BLONDIE ee eae, Toc. 1065, Werkd nights weaved. 7 King Festaren Spwites'= MP roctese | RIDICULOUS/ HOW CAN I BRUSH TEETH WITH WE'LL HAVE A CASE, IF THIS LI'L WISE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ALL YOUR NOT IN THIS COMMERCIAL- TYPE WORK, SO YOu'LL NEVER BE » 1M TELLING YOU, IF YOU DON'T TAKE THAT EUROPEAN SCHOLARSHIP YOU'LL REGRET IT LIFE-- YOUR HEARTS --- PERHAPS-- BUT {LL BE MAKING A HOME AN? LIFE NM you THine THAT NOW= BuT some may II YOURE GOING TO BECOME VERY BITTER ' ABOUT YOUR LOST OPPORTUNITY -- AND THEN YOUR LOVE FOR ANNIE COULD TURN INTO SOMETHING VERY DISTASTEFUL-- HI6 GIZZARD I6 PROBABLY OKAY, BUT THE REST OF HIM MIGHT BE IN SAD SHAPE FOR SOME REASON OR THE BEST Z CAN me joamarms Spent, tomy 18S. Wedd sagas teomrvek = WELL, YOUR IMPERSONATOR, OLGA, HAS COOKED UPA ROMANCE WITH A GENERAL DIAZ AND HAS SOFTENED HIM UP FOR MEETING A COMMIE BIG KNOW ALL MEETING ROOM. BUGGED AND AND YOU WANT ME 'TO IMPERSONATE ABOUT HER RELATIONSHIP WITH THE GENERAL. WE'VE ALSO INTERCEPTED MESSAGES AND KNOW EVERYTHING EXCEPT WHERE THE STO BE, Features Syndienta, tne, 1965. We = MY IMPERSONATOR AND WALK INTO- THAT HOT-BED OF COMMIES ALONE? IT'S THE J ON\Y: Way OF GETTING THE GOODS ON THEM, MILA. JANE ARDEN [FADDLE YOUR HORSE FOR ME...I'LL LEAVE HIM IN TOWN WHERE YOU CAN PICK HIM UP: LATER, BUCKO, YOU AREN'T GOIN' TO GET, AWAY WITH THIS! MICKEY MOUSE I WANT You "To SEE MY NEW Distrfbated by King Features Gyodiente, | WE'RE RETURNING / THis PURSE WE WED HAVE KNOWN IT WAS HERS EVEN IF HER NAME WASNT IN IT IT'S FULL OF KID-TYPE JUNK AND CREDIT CARDS FOR THE CANDY STORE, ICE-CREAM VENDOR, SODA FOUNTAIN AN TOY SHOP MUGGS AND SKEETER |_-- I TOLD BUBBA TO PUT HIS TOOTH UNDER HIS PILLOW TONIGHT AND THE GOOD FAIRY WOULD TAKE [T AND LEAVE SOME SILVER... >--- y/o "LL GOIN f Chow ano LEwe OH, SORRY I WOKE YOu, 2. BUBBA!...LOOK, THE GOOD FAIRY LEFT A DIME FOR YOUR TOOTH! HEY, GRANDMA! THAT GOOP FAIRY SWINDLED ME... 1 WOULDN'T HAVE SOLP THAT TOOTH FOR LESS THANA ire SILVER DOLLAR! ae /| ATT i Fg Au aly ny Bel |sociated with emphysema. a eS @ Keg Fae PIEDGED 10 POVERTY, HENRY MONK LACKS THE PASSAGE TO $0 MUST WORK HIS WAY 70 AND AS A SEAMAN. apse WAS CANNOT COME ABOUT FOR CENTURIE: "a EUROPE € MANY A CHRISTIAN CONVERT TO ZION/SM [THE MILLENIUM, THE THOUSAND YEARS OF PEACE PROMISED By GOD, UNTIL WE ATONE S OF ANTI-SEMITISM . > WINNING O Yi Ss A YEAR, MONK JERUSALEM, ONLY TO HEAR' « +: TRAVELLING 1854, REACHES THE GATES OF SPREAD OUT! AND IF Ei SHOOTING -- PURE THE LONE RANGER STILL THERE AND STARTS, BACK / SODBUSTERS / WELL, /M STAYIN' DRIVE ME OFES THERE TO YOUR, ANGLING, ROD? --s\. Roz! SECRET AGENT X9 TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buftalo 9--Dear Charlotte WEDNESDAY EVE. Channel 3--Barrie 8-2--Concentration 5:00 P.M. Channel 4--Buffalo | 6-3--Friendly Giant \l--Family Theatre -- Channel 6--Toronto | 4--Andy of Mayberry 9--Five O'Clock Movie Channel 7--Butfale 11:15 A.M. &--Superman Channel &--Rochester | 9_Does Mother Know 6-3--Forest Rangers Channel 9--Toronto 2--Lioyd Thaxton Channel 11--Hamilton en 5:30 P.M. 6--Leave It To Beaver 6-3--Music Hop 3--National Velvet 6:00 P.M, 7--News Central 6--Live and Learn 4--News, Sports With Chuck Heal' Best $3--Chez Helene | 11:30 A.M, TUESVAY EVE. | Pie lt gad 5:00 P.M. | 7--Price 1s Right 1--Family Theatre 6-3--Butternut Square 9--Five O'Clock Matinee) 4 The McCoys &--Superman ] +3--Fireball XL--S | 12:00 NOON ¥ 2--Lloyd Thaxton a sey by \sll 3--Provincial Affairs 5:30 P.M. ee ee 2-Today, 1965 e-L It To Beaver | $--Elwood. Glover GoMusie. Hop | 4--News and Weather | 5 SPM snap 11-9-4-3---News; 'ea! 3~Aquanauts 3--Popeye and Pals he Sncrts 6:00 P.M. | 12:18 P.M. | 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley 7--News Central | 4-Speaker of the House ews 4--Generation 12:30 P.M. » Sports with : "M, Chuck. Healy 9--| Love Lucy 1, 1965 | 8-2--Truth or 7--Cheyenne Across Canada 7:00 P.M. 11--Gilligans Island 9--The Farmers Daughter 8--Richard Diamond 7-6--News, Weather, Consequences 7--Father Knows Best 4--Search for fomorrow PeAcoa pln | 3--Noon-day nepert 4 2: -M, Weather, Sports | eo $-2--Huntley-Brinkley | uiding Light News | 1:00 P.M, | 7--Maverick 6--Across Canada 7:00 P.M. 11--Shindig 9--The Littlest Hobo 4--News, Weather, rts 4--Car 