Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Mar 1965, p. 20

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A BRAS Vin MNS A neh phy Bete 0 ee iy tn tt ty ta NOM NEN fee My HOROSCOPE SAID THIS WAS GTO BE MY vwewed > FP \\\ - & en Renim, tan, 10h, Weald sion CUTE LI'L POINT~ITLL. OUT HER BUT EF YO'HITS HER STRAIGHTEN GLAND AN' CURE HER" WAIT!!- WE CAIN'T BE. TOO KEERFUL/' BETTER PRACTISE ON ME FO' A FEW HOURS S' ANP ONE THING IS FOR CERTAIN SURE~ ONCE MR, FLING COMES ALONG NOTHIN' IS. EVER LEFT QUITE THE SAME AGAIN TEARD T CAME 2¢ DUE! T WANT MY) AN BACK RIGHT | 140.U, NOW!! NO, Z WOULDN'T // THAT'S A CHEAP, UNDERHANDED THING TO DOJ! AN! /T" WON'T WORK/! t TRIED IT ON THE POSTMAN, om King Freneree Syateann. te R WORLD WAR T BREAKS OUT WHILE DR. WILLIAM OSLER /$ TEACHING AT OXFORD, AND HE ORGANIZES THE MEDICAL PROFESSION FOR THE DEMANDS OF WAR. Somes VaaN wee, QUaIO, mT" ' ; THEN AUG. NORMAN. DRE p D8. SLE DKEN, DR.OBLER DIES IN 19/9, SECONDS "SCRIBBLING THIS FAREWELL NOTE WIFE: THE HARBOUR /S ALMOST REACHED, TOMS AETER A SPLENDID VOYAGE...AND MY 2%,/7,A GRIEVOUS LOSS 'GREATEST LOVE... HS ONLY SON, REVERE .,./$ KILLED IN BATTLE £ ¢ WHO DARED? IRIS NOBLE, COPP CLARKE ¢ "LIONS IN THE WAY', ANNE WILKINSON, MACMILLANS + KEEP STICKIN' OUT YOUR LEGS! TH/S PLOWEP UNDER BY YOU THE LONE RANGER DEER RUN ISN'T GOING TO BE CUT DOWN AND i SODBUSTERS/ a FORGET /T/ /F WE RE GOING TO CLEAR THIS LAND, WELL HAVE TO COME BACK WITH GUNS! SECRET AGENT X9 THATS A DEAD FISH / yr _¥ 22> 4 2 EE Z TELEVISION LO Channet 2--Buttalo 3--Cartoons 30 A.M, | %: Channel 3--Barrie 2--Family Playhouse |--Ed, Allen Channel 4--Buftalo | 100 PLM. | 9--Meta Channel 6--Toronto 11--Continental Miniature | 6~--Musical Interlude Channel 7--Buffalo 9--Bud Sherman Show | 4--Leave It To Beaver Channel &--Rochester 7--Dialogue 2--Ann Southern Show Channel 9--Toronto 6--Prairie Profile 10:00 A.M. Channel 11--Hamilton 4--Ted Mack Amateur (1;--super Bingo |6-3--School Telecasts Lig King Penrare Syeticarn nc. 1065. Wadi sights cemerved. j | SUBVERSIVE ELEMENTS IN PANA- ZUELA HAVE A GIRL IMPERSONATING YOU IN SAWYER'S OFFICE, VERY INTRIGUING ASSIGNMENT, MILA, YOU'LL FLY TO PANAZUELA AND IMPERSONATE YOUR IMPERSONATOR, © King Fostures Syndicate, Inc, 1965. World rights reserved. MICKEY MOUSE Hour 3--Nature of Things SATURDAY EVE. 1:0 PM. 6:00 P.M. \\--Spotlight Vt heneen? Bowling 9--House On The Hill Mr. Magoo. 7~Science All Stars | 10:30 A.M. 7--{he Big Show of the | 43--Country Calendar | 11_Father Knows Best 4--Bowling #-2--What's This Song 7--Trailmaster &3--Across Canada +! Love Lucy 11:00 A.M, Ti--Albert J.. Steed 9--Dear Charlotte | 8-2---Concentration |6-3---Friendly Giant 4--Andy of Mayberry 1:15 AM. 9--Playtime With Bobby 6--Countrytime 4--Catholic Charities 700 P.M. Appeal H--Club 11 Dance Party 3---Shannon 9--Theatre 2--Man From UNCLE 7--Basketball 6:30 PLM, 6--Hundredth Summer VStar Route 3--Dr. Kildare 9--Voyage to Bottom of 2:30 PLM. 4--Sports Events | 2-Doctors at Work -* | 3200 PLM, F .M. \ oy . 9-6-4-3---News) Weather) Phe orale Sports | 4--Sports The Sea 6--Film From Europe 3--Ripcora : -M. | 9--Does Mother Know | Best 6-3--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M. | 9--Toronto Today. 