Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1965, p. 7

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NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES (EDITOR'S NOTE: News from the churches is in- intended as a regular Sat urday feature. Ministers and church organizations in Oshawa and district are invited to submit items of interest by Thursday noon of each week,) Rev, Helmuth Dyck, took over as. minister at Alber Street United Church last Janu ary, has a unique background. He was born in Russia 0 German parents who reas of the convention tl ar The Oshawa hristian Business Men w ear an address by Wait 'eager. Toledo, Ohio, at thei apper-meeting Monday night i 1e Masonic Temple and Distri who t f came to Canada shortly after the Rus- sian revolution when he was an infant He spoke Northminster AOTS That Serves'), on the subject: Churchman". He said: Being a citizen and a church recently to the ('As One a men's club, "On Being a man are one and the same and that Christianity is a triangu lar thing consisting of "God, : |Is Clergyman Best Judged! Many Meetings Here, ByNumberGets To Church New Projects Planned hurch (opposite Oshawa Cen- al Collegiate) had a unique ogram last Sunday in_ its Youth For Christ' presenta- on--this was a. 40-minute film, Play For Keeps," featuring uch big-name _ personalities om the world of sport as *"'Bobby" Richardson, New York Yankees; Felipe Alou, Milwau- kee Braves: "Billy" Wade,. Chi- cago Bears; "Bill" Glass, Cleve- land Browns; and Ray Berry of the Baltimore Colts. Should rural churches, built to suit the needs of the horse- and-buggy era in Ontario, be scrapped in favor of consoli- cated churches serving larger areas? Rev. Dr. W. A. Young, direc- tor of student affairs at the University of Guelph, told stu- dents of the seminary of Water- loo Lutheran University that rivalry between small rural churches is wasting money and man-power. He added that rural By GODFREY ANDERSON LONDON (AP)--Is the suc- cess of a clergyman best judged by the number of peonle he gets to come to church, or should there be other criteria? This question is being asked throughout the Church of Eng- land after a respected rector in one of South London's biggest ndustrial parishes publicly con- fessed that he felt his mission a failure. He pictured South London as consisting of "dere- lict churches, bleak - hearted clergy and disheartened con- eregations." Rev. Nicolas David Stacey, recor of Woolwich, a former) British Olympic runner, got this} feeling after spending 444 years in Woolwich at the head of what he calls one of the largest and ablest teams of clergy in the country. His mandate from the Bishop of Southwark, Dr. Mervyn Stockwood, when given the par- ish was "Build up a and for God's sake do anything} |to show the people of Woolwich|said after house-to-house visit-|ner TV set--it saved her life jing six hours a day for six)When an explosion in a nearby jthat the church exists.' and spent it. We have quite ob-| times in the next few years. viously failed." He says that bingo in the church hall has done more than anything else to create a com- munity spirit. But the layman who runs. the bingo sessions, though a member of the paro- chial council, does not himself go to church Stacey sealed off parts of his vast Georgian church to make a coffee house and lounge. He persuaded Princess Margaret and her husband, Lord Snow- don, to come down and open the coffee bar For wecks one of the roughest gangs of Rockers (leather- coated motorcycle - riding toughs) made the church coffee bar its headquarters Church attendance figures on Sunday showed no change. Then Stacey tried a massive house - to - house visiting cam- paign "We never had a door shut team of clergylin our face," he reported after-|Mrs wards, "but one of our staff Plan To Bolster India Economy dia, already in the throes of a) serious economic "We have raised a fortune|have to face even more difficultino longer sound in suburban THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 3, 1968 7 Loudspeaker | Calls Firemen TORONTO (CP)--Alarm bells NEW DELHI (Reuters)--In- crisis, may! | Etobicoke fire department's alarm centre is the key to the speedy opera- tion. troduced, arose, what we missed on the origi- nal." He says the system also de- - : _ \ters people from giving false Before this system was in-jalarms. : The government is working on a development plan designed to extricate the economy from in- dustrial backwardness and the present galloping inflation. The} plan will be the fourth in a fire. the fire and its location. riod 1966-1971. -- |Byrson Mitchell. India is pinning