54, Where Are You? 3--Candid Camera 2--The Detectives li--Family Theatre Sports 4 Honeymooners 3-12 O'Clock High 2--Death Valley Days | 7:30 P.M. |11--Valentine's Day | 9--Sports Hot Seat | 8-2--The Virginian 7--Ozzie and Harriet |6-3--Nations Business 4--Mr. Ed /11--Dennis The Menace |9---December Bride 8--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6-3--Movie Matinee 4--Meet The Millers | 2--Mike Douglas Show 7:45 P.M, Fix-lt 8:00 P.M. 11--Special Movie 9--My Favorite Martian 7--Patty Duke | 63--Red River Jamboree | 4--My Living Doll |11--Mid-Day Matinee 9--Millionaire 4--As [he World Turns 2:00 P.M, 9--Abracadabra 6--Mr. 7:30 PLM 9--Let's. Sing Out 8-2--Mr. Novak | 4--Password 7--Combat 2--Moment Of Truth 6--On The Scene 2:30 P.M, 4--Many Happy Returns 9_Four of A Kind 3-Wendy and M | 8-2--The Doctors WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM. --Schnitzel. House 4--Captain Kangaroo 7--Day in Court é--Loretta Young j53--Perry Mason 4--House Party | 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3--Super Bingo ed 9:00 P.M, | 6-2--Movie | 3:00 P.M, | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 9--Peop! Confll eople in Conflict | 9:38 PLM. 8-2--Another World : 7--General Hospital 7--Burke's Law 6-3--Festival aie t of Truth eee oe F 4--Cara_ Williams 10:00 P.M. 8:30 A.M. 9--News; Miss Helen 9:00 A.M, 9--Romper Room 7--Dialing for Dollars: Girl Talk 4--Mikes Carnival 2--Movie 9:30 A.M, li--Ed Allen , é--Musical Interlude 4--Leave It To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show 10:00 A.M, 11--Super Bingo 8-2--Make Room For 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. i--Funny Company 9--Its Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M, | | | 11--Steve Allen Show | 4--Danny Kaye Show 10:30 P.M. 9--Country Music Hall | 7--M-Squad |&3--John Hirsch 11:00 P.M, 11-9-B-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather Sports WS P.M, |}1--Lloyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club Fone mater Sane 9--Metro Final _ etship 7 | 63--As The World Turns | &--Viewpoint 4--Secret Storm | 11:20 P.M, | 2--Rocky and His 7-4--Late Show Friends 6--Night Metro 4:30 P.M, | 11:30 P.M, 7--Trailmaster. 9--Sea Hunt l--Wrestling, 6-3--Across Canada 7--Early Show 9--Pierre Berton 4--Presidential Parade &3--Razzle Dazzle A.M, | 4--The 4-Thirty Show Steed 2--B'wana Don Daddy 63--School 4--News 10:30 A.M, 11--Father Knows Best 8-2--What's This Song Telecasts 6--Night Cap 3--Naked City '"¢-2--Tonight Show 11:00 Albert J. YOUR HEALTH Farmer's Lung Not Just One Disease By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD) Dear Doctor: What about 'farmer's lung'? Does the con-} diton have anything to do with emphysema?--Mrs. W. H, Farmer's lung is a term ap- plied to a number of conditions, which may or may not be as- A good many cases of farm- er's lung are what, in a city, we would call pneumonitis, or a patchy inflamed local area in the lung. In the farmer's case, some foreign body, or particle \(perhaps one of the various kinds of dust), appears to be in this inflamed area, and thus is presumed to have started the irritation. | | ATTACK FOLLOWS ANOTHER| Scar formation from these Actinomycosis and _ histoplas- mosis are two that belong in the farmer's lung category, al though these diseases do, of course, affect other people, too. patchy areas, or from 'other Both are fungus. infections./forms of irritation, accumulate Some doctors strongly suspect|as one attack follows another. that until fairly recent years the|1f enough of them occur, a sub- two were confused quite often; | stantial: amount of the lung will today there is a great deal of|thus be scarred or damaged. At interest in "histo," and many/that point we have emphysema cases are being found --a condition in which the lungs Farmers are exposed to con-|cannot expel sufficient air with siderable dust, which may be/each breath, and in consequence earth, plant materials, fungus,|cannot admit the full amount of REMEMBER ME? I WAS IN THIS MORNING AND BOUGHT SOME FLOOR PAINT! CROSSWORD ACROSS . Outer garment . Rebuff . Wavy: Her, 10. Biblical weed Blue ribbon or cup Fore- bodings River in Spanish River: W. Ohio City: S.B. New York 19. Legendary Celt 20, Some 21, Bestow 2. Pungent 11, 12. 14, 15. 