a biate chic" 17--emale Help Wanted |17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted | 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, April 10, 1965 19 EXPERIENCED RT TIME 20--Real Estate for Sale © 20--Real Estate for Sale * STENOGRAPHER SALESLADIES Management PART O tunit R = Port Time and Full Time pportunity DRIVE : LAW OFFICE tm Fer yuna man to eseblth | REQUIRED e ee Preven eowience tered | since) sau | tamara anus | For ght dlvey work | REALTY LTD, | REALTY LTD. iy 2 agg origeges |_ond Oshawa Shopping Centre We require immediately top Apply. in person. ie Sinece St bd @ e 2 lib { fill th g 5 j owe ™ PAN See EXPERIENCED Soa lee FLORIST 16 Simcoe St. S. e * e i PARKHILL & YANCH ee @ Service Manager Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-1121 723-112) 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. ' (not necessarily licenced me- , ' Barristers, etc. henie). " : P.O, Box 154, Oshawa Telephone _ aaiope Store Salesmen PAINTERS e e WILSON | WANT TO ' Ph, 728-9495 728-9482 Office and Credit WANTED | | * Sage iy det ne | Ean Tustetttt | HEIGHTS SELL THESE HOMES WAITRESSES SALESGIRL REQUIRED |@ Store Manager Trainees Experienced only. testy clean, located in -- low on Simcoe St. S. The ; Part-time salesgirl to work in |@ Wholesale Salesmen Call: bungalow has: three _master pi hte ane! agate bee wid ag! i ell WITHOUT DELA REQUIRED point ond wallpaper store, @ Garage General Service sized bedrooms, family size place for the kids in spite of ogenboom Construction Y PE RE OEY 0 Men. 723-5807 pear gas rue bihy main road location, Extra consisting of two storeys ; 7 ee BOX 205, 'ies skis ee an os after 6 pan. 4 piece tiled bath with lorge oo ee jos | and bungalows, some with AND I'M WILLING Experience not r Y OSHAWA TIMES cellent opportunity for ad- vanity. The basement has every sow: Your personal in- | attached garages and DAY SHIFT ONLY! No Sundays or holl-| vancement plus the following LINEN workshop, laundry area, hobby spection will convince you of Ik- bi t id Also Short Order Cook days! Excellent wages. Experienced walt-| Coneral benefits: -- reais 'and pacer gorage. the olitétonding.velue offered a sud ~ " an T 0 MAKE THE zs ress for Si rr uri i a' a ti nt on 3 Fen gvening ett. Eg! ime spas @ Salaried position SUPPLY Sndecaohe pig HURRY! here. sib vaca naive ae Apply Mr. Campbell Genosha Hotel WORKING MOTHER requires widow or motherly person to mind small infant and live in, New apartment building, private room, ail conveniences, good remuneration. Apply to Box 901, Oshawa Times. Wanted by K-MART Female personnel |RELIABLE. lady to take charge of 14 month-old child, In his own home, Mon- day to Friday 6.15 B 4.30, $15 weekly. | Apply after 6 p.m, 725-2090, BABYSITTER and housekeeper for work- Hs couple. Two children. Good salary. Room and board. Phone for appointment after 7, 723-6183. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- housekeep | er for motherless home, middle-aged pre} @ Bonus @ Paid vacation @ Group Insurance and Hospitalization @ Pension Plon Apply by Phone for appointment to W. Fertile FIRESTONE STORE For steady salaried position to train as routeman. All bene- fits Apply 669 SHAKESPEARE AVE. OSHAWA NIGHT CLEANING Honest, relioble. Must be thorough. Full benefits. Good wages Don't be late. e Il @ Brond new, and avail- able for almost immediate oc- cupancy, you will be ptoud to call this home your own, An attractive three bedroom ranch bungalow located in the north-west area, There ore many beautiful homes ore the main consideration of this subdivision's plans, Offers large living room, as dining, xl e Many dreom of 4 home with walkout basement and a babbling brook in the back yard. Your dream can easily become a reality when you start by purchasing this exclusive lot in North West Oshawa. Yes we can help you with plans, permits and fin- oncing also. $17,265. TRADES ACCEPTED DIRECTIONS: Continue along Wilson Road North of Ade- laide Street to Models, PRICES TALK" : 'Says Builder $999. DOWN | , | ive in, . Telephi ; ! , i gon eae Cl pil icich sagt oad Dial. 64-3979 Seer Hat antes | WE Developers will find FOR A NEW ime employment. pply 14 piece Ne [eau te Apply Mrs. Wilson 725-6566 Flying Disehiraet nator Hotel built-in vanity; Let us show this choice small acreage on BRAEMOR ---- owman | RESPONSIBLE PERSON to care for two pre Migttuy ta Rane you the many other features ottractive proposition. 