Red Cross Blitz, Target Of $5,000 This is § taken care of partially by the # WHITBY (Staff) -- The An- nual Red Cross Blitz campaign for funds will swing into action Monday evening, March 29. Goal established by the Whitby Branch this year is $5,000. In addjtion to the regular serv- ices provided by the Branch over the past years, the Unit is planning on establishing a per- manent homemaker service. Purpose of this service is to provide competent women to go into homes on a daily basis to care for the families while the mother is ill at home, in the hospital, or during emergencies. Fees for the 'Homemaker' service are charged; however they are based on the family's ability to pay. Service to Senior Citizens and the chronically ill is also provided. The actual Homemaker is a paid part-time employee of the local Branch and is carefully se- lected for her mature and stable personality and good health.. In addition to the above serv- world-wide activities. allocation to the Ontario Divi- sion, On the local scene, funds as- sist in the operation of a Sick Room Equipment Loan Service. Included in this program are items such as wheel chairs, crutches, canes, hospital beds, etc. These are used by sick peo- ple in their own homes. The Ontario Hospital and Fairview Lodge sections of the local Branch provide for the dis- tribution of treats and comforts; recreational activities or arts and crafts, films and general en- tertainment. Another important part of the local Branch program is the operation of the Blood Donor Clinics. Expenses are incurred as a result of providing clinic facilities. The collection team is provided by the National Office. Among the aforementioned benefits derived from having a local Branch of the Red Cross ice, the Red Cross Society sup- ports provincial, federal and WHITBY BOWLING SCORES ST. JOHN THE EVANGLIST -- WHIT BY MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE Standings after Mar. 22--Jerks 5, 29; Hot Mocs 7, 28; Beatles 2, 27; Nuts 4, 25; No Names 2, 25; Strikers 3, 24; Go Getters 5, 21; Spitfires 5, 14; Blind Mice 0, 12; Hot 'n Tots 2, 5. INDIVIDUAL HIGH SCORES: Ladies' 500 triples and over:-- Pat Sullivan 638, Mary Bibeau 613, Nellie McCarroll 570, Olga Majcher 559, Lorraine Bronis- hewski 524, Greta Rieger 520, May Lavally 513. Ladies 200 Singles and over: Pat Sullivan 251-225, Mary Bi- beau 246-218, Olga Majcher 238, Greta Rieger 223, Molly Hughes 209, Marie Brooks 206, Nellie McCarroll 200. Men 550 Triples and over: Tom He nond 673, Jack Vei- tenheir 44, Fr. Cochrane 617, Don Ke Ay 595, Harold Forbes 594, Ted' Kapuscinski 587, Ed Samanski 582, Allan Oecerton 570 Men 200 Singles and over: Tom Hammond 268-246, Jack Veitenheimer 256-235, Allan Oer- ton 254, Don Kennelly 243, Fr. Cochrane 240-218, Jim Smyth 239, Ed Samanski 236, Harold Forbes 232-200, Dennis Bur- tinski 227, Ted Kapuscinski 227, Abb Samanski 218, George Mayer 214, WHITBY AND DISTRICT MEN'S LEAGUE (Wednesday) Triples 600 and over -- Bill Shearer 606 (242, 240); Don Reed 691 (241, 234); Ron Childs 687 (275, 239); Harry VanStra- veren 676 (251, 224); Ed Hutch- Society in the community are |what might be termed 'fringe benefits'. The Whitby Branch supports | Water Safety instruction at the jlocal swimming pool. The aim jof the Red Cross here is to |teach self-rescue and survival. | Awards are presented to swim-| mers who qualify in various) categories such as beginner,| junior, intermediate and senior.| | Senior citizens are given an) opportunity to meet regularly | for companionship and recrea-| tion. Sewing and knitting ses-| needed articles of clothing for distribution in Canada and} abroad. | These groups of volunteers also assist in the supplying of dressings and swabs used by the Blood Donor Clinics and hosp!