a ae ey ee eee St he : : om~ 3 " LABOR COUNCIL BRIEFS [DISTRICT NEWs - |RABBIT SUCKERS 'GOLDIE,, | ti.°sc'h2.tt27% 22 |____™t oma rar ren neon sg adventurous spirits still in- BOOKIE NEEDS HELP jain's 4,000 bookies. Here the - Oshawa and District Labor(test again next year," said Mr, B k : EAGLE CAPTURED PENNED 2 ' ' side. BIRMINGHAM, Englandibookies can info ca gg a an mp oyee 3 Goldie, with a wing span of |(CP)--Bookios in this Midlandsiof heavy betting and, it neces: Commerce despite the sugges-| The Council endorsed a pro- LONDON (AP)--Goldie the ; A powerful "Freedom for | seven feet, 1s worth an esti- coxtnn: we g Berl ga sor rath cancel bets -- a method tion thrown out at last night'sjtest from its own Political Ac- the eagle succumbed to the | Goldie" lobby had developed | mated $100 to $150. Wil te ndaeled by allot Ditioes eee meeting: The suggestion camejtion Committee on Member of oves O a ar lute of a rabbit today and was | in newspaper letter columns -Ithey claim, after Patt heard the Pub- ag ag vom Michael Starr's vote age as in ytd Park | and editorials. : lic Utilities Commissionjin the Commons against raising | a : ae after lays reedom. A powerful faction of dog Ea » explanation for renewing its|the minimum wage from $1 to), ssi eer Boog a _ pa rrp won the COSSA. cham-| Ag the Finnish golden eagle | lovers, enraged by his attack ; membership. Stressing "'liai-|$1.50. =. 4 is a! en -- the ae ip at Madoc by defeating) swooped down on the rabbit, | on a yapping cairn terrier last red by her employers from the|/Madoc 88 to 64 and Marmora! g posse of keepers swooped | week, demanded he be put son", the reply added: We are both concerned with the ad-| The ODLC will urge that op-|Oshawa branch of the bank to/63 to 61. down on him. After a hasty | back behind bars. vancement and well-being of|position of compulsory arbitra- Calgary. She left Toronto Inter-| The 18th Oshawa Boy Scout checkup, he was hustled back ; ; Oshawa and we are both deal-|tion for hospital workers be in-|national Airport on Sunday to/Troop held-a weekend camp at! to the London Zoo and into his a ed const tees 7 cluded in the Ontario Federa-|@5sume her new duties. Camp Samac under the leader-) cage where his mate, Regina, | which runs the 200: seid they [PPL Y LIMITED pact gel go ia oa f Lah b P Congratulations are extended|ship of Scoutmaster John De ity.' t r's bri emier P S s - iti : F sapidly growing city Veen Nomacta, Bada Me BS prief|to John McGuirk who won first/Coe, Assistant Scoutmasters wee Welling, ; were doing their best but the Items on the seminar list offis to be submitted Mar, 24,|place in the Junior High School|Tom Gladman Jr., Lloyd Irwin| The keepers tempted him | crowds kept getting in' the ie three-day (May 7 to 9) Con-|Spend some money, back the|zone public speaking contest at and Don Barraball. The boys with the rabbit soon after way. ce rence on Labor Legislation at}OFL and demonstrate the un-|/Bowmanville on Saturday. enjoyed a scavenger hunt, ping| 'dawn, before the arrival of With Goldie back, the zoo Toronto's Westbury Hotel in-jrest in the Labor movement, pong, wrestling and sports. the crowds that have been | expressed its gratitude for the coming to Regent's Park each | thousands of letters it re- elude changes in the Labor Re-jurged Council secretary-treas-| MYRTLE (TC) -- The United) Clarence Penfound was or- ; 0 lations Act, Injunctions and Ap-jurer Keith W. Ross last night, Church. Women met recently atidained by Rev. John Romeril day to watch Goldie. ceived suggesting methods of e e 'prentice training, The confer-|as he called for a delegation to|the church with 12 members at-|on Sunday as an elder of Cour-| Hunger was his undoing. capture. The more elaborate ence is sponsored by the On-jattend tending. The vice-president,|tice United Church. Other mem-| Eagles usually eat every ee ee ee : a net from elicop : tario Federation of Labor. Mrs. Rodd, presided. _ |bers of the session are: Edward| three days. Since quitting his t 1 % A motion asking Prime Min-| Mrs. Harrison gave the scrip-| Warburton, Mrs. Russell DeCoe,| cage, he had taken only a shooting him down with tran- Local 222-UAW delegate Wil-\ister Lester B. Pearson to con-|ture reading and Mrs, Van|Walter Shortt, Harry Baldwin,| peck at a dog, which sur- quillizer arrows. 'fiam Rutherford labelled the/fer with United States Presi-/Hoorn took the devotional. Re-|p, M. Black, Sim Penfound and| vived, and at a duck, which The zoo should also show oll tax collected in Oshawa as|dent ed ee on rage ports tveut given by a Eyers,| marl McLean. didn't. gratitude to Goldie, His es- archaic" and taxation without|a negotiated settlement with|corresponding secretary an : e ve cape boosted the zoo's daily pulation, Council confirmed|North Viet Nam was approved|Mrs. Harrison, treasurer. cc tnty: Hatt Mel-onn wen eel chase tecetun Gham © Looper | Samlscions tabb biigely. 