4 acres PERSONNEL MANAGER | pre-school boys ; and Be in peyeneld | INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES this home has to offer. Gar- right at No. 2 Highwoy in DETACHED 728-7331 Gove weal nasi ster Ss EXPERIENCED MAN age, closed in breezeway etc. Sou, Oar Me row Yor mare GARDENS or Hwy. 2 & Kendalwood Rd. CARILLON TOWERS -- Make full time Wonted with mechanical Built by Roth Construction. porticulars. 4 BEDROOM ' *|money working part time. Call 728-7942. background' for inside sales e j " egy dl experienced fu-time days | REAL ESTATE cad ondrolidutien Gondeblés oo a eas ® bo Boag tess sin "8 no Sunday. For interview ca' lore | Send full particulars to lle We invit r ' [pean Serene weneuret | SALESMAN CER ple age ptt tO ad ' see this eninapaline ahs C. Russell Harrison Con- SIDE SPLIT TRUST COMPANY im- |WOMAN to mind children while mother | A, E. MER and near Kirby, close to Osh- t ' 2 : : - Local works. Must live in, Telephone 725-9736) 836 Carnation Court owa ski club, Very scenic lo- in eg en area struction Limited, these ith ; mediately requires We require 3 ambitious, ex- | gagnsio0. more a week with} cation, has. beoutiful view south of Bloor St. near the ¥ ARG , Ss perienced Real Estate Soles- |Mutval' of Omaha Insurance Co. Write] over 30 acres of forest. Only John F, Kennedy separate | homes in addition to be- wi mature experienced Oshawa location. Call 728-0694, mén. immediately. Highest |Bon"s26, 'Oshawa' Times. number 0) 12 miles from Kirby, on a school. 3 nice sized bed- ing decorated are equip- r |LADY for part-time meat wrapping. | : f ' ras m7 very good. road. For more in- rooms, step saving kitchen, d with built-i t 2 BATHROOMS SAVINGS TELLER |Apply meat manager, Bassin's IGA, Ajax| commission, lots of exclusive |WANTED: r One | woyear aprotic ioerietion coll us tehisht. gleaming 42 we. bathroom. ped with a built-in stove [srevene ht EE ea listings, full managerial _ | ee Telephone 725-8371. e tga with @ reason- and oven, double sink, Excellent solary for qualified |time, excellent working conditions. Apply| sistance. Soles for March ' |MAN for general maintenance and clean- : sie SE Poa) r person Nel writing te in pera Heid." Modern Hair' Styling. almost $600,000.00 Why ling. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha Hotel. . Pg pagent rest A storms the italia and HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN . id th, a SER . - P.O. Box 5 SUALIPIED -- NAIRD RATER Tease | waste your time? Join Osh- |19--Male or Female level home ond situated on o ay See: mene ,U. BOX immediately Good wages. Good working) awo's most progressive and | Help Wanted | well landscaped lot. Has large XIV @ $2000.00 down DIRECTIONS: Stevensons j j Osh eae eye beta *| knowledgeable Reol Estate | EXPERIENCED -- HAIRDRESSER for) bedrooms with roomy closets, gives you immediate posses- Road North to Annapolis, With Old Fashioned Pantry bi WOMAN for parttime Klichen work.| Sales force. Only experienced [modern salon Top wages. Telephone and a step saving kitchen, sion of this 3 bedroom bun- turn west and follow the signs Ap,ly In person. 1626 Simcoe Street d ly. Fi : | Whitby 668-3621. i An added feature is two-bed- galow with walkout base- to the. models. North. men need opply. For appoint- eX pERIENCED HAIRDRESSER. Wages! room apartment. Enjoy the ment located in.Oshawa south INCLUDES: CASHIER -- Apply In person to ne ment osk for "Bill" Horner, oe Se nner Whitey "Se advantage of country living end. We recommend this AVON dian Tire Corporation. 