Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Apr 1965, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 9, 1965 Hits A Deadlock By H."L. SCHWARTZ III PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Cru- cial basic steel contract talks are deadlocked with the indus- try blaming the impasse on un- ion internal troubles, The United Steelworkers Union de- nies this publicly, but privately some of its top men say it is 80. There could be a steel strike May 1 y 1. I. W. Abel, union secretary- treasurer, was reported to have defeated incumbent President David J. McDonald by several thousand votes in a power struggle rare for a major un- jon. McDonald, 62, has been presi- dent for 12 years. He says he gave up a promising Hollywood career to join the labor move- ment back in the 1930s. Abel is 56, earthy, forceful, a product of Ohio steel mills and the rough-and-tumble days of early organizing. The union's international tell- ers must report a winner by May 1. Effects of the election are ap- parent in the union's bargain- ing technique. Top-level negoti- ating for the union and the in- dustry has been done for the last several years by a small group of men. They know each other well./Donald's chances of getting the They have the routine down|U.S. labor department on his fiat. Usually non-economic mat-jside if he should press for a ters have been discussed first,/new election. then the bigger issues of wages, pensions and other cost items. But a top union negotiator said that this year Abel and Jo- iseph Molony, who ran for vice- president on Abel's slate, in- sisted the economic matters be presented first. DUMP ON TABLE McDonald said okay and told them to draw up the package. Consequently, all the union's demands were dumped on the bargaining table at one time. This created the problem, still to start. One union man who was present said it also almost brought negotiators to blows when the industry ridiculed the demands and called them pre- posterous. McDonald's appointment of Abel and Molony to draw up the union demands was taken as a unity move. But McDonald also let it be known that he Ithought their package was ex- |travagant. The day after it was pre- sented and word got out that the inion was asking wage and benefit increases of more than $1 an hour over three years, McDonald was in California. He had left Abel in charge. | Abel backers said this was an lattempt to make Abel look ir- lresponsible and improve Mc-| BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE 'Hit-Run Driver Gets $300 Fine ' AJAX (Staff) -- A hit-and-run driver was fined $300 in Ajax Magistrate's Court Thursday when he pleaded guilty to leav- ing the scene of an accident on Feb. 20. +James Stevenson, 45, of 66 Burcher Rd., Ajax, according to Timothy Lioyd of Rosedale Blvd., Whitby, was coming from a Whitby hotel to Ajax along Highway 2 when he struck a vehicle in the rear causing it to veer off the road and strike a tree. Stevenson, who had been drinking, failed to stop but con- tinued on into Ajax. Constable Dave Robson, the Ajax Town Police, testified that at 10.50 p.m. on Feb. 20 he observed a vehicle with damage to the front end being driven south on Harwood Ave. by the mccused and fail to come to a of was $400 damage to the ac- cused's car and $700 damage to} the vehicle driven by Hein} Rolff, of Harwood Ave. N., Pickering Township. Rolff suf- fered a broken knee cap and chin lacerations when his car struck the tree after being hit from behind. Beside the fines and court| costs Stevenson had his licence} "_____|Cotnam Says Steel Negotiation Ontario MDs 'Ignoring Act TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's doctors. have not been taking the Coroner's Act seriously, Dr. H. B. Cotnam, Ontario super- vising coroner, said Thursday. "We will have to get back, sociation, to hospitals and med- ical staffs to see that they know the Coroner's Act," Dr. Cotnam said. He said doctors have been treating the act lightly and must be made to understand how serious it is. The chief coroner was commenting in an interview on inquest this week at Kingston into the death of Robert Mc- Leod of Brockville from com- plications resulting from two operations that following an ac- cident. The death had not, been re- ported to a coroner and only came to light through an in- quiry by the Workmen's Com- pensation Board. Dr. Cotnam said in this case the doctors who should have no- tified the coroner claimed it through the Ontario Medical As-| was an oversight. 