Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Apr 1965, p. 19

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' -- inn ate eee Fame oe field who are seeking chol- lenging opportunities for ad- vancement. Due to our intended expan- sion in the immediate future, we also offer opportunity in the consumer finance field in mony areas across Canada. Salary will commensurate with experience and we offer ex- cellent Company benefits in- cluding profit sharing, medi- cal and pension plans. Our employees have been ad- vised of this advertisement. FOR YOUNG MEN To join the fast-growing Underwood sales organ- ization Matriculation preferred - between the ages of 21 and 30-acar is essential. Apply to BOX 263 Oshawa, Ontario You will receive: Part-time INDUSTRIAL COMMISSIONER Pickering Township requires a part-time Industrial Com- missioner. We hove in mind a salary and expenses dur- ing training with guar- anteed salary thereafter. on - the - job supervision with unlimited oppor- retired executive who has had . : experience dealing with man- tunity in proportion to agement at a senior level. sae re Ww: ing full ticulars. your ability and willing- bed calls Ect iasbdearain | P. PEMBERTON PIGOTT ness to succeed. Chairmen the most complete line of Office Equipment geared for today's market Committee Pickering Township Industrial | | | | | Quality Control SUPERVISOR ¢ : Apply in person to: For an interview - Labour Office call | | Goodyear Tire UNDERWOOD & Rubber Co. Ltd. LIMITED Bowmanville, Ontario | Personnel Department usual company benefits. PERMANENT FUTURE Immediate opening available for experienced salesman to call on hotels, motels, res- PHONE taurants, offices, schools, fac- | tories, etc. Highest commis- 723-1 105 | sions paid weekly on all: or- ders received plus full com- RELIABLE DRIVER mission on plentiful For fuel oil route over 25 | Street West, Oshawa. EXPERIENCED front end mean, repeat |minor tune-ups BUTCHER. Young man. willing to learn, |permanent position with benefits, |phone 368-4073. Transportation available, chanical or electrical experi- ence. Applications in writing ore to be addressed to Mr, J. R. Frost, Clerk-Treasurer, Town of Whitby. Information, may be obtained from Mr, N. Gartshore, Chief Operator, telephone 668- 3638. SANITATION COMMITTEE W. O. McBride Town Engineer T. Edwards Chairman. YOUNG MAN 17 to 18 Years of Age Who is leaving school ond would like to make a coreer in selling. @ Profit sharing pion @ Paid vacation ®@ Hospitalization @ Best working conditions Apply AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORE | 25 Simcoe St. South ~ SUPPLEMENTAL INCOME Part time employment during regular working hours for qualified men, desiring to supplement income. Excellent for retired person or others needing additional income. Must be able to type, have car, insurance investigating. No selling., No collecting Write Qualifications to P.O. Box 603 OSHAWA, ONTARIO OK -- Must be fully experienced and ey e to take charge of kitchen. No heavy banquets; no late night work: Steady em- ployment. Must have good references. Apply Manager, 'Hotel Lancaster, 27 King over 21, for service station. Good wages. Tel lephone. 728-003) | CLASS A mechanic, age 25 to a «0, for Apply 525 King West) | BA Service Station, Oshawa. | Tele- business. We are the leaders In the field. No cash invest- ment. Car necessary. Splen- years of age. Married. Mech- anically inclined to learn furnace work. Steady employ- did oportunity for advance- ment to District Manager. ment. Experience preferred. , Write The Certified Electric Company, Dundas, Ontario. Linotype Operator ey APPLY 238 KAISER CRESCENT i--- For Weekly Newspaper 40 hour week. | WANTED IMMEDIATELY Markham 294-2200 | YOUNG MAN, willing to lern frozen food business. Permanent position with bene- fits. Telephone 368-4073. Transportation avaliable. TWO men required for maintenance work. Should be mechanically inclined, 'ex- perience preferred but not necessary. | Middie aged men would be considered.,EARN $100. or more a week with| Steady employment for right men. Good) Mutual of Omaha insurance Co Write} 'working conditions. Apply in writing to|name, address and telephone 'number to} PO Box 19] Oshawa. |Box 828, Oshawa |_ Times. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | PRINTED PATTERN | HOPE CHEST SET By ALICE BROOKS Add a dainty touch to your treasured linens with this grace- ful old-fashioned girl. | Eyelet ruffles, lazy - daisy garlands beautify bedsets, tow-| | SLIP DRESS By ANNE ADAMS SLIP INTO fashion's new sen- els, scarfs. Pattern 7341: one! motif 7 x 18, two 5% x 15|8ation -- a sleek, smooth slip} inches; directions. ' dress! Have it plain, with gay| Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice: Brooks, care/of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft flower applique, rick rack or ruffle trim! Easy as pie to sen| for day, night. Printed Pattern 4659: Misses :| Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- takes 2% yds. 39-in tario residents add 1 cent sales . AER: fi; : ' tax. Print plainly PATTERN FORTY CENTS (40 cents) in coins (ho stamps, please) for this pattern.. Ontario residents} add two cents sales tax, Print| plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS,} care of The Oshawa Times,} Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. COMPLETE FASHION . RE- PORT in our new Spring-Sum- NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA- ALOG -- 200 designs, 8 free patterns! Newest knit, crochet fashions, embroidery, 25 cents. Now! Send for elegant, new "Decorate with Needlecraft!" 5 beautiful room settings, 25 complete patterns for decora- tive accessories in one book!|mer Pattern Catalog plus ee Pillows, wall hangings cur-|pon for ONE FREE PATTER tains, appliques, more! 60 cents.|/Everything you need for thé life Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jyou lead -- 350 design ideas!) 16 complete patterns. 60 cents./Send 60 cents now. | |PORTER required. Apply Genosha Hotel, |Oshawa. |20--Real Estate for Sale |19--Male or Female Help V Wanted Ranch aids Couple, no children, to work horse ranch, care of horses, odd jobs and general house duties. Must have car, Room and board plus salary. Refer- ences Monday to Friday Toronto 447-1494 Weekends, Myrtle 985- 2200, REAL ESTATE SALESMEN A new progressive real estate company being formed with office in Brougham need ex- perienced Real Estate Sales- For confidentiol inter- view please call men General Manager at 942-0931 or Evenings Toronto 481-6274 CLEANER PRESSER SPOTTER To train as manager in new modern Dry Cleaning plant in Ajax Shopping Centre Must have initiative Telephone 942-2212 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER In mod- jern salon. Top wages. Telephone Whitby tim employment, Will accept piano stu-| Ident with at least Grade 8 in Royal Con |servatory. Telephone 723-7477. TRADE OR SELL Spotlessly clean, newly de- corated, 6 room brick home with - garage. Central, now vacant. Worth $13,500, will take offers. We will take your home as a down payment or will trade. To inspect call Mr, Jack Appleby at 728-5123 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B GENERAL STORE In NL a with 'stock and evipment, gas p iving} quarters, oll furnate. $8,900, i Murphy | Realtor, Cali Marvin N Reattor. esbitt, Nestlaton, | le Economy and comfort marks this.3 bedroom bun- galow in the north west area. The price most gratifying to most careful buyer. Paved drive and garage, Nice deep fost. The owner is moving to Windsor on April 12. Present N.H.A. mortgoge ct 6%, corries for $83.00 per month. Interest, Principal and Taxes included. The asking price is $16,500.00. Call for more details. lle Economically priced is this older type home on Gladstone Avenue in quiet re- sidential district. A solid brick property with large separate garage, private drive and has two bedrooms. Modern kitch- en and 4 pc. bathroom in well maintained condition. The low asking price makes this on excellent buy. ile Downtown location situated on a well landscaped lot is this spotless three bed- room home near North G.M. plont. Oil heated for comfort and priced at only $10,900. iV @ Available immediate- ly 3 bedroom bungalow in good location near separate school, features a walkout basement, oil heating and reasonable carrying charges in spite. of a very low down payment Ve A brand new attrac- tive 3 bedroom ranch bun- gclow available for imme- diate