THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 10,1968 § Name Proposed For Highway 2 PORT HOPE -- A new name, "Heritage Highway" for Highway No, 2 was sug- ox: Parking What do you think of parking and shopping facilities in " Town Club Hear Ss hing via t is" ae i | Tots Made Out | week, saw the babies and; "The babies are anor Mh Miss Hart had high priase for sas *f work that had been carried out In Triplicate ieee soft for Taree Ste 5 one nse poe ge a gh Bs MA in the past which involved base- jof goods. The couple lives in D hospital Appeal For Help jball games and other outdoor ea pa4 eal pe thd Waterford. rs i. a weighed sports which men's organize Roy at Noclt Genera Heaps E"QOCDE, Tas, ine, jar pounds 6 omens fe gested by Mrs. Lena Fisher, WHITBY (Staff) --- Assistance)the help of men's groups such|tions had conducted. Morej|tal here Friday. | : pound: : deputy-reeve of Cobourg |is required at the Ontario Hos-jas yours." The real value is\events of this kind are badly| The father, Stanley, a FA SI besa was nothing I could do."!ounces. Wednesday at the annual jpital, Whitby, in the. form of/beyond personal relationship and|needed she stated. loa truck driver who earns $70| meeitng of Zone 2, Lake On- tario Development Associa- tion. "That route is our heri- tage,"' she stated. She felt that the road should be named as the start of a tourist promotion program for the area. The LODA will forward her sug- gestion to the highway min- ister. wanis Club was informed atjfacets of social understanding, their regular luncheon meeting,|she further explained. Thursday. Guest speaker was) "Helping the residents takes Miss Louise Hart, hospital offi-\considerable courage especially icial in charge of "visiting in the initial stages,"' the speak- groups". 'er stated, adding further, 'but | The speaker stated local wom-|this effort brings tremendous \en's groups are continually as-|Satisfaction and untold rewards. |sisting the residents at the hos-|\!t means giving of yourself |pital but there is a shortage of for a worthwhile cause," she} male groups. Volunteers help in/S@id. ! | CLUB CALENDAR various ways, providing valuable| In ending her address Miss) assistance to the hospital staff|Hart suggested she would like to, |by keeping the residents occu-|think of a parallel for the men's; | pied. groups compared favorably with} (CHARLES MESHER JOE OTTENBRITE Charles Mesher, jeweller: "There has been a lot done towards creating off-street parking behind the stores. Land is available, and the merchants will provide en- trances to their stores to allow their patrons access from the parking lot. 1 do most of my shopping right here in town, and feel that for the number of stores we have, the selection is good." Joe Ottenbrite, tailor: 'In the Chamber of Commerce we have started upon a three-point program to cor- rect the shortage of park- ing. "We are working with council, and have formed our own parking committee, "We have plans to provide back-store parking, and are seriously looking into the possibility of a complete downtown renewal program. "A good clean-up, and paint-up, would do wonders for this town. "We are sending out ques- tionnaires to all landlords and merchants to obtain their feelings on downtown renewal "This renewal would pro- vide uniformity of signs, and bright cheerful! store "fronts." ; Dean Baker, florist: 'I would like to see more em- phasis placed on_ street cleaning. "If we had more mer- chants come into the area, a wider variety would be available to attract the shopper."' Gordon Mifflin, barber: "Tf more of the merchants and their employees left their cars at home we would ~ be able to provide more space for the patrons. "J would also like to see the merchants sweep their sidewalks at night, and not in the morning. night the dirt would be in the gutter ready for the town street sweeper, but in the morning it just blows around all day." Edward sporting goods get all of Droy, the merchants and landlords together, and (St. agree on a program of at- tack be made to really look like DEAN BAKER onDAY, April 12 "If they swept them at (Co-Op Credit Union banking hospital during the day," Miss "The downtown area could |St. Mark's UCW Unit-No. 7 and: night -- : Hart stated, 'this is a great Ist Whitby Scouts |help and service. We do need Salvation Army Brownies male volunteers to help us out {Whitby Baptist Church Explor-| during the evening however,"| ers : she added. "Residents are work- St. Andrew '§ Presbyterian ing in the fields or other places Women: Group No. 4° \quring the day cannot take ad-' "{ feel that we must |St. Andrew's Presbyterian vantage of these services and bp ei pieg Fe stan Ne assistance at night." : uae The principal behind the visits Women Group No. 1 | House of Windsor IODE Chapter of Volunteers was described as providing inter-socia!] activities | Unit. No.