_18--Mele Help Wanted |18--Mele Help Wanted |20-----Real Estate for Sele 18--Maele Help Wanted Appraiser and - Administrator FOR MORTGAGE DEPT. Young men with Real Proper- ty 'Appraisal ond/or Mort- gage ond Reol Estote exper- nt ience. The salaried position' offers 4 real challenge and an excel- lent opportunity to one who wishes to make @ career in the fascinating business of mortgage investments Our continual expansion creates this opportunity and e@ssures future progress to capoble and knowledgeable personnel in this highly spe- cialized field. Apply by appointment or let- ter to: R Schofield, Manoger, Mortgage Dept CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 12 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA CLASS A MECHANIC Experienced on all makes of $ cars JOE McCULLOUGH MOTORS ! OSHAWA PUBLIC | UTILITIES COMMISSION requires a LICENSED MECHANIC Must be qualified to perform work on General Motors diese! and gosoline coachés ond trucks. j Steady, employment, excellent benefits. All replies held confidentie! Apply by letter only, giving pertinent information to - MR. L. J. ALGAR 100 Simcoe Street South, _ Oshawa, Ontario CONSUMERS GAS COMPANY We require an aggressive man with Jr, ® EXPERIENCED DELICATESSEN MAN WANTED Must be able to operate a Delicatessen counter. Should have on extensive knowledeg of all types of merchandise "handied, in the Delicatessen store---including pork and fish. APPLY NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 314 Simcoe St. South OSHAWA, ONTARIO + young | matriculation for SERVICE CENTRE CLERICAL AND DISPATCHING DUTIES '(Radio and Telephone Dispatching) CLAREMONT 649-2101 or 2132 res COOK EXPERIENCED Applicants must have one or two years office background Typing experience an asset Excellent starting salary. All employee benefits. Apply writing to P.O. Box 416 OSHAWA, ONTARIO For well equipped hospite! | Diet Department. 1965 salary range in effect. Starting rate | commensurate with exper- | ience. 40 hour, 5 day week Please apply in person to PERSONNEL OFFICE | OSHAWA GENERAL ____ HOSPITAL REQUIRED in SALESMEN $240 A WEEK Man to cal! on churches Clubs and other Civic Organizations with guaranteed money mok- } ing plan, Must heve-cor and | be free to travel. We will | train you in Canada and de- | monstrete in the field thet | you can earn commissions of | $240 and more weekly in | Canado. Exclusive territory. | 2 Class A and 2 Acceta licenced me- chanics electric combination wel- ders. Apply in Person to | Permanent year round work Liberal bonuses Call . Wm. Dessjarlais on Monday in Toronto ot 924-0611 Young Men 16 to 18 To assist circulation manager. Personnel Dept McCALLUM TRANSPORT | 25 Ritson Rd. N | MECHANIC CLASS 'A'" Good working conditions Apply J, BURROWS GARAGE BROUGHAM, ONT, 942- 5097 BUTCHERS! Fulltime a and part-time Telephone 723-1359 MAN -- With experience in aircraft sheet-| metal repair required immediately. After 4 p.m, call 728- 28-7677. ORNAMENTAL iron salesman wanted. Retired tleman preferred for IS hours weeiy to sell to house- falsors on request only. "No canvassing" Apply ns Person only. 6 Russet? Avenu MALE CLERK for retail hardware store| crees in Alex, Full time employment. to Ajax Alex PART-TIME service station ever 20, with knowledge of minor taf Must be free to travel, Trans- portetion provided. Starting solery $55. Rapid advence- ment. Reply in own hand- writing stating age, telephone number etc., to: BOX 24 Oshawa Times | SERVICE STATION attendant required Excellent opportunity for energetic young! Good working conditions. Experl- preferred. Appiy Imperial! Oi! Serv- Apply | ice Centre, Hwy. 407 at Waverly Read, Centre. ville, Ontario. | | | | GIVE YOUR PROBLEM a lift with Class. hal Ads. fo sell, rent, hire, byy er sell.) pairs, for Vb te weekends. Write } @ 723-3492 for a courteous ad-writer.| | Box 615, Oshawa T OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN | wages and 'ike dealing with the soul 'TAP MAN for becerage room. |honest, dependabie with good referenc | Steady employment jter, King Street W due To INCREASING 'BUSINESS, PARTS MAN Junior Position In Bowmanville Store Counter work, pick up and delivery jobs, stock' records. Experi- ence essential TELEPHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-7111 [RELIABLE SERVICE STATION . atten- ant, age over 25 years. Telephone 668-5089 | Must be = ply Hotel Lancas-/ experi- ence, to work in Aja {Telephone 942- 4421 oF 942: 3583. