Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Apr 1965, p. 2

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2 THEOSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 8, 1965 Deslauriers Admits Lying. Says Dupuis By RUSSELL PEDEN ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP) -- Racetrack promoter Roch Des- lauriers testified Wednesday he made false statements to the RCMP in January after Yvon Dupuis, former federal minis ter without portfolio, assured| him the matter would never come up in court. Mr. Deslauriers, a 31 - year old St. Johns chiropractor, re- fours the witness box today for his sixth day of testimony at Mr. Dupuis' preliminary hearing on influence - peddling charges. The chiropractor has said he gave the former cabinet minis- ter $10,000 in 1961 to use his influence to get the Quebec government to issue a charter to operate a racetrack at nearby St. Luc. Mr. Deslauriers testified Wednesday that Mr. Dupuis cautioned him: last December not to say anything about the racetrack application if ques- tioned by the RCMP. He became very nervious at this point, but he gave the RCMP a statement Jan. after Mr. Dupuis assured him the matter would "never get to court." CONSULTS LAWYER He then consulted his lawyer, Henri Choiniere, who advised him to go back to the police and tell them the whole story. He said he did so Jan. 18. Under cross - examination, Mr. Deslauriers admitted the second statement was 16 "not Condoned It He said he had made the January statements, and later ones dated Feb. 5 and March 3, without threats or lpromises. There had been "no lpressure" from the RCMP. None of the statements was made public, but relevant por- tions were made available to the defence for cross - exam- ination. Mr. Deslauriers also told the court that, while in Mr. Dupuis Ottawa office last Dec. 16, he was promised that 'French- Canadians will have their flag by Christmas, and you will get your racetrack." INTRODUCED AS 'THINKER' He said the promise was made by Real Rousseau, a mat he said was introduced to him a week earlier by Mr. Dupuis as a "thinker" for Prime Min- ister Pearson. The chiropractor also has referred to Mr. Rous- seau in his testimony as an intermediary between Mr. Pearson and Quebee Premier Lesage. | He said he met Mr. Rousseau again in Montreal Dec. 26, and two|* ARE POTHOLES WILL OF GOD? ESPANOLA, Ont. (CP)-- Potholes in the streets are the will of God and not'the responsibility of the commu- nity, town council decided Wednesday. Considering two cc m- plaints from angry motor- ists in this Northern Ontario town of 5,300, council ruled against paying the tow - truck costs of rescuing cars stuck in potholes. "If we pay," said Mayor Fern Giroux, "we may well have another 100 motorists to satisfy." People Cooi To Wilson's By MICHAEL GILLAN OTTAWA (CP) -- Leon Bal- cer's critics have expressed pleasure at his decision to bolt the Progressive Conservatives to sit as an independent but some in the party fear the step will hurt the PCs for years. Mr. Balcer, 47, has been a thorn in Opposition Leader Diefenbaker's side, both before and after January, 1964, when it was agreed he would be appointed the party's Quebec leader. The unofficial reaction from a spokesman in the opposition leader's office was "'good rid- dance." Others, however, say his de* parture will cause more prob . . lems for the party than it will solve. Racial Bill These party members fear the present internal divisions By ROD CURRIE lover policies towards Quebec LONDON (CP) -- The Labor|and federal - provincial rela- government's proposed race re-jtions will now linger long after lations bill, providing heavy|Mr. Diefenbaker retires. fines and jail sentences for) They hold that had Mr. Bal- ception today. on ions Critics suggested the pilll Mr. Rousseau told him the racetrack charter application a while. It was at this time, he said that Mr. Dupuis cautioned him against saying anything about the racetrack to the RCMP. Mr. Dupuis resigned in Janu lary as federal minister without |portfolio but still represents St. Jean - Iberville - Napierville in would have to be postponed for leaves too many loopholes. Itiever that day arrives. does not cover activities in Daa boarding houses, shops and pri-|\COMMANDS