Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Mar 1965, p. 5

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WASH DOWN INSULATORS With a high pressure jet stream of mixed air and pure water, Ontario Hydro linemen now are able to wash off road salt and other grime that collects on power line insulators. Crews using trucks fitted with a hydrau- lic lift; insulated bucket WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Percy Pascoe, 723 Dundas street west, have re- turned from an enjoyable trip residing at "The Princess Hotel', Hamilton Bay, Ham- ilton, Bermuda. Miss Gertrude McIntyre was in Toronte last weekend to at- tend a reception for the 50th wedding anniversary of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mcintyre. The reception was held at the home| of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sifton, To- ronto, Brian Christoph is celebrating his tenth birthday Saturday. Presbytery Women's Meeting will be held March 15, at 8.15 p.m., at Whitby St. Andrew's| Presbyterian Church. Mr. George Hopkins, Leader of Stu- dents Council Missionary Secre- tary of Toronto University, will be guest speaker. Best wishes are offered to Mr. John Visser, King street, on the occasion of his birthday to be celebrated today. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Westerink Sr., Oshawa, parents of Mr. Jack Westerink, Whitby, are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Their friends wish them every happi- ness, Mary-Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Armitage, is cele- brating her tenth birthday to- day. Guests attending her party are: Sandy, Wendy and Lynne Mullen, Wendy and Shelly Bar- ton, Karen Clark, Tony Kala- mag, Debbie Bryant. Bonnie Ward, Louise Gibson, also Mary-Anne's grandmother, Mrs. Isabel Shaw of Peterborough who will be spending the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oster- hout and Kimberly, Belleville, spent the weekend with the for- LATEST TARZAN MORE LIKE 007 MEXICO CITY (AP)--Tar- zan driving a cadillac? Wear- ing clothes? fighting a tank? That is today's version, starring a football player named Mike Henry who is | more of a James Bond-type | than the old yodelling jungle | hero. | Tarzan '66' is being filmed | in Mexico. And Edgar Rice Burroughs would hardly rec- | ognize his creation. | Henry, a linebacker for the | Los Angeles Rams football | team, is the 4th movie Tar- zan. He still performs in jun- | for the first time | since Tarzan's New York Ad- | gles, but venture he wears clothes. Today's Tarzan is a com- | bination of jungle man and suave killer. He even has a | new sweetheart. The former Jane has been replaced by | Sophia, played by beautiful Nancy Kovack. 2 the Citadel. WHITBY (Staff) -- In 1964, more multiple tenancy units were built in the Whitby-Oshawa area than single dwellings, Doug Bullied, president of the Oshawa Real Estate Board, told the Kiwanis Club, at their regu- lar weekly meeting. The trend to multiple dwell- ing units has been apparent only in the past few years, he said. After the last war men had been through the depression and the barrack room type of life, and the low. cost of financing a home meant the beginning of the building boom. In the early fifties the de- man for single houses in- creased and the prices started to rise as subdivision after sub- division grew similar appear- ing houses almost overnight. The municipalities by this time had started to suffer fi- nancially. The. development ofsuburbia had been extremely expensive, with most of the cost being charged to the general tax rate. With the debenture debts get- ting out of control most of the municipalities passed controll- ing legislation about 1957. The new bylaws demanded that any future subdivisions would have to be built complete with prepaid services. | Gone were the days of the! cheap lot with the payment for} sewers and water spread over 20) years, | About the same time the sup-| ply of houses had finally equall-| ed and possibly surpassed the! post-war demand. oT | mer's father and sister, Mr. J.| In 1957 there was a recession) A. Osterhout and Joyce andjand many builders, not realiz-| visited his mother who is stilljing that the housing industry a patient in the Oshawa General|had reached its peak, built fur- Hospital. jiously in 1957 and 1958. | The result of these actions Mr. and Mrs. Don Oster-|could be seen with long rows hout and Mrs, Keith Osterhout,/of houses left unoccupied for'| \Belleville, spent the supper hour|two years or more. | Monday -with Mr. J. A. Oster-| The first small apartment hout and Joyce and visited Mrs.