Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Mar 1965, p. 21

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iZ Sypecerate, Sn ain ewok BRING 1 CANT WAIT TO COMFORT AND Sov use) REHABILITATE. THE UNFORTUNATE." SORRY" 1 JUST ISSUED THE LAST BUM IN AMERICA TO PAMELAST LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY -- \Piu NOT scene ai, Ue , SO MAYBE I TALKED CHILD AND BARELY { UTA TORN I REALLY 00 WANT//IM APRAID \ ARTIST WHO PAINTED HER. 7 FIND LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY /| T REALLY ||| PORTRAIT YOU WOULD HAVE -- SO IF YOU CAN HELP-- ¢ | TO DISCUSS THAT WITH | PROFESSOR PALLETTE-- 6 . "hey 'g CAN'T-- THE FOR A LONG WEEK END- HE | WiLL MOT RETURN UNTIL 7 h~ MONDAY _47/VeRY HAPPY ABOUT Go| THAT, AREN'T YOU, JUNIOR #/ THE LONE RANGER NOW, WHAT IN THE WORLP? COULD SHE USE A BEAVER FOR 4 C'MON, MR, BEAVER / Z WAVE A JOB FOR YOU! SECRET AGENT X9 Bg Fear Syntientn, tan. 10S. Well tiliee seemed TURNED MY 7 BETTER STILL, SENORITA MERE'S MY CAR, ALLOW / WO, THANK BUT I INSIST, SENORITAS /Y YOU'RE / YOU. TLL BE WERE, LET ME HELP You: VERY KIND, | ALL RIGHT IN "\ GENERAL, V Bh re e& MICKEY MOUSE 1 UST GOT A KEEN NEW SPORTS JACKET! i LeT'/S a TRHNBON 13 BTILL SINGING AT LA SCALA OPERA HOUSE WHEN THE GUNS OF WORLD ZI RUMBLE ON THE HORIZON, AND THE SOLDIERS BEG!) Se THE EXPATRIATED CANADIAN WATCHES THE WAR NEWS GRIMLY + -- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 11, 1965 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Tep record-holder im Masters' Iindividuel Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH @AQs 9910762 Sioss + EAST 99763 83 Sxoors 64 Pass 49 Opening lead -- king of clubs. South needed a considerable amount of luck to score ten tricks in this hand, but he also contributed a considerable amount of skill to bring about the result. Four hearts was not a good contract on the combined hands, but it was rather difficult dur- ing the bidding for either North or South to recognize that they had identical distribution in every suit. ; West led the king of clubs and South played low in the hope that this might interfere later with-enemy communications. West continued with the queen, taken by the ace. Prospects of making the con- tract were certainly not good at this point, even if it turned out that West had the king of d but South struggled PY TRAVELING PAG, JACKET, SCARF, HAT! WHAT ARE YOU \LET YOU CARRY BEEN AN BAS IER WAY TO GET ONTO ~\ LUXURY ISLE / TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buttalo 10:00 P.M | 12:15 P.M. Channel House 3-Barrie 11--That Regis Philbin 4--Speaker of the | 9--Jack . Paar 8-2---Kratt Theatre 7--Dick Powell 63--The Rogues 4--The Defenders 11:00 P.M, | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News, | Sports WS P.M. | 9--Metro Final | &Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, 7--4--Late Show | 6 Night Metro 11:30 PLM. 4--Buffalo 6--Toronto Channel 7--Butfalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9%--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton Channel 12:30 P.M, Channel " 9--1 Love Lucy 8-2--Truth or Consequences | 7--Father Knows Best | 4--Search for Tomorrow | 3--Noonday Report | 12:45 P.M. | 4--Guiding Light }:00 Pom. 11--Lucky Score | 9--December Bride 8--Matinee 7--Atternoon Show \6-3--Movie Matinee 11Peter Guan 4---Meet the Millers 5:30 PM | @--Pierre Berton 2--Mike Douglas. Show S--Leave It To Beaver | 6--Gunsmoke i 1:30 P.M. 6--Music Hop 12.30 A.M. 1--Mid Day Matinee 3--Maverick . é--Trve 9--Millionaire @--Tales of Weils Fargo! 