occupancy. Underground wiring for hydro, telephone and T.V. has eliminated un- sightly overhead wires. Pri- vate back yard, breezeway and attached garage, and a kitchen your wife would be proud of. Full basement de- signed. for a future recreation room. This home is designed for better living in a good North west area. Vi «© LOT -- NORTH WEST AREA -- 60 ft. x 116 ft. deep with fruit trees and in a good north west location Coll now for details Vile This duplex is 'in excellent condition and close to South G.M. plant. This is a 2 storey brick duplex hav- Ing three garages and finish- ed recreation room. Both apartments rented on a month to month basis, Coll mow for more information. The price is right Vill @© 'Here is a wonderful home which marks up to date efficiency. The second floor has 4 bedrooms and well planned 4 pc. bath. Service entry to the basement. Lava- tory and kitchen is also con- venient. Kitchen has built in stove and oven and eating area, The painted basement has room for. workshop, re- creation room and laundry facilities. The staircase is outstanding with a distinc- tive lighting fixture. This house was built 5 months ago. It has also a separate dining room and is decor- ated in soft poste! colors throughout. Carport' and all for only $18,900.00 Xl e New oil furnace,' 3 bedrooms, ° separate: dining room -in an older brick home, with only $2000 down pay- ment ond monthly payments of only $75.00, Call for in- formation. This house surely has possibilities. e xe Your children would love this one. A 117 storey home in immaculate condi- tion features 6 large rooms, many extras such as paved driveway, storms and screens. beautifully treed yard, Excel- lent financing makes this an attractive buy e Xie Not patterned after another is this 4 bedroom split level located on Glen- mar, This house is ¢ combina- tion of years of planning, leaving nothing to want. The delicate shade of the paint- ed walls will please you. It is built in the midst of a galaxy: of brilliant homes making this one of the best in this fashionable neighbor- hood. Close to schools and churches in the North West area. Call us tonight for price and terms. Xil @ Situated on a lot 86 feet x 250 ft. in a neighbor- hood of lovely homes. This family home is ideal at the edge of the city. The living area gains a spacious effect from. its open beamed chalet ceiling and space sharing rooms, Glass sliding doors open to this partially wooded bock yard « Xlll @ DUPLEX IN A COM MERCIAL AREA -- Investi- ate this two family brick home in an excellent commer- cial location, Plaza is going in across the street. $15,500 is a very réasonable .asking price. Call us now for all the details. | | | } XIV @ $13,700.00 is the full asking price of this 6 room split level home situat- ed in a quiet residential area. Make an oppointment tonight to see this home with 3 good sized bedrooms, finished re- cration room ond a 6% mortgage, interest carrying for just $96.50 per month including the taxes. Don't wait, call now. OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY HOMES BY ROMANIN Three and Four Bedroom homes--variety of ae to choose from, Open daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m, except Weekends from 1 p.m. to6p.m Directions--Rossland Rd. W. to Gibbons St. North to Glen- mar -- Follow signs to Open House Model at 413 GLEN- " MAR e RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You Sophisticated Adult Living in a Quiet Atmosphere Spodious 1-2-and 3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in. bath- rooms, private balconies, The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin' elevator service, inter- com system and built - in sleeves for your air-condition- er, Close to shopping. For Immediate occupancy Call Rental Office at 723- 6361. Model Suite furnished by Wilson's Furniture. Open for your inspection trom 2 to 9 p.m. daily. e Cali 723-1121 for full par- ticulars. Open daily from 9 am. to 9 p.m. e After hours cali Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Ethel Love 668-2402 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Walter Mittler 728-7083 Edith Gifford - 728-0768 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 If you find it hard to meet payments on a First and Sec- ond Mortgage combine them in one with easy terms. We'll be glad to help you with your confidential mortgage ar- rangements. It's oll part of our compre- hensive Real Estate Service, at Guide Realty Limited We list Exclusive and Photo M Members of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS ~ SAVE $500. 