its hopes on! a stagnant economy. In the five years ending March, 1971, about 215,000,000,- 000 rupees (about $46,000,000,- 000) will be invested in a variety of projects ranging from im- Township to warn firemen of the outbreak of a Instead a voice over a loud- speaker describes the nature of series of five-year development, "Fire alarms used to startle programs and will cover the pe-jour men,"' says Deputy Chief this plan to inject new vigor ththl oh the ~ Adare oe |system in the 43-square-mile township, '"'we can get to a fire anywhere in the township in 34% minutes after we get the call." A tape-recording panel in the confusion sometimes ------ says Deput Chief i} i : UNITED SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF ONTARIO Mitchell. "New Canadians would phone and sometimes we Drange Temple Bruce St., Oshawe (Upstairs) couldn't understand what they lwere Saying or we misunder- istood.. Now we can play back the alarm calls and understand ~ SUNDAY, APRIL 4th 2:30 P.M.- HEALING CIRCLE AND MESSAGES Healing Intercession Is Free 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE Speoker--Mr. H. Wallace Messoge Bearer--Mrs. Gillett and Mrs. 1. Ferguson. LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE ~ HOUR SUNDAY H 5:30 to 6:00 P.M | CKLB -- DIAL 1350 | proved farming methods to big industrial complexes. | Total expenditure on the plan will exceed the combined invest- |ment of rupees (about $40,000,000,000) on the \first three plans, covering the {period 1951-1966. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Bond Street West ar Rosehill Bivd. Uust north of the Oshawa } Shopping Centre) |] Minister: Rev. Frank H, Ward, B.A Director of Music Michael Crosbie A.R.C.T "11:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP Nursery core for infants during the service BIRMINGHAM. England (CP)|] -- Sarah Mason. 86, has| levery reason to be grateful to SIMCOE STREET I PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE ¢ SUNDAY -- 7:00 P.M. WATER BAPTISMAL SERVICE ---- @ Several candidates will be baptized in woter SUNDAY. SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate Senior Depts 11.00 A.M.---Nursery Depts churches, along wit -orner| ' g with the corner ®@ Gospel music by the Choir and Church Musicians @ Pastor George Smith will speak @ Join with us this Sunday night r A Describing his experiences in} ths that t one ext - r | willage store. is straggling. for s € imonths that not one extra per-'scrapyard hurled an old auto- sintence Ganditione 'ag : "ithe Sunday newspaper The Ob-|son had been to church as a mobile radiator straight at her, changed radically in the past 20 "lw Stacey wrote lresult."' the TV in front of the window years and will continue to "We have had a remarkable; Now wants to make one|took the blow : opportunity of making a break-lJast experiment -- have his --- * omer SE eae a2 memneeemenenene __ through in getting people tojclergy seek secular money-earn- _ Members of: St. George'S\come to church We haveling jobs while a paid lay bursar CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH | Ukrainian Catholic Churchjdone everything we set out tolis engaged to administer the will attend a four-day Lenten do. But we have achieved vir-|parish. The clergy, after their Corner King and Centre St agg starting next Thurs-/tyally not one of the modest daytime jobs, would undertake ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER ay : things we hoped for counselling, sick visiting and Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster Rev. Nicom Swirsky, a mom-' "We have been brazen as ajsimilar tasks in the evenings " nen cm ber of the Seminary faculty at|Dean Street (London's tin pan|----~---------- ---- SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9:45 A.M 11:00 A.M. -- SERMON Mi . Pious thoughts and ua remote events? Ottawa University, will be the'alley) agent--in the early days HA 0 Care provided tor small children during service speaker | pulled a beauty queen on a UNITED CHURCH Plenty of Parking at Centre Street Rev. John C, Pereyma is pas-\Vegctable barrow through the BD The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH | a membership of more 320 families. St. George's Uk-|Calendar. The Home League is) (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A rainian is a member of thelthe WA of the Army. Guest] Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M Eastern Rite branch- of the!speaker will be Mrs. Lt.-Col. R.| church -- Bishop Isydore Bor-|Gage. She and her late hus-| SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 9:45 AM.