ol itesole { ' y, 'fh I YG After scourging, Christ was brought from the guardroom to carry His Seeing that His cross of Golgotha. strength was failing, the s compelled Simon of Cyrene to the cross for Him. -Matthew 27:27-34. ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Matthew 27:27-66. 2 As Jesus dies, and the Temple veil is torn from top Crucified, Christ is mocked by on- lookers while soldiers gamble for His garments. He grants eternal life to the repentant thief; cries out to God as darkness closes upon the earth.--Matthew 27;34-49. to bottom. In t Gentile convert oldiers Him to be tru carry Matthew 27:50-56. Jesus is buried in Joseph of Arima- thea's tomb and a guard set. Never- theless, God's will is accomplished and the Resurrection occurred within the predicted time. -- Matthew 27:57- 66. GOLDEN TEXT: Romans 5:8. an earthquake occurs he confusion, the first , a centurion, declares ly the son of God-- BIBLE LESSON Death O _ By Saint By R. H. RAMSEY The death of Christ was first predicted by John the Baptist in ;jcalling Christ the Lamb of a" It was even predicted by| japhas (John 18:14); on nine) Jasions we read of the Jews' jermination to put Christ to th; and our Lord Himself lke many times of His com- violent death, even stating jt He would be crucified. When Jesus was delivered up vy Pilate, He was taken to a} f Jesus Predicted John The Baptist of this kindness, Jesus tasted contact with in all their years it, but did not drink, for Helof soldiering, for they could not wanted to go to His death clear-|take their eyes off Him. headed. Over His head hung a plaque Crucified with Jesus were two|Prociaiming Him "King of the! thieves. whose guilt was un-|Jews,"' Pilate had ordered it put) questioned, Yet, before the day|there over the protests of the ended, one of these had entered Jewish leaders who still refused paradise, his sins redeemed by|'0 believe He was their prom- the blood Christ shed on the|ised Messiah. cross, Thus, to the very hour of/SUBJECTED TO INSULTS His death Christ was delivering) 4. though the tortures of| those who put their trust in Him. | crucifixion were not enough, our'| After Jesus had been crucified|Lord was subjected to the in-| the soldiers cast lots for His sults of the crucified thieves, of} | Jesus could have easily, but had| as such, many of the insults) our sins would never have been were remarkable tributes tojatoned for. Christ, They acknowledged that} The three hours of darkness He claimed to be the Son of|were as if God had withdrawn God; that He saved others; that| Himself from the sight of man; a tie apna wttvet dati mi ene Ne gg pap te gh loans ate aresewnce enya Heavently Father was regard-| ing His Son as the greatest sinner to be found on earth, and vented upon Him the whole weight of His wrath. In accept- ing God's wrath, Jesus atoned for the sins of mankind. Shortly after the ninth hour Jesus cried aloud once more, then died. He did not die of weakness or unconsciousness brought on by the loss of blood, for the time between His cruci- fixion and death was abnor- mally brief. It would seem that Jesus gave up His spirit to God and willed Himself to die. OVERLOOK CONVERSION The miracles which took 3 ( ' De memenmeecia dial agg seprthe cnet Biel Mog ok BEAD eae own unused tomb after a hum- ble funeral. These preparations Sra: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, Aprit 10,1965 7 not only confirmed His death and fulfilled the prophecies, but the embalming clothes, the stone and seal, etc., allowed for a wealth of detailed evidence of His Resurrection. The setting of soldiers to guard the sepulchre against the disappearance of His body was futile, It was against the will of Goé, but they served His purpose. For it was the soldiers BLOOD PRESSURE WARNS High blood pressure is not a disease but a warning of weak- ness. It indicates annual medi- cal checkups are needed, espe- cially for people over 40. BRITISH BUY ON TIME Britain's hire purchase (time- buying) debt rose last year to $2,917,600,000, a record caused Four out, of every five forest fires in Ontario are caused by human carelessness. causes the rest. HARMONY | UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A. 8.D., Minister who first declared that the body had disappeared from the sealed tomb, though