WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Oshawa Times office. Early Forms are available at The publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the possible after the ceremony. Women's Editor as soon as You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Bird-Goodwin Northminster United Church was the setting last Saturday for the marriage of Carol Ann Goodwin to Douglas Ralston Bird, both of Oshawa. -bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Alton Layton, Oshawa and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Westley Sird, Southampton, Nova Scotia. The officiating clergyman was the Reverend H. A. Mel- low and the organist, Mr. John Robertson, played the wedding music. Given in marriage by her stepfather, the bride wore a silhouette gown of silk organza with an empire bodice and three-quarter sleeves. Appli- ques of lace and seed pearls enhanced the gently shaped skirt and a full-length train attached at the shoulders also featured appliques of lace and seed pearls. A cluster of orange blossoms held her bouffant veil of tulle illusion and she car- ried a bouquet of deep red and white carnations. The maid of honor was Miss Elsie Barbara Tureski and the bridesmaids were Miss Diane Shelia Brown and Miss Brenda Marie Milburn, all of Oshawa. The flower girl was Miss Gail Marie Dempster. They were gowned alike in semi-formal dresses of sata peau designed with short sleeves and scoop necklines with softly gathered skirts, Matching rosettes held full length back panels. Their headdresses were matching twin rosettes and they carried bou- quets of carnations tinted to match their gowns. THe flower girl carried a white basket of similar flowers, The best man was Mr. Ed- ward Bird, Oshawa, and the ushers were Mr. Sidney Francis Whelton, Scarborough, and Mr. Frederick John Goodwin, Osh- awa. The ring bearer was Mas- ter Phillip Preston Goodwin, Oshawa. The flower girl and the ring bearer presented silver horse- shoes to Mr. and Mrs. Bird as they left the church. The horse- The 7 '|working backwards, you list in © |\firm for which you work and the 'lbe most applicable to the job be os seh MRS. DOUGLAS R. BIRD land by the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Duf- field of West Croydon, Surrey. The reception was held in the Centre Street United Church Hall where the bride's mother received, wearing a sheath of dusty pink shantung, matching jacket trimmed with imported Guipure lace, pink accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. The bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Millard Brown, Osh- awa, assisted, wearing a pink lace over taffeta sheath, match- ing accessories, a pink floral hat and a similar corsage. As the couple left for a honey- moon in Niagara Falls the bride was wearing a navy blue boucie suit, black patent acces- sories, white hat and gloves and a corsage of white and light blue chrysanthemums. On their return, Mr. and Mrs, Bird will reside on Simcoe street north. shoes had been sent from Eng- Radio Personality Gives Advice On Effective Public Speaking "When you are speaking in public, be yourself. Not every- one will like you, but don't let your mind dwell on the people who don't." So stated Barbara Pollock, guest speaker at the March meeting of Northminster United Church Women, held re- cently in Remembrance Hall at the church. Mrs. Pollock, women's editor of radio station CKLB chose as her topic "The Power of Words"'. She stated that the dif- ferent ways of saying things often changed the meaning of the words. Using suggestive gestures, she created innueh- does into seemingly innocent remarks and said that people should guard against this sort of thing. Mrs. Pollock gave a number of suggestions for speaking including some to tim- id people whose speaking would be confined to making sugges-| tions at a meeting. To these she| gave the following advice: Con- vey thoughts with lucidity and enthusiasm; Make it easy for people to hear you. Walk up to the front at a meeting, and have your say, there, where people do not have to crane their necks to see you; Be. yourself, don't be afraid to be an individual- ist; Don't be afraid to speak when you think you have some- thing to contribute to a dis- cussion. During the business session, | conducted by the president} Mrs, James Semple, it was an-| nounced that Mrs. Harold Bram- ley, Mrs. Kenneth Crone and} Mrs. Peter Makarchuk would) work together to convene the bazaar for brides to be held at} 6.30 p.m. May 5. Mrs. Bramley} gave a report in which she said| that the evening would consists) of a dessert tea followed by al program. The sale of work | and bake sale would complete' the evening. The meeting approved an in- crease of $230 for the presby- terial M and M allocation. This would bring the allocation up to $10 per member. | Mrs. John Collins and Mrs Kenneth Farrow agreed to co-| convene the TB dinner, to be' held April 22, at Northminster Church. Announcement was made that a bale of good used clothing) would be packed for overseas relief May 13. An appeal was made for clean old nylon stock- | ings. These would be used by| the widows of Korea, in manu-} facturing new articles. Arrangements were made for catering for the Sunday School teachers workshop which would be conducted by Miss Shirley McKee, March 20 and 21, for district teachers. In her talk on. Christian stew- ardship, Mrs. R. B. Galbraith stated that Jesus. preached 31 sermons on money and 39 parables on either money or possessions,. and always He stated that it is more blessed to give than to receive. She told of Paul's having taken up } |Square Dance Clubs. 