'HOWLING MUTT WILL YAP ANEW PORT ARTHUR (CP)-- Sidney Young, 46, testified Thursday that he shot a mongrel dog because its all- night barking "was driving me nuts." Young said the dog's barking has been bother- some since 1958. After the animal kept him awake for five consecutive nights recently, Young of- fered to buy it from his neighbor. The owner re- fused, and the accused shot the dog Tuesday morning. He accused his neighbor of "not even hollering at it to be quiet." Young was fined $5 for wounding the dog, which he said has made a complete recovery and is still bark- ing. DCI STUDENTS QUAFF 'ARSENIC AND OLD LACE' Although this isn't exactly box is destined to the same be presented tonight and the way it happens in Done- fate in the play. Portraying again Saturday night start- van Collegiate's production constables are Bob Mc- ing at 8 p.m. in the col- of "Arsenic and Old Lace', Conkey, 'left, and Bruce legiate auditorium. Bob Calford, in the wooden Smith, right. The play will --Oshawa Times Photo MPs Present WEATHER FORECAST -- Private Bills Overcast Today, rE ee owes Sunny Tomorrow troduced in the Commons} Thursday, virtually all of them carried over from the previous} session. Speaker Alan' Macnaughton suggested the procedure,| 5:30 a.m.: ds Synopsis: Considerable cloud-|light. och a 'jiness will persist over the prov- adopted previously 10 save perince. with» temperatures much time if the measures were con-| (he same as Thureday's Tepe Windsor sidered separately, of giving all|"8s. vn Saturday B anee high) cs Th as the bills first reading at one|Pressure area will cover the) 7 gana time The bills would be scruti |forecast regions resulting in chener' " ie epi, ifair weather and seasonable| ese a9etes nized to ensure they are within temperatures. Mount Forest. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Saturday: 55 55 55 suspended for 12 months by Magistrate Harry Jermyn. ; An Ajax youth was found guil- ty in absentia of crowding the driver's seat, | Ajax Constable Paul Steven-| son said that Leonard Giddy, of| 17 Windsor St., Ajax, was ob-| with an unidentified female pas- senger behind the steering wheel with him. Stevenson said the unidenti-| stop at a stop sign at Bayley St. Censtable Robson charged Ste-ified female was half on the car venson with drunk driving which the court reduced to impaired und fined Stevenson $100. Constable William Kolebniak, of the Pickering Township Po- lice, who investigated the High- song and half on the accused's ap. "It sounds like quite an ac- complishment,"' said Magistrate Harry Jermyn as he fined the accused $10 explaining, 'It's way 2 accident, said that there probably worth that to him."' HERE and THERE The Lake Ontario District Girls Gymnasium Cham- pionship will be held at Oshawa's McLaughlin Col- legiate Saturday, April 10 at 9 a-m. An estimated 10 dis- trict teams, with up to 50 contestants, will be partici- pating in the events which include tests on the balance beams, trampoline, pommel box horse. O'Neill Col- legiate's team won the event last year. FY An eight-year-old cyclist was taken to Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital yesterday after he had been in colli- sion with a bus on Regent dr. Michael Barrett, 1048 Regent dr., received a brok- en wrist and abrasions in the accident. Driver of the bus, which was owned by the Oshawa Public Utili- ties Commission, was Rob- ert F. Bertrand, 73 Mea- dow cresc. Pat Baker, who has been playing goal for the Brook- lin club for four years and John. Davis, leading scorer with the Oshawa Green Gaels last year, will be working out with the senior lacrosse club at Peter- borough. Reeve Arthur Blanchard of Darlington - Township was re-elected as a director at the annual | meeting of Zone 2, Lake Ontar- io Development Association. Douglas Maybee, of Camp- bellford, 'was re-elected as chairman Congratulations are ex- tended to Donna LaBreton of 335 Elmgrove, Oshawa, and Keith Shackelton of 89 High street, Bowmanville, who celebrates birthdays to- served turning into the parking| Management must get together lot of Kingscourt Apartments,or knuckle under to even- Labor, Firms In Joint War KINGSTON (CP)--Labor and tual government intervention in their affairs, a Queen's Univer- sity professor says in a study |ment aimed at investment companies |temperature. on industrial relations. the b of House practice if wc .:, |Wingham before being brought up for fur-|_ Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Haaiion ther consideration Niagara, Lake Huron, Lake On-|. " ; t i : Z 8 \St. Catharines.... The first one up for debate is|tario, Haliburton, Killaloe,) by Douglas Fisher (NDP--Port|Windsor, London, Hamilton, Peterborough Arthur). It embodies an amend-|Toronto: Mainly sunny this aft-\rinoston .., to the Criminal Code\¢rnoon. Not -much change in ef Friday mostly Era shaeied which set up "dummy advisory |SHnny poly aaa temper) Muskoka . corporations," Mr, Fisher said? et ees of gilt m1 . |North Bay ; : seorgian ay, imagaml,\Sudbury ....- in viet id the bill. Cochrane, White. River, Al-|Rarlton Second on the roster is a bill/goma, North Bay, Sudbury:/sauylt Ste Marie to designate lacrosse as Can-|Cloudy with sunny intervals|Kapuskasing . ada's national game. 