20--Real Estate for Sale 20-----Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thundey, Moreh 25,1965 23 18---Male Help Wanted Appraiser and Administrator FOR MORTGAGE DEPT. Young mon with Real Proper- ty Appraisal ond/or Mort- goge and Real Estate exper- ience. The salaried position offers a reol challenge and an excel- lent opportunity to one who wishes to moke a career in the fascinating business of mortgage investments. Our continual expansion creates this opportunity ond assures future - progress to capable and knowledgeable personnel in this highly spe- cialized field. Apply by agrohoment or let- L. Schofield, Mavens: taeaies Dept. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA CLASS A MECHANIC Experienced on all makes of cars. JOE McCULLOUGH MOTORS CLAREMONT 649-2101 or 2132 res. RAWLEION business flow open in Osh- ind sore rural district. Trade well attabisned, Excelient opportunity, Full time. Wrife Rawieigh, Dept. C-310-189, 4005 Richelieu Sfreef, St. Henry, Mont- real. ITAL iron wanted. Retired gentieman preferred for approx- imately 15 hours weekly | to sell to house- holders on request only. 'No canvassing' Apply ir in n person only. 66 Russett Avenue. MAN for 9 lanitor * work in drive-in restau- rant. Part-time. Phone 723-6756 for 4p- pointment to interview. MALE CLERK for retall hardware store in Ajax, Fe time -- employrnen Apdiy to Ajax Hardware, Alax Shopping Centre. PART-TIME service station attendant, over 20, with knowledge of minor re- pairs, for evenings and weekends. Write Box 615, Oshawa Times. 19--Male or Female Help Wanted Marketing Research Company requires on interviewing Supervisor to conduct personal ond telephone surveys in the Oshawa area. Interviewing experience and use of car necessory. Please reply with personal data to: Box 918, Oshawa Times @XPERIENCED hairdresser in modern salon. Top wages. Telephone Whitby (668-3621. DUE TO INCREASING BUSINESS, we need salesmen. We will frain you, If you want to earn better than average wages and like dealing with the public, contact the most progressive Real Estate office for a@ confidential interview with the Sales Manager. Telephone 723-112) Guide Realty Ltd., Realtors HAIRDRESSER, part-time with experi- ence, to work in Ajax el Centre. Telephone 942-4421 or 942. SALESMN oF sales = 16 train as All Inquir- Real Estate representatives, Realtor. Realtor. Telephone | _ 728-4 3. 20--Real E Estate for Sale HOUSES COTTAGES GARAGES you build we. build? NO DOWN PAYMENT Financed on 1 mo. poyment. Mc Real Estate Broker 728-4285 Wake Buy. Spotless + three - bedroom Com- pletely finished basement. Hilt ares. Owner leaving country. $14,800 with) rms. Bob Mg 723-2102. Joseph Bosco! term: Realtor 728-73 DON'T LET ANYBODY KID YOU IT'S THE TOTAL PRICE THAT'S IMPORTANT AND LOOK AT OURS $13,725 FOR a huge 3 bedroom bun- golow with colonial entrance on select large lots. Has en suite bath convenience to master bedroom. Big sun-fill- ed kitchen has custorn design- ed kitchen cabinets and built- in color co-ordinated Tappan range and oven, Storms and screens are included. Full divided basement is ready for recreation room __ finishing. There are mony more features in every part of your home, such as colored tile bathroom, arborite kitchen counter, stip- pled ceiling; custom built van« ity and mirror . . . and much more Carries For Only $93 Monthly INCLUDING INTEREST PRINCIPAL & TAXES Down Poyments From $583 NHA FINANCING 4 BEDROOM HOMES | DETACHED $999 DOWN DOVER | BY-THE-BAY MODELS OPEN NOON TO 9 DAILY GO west on Highway 401 Liverpool Road (Interchange 64). Turn south to the BP Service station, turn right and follow the signs to the Dover- By-The-Bay Gates, turn left. PHONE 839-3461 or 364-3115 CONSOLIDATED BUILDING CORPORATION "Canada's Largest Builders' ions gardens INDIVIDUAL HOMES AT SENSIBLE PRICES STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH / "ACTIVE" REALTY. LTD. 728-5157 | $8,400 FULL PRICE with $1,000 down | tor | this neat four-room bungalow with half acre of land, Between Oshawa and Bow- manvilie. Joe Crawford 723-1021. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377 $1,000 DOWN, three-bedroom brick bun- Realtor Bowmanville 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 DAIRY FARM, 150 acres os a going concern, Excellent buildings. 40 head of Holstein cattle; Machinery. Asking $49,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, 150 acres, os a going concern, located east of Newcastle. 