RESPECT worst discrimination occurs. | The bill, Britain's first majer|-- Sreaiiaee ube cuter ber, does,| Popularity High Of Little Giants however, cover discrimination) The remarkable public in hotels, restaurants, pubs,| places of entertainment, sports! grounds and swimming pools} Te- stirring up racial hatred, re-\cer remained as Quebec leader ceived a rather cool public re-|and within the party, the divis- could be more easily healed by a new leader when- vate clubs where some of the| This is because the member \for Trois - Rivieres was not simply the leader of a handful of Quebec Conservatives but a Quebec politician commanding wide support and respect. This support will be needed, many observers say, if the party is to regain power with a majority in the future. Only last weekend the pro- vincial: party executive in Que- bec unanimously endorsed Mr. Balcer's leadership of the Que- bec wing. Mr. Balcer's strong criticism of the party itself has caused dismay. Trhoughout his attempt to un- seat Mr. Diefenbaker, he spoke as though a change in leader- ship would be sufficient to start the party on a new course to- wards an accommodation with Quebec members. But his comments to report- ers following his announcement to the Commons had the ring of a swan song to the party. A leadership change is not enough now, he said. Party pol- bec were 35 years behind the times. pected candidate at a future leadership convention, is taking his first halting steps on the! road back to Ottawa. | icies and attitudes towards Que- His exit comes at a time when E. Davie Fulton, an ex- Balcer Critics Are Happy That He Bolted PC Party those of leadership but of atti- tudes and policies towards Que- bec endorsed by a majority of English - Canadian members. "T don't intend to go back be- cause I'm quite sure the party is too monolithic and I don't expect the party to change rap- idly enough for me to go. back on my decision." SURPRISES MANY This critical view of the party surprised many. Mr. Balcer is a former' cabinet minister and a past president of the PC Na- tional Association. Some reports have said Mr. Balcer plans to join the Liberal party or lead a group of inde- pendent Conservatives and So- cial Credit members from Que- bec. He says he has no plans to do either, only to run as an in- |dependent in the next election. And, with a smile, he says he knows he will retain his con- stituency. FULTON COMES BACK | Mr. Fulton, who quit federal |politics to become British Co- \lumbia Conservative leader, an-| nounced last weekend he will| seek a federal seat in the next! jgeneral election. and in all forms of public trans- isponse to want ads make news|"c. 1.21 months ago there! VISIT b raemor up tnvolving 12 vehicles' on the fog-bound Macdonald- Cartier Freeway 22 miles east 12-Car Crash, $40,000 Loss bree besides the 12 CHATHAM (CP) -- Damage/driven vehicles--mostly tractor totalled $40,000 and four men|trailers--were five new cars received minor injuries Wed-jwhich spilled from an automo- nesday in a chain reaction pile-tive transport which was in- volved in the pile-up. Norman McLean; 25, of Strathroy, Wilfred Alderson of Ingersoll, Anthony McNamara of Toronto and George Smil- zanic of Rodney, Ont., were treated in hospital here for minor injuries, ina moment... Paarl hospitality \headlines from time to time. Achievements ranging from aad ig ~ be Rly pote ' ing houses to finding lost pup- vue a " nis ae recoe sia seteeeaing fr This week as the little giantslences, lof journalism, the distinctive} But Mr. Balcer indicated a| and intimate form of advertis-jlack of enthusiasm when asked| the Commons. St. Lue, three miles north of \st. Johns, is in the riding. identical, in fact it was very much changed" from the first one. Balcer portation. | The main enforcement is a slicwamhcgcdbigie _|fine of £1,000 ($3,000), a jail HERE and THERE 2" ga rdens (Stevenson Rd. N. and Annapolis Ave.) party differ-) [for conviction on incitement to jrace hatred. | For those chalking vicious The Bowmanville Police Association is sponsoring a circus. Sells and Grey's three-ring circus, will be brought to Bowmanville for two performances on Aug. 2. Advance tickets for out of town subscribers may be purchased by writing to Cir- cus, Box 