'and not much change in tem-|White River By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP) -- The Lucien Rivard affair has resulted in the slaughter of the reputation of innocents, three lawyers con- tended before the Dorion in- quiry Thursday. Andre Villeneuve, counsel for Liberal MP Guy Rouleau, ap- pealed to Chief Justice Fred- eric Dorion to re-establish the reputation of his client so that his political future would not be ruined because he had merely followed Canadian parliamen- tary practice. Guy Guerin, representing for- mer federal aide Raymond Denis, said his client had been victimized by Liberal organizer Guy Masson. Francois Chapados, counsel for Masson, said his client had been exploited by friends of Ri-| vard, was facing bankruptcy and "can never regain his rep- utation now." | The Dorion commission is in-| vestigating allegations by Mont- real lawyer Pierre Lamon- tagne, acting for the U.S. gov- ernment in extradition hearings against Rivard, that he was of- fered $20,000 by Denis to drop opposition to bail for the sus- pected narcotics ring kingpin. Mr. Lamontagne has also ac- jcused Mr. Rouleau of bringing |pressure to bear on him on be- |half of Rivard, who escaped from Montreal's Bordeaux Jail March 2, ACTION 'NORMAL' Mr. Rouleau resigned as par- liamentary secretary to Prime Minister Pearson Nov. 24,. say- ing he had made normal rep- resentations in the Rivard case. Masson has described himself as the 'errand boy" between TORONTO (CP) -- Forecstsjperature. Clearing tonight. Sat-| neared the end of its final stage issued by the weather office atjurday mostly sunny with sea-|the summing up. Mr. Guerin is sonable temperatures. Wind S/ccheduled ' ' Rivard's henchmen and Denis, a long-time friend. The lawyers for Rouleau, |Denis and Masson held the {courtroom floor as the inquiry to conclude today land be followed by spokesmen |for the RCMP and federal gov- jernment. | Mr.Villeneuve said Mr. Rou- established parliamentary prac- tice in seeking information on the possibility of bail for Ri- vard, He said Mr. Rouleau had also followed parliamentary prac- tice in making a 'gesture of nobility" by resigning as par- liamentary secretary to Mr. Pearson. Mr. Rouleau had been so overworked he didn't even have time to read the newspapers. All MPs would be glad if Chief; Justice Dorion could recom- Lawyer Calls Rivard Affair . A 'Slaughter Of Innocents play his role and one of his vic- tims is Raymond Denis." Masson, 35, was a "very old politician" who had worked for the Liberal party for 12 years, "not. just a minor politician." He had told Denis June 22 that $60,000 awaited the Liberal party if Rivard wasn't extra- dited to the U.S, But if Denis had been finan- cially or otherwise interested in the matter he would have acted earlier than July 14, date of the alleged bribe offer. mend some procedure « which) would prevent their daily har- assment by constituents and others. | Mr. Villeneuve maintained that Mr. Rouleau had done nothing objectionable and that his behaviour in the case had been irreproachable. CITES OTHER CASES He said the MP had acted no differently than in the cases of Bob Tremblay, serving 20 years for attempted murder, and Joe (Bananas) Bonanno, a Mafia lientenant expelled from Can- ada last year. Mr. Guerin said the "'whole tragedy of Raymond Denis" could be traced to a single tele- phone call he received June 22 from Masson. 'Masson was SERVE Canada's favourite beginning to JORDAN BRANVIN Sherry CHILL IF DESIRED jleau shouldn't be made a \scapegoat for having followed McGIBBON Are Now Law Offices Of 32 SIMCOE ST.S. NATIONAL TRUST BUILDING (Also Rear Entrance From Athol St. Parking Lot) & BASTEDO Located At t KARN'S ee 0 a \ POLAROID Color Pack CAMERA for only 9.95 We've got to be kidding But we're not. Polaroid has just introduced an economy model of the famous Color Pack Camera. It's called the Mode] 104, Same great film. Same fast loading. Same electric eye. Same big color prints in 60 seconds (black and whites are ready in just 10), Yet Polaroid has figur- ed out a way to bring it to you for only about half the price of the original model. Come in and make us prove it. pruaeé 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. day. BUEHLERS# Friday Night & Saturday Specials BACON ENDS ws 4.00 EXTRA FRESH SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDERS Ib. 3]. ¢ FREEZER SPECIAL ° HINDQUARTERS or BEEF »53: Speedy's specialized muffler service gives you more for your muffler dollar At Speedy Muffler King, only qualified experts, using tools specifically designed for muffler jobs, work on your car. That's why they can install exhaust system check-up. mufflers faster--and better. That's how Speedy saves you time. And money. But that's not all. Speedy buys mufflers in large volume at low costl And passes the savings on to you: At Speedy Muffler King, you can buy a muffler designed and engineered to the same high standards as 206 KING STREET Friday nights till 9 p.m. car manufacturers' authorized replacement parts ~--for less! Come in today for a free muffler and Oshawa's Newest and Finest Muffler Centre 728-6268 Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sg ONT CUT AND WRAPPED FREE ster enegeerapeerteteememeer ier fli

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