Ba oo "We won because we were ee the referee, POLICE ACT IN JAPAN 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Aprit 9, 1968 series and we'll have to keep |'a little hungrier than they FAMOUS LAST WORDS ARE on working hard if we hope | were. If we can stay clear of this is the one we wanted Pie A gc a to win, . . injuries we'll take it all... .| to win... . 1964, 2,169 more than: in' 1963, to. di e e ' n Picked "We've bee our sights on | "We played our best defen- | "I'm sticking with the guys |and forced 35 gangs RECAI I ED IN PLAYOFFS winning four games and we | sive game in quite some time. | who got us here. . . haven't changed, .. . It was a real team effort....) "My big dalicuiaades is so By JACK SULLIVAN we get back in our own "We beat him with an easy "They're not so tough. | racked up he should be in F, R. BLAGKo.> 7 : i L Canadian Press Sports Editor | rink... . shot along the ice. I was sur- | We'll show up for the next} hospital, but he's got guts... . Win Amer ican eague These Stanley Cup piagetie "That one could have gone "i when it went ea - ' -- em " ak "Walt'll next year... . OPTOMET RIST le . which the 1964)spot in the NL. was much closer aren't fun any more. | either way... . y guy was screened. He en, there are some more | "They played as if next . Pi ela ge a on sami ox the "fast day of thelover - all. than that. in the| coaches, apart i TOPE |. fekb: Ti stay. with, the,| Maver Rew, Che puck wnt it |) chestamte: year's contracts were on the Johnny Keane and the Cardin-|season after being selected for|younger league. Only 312 points pale geese Jae tae delight- same lineup. ,. . was in the net. "It's tough to play. against | line. : als in the 1964 World Series, are|third in the pre-season poll, hadjout of a 10,000 total separated ful quotes that set them a red to get another crack atja total of 2,189 points while|St. Louis from San Francisco, Pay petal' Keane pr their| Philadelphia had 2,113 and Cin-|picked for fifth. ae ak Sei. Sad K | side--this year. cinnati 2,098. The Giants, fourth last sea-| "toa few years ago, * + * x * * | wr The Yankees were voted into| Votes were counted on' the|son, drew a total of 1,877 points. sports-page readers were sub- a record - shattering sixth)basis of 10 points for first, nine/-The Dodgers, pre - season thiess say- straight American League pen-|for second, etc., down to one|choices last year who wound up eacgolyce dea y £ STAN ST ARR, vie ter ant by a narrow margin injfor 10th. in a tie for. sixth, held fourth] ""?' t . : balloting by 266 sports eeitert The Yankees finished with| piace in the pre-Sandy Koufax ay mae a ae cong iy ? ; and broadcasters in The Associ-|2,400 points, Baltimore 2,340 and] injury poll with 36 first-place as. ated Press' annual pre-season|Chicago 2,240. __ |votes and 1,939 overall. "We're. going to play this é Sees ee In proving the Prognostic®.| Voted into the second divi-' series one game at a time.... , St. Louis received almost asitors correct last year, ,the stan "wire Milwaukee Braves, | vate asert aenk Yel, Bate, uA) slim a margin over Philadel-| Yankees won ~ pogo fd Titisburgh Pirates, Chicag0| those guys lead us 30 in é phia Phillies and Cincinnatijone game over Chicago and two Cubs, Houston Astros and New games, Nis wes Wave some over Baltimore. St. Louis nosed i Pie Yankees, with Keane re-jout Philadelphia and Cincinnati -- Pong davai te. tte surprises for them. placing Yogi Berra as their/by one game each, AT Claveland iediand edged "TI tell you one thing, my, manager, recorded 60 more| If the Cardinals come throug arighesdta aves for tourth club has lots of hustle. points than Baltimore Orioles|as selected, it would mark th place "by 34 points, 1,658 tolAND THERE'S MORE ete cae Chtinals aoe Mily eee goed "at 1,624, Those teams tied for eg Dink Carroll of the Mon- Sater Rea fe cosy aie mugen repeated as pennant place in 1964's final standings. | treal Gazette dug back ~ polled the Phillies by 76 points|winner in the National League.