORvIGS BOWMANVILLE PORT PERRY > eee en ee Sees, Te Cea pane 100 Nonquon Road North 1003 Brock St. South Whitby | McQUEEN MOTOR SALES LTD. HARRY PEEL, RAMBLER @ Railing 24 KING E. 728-7351 668-5391 SALES & SERVICE 160 Wilson S. 723-2619 728-6211 OSHAWA -- 725-0842

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