60 head of Hol- stein cattle. Machinery, 2 borns. 7 roomed home. Ask- ing price $40,000, Terms, DAIRY FARM, 236 acres, os a going concern with 50 head of Holstein cattle, Full line of almost new machinery. Good milk quota. Excellent build- ings. Priced at $65,000, Terms. DAIRY FARM, 129 ocres with ultra modern buildings. Pipe line milker, automatic stable cleaners, silo umlooder, etc. etc. Large milk contract. DAIRY FARM, 185 acres as a going concern with 70 head of Guernsey cattle. Machin- ery. Good buildings. Asking $62,000. Terms, DAIRY FARM, 100 acres with 675 Ibs. daily milk quota. Automatic stoble cleaner and feeders. Only $9,000 down poyment. 150 acre farm on Taunton Road with 2,000 feet road frontage. Brick home, 2 barns, stream. Asking $42,- 000, Terms. OSHAWA HOMES: Wychwood street. Beautiful 5 roomed brick bungalow in ex- cellent location with recreo- tion room. Only $3,000 down. Volley Drive, 5 roomed, new brick bungalow with attached garage. Nice and clean. Price reduced to $16,000. Terms. Apple Hill area, 52 roomed almost new brick bungalow. Very clean with paved drive- way. Aluminum storms and screens all around. Asking MONTEITH AVERUE = = six-room mn bunga- galow. Five minutes from General Mo-| low, close to South GM, pri- EF a Velopnone Bonberten, TEmple + fors south plant. Asking $14,300 one monthly payment, Mc- \Gil] Real Estate Broker 728-4285. a TIMES PATTERNS EDGINGS By ALICE BROOKS Transform dresses, blouses, sweaters, gloves with crochet- ed edgings -- the new fashion! Edgings add a_ fashionable touch to garments. Use wool, cotton for narrow edgings, cot- ton only for wider. Pattern 7469: directions for eight edgings. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- tario residents add 1 cent sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN) NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CATA- ALOG 200 designs, 3 free patterns! Newest knit, crochet) fashions, embroidery, 25 cents PRINTED PATTERI ALLURING LINE By ANNE ADAMS Pure allure! See how slashed-in shoulder creates a beautiful, gently tapered lines. sion with sleeves -- smart for summer in town. Printed Pattern 4888: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 takes 3 yards 45-in FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in s,|coins (no stamps, please) for this pattern. Ontario residents jadd two cents sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, | Immediate possession. | $16,500. Terms. TAUNTON ROAD, 6 roomed electrically heated home with ultra modern kitchen, 2 lazy susans, built-in range, indirect lighting in valance box, Many more extras. PORT PERRY: 6 roomed, nicely decorated bungalow with built-in vanity. Rec. room, Good size. lot. Asking only $11,900. Terms. 4% roomed bungalow with all modern conveniences on 3 acre lot. Small barn. Asking $12,500. Terms. PONTYPOOL: 4 roomed home with modern conveniences and 5 roomed cottage on | acre lot. Priced at $8,500 with only $500 down. 4 bedroom home with double gorage, all modern conveni- ences. Very nice and clean, Asking only $8,500. Terms. ORONO: 5 roomed new brick bungalow with walkin base-+ ment. All modern conveni- ences. Price $13,500. Terms. 5 roomed nice clean bungalow type home with walkin base- ment, All modern conveni- ences. Asking $10,000. Terms. NEWCASTLE: 6 roomed al- most new electrically heated bungalow with carport, Stone front. Aluminum siding. Storms and screens. Only $11,500. Terms. BOWMANVILLE: 10 roomed brick home, east of Bowman- ville on No. 2 Highway. Ask- ing $11,000. Terms. Idso Wiersma Lorne C. Duff Mrs $12,500 BROOKLIN Attractively planned 3 bed- room brick bungalow with breezeway and garage on large landscaped lot. Corries for $84.59 monthly including taxes. This home has been reduced in price. Owner mov- ing west. SPACIOUS HOUSE -- LARGE LOT On Brooklin's most exclusive street. 3 bedrooms, 23 x 23 sunroom, 2 fireplaces, large living room, Recreation room the! new exposure above) Note ver with door way to 2 cor gar- age at grade level. 227 foot depth of lot, large enough to instal swimming pool. Asking $30,000. Good offers con- sidered 100 ACRE FARM -- CREEK Productive, level land, 5 acres of bush. Large barn with water and hydro. 