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted BAKERY HELP WANTED ® EXPERIENCED BAKERS ® BAKERS HELPERS ® DECORATORS @ FINISHERS ® COUNTER SALES HELP (female) APPLY NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 314 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Baril dick. Couple, no children to horse ranch, .care of horses odd jobs ond genera] house duties. Prefer experienced in farm work. Must have car Room and boerd plus salory. References work Monday to Friday Toronto 447-1494 Weekends, Mytle 985-2200 Marketing Research Company requires an interviewing 2upervisor to conduct personal and telephone surveys Oshowe area experience and use of car necessary. Please reply with persona! data to Box 918, Oshawa Times _ nthe Interviewing jneed salesmen. We will train you. ) want to earn better than we, ol eet the most progressive Real Es! | een a confidential interview with) It Manager EXOTIC COLOR By ALICE BROOKS Decorate your home, and have a marvelous time, embroi-' dering this effective panel Spark a quiet corner with brilliant, tropical color! Parrots,| exotic flowers -- mainly single! stitch. Pattern 7309: transfer 15 x 20 inches Thirty-five cents (coins) for! this pattern (no stamps, please)| weave rayon. pi ue, denim. to Alice Brooks, care of The Printed A 4826: Girls' Oshawa Times, Needlecraftisies § 8 10, 12, 14. Size 10 Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On-|takes 9 yards 35-inch i tario residents add 1 cent sales; FIFTY CENTS (30 cents) in tax Print plainly PATTERN | coins (no stamps, please) for, NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS.|this pattern. Ontario residents | 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA-|add two cents sales tax. Print| ALOG 200 designs, 3 free|plainily SIZE NAME, patterns! Newest knit, crochet/ DRESS, STYLE NUMBER fashions, embroidery, 25. cents,|.. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, Now! Send for elegant, newjcare of The Oshawa Times, "Decorate with Needlecraft!"!Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. 5 beautiful room settings, 25) COMPLETE FASHION RE- complete patterns for decora-|/PORT .in our new Spring- Sum-|; tive accessories in one book!|mer Pattern Catalog plus cou Pillows, wall hangings it pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! tains, appliques, inore' 69 cents.| Everything you need for the life) Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --lyou lead -- 330 design ideas! |! ¢ 16 complete patterns. 66 cents. |Send 50 cents now. 4826 SIZES 6-14 A QUICKIE! By ANNE ADAMS Swing out, sweet skimmer -- that's spring's message direct to young fashionables. Easy-sew -- make it in a day! Choose linen- AD.| |SALESMN or seles women to train as All olay Is es in strictest heady eg Don Stradeski )Real Estate representatives Realtor. Realtor. Telephone 728-8423. 728-84 TYPIST Yor small office Appi for small office. Sap fully first] |letter in own handwriting, please, to Post) \Office Box 235, Oshawa. Teléphone 722-1 121} |Sehen! Estate for Sale braemor gardens INDIVIDUAL | HOMES AT SENSIBLE PRICES STEVENSON RD. N AND ANNAPOLIS | CEMENT BLOCK by Iding, 50 x 65, with rage. Hot water Sunderiand. E Bellev-lie 2 Sinclair, 7: ree | THREE-BEDROOM bungelow, nice jeca- (648-3018, saat | ion, nice and clean. Phone iz 00 or 4.00 = 7.00 evenings. heating. On Highway Pine BUILDING CORPORATION T'S; THE TOTAL PRICE THAT'S IMPORTANT AND LOOK AT OURS 13,725 BUT IT'S YOUR:LAST CHANCE AT THESE PRICES FOR « huge 3-bedroom bun- golow with colonial entrance on select large lots. Has en suite beth convenience to master bedroom. Big sun-fill- ed kitchen has custom-design- ed kitchen cabinets and built- in color co-ordinated Tappen range and oven. Storms ond screens are included. Full div- ided basement is ready for recreation room finishing. There are many other fea- tures: in every port of your home, such as colored tile bathroom, arborite kitchen counter, stippled ceiling custom built vanity and mir- ror and much more CARRIES FOR $93 MONTHLY ON ONE N.H.A. MORTGAGE INCLUDING INTEREST PRINCIPAL & TAXES DOWN PAYMENTS AS LOW AS $583 4 BEDROOM HOMES | DETACHED $999 DOWN { } Dover BY-THE-BAY MODELS OPEN NOON TO 9 DAILY Go west on Highway 401! te Liverpool Road (Interchange 64). Turn south 'to the BP service Station, turn right and follow thé signs to the Dov- er-By-The-Bay Gates, turn left PHONE 839-3461 | 364-3115 | CONSOLIDATED | | } anade's La gest Bu ern 20----Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 1} @ LOCATED IN A WELL PATRONIZED AREA. Grill serves full course meals, also toble service. Also ao variety séction, os well as e 5 room modern