501, Bowmanville. AL proceeds will go to char- ity. Two readings were given Council this week to a by- law to establish a commun- ity centre at Bay Ridges. Robert Miller, Donald Gibson, John Grosart, Mil- ton Parkin, Harry Spang, Clifford Laycox and Mrs. J. McPherson were this week named members of the Pickering Township Mu- eum Committee. Pickering Town ship Council this week endorsed a resolution of the Picker- ing School Area No. 2, which applied for the issue and sale of debentures in the amount of $345,000 to cover the purchase of a site and the building and equipping of the proposed 12 class- room Fairport Public School. Eleven building permits, representing an expenditure of $1,906,314, were issued by Pickering Township during March. "Grubstake For the Eye- opener Man', a comedy dramatized by Leslie Mc- Farlane of Whitby from one of his television plays, which was presented on the CBC national network last year, will be one of the entries this Friday in the Alberta Drama Festival. The play will be produced by St. Paul's United Drama Club of Grande Prairie, Alberta. It is one of the new all- Canadian plays entered in the national festival. The program depariment of the Oshawa YWCA is holding an exhibit of fash- ions, paintings and crafts in the afternoon and evening of April 13. On display for the public will be millinery, dressmaking, copper enam- elling, painting and weav- ing, all done by various program groups in the craft shop at the YWCA. Tea will be served in the afternoon. Congratulations are ex- tended to Gregory Richard- son of 479 Albert street, who celebrates his birthday , today Peter Eberett, Old Rose- bank rd., Pickering Town- ship, suffered facial injuries and possible fractured ribs in a two-vehicle collision at the i ction of Victoria and tk sts., Whitby, this. morning. Dale Laun- PRESCRIPTIONS | City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. drie, Rosebank rd., a pas- senger in the Eberett be- hicle, suffered minor face injuries. The other ve- hicle was driven by Frank Diettrick, 610 Green street, Whitby. Oshawa Fire Department dealt with one small grass fire yesterday on Park Rd. S. City ambulance answer- ed five routine calls. Robert Bryden, 13, a Grade & student at St. Chris- topher's Separate School, Oshawa, who spoke on "Mo- tion Pictures', was a run- ner-up in the provincial semi-final (zone) oratorical contest for senior elemen- tary school students in Hal- ton, Peel, York and On- tario Counties. Eight speak- ers took part in the contest at Woodbridge. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bryden, 462 Rossland rd. w., Oshawa. Pickering Township Coun- cil this week endorsed a re- commendation from the township planning board for a change in zoning to per- mit the operation of a mar- ina, at the northeast corner of Frenchman's Bay, at the south end of Fairport St. The Pickering Township Planning Board and town- ship council have agreed to the relocation of Howard Burton's woodworking shop on the east side of the Brock road, between Brougham and Claremont. Mr. Burton had agreed to face the shop away from neighbors and set it back 200 feet from the road. Ford Asia HO 'To Australia | CANBERRA (Reuters) -- The |Ford Motor Co. is expected to |transfer its Asian export head- quarters from Canada to Aus- tralia, the newspaper Austra- lian says. The newspaper say. \derstood that only Henry Ford's approval is needed, and that this will follow his visit to the company's Australian plant at Broadmeadows, Victoria, this month. The Broadmeadows plant geared to \drive. The European and American car manufacturers feel that a push must be made in Asian markets before Japan's hold on them becomes unbreakable, the newspaper says. s it is un- is supply an export | |slogans on a wall or expressing racial hatred in public the pen- lalty will be a £200 fine, six |months' jail, or both. | A restaurant which refuses to serve a person on grounds of \"color, race or ethnic or na- itional origin" would be fined | | ing is receiving particular re-|by reporters whether he would] cognition during International|return to the fold if Mr. Fulton| Want Ad Week, Attention is di-|should become leader. \ rected to the unique and in-| | creasingly popular feature of|servative party, and I think it) the daily newspaper. jwould be the right move to! The classified section of the/choose a younger leader,"' he newspaper has become more'said. than a mighty trading centre) But he was convinced the "I wish him well in the Con-} Community For Young Moderns and So-o0-0-0 Convenient , |cooler. 