9 roomed house with furnace and bathroom. On good road neor Highway $26,000. Asking price. Terms, Contact DOUG ANDREWS R.R. 1, BROOKLIN Phone 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS Hogenboom Construction has five new homes on Wilson Road North with prices start- ing ot $17,265 on which he has instructed us to take old- er properties on trade Why not try us? S.D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 JOHN F. DeWITH S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 $500. OFF Only one left ot this asking price of $15,900, a five room brick bungalow located in a choice residential area, Hurry on this one by calling Bob Stevenson. V.LA. A terfific retirement home in the country on a half an acre of land, also included is a large garage and workshop. Home has four rooms plus @ large high basement with new oil furnace, must be seen, asking only $12,600 with early possession, could qualify for V.L.A. Ask for Doug Gow- er. SPLIT LEVEL Six room side split with walk- out basement located in Kingsmere Gardens, this home is eligible for the $500 Wint- er Works Bonus and carries for only $119 monthly in- cluding taxes, For more ine formation call Glen MacKin- non. ATTACHED GARAGE New -six room back split. lo- cated in Braemor Gardens, asking price is only $18,595 with one N.H.A. mortgage for the bolance, included in this home is decorating, stove and oven, hood fan, vanity, storms ond: screens, sodding and many other extras, Phone Howard McCabe. TWO STOREY Four bedroom home with at- tached .gorage featuring 4 Hollywood kitchen, two wash- rooms, walkout basement, deep lot. and broadioom throughout the main floor and top floor, asking price is only $19,600 with owner willing to accept @ trade, Call Jack Sheriff. INCOME PROPERTY « Just listed this tvo family dwelling located on Central Park Blvd. North, property consists of. two separate units each with kitchen, living room, two bedrooms.and bath- room, bringing in a total of $190 monthly. Ask for Les. Hall. RAVINE LOTS Fully serviced ond N.H.A. approved, these choice lots located in Kingsmere Gard- ens are extremely deep and command a full view of the City, builders terms available, Coll Bill Swarbrick. VERY CHARMING" NEW, colonial bungalow with many elegant feotures. 3 lovely bedrooms with plenty of closet space. The kitchen has natural. finish cabinets galore. Large 4-pc. ceramic tiled bath, with colored fix- tures. Cheerful dining area to enjoy hearty family meals in. Forced air oil heated. Com- pact one car garage. Close to Donold Mountjoy Guy LeBlane |, Jorgensen, R. Dovidson | | Whitby | Toronto schools and shopping. Shows good care and planning throughout. THis custom home is yours for $19,500.00 with $500.00 off on the winter works program. Call now for directions and an appointment to inspect 668- 8981. Ask for Phyllis McRob- bie or Pauline Hobbs We have other enchanting models as well. Built -by Robert W. McEwan OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. S. Whitby D. W. McQUAY | REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby, Ontario 668-5868 Claremont 649-2109 JUST LISTED A 3 bedroom 5 year old brick bungalow just north of Henry St. High School in Whitby. This home has an attached brick garage, large combined kitchen and dining room, good size living room and 4 piece coloured teth, Forced air oil heating. Lot size 52' x 143'. Asking $15,600.00, Cali Noe! H. Edey to: inspect. RESIDEN VIAL ACREAGES TROUT STREAMS FARMS LOTS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS Open till 6 P.M. $1000 DOWN THREE BEDROOMS Y. ACRE OF LAND Derlington Blvd., attractive home with garage. Priced at $11,900. Phone Bill Millar H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 Lovely brick bungalow with most attroctive corner win- dow in the broadloomed liv- ing room. Ample cupboords throughout, hollywood = kit- chen, 3 bedrooms, 4 pc, cera- mic tiled bathroom, large fenced lot, oil heating. $1,- 500 down, monthly payments $90.00 principal and inter- est. Three bedroom brick bunga- low with garage and paved drive. Hollywood kitchen with loads of cupboards, extra 2 pc. washroom in basement, olso rec, room, Priced at $14,900. Where? In the north west area. Down pay- ment $2000, Tri-level north area. Lorge treed lot, family sized kit- chen that would delight ony woman, 2 washrooms. Lovely living corm, dining room hos walkout door on patio. Con- venient to bus and hospital, Down payment $3,000. $100 @ month principal end inter- est. Split level--3 bedroom home in spotless