|_ Detroit cg yy a ae 6 ee a te d the Reds by 91. The e paper battle for | the t top) division we A geles, mo} = ot vere eID eee ton, Washington and Kansas) :we had the defence and City following. we skated and the goals OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS The Mets, a perennial last) came. I couldn't ask for much jplace choice, drew the hp as more. ... t--185 for! «We've lost the first one or AGUE This past week saw the end of the| jvotes for any one spo We've los : : RAINBOW BOWLING tire 14/reguier season's: bowling and the follow 110th in the NL. The Athletics! two before and come back... . tie gh You've always wanted to spend a summer on Team Standing -- Green 14, SI Vi its. The four sections winners are) fi Crange, Mores Laige fa haar |S Strike Outs, Joan| ear d 179 for last in the AL. 'Things' iH} be. different | when Rose 11, Gold 10, Beige 10, Maroon 9,|Sandy Ferguson's, Es ete Ce iam 4 Tan'9, Purple 8 Mauve 8, White 6,/Ellis' Flintstones, Faith Young's Lucky) ---- the water, Stan will make it possible. We have Black 6, Pink 6 Brown 6, Blue 6, vel. |Strikes and vonne ar: tf J low 5 and Lime 4 Hards will be batfling for the gent x THE ; ' . High Double -- F. Russell 481 (328);| championship, The otner four teams i FOR 85 boats in stock of every price and style B. Colvin 434, M. Cockerfon 433 (243); i ag ately a aA ged a J LARGEST SELECTION F Peak cea eiscesateanarianate memes Parra sess Shortt 402 (254); M. Luke 415 (238) and O. Rag. poet with total points to count. I'd like: ett . ° 1 citi Single -- 4, Ovens 2a, N- Burnet gomes, Mie Meares thst at Wek imaginable. Yours is here too! Whether you're oO W. Bonnetta. 200 wih tapy winners team. tno romune TROPHIES a fisherman, water skiier or just like the qT ALBERT STREET CHURCH taneous season's play are: The Women's high ay. a /\ er 700 --- Doug. Wilson was erage, Joan Ellis, with 191; Men's - ] ' for the night with 770 (275, 249, 246)7/ average, Jack Goodman, with 224; Wom- j ae FOR ALL SPORTING EVENTS . a water, we've got boats for every purpose, Mace Morrison 727 (248' 247, 232) and/en's high triple, Carol Wood, 863; Men's| Mf AND GIFTS ' Clark 711 (281, 220, 210). |high triple, Sam. Plume 860; Men's high, | ee Peer 600 -- Gikn' Maunder 658 (243,|triple with handicap, Nell Daniel, 829; ; : IN EASTERN ONTARIO AL 227); Roger Plancke 653 (285, 207); Bill Women's high triple with handicap, Marg| eam é Bike 647" (247, 202); Gord. Shemilt } . 5 ; Jim Scott 618 (294); Art Ait | Shangraw 747; Women's high single, i i rf The "i ' 12 Ft, Ca T Al i r Top Aluminum man 606 (238, 231); Stan Gray 246; Ed.) Yvonne Marshall 298; Men's high single,| 2 Holland 226, ma Eric a a al Robert Ellis 356; Women's high single GF - BD 356 Dean Ave., -- ert Jacklin Gor Paace 'Gae Clark 203, and Walter Tippett 200. with handicap, Marilyn Burns 310; and ~ oe ree F b Th PLUS Lasies 'over 700--Beverley Jacklin was|Men's high single with handicap,. Elmer | Bus, 723-3961 Ras. "y95- 2062 \ y orne 's aed pad the only one this week with a lovely | Marshall 382 $ triple of 713 (269, 231, 213); Grace Locke i ---- . 654 (282, 219); Harriet Johns 241, Agatha 3 9 H P MERCURY Melanson 229, Betty Wilson 218, 2047) : : ' Marg. Mossey 213, Marg. Jacklin 211,| Pearl Marlowe 207, Betty Grandy 206,| : 202; June Edwards 205, 200; Annie Snud-| This sturdy aluminum beouty --_ ee comes to you with a 7 year The Bugs, Strikers and Flintstones took | é IRE TORY guarsntes, The 34. Hib. Maw ail four from the Beatles, Hot Rods and) e3 Beavers. The Whiz-Bangs fook three) : cury power unit is fully equip- or re fern etn and er with gas tank and gear | shift, wise gai ee at ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED Rods 9, and Beatles %. Vour Quality G.M. Dealer We think this is OUBLES 4 Sis ae Champucahing. Conte. 