*s Keeping the resident's mind off their particular problem; aiding something if a good effort is |Whitby Brass Band Ladies Aux. i, the attempt to rehabilitate put forward "Parking behind many of the buildings, and back en- trances to the business block |Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club would aid the shopper, and promote better feeling be- tween merchant and cus- tomer." Mal Femia, groceries: "The Chamber of Com- merce is doing a great deal to improve the situation "It has shown the mer- chants and land owners many sets of plans for a new downtown, and is con- stantly meeting to seek out ways to settle the problem "They can paint up and renovate, or they can tear down and rebuild the area into a bright new centre "T would be in favor of the tearing down and rebuild- ing, but, only if it would not seriously interfere with busi- |THURSDAY, April 15 | ness. "However, complete reno- vation of the area, is the middle of the road, and I think the best answer "If the stores were redone, inside and out, similar to the facelifting done in Nor- wich, England, we could keep the charm of the old and benefit by the neatness and convenience of the new. "This is not just a job for the merchants -- the town council and the land owners will have to jump in to make the project a success." TUESDAY, April 13 ISATURDAY, April 17 | ! Band them and generally helping 'ithem re-enter the community as 'valuable citizens were cited as reasons behind volunteer visits /Red Cross work room "There is a gr | Be Te, pho a s great deal of, a Army Cubs 2nd Whit- good work being done by the : ,.|ladies,"" Miss Hart said. 'We 5th Cubs and Scouts Mother's hope to do even more through Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club "The ladies are visiting the the "Spring Bonnet Tea" re-| icently held by a ladies group. | | BAHA'I! WORLD FAITH FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister PALM SUNDAY 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST, C.K.L.B. 1350 on your dial 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor's Sermon:--- "PALMS FOR THE KING" 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL HOUR OF SERMON & SONG "THE PASTOR WILL PREACH" WEDNESDAY EVE., 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE & BIBLE STUDY "There's Always A Welcome at Faith" male volunteers, the Whitby Ki-\actually transcends various|a -- WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John MeLeed Organist Mrs. W, €. Summers, A.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.---GOSPEL SERVICE 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL WED 7:30 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED EMMANUEL REFORMED A403 Rossland Rood West 10;30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7PM. ENGLISH SERVICE TA ic |. ST. MARKS Met nat UNITED CHURCH Corner Byron et St. John Rev. 1M. sree BA. 8.0. Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. dk Beaton, AR.C.T. Minister F Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Orgenist 11:00 peers te 7:30 P.M.--HOLY PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the 1.0.0.F. Hell Brock St. S, Whitby. Every Sunday evening ot 8:15 P.M EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshments served Auxiliary Royal Can. Legion Ladies Aux \St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 14 All Saints Anglican Church Af- ternoon Guild |Whitby Chapter Order of | Eastern Star No. 248 {Almonds UCW Evening Group the |WEDNESDAY, April 14 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- | dren of the Church | Whitby St. John Ambulance |Whitby Kinette Club \Unity Club Past Noble Grand | (Rebekah) ANY WHITBY BANK | {Whitby Baptist Church Cubs |Salvation Army Women's Home League | FIRST INSTALMENT OF TAXES DUE APRIL 15th | 1965 TAXES are peyable in four instalments. The first intol- ment will be due Thursday, April 15th. A discount of 1% will be allowed on the second instalment and 2% on the third and fourth instalments, if paid on or before April 15th. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, ALL TAXES ARE PAYABLE AT | PAY NOW -- AVOID PENALTY CHARGE F. N. McEwen, Town of Whitby. Tax Collector, | |St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 6 |St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 3 | |Faith Baptist Church Women's Missionary Society All Saints Anglican Church St Margaret Guild Salvation Army Guides | Salvation Army Timbra! Brigade) Salvation Army Young People's) Under New Management DOR-MAR BEAUTY SALON 105 Byron St. $., Whitby Grand Opening EASTER SPECIALS ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH WHITBY PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 11 9:00 A.M.-----Holy Communion _ orSenior Girls' Choir ----monthly corporate Communién and breakfast for junior young people's group 11:00 A.M.