8-2--Jeopardy | 7--Price is Right 1:08 P.M. N--Club 11 Dance Party 6-3--Beverly Hillbillies §--Bowling 4--UB Round Table Pane F-- 63--Butternut Square 2--Have Gun Will Travel ae ot Golf 4--The McCoys" 7:30 P.M. %--Johnny Quest 4:00 P.M. na we $-2--Flipper |'1--Dennis The Menace | 7---Donna Reed 7--The King Family | &2 Sports | 6--Elwood Glover | Gaalomal Bun | 4-News ano Weather | 3--Popeye and Pals 3--Take a Chance 4:30 PLA 12:15 PLM 8:00 P.M. \l--Tiny Talent Time? 4--Speaxer of the House 9--Academy Performance) 9_Biiko 12:30 P.M. 8-2--Kentucky Jones 63--Grand National 6:30 P.M. §-2--Mr, Magoo J--awrence Welk Show 63--NHL Hockey-Detroit At Toronto 4--Gilligan's Island Comedy 9:00 P.M. W--Z Cars 6--The Saint 4--Jackie Gleason Show 9--1 Love Lucy $-2--Truth or Consequences 7--Father Knows Best 4-Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 12:45 P.M. | 4--Crulding Light 1:00 P.M. N--Dennis The Menace Steeplechase 4--Bishop Visits Your Home $:00 P.M. 1}--Family Theatre | 9--After Four 8-2--Wild Kingdom 7--Championship Bowling 8-2--Movie pm yee Fata 9~--December Bride 4--The Entertainers cee s--Matinee 9:30 PLM. esd A 7--Atternoon Show 2--Hollywood Palace P.M. 4--Meet The Millers, 10:00 P.M. wa li--Polka Party 9--Burke's Law 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 6-3--Juliette 10:30 P.M. 5:30 9=Telepoll 8.2--G.E. College Bowl 6--Festival: of Charlie Chaplin 4--Cancer Crusade 3--Gillican's Island 6:00 PLM. 2--Mike 6-3--Movie | 130 PM 11--Mid Day Matinee 9--Millionaire 4---As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 9--Abracadabra Douglas UNCA MICKEY, 1 JUST SAW A VERY WEALTHY "TRAMP! H-M/ I HEARA NOISE OUT IN THE KITCHEN / BUTCH/ I'M SURPRISED' THIS IS THE FIRST TIME IN MONTHS I'VE CAUGHT YOU IN THE COOKIE JAR / «GRANDMA DIDN"T BAKE COOKIES AND PASS 'EM OUT: WELL, GOSH, MOM, TODAY| I$ THE FIRST TIME IN : Kong Vaswre Spe tncms te, 1068 Weal tee 'SUPPOSED. A LION 'N'GO OUT LIKE A ! SW aa vor 4 x BAH! No LAMB 4 TO COME IN LIKE )) amp! Vis WOULD GO OUT IN WEATHER LIKE 4--Password 2--Moment of Truth 2:30 P.M. 9---Four of A Kind §-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court | 6~Loretta Young 4--House - Party 3--Super Bingo 9--Flipper 7--sig Show of Week .M. 6--Stingray 63--Sports Unlimited 4--Twentieth Century 1:00 P.M. 3--The Saint 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 2 -Meet The Press Weather; Sports 6:30 PLM. 115 P.M. | 9--Walt Disney Presents Ni--Block Buster Com (8-2--Profiles in Courage tinued |6--RCMP Adventure 9--Metro Final 4--World War | 6--Night Metro 7:00 P.M. @-2--Saturday Night at The Movies 1:20 PLM, 1-43--Late Show 6--Sports n 7--Jimmy Dean Show 10:45 P. 3:00 P.M. 9--People in Conflict | 8-2---Another World |1--Movie 7--General Hospital |6-3---Patty Duke Show |6-3--Moment of Truth 4--Lassie 4--To Teli The Truth | 1:30 P.M. 3:30 P.M, | 9--Mr. Novak |1--Funny Company §-2---Disney"s World of 9--It's Your Move 9--Answering Service | Color 8-2--You Don't Say 6~--Feature Showcase « | Wine eg 7~The Young Marrieds NDAY +3 ashbac 63--Take Thirt oe ek | 4--My Favorite Martian | a-Edoe of Nicht 11--Cathedral Chimes | a: 7--Herald of Truth | 6-4-3~--Ed 4@--Popeye's Playnouse | s: 2--B'wana Don 11~-Special Lge e & J ; he Aw %--Man From C.L. 8-2--Branded \1--~Halian Journal 7--Tennessee Tuxedo 2--The Answer 10:00 A.M, \1--Carasello | 4-- For The People 8--The Bible Answers | 9:30 