0's: "GOODWILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" the bese after you'll Alley Cats, and High Pin- 166 King St. "4 Bowmanville 623-3396 get anywhere... All for... High qripies -- Ed Leslie, 732 (280, 272); Ernie Dickens, 700 (225, 288); Har- old Creamer, 693 (301); Dot Hughes, 683 /----- (213, 246, 224); Ray Branton, 668 (216, PADDY'S MARKE sy eos 2 Bowmanville Hotel || V N scaver --- (259, 211); Tom Rae, 648 (314); Art Bry- Specializing in ae oe te Wiener (ea; al] Rooms - 3.50 up LUMBER |] USED WASHER PARTS Hardsand, 626 (216, 218); Harold Dervent,| @ REPAIRS 67 (270); Hugh Hutcheson, 621 (215, 267); | co. LTD. " , 3 Hux- Me Pk Matyas e's] WEEKLY RATES FOR end Olive Mcintosh 600 (236 ROOM AND BOARD i 4 200's -- Harry Keys 248, Ethel Tonkin CALL i s sea 'TH, Jean Allin 236, Al, Hutcheson 230, HOME COOKED MEALS Your Home Improvement TODAY! : © Aluminum Boats by 3 . Headquarters 3 P . @ Aluminum Boats by SPRINGBOK ae COFFEE SHOP 623-3388 atigt eyo mlb) insopnead Guaranteed i es jucrantee Guaranteed Commish 207, Vi Taylor 205, June Coles : < ©: Hhwsien Ganley © Fibreglass Boats by 205, Roly Arnold 204, 202; Thelma Leslie| 202, G Sheridan 201 end Bert Wight | NORTHCRAFT BRUNSWICK , George eridan e er' The banquet is April 24, 1965, at 6.30 i s me WEEK ae © Tee Nee Trailers of durable © Lifesovers and Water Skiis NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS LEAGUE REAL ESTATE } "el. Lo steel construction ote. Standings -- Group 1: Sunnyside 21, - i Group 2: Eastview 22, Kingside No. 1, District Real Estate Board ' . h : 2, Kingside No. ,, 18, 'Thorntons 14, est service that can be giv- / LIVESTOCK | é '| with a shutout victory, the victims being . i % : Rundle No. 1. Fernhill moved up with Exclusive Agents for Oshawa Sons, the areas Imperial 1 [eee termeten ek) OUR DISPLAY of 1965 leyview could do wes @ 2-2 saw-off with Wéssd Predicts Homek ESSO fuel oil and farm ser-| - PHONE 623-2895 a : § vite. to third spot with @ 3-1 win also, the los- iginated in 1939, and Mr. Adi cla hae a ato eg he Glen Mevert A. H Sturrock is still active- BILL'S . er Thornt ~ > A O hert Aloxand SEE US FOR ly engaged in it. The com- FOR POWER IT s hind came Merion Dingman' with 785 Y SHOE REPAIR pany began with one truck] GLASS & MIRRORS (290, 260, 235) followed by Len Yuill 749 241, 210), N Robison 705 (239, 235, f. ; 231), George Taylor 682 (265, 233), Chuck service the area faster and Mirrors 4 676 (259, 217, 200), Mavis Taylor 664 (278, 201), Leon Davey és4 (314), and Pet Bel. Tropical Fish & Supplies BUILDING ° Good singles were Earl Schaef 273, . | Breninie Balninte 257, Don" Parierson JOE'S area, and Orono and Hamp- 623-5187 @® new silence ee 253, 19 Clark 252, Stella Scattergood 233, . ee 218, Rusty Howard 210, Fern Buechle . serviced by this expanding : . see Be Cae Vinal MAC Menta] 80 King S:.W. . 628-2921 tania, Yih: canara Bowmanville @® more power Jerry Dickens 214, Oscar Morrison 212, Peggy Branton 212, Mo, Allin 210, Anne 623-7072 96 King St. E., Bowmanville Hampton 263-2241 204, Madeline Morrison 202, Doug Pelow . a : juerante: PETER KOWAL @ BUSINESS OF THE Increase your milk production sharp, In the Kinsmen Hall (upstairs). Valleyview 194, Fernhill 19%, . Rundle ' : No. 1, 17, Kingside No. 2, 10, and Radio 9. Members of Oshawa and This 'is the 25th year of the SCHWARZ BROS, DON'T M ISS Gien Stewart 14 and Rundie No. 2, 6 Sunnyside fook te led in Group 1 623-2453 en by A. H. Sturrock and shutout also over Radio, The best Val- Kingside No. 2. In Group Two Eastview : P Orga Hage | s scored a 3-1 win over Kingside No. 1 t : : vice dealer, The business or- H i | | fe them for the. feed. Kinpside held on | 52 King St. W., Bowmanville