they knew not how, for they had kept the watch vigilantly. by the boom in new cars. LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE | place at the Crucifixion are well - known. In concentrating upon them, scholars have al- most overlooked the fact that the first conversion of a Gentile, the first trophy of our Lord's See | eae SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. CKLB -- DIAL 1350 || Switzerland has not much of an unemployment problem. Last December there were 237 men unemployed and 5,813 jobs open, | redeeming sacrifice, occurred when a centurion confessed that the dead Christ was indeed the Son of God, With His atoning work fin- ished, nothing but honor and respect was offered the body of Christ. Joseph of Arimathea ob- He trusted on God; that He was\and Jesus' fourth word from the the King of Israel; if He was|cross would indicate that the tained release of the body from Pilate and had it interred in his | all this, as He said He was, why | THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Ross Metcalf AR.C.T. ACCM, Orgonist and Cheirmaster 9:45 A.M, Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Kindergorten ond Tiny Tote 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome to All. KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks trom King) Minister Rev. G. W. C, Brett, B.A. 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 Musical Director ST. LUKE'S Rossiond Rd. W. at Nipigon Minister REV, D, R, SINCLAIR, B.A, not come down from the cross? | ALBERT STREET He done so He would not have) fulfilled His divine mission and | Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. UNITED CHURCH | (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV. HELMUTH DYCK; B.A. - i i C, A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M, WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Bond Street West or Rosehill Blvd. (ust north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev. Frank H. Ward, B.A Director of Music Michael Crosbie A.R.C.T. 11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP Nursery core for infants during the service A.M.--JUNIOR, INTERMEDIA A.M.--BEGINNER, KINDERGA! Mr The Receptior A Foundation of Rock (God A CORDIAL WELCOME TO AL SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL PALM SUNDAY | MORNING WORSHIP--11:00. A.M, "A CALL TO LOYALTY" The Sacrament of Holy Communion EVENING WORSHIP--7:00 P.M, Little Children cared for in the Ni fe SENIOR RTEN, PRIMARY in of Members and His Purpose, Chapt. 14) ursery L--COME AND WORSHIP GOD e ardro to be ; ' 2 t posit ethers ig soldiers /S2zments, then, when this was'the excited mob of witnesses, ae NDAY SCHOOL eat and reviled Him, spat upon|40ne, simply sat down to watch/and the leading Jewish religious Senior Depts ' 7 im and struck Him' with their|tMe Proceedings. Though they authorities. i ie ee nt eal! ST ANDREW'S shies They placed a crown of knew little of the on event} Though they were not intended| oe , ny 4 ; itranspiring before their eyes,| oe reer a ern ear orns upon His head, draped'i.. "soldiers watched Christ Minister: THE REV, JOHN im in' royal robes and placed reed in His hands, an insult- ing substitute for a royal scep- ire. When they had tired of the mockery they brought Him to) the street to begin the humili-| ating journey to Golgotha, the rather than the two criminals. Perhaps they unconsciously re- alized that this Person they had so mistreated was far above of tae KING STREET Ryn = é vw aN ; 28- ect they had ever proband a ad citibank sit ae oe 11:00 AM.--Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery "THE GOSPEL SONS" KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Organist and Choirmaster; MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M, PALM SUNDAY 9:30 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate ond Junior Church School UNITED CHURCH F. G. MORRIS, B.A., $,7.M., Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A,L.C.M, | 492 Masson Street --- 728-9178 9.45 AM. 9:30 AM CHUR oy en eee THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11,00 A.M, W.M.S. EASTER THANKOFFERING 11:00 A.M, a SERVICE est eo 4 Miss Merle MoGeren of PUBLIC British Guiana WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. Sermon Topics "THE ETERNAL 'WHY?' Come