4 BARBARA POLLOCK offering, She commented on the fact that thiscoffering was from widows and slaves, during a de- pression. She closed by saying that Christian women should be glad to be asked for more and more because it meant attempt- ing more for Christ. Mrs. Harold Bramley and Mrs. Herbert Chesebrough led an inspiring worship service in which Mrs. Wilfred Anthony sang the solo "I Do Not Ask". eR mata ROGER'S ... T.V. SPECIAL for the WEEK by "DUMONT" This featherweight portable is a born traveller! And a real enter- The 11" picture is bright and cfear. The fine FM sound is de- livered superbly through the front- mounted 5" x 3/4 tainer speaker. Chassis has 14 gctual tubes (including pic- ture tube), 1 silicon rectifier, 1 |spective employer's viewpoints. + |CONCISE STORY There's Routine By ROBERTA ROESCH "What do job hunters mean when they discuss chronolog- ical resumes and functional re- sumes?" -- This is a question that came in the mail from a reader who was stymied by these terms at a job - finding forum she at- tended. "I didn't want to show my ignorance and be embarrassed in front of everyone, so I kept quiet," she writes. 'But what does it all mean?" COMMONLY USED Every job-hunter should know what these types of resumes mean since they are terms that are used very frequently in the job-hunting world. To define each one briefly: a chronological resume is one in which, as a job seeker, you or- ganize your material, starting with your most recent job. Then order the jobs you've held, in- dicating in each case the name of your employer, the type of duties you performed. A functional resume, on the other hand, organizes your past experience in terms of the things you can do that would you're seeking. Consequently, this resume begins with the most relevant job function you performed in terms of a pro- From that point on, it con- tinues with other job functions in the order of their importance to the job you're seeking. This tells concisely what you can do. For instance, one woman I know who had been a model be- Job-Hunters Should Know Technique didn't want to work far from home, however, so it looked like her choice of jobs would be lim- ited. Besides, her actual work- ing experience was 10 years be- hind her. She had, however, volunteered to organize, co-ordinate and nar- rate fashion shows for commu- nity groups while she wasn't working at a job. Consequently, when she saw a job advertise- ment seeking a fashion co-ordi- nator for a suburban depart- ment store she immediately pre- pared a functional resume and told the story of her past ex- perience through her specific accomplishments in organizing and co-ordinating fashion shows. She began the resume with this, later wove in her modeling ex- perience and training and, ulti- mately, got the job because of her excellent functional resume. DETERMINING FACTOR In your case, whether you use a chronoligical or functional re- sume will depend upon two fac- tors: (1) the job you're seeking and (2) the experience you're bringing to it. If in doubt try both ways. Then use the one that tells best the job you can do. HOLY CROSS CWL The winners of the Public Speaking Contest were guests at the Holy Cross Council of the Catholic Women's League recently. The president, Mrs. A. L. Hanson, presented a gift to Linda Squires and Phillip Dillon who won first place, and also to Janet Mahoney and Mario Cortez for second place. Mrs, Cornelius Keppel, Mrs. Adam Chaplinski and Mrs, Wil- liam Patterson volunteered to help in the Tuck Shop at Hills- dale Manor this month. Final plans were made for the an- nual night of cards, March 30. Miss Phyllis Kratz, a teacher at Holy Cross School, showed some interesting slides she had taken on a trip to Lebanon, Cairo and The Holy Land. Refreshments were served by the lurich committee. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA The business meeting on March 8, of Daughters of Isa- bella, St. Anthony of Padua Circle, was very well attended. Due to the fact the Regent Mrs. Gerry Forestall is recup- _jerating after a short stay in DISTAFF DIARY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 11,1965 75 Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. hospital, the vice-regent, Mrs. Clifford Harper, presided at the meeting. The first project is a rum- mage sale March 2° from 1.00 to 3.00 p.m. in St, Gregory's Auditorium. This is also th date for the social evening so it was decided to have a pot luck supper at 6.30 p.m. The bridge and euchre schedl- ed for April 21, will be held in St. Gregory's Auditorium con- '| WIFE PRESERVER Line the grounds basket of a drip coffeepot with a percclator filter. Keeps coffee reheatable, drinkable. vened by Mrs. Leo as- sisted by Mrs. Jack Lawrence. Refreshments will be in the capable hands of Mrs. John Cardinal and Mrs. Roland Mc- Kenna; prizes, Mrs. Meringer; favors, Mrs. Helen Cidsh; tickets, Mrs. Adams. The various committees gave a brief report on past activi- ties and Mrs, Walena Smith with her committee will attend Hillsdale on March 13. VERSATILE FOOD Corn, one of