7 Bungalows Immediate Possession Attractive three bedroom home, completely interior de- corated. Expensively chosen light fixtures throughout. Modern kitchen with pre- finished wooden cobinets. Different in design. Reason- obly priced from $15,695. Less $500 Winter Works Bonus Contact Bill Millar - 725-1186 or 725-2557 W.T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. HOUSES COTTAGES GARAGES You Build --- We Build NO DOWN PAYMENT Financed Monthly Payments McGILL Real Estate Broker 728-4285 FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. ° 728-5157 |TEN ACRES. Seven miles trom Oshawa|Private bungalow six large rooms. Pri- on paved road, close to Stradeski Realter 728-8433, school. Ask Don [drive Yours, for @ reasonable in- vestment in this profitable Motel. Books available to genuinely interested Purchas- ers. Strategically located at the corner of two highways. 10 units plus modern brick bungalow, Asking only $55,- 000.00 with excellent terms. Will consider trade on Osh- awa home. TECUMSEH ST, $11,700.00 full price with the best of terms, for this well kept home, The beautiful brick fireplace enhances the appeal of the massive living room, The large kitchen with its plentitude of . cupboards will delight the little lady. and the mon of the house will oppreciate the solid construc- tion and homey atmosphere. Call now, 728-5157! Sor ie This One | \ / 'SOLD | 103 Warren Ave 13 ROOMS Very central, north Simcoe area, Priced at only $16,- 500.00. Call for full informa. | tion, 728-5157. | MORTGAGES ARRANGED ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe St, S. 728-5157 MODEL HOMES YOU will always be on vacation when you buy one of these smart homes by : Roth Construction with Panoramic view of | Lake Ontario, 14 models to choose from and $500 Winter | Building Bonus | off the down payment. Split-levels or Ranch bun- oe. prices start at $14,900. To view these lovely new homes. Follow Park Rd, South to Phillip Murray Avenue and you are there. Open all week- end. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 833 Simcoe St. 728-7377. Members of O.D.R.E.B, South LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Station on Highway 115, new bungalow on 2 acres doing gue business, asking $32,- Car Market, Garage ond Res- tauront 1% miles north of Brooklin, Investors' opportun- Ity, Six room 2 storey brick home in good location, very clean, well kept, double garage and extra lot, asking $15,000 with terms. 3 bedroom home on King E, ond Oshawa Bivd., 2 fire- places and finished rec, room. $3,000 down. B.A. Gos Station with 2 garage on Tounton Rd., | acres on corner property can be bought os one parcel, Good location on main road. After 6 call John Merrithew 728-2664 John Sandy 725-8010 JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS RAVINE LOT Here's your opportunity to own a one floor 3 bedroom brick and stone RANCH HOME with a WALKOUT BASEMENT from a PROFES- SIONALLY FINISHED RE- CREATION ROOM complete with bar, North East Oshawa, Owner moving north. Ask for Bill Dougan, ATHOL STREET EAST See this spotiessly clean storey and half home ond stake your claim TO-NIGHT. Toxes just $260.00, hot water heating by oil, large over-sized gar- age plus tool house. Priced at $13,200.00 with $2,500.00 down to one mortgage. Cail Bill Dougan. Phone Anytime JONES and DOUGAN REALTORS | WHITBY ey th adi BUILDING 668-8841 yp APRA ae GCE DE RN RR ET G58 mane he pe epee eee = SS eee Sele Ty pees LY Er <0 Srp , 18--Mele Help Wanted |18--Mole Help Wanted- |18--Male Help Wanted | 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Reel Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Aprit 3, 1965 19 : 20--Real Estate for Sale 20----Real Estate for Sale . __ AN. INTERESTING Exceptional |sEwAGE TREATMENT ee U | D F e U | D F ACTIVE ED. DISNEY pmo ' ¢ S A [ 7 S Opportunity | PLANT: OPERATOR REALTY LIMITED | Real Estate - Insurance For