- tals. Yarn and materials are)Room from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m,/sion of Mr. Dundzys' birthda Zigmas| One other valuable function is) Arthur Oliver, She will be assist-|Zaleskis, Mr. and Mrs, Peter the contribution towards com-|ed by Mrs. Charles MacKay and|Seieutis, Mr. and Mrs, Al Pasto- munity welfare activities not)Mrs. Curtis Brown. Mrs. Morley|Vicus, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Al- purchased out of Branch funds. | TODAY'S . TOPIC = Joseph Calderone Mrs, Alex, Blair DR. A, Glenny Question:--What do you think of the shopping facilities in Whitby's downtown area, and what would you suggest to improve them? Almost to a man they replied that parking was the big problem, with a poor selection of some merchandise a close second. Joseph Calderone, 110 Ash street: 'Put a bulldozer in and level it, and then start out all over again. Parking is insufficient, and the parking that is allowed on Highway 2 should be discontinued. Parking lots could be located be- hind the buildings and the hazard on the road parking would be eliminated." Mrs. Alex Blair, Brooklin: "There are not enough chil- dren's stores to give a good selection. We live out of town and, with the big parking problem in Whitby, it is easier for us to drive over to the shopping centre in Oshawa where we can park and shop at ease." Dr, Andrew Glenny, 1342 Dundas street east: 'Parking is a big problem so I don't do too much shopping here. I have tried to buy presents here in the past, and the poor selection available was discouraging. I shop in Oshawa Shopping sions are held to provide badly |- because of the larger selection and ease of parking." WHITBY PERSONALS > WHITBY (Staff) -- Santa Claus will be supported, in theory, by the Whitby Cham- ber of Commerce this year, according to a press release issued by the Chamber this week, The support will be in the form of endorsement of the Whitby Lion's Club. The Lions have volunteer- ed to arrange the Santa Claus parade this year with the event taking place on a "Special Whitby Day". Exact date of the parade will be announced at a later time, it was stated. SPECIAL WHITBY DAY FOR DOWNTOWN SANTA PARADE Robert Collins, chairman of the merchant's retail sec- tion of the Chamber will head up endorsement of the Lions through contributions received from merchants within the community. viher service clubs within the community will partici- pate in the parade, a mem- ber of the Chamber's Pub- licity Committee stated. De- tailed description of what will be entailed in the par- ticipation will emerge from future meetings. WHITBY -- The meeting of Whitby Women's Institute was held March 24 at the home of Mrs. Fergus Curl, Byron street north, with a very good atten- dance. The president, Mrs. Everett King, was in the chair. Following the minutes and correspondence, members dis- cussed euchres. It was decided to continue this project. The Sermon Series Is Continued WHITBY--The series of ser- continued last Sunday with the theme, 'The Truth of the Lord"', The choir, under the direction} jof Mrs. J. L, Beaton, sang the} anthem, 'Come, O Blessed |Lord, Thou Light of Life', by | Tchaikovsky. Legion Auxiliary Will Continue Euchre Parties charge will be 50: cents with lunch and prizes. The next euchre will be held at the home of Mrs. Donna Martin, King street, April 1. Mrs, Russell Saunders gave the motto "You don't take time for community activities, you make it', Mrs. Saunders told Mill Rate Hike For Pickering PICKERING (Staff) -- Both residential and commercial tax rates in Pickering Village were increased this year when the Village Council set the residen- tial mill rate at 77.06 and the commercial rate at 83.87 mills. In 1964 the public school rate was 74.70 and 81.92 respectively. The largest increase in the 1965 budget was the general vil- lage rate which was increased from 22,54 mills for residences in 1964 to 27.39 this year. The commercial general rate was changed from 25.50 to 30.22 this year. The county mill rate for the village was increased from 11.83 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 27,1965 § Sale Of Patties For World Fund St. John's Anglican Church) 26. Ruth WA held its regular meet- ing at the Sunday School hall. President Mrs. Gordon Kyle opened the meeting with WA prayer, : During the business meeting it was announced that "Pepper- mint Patties" would be sold by members. Money raised from this project will be donated to Anglican World Mission Fund, A report on the January work shop was read by Little Helper's Secretary Mrs. William Bonk. Members were asked to con- mills in 1964 to 13.80 mills this year. The