115 Simcoe Street' Sojies Manager or Doug with city convenience. Avail- economical purchase. Mother a Sil aie Andi wily Firsi| Wilson. Coll 728-5157. | 20--Real Estate for Sale able for your inspection, Call will love the large kitchen @ Built-in Range Need money for TY BIST fer aruall eiice. 'Apply fully Fire tanta todey for an appointment. and the whole family will and Oven Easter expenses? Stort earning substantial in- come immediately. Avon Cos- metics has vacancies for cap- able women. Call 725-9696 INTERVIEWERS id on SUPERVISORS Part time, for market research surveys. Write giving educa- tion, interviewing Or super- vising experience to Edsall Reseorch Ltd., 2045 Bishop $t., Montreal 25. WOMAN who can drive. If you would -- --- three or four hours a| INTELLIGENT, experienced nena day Salting ery each month on aer for two adults, live in, tudio Girl cosmetic clients on|no heavy work, references. route to be established in and around tween 8 and 9 Oshewa-Wnitby ahnd.are willing to make light deliveries, etc., write Studio Gi @nioy working , of Si Cosmetics, Dept. SAO35, 840 cu irt La @leur Whittick Motors, Ltd., Ave., gt lad 32. Route will pay up to B. per hou! Office Box 235, Oshawa. HOUSEKEEPER 35 to 40 for widower! with seven-year-old son. Someone more! interested in a home than money. Telephone 728-3343. |MOUSEKEEPER WANTED for elderly | lady. Small country town, 50 miles north- {west of Toronto. Dial 668-5031, ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South | HAIRDRESSER, 'experienced. Apply in |person The Mayfair Salon, 27 Celina a Telephone 728-0662. | WANTED -- Middle-aged housekeeper for | Write Box 47, jtwo adults, to live In. |Oshawa Times. | EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with clientele. Apply in person. The Vogue Beauty Salon, 10 Simcoe Street North. EXPERIENCED felephone solicitors re quired in areas from Oshawa to Bay) | Ridges, for natural gas appliances. This} may be done at your home. Three hours | per day, Monday to Thursday. Ajax! 942-0380. | way vm 194 be » and ERK -- 3% days week. | a iy Bill 1250 Dundas Street) East, Whitby 668-5871. EXPERIENCED SPRAY PAINTERS IN WOOD FINISHING REQUIRED Apply Max Rosenheck . SKLAR FURNJTURE CO. Whitby 668-3315, 18--Male Help Wanted basy aR middieaged | WOPIET ON: | cinsinicitieetadsteininiamaaesnin SETTLED, | 'ake charge of children while mother LICENSED mechanic required. Apply in| oe four-day week. Telephone after 5.\person to Service Manager, 3797, Canadian | | Tire Corporation, 115 Simcoe Street South. | OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS EASY PICK-UP By ALICE BROOKS Dainty flower motif is simple to memorize. A pleasure to cro- chet this square. Easy pick-up crochet! Flower} PRINTED PATTERN DISPATCHER For Ready Mixed Concrete Company Must have past experience. Good salary and benefits. Reply in confidence to BOX No. 802 Oshawa Times VENDING COMPANY Requires men' with good ap- pecronce, between the ages 25-35, Minimum education. 3 years high, school with mechanical aptitudes for route service work. PHONE 728-6961 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. JUNIOR DRAFTSMAN cal Diploma in industrial drawing equivalent. Apply by letter stating age, education and experience if any to: BOX 203 Oshawa Times PERFECT PAIR Local immediately requires TRUST COMPANY, OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. HARMONY VILLAGE off Harmony Rd. S. BUNGALOWS WITH GARAGES SPLIT LEVELS WITH GARAGES "'TRADES ACCEPTED" Built by Midgley & Christy Construction EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 128-515] REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe St. S. bedroom 'homes for braemor gardens Secondary School Techni- | Stevenson Rd, N. at Annapolis St. Beautiful three and four im- mediate. possession. Open daily for your inspection ACTIVE Ve FOR.THE GROWING FAMILY -- Here is a 4 bed- room family home and out with many built-in features you' have always wanted. Large living room, family siz- ed kitchen with loads of cup- boards, and 2 bedrooms on the main floor. There are 2 more bedrooms on the second floor