condition. Large recreation room with bar and imitation fireploce double doors fram rec room walkout on a sheltered patio, bright kitchen and living room. Paved drive. $1,500 down, corries for $95.00 a month principal and interest. Syd Goodfellow 723-7335 John Kitchen 723-3788 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Charles Smith 728-8254 Must BE SOLD, | SOLD, OVER 100 HOMES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY THROUGH MLS MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE e CONSULT A MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA and DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD _ PRESTIGE HOMES Built ond guaranteed by Gos- sin and River Construction Ltd. Single or double garages, storms and screens, fully dec- orated, twin-sinks, Hollywood kitchens, lot fully sodded. Choice. of bungalows, storeys and split-levels. We hove a plan to suit your needs. Inspect our models on Hills Rd., Ajax. Open Daily and Weekends 942-4261 668-8951 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. two * TRADE OR SELL Spotlessly clean, newly - de- corated, 6 room brick home with goroge. Central, now vacant. Wérth $13,500, will take offers. We will take your home as a down payment or will trade. To inspect call Mr, Jack Appleby ot 728-5123 or 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe Street North Open Every Evening Member of OD REE NOTICE FIVE ROOM HOUSE to be sold and moved off property. Can be seen at 54 Russett Street. To be sold to highest bidder, All sealed offers to be in not later than 12 noon, March 29th, 1965, To be mailed to the attention of: -- C. MeCULLOUGH 1270 Simcoe St., North 1) SUITE APARTMENTS $15,000 DOWN 6% FIRST MORTGAGE Location off Park Rd. North, fully leased. For more in- formation call Bill Miller 725- 1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. large six-room bu unga- UIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 1 @ OSHAWA EAST AREA --a two storey, three bed- room home, located in one of Oshawa's finer subdivisions. Many features here for com- fortoble living. Hollywood kitchen, separate dining room, open fireplace in living room. Railed sundeck above attach- ed garage. Owner anxious to sell. Take advantage of this Opportunity. Call today. 1! @ BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY -- New brick home--exceptionally well fin- ished. All rooms very large. Many. extras--vanity and col- oured fixtures in bathroom. double sink in kitchen, lots of cupboards. Planter in front-- Save $500 on winter bonus. lll @ HERE IS AN EXCEP- TIONAL OPPORTUNITY to become the owner of o 3 bed- room bungalow with walkout separate school for only $1,- 900.00 down. Ve N.H.A. RESALE-- lovely 3 bedroom home with oil heating and 11 block basement in excellgnt condi- tion--corries for $107.00 interest, principol and taxes ~--immediote possession, Call tonight for appomtment to in- spect. Ve OWNER TRANSFER- RED -- leaving this imma- culate 2 storey home with gorage--This is « better than average 4 bedroom home with large living room and family size kitchen with built-in stove and oven, This home has: mony extras including a vanity in master bedroom, 614% N.H.A. mortgage -- June possession--asking price $19,500.00. Vie EXCEPTIONAL OP- PORTUNITY to own busy corner Groceteria in establish- ed residential area, No com- petition. Weekly turnover easily doubled. by. energetic worker. Present owners ill health main reason for sale. Apartment for owner or ad- ditional income. Full price $27,000 with $10,000 down For further particulars call tonight. Vil e@ WE HAVE JUST LISTED another -- beautiful home in this preferred loca- tion, 3 better than average size bedrooms. Extra Jorge living room. Divided base- ment and fully fenced yard make this immaculate home o must for your inspection. Oil heoted for economical comfort and easily carried on one N.H.A. mortgage. Ville SIX PLEX--3 year old quality built building with 5 2-bedroom units and one 1-bedroom, Built in stoves and ovens. Large living rooms ond kitchens. Laundry facili- ties. Paved parking area. Ex- cellent location for rental. Full particulars available at office. 