PL Barak WAL, NOW THAT WE'VE -SMACK!--~ BASH HERZ? THEY'LL MOST LIKELY HANG YO", AN'AH'LL. GIT OFF WIF MERELY STIFFEST LIFE,AT HARD LABORM! // SENTENCE!Y AH'LL BEA ERCENT ME, GITS TH' ITS A RICH SOIL ELIZA. E IT WILL GIVE US A GOOD éZ 4 Wa WALT ME&DAYTER| NORMAN DREW, Pano I PROMISE NOT TO WASTE THE SACRIFICE ANNIE MADE FOR ME-- WHEN I ACCEPT THAT SCHOLARSHIP (LL GIVE IT EVERYTHING I HAVE -- THATS ALL RIGHT, KID! I UNDER STAND ANP ery King Fecemee Syeda, Ina 1965. Weald Posters Byationn, ten, 1065. World den serve, pmo HE BUYS NEW FARM MACHINES, IRVATIVE YES, BUT GOD ALSO GAVE US THE TO USE OUR HANDS. +. TO BUILD MACHINES THAT CAN 5 EARTH MORE ~MINDED NEIGHBORS GRUVBLE... THE LONE RANGER IT'D BE A CINCH FOR RODTO SLIP TROPHIES FOR HIS UNSUSPECTING SECRET AGENT X9 LI HAVE TO FIND Is WITH A HOLLOW RING / TELEVISION LOG 2--Buftale 11:15 PLM, | 7--Afternoon .Show 9--Metro Final | 6-3---Movie Matinee 6--Viewpoint | 4--Meet The Millers | 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 P.M Channel Channel Channel é--Torontoe Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto 6---Night Metre Channel 11--Hamilton | 1:90 PM, eeenrmenncninase jo aevenning i 9--Pierre Berton ibdhorshe hee |.2---Tonight Show 4--Password 5:00 FM. 6--International Cinema |2---Moment Of Truth --Family Theatre 3--Man of the W i 1 y orld 2:30 PLM, 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 9--Four of A Kind 8--Superman | WEDNESDAY boa r 8-2--The Doctors $3--Fireball XL--S $:00 AM. touey te Gane loyd Thaxton | h ? ee Ge §Lloy 11--Sehnitzel House Chennes 11:20 PAM. : ' 7-4--Late Show 1l--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Millionaire | 4~As [he World Turns 2:00 PLM, 9-Abracadabra 1'M SURE YOU REALIZE IT COULD BE DISASTROUS TO ME IF IT BECAME KNOWN I WAS HAVING MEETINGS WITH YOUR PEOPLE, jT TWe SECURITY POLICE ARE CLEVER, AS ONE ANOTHER DROPS THE WINDING TRAIL, ANOTHE THIS MUST BE THEIR DESTINATION. | 6--Loretta Young 5:30 P.M. | 4--Captain Kangaroe | 4--House Party S-Leave it To Beaver! | 3--Super Bingo é--Music Hop 3--Aquanauts 4:00 P.M, J--News Central ¢6--Generation 4--News, Sports with Chuck Healy Today, 1965 6:30 PLM, N--Family Theatre 6:30 AM, 9--News; Miss Helen 9:00 A.M, |9----Romper Room 7--Dialing for Dollars; | 3:00 P.M, 9----Peopie in Conflict | &-2--Another World 7--General Hospital |63--Moment of Truth 4--To Tell The Truth Girl Talk 4--Mikes Carnival 2--Movie | 9:30 A.M, |i--8d Allen , é--Musical Interlude |4---Leave It To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show | 3:20 P.M, |1--Funny Company | 9--Its Your Move | &2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty | 4-Edge of Night | 4:00 P.M. li--Lioyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club & The Match Game | TRocketship 7 9--The Littlest Hobe | 10:30 A.M &3--As The World Turns 4--News, Weather, |\1--Father Knows Best | 4--Secret Storm | 10:00 A.M, |!1--Super Bingo 8-2---Make Room. For | Daddy | 6-3--School 4----News 6-2--Huntley-Brinkley s 7--Maverick 6--Across Canada 7:00 P.M. 11--Shindig Telecasts HEARD YOD WERE Arcot CHOLLA WELL...-LOOKS LIKE [ GOT A WELCOMIN' COMMITTEE OF ONE A WAITIN' ON ME UP YONDER, swe OOKS LIKE YOU MANAGED TO STEAL A HORSE, MICKEY MOUSE VICE-PRESIDENT OF YOuR Cus} THANKS, UNCA | MoKey! LOOK, MR, OTIS...' GRANDMA HAS Music Now AS SHE TRAVELS \_AROUND TOWN JUST LIKE INA BIG FANCY CAR / H-M/ A TRANSISTOR RADIO TIED ONTO HER SCOOTER CHAS, KUN- 4-6 MUGGS AND SKEETER ba | You WALKING i ON AIR! HOW ABOUT THAT'?...A TALKING CROCUS! SOMETHING IS THE Sports | 2--Rocky and His $-2--What's This Song y 4--Car 54, Where Are 7--Trallmaster | Friends 4:3 PLM. Hunt 6-3---Across Canada | 4--Presidential Parade 9--Sea 11:00 A.M. 7--Early Show ll~Albert J. Steed 63--Razzie Dazzie | 9--Dear Charlotte | 4--The 4Thirty Show | §-2--Concentration | 2--B'wana Don 63--Friendly Giant WEONESOAY EVE, 4-Andy of Mayberry | 5:00 P.M, 14:15 A.M \1-Family Theatre = | 9~Does Mother Know | 9--Five OClock Movie |. Best | @--Superman [verre Helene | 6-3--Fores! Rangers | 11:30 ALM 2--Lioyd Thaxton %--Toronto Today 5:30 P.M, 8-2--Jeopardy | t---Leave It To Beaver | 7--Price Is Right 63--Music Hop |6-3--Butternut Square 3--National Velvet | 4--The McCoys | 4:00 PLM. 7--News Central 3--Danny Kaye Show | 12:00 NOON | | i n S-Ree Shevien. Tue | #2-80y When | scNewn 'Sports. With 7--Donna Reed ' 9:00 PLM. Chuck Healy 7~Movie | 6--Elwood Glover %: j You? 3--Candid Camera 2--The Detectives 9--Let's Sing Out $-2--Mr. Novak T--Comba! 