apartment above. Directly opposite large apart- ments and 2 shopping plazas. All equipped and ready to start business 1} @ PANORAMIC VIEW-- This large Rancher located on @ suburban lot, close to all conveniences is o dream come true. Completely custom built This specious bungalow fea- tures 3 large bedrooms. The 20 ft. living room with large Twindow set off by a natural stone fireplace. Full facilities for gracious entertaining are assured in the attractive din ing room, .with: walkout con- venience to © sunroom and patio. Family living is com- plete from the 18 ft. custom built kitchen and dinette area with lovely built-ins Rec. room and attached gar- age, paved drive. Truly a wealth of suburban living with so many extras that only a personal showing wil! make you decide this is the home with all the comfortable liv- ng your family could desire. . e HH} @ = =INCOME HOME--12 rooms brick home. 4 apart- ments located in good rental orea will give you very good return for your investment One open mortgage. Close to schools and transportation. Call us to see this home to- night IV @ THE OWNER WISH- ES he could take this home with him when he moves. We can't blame him. The exterior of this well proportioned -2 storey house is brick and clap- board accented with shutters. Interior features include built in stove and oven, separate dining room, distinctive light- ing fixtures, painted base- ment, extra lavatory on first floor and decorated through- out. It has 4 bedrooms and an attached carport. $18,900 v THE KITCHEN THIS RANCH-STYLED. home is a dream of efficiency and style, with built. in. oven countertop range end hood quality cupboerds and pass through into dining room erea, Each of the 3 bedrooms is large enough for twin beds You'll fall. in love with the wall to wall stone fireplace in the living room. This home is situated on o lot 106' x 150' in North Oshawa, '5 minutes from public schoo Payments, including taxes are unbelievably low at $104.00 monthly IN, IN walk Vi @ DUPLEX in excellent condition, close to G.M. plant brick, 3 garages, Recreation room. Both apartments rented on month to month basis Call us for more information Vil @ 6 ROOM BRICK HOME, mew furnace. . Low taxes located on Gifford St excellent buy for only $10,- 000. This home is in very good condition . with extras many Vill e@ IDEAL INVEST- MENT: --- Among our invest- ment property. listings, we hove a 9 room income home on Simcoe St. S. (in the heart of the commercial section) which could be easily convert- ed to a store and still pro- vide ample living accommo dation. Sufficient parking and the zoning is commercial LOW DOWN PAY- MENT $1,500-----ond toxes ($146), quiet neighborhood make this on ideal retirement home. Newly decorated, close to bus stop. ($9,700) x8 COUNT THE FEA- TURES -- 5 room solid brick bungelow, newly decorated detached garage, 1% acre lot with fruit trees and every tlowing .stream located in Bowmanville. $1,000 down ONLY $9,500 -- is the asking price for this bun- galow, located on Elgin St. W Presently two bedrooms, and | more unfinished, Ponelled living room, large kitchen, 4 pc. bath. Good value for: your money here, call today for an appointment to i pect XIl @ LOCATED EAST OF OSHAWA this spacious split-level home is situated on landscaped lot. Has large bedrooms with roomy closets, step saving kitchen An added feoture is two bed- apartment. Enjoy the advantage of country living with city conveniences, Avai able for your inspection, call tadey fer en appointment. IX @ a. well room 20-- Real Estate for Sele |20---Real Estate for Sele CUIDE EALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XIIl e YOU FEEL RIGHT AT HOME the moment you enter this 5 year old brick bungolow, large living room, nice kitchen, three bed- rooms. Finished recreation room with built in extras. Professionally landscaped lot and paved drive, Priced at $16,700 and in « good arec. Particulars by calling us now. XIV @ ECONOMICALLY PRICED ---- This older type home on Gladstone Ave. a quiet residential district, is a solidiy wrick property. Large separcts georage private drive, has two bedrooms, mod- ern kitchen and 4 pc. bath- room. In well mainteined con- dition, the low asking price makes this an excellent buy. OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY HOMES BY ROMANIN Three and Four homes--veriety of styles choose from Open daily 5 p.m. to 9 am excep: Weekends from 1} p.m to 6 p.m Directions--Rossland Rd. W. Bedroom to | Sophisticated Adult Living | |WHITBY AREA -- A builder's brilliant | dee of @ versatile home. Has to be seen to Gibbons St. North to Glen- mar -- Follow signs to Open House Mode! at 413 GLEN- MAR * RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious }-2-end 3 bedroom suites feeturing modern equipped kitchens, venities with lerge mirrors in beth- rooms, private balconies The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system'and built -: in sleeves for your air-condition- er. Close to shopping For Immediate occupancy Call Rental Office at 723- 636! Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 am. daily Cell 723-1121 fer ticulers full por- Open daily from 9 am om te After hours call 725-4330 728-558) 728-7083 728-0768 725-3454 668-2402 728-2754 728-0208 725-4330 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 If you find it hard to meet payments on a First and Sec- ond Mortgage combine them in one with easy terms, We'll be glad to help you with your confidential mortgage ar- rangements Jean Peacock Steve Englert Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy "'intoff Ethel Love Leon Manitius Ernest Mueller George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young / It's all part of our compre- hensive Real Estote Service, at Guide Realty Limited. We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S Members of O.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS PRESTIGE HOMES Built end guaranteed by Gos- sin. and Silver Construction Ltd. Single or double garages, storms ond screens, fully dec- crated, twin-sinks, Hollywood kitchens, lot fully sodded Choice of bungalows. storeys and split-levels We have a plan to suit your needs Inspect our models on Hills Rd., Ajax Open Daily and Weekends two 942-4261 668-8951 | MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD OPEN HOUSE 1 p.m. until 6 p.m. WILSON HEIGHTS Five different models by Ho- genboom Construction con- sisting of two storeys and bungalows, some with at- tached garages and walk-out basements and al! complete- ly broadioomed, prices stort- ing at only $17,265 TRADES ACCEPTED DIRECTIONS: Continue along Wilson Road North of Adel- aide Avenue to Models TRADE Hogenbeom Construction has five mew homes on Wilson Road North with prices start- ing ot $17,265 on which he has instructed us to take old- er properties on 'trade. Why not try us? ._ HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 io be appreciated | Room Prom Room ©. Martin, Realter, Threeyear-old brick bungaslow| with four bedreems, Interested? Call W./Olsen Real 725103. 725-0243, BRAEMOR GARDENS Two new homes with at tached garages built by C Russell Harrison Construction Limited, these homes in ad- dition to being decorated are equipped with built-in stove and oven, double sink, storms and screens and many other extras DIRECTIONS: Steven- sons Rood North to Anna- polis, turn west and follow the signs to the Models KINGSMERE GARDENS Featuring three different mo- dels, consisting of bungalows, and split-levels, some with attached gerages, all N.H.A. financed, constructed by George Lysyk & Sons Ltd DIRECTIONS: King Street East to Missionary College, turn right and follow the signs to Models sy HYMAN | REAL ESTATE LIMITED M8 6286 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED | 177 Church Street Bowmanville 623-3393 Member of Oshawe and District Real Estate Boord BOWMANVILLE -- 4. bed- room brick home. on Queen Street, lorge lot. $14,500 -- $3,000 down LIBERTY STREET -- ranch bungelow with attached double garage, 2 bathrooms, rec. room and bar. Lot. 76' x 200'. $15,500 -- terms SUNSET DRIVE -- 1 year old 3 bedroom brick bunga- low. $16,350. N.H-A terms EAST BEACH --~ winterized cottage. $1,800 $800 down WEST BEACH -- 4 bedroom cottage, fully winterized $5,500 --- $500 down. LAKE SCUGOG -- lake front, 3 bedroom fully furnished cottage. Treed lot. Only $5,- 500. -- terms Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m 623-3077 623-5055 723-5787 655-3853 623-3393 Pet Yeo Ken Hockin Joe Barnoski Howard Forder Herb Cooper OPEN HOUSE 116 ROSSLAND RD. W. RE-SALE Tri-level 4 bedrooms, 2 | washrooms, family sized | kitchen SUNDAY 2PM.-5P.M H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 HOUSES COTTAGES GARAGES you build we build? NO DOWN PAYMENT Financed on 1 mo. payment. McGILL Real Estate' Broker | 728-4285 JUST LISTED tn nice district, west, @ extra good six-room brick bungalow on lerge treed and hedged lot, 90 x 165, features @ 24ft. living room, 16ff. mas- ter bedroom with its own twopiece bath, also @ full, tovr-piece bath. This is @ de sirable oe and priced at only for aié, Shown by appoin pls only. tei Henry Stinson at Cariji Estate, 723-1133, evenings} | | | | 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale Open House THIS WEEK-END ] p.m. to 5 p.m. HARMONY VILLAGE off Harmony Rd. §. 