3 movie 4--As The World Turns 6:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. | 9--Abracadabra a ~~ | 4--Password News, fonts with | 2--Moment ef Truth Chuck Healy | 2:30 FM 2--Today, 1965 9--Four of 8 Kind 6:30 PLM. 8-2--The Doctors "Wi | 7-- iT Vi-9-4-3--News; Weather Mappa eg and rts %--Romper Room Bieta eyo PSesched @-2--Huntley-Brinkley 7--Dialing for Dollars | oust ¥ News Girl Talk | 3:00 P.M. 7---~Maverick | 4--Mike's Carnival 9--People In Conflict 6--Across Canada 2--Movie 8-2--Another World 9:30 A.M | 7--General Hospita! er Al cf |6-3--Moment of Truth i an ae | 4<To Teil The Truth 6--Musical Interlude 3:30 PLM. 4#-You and Your Family) 11--Funny Company 10:00 A.M. 9--Its Your Move Super Bingo 8-2--You Don'! Say Sports 9_Playtime With Bobby | 7--The Young Marrleds 4--Bat Masterson 8-2--Make Room For | 63--Take Thirty 3--Mr._ Novak Daddy | 4~Edge of Night 3-Biehop: Sheen §-3~School Telecasts 4:00 P.M. Lioyd Thaxton 9--Mickey Mouse Ciub | 8--The Match Game | 7--Flame In The Wind yearend The World Turns | THURSDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M, --Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Matinee @--Superman 6--Magilla The Gorilla 3--Yogi Bear 2--Huckleberry Hound FRIDAY 8:00 A.M, 1--Schnitzel House aptain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M. 9--News: Miss Helen 9:00 A.M 6:45 P. N--Family Theatre 7:00 P.M. 9---The Munsters 8--Littiest Hobo 6--News, Weather 4--News 10:30 A.M. 1--Father Knows Best |8-2--What's This Song? 7--Traiimaster 7:30 P.M --My Three Sons #-2--Danie| Boone 7--Johny Quest 6--Candid Camera 4--The Munsters 63--Across Canada 4--I Love Lucy | 8:00 P.M. : | TI--OHA Jr. A Hockey-- |. 11:00 A.M. Hamilton vs Toronto |!!--Albert J. Steed | 7--Early 'Show %--Andy Williams Show |,%--James Beard Show 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 7--Donna Reed eae ieny aint | 4--The 4-Thirty Show e! [os--F ri i apie eves Mason 4~Andy of Mayberry FRIDAY EVENING 8:30 P.M. BU ng 1 Family Thestre 2 -M. sd Helene | Vm i HN--That Regis Phitbin |&S--Chez Hele | 9--Five O'clock Movie $-2--Dr. Kildare 11:30_ A.M. | 8--Superman 7--Mv Three Sons 9--Toronto Today | 6--The Kings Outlaw 4 3--The Seria! 8-2--Jeopardy . shee, oni 7--Price is Right --Magilla orlile 100 PM | 63--Butternut Square | 4:30 P.M. gf AL gag | 4--The McCoys | 8--Leave it to Beaver 7----Bewitched | 12:00 NOON | 6---Music Hop ec tie Forever 8-2--Say When | 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 7--Donna Reed 6--Elwood Glover | 6:00 P.M. | 4---News and Weather 8--Meet The Press ' Si 7--News Central 3--Popeye and Pails 6--A La Carte 4--Secret Storm 2--Rocky And His Friends 4:30 P.M. 9----Sea Hunt 4--Password 9:30 P.M. 9-4--Baileys of Balboa @-2--Hazel 7--Peyton Place POOR LITTLE FELLA' HES KINDA CONFUGED. GRANDMA FELL AGLEEP IN ROYS FAVORITE CHAIR... STARTED SNORING LOUDLY.AND LITTLE LEROY FLEW IN FROM THE NEXT ROOM... HIG DADDY WAS H FROM WORK / MUGGS AND SKEETER 2 g Fe gt abe oe © King Pentiges Syndicate. ine. YOUR HEALTH Modern Fads Traced To Old Wives' Tales By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD.; She is right. Without prohibi- How did old wives' tales hbe-jtive amounts of testing, we can't gin? How do modern health fads|Pin down the absolute. amount (akin to tHe old wives' tales) be-/needed by any individual--the in? jamount of Vitamin D, for A noted nutritionist, Dr. Denaj¢xample. C. Cederquist, of Michigan State/p9gn FADS HANG ON University, says that food fads) put we can figure out an often are based on this type of/amount that will provide a mar- reasoning gin of safety for everyone. Go- "Of all persons killed in auto-jing beyond that amount serves mobile accidents last year, 98)no useful purpose. Going too far per cent had eaten white bread/beyond, and even an otherwise or flour on the day they died."'/useful or necessary vitamin of That's the kind of logic the|mineral can be harmful. Yet the food faddists use. She goes on:|food fads hang on, the 1965 "If you tell me that -you eat/version of old wives' tales wheat germ for breakfast and} Some of those old _ notions that it makes you feel wonder-|must have' come about from ful, I can't really argue the|similarly fallacious arguments point with you because I don't!A deformed baby was born-- know how you feel. But I canjand, seeking an explanation, yet conduct tests under controlled| without facts, somebody said, "I conditions and find out whatjremember now. The mother ate kind of nutritional value theja lot of strawberries last sum- germ has {mer."" (Or whatever happened "The food faddists capitalize|to have been noticed.) on our inability to be. absolute! I c¢an't imagine where the by