6-On The Scene 4--Many Happy Returns 3--Wendy and Me $:00 P.M Vi--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 63--Jack Benny Show 4--Joey Bishop Show 8:30 PLM. 9--Red Skelton $-2--Hullabaloo 7--Wolper Special 3--Provincial Affaire 2--Today, 1965 6:30 P.M, 4--News and Weather | 3-Popeye and Pals | 12:18 P.M 4--Speaker of the House | 11-9-4-3--News; and Sports 12:90 P.M. | @-2--Huntley-Brinkley /9--!| Love Lucy News [serine | cnt AN ni 7--Father Knows Best | Across Canpde 4--Search for 'omorrow 3--Noon-day Report 12:45 P.M, 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, \11-Four Just Men 9--Decemper Bride 8--Matinee YOUR HEALTH 3 PLM, %--The Virginian 42--TW--3 7--Peyton Place 6-3--Front Page Challenge 4--Petticoat Junetlion 10:00 P.M --Steve Allen Show | $-2--Bell Telephone Hour J--The Fugitive $3--News Magazine t--Doctors and Nurses | 11--Family Theatre Weather rh .M, |11--Gilligans Island 9--Mickey | &--Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather. Sports 4--The Honeymooners 3--12 O'Clock High 2 ath Valley Da' 10:30 P.M, 63--Other Voices 11:00 P.M, V9-8-/-6-4-3-2--- News | Weather and Sports | i Some Information On German Measles By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MDjafter exposure; Dear Dr. Molner: I am 31,/doesn't. have three - day measles and; True, German measles in the am a month pregnant. | took jfirst three months can cause gamma-globulin,, but it didn't)abnormalities and defects in do the job. What are the|babies, Can -- not necessarily chances of having a normal/will. baby?--Mrs. A.R. The baby may be perfectly Gamma-globulin is quite help-jhealthy. However, I must ad- ful (when given early enough)|mit that some have serious de- in making regular measles mild.|fects--but this can happen with- This is because 90 per cent orjout German measles. It is one| more of us have had measles,|of the hazards of life. so gamma-globulin, which is Certainly the risk from Ger- extracted from blood,' can be;man measles is nothing like the expected to contain antibodies, terribly tragic' children . who developed in blood donors hav--were born so monstrously de- ing had the disease. formed because of thalidomide. But only about one person in|A defect is one thing; extreme five gets three - day measles|deformity is another. (German measles) so there is! By way of prevention of de- much less chance that anyjfects, I think there is much to given supply of gamma-globu-|be said in favor of older girls lin will eontain antiboedies'oy young women (when not agains! German measles Pregnant) hoping they will catch In short, it's an outsidejGerman measles, as the best other times it 'with German measles, but with|Some =-AND SO, NOW LET ME GET To- MY GRACIOUS! Ve HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? CROSSWORD DOWN 1, Mandarin tea 2, Small 8. Not suitably 4, Additional 5. Upright 6, Gown's partner 7. Cloak 8. Wanderer 9. River in Baltic 10. Flat-topped hill ACROSS 1, It doesn't 19. Or- lando's B retainer [f 21, Un- a devel- oped flower 22, Emend 24. Shout, 26, Manner 27. Colon- nade 29. Eggs 31. Electric 40. Spoken current 42. Incite strength 44, Stitch 34. Vitality 45. Half ems 36. Range 47, Williams, 87. Drunkard of Boston 39, Grape 48. Bitter refuse vetch Y ae |9 12, Dwelling 13. Conscious 14, Cements, asa road 15, Fourth of a bushel 17. Time period 18. Wrestler's cushion 20. Italian river 23. Lazily 213 5 25. Libel or slander if Ale 26. Printer's concern: [? abbr. VY Yesterday's Answer 16. Novak or Stanley 18, Measure of distance 14. THE OSHAWA TIMES, 7 Tuesday, April 6, 1965 ; BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Individuel Championship Ploy) ---- West dealer, Both sides vulnerable. Opening ead spades, Declarer starts the play most hands with only a limit knowledge of how the oppon- ents' cards are divided. Bul as the play progresses, he learns more and more about the makeup of the unseen hands, and in some cases he can per- form really marvelous deeds as a result of the conclusions he is able to draw, i For example, take a hand liké this one where South perform- ed nobly. West led the king *of spades and then shifted to a trump. Declarer took the heart in dummy and played a club to the jack. He hoped that East, despite his pass of one spade, might have the queen, in which case the jack would force the ace. But West took the queen and continued with the ace and an- other club, which South ruffed. Declarer then drew two rounds of trumps, followed by a low diamond to the ten, which won, Pursuing his search for addt- tional information, South ruffed a club, When West followed suit, South had all the knowledge he needed to make the hand, He played a low diamond to the ace, catching the king, and thus made the contract. Had he led the queen instead, in order te repeat the previously successful finesse, he would have lost «@ diamond trick later and gone down one. It is interesting to follow South's thinking in the matter, because it gave him proof posi- tive that West had started with the doubleton king of diamonds. Declarer reasoned that if West had held: Spades AKl0x, Hearts xx, Diamonds Kxx, Clubs AQ109, he would have opened the bidding with a club, not a spade. This would have been the proper opening bid with such a hand. Since West had opened with a spade, it followed that he had five spades, and hence that he could have only two dia monds, This conclusion turned out te be eminently correct, It simply goes to show the power of posi- tive thinking. SALLY'S SALLIES "When I write 'eany-bit' in my reports, I mean ultras microscopic." BAN NUN'S RECORD LONDON (AP)--A pop record made by. an Irish missionary nun has been banned by com+ mercial radio and television in Ireland because its code does not permit "improper use of re- ligion,'" the Roman Catholié Weekly, Universe, reported Fri- day. The record--An Evening ih Mount Melleray--is a hit in Aus- tralia and has sold 4,000 copies in Ireland. Royalties are being used for Irish nuns in Australia to take a trip home, 28. A tier fe word 88, Marshy meadow 89. Witty saying 41, Be sullen 43, Stood up 46, Talk 49. Black bird COLBORNE GROCETERIA | Colborne St. ot Chureh St, 728-6341 ---- OPEN ------, DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days e Week © Groceries © Fresh Fruits @ Vegetables © Meats | FREE DELIVERY 50. Moth 51. Hints 52, Bamboo- ! like grasses 46 Women in early pregnancy; You are correct, Usually you should not only avoid contact/get German measles only once. rare individuals do 'not some other things, too: Any dis-|produce antibodies, and so can ease that can cause high fever;|have the disease more' than any drug except under medicaljonce, but this is uncommon, supervision, since even other-| some of the supposed cases wise innocuous drugs, taken tOlof German measles aren't really excess can do damage to the/that at all: Mild regular meas- baby in its formative stages. |jes, mild scarlet fever, a fairly Dear Dr..Molner: Some oflrecognized ailment called the girls at the office say they|fifth disease" or Hungarian have had prose fr or gk measles, all can produce a rash measles several times. I under-|,,.. j ar stand that for the most part yo = Deny ae i get them only once, and the|!¢s,.and doubtless account for! to German meas-; jchance Sometimes the gamma- protection against the danger of globulin helps when given rightigetting it early in pregnancy. | same for regular measles. --|a good many of the reports ofj K.K. Ahaving had it 'more than once," ERNIE CAY Mov INSULATION CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS FREE DELIVERY .| "lf it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.