--JUNIOR, INTERMEDIATE, SENIOR ecky of Toronto is the head of/band were divisional command-} 10:45 AM.--BEGINNER KINDERGARTEN, PRIMARY the soul and my brother'. Mr. Dyck was introduced by Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Church St. Luke's Presbyterian Church, Rossland road, west, will mark its fifth anniversary tomorrow. The guest speaker at 11 a.m. will be Rev. Donald McKillican, CD, BA, dean of students, Knox College, Toron- to. Mr. McKillican occupied St. Luke's pulpit for several) months in 1962 when the con- gregation was without a min- ister. The congregation, or- ganized April 10, 1960, has 115 members plans will be made for a new church when funds are available. The Oshawa Unitarian Fel- lowship" heard a talk by Dr. John Mayer, assistant profes- sor of Philosophy, McMaster University last Sunday on the subject "Relevant Religion'. He said 'Liberals' must be aware of the widespread mal- ady in modern society which is essentially religious in na- ture. This has resulted in a loss Primary he ca : igi h REV. HELMUTH DYCK = change 10:00 A.M>SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor Smith speaks Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be served . Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT' REV Sunday 11:05 C.K.LB SS ae sa lags BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 83 BYNG AVE., WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. PASTOR--REV. G. "A. CARROLL RES. 728-2426 OFFICE 728-2931 than Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., Minister Metcalf A.R.C.T AC.C.M Organist and Cheirmaster Ross 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 A.M Kindergarten and T 11:00-A.M MORNING WORSHIP Dedication of New Church is. to be held at a later date Mid-Week Service, Wednesday, 7:30 P.M the church for this diocese. St.jers of the Mid-Ontario division. George's parish was organized/The service will be at 11 a.m.| in 1914 and Father Pereymajand 7 p.m has been its pastor for 28 years Pierre Berton's book, '"'The Comfortable Pew, is being studied each Wednes- day evening during Lent at St. George's Anglican Church. Since this book raises many) 7:00 P.M, WATER BAPTISMAL SERVICE Message--"'CHRIST THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" Saxophone Soloist--Mr. Ted Marshall ny Tots controversial) | The accent will be on youth at Northminster United Church tomorrow at the 11 a.m. service. .Rev. Harry A. Mellow, the WALDO YEAGER of "a sense of purpose', he added, which causes and boredom, a feeling of isola- tion from others. The solution, he demands '"'creativity, ment, imagination and the re- cognition of religion's worth" -- in order for life to have mean- ing, significiance, it must con- sist of service at a_ spiritual level and concern and commit- ment to one's fellow men. The annual door-to-door col- lection for St. Augustine's Sem- inary, Scarborough, will be held in Oshawa tomorrow. This is an archdiocesan collection (there are 166 parishes and mission churches in the archdiocese). Out of this year's ordination class of 20 men at St. Augus- tine's, only six priests will be! ordained to work in this arch- diocese, less than half the num- ber required. ? The seminary, with the addi- continued, despair involve- Mr. Yeager was 1962 vice- chairman of Christian Business Men's committee international. He is president of the Cortland Produce Co. One of his first de- cisions when he became sole owner of CPC was that he would tithe profits from the company, as well as money he received personally from its operation. Since 1941, the business grown more than 506 per cent. Today, CPC is one of the largest independently - owned distribu- tors of graded eggs and poultry in Ohio He holds a 45-minute devotion-| al period each Tuesday for em-| ployees -- employees may at- tend on the company's time, and most do. He devotes much time to Christian work. His primary interest is the promotion of' Christian Business Men's com- mittees -- more than 520 are ac- tive in 30 countries. tion of the new College of Philosophy, this year is able to accommodate more _ students than ever before -- 325, an in- crease of 50 per cent over the past years. This continued growth is essential if the chureh is to achieve the number of priests required for the ever- increasing needs of the 'arch- diocese. Elders of the Seventh-Day Ad- ventist Church. from Ontario points will attend a two-day con- vention in Oshawa Easter week- end, April 17-18, at the College Park Seventh-Day 'Adventist Church on King street east. The) Easter date was arranged 80) that the elders, who are lay- men, could arrange for time off from their business. Elder