public school rate for residences was dropped from 19.37 mills to 17.06 mills and commercially from 21.52 to 18.95 mills. The separate school rate re- mained: the same this year as last with 19.37 mills for resi- dences and 21.52 for commercial taxation. The Pickering and Dis- trict High School Board took a slight dip from 18.96 mills in 1964 to 18.81 mills this year on residences and from 21.07 mills to 20.99 on commercial assess- how one should help someone else, how much one could do if |mind is made up to do so, was |stressed, | It was decided to enter five jarticles of handicraft at the Dis-| \trict annual to be held at Kin- sale, May 20. lin, Mrs. Russell Saunders gave jan interesting paper on Citizen-| ship and Education, taking for her subject Canada's Indians. She stressed leadership and de- velopment among the Indians, The Whitby Brass Band Ladies Auxiliary. is sponsoring a rum- mage and homebake sale March| 5 27 at the Brass Band Social|/! F Dinner guests at the home The general convener is Mrs,\were: Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dundzys,|members. will take place prior erguson street, on the occa-|to Easter. of) The reception services for new Those from Young People's Confirmation Class will be received Sunday, April 4 and those from the adult class will be received at the |preparatory service April 9. y| covered by the town or other/Smith is in charge of publicity.|ckna, Mr. and Mrs. Michael agencies. Purpose of this effort Ealiauskas, Toronto; and Mr.\and the work of the Knights of is to provide emergency short} Mrs. Margaret Connor, 512\and Mrs. Clifford Alles, Whitby.|Columbus Order. Lunch will be term assistance such as grocer-| ies, clothing, rent, etc., where and when required. Donations from local citizens towards this worthwhile cause! can be sent to the Whitby) Branch of the Red Cross So-| ciety in care of either: Donald Irvine, Bank of Nova Scotia, Brock street north, Whitby or, Dr. John Wall, Brock Building, Whitby. | Last year the Whitby Branch| of the Red Cross Society were} able to collect approximately $3,000 from public donations. This year the Branch is asking for $5,000. | In keeping with the announce-| ment of the annual drive for) funds, the Branch released in- formation this week on how the funds collected were used dur- inson 672 (227, 224, 221); Les Reed 662 (241, 220); Clarence) Moore 638 (232); Earl Birch 629) (240); Andy Martinolich 626) ing the past year. The largest expenditure was for the operation of the Branch's| homemaker service which con- (264); Ernie Shepperdson 626|sumed 37.9 per cent of each dol- (238); Alex Fillier 620 (240); Bob Leal 616 (228, 221); Tony Perroni 615, Art Locke 611 (245); Jack Dixon 607 (243); Joe Coppolino 604 (223); Jim' Vanderende 601 (260), Singles 220 and over -- Jay Rosebush 279, Don Lintner 273, Cec Bowler 263, Bruce Morri- son 258, Jack Rypstra 254, Bob Villeneuve 249, Lance Sandford 241, Bill Phillips 241, Garrv Win- ters 232, Tomy Vandermale 225, Joe Lamagno 223, Jack Scott 222, Bruce Henderson 221. Team Standings -- Ramblers 18, Drew's 12, A and T Motors Bob Plaskitt 623 (237); | lar collected. The contribution to the Ontario Division took 12.7 per cent, while campaign ex- penses accounted for 8.4 per) |cent of the dollar. Milk for needy children cost the Branch 6.5 per cent and 5.5 |per cent was used at the On- jtario Hospital. The loan equip- }ment absorbed 6.5 per cent of ithe collected dollar while the |Blood Donor Clinic cost 4.6 per cent. Fairview Lodge work cost 144 per cent. | Coming further down the lad- \der of expenses the Branch esti- mated the Water Safety Pro- gram, so popular and equally necessary, cost 5.9 per cent of Perry street, celebrated he birthday: Friday. Best wishes are extended to Mrs. Connor|Council 4895, from her friends. are holding Ev at 8:45 p.m. in conjunction wi Clergy Night. Special speak will be Rev. Father Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Doyle and their son Brian, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. N. R. Mr, and Mrs. Avard Wagner an explanation of the purpos "Open meeting" at St. John the} vangelist parish hall March 3ljis celebrating his birthday to- lserved. All Catholic