Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1965, p. 6

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--It has relieved pain and re- duced swelling in twisted an- kles. --In some cases of acute bur- sitis -- severe shoulder pain and inflammation--the drug has relieved pain. and for most patients helps bring re- covery in from one to seven days. --It relievés pain in common BOAC HAS PROFIT LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- ish Overseas Airways Corpora- tion marked its 25th birthday to- day with its first clear profit in eight years and a challenge to American big jets on the trans- atlantic route. A giant, 139-pas- senger Super VC-10 left London at midday for New York, the , first pede se jet to operate' arth on a transatlantic run since the acy acct i ay pgs brief challenge of the Comets sive and deforming di in 1958. that begins with the skin and leads to internal organs, the drug has dramatically helped nine of 10 patients. It stopped pain and cleared up ulcers of 6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 3, 1963 The Trial of Jesus New, Fantastic, Weird Drug Cures, Quiets, Kills Pain NEW ORLEANS, (AP)--Re-jand acrylics. searchers are looking into the} But as a drug it is not yet mysteries. of what may be onejready for prescription use by of the most fantastic and weird| doctors, has only been used ex- drugs of all time. perimentally, but is showing It passes through your skin,|Some unusual results. enhances the action of other) There were three reports on drugs, kills pain, relieves. in-jthe drug and its uses to a sci- flammation, stops the growth of|ence writer's seminar held by some bacteria, tranquillizes and|the American Cancer ssssss acts as a diuretic among other!Dr. Jacob, Dr. Edward E. Ros- things. ebnaum of the University of It's called DMSO--short for|Oregon and Dr. Arthur L. dimethy] sulfoxide -- and thé|Scherbel of the Cleveland doctors who use it experiment-|(Ohio) Clinic made the reports. ally are almost as amazed at) --The drug gave pain relief what it does, as some of their! to persons with superficial experimental patients. | second-degree burns of the! he is forced to condemn Jesus.-- | It is a potent solvent, has| hand and forearm and for) Matthew 27:11-26 jwide industrial uses and will| some third-degree burns. GOLDEN TEXT: Matthew 27:22. |dissolve one's clothes if bres By Alfred J. Buescher [LLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON hew 26:1-27:26. the fingertips, relaxed the tight leathery skin and made hands mobile and = strong again. ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. S. J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M.Th. 10:00 A.M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery core provided during morning worship When Jesus is brought before him for sentencing Pilate seeks a way to free Him. But, trapped by the conspiracy, Outside the place where Jesus is standing trial, Peter denies Christ three times. Christ is condemned and Judas, hearing this, returns the blood money and hangs himself.--Mat- thew 26:57-27:10. After the meal Christ and the dis- 'ciples go to the Garden of Gethse- mane. When Jesus returns from His prayers He is betrayed by Judas, ar- rested, and deserted by His disciples. --Matthew 26: 35-56. Before the Passover, Judas conspires with the high priests to betray Jesus. At the feast Jesus predicts His be- trayal and Peter's denials, then in- ~ stitutes the sacrament of the Lord's : Supper.--Matthew 26:1-35. --_------- |are .made of synthetic fibres NEED FARMERS such. As fayen. Sear | ; : clare Jesus innocent (which he ' BIBLE LESSON Matthew 26: The Hour Ha Come For Jesus' Sacrifice By R. H. RAMSEY tragedy of His imminent be- 'ime of His arrest and Pontius ilate's final verdict that He be does), set Him free, and dare the Jews to lay their hands }upon Him. But Pilate was weak land cowardly; his position in the Roman hierarchy was none too secure, and, politically, he could not afford revolt among lthe highly - placed Jews. Well laware of this, the high priest jhad manoeuvred Pilate into a situation where he had no other choice but to condone the San-| BRANTFORD (CP) -- Fed- eral Agriculture Minister Harry Hays. says Canada's large dairy| products surplus may be re- placed py a deficit by 1967 ur less action is taken to prevent dairy farmers: from going out of business. He told Brantford Board of Trade Wednesday that} Canada has been losing dairy farmers at the rate of 15,000 a REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA OF LATTER DAY SAINTS | (World Headquarters, Independence, |) A Religion for Today's World 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB ot 11 A.M. on alternating Sundays (Services of Chr. Ref. Churches in the Oshowa-area) and at 9:15 P.M. (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) FAITH trayal by Judas and the denia of Simon Peter than to all othe subjects He discussed tha night. It is generally agreed that the opening paragraphs of Matthew 26 are not in exact chronologi- cal order. What took oy in verses 6-13 occurred on the Sat-| urday before the Triumphal En-/DENIED THRICE try, whereas the event described; Our Lord's prophecy regard- in the opening verses took place| ing the denial of Peter is minute the following Tuesday. jin its detail: Peter will deny In any event, the hour has|Him thrice--not only deny His come when the Son of God is to sur all pd good ad fond A godin die for the sins of the world. 