men experienced TOWN Of were REALTY LTD. REALTY LTD. 728-51 57] 82 Simeoe St. S. e s & E 2 A R F FE R in the finance business | /Aeiictions will be wecaived | 16 Sinioe St S| 16 SimicoeSt.S. aang 723-2333 eee We cre '0 progressive Con. | Sewage Treatment Plant, until Volucble Commercial Building sumer Finance Company 12:00 v4 Ay Meir Tis 121 723-1 121 VALUE PACKED site on No, 2 Highway, corn- : wines rpld cron rears | 1965. Thi potion, Pray | LISTINGS er property with 720 f. front "| WANT TO through promotions. We re- have Grade 10 education or | e See. ' OPPORTUNITY quire young men with some higher (Ontario --- > INDEPENDENCE & experience in the Finance and have demonstrated me- SECURITY Mira Revleciant and Ges SELL THESE HOMES WITHOUT DELAY, AND I'M WILLING TO MAKE THE PRICES TALK" 'Says Builder $999 DOWN FOR A NEW DETACHED 4 BEDROOM SIDE SPLIT with 2 BATHOOMS HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN With Old Fashioned Pantry INCLUDES: ® Built-in Range and Oven ® Storms and Screens ® Walk-Out Patio Sliding Glass Doors Beautiful in every way and located on select homesites in this desirable west suburban community. ® PUBLIC OPEN HOUSE Drive South on Athol Street Until you see the signs OPEN DAILY 1 TO 9 SUNDAY 1 TO 5 Exquisite. 3 and 4 bedroom homes of masterful design end construction for your inspection, BUILT BY Robert W. McEwan 668-8981 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Whitby -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- -- MORTGAGES -- WHITBY $1,000 DOWN Family man's special, 8 year old, 3 bedroom brick home, Modern kitchen, good size liv- ing room, 4-pc. bath, rec. room, oil heat. Located next to school and close to shop- ping. Priced for fast sale. Asking only $12,900 with $1,000 down and excellent terms for balance, Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725-2217, } CARNEGIE AVE. | $12,900 | 6 room brick home with gar- oge, oi! furnace, newly decor- ated, located close to Ross- land Road. Good area, reo- sonably priced, easy terms for balance. Call Mr. Jack Apple- by at 728-5123 or 723- 3398. OSHAWA BLVD. SIBBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 299. Simcoe 'St. S. 728-7576 INVESTORS Large modern brick building, includes 3 2-bedroom apart- ments ond 2 stores. Central and suitable for almost any business. $10,000 down. For more information call Sibby's 728-7576. After hours: Tony Zakarok 725-4366 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 Members of O.D.R.E.B, 4 rooms and 3-pe. bathroom in spotless condition through- | Out. Paved drive, only $9,200 with reasonable down pay- ment. See this if you want something really clean. Call Mr. Jim Brady at 728-5123 . or 728-0483, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening | Member of O,D.R.E.B, | THREE. BEDROOM, detached brick bun- | galow, completely equipped, paved drive jway, fenced, landscaped. After 7 p.m. telephone Bay Ridges 839-1065. NORTH General Motors Builder's own vate rose garden, rockery, hedge, paved and garage. Be sure to see this/ i Gen Stradesk! Resiter, 728-4438, PRIVATE SALE APPLE HILL AREA Well kept 54% room brick veneer bungalow, equipped with double garage, paved driveway, finished rec room, broadioom and vanity in large bathroom, aluminum storms and screens throughout, fully landscaped, buses and schools close by, July Ist possession, Full Price $15,900 Terms available. Call 728-5275 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 20) SEPARATE AND HIGH SCHOOLS Close By ® MODERN SHOPPING WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE Other 3 Bedroom Homes on 1 N.A.A.Mortgage Carrying for $98 Monthly, including Interest Principal and Taxes ® DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $679 & "You visit me, the Builder this week-end and I'll show you the finest home values to-day."' GO west on Highway 401 to Liverpool Road (Interchange 64). Turn south to the BP Service Station, turn right and follow the signs to the Dover-By-The-Bay Gates, turn left. Open 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Daily DOVER | BY-THE-BAY Phone 839-3461 or 364-3115 Cousolidated Building Corporation "Canada's Largest Builders" reves.

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