17. Variety of cabbage 18. Conclude 21, Desert: Asia 16. IC} AIL [OWL [OIA faa BAIAINGIERIS| [OIG MEP AIVIE MMI (TL O O ELA meIAlRIOM Yesterday's Answer with another 31, Burst of applause $2. Liberates 33. Sweet potato 85. Brightly colored fish 40. Point 23, Speak 2 crossly to 7 48 26. Sharpened 27. Employ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Merch 30,1965 43 By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Individuel Championship South dealer, North-South vulnerable. NORTH 8762 @O752 oa &Q71038 WEST @KQI94 @i0 921073 @K62 Mosters' Play) a5 9QI8 98642 8754 so0UTH A103 AK643 KJ6 Ad : North 29 Fast Pass The South W 19 49" Opening lead--king of spades, Ae v a 'ext 16 of an unlucky division of the these hands can be salvaged by careful play. case, examine the accompany- handg, it would seem that South myst go down one. The hearts are divided 3-1, so that a trump finesse, if attempted, fails. These two losers, on top of the obvious two spade losers, make it appear that declarer cannot escape going down one. hand properly, he makes the method of play does not depend on seeing the East-West cards; a perfectly normal line of play will do the job. down, South sees that the con- tract appears to depend on ei- ther a favorable trump division trol over how the trumps are divided, but he does have some a club trick. So, in an effort to avoid a club finesse -- which might lose -- declarer wins the king of spades and then cashes the ace of diamonds and A-K of hearts, Learning that East has a sure trump trick, he cashes the king of diamonds, discarding a jack in dummy. The stage is now set for the finesse, he leads a spade from dummy. West takes his Q-J all right, but then discovers that, regardless of what he returns, South makes the contract. West concedes a ruff and dis- diamond; his other choice is a club return. Whatever he does, South gains a trick and makes the contract. The club finesse, ters the picture at all. Fire Destroys Trenton Area TRENTON, Ont. (CP)--Fire main street of Trenton early to- day. Firemen were hampered by high winds and a blizzard. tionery store and spread to a beauty salon, barber shop, appli- ance store and a restaurant. A nearby hotel suffered smoke damage. Trenton is about 10 miles west of Belleville. SALLY'S SALLIES "It's the only thing a penny can buy now that will give you a lift." 28, Talk 29, Ahead 30, To give what is due COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colb St. at Church St. 728-6341 41, Horse or stock car 42, Bee house 43, A lean-to 44. Andy's OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days e Week © Groceries @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY partner DOWN 1. Valuable art object haled. If you can't get rid of; the old air, you don't have the| space for new air! | Thus you see that farmer's lung is not just one disease, It can be a combination of sev- eral, with accumulated damage} finally interfering substantially! with breathing. | The answer, naturally, is to do whatever is possible or nec- essary (quit smoking), to get the most benefit from such lung| |fresh air which should be in- capacity as remains, and to| keep further damage from oc- curring. Dear Dr. Molner: Last June I had my first child, and she was a breech birth. If I have any more children will they also be born this way?--Mrs. L.M. There is no way to predict. Some women have a succession of breech births--four in a row, so far aS my memory goes. Other women have only one} such delivery and the rest are| normal, ; ERNIE CAY for WALLBOARD and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "If it's LUMBER, coll our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. PE NE Many contracts fail because © defenders' cards, but some of . For an example of such a : ing hand. If you look at all four ~ trick must be lost, and the club © However, if South plays the ; contract, Furthermore, the right « As soon as dummy comes or a favorable location of the . king of clubs, He has no con- . control over the possible loss of spade from dummy, and then ruffs the ° winning play. Ignoring the club . cards if he plays a spade or a . attractive though it is, never en- . destroyed five businesses and . apartments above them on the » The blaze started in a confec: .