ana Worship With Us Church Parade, 25th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs All Cordially Invited ST. PAUL'S Wilson Rd. N. ot King St. £. Rey, Wolter Jackson Minister Mr. Frank Wolter Musical Director 9:30 A.M, The Church School 11:00 A.M, "JESUS THE KING" GOOD FRIDAY 11 AM. SPECIAL SERVICE Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner kvangeline & Philip Murray Pastor; REV,-ERNEST WINTER 08 ba Ca.vary i Bex 'e CENTRE ond JOHN STREETS Postor--REV. ROBERT B. LYTLE Baptist 11:00 A.M. mare st Ce ee ne BAHA'I ALBERTA'S YOUTHFUL EVANGELISTIC TEAM city walls, so-called because tha we 7 "THE TRIUMPH OF CHRIST" arren rock was skull-shaped. : ' : h ; F M.--Bi vakren rock was, sk aes WORLD FAITH What kind of triumph for Christ today? ! 95 A.M--Bible School for ell Ages, a the past hours, had drained Do the cities of the world receive Him? | 1100 A.M.--"CHRISTIAN UNITY he atleast vga agg How do | receive Him? 9:45 A.M. - BIBLE SCHOOL (Is Ecumenism The Some As Unity?) - : Teaches: Toddlers and babes are cared for in Toddler and Cradle rooms. 7:00 P.M--"HEIRS OF GOD" over CKLB RADIO tumbled under the weight of lis cross. Seeing this, and knowing they could not run the; risk of killing Him prematurely, the soldiers drafted one of the! onlookers, Simon of Cyrene, to) bear the cross for Him. | The Gospel writers, who} waxed eloquent on other hap-| 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M, Rev. E. Winter WED, 7:45: P.M. Bible Study and Prayer BROADCAST OVER CKLB Precisely who ore these heirs? "Men must eliminate all those prejudices which divide man- kind" For information re: NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW, B.A. Wednesday, 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer TONIGHT -- MISSIONARY AVIATOR--JIM TRUXTON--FILM Public Invited -- 7:45: P.M. weekly -- ye go agg ae meetings or literature . acer Gospel Music page eset ae MR, J, My ROBERTSON, A.R.C.T, hota ©@ Gospel Songs in Western Style EACON -- MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE co ae tn oe aber _ © Inspiring Preaching : many years, too painful to re-| Oshawa Times SUNDAY AT 1 1:00 A.M. and CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:15 am.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3, Junior 4, 8, 6. 9:30 a.m,---Intermediate Grades 7, 8, 9, Senior Grades 10 and over 10:45 @.m.--Nursery ages 3. Kindergarten ages 4 and §& Primary Grades 1, 2 and 3 member, for they offer only the barest of details of the actual ¢erucifixion. s 7:00 P.M. is the last opportunity to hear UNITED meee dae te uae ae. "The Gospel Sons" 11:00 A.M.--SERMON: | come the Jews customarily of-| CHURCH = = eee "Ih order that... bf fered those to be crucified a) @ King Street East, Oshawa : cup of drugged wine. In honor| (upstairs) E Babysitter Service by Come Double Club. \ 723-6325 V A N G E L 7:30 P.M.--Cantata 'Olivet' Centre Street and Northminster The Whole Gospel! Choirs at Northminster to the Whole World Pentecostal Church (formerly Ritson Road Pentecostal Church) 7:30 P.M.--Koiros Good Friday service at 11:00 a.m: at Westmount United Church. UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Sunday: ) Srange Temple Bruce St., Oshawa |i] 10 A.M.--Sunday School : 320 Ritson Road South (Upstairs) | --M Worsh SONOAY APRIL Tian | 720 FM --Evnostate Interim Pastor -- J. ZURBA SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Sot. 8:00 P.M.--Young People The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr, R, G, Geen, L.T.C.M, PALM SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. Socroment of The Lord's Supper and Reception of New Members LENTEN THEME: "OBEDIENT TO THE VISION" (6) "THE SAVING VISION" NEXT EVENING SERVICE -- APRIL 18 9:45 A.M.--Youth Department, Young Adult Class, Adult Bible Study Group 11:00 A.M.--Children's.Department, Baby Care. 2:30 P.M.- HEALING CIRCLE |! AND MESSAGES Healing Intercession Is Free 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE New President Mr. H. Wallace The Pathfinders Snenker---Rev. 0. Perry Message Beorer--Mrs. Hern THE SALVATION ARMY Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis 9:45 Sunlay School 11:00 A.M. -- 7:00 P.M. FORMER PASTOR N. G. SIBLOCK WILL SPEAK Future Locatian 320 Ritson Road South EVERYONE WELCOME Corps Officers 133 Simcoe South PO a EE SIN Musie by the Evangel Ladies' Trio WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 SUNDAY, During the week es heme abl bie ~_---- * py Pore | To SERVE GOD! APRIL 11 th Tues. 7:45 -- Christ's Ambassadors sinister de tcachiaaidinn ------------- Young People of all ages 11:00 A.M.