telling half-truths that leadjidea that fish is "'brain food" the public to believe its food|came from, or that wine is ai NOTHING FRIVOLOUS! DON'T SPEND YOLIR MONEY ON SOMETHING I DON'T REALLY NEED! CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. African tree 5. Merganser 9. Fleshy fruits 10. LBJ, for instance 12. Genus of crustaceans 13. Roman . magistrate 14. Lizard 15. Cared for medically 16. Music note 17, Outer husk 3. Marshy meadow 4. Equally 5. Metal 6. Olympic champions 7. Egress 8. Mark on skin from whip 9. Punctures 11. Mr. Sparks 13. God of war: Gr. 15. Pronoun 1T, Starch, for one 19. Blunder F rt CRE JA@EMIE!T) orga LEAR ED mARAI develop- ee ment of Marxism 23. Entrap Prels 25. Affected i AININIE Bl AINTYJOINIE! lOlw} LIVISMTIONGEE Yesterday's Answer 84. God of love: Rom, 36. Epoch 38. Word of protest c 38. Member of the family 34. Mother of Trish gods 35. Farmers' organi- zation 36. Arabian chieftain. 37. Candle 38. Came up 39, Miss Astor 40. Not cold DOWN 1, Receiver of an honor 2. Leave out y; Y G The frequent nonsense about "harm" from cooking in alumi- num dishes isn't hard to trace--- and this hokum keeps coming up often enough so that I am. re- peatedly asked about it. It's a fiction invented by peddlers try- ing to sell stainless steel or isome other kind of cookingware to people who already have 4alu- minum The course, at many, mati ala~minum pans, of perfectly safe and millions of them supply is not adequate." \"blood builder." It isn't. have been in use and still are. So some of the old tales (old and new versions) are the prod- uct of ignorance and others are invented because someone hopes to profit by spreading misinfor- mation. Don't be taken in by either kind. LONG ASSOCIATION Alfred Lunt and Lynn: Fon- tanne. the Lunts, of the Broad- way and London stage, began] their association in 1924. along -- hoping that something favorable might develop. He drew two rounds of trumps and then played the ace and an- other diamond. East was forced to win the diamond, and, since he had no more clubs and could not afford to return a diamond, he led back a low spade. Declarer played low from his hand and took the jack with the queen. South now exited from dummy with the ten of clubs, and West, forced to win the trick with the jack, found that he had to concede the rest of the tricks regardless of what he returned. He could not afford to give declarer a ruff and discard by returning a diamond or a club, so he led back a low spade from his holding of the K-4, He hoped of course that East would have the ten. But declarer played low from dummy and took the nine with the ten to score a hard-earned but well - deserved game. The contract had looked hopeless when play began, but South per- severed in the hope that some- how or other his four and five losers would shrink to three. The moral of the hand seems plain enough: Never give up! Incorporation Of Farm Studied EDMONTON (CP)--A farmer should have a capital invest- ment of $100,000 and a net in- come of at least $10,000 before he considers incorporation, says Dr. Glen Purnell, director of Ale berta's farm economics branch. And when incorporation is une dertaken it should not be consie dered as a magic formula fof making profits and saving taxes. "Every farm family should discuss with their lawyer and accountant the pros and cons of incorporating before making a decision." : Among advantages of incor- poration are limited liability, smooth transition of ownership after a death, ease of obtaining _jeredit and tax savings, he said. "Incorporating often improves farm management because the procedure connected with incor- poration and the necessity of submitting annual statements to the companies branch and the corporation directors encourage careful accounting and a busi- - ness-like approach."* SALLY'S SALLIES Mother, dear." "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. jo OPEN COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days « Week @ Groceries @ Fresh Fruits ®@ Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY

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