8 ; , alter ird| penalty. They could condemn aj" : | He reg die by the cots of |denial, a fow! will crow at an|/man to death, but the actual) this last chance, planting bribed! His own brethren, the people of|¥#Matural hour. Yet Peter did|sentence had to be ordered by persons in the mob to cry| Israel who professed to believe|"9 fall at the Lord's feet and!a Roman officer. Thus, thet for Barabbas' release and) Scriptures which foretold the plead with Him about this. In-| Jews brought Christ to Pontius Christ's crucifixion | coming and death of their Mes-/Stead, he boasted of his own! pilate Washing his hands in a basin) siah. These were not just any|SPirit and courage. After questioning Christ, Pi-|--@ futile symbolism of inno-| people, they were the religious At a time when the Lord cence in what was to follow-- : : '@ iate was convinced of His inno-| : | Mithorities of Israel, including|S#0uld be preoccupied with His| once, but found his hands tied| Pilate ordered the release of| and delivered Jesus " » the|own suffering and death, He ; ; 0 Barabbas pH age Bingen Bago Dh takes time to talk quietly with ad ag gall 'o to be scoufged and crucified. | putting Jesus to death during|Peter. giving him the encourag-|iterod for trial, but that wily °C ar" amenea the Passover feast were|iné wors nich wore tipet rol |king Fefused to fall into the "gee sake wine him paar ay Koo Or judas to. be-| owing Seheir period, (trap, end. returned: Christ 10) what shall I do then with tay a Lord eet | All the disciples (except Rael Jesus which ds called eS g das) went with Jesus to the, Under Roman law, which was! Christ? They all say unto Despite the fact that Judas) iter part of the Garden of|famous for its justness, Pilate him, Let him be crucified." Mt ew aged Rage ogg Gethsemane. There all but has but one course: he must de-' --Matthew 27:22. named him treasurer of the om a --_. aeh. sa Apostolic company. Besides be- ied Christ further, bull sees ing dominated by this passion Com patie Tipe SUT Maer, for money Judas had lived for then He separated Himself from} tates ys as. a bypocrite,| 'hem to go even deeper into the| Small wonder that Judas was|S2rden and pour out His soul to) fair game for the shisperings of por sg ge Nagel ag sh Satan which led him to ap-|°% ap te s a Pa meee | proach the chief priest and offer sighs sohupery, atti ; Pa th hell tha Lora (or 00 pieces Oh ee endl ilver--the ing price for a that the cup of sorrow should) * vere SNE ' |pass from Him. | . sia th areas dealing Here the soldiers led by Judas! ecause the verses nd him, and Judas pointed »» with the Last Supper (vv 17-30)| out the Lard with a ies, the have been so often assigned tOltenderest token of human af- these lessons, we are going t0| rection. Jesus refused to be res- deal with them but briefly. The) cued from the soldiers by force, pend gerd ie ue ah Oe rebuked the onlookers, and the regarding the disciples, frightened, fled, thus : -- ee ey seve a pee fulfilling the prediction of verse easly 31. profound words spoken that = night. Nevertheless, we must|WERE SIX TRIALS not forget that our Lord actually} There were actually six trials gave more attention to the dualjof the Lord Jesus between the| 'Spectre' of Bilingualism Frightens Civil Servants (CP)--An Ontario,per qualifications" asked by the civil service. Too much stress was put on academic re- quirements and not enough on such factors as native intelli- gence and the ability to work hedrin's actions and condemn) vear, If the trend continues, the Jesus to death. idairy surplus will dwindle to John 18. Following -this there, Yet Pilate grasped at one fi the point where Canada wil were two trials before Caiaphas|nal straw in his attempt to freejhave to import dairy products and the informal assembling of|Jesus. It was customary for one} ia = z the Sanhedrin, which condemned/prisoner, chosen by the people, | Him to death to be freed during the Passover. | UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Because the Jews were under Pilate offered the mob gathered) ge , jabout his gate a choice between} 6 King Street East, (upstairs) Roman rule, they did not have |» arabbas and: Jesus. But. the| 723-6325 'rucified. The first was before \nnas and is recorded only in LUTHERAN CHURCH (Eastern Canada Synod Pastor; THE REV. HENRY FISCHER 725-2755 10:00 A.M.-- CHURCH SCHOOL for Children ond Adults In the language of our time To the people of our time Concerning problems ef our time 'SUNDAY, "APRIL Ath 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM.--THE SERVICE MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING 91 Centre St. at Metcalf St. You Are Invited to Worship With Us GRACE LUTHERAN Park Road & Highway 401, Rev Philip Fiess, Minister 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP To Unitarians, all doctrine and belief must stand the test of enlightened reason. While not discarding the tested truths of tradition, it keeps abreast of modern knowledge. ~arr' ath} the right to carry out the dea had thwarted even| |Sanhedrin Oshowa Speaker-- Teacher D. F. Adamson THEME--"'SACRAMENT OF THE LORDS SUPPER" SUNDAY 10:00 A-M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship }} 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic | Service Wed Pushing aside the veils of creed and dogma, Unitarians enlist the support of education and science that man may better understand and cooperate with his fellow man: VW ALL ARE INVITED PHONE 728-9606 8:00 P.M Bible Study CHRISTIAN SCIENCE| FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts "35th ANNIVERSARY 9:45 ae GONDAY seneeL 11:00 A.M. & 7:30 P.M. DIVINE WORSHIP Guest Speaker: The Rev. A. C. Hahn LANCASTER, OHIO LENTEN WORSHIP WED. 7:30 P.M. A.M.--APRIL 4th Speaker: Mrs. Helen Tucker Theme: "SUMMIT . CONVERSATION" UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP O.R.C. Building 100 Gibb St For Information call 723-2028) SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "UNREALITY® Wed. Service tinciudes testimonies) 8 P.M READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS Monday to Thursday--1 1:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m Friday 11:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M on | Listen to Every Sunde FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd. W., East of Garrard PASTOR--MR, ROBERT BUCHANAN ROSSLAND ROAD eyond the /lossoms 10.00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING SERVICE THINE.IS THE POWER" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE CONTINUED STUDY IN FIRST CORINTHIANS MONDAY, 7:30 P.M WEDNESDAY 8:00 .P.M THURSDAY 6:30 PM E.MY Prayer and Bible Study C.Y.C. Ages 6-14 FREE METHODIST CHURCH § » : Erie St., off Simede 5. Minister: Rev. ¢. M. Bright || 4 | Phone: 725-3872 10:00 A.M.~-SUNDAY SCHOOL mad : 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Feel "HOW TO TALK TO YOURSELF' 7:00 P.M.--FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR 7:30 P.M.--Light and Life--Men's Fellowship 6:30 P.M--C.Y.C. Honor Council 8:00 P.M Prayer Meeting THURSDAY, APRIL 8th - REVIVAL SERVICES with REV? L. B. REESE, EVANGELIST AT 7:45 P.M. (except Saturday) A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU OTTAWA MP said today the question of bilingualism is causing a great deal of uncertainty and uneasi- ness. among federal civil serv- ants across Canada During Commons considera-|hard tion of supplementary spending| He also said it is becoming estimates for the civil service,|impossible for persons between Wallace Nesbitt (PC--Oxford)|the ages of 40 and 60 years to asked the government to set upjget jobs in the government a:Commons committee to look!service. : | into bilingualism and other) William Skoreyko » (PC--Ed-| matters in the Civil Service;monton East) said that lower) Commission ranks in the armed forces are The Woodstock lawyer said|being told they won't be pro-| the committee should go to|moted unless they are bilin-) work early in the next session| gual. | of Parliament--expected to be-| He said he knows of one or| gin Monday. two cases of junior officere in He said civil servants are|Western Canada being in-| wondering if persons speaking|formed there will be no promo-| only one language will be dis-|tions for them unless they can| criminated against when it|speak both French and English.| comes to promotion, Would they! Hon. George Mclilraith, presi-| be "frozen" to their jobs with}dent of the Privy Council, said no hope of salary increases? jhe is not aware of this and will MUST BE FIRM look into it immediately There was a great need for; Opposition Leader Diefen- the government to announce ajbaker asked for an authorita- firm policy on bilingualism as|tive statement from the govern- it affects civil servants to si-/ment on bilingualism in the| = lence "all sorts of rumors" cir-|civil service culating among government; Mr Mcliraith promised a employees 'carefully worked out, defini-| Mr. Nesbitt said the commit-jtive'" statement on the subject) tee also could go into the "pa-iat a later date Os Aa | | ae bs: [8 own meee iin Tues Wed SUNDAY, APRIL 18th BOND ST. EAST PRticeerperae THE CHURCH FOR ALL ALL FOR THE CHURCH RELAX YOUR WAY TO EUROPE BY WHITE EMPRESS This is WHITE EMPRESS. Gentle touch of spray. Sky washed with sun. This year, sail WHITE EMPRESS-- largest liners on the St. Lawrence. route--and capture the romantic mood of ocean adventure. Dance, swim, enjoy movies, masquerades, exceptional cuisine. First ° sailings from Montreal, April 15 and 23, both at Thrift Season fares. Start a WHITE EMPRESS holiday fund now! See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific office. Also enquire about Union Castle sailings from Southampton for a holiday in South and East Africa. '222 When the buds burst into fragile flower, and their breath is everywhere, and a warming breeze caresses the cold, damp earth . .. this is more than Spring. This is the time