Maritime Money Matters Rapped By THE CANADIAN PRESS Two Maritime provincial gov- ernments were criticized in their legislatures for their ap- proaches to financing. The Liberal New Brunswick government was attacked for its white paper on the province's future. Donald D. Patterson (PC--Saint John City) aid it continued the minimum stand- ards of public services. Poverty and low incomes--the Liberal record of failure--are given a whitewash in the white paper, said the opposition finan- cial critic. In Prince Edward Island, the Progressive Conservative gov- ernment survived the first non- confidence motion of the current session. The motion said the government "failed to give leadership in the face of seri- ou deficit financing." It was defeated 16-13. Highlights of other legislative sessions: British Columbia -- Educa- tion Minister Peterson sup- ported an opposition suggestion that cigarette advertising be re- moved from transit vehicles on Hydro and Power Authority in line with a proposal from Pre- mier Bennett that they be banned from radio, television and the press. Alberta--Lee Leavitt (SC-- Calgary Queen's Park) sai teen-age juries should be used to battle juvenile crime, The juries could act as advisory bodies to courts hearing cases involving youth. Saskatchewan -- Legislative secretaries proposed for the province would be "of no bene- fit to the people of Saskatche- wan but could be of benefit to the party in power," aid A. E. Blakeney (CCF--Regina West). The government has proposed the appointment of such secre- taries, Manitoba--A bill given sec- ond reading widens the scope of urban renewal projects to in- clude rehabilitation of declining areas, not only slum clearance. Quebec -- The government sidestepped questions about Lu- cien Rivard, the accused nar- cotics smuggler who escaped from Bordeaux Jail March 2, by saying the inquiries were not SIU Seeks Admission Into CLC OTTAWA (CP) -- The Sea- farers' International Union of Canada (Ind.) made formal ap- plication to the Canadian Labor Congress Wednesday for re- admission to the national labor The bid was received by the CLC' executive council, now holding its quarterly session in Ottawa, but no immediate ac- tion was taken on it. The SIU was booted out of organized labor six years ago for raiding the membership of another union, Members of the federal mari- time union trusteeship, which has been controlling affairs of the SIU since October, 1963, said in their recent report to Parliament that they hoped to have the 8,000-member union return to CLC ranks as soon as poible, P heweret. some of the more prominent leaders in the trade union movement have said pri- vately they would resist re- admission of the SIU as long as any SIU executives of the the provincially - owned B.C. urgent. former Hal Banks' administra- NOT 69% INCREASE Doctors Charge Bid Exaggerated By JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP)--The nei mated, " the BMA said in a Medical A ion what the minister has esti- nt. "This would be gross Health Minister Kenneth Rob- inson Wednesday night of greatly exaggerating doctors' salary demands when he said they would amount to. 69 per cent, This new clash set the stage for today's second round of talks between the minister and the BMA, representing Britain's 23,000 family doctors. Robinson said new pay pro- posals would, if accepted, re- sult in an average net income of £4,800 ($14,400) a year for the doctors but the BMA later de- scribed this as "a tendentious and inaccurate' estimate. "In our view the family doc- tor with an average list would only be assured of about half tion continue to hold office in the union, "Banks was fired last spring and his chief aide, Leonard (Red) McLaughlin, was elected prcasreiien if not net, and would include the £350 ($1,050) a year recommended by the re- view body." Robinson, at a press confer- ence, stressed the size of the demand that already has re- ceived some adverse comment by newspapers, which particu- larly noted the doctors' request for overtime pay. At the same time the Labor government minister warned that only the threatened mass resignations by doctors from the national health service could 'frustrate' the govern- ment's willingness to negotiate a new contract. STATES INCREASE Analyzing a "doctors' ter" presented by the BMA Monday, Robinson said it would mean an increase in the aver- age net income of a family doc- tor of a further £1,800 ($5,400) a year, in addition to the £250- char- | py an independent review body last month. "This would bring the aver- age net income, after all ex- penses allowed for tax pur- poses had been miet, to about £4,800 a year, excluding earn- ings from private practice," said Robinson. "It would repre- sent an increase of around 60 per cent on top of the nine per cent just agreed by the govern- ment." Robinson held 'amicable' opening discussions with BMA leaders Wednesday. Present average income for doctors, who have complained of overwork and trying condi- tions, is £2,765 ($8,280) a year. ROOM TO SPARE Saskatchewan, with a popula- tion of less than 1,000,000 is al- most the size of Texas. th ie atm Whitby Girl i cs atte ine, IM Ay THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 11, 1965 7 also faces arraignment on so other charges of petty larce: and driving without a Seach. Charged In Rochester ROCHESTER, N.Y. (CP-AP) Glenda Kaukonen, 18, of Whitby, Ont., was arraigned in city court Wednesday on a charge' of second-degree forgery. The charge alleges that she bought a coat here with a forged cheque. The case was referred to the Monroe County grand jury but no date was fixed for a hear- ing. No bail was set and the girl remained in custody here. She 'Cause Experts Made Plan Yesterday... Spring Planting. president last fall. a-year increase recommended Mom's Happy Now! CALL NOW 623.5757 'VAN BELLE GARDENS , wy. Ni of Oshawa ~OUR Varesioe MGARDEN CENTRE" MOVIES EARN MORE PARIS (AP)--French = theatres took in more money with smaller audiences than ever last year. The rcoageen Cinema Centre reports th tendance in 1964 was on Hr per cent but higher prices brought receipts up 3.14 per cent over 1963. Since 1957 at- tendance has fallen off 33.1 per cent while gross receipts have) increased 39.18 per cent. TAMES | JAMES ; O'MALLEY! Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions 1 nalts! a Landscape for Builder's Association, PHONE 723-7711 254 Park Rd. N, Member of Oshawa and District THERE'S LOVE in THEIR EYES AND a SONG IN THEIR HEART BECAUSE THEY CHOSE "Goodwill" ... Actually, Just About Every "GOODWILL" Buyer Feels the Same Way Because They're So Pleased with the Beauty, Economy, and Deep Satisfaction of Their "GOODWILL" Car! We can't honestly say that no 'Goodwill' Used Car buyer ever comes bac k with a complaint. This is a Utopia that no car dealer enjoys. But, when he does come back .. . he gets attention! That way we keep more and more 'Goodwill' buyers driving "Goodwill" cars . . not come in yourself and, after you see our excellent selection... you'll see what we mean... beauty... economy... and the right price ! You'll love 'em! We're sure you'll want to drive one ! @ GARRY HOOEY @ MIKE JACULA @ BILL LING @ LEN BURTON Economy oii engine. . ready to go.. @ FRANK WHITE @ AL ATKINSON "@ MURRAY FRANKLIN Mills Motors COMPACTS For Real ECONOMY aerate ee 1958 Vauxhall VELOX + really LIC. NO. HS0776_ 299.00 ¥ Here's 1959 Vauxhall ICTOR SEDAN a real economy cor... would make the ideal second car for her! LIC. NO. H22459 169.00 196 with custom radio . 1 Volkswagen DELUXE . a real dandy! LIC. NO. H40993 299.00 Only 12,000 actual miles and loaded with mony extros . . .still under new cor -warranty. LIC. NO, H50775 1964 CORVAIR SPIDER COUPE 2399.00 @ RAY McLAUGHLIN @ BADE CRANFIELD @ MORLEY STALKER @ DON GAVAS @ ROSS SHEYAN @ BILL HAYNES @ DAVE BATHE FOR THE CAR... AND THE DEAL YOU'LL LOVE... SEE YOUR MILLS MAN "Goodwill Values' 1963 PONTIAC 4-DOOR SEDAN with automatic with beige trim. LIC. NO. H48983 1899.00 transmission and custom radio. Saddle tan 1964 PONTIAC mission, custom radio; power wi dows; Royal Master tires . . maroon in color with maroon nyl trim and white vinyl top, LIC. NO. H36813 +1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARD TOP Big V-B engine; automatic tra nission and custom radio; power maroon in color with matching trim... iteering, power brakes; still under new car warranty. LIC. NO. H48629 2999.00 3299.00 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE PARISIENNE CUSTOM SPORT CUSTOM SPORT CONVERTIBLE 2-DOOR 527-VB engine; automatic trons HARD TOP ine vie color. "young man's" model LIC. NO. H34647 2299.00 1961 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DOOR HARD TOP Ins~ tires and wheel discs; beige is a hard model to find, LIC. NO. H44064 1599.00 1962 OLDS. "CUTLASS" COUPE Big V-8 engine; automatic trans- custom radio. Power tteering and power brakes; Buck- at seats and floor console. Gold in color with matching white vinyl toof cover, Truly a real beauty. mission an LIC, NO. H24494 1899.00 automatic transmission; white wall color with brown trim. This car in immaculate condition... . year after year! Why 327-VB engine stick shift; bucket seats and custom radio, Aqua in This is a real snappy "AS é SPECIALS 1957 PONTIAC Deluxe COACH Big V-8 engine with automatic trans- mission and custom radio 1963 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CONVERTIBLE in since new, LIC, NO. H46883 2699.00 1962 BEL AIR SEDAN 6-cylinder only 30,000 actual mile This car is immaculate i every woy. LIC, NO. HS1241 1799.00 CHEVROLET automatic . . . MILLS 299.00 1957 FORD COACH Automatic transmission and custom radio LIC. NO. H46681 199 Big V-8 engine, automatic trans- mission and custom radio. Power steering and power brakes. This cor was sold and serviced by us COACH Automatic transmission and custom radio 1960 FORD LIC. NO, H30894 1963 COACH Ss, n mical family car, LIC. NO. H75093 1599.00 CHEVROLET Economy 6-cylinder stick shifts This would make an econo- 1957 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON LIC. NO. X8764 349 1960 OLD SEDAN Automatic transmission, custom rae power steering and power brakes . . SMOBILE Lic. NO. 83522D YOUR PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHALL - VIVA - ACADIAN - GMC - BEDFORD DEALER 999 i The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA PHONE 723-4634