5 NEW MODELS BUNGALOWS & SPLITS FINANCING ON THE "SPOT" "TRADES ACCEPTED" Built by Midgley and Christy Construction Exclusive Agents 728-5157 IACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South RANCH BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms, dining room, ./2 acre lot. Taunton Rd. at Zion. Possession middie of April. Private. Hampton 263-2474 MASSON STREET $19,900.00 Wonderful family home; con- sisting of 20 ft. Hollywood kitchen with ail new cerlon flooring, custom finished cubderds, stailess steel double sinks, etc, -- L-shaped living- ond- dining room, very modern custom built family room (19 x 15) complete with mahog- any ponelling and natural stone fireplace -- o gem of a room for entertaining! Master bedroom 10 x 16 with all new wall to wall broodioom, huge closets for him and her. Two 4-pe. bathrooms, both tiled' Completely landscaped fot 50 x 122, paved drive to garage. Forced hot air oil furnace, only 4 yrs. old. Numerous built-ins to remain. Only $5,000.00 down, bal- ance vendor will take back with one open mortgage. Call Irwin Cruikshanks of Schofield-Aker Limited onytime. 728-5205 SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX FLOODLITE MODELS OPEN HOUSE 9 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Daily SAVE $500.00 11 only left | From | $14,800. | QUALITY PLUS VALUE 231 quelity built Armstron Homes sold in the last 3 months | | | _ --FEATURING-- Picture book bathrooms, Hol- lywood kitchens, storms ond | screens, hooded fans, built-in range and ovens, attached | garages. Open fireplaces. | Large 65 ft. lot | | H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 942-3310 | OPEN HOUSE braemor gardens Stevenson's Rd. N. at Annapolis 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. daily Beautiful Three and Four Bedroom Homes For Your Inspection H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 OPEN HOUSE "Beaconsfield" Athol St. South, Whitby 668-8981 Open 1 to 9 Daily | Exquisite 3 and 4 bed- room homes for your inspection. Custom built by Robert W. McEwan OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. South Whitby HAROLD C. PEDWELL BROKER - NEWCASTLE Your Independent Broker 2 Bedroom Bungalow, close to moin street in Newcastle; full cellar, both gnd oil fur nace.. Death of owner reason for selling. $7,500 or less for cash, Subdivision of ten lots, aft facing roads. This is @ good investment for someone. Situ- ated in Newcastle. We have a buyer for @ home with some lond. Close to Newcastle, We have on investor for larg- er subdivision land. Money to Loan Newcastle 987-4336 $1000 DOWN THREE BEDROOMS Ya ACRE OF LAND Darlington Blvd., attractive home with garage. Priced at $11,900. Phone Bill Millar 725-1186. W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. TRADE OR SELL Spotlessly cleon, newly de- corated, 6 room _-- -- with garage. Central, vacant. Worth $13, 500, wil take offers. We will take your home as o down payment or will trade. To inspect call Mr, Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B. | Heated with clean dependable | natural gas OVER 100 HOMES | AVAILABLE | IMMEDIATELY | THROUGH 11) SUrre APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Locetion off Park Rd. North, fully leased. For more in- formation call Bill Miller 725- 1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE | e | CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE | OSHAWA and DISTRICT | REAL ESTATE BOARD brick & Nene hear schools, bus, 3 Aluminum | storms, oven, fenced yard, two with $1,000 down. Bay edges Tahara COLLEGE HILL DISTRICT -- Four bed- bay om. ideal for retired couple intereste: boarders renting. It's nl nd tity. Garage, Call Don Stradeski Realter, REDUCED $4,000 Country living on edge of Whitby. 12 acres--stream, trees, custom-built, 7 rooms, bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, $35,000. Terms. Coll owner. Whitby 668-2364 Per mentee Wik nathan nies $1,600 DOWN, three-bedroom brick bun- galow. Five minutes from General Mo fors south plant, Aski Gill ing. MUST te on ry six-room Dunga- immediate possession. $14,300 one monthly payment. Mo eal Estate Broker. 728-4285, Clese to eral jotors Nerth plant, drive. paved Asking $16,300. 728-8423. or ifty @ $10,900 asking price with $1,500 Call W, ©. Realtor, 728-5103.| g 20----Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 18)