Everett Earl Duncan is pastor of the College Park Church, built four years ago but dedicated last Fall. Two Baptist groups met here March 27 -- the executive of the Baptist Men's committee and men of the Trent Valley Association of Baptist Churches -- to discuss the theme "Every Man at Work In His Local Church" | J. A. Turner of Hamilton said: "Bach man is capable of some tasks and should be encouraged to offer some service to the church". | Ward Stauffer, chairman of the Leadership Training com- mittee, said there was a need for more information to be} made available to lay leaders) on their role in the church | George McMillan, Brantford,| outlined the purposes of the! Stewardship and Mission com-| mittee | Morley Chesher, Oshawa,| pointed out some of the pare for Encampments in the various Miss Sharon Behm was re- cently named "Youth of the year' at Grace Lutheran} Church, Oshawa. She received the Morris Jep- has} minister, will receive 15 teen- agers into the congregation at a special service known as a "Junior Meeting'. His sermon will be: 'Getting on Course" and the ceremony will follow a} ducted by Mr. Mellow, church) elders and the deaconess. First} Communion will follow for the group April 11 Northminster was September 5, 1954, but Mr.) Mellow has been the minister 15 years, The congregation pre-| viously met in a_portable| church at Arlington and Simcoe dedicated! The Oshawa Citadel Band of the Salvation Army will play in the Peterborough Collegiate -to- night with the Peterborough| Temple Band and the Kingston) Citadel Band | Guest Conductor will be Band-| master Carol Reinhart, of the| U.S. This festival will mark the} retirement of Bandmaster Ern- est Sargeant, who led the Osh- awa Citadel Band for 18 years Sunday is: Home League Sun- peson Plaque -- the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Behm, she is also a leader in the metro zone and Ontario district of] The International Lutheran} GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST 230 Gibbons Street Youth Society. She also teaches| Sunday School and sings in the) choir | Said Rev. Philip L. Fiess,} pastor: "Sharon is an example and inspiration for all Christian youth." The presentation was made at the church's annual "Leaguers of. the Year" awards} at a special Youth and Par-| ents' night. An honorable men-) 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M EVENING WORSHIP ALL ARE WELCOME 10-week preparatory course con-|-- issues about the life and mis-} sion of the church in our pres-| later in the evening to discuss} the study book "Salty Chris- tians."" HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH ent age, discussion groups meet|---- A Hearty Welcome to Al BAHA'I! WORLD FAITH WHY BAHA'I? 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 9:45 Family Bible School : 11:00 A.M "Freedom Devil's Dominion" from the "Discover the Difference" Will be the subject of an ad- dress by Mr. R. 'Ted' Anderson (of Whitehorse, Yukon) ata PUBLIC MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL GENOSHA HOTEL--8:15 P.M No Collection 7th All Welcome PASSION SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP--11:00 A.M 'A SOUND FOUNDATION" EVENING WORSHIP--7:00 P.M "ONE IN CHRIST" (God and His Purpose; Chapt. 11) Little Children cared for in the Nursery A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL---COME AND WORSHIP GOD ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH day on the Salvation Army HORTOP AT Rev Atte | (4) 7:00 P.M | FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A Miss Judith Davison, Bac. Mus. WHY DID JESUS DIE? The Sacrifice of Calvary "Roads along which we are confronted by Christ" 9:30 A.M.--THE BIBLE SCHOOL NURSERY AND JR. CHURCH AT 11:00 A.M GLENWOOD 1:00 A.M. tion went to President Frank| Macko of the society, the 1963) Jeppeson plaque winner The| Silver League Ring for special) service and dedication to home} and church was give Bernard) Roth. Black and gold Walther! League (the church's youth so-; ciety) sweater crests were given Miss K. Barna and Roy) Bebee Simcoe Street Pentecostal| CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) Mary and Hillcroft Streets SERVICES 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 7.00 P.M Minister Rev. G. 454 Bader Ave Musical Director Mr. Metthew Gouldburn, A.L CM, 945 ALM 4URCH SCHOOL 11.00 A.M WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE CHURCH? 