PLM. Rocket Ship 7 | 9--Peyton Place 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 10:00 P.M. 2--Church Invitation 'ddimiant Shemeend 6-2--The Rogues 63--Thig Hour Has Seven Days 4--Candid Camera 9--Portrait " Pp, 4--Uncle Jerrys Club rere i A 3--Movie 2--Portraits of My People| 9 Jorg One 2--Lioyd Thaxton Thee ALM. | @-What's my Line | 330 P.M. %--Meta Presents | 11:00 PM. S--Leave. n To Beaver 8--This is The Life 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; 6--Music Hop 7--Holy Mass -- Weather, Sports 6:00 P.M, 64--Church Service 11:20 P.M, 7~News Central 2--Frontiers of Faith 4ediele Show 11:30 ALM, | 2 Aware Theatre ¥--Spectrum i Slatterys People 8--The Christophers | %--Metro Final 7--Discovery 6--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 2:0 NOON 330 PM 9--IHtalian Album TV l)--Travellers Preview ~ 8--Felix The Cet \%--Douglas Fisher 7--Challenge 6--Alfred- Hitchock Hour 6--Sunday Schots MONDAY 4--News; Weather 1:30 PLM. 4:00 P.M. Ni--Lloyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Club &--The Match Game P.M. Sullivan Show 3 PLM. 7--Rocketship 7 6-3--As The World Turns 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky and His Friends 4:30 P.M, 9--Sea Hunt 7--The Early Show |6-3--Razzie Dazzle |4--The 4.30 Show 2--Yogi Bear MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. i--Famity Theatre %--Five O'Clock Matinee &--Supermar 6--World of Nature 7--Broadside 9:00. P.M. 10:30 A.M. H--OHA Junior A Hockey ed Wings vs Niagara Falls » Sports with Chuck Healy 2--Today, 1965 6:30 PLM. Ni--Family Theatre Movie 9-4-3--News, Weather Sports 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canada 7:00 P.M. | Rawhide %--The Addams Family 8-2--Movie 6--News, Weather, Sports | 4--Phil Stivers. Show 3--No Time For 6:00 A.M. 1--Schnitzel House 4--Captain Kangaroo | 8:30 A.M, | 9--News: Miss Helen | #200 &.M. %--Romper Room | 7=Dialing tor Dollars Girl Talk Secret World 8--Mr. Wizard 7--Executive Chamber, 6--Live and Learn Sergeants OH, YES. I WAS A GREAT ATHLETE-ALMOST MADE THE OLYMPIC TEAM ON (GEE IS IT TRUE WHAT UNCA LUDWIG SAD? A PHOOIE! THE CLOSEST) HE EVER CAME TO BEING AN ATHLETE WAS IN 1950! 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, March 27, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chompionship Play) Sivstes 910973 $AKS2 98652 Sikas oA STs The bidding: Opening lead -- jack of clubs. The declarer has to do a cer- tain amount of planning ahead if he wants to get the most out of his cards. He cannot expect to do well all of the time if he confines his thoughts solely to the play of each individual trick. He must also consider the play of the hand as a whole. For example, take this hand where it would be easy to go wrong. West elads the jack of clubs and the defenders grab three club tricks. East then re- turns the six of hearts. Let's say that South wins with the ace and starts to draw trumps by playing a spade to the queen, promptly discovering ' that West started with all the missing trumps. South does not know it yet, but it is already too late for him to recover from this blow. Regardless of how ne now plays, he must wind up going down one. Suppose he returns to his hand with a diamond and takes a spade finesse. The finesse works, as expecte'*, but the problem of avoiding a heart loser still