1X @ DUPLEX--COMMER- CIAL -- Investigate this 2 family brick home in excel- lent commercial location. Plaza going in across the street. $15,500 is © reason- able asking price. Call us now for all details. xe COMPLETELY. FIN- ISHED BASEMENT with pan- elled walls marks this 4. bed- room fomily home endowed with many built in features you have, always wanted. Large living room, family size kitchen with loads of cup- boards and two bedrooms on the main floor, There are two more bedrooms upstairs mak- ing this a eminent home for the growing family in a friendly location close to downtown. Priced at only $12,900.00 with your offer on down payment considered. Xie SOLIDLY BUILT BRICK OLDER HOME. 1% storey, seporote dihing room, 2 bedrooms and new furnace. Venetian blinds and T.V, tower included. Taxes $182. yearly, Asking $11,500, XIl @ SOUTH EAST SIDE --One storey home. This is a teally family home with 3 bedrooms, only nine yeors old. Large lot with patio and family kitchen. Reasonable taxes and moderate monthly poyments. Will leave your budget open for other pleas- ures in life. Xill @ $2400.00 DOWN. --for this strong outstanding home distinctively modern in every way located in the won- 16 Simcoe St. S. basement, close to public and - GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 XIV @ PRICED. RIGHT AT $14,900. We invite you to inspect this exceptional ranch bungolow with gorage 'and finished recreation room, An extra washroom in the base- ment is an appreciated con- venience in this immaculate 3 bedroom home at Sharbot. xVe HOME WITH A VIEW -- Love of first sight, you too will fall for this dream home, situated on a spacious lot. Lovely garden, fenced. Attached garage and paved drive. Up to the min- ute kitchen, with large din- ing area, stone fireplace in living room. Dining room with picture window overlooking the city, sunroom, or den on Main floor with walkout to potio. Rec. room with finish- ed laundry room, 3 oversize bedrooms with double closets. Immaculate throughout. Call us to inspect and see for your- self the mony extras. XVI @ PRETTY AS A PIC- TURE--Character and charm prevale throughout this de- lightful colonial style bun- galow. Gracious living room with picture ord leaded win- dows and corner fireplace. L shaped dining room, all broadloomed. Large gleaming kitchen, with built in break- fast area, and leading to patio. Two master bedrooms. The full basement is suitably divided for workshop area, and an attractive pine fin- ished recreation room. The large attached garage rounds out 'all the requirements for modern living. Immediate possession. Owner tronsfer- red. OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY HOMES BY ROMANIN Three ond Four Bedroom homes--variety of styles to choose from, Open daily 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. except Weekends from 1 p.m, to 6 p.m. Directions--Rossland Rd. W. to Gibbons St. North to Glen- mar -- Follow signs to Open House Model at 413 GLEN- MAR. RENTAL CASA MANANA COURT Offers You Sophisticated Adult Living in a Quiet Atmosphere Spacious 1-2-and 3 bedroom suites featuring modern equipped kitchens, vanities with large mirrors in bath- rooms, private balconies. The modern 7 storey 'build- ing with an elegant entrance lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built - in sleeves for your air-condition- er. Close to shopping. For Immediate occupaney Call Rental Office at 723- 636). Open for your inspection from 2 to 9 p.m. dally. Coll 723-1121 ticulars. for full par- Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call-- Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Roy Flintoff Ethel Love Leon Manitius Ernest Mueller Jean Peacock Steve Englert George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young 728-7083 728-9768 725-3454 668-2402 728-2754 728-0208 725-4330 728-5581 728-4330 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 If you find it hard to meet poyments on a First and Sec- ond Mortgage combine them in one with easy terms. We'll be glad to help you with your confidential . mortgage ar- rangements It's all port of our compre- hensive Real Estate Service, ot Guide Realty Limited. We list Exctusive and Photo Members of O.D.R.E.B. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS WHITBY .DISTRICT -- Three-bedroom| brick dining room for the entertain. its for you! Call Eimer Fredin, 728-5103; AJAX: Three-bedroom bungalow, finished bungalow. Four-years old with) wife that likes to W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate tor Sale OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 BOWMANVILLE -- LORD ELGIN SCHOOL AREA Eoster is just around the corner ond 'so is this cute 3 bedroom bungalow from the school. This can be yours for the Easter Holi- days, so give us a call to- night. DUKE OF EDINBURGH SCHOOL AREA -- $14,500.00 3 bedroom brick bungalow with @ large rec. room and two baths, Just listed so don't hesitate on this one, "BETTER THAN NEW" More value packed in this solid brick bungalow lo- cated in Whitby, than could be replaced for to~ day. Three large bedrooms, recreation room area plus fenced in yard. Only $12,- 400,00 with reasonable down payment. APRIL Ist POSSESSION Comfortable 2 storey brick home, located in Dr, Phil- lips School Area, A good buy at $12,900., so call us to-night - or it could be too late! CENTRAL PARK BLVD, -- $12,700.00 Brick two bedroom beauty with dining room; extra rom in basement for the youngsters. Very close to St. Hedwig's School, Just listed - so call to-nite! IMMEDIATE POSSESSION One of the best homes in this fashionable neighbor- hood, with an engaging front thot draws the at- tention of passer-bys, This moderately priced home with 4 bedrooms plus a cozy den and attached gor- age is offered at a very opportune time. Carefully landscaped lot, o pleasure for children or adults, Just in time for Spring. Call to- doy, RANCHER Lovely solid brick ranch style bungalow with attach- ed garage. Kitchen has built-in stove, oven and exhaust fan. Only $16,900 MOHAWK STREET Very close to Sunset Heights School. Lovely brick 3 bedroom home with attatched gorage and carport. Only $15,900, with reasonable down pay- ment, FOUR BEDROOMS -- $13,500. Lorge home with gorage ond asphalt drive. Lot is 160 ft. deep with space for garden, Situated close to north plant of G.M, Reasonable down payment. Phone now for appointment to inspect. "RETIRING?" Attractive and cozy two bedroom bungalow with lovely back yard and patio. This home has a finished recreation room, plus a garage. Call now -- only $12,500.00. For full particulars coll 723-2265 Open Daily 9 a.m. to9 p.m. Bill Johnston ... 728-1066 Margoret Lee ... 723-2894 Irene Brown .... 725-3867 Neil Campbell ,.° 725-1015 1. Cruikshonks 728-5205 S. Macko +» 728-5868 Charles Choytor . 723-2265 Allan Thompson . 728-2870 Marg. Hall . 723-1358 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm . 725-9345 Reg. Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters .. 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking BBY'S Real Estate Ltd. 299 Simcoe St. S. 728-7576 LESLIE ST. Attractive 6 room, 11 storey rug brick home, well kept with aluminum awning over front porch and fenced back yard, $3,000 down and Ven- dor will hold the first mort- -goge. CENTRAL 4 bedroom, 7 room home in god condition ang good area, has a lovely landscaped lot ond a garage, full price only $12,500. LISTINGS NEEDED NOW BUYERS WAITING. REALTOR 728-7328 103 King Street East $15,400.00 Compare price, locetion condition 9g hie 5 room 7) @or r bungolow in Kon w West wa, Inspect and make on o' _" It could, be your turn to get a bar- on, Call Earle Nien 725. $12,500.00 4 room stone bungalow and 4 acres, large barn suitable for ponies or horses, just be- yt city limits, oil heating, bath. Make an offer, ean will Irvine 728-2868, SPACIOUS HOME EAST END Beautiful ranch brick bunga- low with family room off kit- chen, broadioom in living room, separate dining room and hall, large bathroom with vanity table, close to 1300 sq. 'ft. with attached gorage, patio, family room, extro shower and 2 pce, 'bath in basement. Asking price $22,- 900.00, Coll Rolande Tier- ney 725-5207. LAST CHANCE Only one left. Here is a 10 acre parcel of land on 'paved rood, close to Public and High Schools, 330 ft. frontage by obout 1320 ft. all workable. This is located obout 2 miles east of Oshowa in a residen- tial area. Don't delay call todo. Robert Johnson 728- 48, $13,500.00 INCOME 5 room brick bungalow in nice condition, aluminum storms and screens all around. Has « 3 room apartment and 3 piece bath in basement, rented for $60.00 per month, carries for $97.00 per month including principal, interest ond taxes. This is real value, Call A. Donaldson 725-9882, FARMING 150 acre farm, north east of Oshawo, house with bath- room. This is excellent agri- cultural land, Farm has been well worked and fertilized over the years. Everything is running at top copacity ond can be purchased as a going concern, with Holstein cattle and equipment. Call Bill Rat- oliffe 655-4457, BOWMANVILLE Immaculate 3 bedroom home close to shopping and school with recreation room, private bockyard, beautifully , land- scaped, This new listing must be seen, Call John Kuipers 723-6590. Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, KEITH PETERS. 'nat Members of the Oshawa and District Reol Estote Board REALTY LIMITED IS "SHAKY" COMPAREL TO THE VALUE OF ACTIVE REALTY'S LISTINGS 11th LINE $8000. Insul stone cozy 2 bedroom bungelow, beautifully decor. ated and well looked after. An exceptionally large lot of 56' x 259'. Make your of- fer now. Call 728-5157, $10,500. SUITABLE INCOME PROPERTY Close to G.M. North in very good repair. All rooms are good size. To inspect, call 728-5157. THIS HOME SOLD' SORRY 132 ELGIN ST. EAST ACTIVE THE ROCK OF GIBRALTA! iia $10,900. ASHBURN Frame bungalow close to Church and School, Taxes only about $125.00 yearly. Home located on a 75' x 300' lot. Natural fireplace in living room. Diel 728-5157 for more information. MORTGAGES ARRANGED ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 3 Brokers - 9 Salesmen PRIVATE SALE APPLE HILL AREA Well kept 514 room brick veneer, bungalow, equipped with, double garage, paved driveway, finished rec room, broadloom and vanity in large bathroom, aluminum storms and screens throughout, fully landscaped, buses and schools close by. July Ist possession, Full Price $15,900 Terms available. CALL 728-5275 low, close to General Motors North plant. |Garage, paved drive. Askin $16,301 725-1186 0. | Call Don' Stradeski Realtor, 728-8473. || derful town of Whitby. There recreation room, complete storms and oom: j Screens, paved drive, fenced yard, well ner 3 bedr s, 3 gore sree landscaped wiht shrubs. Will consider! iving room, modern kitchen |s1,000 down to responsible buyer. Call| with good 'sized dining area. Mr. Preece, 942-4261; evenings 728-9335.| 4 piece bathr The bose- Manderhill Real Estate Limited, fi A REAL GEM for the right 'person erson who ment is laid out for future | vants close to downtown only $11,200| recreation room and the price with $1000 down, six-room frame, new) $1900 ASKING down on this four-bedroom) is most gratifying to the most oil furnace, low taxes, will carry for storey and half home, property is clear! | $85 monthly, principal and interest. Call|and owner will take one mortgage for) careful buyer. Call for par- |aop "Stevenson. at $0. Hyman Real|the balance. Call Jack. Sheriff a! $, D. ticulers, 28-6206, Now! Send for elegant, newjcare of The Oshawa Times,| beiteee WiLL Gi "Decorate with Needlecraft!" Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. | rooms. vieat ine bisteicr -- Four bed. 5 beautiful room settings, 25 COMPLETE FASHION RE-|in boarders or renting, It's nifty and complete patterns for decora-/PORT in our new Spring-Sum-| "Mitt. $10,900 asking price with 31,500 W. T, LAMSON [PRIVATE -- 413.00, "an tive accessories in one book!,mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- down. Call W. 0. Martin tin Realtor, 728-5103, REAL ESTATE LTD. aaa phy Pillows, wall hangings, cur-|pon for ONE FREE PATTERN! WHITBY AREA -- A builder's brilliant tains, appliques, more! 5s iden of a versatile home. Has to be seen HARMONY ROAD SOUTH AREA--Thres. $13,S00-NORTM END. Sixroom brick 60 cents. Everything you need for the life Ieereom Brick} aporecicte 200m Roor - bedroom brick bungalow. Three years old, bungalow, On quiet treed street in Rogs-| Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --jyou lead -- 350 design ideas! |Room. Threeyear-old brick bungalow|nice well kept home. Asking $15,500. |land - Simcoe area. Good terms available, 16 complete patterns. 60 cents.|Send 50 cents now. INCOME -- Modern brick bungalow with two, three-room rented basement apart- ments, plus five rooms for buyer. Two four-piece baths and three agp on 'a Whitby location. Only $4,000. need to worry Make the mmontnly. Pn ments from income. Call anytime. W. McAuley, Realtor, 723-2512 or 668-5765. 20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 24) Call 728-7576 or Tony Zakarow 725-4366 Nick Siblock 725-5701 Tony Siblock 725-4362 PRIVATE - $13,400,, sree solia| per cent! Dial) ay four bedrooms. intérested? Cali W. Better take @ look with Elmer Fredin. Jim Gibbens, 723-9750, Joseph Bosco, ©, Martin, Realtor, 728-5103, (Call 728-5103, W, ©, Martin Realtor, {Realtor, 728-7377, Gstate Ltd, 728-6286, Hyman Real Estate kid. 7