|buildings came on the scene in! Osterhout at the hospital. ithe late fifties. | ; | In 1959 the first five storey,| Belated birthday wishes are|43-suite apartment building was extended to Mrs. Robert Carl-| built in the area. | son, Crocus crescent, who cele-| In 1960 land costs soared, | brated her birthday March A2/ |most of the local improvement} Alice. daughter of Mr. and|!ots had been used, and con: Mrs. Jack Westering, will be| celebrating her sixth birthday) today. Mrs. Harold Myers, 117 St. Lawrence street, is opening her home on Monday to mem- bers of St. Mark's United) Church Women Unit No. 9 for their monthly meeting. | thoroughfares in Metro Toronto, also in Whitby, Ajax, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Aurora, New- market, Richmond Hill, Brampton, Woodbridge, To- ronto Township, Oakville and Georgetown, cleaning power line insulators. (Ontario Hydro Photo) travel main | INDIAN AREAS Some 37,000,000 Indians live in the Andes and the more hos- pitable lower plateaus in South) America. BROCK ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 307 Brock St. N. Mr. and Mrs. William Loucks, | Belleville, were. guests at the) home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cook, 902 Centre street south. Minister: REV. MAXWELL CASE Mr. and Mrs. James Connor, eh 129 Brock street south, cele- brated their 27th wedding anni- versary March 12. Friends offered their best wishes. | 9:45 AM-- SUNDAY SCHOOL ] MOR 1:00 A.M.-- | NING WORSHIP Valerie, daughter of Mr. and| 7:00 P.M.-- Mrs. Dudley Wilson, is cele-| EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Apartment Boom Changing Skyline struction men were faced with the pre-serviced lot bylaws. - waning and new township by- laws, controlling building helped fade the image of the wide open spaces. Group Studies Mission Work WHITBY -- St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 7 held its March meeting with Mrs. Thomas Farndale presiding. The opening remarks were "What- ever job you are going to do, do it a little better than what is expected of you"'. Three new members and one visitor were welcomed. It was reported that Mrs. Joyce Cox, a member of the. unit, is in the Oshawa General Hospital after breaking her ankle in a fall. The worship period was con- ducted by Mrs. John Foster, Mrs. Thomas Farndale and Mrs. Beverly Davis. The program, a continuance of the study on Brazil commenced at the February meeting, was conducted by Mrs. Garnet Juby. She discussed briefly the Chris- tian communities in Brazil and the part the United Church shares with other churches. In- teresting literature written on Brazil, in relation to the church, was read by four of the mem- bers who acted as reporters and read facts written by mission- aries taking part in Christian work in Brazil. Suggestions were made as to how the church in Brazil, or in our own community, can be- come involved with the needs and problems of the people of Brazil. The next meeting will be a joint meeting with Unit No. 8 when Mrs. L. F. Richardson will to facilitate business. address the members and show Next regular meeting will be;pictures on her trip to New- The desire of suburbia was The skylines began to change as towering apartment buildings were built, and rented, before the roof was completed, In 1964, the number of apart- ments constructed surpassed the number of single houses, and 1965 is expected to show an even greater increase. Co-Op Board' Elect Ten The Board of Directors, Whitby Co-Op Credit Union, met in their office, Brock street south, Thursday evening for their regu- lar monthly meeting. President John Bakker was in the chair. Supervisory, educational and financial reports. were read. John Bakker and A. S, Smith who attended as delegates at the Ontario Credit Union Con- vention held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto gave a report on their attendance. Ten applications for member- ship were approved. The Board is planning to have their Brock street south office opened Fri- day evenings as well as Monday MONDAY, March 15: Co-Op Credit Union banking night Ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Girl Guide of Canada Whitby District Association All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild St. John's Anglican Church Men's Club Viscount Greenwood Chapter IODE St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 8 St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 9 Salvation Army Women's Home League TUESDAY, March 16: Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby Almonds UCW Evening Group Ajax Kinettes Women's christian Temperance Union WEDNESDAY, March 17 St, Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Whitby St. John Ambulance Ontario Ladies College Jr. Alumnae the General Council meeting of] the United Church last year. A delicious lunch was served' by Mrs. R. J. Minter and her| group. held April 8. lfoundland. when she attended FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV, DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 AM.--FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST C.K.L.B.--1350 on your dial 9:45 A.M.--lInvitation and Welcome to Our Bible School. 301 present last Sun- day in contest with Bethel Baptist, Orillia. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Service Pastor's Sermon:---- ; "REGENERATION" 7:00 P.M.--EVENING GOSPEL SERVICE Pastor's Sermon:---- "SOMEONE AT THE DOOR" WEDNESDAY EVE. 8:00 P.M. WE GLADLY STUDY SUNTIL= THAT -- LATE-LATE-HOUR, TO INCREASE our < a a); IMI Ai CLUB CALENDAR THE OSHAWA TI. MES, Soturdey, March 13,1965 § Ajax Lionettes Margaret's Guild Knights of Columbus Missionary Society St. John's Anglican Church WA|St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 3 Benevolent Rebekah Lodge No.|5t Mark's UCW Unit No. 6 132 FRIDAY, March 19 THURSDAY, March 18 ial Club Faith Baptist Church Women's Red Cross Senior Citizens So-| Salva B | Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ Ambassaodrs SATURDAY, March 20 Salvation Army Guides Salvation Army Timbral Brigade tion Army Young People's an Whitby Baptist Church Cub Packs All Saints Anglican Church St. SAVE $ $ ON Like Walking on Pillows! AUTO INSURANCE DrScholls (Pw A AIR-PILLO [--~, INSOLES <w@ Air-Cushion your shoes for luxurious walking ease! This miracle of walking onse $18.00 on your auto "JOHN louses, Gives mild support. Eases pressure on foot nerves. Helps lessen strain of walking. Insulates feet against heat, cold. Sizes for men, women. halls AIR-PILLO SOLE DIAL 668-8831 If you are an Abstainer you save up to RIEGER 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY le Mr, Frank Lowry, General Manager, wishes to intr Harry Donald Ltd. . GORDON W. BAKER. JOHN J, MAJCHER 300 Dundas St. East WHITBY HARRY DONALD LTD. CHEVROLET GENERAL MOTORS DEALER OLDSMOBILE These gentlemen will be pleased to assist you in your selection of a new or used car. Also the leasing of a new car on a rental basis oduce the Sales Staff of JACK MORGAN Phone 668-3304 PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" | FREE TICKETS TO SEE THESE POPULAR PICTURES AT THE THEATRE | ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W, J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 9:45 A.M,--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. brating her 12th birthday today. | "The Stories He Told' 7 PM. Belated happy birthday to} Mrs. Leo Vanderley, who cele-| brated her birthday March 12. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conners,| 4 Frederick street. are spending) the weekerd on a fishing trip at Desert Lake near Napanee. It is also Mr. Conners' birthday Saturday. | BAHA"I WORLD FAITH PUBLIC MEETING will be held at the 1.0.0.F, Hall Brock St. S. Whitby, Every Sunday evening ot 8:15 P.M. | Miss M. R. Rosten of Montreal! jis spending' a few days at the jhome of her sister and brother-| jin-law, Mr. and Mrs, G. A.| |Beckman, 402 Byron street jsouth. Cindy Lou, daughter of Mr.| EVERYONE WELCOME and Mrs, Robert Brough, Perry street is celebrating her sixth birthday. Refreshments served, The. Number 5 SAYING AND DOING Nursery Core and Junior Congre- gation During Divine Worship ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rey. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D, Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess rs. L. Beaton, A.R.C.T. WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: Rev, John McLeod Organist Mrs, W, E. Summers, A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M. "THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD" Admission of Elders to the Session 0 am.--dJunior, Intermediate and Seniors 11:00 a.m. Nursery, Kindergarten Primary Infant Care, Junior Congregation 11:00 A.M.--THE SOUND OF THE TRUMPET 7:00 P.M.--DOING THE IMPOSSIBLE 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SGHIOOL WED. 7:30 P.M. -- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY | | The CORNER PIZZA | | ) } Mrs. Brigadier W. T. Hawkes, Divisional Home League Secre-| tary, Belleville, will be in charge of the program at the March 15 meeting to be held! | aaa | STEAM BATH the wey to relex--ot George's Barbershop Every Dey from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, I) Sunday from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Tuesday -- Ladies' Day -- Closed All Day NORTH, WHITBY Monday BROCK ST. Family Monuments AGES/ Individual Requirements \ STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Created To Whitby GEO! BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 & 9 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 oral Hank cine "awe" im PANAVISION® 4 Wilhams Wh, SINGS gain... 4 'ie is HL | will be helped by Easter Seal d and ADVENTURE IN RIVIERA REVELRIES--CARTOON parts of Ontario. This young NEWFOUNDLAND makes this program of rehabilit When the Easter Seal Campaign opens on March 18th, one of the important services that doctor is testing his ability to stand and wolk. The support given to the Easter Seal Campaign SPECIALIZING IN .o . @ PIZZA = @ SPAGHETTI @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 days @ week) 107 COLBORNE $7, W. for Matchless Living Te . |GALTERATIONS a & REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES 5 668-4278 GUE (JIM) ELECTRIC LTD. EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE fech week for 26 weeks there will appear in the edvertisements 'on this page the names end addresses of 12 lucky people in this eres, If your neme should appear and you locate it, ell you are esked to do is clip the ad and present it at the Oshewe Times Office in Whitby or Oshewa. You will then receive your guest tickets i the Brock Theetre. E. Peckover, RR 2, Whitby WEEK OF MARCH 15th One Complete Show Starting 7:30 MONDAY--TUESDA Y--WEDNESDAY "PUBLIC PIGEON NO. 1" = **er7ins, RED, SKELTON Plus "YOUNGBLOOD HAWKE Adult entertainment with -- JAMES FRANCISCUS -- SUSANNE PLESHETTE THURSDAY -- FRIDAY -- SATURDAY "ISLAND OF THE BLUS DOLPHINS" in Eastmen Color and "BULLET FOR A BADMAN" "'h--Avdie, Murphy EVENING SHOWS: 6.55 & 8:30 PHONE @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WoRK 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE @ SATISFACTION GUARANTEED KONRAD CSER--OWNER E. J. Devitt, 171 Thornton N. 324 ASH ST., WHITBY : RES, PHONE 668-3208 JOE ROBINSON "Your B.P. Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE-UPS @ SERVICE CALLS e@ GENERAL REPAIRS 668-4585 616 BROCK N. WHITBY FOR EVERY OCCASION Moke It... FLOWERS by DEAN L. Bouck, 105 Craydon 668-3142 131 Brock S$. Whitby q CLUB BAYVIEW "--- TABLE $ DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT @ Persons name appecring in this pess to Beyview Club et Times office, DANCING 9-12 J. OLIVE ERVICE ---~ advertisement may feauest guest John Scott, 111 Byron N, $3.00 PER COUPLE AND 515 COMMERCIAL -- INDUSTRIAL HOWE REAL ESTATE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES BROCK S$. -- 668-5853 SCUGOG CLEANERS <0 mont cuEAnIN 130 Brock W. 668-4341 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA M,. €. Hanley, 321 Marland SHIRT LAUNDERERS and STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE BUYING - SELLING Joseph Babiorz, 755 Whitman Cr. Get Quick Results with low cost CLASSIFIED | ACTION WANT ADS CLARK STUDIOS J. S. Tweedy, 310 Cochrane Fine Oil Paintings Portraits Model Services Custom Picture Framing Self-Improvement Classes 668-4497 325 Brock N. .. . «Whitby VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION MURPHY OIL CO. LIMITED W. Ridley, 207 Clemence 501 Brock N. Whitby COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY 942-0535 @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE EST "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" CLEANING IMATES A&T MOTORS @ 2 Licensed Mechanics e@ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups 668-2893 701 Dundas E. Whitby HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 Wm. A. Campbell, 1519 Lokeside @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL e@ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 609 HARRIET See Our Display Of New '65 RAMBLERS Quantity of Good Used Cars" ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE 668-5391 WHITBY 1003 Brock 3, Whitby COMPLETE TRANSMISSION WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST George Irving, 38 Kawartha WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS @ RE-CHROMING e Gi @ NEW AND USED PARTS r) 'LATE MODEL WRECKS NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE N. OF WHITBY RILLES e@ BUMPERS NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS BOUGHT AND SOLD 419 DUNDAS 668-3223 PUD AS BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 ST. E. arshall, 197 Grandview WHITBY Ss. lonations is the special clinics for crippled children held in many boy has just been fitted with new braces and cones and the ation possible "y VICTORIA SUPERIOR PROPANE 'SALES & SERVICE' Douglas Amey, 301 Elizabeth 668-3328 ST. £. -- WHITBY (OVER 5-YEAR R.R. NO. 1 PICKER cere wage BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK © INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS 30. YEARS EXPERIENCE) WORKMANSHIP GUARANTES ING -- 942-0720

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