7.00 P.M "A LOFTY HOPE' Come and Wership With Us _THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon nister SINCLAIR, BA 728-9178 RE DR 492 Masson Street -- 9:30 A.M THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M ANNIVERSARY SERVICE REV. D.R McKILLICAN C.D., B.A, Dean of Students, Toronte Knox College A Cordialty Vited _ ST. PAUL'S son Rd. N. at King St Rev. Walter Minister ackson Frank Walter Musical Director 9:30 A.M The Church School 11:00 AM "SACRAMENT OF THE LORD'S SUPPER' NURSERY CARE--I1:00 AM CHURCH SCHOOLS 9:30 and 11:00 A.M WEDNESDAY ~~ 10:00 A HOLY - COMMUNION BAGOT AND on F The Reverend 0 The Reverend R. G. SERV 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7th 8:15 P.M.---STUDY THURSDAY, APRIL 8tt ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, APRIL .4th -- LENT V -- PASSION SUNDAY Nursery Facilities available at the 11.00 a.m 7;00 A.M~--HOLY COMMUNION 7:15 PM.--LENTEN DEVOTIONS GROUP CENTRE STS. G Brooks -- Assistont MA Retto Ongley ICES a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Service 10:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner tvangeline. & Philip Murray REV, ERNEST WINTE Pasto 9:45 A.M BIBLE SCHOOL E. Winter Rey Bible Study and Prayer 11:00.A-M. & 7:00 P.M. | _Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada Pastor---REV 9.45 A.M.-----BIBLE SCHOOL FOR 1 11:00 A.M.--"A VICTORY t | 7:00 P.M.- ISIT US. THIS -- BROAUC Catvary Baptist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS ROBERT B -"A PEOPLE BEWITCHED" LYTLE ALL AGES SPURNED' SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS * Minister: THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S$.T.M., Organist ond Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP MR. CAROL YOUNG of Eastern Pentecostal Bible College 11:00 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL TUES. 7:30 P.M--Youth Service THURS. 7:00 P.M.--Family Night Busy Bee Bible Club 9:30 AM.--Senior, Intermediate end Junior Church School 11:00 A.M.~-Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery 11:00 A.M. "ARE YOU GUILTY?" Who are you,- and what have you done? t possible for Ged to accept wrongdoers? The Christian Gospel has « way for you to travel. Is Toddlers and babes are cored for in Toddler and Cradle rooms NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER --- REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A ORGANIST --- MR. J, R. ROBERTSON, A.R.C.T DEACONESS ~~ MISS SHIRLEY M. McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9.15 om.--Primary Grades 1, 2, and 3. Junior 4, §, 6 9:30 a.m.--Intermediate Grades 7, 8, 9, Senior Grades 10 and over 10.45 om.--Nursery ages 3. Kindergarten ages 4 ond § Primary Grades 1, 2 and 3 11:00 A.M.--SERMON: "GETTING ON COURSE" RECEPTION OF JUNIOR MEMBERS Babysitter Service by Come Double Club. 7:00 P.M.--Study Group et 697 Carnegie Street 7:30 P.M.--The "Kairos" in Church Parlour KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 611 KING STREET WEST Otfice 728-5371 E, Howard Kerr, Pastor "THE GOSPEL SONS" ALBERTA'S YOUTHFUL EVANGELISTIC TEAM @ Finest Gospel Music ® Gospel Songs in Western Style @ Inspiring Preaching APRIL 4th thru APRIL.1 1th Nightly at 7:45 (except Mon.) (Saturday, April 3 --~ Great Youth Rally) SUNDAYS at 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M A SPECIAL ATTRACTION YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS! SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH |! 1 The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. Director of Music: Mr, R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. LENTEN THEME: "OBEDIENT TO THE VISION" "THE DISTURBING VISION" SACRAMENT OF INFANT BAPTISM 12.15 P.M. -- Church Membership Class 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING CHAPEL SERVICE "TAKING CHRIST OUT OF THE CLOUDS" 9:45 A.M.--Youth Department, Young Adult Closs, Adult Bible Study Group 11:00 A.M.----Children's Department, Baby Care. WEDNESDAY APRIL 7th 7:30 P.M.--Lenten Service in the Chapel UNDAY AST OVER Wednesday, 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study ond Prayer King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Orgonist Baby Creche Nursery and Church School 11:00 A.M. Youth Department 10:00 A.M 11.00 A.M SERVICE OF CONFORMATION 'OPERATION EARTH"' John 1:1-14 "NEAR THE CROSS" (Doane) Mr. Donald Allman WERE YOU THERE? Spirit Mr Alay Thompson Solo jal) 2oloist ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Rally Night To-Night 7:45 -- PRESENTS -- "A LETTER TO. NANCY" @ 8 minute full-colour feature film @.One of the most popular Christian films © A film with a real: message KING STREET PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sponsored by the Pentecostal Churches of Ajax, Whitby, -Bowmanville, Port Perry ond Oshawa

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