1£50 for the first offence and }£100 for the next. Lord Brockway, who as for- mer Labor MP Fenner Brock-| way unsuccessfully introduced 'many anti-race bills, said he would try in the House of Lords|gether. It tells the intensely to introduce "certain amend-|human interest story each day ments" to stop discrimination|mirroring the many facets of in jobs and boarding houses. jcommunity life. through which pass millions of jdollars worth of merchandise ed an efficient medium for bringing buyer and seller to- | WEATHER FORECAST Sunny And Mild, Showers Frida 35 36 36 36 33 35 35 30 30 TORONTO (CP)--Forecast is-, Wingham 55 lsued by the weather office at|Hamiltof 5:30 a.m.: |St. Catharines.... Synopsis: Poor weather in the|Toronto .. North will improve today as the/|Peterboroug! old low pressure centre south|Kingston of James Bay continues east-/Trenton |ward into 'central Quebec. In|Killaloe . southern Ontario a fine spring|Muskoka . \day is expected with seasonable|North Bay. temperatures in the 50s. AnjSudbury .. area of showers and thunder-/Earlton showers now over the mid-|Sault Ste. Marie., western United States will move/|Kapuskasing across the lower Great Lakes|White River..... Friday. This disturbance will|Moosonee . |keep temperatures on the mild/Timmins . side Friday in southern On-|Kingston \tario. In Northern Ontario some| cloudiness and rather cool temp- | jeratures will prevail. | Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, | ~|Lake Huron, Windsor, London: \Clouding over tonight with | |showers beginning early Friday | jand ending by midday. Milder \Friday. Winds light. Southern Georgian Bay, Niag- | ara, Lake Ontario, Hamilton, | |Toronto: Sunny. Seasonable}| |temperatures. Friday cloudy jwith showers in the morning and early afternoon. A little} |milder Friday. Winds light. Northern. Geongian Bay, Tim-| jagami, Algoma, Cochrane, Hali- burton, Killaloe, White River, North Bay, Sudbury: Mainly! cloudy and not much change in| jtemperature today. Friday vari-| jable cloudiness and a little) Winds northwesterly 15 }becoming light tonight | Color Pack CAMERA for only Forecast Temperatures |Low tonight, high Friday: Windsor .. 2.5.00. 40 St. Thomas.. 40 London ... 38 Kitchener .. Mount Forest Why Pay More. SAVE!! ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341 DX FU Serving Oshaw 9.95 We've got to be kidding But we're not. Poloroid has just introduced an economy model of the famous Color Pack Camera. It's called the Mode} 104, Same great film. Same fast loading.: Same electric eye. Same big color prints in 60 seconds (black and whites are ready in just 10). Yet Polaroid has figur- ed out a way to bring it to you for only about half the price of the original model. 16: EL OIL a And District 725-6553 RUTHERFORD"S School Of Safe Driving 4 14 Albert St. Government Licenced - Come in and make us prove 28 KING STREET EAST 723-4621 | OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. aR -- Oshewe ~ Personalized Service and service. It has been prov-| |party's problems were not only GO hue news in mut ma" lovat greens with a | a masterly blending of The effect is quiet HHH OOe aoe 23% Simcoe Sou with new Cambridge iridescent shades A predictable success story... of iridescence created by "Doorway To A Man's World" Open Friday Till 9 P.M. TET a se ; : SPRING ES UP IN |p 'COLOUR.E ed greys, browns, blues a gentle underglow ae multicoloured yarns. elegance. ais ti SS USN a \ th 728-7974 j PHL HHH HEH ia oo a Co Do you receive From the day the account is opened? e Paid and Compounded Quarterly? @ With no service charges? e And Savings hours like these? Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday 9to6 9to9 9to5 Our depositors do. Shouldn't YOU be one of our depositors? Free Gifts for new accounts too. Open EVERY day--Monday to Saturday. OF SERVICE Head Office: 19 Simeone Street North, Oshawa Tel 792.5994

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