'the tax at its first March meet-|by the council last night. It was reported the congrega-|" : 5 "6 ng eo ' pin at the recent meeting of the} momentarily left his cage It became fashionable to ing. "We will just have to pro- ee ont cad ars a ms Courtice UCW. door open. take the kids for a free look Sd Scouts Hosts op og tae hg mag pe 4 3} ug Nes Group Enjoys reported some new ideas. Active Realty Staff Members take Real Invitations were received M4 . BS F th from Ashburn Presbyterian : o Indian Slides 0 a ers Church to attend the World Day Estate Law Course at Osgoode Hall BROOKLIN -- The 1st Brook-|of Prayer and Columbus UCW We ? ee KEDRON (TC) -- The fea-|lin Scouts and Cubs held a most|to attend its bazaar in May. } : ' itures of the recent meeting of|successful father and son ban-|Mrs. Rodd and Mrs. Harrison the United Church Women of|quet recently in the Christian] conducted the study period. Kedron United Church was the| education building of the United| Mrs. Elmer Cooke and Mrs. Py : ; : showing by Rev. Winnifred|Church. The ladies' auxiliary| Harrison served lunch. q 4 y Bridges of colored slides she|served a roast beef dinner.| is i ee ; took in India. The Evening|Mrs. R. Dingman and Mrs. A.| COURTICE (TC) -- A display ? . 4 im, i lof art and writing by the Grade ¢ J a a 4 Group of the Columbus UCW!|Fice were conveners. | joined the group for the pro-| Jim Burlinson chaired the|3 and 4 pupils was a feature of gram. levent. Rev. Leo J. Austin, ofthe open house held at North a iy % 4 The pictures explained some} Whitby, said grace. {Courtice Public School. The ie j \ ¢ of the practices of the Hindu| The scout leaders introduced|children showed great talent in 4 , a 4 -- i 4 . and Moslem religions, the plight| were Scoutmaster Rus Hayden, |making animals from paper and ae " , : of the Indian farmer plowing/assistant scoutmasters J erry) Wire. j i ' lg X fa opies oo ( aC his worn out land with primi-|Colleran, Paul Dean and Mike| A community es and Mrs. tive equipment, the housing of/ Wood, Sr., Cubmaster Dorothy was age oe ag , the laborers and of refugees.|Hayden' and Cub assistants|Wayne McLean, e former : wd '+ : Pictures were also shown of|Howard Richardson, Jim Finch,/Margaret Estabrook, daughter 7 Mailed Anywhere in the World those at the Mission School and|Dorothy Finch and Michael|of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Esta- : hospital as well as scenes in| Wood, Jr. |brook, whose marriage was sol- ¥. q the foothills of the Himalayas. | Door prizes were won byjemnized recently at Courtice. re ha b Miss Bridges displayed sam-|Ray Ingleton and E, gs fr oma ae a evita "BILL" HORNER "HERTHA" SCHMIDT "RALPH" VICKERY les of Indian handicrafts, rugs,|Three films were shown by/radio, spread, ironing boar i A Garvin, musical inptritinents| Jack Gregg of the Bell Tele-|and kitchen utensils. Active Realty Ltd, Active Realty Ltd, Active Realty Ltd, and clothing. One of th aris| phone Co. The Courtice High 'School : " : gana haneali hae wae Head table guests included:|wrestling team, lost in the The above personnel of Active Realty Ltd., will be attending a 4-day seminar Send Money Order and Names and modelled. iRev. Laird, Father Austin,|COSSA finals at Peterborough. at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, under the auspices of the Law Society of Upper | District|but Dave Rogers won a third Canada, covering all aspects of Real Estate Law. It is hoped that, by at- Addresses of Recipients To: Mrs. Howard Farndale, Mrs.|Reeve John Dryden, " 4 : Howard Brown and Mrs. Lau-|Representative William Lamb,/place ribbon. The senior basket- tending this seminar, these representatives will be even better qualified to retta Crossman conducted the|Group Committee Chairman J.| assist you in'all your Real Estate transactions. | re ger age Hiievatsapioiga DEPT., THE OSHAWA TIMES worship. Mrs. R. S. Bishop, | Burlison, Asistant -- District | accompanied by Mrs. Ros s|Commissioner William Lawlor) HALIFAX (CP) -- Lobster Lee, played two violin selec-|and District Commissioner Gra-|catch in the Maritimes in 1964 48 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa tions. Officers for 1965 were in-| ham Willen. dropped some 1,750,000 pounds stalled. but the value of landed lobsters 728-5157 It was decided to present} PRESS OF PEOPLE jto fishermen showed an_in- "Prelude To Spring' on Mar.| Population experts predict ajcrease of -- yee gg yong NMaibia 27. The speaker will be Mrs, D.|world population total of 7,000,-|compared with 1 igures. Whitmore, a Toronto interior|000.000 by 2000 A.D. if the pres-|Lobster prices to fishermen hit Oshewe & District Real Estote Board 2 decorator. ent birth-rate is maintained. record highs last year. FINAL WINTER CLEARANCE soe LAST WEEK! Semi-Gloss 10 LATEX & PAINTS 2 Gals. 2 Gals. WHITE OR CUSTOM COLORED--NO EXTRA CHARGE WHITE OR COLORED -- NO EXTRA CHARGE "900" Trutone White "CILTONE"' ---- CILUX SUPER EXTERIOR | FLAT.- SEMI Gloss - LATEX 'wees' WHITE ENAMEL AND ALL REGULAR LINES MERCG = Reg 4.30 at. Reg. 14.45 gal. a ee. Ov» OFF! 3:00 10.60 oe 94 YEARS AT Gp PAINTS 7 85 SIMCOE N. §f SPECIAL EXTERIOR WHITE «a 29-3529 2 Gals. 9-95 @ FREE DELIVERY