-HOLINESS MEETING CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH bes hndiedsei-eve OG heh. ost te Aull Wed. 7:30 -- Prayer and Praise feet wide Napoleon built his arch of triumph. Proudly it rises above the: Place de I'Etoile reminding the world of an Emperor's early vies | tories--and later defeats. On the road from Bethphage to Jerusalem centuries before there had been another arch of triumph. Nature had fashioned it of palm trees. Beneath their bowing branches the Prince of Peace rode into the city that was to crucify Him. . Jesus, unlike Napoleon, never had need of a gigantic monument to help the world remember Him, The doors of a million churches bespeak His vietory. Men pass through them not to gaze upon the majesty of carved stone, but to worship and serve the Son of God. Napoleon bought for himself a transient glory at the price of other men's blood. ; Jesus bought for All Men eternal life--at the price of His Own Corner King and Centre St. REV, ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. -- SERMON His 'Come unto Me" Sacrament of the Lord's Supper and Reception of New Members The Contata "Olivet" 2:00 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.-SALVATION MEETING Tues. 2:30 P.M--Home Leogue Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army" COME AND FELLOWSHIP WITH US AT EVANGEL SIMCOE STREET PENTECOSTAL- CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. S$ Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor Zn i. A Blood! Copyright 1988 Keister Advertising Servien, Ine., Strasburg, Va. SUNDAY --~7:00 P.M at Northminster United Church 7:30 P.M. ' : ; Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa BYNG AVENUE : ig by the choirs of Northminster and Centre Street United Matthew Mathew Matthew Matthew Matt Mathew yp Pastor Smith speaks on the subject... ' 2i:1-14 25:31-46 21:33-46 26:17-30 26:36-46 27:27-44 27:45-54 Care provided for smatl children during service, Plenty of Parking at Centre Street The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. King St. United Church ay + sip + ip + ip + i + ss ss ss Published In Support Of The Churches By The Following Business Establishments! GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD, "A MAN CALLED JUDAS' @ How did he become a disciple? @ Could he have become converted after betraying our Lord? @ What importont lessons do we learn from his life? --MUSICALLY-- 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. PASTOR---REV, G. A. CARROLL RES, 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 VISSER"S BAKERY Fresh Bakery Treats Daily JAN'S GARAGE 40 Albert Street OUP igs canine? Lodies' Trio--Ted Marshall ploys the Soxophone--Choir 129 KING STREET EAST " PT ae saae oe omere avata Sere oe ESET ee SUNDAY 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL -- for all ages || __Mfva ona Cn Gran ome | MCCUARURAUAUNR LTD. |. LOSS SOMO ert | eth tae to Speaker. REV, C. SCRATCH 11:00 A.M.~---WORSHIP SERVICE--the Pastor speaks || youth Depertment ik Cache Orhewn --- Tas-aeee ge chigabooeiey isi OAS us Special Talent for Both Services Sona ea stbek dt hee eae PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Mee PLES toe pet alg : vera: AE ' Whithy -- 668-5833 (fuer oil) ie oe You ore invited to attend the City-wide service of be. aie DEMMER 'CONSTRUCTION ciiiaca ai kandi ae ae -- "THE POWER OF THE RESURRECTION" NOLFeALOmOn so es re a Omer oe = ra 10:00 A.M. | GORDON OSBORNE Peterborough iat SUNDAY SCHOOL Hh sin hoot ee | "SON OF GOD" sit busier ton | ROYMICHOLS MOTORS LTD. | pyyaRit CHAPEL LTD, TUES, 7:20 P.M---Youth Service ¢. Barteaying dis Gomsall newace of We Living Chit | ' Sea iv ees Whitby -- 668-8826 Courtice & Bowmanville 728-6206 Whitby -- Ontarie Busy Bee -- Club moneaens = nee aR : Anthem: When O'er the Sieep of Olivet" (Maunder) ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Y I SVS LS ALWAYS A WELCOME FORALL AT THE FRIENDLY RAMILY CHURCH I Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Service