making this a perfect home in a friendly location. Close to downtown, The osk- ing price is only $12,900, with your offer on down pay- ment. Yes, there is also a re- creation room: Nicely finish- ed in panelled walls. Well worth your inspection, VI @ = This 3 bedroom com- poct home is built for econ- omy and comfort. Splendid location within walking dis- tance of the schools at a price and terms quite satisfying to any buyer. In a quiet neigh- borhood where it is safe for your children to play. e Vil @ This home is located in a good neighborhood hav- ing 3 lovely sized bedrooms. Full modern up-to-date kitch- en with double compartments stainless steel sink. A gleam= ing bathroom with colored fixtures and vanity. The home is decorated in soft pastel colors and is only one year old. A low down payment and the balance of orie mort- gage at 614%. Your inspec- tion is invited. @ Vill @ YOUR DREAM HOME -- situated on a spaci- ous lot. This is love at first sight. A lovely garden, fenc- ed in, attached garage and paved drive. Up to the min- ute kitchen with large dining area. Stone fireplace in liv- ing .room, dining room has picture window overlooking the city. Sun room, or den on main floor with walkout to patio, Recreation room is finished, laundry room, three over sized bedrooms with double closets. In immaculate condition throughout. Call us to inspect and see for yourself the many extras. IX e@ The spacious kitchen and the finished recreation room are some of the attrac- tive features in this modern brick bungalow, Paved drive- way and fully hedged yard os well as excellent location near schools, stores and transporta- tion, make this an excep- tionally good buy. $2500.00 down will handle enjoy the proximity of the lake. RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You Sophisticated Adult Living in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-and 3: bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies. The modern 7 storey build- ing with on elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built - in sleeves for your air-condition- er. Close to shopping. For Immediate occupancy Call Rental Office at 723- 6361, Model Suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture. Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. daily. Coll 723-1121 for full par- ticulars, Open. daily from 9 a.m, to p.m, After hours call Ethel Love 668-2402 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 728-2754 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 If you find it hard to meet payments on a First and Sec- ond Mortgage combine them in one with easy terms. We'll be glad to help you with your confidential mortgage arrangements. It's all port of our compre- hensive Real Estate Service, at Guide Realty Limited. We list Exclusive and Photo Members of O.D.R.E.B, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 ®@ Storms and Screens @ Walk-Out Patio Sliding Glass Doors Beautiful in every way and located on select homesites in this desirable west suburban community. @ PUBLIC CHECK OUR VALUE PACKED LISTINGS EAST END $3,000. DOWN Give us the pleasure of show- ing you through this lovely 3 bedroom home. Large modern kitchen. Rec: room finished off in Cherrywood panelling. Home only 2 years old. Taxes about $280.00 yearly, Phone 728-5157 now. CLOSE TO HOSPITAL Suitable for rooming house- 13 rooms in all. 2 storey. Needs some _ redecorating. Make your offer. Call 728- 5157. COUNTRY LIVING MEADOW CRESCENT Brick home, 3 bedrooms, liv- ing room -with separate din- ing area. All rooms are large; Finished. rec room. Lot is 110' x 166'. Phone 728-5157 for inspection. MORTGAGES ARRANGED ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS SEPARATE AND HIGH SCHOOLS Close By @ MODERN SHOPPING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE Other 3 Bedroom Homes on 1 N.H.A. Mortgage Carrying for $98 Monthly, including Interest Principal and Taxes DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $679 "You visit me, the Builder this week-end