nature's most, versatile foods, is also used in hair-waving preparations, vine- gar, cheese, chewing gum and face powder. Anthony Anthony IS "NERVE DEAFNESS" CUTTING YOU OFF FROM LIFE? OF OSHAWA PAUL BELLINGER 1119 Northridge St. 723-5401 GWYN ROBERTS Celebrating 5th Anniversary OFF ALL % COLD WAVES -- Month of March 27 Celina Street 2 eeameaaianial oS nen PERN EASE Showers, ous: Honor Bride Prior to her marriage - last Saturday to Mr. Douglas Bird in Northminster United Church, the former Miss Carol Goodwin was entertained at _ several showers and teas. Mrs. Ivan Dempster, mother of the flower girl, Miss Gail Dempster, was hostess at a miscell shower at her fore her marriage decided after 10 years of domesticity and two children that she wanted to get back into the fashion field. She home on Dunkirk avenue. She was assisted by Mrs. George Legere. A miscell California Caller Visits Dance Club Mr. 'Robert Page and Mrs. Page from Hayward, California, were the special guests when the Circle Eight Square Dance Club met recently. Mr. Page was the guest caller. He is the square dance editor of a well known square dance magazine and is associated with the Hay- ward Area Recreation Depart- ment, working with seven clubs, the oldest of which has been operating for 14 years. Dr. A. P. Fulton, host for the evening, welcomed Mr. Page and guest couples from Toron- to, Brooklin and surrounding areas including Mrs. Margaret Hough, a well known caller from the Toronto and District Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson 'and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, members of the Tuesday Night Square Dancers, helped wel: held at the home of Mrs. Roland |Ritchies, Central Park boule- |vard. Assisting Mrs. Ritchies were Mrs. William Howie and Mrs. Morley Parfeniuk. The guests were neighbors of the bride and the staff of Hillsdale Manor. Miss Elsie Tureski, maid of honor, was hostess at a mis- cellaneous shower at her home on Etna street. Miss Brenda' Milburn, a bridesmaid, and Mrs. Fred Tureski assisted. A trousseau tea was held by the bride's mother, Mrs. Ches- ter Layton. Tea was poured by Mrs. Ivan Dempster, Miss Elsie Tureski, Mrs. Sidney Whelton and Miss Brenda Milburn. BAKING DIFFICULT In colonial Williamsburg in the U.S.,. certain housewives can't even bake a level cake be- cause their antique kitchen floors have dipped. SPECIAL! Brand Names you'll recognize shower was|]. come the guests at the door and worked in hte kitchen during} intermission when refreshments! were served. It was announced that the Circle Eight's next regular dance would be Wednesday, for ST. JOHN FIRST AID or HOME NURSING (Jr, and Sr. Courses) Phone 668-4666 Evenings 725-4197 > 46 mittion custo Best Val FRIGIDAIRE low price. quality throughout. separate freezer section. Choice of right or left hand all around. Come see ... Compare at y refrigerators. 3.4 cu. ft. to vv" F March 17. | This big, budget-priced 1965 Golden 50 Anniversary Frigidaire is the best refrigerator ever built at such a | Result of 50 years experience, *46 million Frigidaire | sales, 50 years of ae, Built-in Frigidai 'ull 14 cu. ft. capacity with big i ore value than ever before in this low- priced refrigerator by Frigidaire. from fifteen 1965 Golden 50 Anniversary ventional, Cycla-matic defrosting and ex- clusive Frigidaire Frost-Proof, the world's best refrigerator. A 'model for every need ! FRIGIDAIRE 50). PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS MERS MUST BE RIGHT! ue Ever! Cycla-matic defrosting. doors with magnetic st Choose igidaire 19 cu. ft. capacity. Con- our dealer's sag ri B14 crystal diode, Telescopic antenna. Earphone jack. Controls, mounted at front for added convenience. At- tractive cabinet is available in two- tone Grey, Sand/Fawn or all-lvory. Dimensions: 1434" wide, 10" high, 9341' deep YOU CAN SEE IT AT APPLIANCES the first Christian missionary} offering and how he insisted on it being a systematic weekly | 155 Simcoe St. S. 728-2151 WINDBREAKERS HOME AP PLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332 at SPECIAL LOW PRICES...........10 days' offer. Is your boy 6 to 18 years old? Then FRASER'S can outfit him -- full range of sizes for Juniors, Students, and Preps .... see the exciting new styles for Springt! exceptional VALUE for top brand make! Styles are illustrated above . . . good looking poplene fabric, dry cleanable. With or without breast motif-design... also "Squall" jackets in tough cotton poplin, hide- away hood. Good range of colours = sizes 6 to 18 Regular 7.95 & 8.95, CASUAL SLACKS... well styled tapered slacks in hard wearing 100% cotton twill. Top Canadian slacks ... side adjust- ment on waist. Shades of bone, blue willow, jet black... sizes 8 to 18. special 3.99 SPORT COATS... special include new heathertones . . . neat herringbones ... fancy designs ... pin checks ... in fusions of Spring blues, browns, olive and greys. Authentic styling, of course. Boys' sizes 6 to 18. 9.69 DRESS SLACKS... are slim, tapered. . . well made by DAIMOR. Waist adjustment at side. This wool blend flannel is vere satile -- is machine washable, crease resistant. Jet black, grey, brown mix. special a: 61.10 4.49 sizes 111018 De eD OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE NO MONEY DOWN OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT : PRS GOMER ee ee ee oe ee