--Morning Prayer: Sermon --Palm Procession with Junior Girls' Choir ---the Men and Boys' Choir --The Blessing and distribution of palms to the children 7:00 P.M.--Compline: Sermon --Jr, Girls' Choir WEDNESDAY IN HOLY WEEK 7:00 A.M.--Holy Communion 10:00 A.M.--Holy Communion --regular mid-week service 7:30 P.M.--Compline: Address 8:15 P.M.--Adult Bible Study (regular session) GOOD FRIDAY 10:00 A.M.--Children's Service in the Church 2:00 P.M.--"The Cross of Christ' an hour-long devotion for choir and congregation ~--the three choirs will participote 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School COMMUNION 11:00 A.M. 9:30 am--Junior, Intermediate ond Seniors "'T 1S FINISHED" 11:00 @.m. Nursery, Kindergerten Primary Nursery Care and Junior Congre- Infant Care, Junior gation During Divine Worship Congregation BROCK ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV, MAXWELL CASE, PASTOR JONATHAN KING, Asst. Pastor 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M. and, 7 P.M. HARMONAIRES TRIO from PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Guest Speaker for Morning REV. STANLEY GRANT Subject -- 'The Triumphal Entry" MISSIONARY SERVICE Monday Night Apr. 12th at 7:30 P.M. REV. JOHN SPILLENAR The Flying Missionary Te Canado's Northland" The public are cordially invited to hear thie outstanding story of Faith end Conquest |) FREE TICKETS ,. TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE BROCK THEATRE | The CORNER PIZZA EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE flach week for 26 weeks there will appear in the edvertisements on this page the names end addresses of 12 lucky people in this eres. if your JOE ROBINSON 4 lass, 113 Annes street, are cele-; brating their 23rd wedding anni-} lversary this Saturday. Their) friends wish them every happi- iness SPECIAL'ZING IN @ PIZZA' =e SPAGHETTI @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 days @ week) 107 COLBORNE 87. w. neme should eppeer an? you locete it, ell you ere asked to de is clip the ed end present it at the Oshawa Times Office in Whitby or Oshewe. You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theatre. MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY One Complete Show Starting 7:30 P.M. MURDER AHOY Starring Margaret Rutherford Also -- "BABY, THE RAIN MUST FALL" With -- Steve McQueen -- Lee Remick Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY fvening Shows At: 7 & 9 P.M. WALT DISNEY PRESENTS THE MOON SPINNERS Technicolor--With Hayley Mills -- Peter Mcenery PHONE @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK 24 HR. ROAD SERVICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD_ CSER--OWNER Mrs. J; Hipkins, 300 Kin, 324 ASH 5ST., WHITBY - - * RES. PHONE Perms Perms "Your B.P. Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE-UPS @ SERVICE CALLS @ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 616 BROCK N. Reg. 10.00... 6. OD Fl Reg...12.50 22.29.30 . . Tinting, Bleaching, Scalp Treatment Facials and Manicures OPEN MON., APRIL 12 -- CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY For Appointment Ph. 668-3992 Open - 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Daily EVENINGS -- TUES. AND THURS. Specializing in. = | Co-Op Guild members met at s ithe home of Mrs. William Ash- jton, Atho! street, for their April jmeeting. President Mrs. George| |Munns Sr., chaired the meeting. | Arrangements were made for |the next meeting to be held May) "4\5 at the home of Mrs. Florie| 4 \Adam, King street. Following] the short business session social' wuHitsy FOR EVERY OCCASION Make It... FLOWERS by DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock S$. Whitby D. G. Bentley, 241 Grooms for Matctiless Liv Town of Whitby 3 APPLICATION FOR oe ee CONSTABLES 668-4278 yr arg (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. Applications will be received up to and including mere te TUESDAY, APRIL 20th for Police Constables for The Town of Whitby. Application forms may be ob- tais.ed at the office of the Chief of Police. East 208 CLUB BAYVIEW -- TABLE SERVICE -- DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT na name eppearing in this advertisement mey request guest Boyview Club et Times office. HH. L. Pringle, 507 Brock S. » DANCING 9-12 $3.00 PER COUPLE OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S. -- 668-5853 BUYING - SELLING VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION The following qualifications are required: Between the ages of 21 and 30 yeors Minimum height--S' 10' Minimum weight--160 Ibs Minmium Education 10th grade. SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT LAUNDERERS CLARK STUDIOS Fine Oi) Paintings Portraits Model Services Custom Picture Framing Self-Improvement Clesses D. B. Miller, 2 Churchill 668-4497 325 Brock N. Get Quick Results with low cost CLASSIFIED ACTION WANT ADS MURPHY OIL CO. LIMITED and STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA J, DB. Kadwell, 605 Herriet 668-3644 501 Breck N. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Doug- jgames were enjoyed. The prize ley. Lunch was provided by The April 12 meeting of St.) the home of Mrs. James Suther-! Conservative Association, the|tives of House of Windsor Chap-| David J. Thomas, 1012 Centre| vice - presidents, Mrs. Arthur St Andrew's Presbyterian|80ing surgery at the Oshawa! Frank Sevcik. Auditors, Mrs. J.|home of Miss Marguerite Ross the wey te relex--et secretary, Mrs. Eugene Quan- 7 and 8St. Mark's United) Sunday from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. r. and Mrs. J. A, Osterhout, ' ' a M ardson will address member BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Chief Constable, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Osterhout!eq the General Council meeting of the Whitby Town donated by Mrs. Florie Adam, ame |Mrs. Joseph Cowx and served |Andrews' Presbyterian Women| At the annual meeting ofjnual meeting held in Hamilton|land, Maria street following officers were elected: ter IODE street south, is now conva-| Robertson, Mrs. J. A. Nixon,|Women, Group No. 3, are hold-|General Hospital. P. Allan, Mrs. T. E. Henstock;|1740 Brock street south. ' George's Barbershop j; trill. Chirch Women will be held Address applications to the undersigned Tuesdoy -- Ladies' 1010 Dundas street east, werejand show picture her trip t | Ma # On ner trip (0 = Town of Whitby and children, Richard, Stephen) Girls Softball | | Mrs. Elma McColm and Wes-| ley Harrison attended the fu- neral of their brother-in-law, the) late Alden McWhirter of Grand) Casapedia, Quebec, who died/ suddenly in his 33rd year Mrs. George Anderson, Clear- epring drive, is opening her home April 12 to members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 1 for their regular meeting Mrs. John Davies and Mrs Graham Lawson are attending the Provincial Headquarters an- BROCK Whitby | . Whitby Whitby Family Monuments was won by Mrs. Mabel Lind- GORDON MIFFLIN EDWARD DROY MAL FEMIA by the hostess. Group No. -4, will be held at) Whitby. Women's Progressive/the 7, 8 and 9 as representa- President, Mrs. R. H. Bedell; lescing at his home after under- Mrs. Harry Jermyn and Mrs.|ing their April 12 meeting at the) mers arene tents I treasurer, Mrs. L. H. Taylor; A joint meeting of Units No.| Every Doy from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. I) Recent visitors at the home Of) April 12 when Mrs. L. F. Rich- Manly Eide AN tes \I George R. Rankine, their son and daughter-in-law,| Newfoundland where she attend- 405 Dundes St. W. and Leslie, of Belleville. MEETING SUNDAY, APRIL {ith SPECIAL - TENT TRAILERS COPPING CARPET SERVICE | Zs @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES 942.0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" F. R. Crossley, 280 Wilson Rd. S. a \ \ 12:45 Created To \ Individual' At. Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST Cea, $e MEND-N-FIT) i = = ; MIGHT, Evening Shows ot 6.55 & 8. \ Siseiay aiatines Starts rie TO KEEP COSTS DOWN /F YOUR BUDGETS MSEE THETRUEADVENTURES PLUS SECOND " tamed «= FEATURE ATTRACTION In Magnificent Color "DEVI ke '400 HARRIS ST. Anyone interested male, or female in leoaching er managing 4 team please! attend or contact 668-5278 or 668-2617 HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL © COMMERCIAL © COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 668-5391 1003 Brock 5. 609 HARRIET - WHITBY L. Haley, 125 Pine J COMPLETE TRANSMISSION SERVICE A&T MOTORS Churehill See Our Displey Of New '65 RAMBLERS Clare Jacobs, A! Quantity of Good Used Cora" ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE @ 2 Licensed Mechanics @ Automotic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups 668.2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST Jack Eggleton, 351 Dovedale Whitby L. Fallis, 871 Ritsen North BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 '419 DUNDAS ST. E. F. Kane, WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING @ GRILLES e@ BUMPERS @ NEW AND USED PARTS @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD 12 HWY.--1 MILE N, OF WHITBY Only . . 399.50 WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY PH. 668-3226 WHITBY NO. _ 0 276 Albert St. 668-3223 SUPERIOR PROPANE BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 'SALES & SERVICE' # CUSTOM WORK | 668-3328 ® INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILING: VICTORIA ST. &. -- WHITBY 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTE! OF Soa 9 teams R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 i % t Christopher Lee Sun <: Se UNDERWATER Andrew Keir