and I'll show you the finest home values to-day." GO west on Highway 401 to Liverpool Road (Interchange 64). Turn south to the BP Service Station, turn right and follow the signs to the : e ay : squares form a graceful design By ANNE ADAMS Quality Built MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE ann . --lovely for mats, pillow, cloth,| JUMP INTO a streamlined YOUNG MAN 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. ARMSTRONG Dover-By-The-Bay Gates, turn left. scarf.. Pattern 7463: square mare for sun, tennis, gar- H| W HOMES : e inches in string. den -- then, button skirt for| 18 to 22 to train for account- : T S FEKEND Open 10 a.m. to 9 m. Dail THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|ashing off 'to town. Choose| ing position. Excellent op: Oe CONSULT A MEMBER pen, 'mM, p-m. Yy for each pattern (no stamps, Dacron, polished cotton, " ,| portunity for rapid advance- H. MILLEN OPEN FOR YOUR $15 400 OF THE please) to Alice Brooks, care of|_ Printed Pattern 4841: Misses?) oy goo) i. daily & : PERSONAL. INSPECTION ' OSHAWA and DISTRICT The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft|Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 Real Estate | imited 'Ge Wilson Rd., at Dean REAL ESTATE BOARD Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario|Playsuit 2 yards 45-inch; skirt eal Estate Limi Built in the midst of a galaxy Open Daily residents add Ic sales tax. Print 5 Gun ance : P.O. Box 5 9 Bagot St of brilliant homes. HOUSES plainly PATTERN NUMBER, "ENTS (40c) in coins Oshawa i ose Ven H. GRIFFIN COTTAGES GARAGES NAME, ADDRESS. (no stamps, please) for each| 728 1679 s Real Estate Broker You Build -- We Build Ws "NEEDLECRAFT. carpe. Oniario residents add © Vaio 9) So 723-6461 ee ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 free pat-/N au A D DE Hs S. eat el Cl A Machen! © On Glenmar a Financed Monthly Payments 'terns! Newest knit, crochet INUMBER. } ass ecnanic FOR FAST "ACTION" @ Built by Romanin. « After hours call 723-4134 McGILL BY-THE-BAY | 7 4 : . ; Heated with clean dependable { fashions, embroidery. 25c. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Minor tune-ups. Real: Estate Broker { Now! Send for elegant, new |eav agi! Was Dinos, Times, Pat. Aeiy LIST WITH From Rossland Road west turn | noone a a eae 728.4285 : : : le | "Decorate with Needlecraft!" 5)te:) Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. 525 King Street W. "ACTIVE" right at-Gibbons to Glenmar. |otohew wiih etiechee oreo sooind| PRINGE ALBERTI Brie tome local, Phone 839-3461 or 364-3115 beautiful room settings 25 com- 'OMPLETE FASHION RE- OSHAW tl est In Kingsmere Gardens, featuring a bullt| rooms, three-piece bath, haw builtin eu: i n stove and oven, decorat , fi i y : ey i i plete patterns for decorative ac-|po tT in our new Spring-Sum-| A. Service hetie REALTY LTD. GUIDE REALTY drive, TV onde S04. many SING. Gather lich cine 6 talsow wed ohemine: tre Consolidated Building Corporation i cessories in one book! Pillows,/me: Pattern Catalog plus cou-|----------------__---- 728-5157 |Call Doug Gower at S. D. Hyman Real|mediate possession, Price $12,900 with ; 4 wall hangings, curtains, appli-| pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! \povs fo sell papers on sss | Friday tn! -- -- De ERIE rte OT | Estate Limited. 728-6286, |$3,000 down. Port Perry, 985-7310, "Canada's Largest Builders' i ! 60 : ne following areas: Newcastle, Bow-|APPLE HILL ~~ district, three-bedroom BAY RIDGES, three-bedroom semi- { ques, more! 60c. Eve pehing you need for the life |manvile"Oshawe Whitby. Aiax, Ux- large ranch style bungalow $1,800 down. |detached | brick | two storey, 1/4 baths! 20-_Real Estate for Sale . 4} Value! Deluxe ag Book --|you jead -- 350 design ideas! |bridge Port, Perry, Brooklin, Fairport| Full price $12,500. Private one mortgage, carport, full basement, 21 years left on } ©" complete patterns. 6c, _|Send 60e now. fm ee ee Pe ein ee REALTORS errr one, Reta 'wn! (Continued on Page 20) | @ @ OO @. OO @ @