men are Whitby Knights of Columbus|cordially invited to attend. an David Harrison, Redair court, th\day. For the occasion Mrs, Har- erjrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Francis|Kenneth Dudley, will be. enter- Doyle, 114 Byron street north. |OSA. This will be followed byjtaining them at dinner in To- es|ronto, telling of the interest taken by |the Indians if only invited to {join clubs or organizations and |how interested they can be and the good work they do if shown. Tunch was served by the host- ess assisted by Mrs. Donna Mar- tin and Mrs, Gilbert Drewry. The annual meeting will be |held April 28 at the home of Mrs. Gordon McLean, 217 Euclid street. Need Mortgage Money? McGIL Reol Estate Broker Day or Night - 728-4285 ents, Part of the reason for the gen- eral mill rate increase is that SHERIFF BAIN IN CAR CRASH Morley Bain, Ontario County's new sheriff, almost didn't make it Friday for his first day on the new job. He narrowly escaped serious injury in a four-car collision at Myrtle. Mr. Bain told The Osharva Times that his 1964 model car was a complete write-off following the collision which took place on Highway 12. He reported for work a little later than usual--shaken up but unhurt. the 2 mill water rate has been sider more frequent visiting of Church families, A further dis- cussion on this subject will be. held at the next meeting of April It was reported that the re-: cently held pancake supper was. very successful, The WA invited the Ruth WA to attend the bale tea, March 24, and to attend their meeting of April 21, when Mrs, John McKibbin will show slides of her trip out West. HEATING GOB-B7OG1 included in the general rate as| well as the one mill library rate. The separate residential rate) was increased 4.67 mills from) |mons based on the emblems and! mrs, Karl Ward gave her re-|74.70 mills to 79.37, The separate| texts in the memorial windows) port on the district executive commercial rate went wu at St. Mark's United Church) meeting she attended at Brook-, mills from 81.92 to 86.44. p 4.52) Village residents owning) homes assessed at $4.000 would pay $9.44 more in taxes this| |year over last if they were pub- \lie school supporters and $18.68 |more if they were separate} | school supporters. | BAHA'I! WORLD FAITH PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the 1.0.0.F, Holl Brock St. 5S, Whitby. Every Sunday evening at 8:15 P.M, EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshments served. and family spent last Sunday in Courtice visiting friends. Sunday dinner guests at the | FREE TICKETS ~ AT THE TO SEE THESE PULAR PICTURES home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milroy were Mr. and Mrs. Rob-| ert Hamilton and their son, Dale, Toronto and Miss Doreen Courchesne, | Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Bishop, of Wellington, were visi- tors last weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Duffy, 306 Centre street north. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church mixed choir, under the direction of organist Mrs. P. N Spratt, entertained residents of SPECIAL'ZING IN... @ PIZZA' e SPAGHETTI @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 doys @ week) 107 COLBORNE ST. W. 137 BROCK ST. S WHITBY FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET N. REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--"FAITH CKLB -- 1350 on your dial TIDINGS" Broadcast 9:45 A.M.--OUR BIBLE SCHOOL in Contest with Bethel Baptist, Orillia. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor's Sermon: "ADOPTION" 7:00 P.M. -- A GREAT EVENING SERVICE Pastor's Sermon: "FOUR ANCHORS" WEDNESDAY EVENING -- 8:00 P.M. PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY "There's always a welcome at Faith' EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE BROCK THEATRE | Brock St. Pentecostal Church 307 Brock St. N. Maxwell Case -- Minister 7 P.M. -- Missionary Films of Africa Shown by Jonathan King -- 17 years on the The CORNER PIZZA R. V. Hill, 214 Dundas E., Whitby Each week for 26 weeks there will appear in the edvertisements on this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this erea, It your neme should appear end you locate it, all you ere asked to do ts elip the od end present it et the Oshewe Times Office in Whitby or Oshewe. You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theetre. WEEK OF MARCH 29th MONDAY -- TUESDAY -- WEDNESDAY IN TECHICOLOR -- "MONDO CANE No. 2" RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT, STARTS AT 9:15 Plus -- A STITCH IN TIME WITH Norman Wisdom--et 7:30 One Complete Progrem Only Fairview Lodge Thursday night| | JOE ROBINSON | "Your B.P. Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE-UPS @ SERVICE CALLS e@ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 BROCK N. WHITBY R, McQuay, 503 Walnut. W. Whitby 616 T. with a varied program of choral mare and AOLOE for Matchless Living Mr, and Mrs, W. J. Shermet, Dundas street east, entertained for a social evening at their residence Thursday, members of} Woodmen of the World, Camp 339; Social games were enjoyed| and prizes went to lucky win- ners. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Fred Mitchell, Bowman-| ville; Mr. -and Mrs. Morley | REPAIRS ' FREE ESTIMATES 668-4278 (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Evening Shows at 7:00 and 8:30 ELVIS PRESLEY 'VIVA LOS VEGAS" ALSO -- "MORA WITH DR. JOCK MAHONEY PHONE @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WOR 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE @ SATISFACTION TEED KONRAD CSER--OWNER RES, PHONE 668-3208 K * GUARAN EVERY OCCASION \ Sapp vsees Moke It... 44) FLOWERS ty DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock S. Whitby 324 ASH ST., WHITBY G. F. Bik, 555 Mary E, Beckstead; Mr, and Mrs. Har- old Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs, Har- old Burnham, Mr. and Mrs. CLUB BAYVIEW Mission Field. 11 A.M. -- PASTOR'S SUBJECT: WILL GOD ALLOW MAN TO:REACH THE MOON BY 1970 ? What does the Boble have to say regarding space flight and its ultimate end? Does the Bible say anything about Planets being inhabited ? << Olle AIRPLANE RIDE CONTEST IN SUNDAY SCHOOL Special Singing and Music in both services. There is a world of warmth in this friendly church, ALL ARE WELCOME WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street' West at Centre) Minister: Rev. John McLeod Organist Mrs. W, E, Summers, A,T.C.M, -- EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West 10:30 A.M, 11, Sam's Barber Shop 11, An-| drew's 9, Lewis Custom Tailors|the donated dollar with 1.2 per 8, Hasbins 8, Jokers 8, Dunlop|cent used for telephone costs. 8, Le ngewe 8, Whitby Hotel|/Equally necessary among the Vf y Barber Shop 6, Joe's other activities provided by the OO : ty Barber Shop 5, Papermakers 4,/Branch last year was the Senior| Pleasant evening lunch wa Mitton Machinery 2, Bell Taxi|Citizens service and Sewing '°'V®°: 0. | Room. These two features of the! Best wishes for a happy' birth- Ch |program combined, added up to day are extended to Mrs. Ber- Fresh Ideas 1.6 per cent of the dollar. Gen-/nice Bishop, Lee avenue, who eral welfare amounted to 3.1 celebrates her birthday today WHITBY (Staff) -- New busi-| ness ideas of a constructive per cent. sain otnateo Wrapping up the costs in one bundle, it was stated, the dollar is well spent. nature will head up the next general meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, Scheduled for April 20, the Family Monuments meeting is described as extreme- ly important. ft \ Created To \P A : Individual H Announcing the meeting, the Requirements Chamber's publicity committee STAFFORD BROS, stated the meeting will be a 'general' one with all members urged to present néw business LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST and new ideas. 668-3552 George Fisher, Mrs. Peggy Cabot, Mrs. Lucille Payne, RN, Mrs. Hazel Mason, all of Osh: awa. At the close of a very OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S. -- 668-5853 ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED. ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A,, 8.D, Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J, L, Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11:00 A,M.----STRANGE METHODS 7:00 P.M.--UNUSUAL TREATMENT 9:45 A.M,--BIBLE SCHOOL WED 7:30 P.M.--PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY -- TABLE SERVICE -- DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT @ Persons nome appearing in this advertisement may reavest guest poss to Bayview Club at Times office. Gerald Noxon, 630 Mary DANCING 9-12 $3.00 PER COUPLE VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT LAUNDERERS BUYING - SELLING Get Quick Results with low cost CLASSIFIED ACTION WANT ADS W. Dekker, 111 Trent £., Whitby CLARK STUDIOS Fine Oil Paintings Portraits Model Services Custom Picture Framing Self-Improvement Classes 668-4497 325 Brock N. Mrs, G. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St, John Rev, W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister Mrs, P, N. Spratt, Organist STORAGE MURPHY OIL €O, WHITBY LIMITED OFFICE 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA M, Lake, 830 Simcoe N. 668-3644 501 Brock N. Whitby Ivan Plavetich, 995 Cedar 11;00 A.M, "THE LIFE OF THE LORD" 9:30 a.m.--Junior, Intermediate and Seniors 11;00 a.m. Nursery, Kindergarten Primary Infant Care, Junior Congregation Marsh, 77 Wien Ne 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. "SOMEONE OUGHT TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT" Nursery Care and Junior Congre- gation During Divine Worship COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES 942-0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" New business will be dealt, with by the Directors with a) firm program developed for the! coming year. | LAST TIME TODAY BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY Evening -- Starting at 7:30 THE INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED HIT JUST AS IT WAS SHOWN IN THE MAJOR CAPITALS OF THE WORLD! From The Book By Cornelius Ryan DARRYL F. ZANUCK'S REGISTRATION WHITBY SEPARATE SCHOOLS Parents are asked to register children for the school term commencing September 7, 1965. AGE REQUIREMENTS KINDERGARTEN--S years old by December 31, 1965. GRADE I--six years old by December 31, 1965. Note--pupils now attending Separate School Kindergartens do not need to be registered for Grade |. Professionals Wall Washing Floor Cleaning Drapes Cleaned Rug & Chesterfield Shampooing HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL e@ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE J. Osinga, 220 Harmony 668-8873 HARRIET COMPLETE TRANSMISSION F SERVICE _ HH 668-4932 C7 WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST Orville Souch, 904 Park Lane Or. A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics See Our Displey Of New '65 RAMBLERS Quantity of Good Used Cars" ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 1003 Brock $. @ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby Mrs. €. C. Price, 420 Euclid, Whitby @ Window Cleaning ; 609 WHITBY Whitey Basement Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Birth or Baptismal Certificates and Immunization Records should be presented if available. TIME OF REGISTRATION: 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Monday, March 29 -- St. John the Evangelist School, 1103 Giffard St, Wednesday, March 31 -- St. Bernard's School, 220 Dundas St. W. Thursday, April 1 -- St. Theresa's School, Craw- forth Street, Children may be registered at the most convenient school. WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING e@ GRILLES e@ BUMPERS @ NEW AND USED PARTS @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS THE HARRY'S 'LATE. MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT. AND SOLD JANITOR NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE N, OF WHITBY LONGEST | SERVICE | Selected BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR Nationcl Boord of Review 42 International Stars SHOWN AT REGULAR PRICES BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" Louis Allard, 218 Athol, Whitby 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST. E. - WHITBY oe 668-3223 SUPERIOR PROPANE 'SALES & SERVICE' 668-3328 VICTORIA ST. E. -- WHITBY BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS ¢ CUSTOM WORK @ INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE) 5-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEE R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 Call 668-8873