on : BB. NO. SROWMANVILLE 0a argalns ee Bert Alexander was top bowler for the night with 787 (300, 281, 206 Right be 8 COMPLETE Bi, ne eet ae he de Ravan is an feo "Mt ng MERCU RY Sew '6 5 GS GH, in ay Merk Tee te Rubber Footwear more efficiently. Bowman- monte 654 (237, 25). ville, Newcastle, Courtice] CONSTRUCTION Pat Winacott 228, Jerry Bent 226, Stella ton are some of the areas Leighton 220, Don Hottot 220, Gord Hanna SHOE REPAI RS ne oie : : 9 Division der 204, Helen Mink 204, Elinore Hanna 203, Miro Benak 203, 201, Marg Hobbs y H 202, Fred Shewring 201 and Orve Ding of the family operate the n . ' 4 | the Pick of the Crop this week | Bowmanville Frigid business ---- and at present HUYCK S * c from sound Helen Mink of Radio, Lesser Lemons there are five employees. A. HAIR STYLING | ere Madeline Ashmore of Thorntons, ae een © Kingakie Wo. 2 ond Locker System H. Sturrock and Sons also engineering pee gd ig and tla Sargant both ' No. 2. : 3 re sponsor a team in the area's 4 ibaa OnANOE Leacie Meats Sold In Quarters "700" Bowlers -- Archie Petch 209 Cut to Order and Minor Hockey League. If ers - ' é Permanent ; Carol Wood 7224, 210, Don Fisher 230, Fy 3 " he Manken is. Sea Mocciliver, All Frozen Foods, Fruits, you need excellent service, ' 4 | HERE § THE MERCURY ot OE 3S MESO if 231, Marg Shangraw 276, 203, Bob Pool Vv f i : : Waves" 315, 235, Earl Kehoe 230, Bob Ellis 356, Sgotah les ane Fish na minimum of time, call Fr, Fal rune, mi Elie Cox 2) 1 OCKER RENTALS |A. H. Sturrock and Sons at wed 623-5703 | | STORY FOR 1965... Coe 209, Joan Ellis 282, Helen McBride 623-5516. | . 100 'H.P. TO 3.9 H.P. 231, 200, Don Marshall 217, Alf K : = i and John Gives 245, 213 aioe) 73 King St. W. 623-5578 67 King St. W., Bowmanville Women's high singles for the week's bowling are: Joan Ellis 282 and Marg Shangraw 276. ing ara: Bob' ei 'Shs "ond" Bob. Poole A.H. STURROCK AND SONS LTD. __ se ee ne Distributors--Imperial Esso Products oeauee Fuel Oils -- 24 Hr. Metered Service -- Stove Oils RENT PHONE 623-5516 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. mm NEW PALMER HOLLANDIA INSURANCE ADMIRAL MOTOR. SALES WOODWORKING i a TELEVISION > Authorized seta O gsery Built "AU Classes Of Insurance" ALL 50% QUIETER WITH POWER PLUS ' PRICED RIGHT TOO! ercury engineering has developed a new silencing system that makes the 1965 Mercs 50% quieter, Here are the sound engineer- $ ing exclusives which not only reduce sound f in the new four- and six-cylinder Mercs, rom but also give you more usable horsepower p at the prop. . . another example of how Mercury engineering gives you more RUN for your money. Before You Buy Give Starr A Try! . FURNITURE & APPLIANCES | 491 RITSON RD. S. PHONE 723-3343 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9.00 P.M. Plymouth, Dodge, Contact Don Mountjoy at Dealers for Tappan-Gurney PARKWAY || Wg@ ovtcron., || Secieeat"hertiNets |! ewith & Mountjoy Now On Display At: 1.00 Per Day 0 3.00 per week Dependable Used Cors 55 KING ST. W. INSURANCE AGENCY $15.00 Per Month wpe 2 (with option to buy) aa BOWMANVILLE 623-3980 Res. 623-3614 Special Rates For Longer 20 King E. 623-5487 Phone 623-2421 14 Frank St. Periods - Minimum $3.00 ADMIRAL 16-19-21" COWAN Pp R ESTON d Made-to-Measure PORTABLES. fl EQUIPMENT co. make be Drapes pap All Designs & Materials Dehumidifiers For Rent International Trucks Van Moving & Storage Samples Shown in your own home "Your Color TV Store" es os at no obligation. Complete f "abet ss Agents for ALLIED VAN LINES Including Lining & Hooks PARKWAY Kelvinotor Applionces 623-2493 3.98 per yard TELEVISION Penis '¥.v. $ emo oc. Seema MULDER. 918 Simcoe St, N. 723-3063 623-5689 ree morn AN ay nee | earaiiare & nes We nsured KK KK kK KK KK KK kk RE EK Ourselves" Kak kekKaKakKS 134 King St. E., | P.O. Box 1470 Bowmanville 23 King St. E., 623-5515