of Promise. For these same festive branches shall lift a precious burden of fruit when the red-gold mantle of harvest falls across the land. When human souls awaken to the reveille of faith, and hymns and prayers fill the arches of heaven, and the warmth of an ageless hope reaches from heart to heart ... this is more than Lent. For the faith which blossoms today will bear its own precious fruit. Love! Joy! Peace! The harvest of souls like yours and mine is beginning anew to grow. Copyright 1968 Keister Advertining Sereics, Ine, Strasiurg, Ve. Teesdey Wednesday John Friday Isaiah Isaiah Matthew 1 Thessalonians 1 Peter 18:1-7 35:1-10 13:24-32 4:31-38 2:13-20 1:10-21 14:12-16 cp + Gp + Gp + GD + GD + GD + OD Published In Support Of The Churches By The Following Business Establishments! GUSCOTT PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 207 Simcoe South Oshawa -- 725-5132 ALEX'S SUNOCO SERVICE 215 King W. 725-6621 Oshewe -- Ontario - 'The Church is the greatest fac- H tor on earth for the building of REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister hs and good citi It is a storehouse of spiritual val- 9:45 A.M,--Sunday School ues. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civiliza- tion can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP "Three Paradoxes of Christ's Crucifixion" (Communion will be observed) 6:30 P.M. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP 7:00 P.M, EVENING SERVICE "The Death of Christ, the Good Shepherd Portrayed" 8.00 P.M. WED., PRAYER SERVICE church regularly and read your Bible daily. MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPOOL Monday B.C. Voting Irregularities " '. Act's Fault, Probe Told -- shbigite information and reservations: RA, $-2224 VANCOUVER (CP) -- Mor-jfound widespread double regis- * land T. Brown, Coquitlam, B.C.,|tration. druggist, told an election com- He told commission Crown * mission inquiry Thursday that|counsel Charles Locke that his = loopholes in the federal Election|personal investigation was. be- " Act permit the possibility of|gun after he had discovered . widespread irregularities. apparent duplication in voters' Mr. Brown provided the buikjlists while acting as a Liberal of material wpon which Ormond/poll captain in the 1963 general! Turner, columnist for .Vancou-| election : ver's morning newspaper, The' He said when he went through e Province, based articles which|the poll of Alvin name by name : : ont sparked the inquiny now beingjhe concluded that of the 68 vot- For Reservation ond Information - Cell conducted by Mr, Justice Na-jers, 29 of them were registered ange atl lers, 29 of them were regisiered} = DOQNALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawe--Whitby--Brooklir 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY THE SALVATION ARMY Major & Mrs. Fred Lewis Corps Officers oo SUNDAY, TO SERVE GOD! APRIL Ath HOME LEAGUE SUNDAY Special Speaker ---- for all services Mrs. Lieut. Col. R. Gage (R) 11:00 A.M.---HOLINESS MEETING 2:00 P.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.--SALVATION MEETING MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE =f} tues. 2:20 PM --Home League | Wed. 8:00 P.M --Bible Stud PHONE 723-9441 |} TRAVEL JAN'S GARAGE 40 Albert Street Oshows -- 725-8371 VISSER'S BAKERY Fresh Bakery Treats Daily 141 Brock St. S., 668-3586 McCULLOUGH LUMBER LTD. 1270 Simcoe North Oshewe -- 728-4688 WwW. R. THOMPSON PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Whitby -- 668-5833 DEMMER CONSTRUCTION Custom-built -homes Oshowo -- 668-4362 GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas East TRAINS / TRUCKS / SHIPS / PLANES / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMP: LETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 1015 King St. East Oshawe -- 725-6551 McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. (fuei oil 110 King W., Oshewe CANADIAN WELDING GASES LTD. -- CANWELD Belleville - Kingston - Oshawe Peterborough ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. General Motor Products Whitby ~~ 668-8826 Courtice & Bowmanville 728-6206 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Service RUSSELL BRYANT RADIATOR SHOP 900 Brock N. Whitby GOODMAN PLUMBING and HEATING Oshawa -- 725-1044 Mr. Brown said he had nojAlvin .poll is in thé Burnaby-| proof that individuals had cast Coquitlam constituency of NDP ballots twice in some B.C. con-|Leader T. C. Douglas stituencies in the last federal) He confirmed for commission} election. Neither did he havejcounse] that he had written a) evidence of fraudulent proced-|letter last year to Nelson Cas-| ures and declared he did not|tonguay, chief electora' officer,' allege any wrongdoing: by the/detailing his findings. This was New Democratic Party when he was about half-way But he said the NDP had won through his. personal investiga pools where he, in a previous|tion one - man investigation, bad The hearing continues. PHONE 668-3304 Ww. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Whitby -- Ontario. Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army"

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