remains, This prob- lem cannot be solved success- fully whether South draws trumps immediately, or wheth- er he delays this step until after diamonds. When declarer wins the heart at trick four, he should cash the ace of diamonds before leading a trump to the queen. When he learns of the 40 trump break, he can overcome it by ruffing a mond, taking a trump fin- esse, ruffing another diamond and then picking up West's trumps by cashing the A-K. South's heart loser is discard- | ed on dummy's last trump, and he makes the last three tricks with the A-K-Q of hearts. The extra diamond ruff, which South arranges to get by cashing the ace of diamonds be- fore tackling trumps, makes @ world of difference in the re- sult. The possibility that West may have four trumps is con- sidered in advance and prepara tions are made to deal with it. OH, WHAT DID HE 'DO IN 1950? HE DEVELOPED "4 ATHLETE'S FOOT!)| CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Robust 5, One of two equal parts 9. University founded in 1701: poss, 10, Aromas Eames, soprano 13. African antelope; 'var. 14. Quick looks 16. Greek letter 17, Earth as a goddess 18, Covers for the eyes DOWN 4, Verbal ending 15. Prison com- part- ment 19, Unas- pirated con- sonant Q p j [EINIEIT EIDIGIEISMEMIISISIV) Yesterday's Answer 23, Actor: Alfred ----= 33, Blundered 37. Joseph's SALLY'S SALLIES | WILL SPEND MILLIONS TORONTO (CP)--The Young Men's Christian Association of Canada will spend $65,000,000 on a building program in the next five years, the annual meeting of the Toronto YMCA was told Thursday. A new lead- ership training centre at Lake Couchiching, Ont., will cost $750,000. Comstruction should start in July. MORE 38. Wife of Osiris 40, Greek letter . Append 27. Dismay: var. 28. Uttered 30. Wise man 31, Put forth 41, Eggs effort 44. Iron: sym, 21. Puts off, as to gain time 24, Gaelic Vs rie VA 25, Moslem ruler's wife 78 27. Shake- COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 ae OPEN -------- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week © Groceries © Fresh Fruits 35, 3.1416 36. Fidgeting about 39, Performers 42. Glacial ridges 48. Depart 44. Michi U, city © Veg © Meets FREE DELIVERY RECORD PLAYER REPAIRS @ ALL MAKES @ FREE Pick-up end Delivery Call 723-3867 45. Pair 46, Position in bridge Y sar NEW SHERIFF LOSES CAR Morley Bain, Ontario Coun- ty's new sheriff, almost didn't make it today for his first day on the new job, He narrowly escaped serious injury in a four-car collision at Myrtle. Mr. Bain told The Oshawa Times that his 1964 model car was a complete write-off fol- lowing the collision which took | 4--Mike's Carnivs! | 4--Face The Nation 2--Movie ot The See place on Highway 12, He report-| PLAN NATURE CENTRES OTTAWA (CP) -- A series of nature centres, modern - type museums of natural history, wildlife and geology, will be established as newest tourist tourist attractions in Canada's national parks, the resources department announced Thurs- day. The first centre will be built this year in Point Pelee National Park. ed for work a little later than usual--shaken up but unhurt. No injuries were reported, ERNIE CAY for WALLBOARD and PLYWOODS FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. he has ruffed one of dummy's ""'

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